AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT October 4, 2010 SUBJECT: Board Policy Revisions: Office of Instruction, First Reading REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 6 E.10 BACKGROUND: The District is in the process of revising Board Policies utilizing the California Community College League’s model policies as applicable. These Board Policies have been reviewed by the appropriate committees on campus including Instruction Council, Student Services Council, Faculty Senate, and Administrative Council. Attached are revisions to some of the Board Policies in the Instruction component as listed below: Board Policy Action BP 3010 Graduation Requirements BP 3030 Accreditation BP 3090 Occupational Advisory Committees BP 3120 Program, Curriculum and Course Development Added language related to state regulations regarding passing grades. Updated language to reflect the League language. Updated language to reflect the appropriate term “CTE,” now the current terminology for vocational programs. Also added the important role of Advisory Committees in the CTE programs. Updated the language so that it more closely reflects the League language. Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. Administrator Initiating Item: Renée M. Kilmer, VP Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS BP 3010 The District grants the degrees of Associate in Arts and Associate in Science to those students who have completed the subject requirements for graduation. and who have maintained a 2.0 cumulative grade point average in subjects completed. Students must also complete the general education residency and competency requirements set forth in Title 5 regulations. All courses that count toward the associate degree major or area of emphasis must be “satisfactorily completed” with grades of A, B, C or P (pass). All degree requirements, including general education, must be completed with an overall grade point average of 2.0 or better. Students may be awarded a Certificate of Achievement upon successful completion of a minimum of 18 or more semester units of degree-applicable coursework designed as a pattern of learning experiences designed to develop certain capabilities that may be oriented to career or general education. All Certificates of Achievement require completion of an English Composition course. Skills certificates will be awarded to students who acquire a set of occupationally relevant skills through the successful completion of one or more courses as designated in the college catalog. All courses that count toward the Certificate of Achievement and skills certificates must be “satisfactorily completed” with grades of A, B, C or P (pass). See AR 3010 References: Education Code Section 70902(b)(3); Title 5 Sections 55060 et seq. Adopted: April 4, 1988 Revised: June 1, 1992 Revised: February 14, 2000 Revised: January 11, 2010 Revised: October 4, 2010 1 ACCREDITATION BP 3030 The Cabrillo College Governing Board recognizes that in certain programs, in addition to the accreditation required for general college programs, accreditation by other appropriate agencies may be required or desirable. Prior approval by the Superintendent/President of the college must be obtained before applying or reapplying to the accrediting agency. The Board is committed to fulfilling the requirements and standards established by these agencies. The Superintendent/President shall ensure the District complies with the accreditation process and standards of the Accrediting Commission of Community and Junior Colleges and of other District programs that seek special accreditation. The Superintendent/President or designee shall keep the Board informed of approved accrediting organizations and the status of accreditations and shall provide the Board with a summary of any accreditation report and any actions taken or to be taken in response to recommendations in an accreditation report. The Superintendent/President shall ensure that the Board is involved in any accreditation process in which Board participation is required. See AR 3030 Reference: Accreditation Eligibility Requirement 20, Standard IV.B.1.i Education Code Sections 78050 and 78051 Adopted: March 6, 1989 Revised: October 4, 2010 OCCUPATIONAL CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEES BP 3090 The District shall have an occupational advisory committee for each occupational Career Technical Education program. Membership appointments are made from professional and occupational fields is drawn from organizations that may employ graduates of the program, unions that represent those employed in the field, institutions to which graduates transfer and schools that feed into the program as well as individuals who have special expertise in the field served by the program. These committees provide advisory guidance to the programs regarding the learning outcomes required for student success in seeking employment, career advancement, and transferring for further education. The committees also assist programs to stay abreast of changes in the industry, project labor market demand for graduates from the program, in the organization of special occupational courses, advise on curriculum, provide assistance with staffing and equipment, aid in the placement of students, and provide a general liaison with employers and employees in the various occupational fields careers for which the college offers instruction training. Each committee acts in an advisory capacity and plays a very important role in the solution of problems. Advisory committee suggestions which involve policy matters are referred to the appropriate staff for consideration. See AR 3090 Legal Reference: Public Law 98-524 Approved: April 4, 1988 Revised: January 9, 1995 Revised: October 4, 2010 PROGRAM, CURRICULUM, AND COURSE DEVELOPMENT BP 3120 CURRICULUM PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Cabrillo College shall establish educational programs and courses of instruction to meet the goals and objectives of the college and to meet state requirements for approval. The approval of the Governing Board is required for new programs and courses, for deletion of programs and courses, for inactivation and reactivation of courses and for modification of course units and hours. The programs and curricula of the District shall be of high quality, relevant to community and student needs, and evaluated regularly to ensure quality and currency. The Governing Board recognizes that the college curriculum will be dynamic in response to changes in teaching methodology, legal requirements, student needs, technology, and occupational opportunities. For this reason, the faculty and administration have the responsibility to engage in continuing review of college offerings for the purpose of revising, deleting or adding courses and programs as needed within the resources available. To that end, the President shall, through consultation with the Faculty Senate, establish procedures for the development and review of all curricular offerings, including their establishment, modification or discontinuance, which include consultation with the Academic Faculty Senate. Furthermore, these procedures shall include: appropriate involvement of the faculty and Faculty Senate and Curriculum Committee in all processes; regular review and justification of programs and course descriptions; opportunities for training for persons involved in aspects of curriculum development; consideration of job market and other related information for vocational and occupational career and technical programs. All new programs, and program deletions changes shall be approved by the Board, and All new programs shall be submitted to the Office of the Chancellor for the California Community Colleges for approval, certified by the Vice President of Instruction, as required. Individual degree-applicable credit courses offered as part of a permitted educational program shall be approved by the Board. Non-degree-applicable credit and degree-applicable courses that are not part of an existing approved program must satisfy the conditions authorized by Title 5 regulations and shall be approved by the Board. See Administrative Procedures AR 3120. Reference: Education Code Section 70901(b), 70902(b); 78016; Title 5, Section 51000, 51022, 55100, 55130, 55150 The process for curriculum change is coordinated by the Curriculum Committee, a standing committee of the Faculty Senate composed of faculty, students, and administrators. The composition of the Curriculum Committee is determined by the mutual agreement of the Faculty Senate and the college administration and must be approved by the Governing Board. The Curriculum Committee shall receive proposals for curriculum changes subject to prior review by the Division Committee on curriculum, instructional administrators, the Curriculum Committee Chair, and the College Articulation Officer. A list of curriculum changes approved by the Curriculum Committee together with the minutes of any relevant meetings shall be forwarded to the Faculty Senate for procedural review. Curriculum changes may be returned to the Curriculum Committee for reconsideration only if irregularities in policy and procedures have been detected. The Curriculum Committee forwards its recommendation to the Vice President, Instruction, who recommends to the Governing Board. Adopted April 4, 1988 Revised April 1, 2002 Revised November 2005 Revised: October 4, 2010