AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND DATE TO: GOVERNING BOARD FROM: PRESIDENT June 13, 2011 SUBJECT: 2011- 2014 Cabrillo College Master Plan Update and Renewal REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 22 C.10 BACKGROUND: This year the College Master Plan (CMP) is being renewed. As detailed in the update, many strategies of the 2008-2011 have been completed; those that are still in progress will continue on in the 2011-2014 refresh of the CMP. While the five major goals remain the same, some of the objectives have a refined focus and some new strategies have been added. New strategies are so noted in the 2011 – 2014 CMP Update and Renewal (available online at Strategy updates were gathered once in the fall and once in the spring. Project leaders provided the following information on each current strategy: An assessment of the strategy’s progress An assessment of the likelihood that the strategy will be successfully completed An indication of whether the strategy has established a timeline and whether that timeline is being followed. Key performance indicators (KPIs) and deliverables that measure progress on the CMP’s outcomes. Additionally, project leaders were able to provide a narrative description of the current status of the strategy including a project summary, potential obstacles, and next steps. These updates were reviewed and synthesized by the Goal Area Implementation Team chairs. KPIs and deliverables relate to the CMP as follows: each of the five overarching goals of the College Master Plan has either four or five major objectives. These goals and objectives are laid out in the College Master Plan Workbook (available at Each objective is supported by one or more strategies. Moreover, progress toward advancing each objective is measured by at least one KPI or one deliverable. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the 2011- 2014 Cabrillo College Master Update and Renewal. Administrator Initiating Item Brian King Craig Hayward Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition Accepted 2011-2014 COLLEGE MASTER PLAN UPDATE AND RENEWAL June 2011 Updates on Strategies, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Deliverables Strategies This annual evaluation of the College Master Plan is provided to the Board of Trustees and to the college community. This report contains information on the strategies, KPIs and deliverables specified in the CMP. This year the College also renews its commitment to the five overarching goals from the 2008-2011 CMP. The status of strategies is reviewed each fall and spring by the Goal Area Implementation Team (GAIT) chairs. Strategies specify the people, actions and resources that are needed to complete the real work of advancing the objectives. They support objectives much like objectives support the broad goals of the CMP (see box below). Strategies are more specific than objectives or goals and they guide action at the most granular level of the institution. A number of strategies from the 2008-2011 iteration of the CMP have been completed while a few have been merged or postponed due to lack of resources. We continue to work with the ongoing strategies and also to innovate with the addition of several new strategies. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) & Deliverables An important aspect of the objectives specified in the CMP is that they are measurable. An objective may specify a deliverable, a KPI or both as part of its expected outcome. Deliverables are a tangible item such as a document, building, or piece of equipment. KPIs are metrics that allow the college community to assess whether an initiative has impacted an important aspect of college functioning, for example the percentage of the student body receiving financial aid. Cabrillo College Master Plan Goals Goal A Increase the effectiveness of student outreach and enhance enrollment. Goal B Enhance excellence in the classroom and student support services to support student success. Goal C Provide pathways to prosperity through Career Technical Education (CTE). Goal D Enhance college effectiveness through measurement and evaluation of key areas such as shared governance, departmental effectiveness, and student learning. Goal E Enhance Cabrillo’s resource development and connections with the community. For more details on the Cabrillo College Master Plan, visit: 1 Cabrillo College Master Plan 2008-2011 Strategy Update, Spring 2011 Strategy Descriptions A1a) Design and implement a multi-phase Strategic Enrollment Plan (SEM). Status In progress Ongoing A1b) Promote and increase the number of students applying for and receiving financial aid. A2a) Identify and break down the barriers that students encounter that impede In progress their enrollment at Cabrillo, including developing a prototype Welcome Center. In progress A2b) Pilot a Pathway Improvement Process that brings stakeholders together from the high schools, ROP, the County WIA and CalWORKS programs, EDD, and the college to improve retention, program completion and job placement for CTE students. Project Leader(s) Dennis BaileyFougnier & Renée M. Kilmer Debbie Soria Dennis BaileyFougnier & Margery Regalado -Rodriguez Rock Pfotenhauer/ Margery RegaladoRodriguez A3a) Enhance support services, including transportation, housing, cultural events, updating multi-lingual international student web pages, and expand the sources of international students by networking with foreign language schools abroad; sister cities; visiting delegates; and current international students. A4a) Create an honors program pipeline to University of California system institutions. A4b) Create more transfer options for students by improving communication with regional 4-year colleges and universities, including SJSU, private universities and out-of-state colleges. A5a) Offer a comprehensive, streamlined educational package to basic skills students, including: instruction, counseling, financial aid, EOPS enrollment (when eligible), etc. In progress