AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD FROM: PRESIDENT DATE June 13, 2011 SUBJECT: Priorities Resulting from Program Planning Processes REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 D.7 BACKGROUND: Instruction implemented planning processes during the 2010-2011 academic year. The priorities from each program are included in this agenda item for review. Instruction The purpose of Instructional Planning is to recognize quality and assist in the continuous strengthening and improvement of the college academic programs in the instructional component. The process is designed to: Provide a rigorous examination of programs and their outcomes Develop new insights into program effectiveness Engage departments in planning program improvements that are responsive to student and community needs Provide information for resource allocation within departments and within the college. All programs and services are reviewed every six years. The Council for Instructional Planning (CIP) determines the order in which programs will be reviewed. The goals of Instructional Planning are to: Improve programs and services consistent with the College Master Plan and the California Community College Mission Determine department direction and goals for the next six years Foster cooperation among college departments Develop information to assist in the allocation of resources Increase responsiveness to student and community needs Improve response to external and demographic changes Respond to state and federal mandates for accountability Each spring semester the Council for Instructional Planning receives and reviews the Instructional Plans begun in the prior academic year. These plans, based on a thorough review of internal and external data relative to the individual program, determine and prioritize program directions for the next six years. Members of the CIP critically read each of the plans and question the authors regarding the intent and clarity of the directions. Many plans are revised based on CIP discussions. At the culmination of its study, the council establishes Instruction Component priorities from among the directions contained in the plans. This spring semester, the CIP conducted its review and set the priorities for the top third of all recommendations, which were forwarded to CPC. The following priorities will be among several criteria for determining the budget allocations within the Instructional component in future years. Administrator Initiating Item: Renée M. Kilmer, VP Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition Program Directions and Resources Requested in Instructional Plans Completed in 2010-11 Ranking Program 1 Accounting 2 English 3 4 Accounting Accounting 4 Computer Information Systems 4 Computer Information Systems Digital Media 4 8 8 Construction and Energy Mgmnt Digital Media 8 English 8 English 8 13 14 Health Science Digital Media Accounting 14 14 Computer Information Systems English 14 14 14 20 History History Reading Accounting 20 20 Construction and Energy Management English 20 Learning Skills 20 Learning Skills 25 25 25 Construction and Energy Mgmnt Digital Media Digital Media 25 25 Digital Media English 25 31 History Accounting 31 Health Science Description Modify the wording of the curriculum in Acct 1A and 1B to be in compliance with C-ID curriculum. Increase the number of basic skills students who complete the composition sequence: Promote and expand LC’s. Modify the certificates and degree requirements based on the changes in #2 above. Modify curriculum to split the course content currently in Acct 151A into 151A and 151B making each course 8 weeks in duration rather than the current 16. Lab Equipment: Fund the purchase of hardware and software to expand remote authentication network access (ANA) to students. $25,000 one-time funds then $10,000 annually. Lab Equipment: Continue to fund the Networking and Systems Technology Lab maintenance contracts. $5,000 annually for NetLab. Classroom Equipment: Provide wireless access to Hawknet for students with laptops in 1303. Complete the CEM Occupational Program Assessment Plan by using the same method as in Cabrillo’s transfer courses during next five years. Classroom and Lab Software: Fund the purchase of licenses and ongoing maintenance agreements for Adobe Design Premium Creative Suites. Continue to develop instructional methods which increase student retention and persistence rates: Conduct multiple one day department conferences on effective pedagogical methods that expand previous training on Integrated Reading Writing strategies (IRW) Create opportunities for professional development: Collaborate with local high schools in a summit focused on effective instructional methods and the intersection of high school curriculum with Cabrillo expectations for incoming students. Offer HS 24—Environmental Health using existing departmental TUs Classroom Equipment: Purchase current Final Cut Pro software. Upgrade the classroom computers located in the podium of accounting/finance classrooms from Mac to PC’s to allow for compatibility with programs such as Excel, Peachtree, QuickBooks, and future software such as Oracle Client. Rearrange the system so instructors can face their students Lab Equipment: Replace classroom lab computers that have exceeded their warrantees. $54,000 every 5 years to replace classroom computers or $10,800 annually. Continue to develop instructional methods which increase student retention and persistence rates: Provide training to establish Supplemental Instruction (SI) to augment classroom composition instruction. Maintaining smart equipment -expected breakdown of equipment over five years. Maps Update Lab Materials using Reading Department funds and grants Modify curriculum to split the course content currently in Acct 6 and Acct 163 into two classes making each course 2 units, 8 weeks in duration rather than the current 16. Improve classroom instruction. Cost None Collaboration TUs .5($1700)=$850 per cohort None None 25000 5000 0 No Cost 16000 4000 1000 None 8500 To be determined by Campus IT/Department 10800 2000 24000 3500 0 none No cost Continue to develop instructional methods which increase student retention and persistence rates: Increase extra-curricular activities to support students in Learning Communities, Creative Writing courses, and Honors courses, such as the current reading series collaboration with PSC and field trips to local colleges or literary sites. Devise a schedule of intakes and/or assessment (for LS 254) that will take place before spring and fall semesters. Meet with the regular counselors to discuss issues related to their counseling of students with LD and/or ADD/ADHD. Courses and pathway for obtaining an Associate in Science degree in Energy Management. 700 Classroom Equipment: Purchase 4 to 6 computers for Room 1303. Instructional Equipment: 10 Adobe Design Premium Creative Suites licenses maintenance agreement renewals for faculty. Student Success: Assess Student Learning Outcomes Collaborate with other departments to promote academic literacy across campus: Develop humanities class. 6000 5700 New equipment and desks. Bi-annual purchase of QuickBooks Pro, 50-user pack. Due to be upgraded in 2012. Upgrade versions of Dreamweaver and Captivate or Camtasia as needed. Identify and remodel classroom large enough to accommodate department course needs. Improve technological resources within room. 2 0 0 37610 0 Collaboration TUs .5($1700)=$850 per cohort 5000 600 unknown