AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT November 1, 2010 SUBJECT: Cabrillo College 2010 Fall Census Report REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 4 E.5 BACKGROUND: Measures of the overall size of the college (i.e. FTES, WSCH, headcount) are showing a decrease of roughly 6% as compared with one year ago. Student headcount, for example, has decreased by 5.6% to 14,260 compared to 15,110 a year ago. The number of units enrolled by each student has inc reased, on average, by ab out one-third of a unit. Accordingly, the number of full-time students (those taking 12 or more units) has increased by about 3% over fall 2009. In th e fall 2010 semester, nearly one thir d (32.2%) of students are full time. The Watsonville center is the only physical location where no decline in headcount has occurred as compared with last fall. The Watsonville Center headcount at census (students enrolled in one or more classes in Watsonville) is 2371 students, which is 5 more than one year ago. Meanwhile, the total number of units enrolled in Watsonville classes is up by 7% over fall 2009, in line with the college-wide trend of indivi dual students enr olling in m ore units. In Scotts Valley, the number of students served declined by about one-third due to redu ced section offerings. In keeping with the district-wide trend, students at t he Scotts Valley cent er have hi gher unit loads as compared with one year ago; the average number of units per student in Sc otts Valley sections has increased by about a half unit (19%). Enrollment in online course s continued its multi-year growth tr end in fall 2010. The number of students enrolled in at least one onl ine section increased by 2.7% (89 students) compared with fal l 2009. The unit load of online students also increased by 6.0%. The only ethnicity group whose numbers increased in real terms was Hispanic/Latino, increasing by 4.8% (207 students) over fall 2009. Hispanic/Latino student s represent 31.5% of total headcount. All other groups dec lined both in proporti onal and real terms. It is worth noting that ethnicity data collection procedures were c hanged in summer 2009, in co mpliance with the U.S. Department of Education mandates. The new pr ocedure asks all respondents to fir st identif y themselves as either His panic or non-Hispanic. It also allows respondents to identify with multiple ethnicities. (continued on next page) Administrator Initiating Item: Dennis Bailey-Fougnier Craig Hayward Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes ; No Yes No Final Disposition The age profile of st udents shifted slightly in comparison to one year ago. The proportion of our youngest s tudents and that of our older students dec lined, while the proportion of stud ents aged 18-25 increased. F emale students continue to out number male students at Cabrillo, though by a slightly smaller ratio than one year ago (56/44). Student enrollment status in fall 2010 is c haracterized by a sm all increas e in the pr oportion of continuing students. Other categories in this measure, such as new and returning students, show slight declines in proportion when compared with fall 2009. T he largest decrease is in the number of concurrently enrolled high school students (decreasing from 5.5% to 3.8% of total headcount). A census web page is available through the Planning & Research Office (PRO). In ad dition to the college-wide census report com paring fall 2010 with fall 2009, lo cation-specific reports are compiled and posted f or each of the five locations – Aptos, Online, Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley, and Watsonville. These reports, as well as reports fr om prior semesters are available from the PRO web page at -2- CABRILLO COLLEGE Fall 2010 Census Enrollment Compared to Fall 2009 Fall 2010 vs. 2009 All Students Total Student Count Non-credit (only) Students Units Enrolled Average Units FTES (Resident) WSCH (Residents) Fall 2010 14,260 104 116,780 8.19 5,385 172,883 Fall 2009 15,110 74 118,388 7.84 5,761 182,845 # Change % Change -850 30 -1,608 0.35 -376 -9,963 -5.6% 40.5% -1.4% 4.5% -6.5% -5.4% FTES values contain a projection applied to Positive Hour attendance sections. To provide an accurate comparison, FTES & WSCH values are from the 12th day of each semester. Aptos Student Count Units Enrolled Average Units FTES (Resident) Fall 2010 Online/TV Student Count Units Enrolled Average Units FTES (Resident) Fall 2010 Santa Cruz Student Count Units Enrolled Average Units FTES (Resident) Fall 2010 Scotts Valley Student Count Units Enrolled Average Units FTES (Resident) Watsonville Student Count Units Enrolled Average Units FTES (Resident) 12,426 92,194 7.42 4,297 3,440 10,917 3.17 568 Fall 2009 13,297 95,168 7.16 4,718 Fall 2009 3,351 10,029 2.99 473 % Change -871 -2974 0.26 -421 -6.6% -3.1% 3.7% -8.9% # Change % Change 89 888 0.18 95 2.7% 8.9% 6.0% 20.2% # Change % Change 133 190 1.43 16 173 246 1.42 19 -40 -56 0.01 -3 -23.1% -22.8% 0.5% -17.7% Fall 2010 Fall 2009 # Change % Change 250 1,049 4.20 36 378 1,333 3.53 48 -128 -284 0.67 -13 -33.9% -21.3% 19.0% -25.9% # Change % Change 5 818 0.33 -34 0.2% 7.0% 6.8% -6.8% Fall 2010 2,371 12,430 5.24 469 Fall 2009 # Change Fall 2009 2,366 11,612 4.91 503 Aptos includes class offerings at the main campus. Santa Cruz includes "Community Campus" offerings in the Santa Cruz area: Main Beach, Boardwalk Bowl, Cypress Charter School, and Circle Church. Scotts Valley includes classes offered in Scotts Valley. Watsonville includes classes offered at the Watsonville Center, or at other Watsonville area locations. Fall 2010 In-county (SC) Students Out-of-state Students Fast Track to Work BA+ Degree Students International (F1 Visa) Students Veterans and Dependents Applications for Admission 12,372 195 365 1,473 59 174 8,695 Fall 2009 13,322 192 552 1,686 62 90 7,786 # Change % Change -950 3 -187 -213 -3 84 909 -7.1% 1.6% -33.9% -12.6% -4.8% 93.3% 11.7% In-county by residence zip code. Out-of-state by MIS SB09 Residence code for fee purposes. Fast Track to Work from FTTW Office. Applications & Veterans data courtesy Cabrillo A&R Cabrillo College Planning & Research 10/12/2010 5:09 PM Fall 2010 Enrollment Status Continuing New Returning Concurrent High School TOTAL # 8,502 3,129 2,081 548 14,260 Fall 2009 % 59.6% 21.9% 14.6% 3.8% 100.0% # 8,579 3,371 2,327 833 15,110 Fall 2010 vs. 2009 % # Change % Change 56.8% -77 -0.9% 22.3% -242 -7.2% 15.4% -246 -10.6% 5.5% -285 -34.2% 100.0% -850 -5.6% Status is determined empirically from enrollment records. Returning students have been away one major term. Fall 2010 Full/Part-time Full-time Part-time TOTAL # 4,589 9,671 14,260 Fall 2009 % 32.2% 67.8% 100.0% Fall 2010 Race/Ethnicity Categories Native American Asian African American Filipino Hispanic/Latino* Pacific Islander White Multiple ethnicities Non-respondents TOTAL # 93 379 217 146 4,488 55 7,863 382 637 14,260 # 4,447 10,663 15,110 Fall 2010 vs. 2009 % # Change % Change 29.4% 142 3.2% 70.6% -992 -9.3% 100.0% -850 -5.6% Fall 2009 % 0.7% 2.7% 1.5% 1.0% 31.5% 0.4% 55.1% 2.7% 4.5% 100.0% # 131 440 225 200 4,281 84 8,610 -1,011 15,110 Fall 2010 vs. 2009 % # Change % Change 0.9% -38 -29.0% 2.9% -61 -13.9% 1.5% -8 -3.6% 1.3% -54 -27.0% 28.3% 207 4.8% 0.6% -29 -34.5% 57.0% -747 -8.7% ---6.7% -374 -37.0% 99.2% -850 -5.6% In fall 2009, new ethnicity data collection procedures, including the option to select multiple ethnicities, were implemented in compliance with the U.S. Department of Education. * Among Hispanic/Latino students, 193 (or 4.3%) also identify with one or more non-Hispanic/Latino ethnicities. ` Fall 2010 Gender Female Male Unknown TOTAL # 7,839 6,326 95 14,260 Fall 2009 % 55.0% 44.4% 0.7% 100.0% Fall 2010 Age under 15/unknown 15-17 18-20 21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 over 60 Overall # 24 291 4,700 3,443 1,594 1,481 1,126 897 504 14,060 # 8,420 6,593 97 15,110 Fall 2009 % 0.2% 2.1% 33.4% 24.5% 11.3% 10.5% 8.0% 6.4% 3.6% 100.0% # 45 733 4,766 3,484 1,601 1,576 1,258 1,103 544 15,110 Fall 2010 vs. 2009 % # Change % Change 55.7% -581 -6.9% 43.6% -267 -4.0% 0.6% -2 -2.1% 100.0% -850 -5.6% Fall 2010 vs. 2009 % # Change % Change 0.3% -21 -46.7% 4.9% -442 -60.3% 31.5% -66 -1.4% 23.1% -41 -1.2% 10.6% -7 -0.4% 10.4% -95 -6.0% 8.3% -132 -10.5% 7.3% -206 -18.7% 3.6% -40 -7.4% 100.0% -1,050 -6.9% Data Source: Cabrillo IT (unless otherwise noted) Querying and Reporting: Planning & Research Office (PRO) Cabrillo College Planning & Research 10/12/2010 5:09 PM