Sesario Escoto & Anna Zagorska Completed Donna Mekis In progress Mario Garcia In progress B1a) Preserve tutorial services for basic skills students. B1b) Increase the number of basic skills students served in learning communities and cohorts. B2a) Develop online recruitment resources to further diversify and expand the pool of applicants. B2b) Provide ongoing professional development for faculty and staff to improve teaching and learning in basic skills and send personnel to statesponsored professional development activities in accordance with statewide BSI recommendations. B3a) Develop a three-year Distance Education Master Plan. B3b) Increase the number of smart classrooms. B3c) Develop a universal online method for all student tutoring referrals. B4a) Develop interdisciplinary curricula for at least four courses with global sustainability, community service, and/or social justice themes. B4b) Offer one or more flex week activities to help instructors incorporate interdisciplinary themes of global sustainability, social justice and community service into existing classes. C1a) Convene the CTE Community Collaborative, engaging industry reps., high schools, middle schools, adult schools, the ROP, the county alternative ed. program, and other education and workforce development stake-holders in the work of building a comprehensive, countywide CTE system. In progress Completed Victoria Bañales/ Margery RegaladoRodriguez Victoria Bañales Victoria Bañales Completed Loree McCawley /Kristin Fabos Completed Victoria Bañales Completed Ongoing In progress Postponed Francine Van Mater Completed Francine Van Mater In progress Rock Pfotenhauer Renée M. Kilmer Victoria Bañales Michelle Merrill 2 Strategy Descriptions C1b) Develop grade 9-14 programs of study for each Cabrillo CTE program. C2a) Develop contextualized English & Math curriculum; integrate into CTE & general education courses. C3a) Carry out longitudinal analysis of completer/leaver surveys & provide to CTE programs, advisory committees, counselors and students for program evaluation and improvement, and career guidance & planning. C3.5)Develop strategies to mitigate the impact of reduced course offerings upon students’ ability to complete CTE programs within time limits imposed by WIA, CalWORKS, and EDD and by students’ personal circumstances. C3.5a)Seek external sources of funding to offer additional sections in impacted programs. C3.5b)Consider alternate course offering and scheduling patterns, and pilot and evaluate those that have the potential to improve students’ ability to complete program. C4a) Analyze completer/leaver survey results to determine most common barriers to students finding employment in their field. Develop low-cost strategies to address barriers which can be effectively addressed. D1a) Develop and implement robust professional development program for all employees. D2a) Refine the classified staffing prioritization process. D2b) Develop expertise to redesign work flow when appropriate and consider development of process for reallocation of staff to heavily impacted areas when appropriate. D3a) Revise and update college policies and procedures. Status In progress In progress Completed Project Leader(s) Audries Blake Rock Pfotenhauer Rock Pfotenhauer New: In progress Rock Pfotenhauer New: In progress New: In progress Rock Pfotenhauer In progress Craig Hayward In progress Rachel Mayo On hold Victoria Lewis/ Steph Stainback Dennis BaileyFougnier/Renée M. Kilmer In progress Ongoing D3b) Upgrade and nurture the capabilities of the PRO data warehouse so that it In progress can support wider variety of decisions with data-driven reports. In progress D4a) Develop and implement Sustainable Energy Policy incorporating best practices for sustainability in appropriate policies and procedures. Rock Pfotenhauer Dominique Hansen/Tatiana Bachuretz Craig Hayward Joe Nugent/ Climate Init. Task Force Winifred Baer/Craig Hayward Craig Hayward/ Renée M. Kilmer D5a) Complete development of SLOs for all services for students, and develop assessment plans by 2009-2010. In progress D5b) Improve processes college-wide for program planning and departmental review, strengthening links among student learning, program improvement, and budgeting decisions. E1a) Shift some services and classes to self supporting models. In progress E1b) Leverage restricted funding to build capacity, deliver more effective and efficient services, pilot new programs, redesign service delivery models. E2a) Increase Cabrillo representation in key community organizations. New: In progress Completed E3a) Goal Area Implementation Teams will monitor and facilitate strategy development, budget augmentations required for strategy implementation, and strategy reporting. E4a) Develop policies and procedures around facilities use and fee schedule. E5a) Disseminate and promote energy conservation through a awareness campaigns, contests and marketing. In progress Dennis BaileyFougnier Craig Hayward In progress Ongoing Victoria Lewis Joe Nugent In progress Rock Pfotenhauer Rock Pfotenhauer 3 Cabrillo College Master Plan Strategies – 2010-2011 GOAL A: Increase effectiveness of student outreach and enhance enrollment OBJECTIVE A1: Design and implement a comprehensive strategic enrollment management plan. A1a) Design and implement a multi-phase Strategic Enrollment Plan (SEM). • Status: In progress • Update/Next Steps: Develop a comprehensive Strategic Enrollment Management plan that includes recruitment, persistence, transfer, degree and certificate completion targets; including program mix, and makeup of the student body (headcount, FTE, types of mix of students). A1b) Promote and increase the number of students applying for and receiving financial aid. • Status: Ongoing • Update: With the acquisition of SoftDocs, a document imaging and electronic forms system, the financial aid process should be more streamlined for students. After the initial learning curve, the Financial Aid Office staff will be able to consider other options for providing information to students about applying for and receiving financial aid. • Next Steps: This strategy will continue to be ongoing as the Financial Aid Office will always look for additional ways to identify and support more students in applying for and receiving financial aid. With the initial learning curve of SoftDocs (a document imaging and electronic forms system) accomplished, the Financial Aid Office staff plans to streamline the financial aid process even further with auto packaging in 2011-12. The staff will continue to partner with on and off campus programs to ensure financial aid visibility and availability. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective A1 A1 Deliverable: Enrollment Management Plan. (Under development.) OBJECTIVE A2: Effectively communicate the enrollment processes at Cabrillo College to new and returning students. A2a) Identify and break down the barriers that students encounter that impede their enrollment at Cabrillo, including developing a prototype Welcome Center. • Status: In progress • Update: Designed to increase student engagement, an Information Kiosk was purchased with Title V funding and installed at the Watsonville Center in February, 2011. This marks a first phase in the development of a prototype Welcome Center. • Next Steps: A second Kiosk is scheduled to be installed in the Student Activities Center by the end of June, 2011. A2b) Pilot a Pathway Improvement Process that brings stakeholders together from the high schools, ROP, the County WIA and CalWORKS programs, EDD, and the college to improve retention, program completion and job placement for CTE students. • Status: In progress • Update: Two parallel efforts underway. Internally a team has been working on how to realign categorically funded programs and services to continue to provide critical services with significantly reduced resources. Simultaneously we have convened a team of external partners including the Employment, Benefits, and Services Division of the County Human Services Department, the Workforce Investment Board, the Employment Development Department, the County Office of Education, the Adult Schools, Shoreline Occupational Services and others to work towards aligning, coordinating, and integrating services to improve outcomes for adults seeking education in order to enter or re-enter the workforce. Some of our 4 accomplishments to date include: design and pilot a "reskilling class" funded by the WIB to assist those who have recently lost work to chart a new career path development of a universal referral form to facilitate referrals between WD 2.0 member organizations; mapping of the workforce development system and identification of areas where collaboration could provide improved services and increased efficiency; formation of a Services Integration Team to identify and pursue opportunities for coordination and integration of services; development of a "portfolio management process" that should enable us to review and commit resources to projects in a more systematic and strategic way. We have a variety of project documents we could provide if desired. • Next Steps: Our sponsors team has evaluated our progress to date and with the help of a consultant has developed a "portfolio management process" that should help us be more selective and strategic in our interventions. We are in the process of applying for funds from the Bay Area Workforce Funding Collaborative that would enable us to hire a full-time person to help drive this strategy forward. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective A2 A2 Deliverable: Welcome Center. (Phase I completed, Title V-funded Information Kiosks.) Student Progress & Achievement Rate (ARCC Metric) for each Ethnicity Group Student Progress & Achievement Rate (ARCC Metric) 2002-03 to 2007-08 2003-04 to 2008-09 2004-05 to 2009-10 51.8% 50.9% 52.8% 2002-03 to 2007-08 African American Asian Number of Cabrillo Students achieving ARCC success outcomes (in 6 years) 2002-03 to 2007-08 2003-04 to 2008-09 2004-05 to 2009-10 855 751 910 Filipino Hispanic/Latino Multiple/Other Native American Non-Respondents Pacific Islander White 47.4% 68.1% 25.0% 38.3% 56.7% 50.0% 67.4% 70.0% 56.7% 2003-04 to 2004-05 to 2008-09 2009-10 26.1% 68.5% 38.5% 35.3% 69.2% 62.5% 45.3% 18.2% 58.3% 51.9% 66.1% 65.2% 38.7% 63.3% 50.0% 52.2% 50.0% 58.7% Source: ARCC Report: College Level Indicators, March 2011. Unitary detail: Chancellor's Office Data-on-Demand OBJECTIVE A3: Increase the number of International Students, and out of state, students, based on the Strategic Enrollment Management plan. A3a) Enhance support services, including transportation, housing, cultural events, updating multilingual Cabrillo international student web pages, and expand the sources of international students by networking with foreign language schools abroad; sister cities of Santa Cruz and Watsonville; visiting delegates; and current international students. • Status: In progress • Update: This strategy was formed with the idea that Cabrillo would sponsor a Global Education Center with services for international students. As funding for this was withdrawn, we have not been able to devote the resources necessary to implement this goal. However, as an ongoing goal, services will continue to be enhanced given available resources. Cabrillo continues to host fee-based program for students from Roskilde Business College, Denmark. Other northern European colleges have made contact to establish similar programs. 5 • Next Steps: Secure international student tuition funds to invest into program growth. More advertising and marketing opportunities are being researched. Continue updating the website, providing housing, transportation, and cultural information for international students. With the addition of a Transfer Center LIA this fall, we will hopefully be able to offer some trips and activities for international students. Exploring distance program with Santa Cruz Sister City, Shingu, Japan. Seeking to self-fund increased staff capacity to grow this program. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective A3 A3 Fall 2008 48 F-1 Visa International Student Headcount Spring 2009 Fall 2009 Spring 2010 59 53 56 Fall 2010 59 Source: Cabrillo Student Records. OBJECTIVE A4: Increase the number of transfers and/or transfer rates. A4a) Create an honors program pipeline to the University of California system institutions. • Status: Completed • Update: This strategy has been completed, however we will continue to work with these campuses to develop and strengthen Cabrillo's connections with them. • Cabrillo's pipeline to UCLA has been completed and approved September, 2010. Cabrillo students are applying now for the UCLA TAP program, for fall 2012 transfer. • Cabrillo's UC Berkeley pipeline has been completed. Berkeley's outreach to our campus was cut back due to funding cuts but they are very aware of Cabrillo's Honors Program and pipeline. Their budget cuts severely reduced the number of representatives able to visiting our campus to meet with students. • Next Steps: Though Cabrillo has an honors program now, UCSC's honors program development is delayed, and is not yet in place due to budget cuts. They are hopeful for implementation in 2012. The person who takes Donna Mekis' place is going to want to continue the work of collaborating closely with UCSC as they develop their honors program. A4b) Create more transfer options for students by improving communication with regional 4-year colleges and universities, including San Jose State University, private universities and out-of-state colleges. • Status: In progress. Update and Next Steps: Not available. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective A4 A4 Six Year Transfer Rate of Transfer-Oriented Students, by Ethnicity Ethnicity African American Native American Asian Filipino Hispanic Pacific Islander Declined to State White Average Rate 2000-06 15% 35% 50% 27% 32% 50% 43% 41% 39% 2001-07 25% 50% 61% 14% 26% 49% 44% 39% 39% 2002-08 58% 46% 51% 10% 30% 33% 46% 45% 42% 2003-09 11% 20% 64% 22% 21% 10% 49% 40% 35% 2004-10 30% 25% 51% 45% 27% 44% 37% 44% 39% Source: Transfer Velocity Project Cohort tracking tool, Chancellor's Office Data Mart, 2011. 6 OBJECTIVE A5: Improve remediation pathways to increase the number of students placing into or successfully progressing to transfer level.. A5a) Offer a comprehensive, streamlined educational package to basic skills students, including: instruction, counseling, financial aid, EOPS enrollment (when eligible), etc. • Status: In progress • Update: Not available. • Next Steps: Not available. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective A5 Percent of entering cohort Enrolled in Higher Level Math within 3 years Starting level = Essential Math [MATH-254] (3 levels below transfer) Elementary Intermediate Transfer Algebra Algebra Level Math 2003/04 44.2% 18.0% 7.4% 2004/05 37.6% 15.6% 6.4% 2005/06 41.3% 16.6% 8.6% 2006/07 42.8% 17.8% 6.3% Starting level = Elementary Algebra [MATH-154] (2 levels below) 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Intermediate Algebra 49.8% 50.1% 53.3% 53.9% Transfer Level Math 29.2% 30.7% 31.9% 34.9% Starting level = Intermediate Algebra [MATH-152] Transfer Level Math 2003/04 70.2% 2004/05 71.7% 2005/06 72.9% 2006/07 70.2% Percent of entering Cohort Enrolled in Higher Level English within 3 years Starting level = Basic English [ENGL-255] (2 levels below) 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Elements for Transfer Writing Level English 60.4% 27.0% 57.6% 24.6% 59.2% 32.3% 53.6% 28.0% Starting level = Elements for Writing [ENGL-100] 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Transfer Level English 53.7% 54.3% 57.6% 57.5% Source: Data Warehouse 7 GOAL B: Enhance excellence in the classroom & student support services to support student success. OBJECTIVE B1: Increase access to educational resources and support services and strengthen basic skills to ensure student success and persistence. B1a) Preserve tutorial services for basic skills students. • Status: In progress • Update: It is important to note that the original language of this goal was to "increase" the number of basic skills students who access tutorial services; however, the new language is to "preserve" tutorials for basic skills students. While we anticipated the basic skills tutoring allocation would reduce to $21,700 for 201011, we were able to fund it at $24,286, far below the actual need. We have budgeted a similar amount for 2011-12. • Next Steps: To continue preserving tutorials and remaining committed to this goal. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective B1 B1 Deliverable: Creation of Enhanced Basic Skills Cohort. Status: (Completed.) Fulfilled by creation of STARS Learning Community. B1 KPI: See Basic Skills Progress Table, p.7 (A5). OBJECTIVE B2: Recruit, retain, and support a diverse, well-qualified faculty and staff. B2a) Develop online recruitment resources to further diversity and expand the pool of applicants. • Status: Completed • Update: The B2a task team reviewed and implemented recommendations formulated by group, including current on-line recruitment resources for Cabrillo faculty, staff and administrative position recruitments. Classified and academic employment interest cards were revised to include email addresses allowing employment opportunity announcements to be emailed, saving time and expense. H.R. revised the optional applicant survey form to include “Google Search” to allow definitive data to be gathered regarding how applicants learn about Cabrillo job openings, in order to assist in planning efforts related to cost-effective advertising of District positions. • Next steps: Human Resources continues to enhance on-line distribution of announcements to sister colleges, universities, and public agencies. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective B2 B2 Diversity of Tenured and Adjunct Faculty Ethnicity African American Asian Latino Native American Unknown White Total 2006 2007 2008 % % % 2009 % 1.0% 3.6% 10.7% 0.3% 1.3% 83.1% 100% 1.1% 3.5% 11.0% 0.2% 2.3% 81.9% 100% 1.2% 3.5% 9.3% 0.1% 2.4% 83.3% 100% 1.4% 3.7% 11.2% 1.7% 2.5% 79.3% 100% Source: Data Warehouse 8 Deliverables and KPIs for Objective B2, continued B2 Diversity of Staff (Non-Faculty) Ethnicity African American Asian Latino Native American Unknown White Total 2006 2007 2008 2009 % % % % 2.3% 5.6% 24.7% 2.0% 1.3% 64.0% 100% 2.2% 6.3% 23.0% 1.6% 1.3% 65.6% 100% 1.9% 5.8% 22.2% 1.6% 1.9% 66.5% 100% 1.9% 5.5% 23.3% 1.6% 1.9% 65.6% 100% Source: Data Warehouse B2 Full-Time Faculty's Post-Secondary Degrees Bachelor Master Doctorate 2005-2006 # (%) 21 (10.2%) 142 (68.9%) 43 (20.9%) 2006-2007 # (%) 20 (9.9%) 140 (69.0%) 43 (21.2%) 2007-2008 # (%) 20 (9.3%) 149 (69.6%) 45 (21.0%) 2008-2009 # (%) 17 (8.2%) 144 (69.2%) 47 (22.6%) 2009-2010 # (%) 17 (8.3)% 142 (69.6%) 45 (23.0%) Source: Fact Book 2011, p.51. OBJECTIVE B3: Increase use of current and emerging technologies for student support and for teaching, both on campus and via distance learning. B3b) Increase the number of smart classrooms. • Status: Ongoing • Update: We have completed an additional 22 new smart classrooms since fall 2009, bringing our total to 37 new smart classrooms and 17 upgraded classrooms in the past three years. • Next Steps: We will continue to modernize our facilities over the next several years, and as buildings are remodeled, we will continue to install smart classroom technology. • KPI: 1st generation smart classrooms = 18 % ; 2nd generation smart classrooms = 5.3% B3c) Develop a universal online method for all student tutoring referrals. • Status: In progress • Update: The MLC coordinator has created the Writing Center online referral and timekeeping system modeled on the program used by the MLC and authored by them. The program features online referrals for instructors allowing the tracking and reporting of student activity from any computer. There is no student login code for students to remember, and it’s free to the college (unlike Timekeeper). Full automation replaces the need for paper referral forms to track and archive. Math, English and ESL now have online referrals. Tutoring, the Reading Lab and perhaps Learning Skills are expected to be online by the end of fall 2011, completing this objective. • Next Steps: Timeline: The ILC will test drive the system summer, 2011 if they approve. Initial full scale implementation: June (Summer School) 2011; Full scale implementation: September (Fall 2011) -hopefully on Cabrillo virtual server. • KPIs: PRO Data on student lab usage, consistently compiled by PRO from all Cabrillo labs. 9 Deliverables and KPIs for Objective B3 B3 Deliverable: Three-Year Distance Education Plan. Status: (Completed.) B3 Number of Smart Classrooms 2009 2010 101 123 (& 17 upgraded) Source: Instruction Office B3 Blackboard/WebCT Usage: Online, Hybrid & Web-Enhanced Courses Term SP07 FA07 SP08 FA08 SP09 FA09 SP10 FA10 Faculty Users Student Users 88 102 110 180 163 278 296 339 3690 4530 5184 6142 n/a 7691 7951 9,014 Spring Sections Total Accts (Student & Faculty) 123 151 216 253 212 265 321 376 3778 4632 5294 6322 n/a 7969 8247 9,353 Source: OBJECTIVE B4: Promote awareness of the interdisciplinary nature of emerging trends, such as global sustainability, social justice and community services. B4a) Develop interdisciplinary curricula for at least four courses with global sustainability, community service, and/or social justice themes. • Status: Postponed. Lack of faculty time and motivation for new curriculum development. Developed courses have been delayed or not been offered due to budget issues. • Update: Due to budget cuts and reductions of courses we have temporarily postponed creating new courses that do not fulfill either major requirements. Two new courses were approved in February 2009. The Construction and Energy Management department is developing a new Energy Management A.S. program with classes that will lead to green career certifications. The Digital Bridge Academy has incorporated social justice themes into several additional DBA cohorts for the 2010-11 academic year. • Next Steps: This is an on-going strategy, which will require continual curriculum development and course modifications to strengthen the themes into coursework in different disciplines. Complete development of one or more sustainability-related courses and get them into curriculum committee. National Science Foundation “Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics” grant received by Cabrillo to establish Sustainability Curriculum Mini-grants for engaged interdisciplinary learning in sustainability (EILS). Partners include UCSC and SJSU. • KPIs: Two of the four new courses (50%) have gone through the curriculum process. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective B4 B4 Deliverable: Certificate in Global Awareness. (On hold.) B4 Deliverable: Number of Interdisciplinary courses with sustainability, social justice, and/or community service themes. Target: Four new courses will be created by 2011. (50% complete.) 10 B4 Campus Climate Survey Indicates Greater Awareness of Global Sustainability Issues 2008 & 2010 Campus Climate Survey of Environmental Awareness Mean* I have learned about sustainability at Cabrillo. Alternative transportation is encouraged at Cabrillo. Cabrillo staff care about sustainability & the environment. 2008 2.8 3.2 3.3 2010 2.8 3.1 3.3 % Don't Know 2008 2010 27.0% 25.1% 22.0% 17.8% 23.0% 22.7% *1= Strongly Disagree … 4 = Strongly Agree Source: Planning & Research Office GOAL C: Provide pathways to prosperity through Career Technical Education (CTE). OBJECTIVE C1: Define clear career technical education pathways to the college through partnerships with educational and workforce development institutions. C1a) Convene the CTE Community Collaborative, engaging industry representatives, the county’s high schools, middle schools, adult schools, the Regional Occupational Program, the county alternative education program, and other education and workforce development stakeholders in the work of building a comprehensive, countywide CTE system. • Status: In progress • Update: CTE Community Collaborative has set goals and teams are implementing strategies for each goal. Over $1.5M in grants have been obtained to support this effort. • Next steps: Roll out CTE awareness campaign in fall. Carry out longitudinal integration of high school, ROP, Cabrillo data to measure efficacy and guide improvement of CTE pathways. C1b) Develop grades 9-14 programs of study for each Cabrillo CTE program. • Status: In progress • Update: Programs of Study have been developed in the areas of Health, Public Safety, and Industrial Technology. • Next Steps: Complete targeted programs of study. Implement annual process for review and updating of Programs of Study. Continue to work with the program chairs involved with program planning and engage high school instructors, counselors and business partners to review and provide input on what is needed to prepare high school students for these programs. Ensure that all program of study templates are up to date. With respect to engaging additional partners, a recent CTE Forum was piloted bringing industry and educational leaders from two pathways together to identify key areas. The outcomes from this Forum are being analyzed and next steps are being deliberated with a small core of individuals from both pathways. Once this information has been analyzed, partners from each pathway interested in participating to work on the key areas that were identified will be convened to outline a work plan that will be the foundation for the work. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective C1 C1 Deliverable: Define and Publish CTE Pathways from ROP, HSs, Adult Ed, HSD & EDD. (Under development) 11 C1 Gender CTE Incoming: Academic Year: 2005-2009 Count % Gender 2005-2009 Santa Cruz County Count % Female 1817 59.2% Female 125,534 Male 1250 40.7% Male 125,864 50.1% Annual average 251,398 100.0% Total 3070 100.0% Source: CTE Concentrators Base: "Students who completed 10 unit threshold on first CTE Concentrator Academic Years: 2005-2009 Ethnicity CTE Incoming: Academic Year: 2005-2009 Count % White African Native Asian Pacific Islander Multiple/Other Hispanic/Latino Total 1787 30 37 152 13 25 892 2936 60.9% 1.0% 1.3% 5.2% .4% .9% 30.4% 100.0% Source: CTE Concentrators Base: "Students who completed 10 unit threshold on first CTE Concentrator Academic Years: 2005-2009 Age CTE Incoming: Academic Year: 2005-2009 Count % 15 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 29 years 30 to 34 years 35 to 39 years 40 to 44 years 45 to 49 years 50 to 54 years 55 to 59 years 60 to 64 years 65 to 69 years 79 890 649 351 230 223 230 198 139 59 15 70 to 74 years 7 Total 1360 2.6% 29.0% 21.1% 11.4% 7.5% 7.3% 7.5% 6.4% 4.5% 1.9% .5% .2% 100.0% Source: CTE Concentrators Base: "Students who completed 10 unit threshold on first CTE Concentrator Academic Years: 2005-2009 49.9% Source: US Census Bureau Santa Cruz County, California S0101. Age and Sex Data Set: 2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates Survey: American Community Survey Ethnicity 2005-2009 Santa Cruz County Count White African American American Indian Asian Native Hawaiian Some other race Hispanic Annual average 213,220 2,445 1,095 9,674 430 15,220 72,956 251,398 % 84.8% 1.0% .4% 3.8% .2% 6.1% 29.0% Source: US Census Bureau Santa Cruz County, California B02001. RACE - Universe: TOTAL POPULATION Data Set: 2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates Survey: American Community Survey Age 2005-2009 Santa Cruz County Less than 15 15 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 29 years 30 to 34 years 35 to 39 years 40 to 44 years 45 to 49 years 50 to 54 years 55 to 59 years 60 to 64 years 65 to 69 years 70 to 74 years Count 45,503 21,620 27,402 12,067 13,827 16,341 17,849 19,358 20,112 18,352 12,319 7,542 5,531 Valid % NA 11.2% 14.2% 6.3% 7.2% 8.5% 9.3% 10.1% 10.5% 9.5% 6.4% 3.9% 2.9% 13,575 251,398 NA 100.0% 75 or more Total Source: US Census Bureau, ACS Santa Cruz County, California S0101. Age and Sex Data Set: 2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates Survey: American Community Survey 12 OBJECTIVE C2: Provide students with the literacy, numeracy, communication skills, knowledge and abilities necessary for success in basic skills, CTE and transfer. C2a) Develop contextualized English and math curriculum and integrate into CTE and general education courses. • Status: In progress • Update: CTE oriented ACE (DBA) curriculum with contextualized math course developed and piloted. English faculty funded to research CTE contextualized instruction. CTE Teacher Preparation Pipeline project has supported development of contextualized math curriculum. • Next steps: Seek funding to provide leadership for this effort. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective C2 C2 KPI: See Basic Skills Progress Table, p.7 (A5). OBJECTIVE C3: Offer CTE programs that inform students of career opportunities and requirements, address needs of local and regional employers, and prepare students for lifelong career advancement and prosperity. C3.5) Develop strategies to mitigate the impact of reduced course offerings upon students’ ability to complete CTE programs within the time limits imposed by WIA, CalWORKS, and EDD and by students’ personal circumstances. • Status: New strategy. C3.5a) Seek external sources of funding to offer additional sections in impacted programs. Update: • Status: New strategy. C3.5b) Consider alternate course offering and scheduling patterns, and pilot and evaluate those that have the potential to improve students’ ability to complete program. • Status: New strategy. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective C3 Wage Gain of Students Completing CTE Programs (Pre vs. Post) C3 CTE Survey Year 2004 Average Hourly Wage Pre-Cabrillo $ 10.71 Post-Cabrillo $ 23.38 Change $ 12.67 Average Annual Salary Pre-Cabrillo $19,768 Post-Cabrillo $40,394 Change $20,626 2005 $ $ $ 14.82 25.22 10.40 $27,626 $39,728 $12,102 2006 $ $ $ 13.92 24.54 10.62 $31,007 $45,490 $14,483 2007 $ $ $ 14.18 27.04 12.86 2008 $ $ $ $25,675 $53,070 $27,395 12.87 25.45 12.58 $24,914 $48,293 $23,379 2009 2010 $ 16.53 $ 29.69 $ 13.16 $ 14.80 $ 24.37 $ 9.57 $33,176 $49,850 $16,674 $23,541 $37,273 $13,732 Source: Career Technical Education (CTE) Student Follow-up Survey, 2000-2010. C3 Job Placement & Retention Rates Status 2004 Self-employed Employed Total Employed Unemployed Not seeking NR Total 46 11.6% 267 67.1% 313 78.6% 54 13.6% 26 6.5% 5 1.3% 398 100.0% 2005 42 10.0% 270 64.6% 312 74.6% 75 17.9% 24 5.7% 7 1.7% 418 100.0% CTE Survey Year 2006 2007 46 11.3% 277 68.1% 323 79.4% 53 13.0% 25 6.1% 6 1.5% 407 100.0% 36 9.8% 273 74.2% 309 84.0% 34 9.2% 21 5.7% 4 1.1% 368 100.0% 2008 30 10.2% 209 71.3% 239 81.6% 31 10.6% 18 6.1% 5 1.7% 293 100.0% 2009 34 8.8% 224 58.2% 258 67.0% 75 19.5% 26 6.8% 26 6.8% 385 100.0% 2010 52 12.0% 273 62.8% 325 74.7% 72 16.6% 38 8.7% .0% 435 100.0% Source: Career Technical Education (CTE) Student Follow-up Survey, 2000-2010. 13 C3 Gender 2005-2009 CTE Completers Count % Female 1159 Gender 2005-2009 Santa Cruz County Count % 65.1% Female 125,534 49.9% Male 125,864 50.1% Annual average 251,398 100.0% Male 621 34.9% Total 1781 100.0% Source: CTE Completers- Leavers Survey Base: "Completers" Sample Source: US Census Bureau Santa Cruz County, California S0101. Age and Sex Data Set: 2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates Survey: American Community Survey Ethnicity 2005-2009 CTE Completers Count White African American Indian Asian Pacific Islander Other NonHispanic/Latino Total 854 19 12 75 4 20 346 1330 Ethnicity 2005-2009 Santa Cruz County % 64.2% 1.4% .9% 5.6% .3% 1.5% 26.0% 100.0% Source: CTE "Completers" Sample from the CTE Completers- Leavers Survey Count White African American American Indian Asian Native Hawaiian Some other race Hispanic Annual average 213,220 2,445 1,095 9,674 430 15,220 72,956 251,398 % 84.8% 1.0% .4% 3.8% .2% 6.1% 29.0% Source: US Census Bureau Santa Cruz County, California B02001. RACE - Universe: TOTAL POPULATION Data Set: 2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates Survey: American Community Survey Age 2005-2009 CTE Completers Count 15 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 29 years 30 to 34 years 35 to 39 years 40 to 44 years 45 to 49 years 50 to 54 years 55 to 59 years 60 to 64 years 65 to 69 years 5 317 292 183 132 140 120 91 53 20 7 Age 2005-2009 Santa Cruz County % .4% 23.3% 21.5% 13.5% 9.7% 10.3% 8.8% 6.7% 3.9% 1.5% .5% Less than 15 15 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 29 years 30 to 34 years 35 to 39 years 40 to 44 years 45 to 49 years 50 to 54 years 55 to 59 years 60 to 64 years 65 to 69 years 70 and more Total 1360 100.0% Count 45,503 21,620 27,402 12,067 13,827 16,341 17,849 19,358 20,112 18,352 12,319 7,542 19,106 100.0% Source: CTE "Completers- Leavers Survey Source: US Census Bureau, ACS Base: "Completers" Sample Santa Cruz County, California 251,398 % 11.6% 14.7% 6.5% 7.4% 8.7% 9.6% 10.4% 10.8% 9.8% 6.6% 4.0% 100.0% S0101. Age and Sex Data Set: 2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates Survey: American Community Survey 14 OBJECTIVE C4: Support graduates in finding jobs in their area of study and assist employers in hiring our qualified students and graduates. C4a) Analyze completer/leaver survey results to determine most common barriers to students finding employment in their field of study. Develop low-cost strategies to address those barriers which can be effectively addressed. • Status: In progress • Update: Completer/leaver data compiled and charted. • Next steps: Analyze data to determine most common barriers. Engage CTE Community Collaborative and WD 2.0 in effort to address barriers. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective C4 C4 Number of Former Students Employed in CTE Major Are Students Working in Their Field of Program Study? 2003 163 64.7% 83 32.9% 6 2.4% 252 100% Yes No No Report Total 2004 205 65.5% 98 31.3% 10 3.2% 313 100% 2005 216 69.2% 79 25.3% 17 5.4% 312 100% 2006 218 67.5% 95 29.4% 10 3.1% 323 100% 2007 229 74.1% 72 23.3% 8 2.6% 309 100% 2008 181 75.7% 51 21.3% 7 2.9% 239 100% 2009 180 69.8% 66 25.6% 12 4.7% 258 100% Source: Career Technical Education (CTE) Student Follow-up Survey, 2000-2009. C4 2005-06 210 Number of Students in Service Learning 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 178 209 271 257 Source: Data Warehouse. Includes 99C, 99G, 99SL, 199C, 199G & 199SL. Employed C4 CTE Completer/Leaver respondents 2005-2009 Santa Cruz County 2005-2009 % % (*) Gender Female Male 84.2% 83.3% 93.1% 93.7% Ethnicity White African American American Indian Asian Pacific Islander Other Non-White Hispanic/Latino 84.2% 81.0% 88.9% 85.4% 83.3% 87.5% 81.2% 92.8% 89.0% 85.6% 92.2% 78.9% 90.3% 90.5% Age 16 to 19 years 20 to 24 years 25 to 44 years 45 to 54 years 55 to 64 years 65 to 74 years 75 years and over Total 66.7% 73.1% 88.8% 85.5% 77.2% 75.0% .0% 84.2% 75.4% 89.4% 93.4% 94.9% 95.5% 95.4% 93.8% 92.3% Source: CTE Survey , Completers/Leavers Source: US Census Bureau, ACS Santa Cruz County, California S2301. Employment Status Data Set: 2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates Survey: American Community Survey 15 GOAL D: Enhance college effectiveness through measurement and evaluation of key areas such as shared governance, departmental effectiveness, and student learning. OBJECTIVE D1: Promote leadership and professional development for all college employees. D1a) Develop and implement robust professional development program for all employees. • Status: In progress • Update: New professional development opportunities have been made possible to faculty and staff through grant funding (Title V, Basic Skills and the Gates ACE grant). More than thirty participants have joined Cabrillo’s new Faculty Inquiry Network (FIN). The grant funding has only partially offset the Draconian funding cuts at the state level that have reduced staffing and other resources (travel and conference funds) to meet professional development needs. A second group of managers completed the Cabrillo Leadership class. • Next Steps: Continue to explore all funding options for professional development opportunities in tough budget times. D1b) Encourage and support participation in best practice leadership and professional growth activities, including mentoring and active participation in shared governance activities. • Status: In progress • Update: The strategy has merged with Strategy D2a) below. The ongoing budget crisis has diverted some attention and resources from professional growth and development activities. With respect to shared governance activities, the update of the Governance Manual is nearing completion. A second class completed the Leadership Class taught by Cabrillo extension. The updated Governance Manual will identify and clarify opportunities to participate in shared governance. • Next Steps: Deliverables and KPIs for Objective D1 D1 Deliverable: Professional development program. (Under development.) D1 Term Spring 2008 # Participants # Workshops Avg/Workshop 1228 55 22 Flex Attendance Comparisons Fall 2008 Spring 2009 Fall 2009 1259 1271 1180 56 51 55 22 25 21 Spring 2010 Fall 2010 1197 62 19 1321 50 26 Note: Numbers are based on workshops offered Mon-Wed in Fall and Mon-Thurs in Spring OBJECTIVE D2: Effectively address evolving classified staffing needs. D2a) Refine the classified prioritization process. • Status: On hold • Update: Due to budget constraints, the college has not initiated the classified prioritization process for the last two years. The college has used a managed hiring process to evaluate vacant positions and determine critical vacant positions to fill. • Next Steps: The strategy is on hold. D2b) Develop expertise to redesign work flow when appropriate and consider development of process for reallocation of staff to heavily impacted areas when appropriate. • Status: In progress • Update: In response to the huge budget cuts to categorical programs, significant and difficult revisions to staffing and work flow have been implemented in DSPS, Matriculations, and EOPS. In other areas of 16 the college, planning continues and is frequently held hostage to the continuing uncertainties of the state budget picture. • Next Steps: Implementation continues, particularly in response to specific budget limitations. Reassigning personnel from one area of the college to another remains a difficult challenge, as is assessing the degree of impaction in various areas of the college. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective D2 D2 Number of classified positions. Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Classified Employees Fall Semester Classified Staff* 2001 253 2002 238 2003 217 2004 220 2005 223 2006 233 2007 249 2008 246 2009 241 2009 239 *Total does not include classified administrative managers or confidential employees. Source: Cabrillo College 2010-11 Final Budget, p.71, September 13, 2010. D2 Aptos Campus Ratio of custodial FTE to est. total square footage of college buildings 2009-10 2010-11 FTE 23.5 26.0 728,000 785,688 Est. Sq Ft 30,978 sf./FTE 30,218 sf./FTE Ratio Note: Sq ft. does not include parking spaces. 08-09 includes Arts Ed Complex (122,300 sq ft.). Allied Health Complex is expected to add 57,000 sq ft. in Fall 2011. Source: M&O & Facilities Offices. D2 Watsonville Campus Ratio of custodial FTE to total est. square footage of college buildings 2010-11 2011-12 FTE 2.0 2 40,600 56,000* Sq Ft 20,300 sf./FTE 28,000 sf./FTE Ratio Note: Future Watsonville Green Technology Building an estimated 16,000 sq. ft. Source: Facilities Planning & Plant Operations. OBJECTIVE D3: Enhance the knowledge and management systems that support college governance. D3a) Revise and update college policies and procedures. • Status: Ongoing • Update: All Board Policies and Administrative Regulations are now posted on the college's web site: The President's Office maintains current versions of all policies and regulations. Components are continuing to review and revise the policies and regulations. Each component is updating and revisions relevant sections of college policies and procedures. Updated policies go to the Board for review and approval almost monthly. • Next Steps: Continue revising and updating Board Policies and Administrative Regulations for Board approval. Much work remains, but many policies have been revised and college policies and procedures are now published on the President’s web page under Policies. 17 D3b) Upgrade and nurture the capabilities of the PRO data warehouse so that it can support a wider variety of decisions with data-driven reports. • Status: In progress • Update: The project has grown in scope to include development of the Faculty Inquiry Network (FIN) as a part of the college’s Title V grant. A major challenge is finding staff time to focus on this important strategy. • Next Steps: Staff time and resources are the greatest obstacle to the successful completion of this strategy. The results of the initial efforts are encouraging. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective D3 D3 Deliverable: College-wide communal calendaring & scheduling online. (Completed). D3 Deliverable: Update College Governance Manual. (Under development.) D3 Deliverable: Update & Publish Board Policies. (Ongoing.) D3 Deliverable: Document the Decision-Making Process Especially the Role of the CPC & Cabinet. Pending approval, as follows: 18 D3 Deliverable: Enhance College Research & Analysis Capabilities. (Under development.) D3 Deliverable: Online List of all Governance Committee Info.: Chair, Membership, Purpose, OBJECTIVE D4: Incorporate environmental awareness and sustainability into policies and procedures. D4a) Develop and implement Sustainable Energy Policy incorporating best practices for sustainability in appropriate policies and procedures. • Status: In progress • Update: The college’s immediate goal is to reach the targets set forth in the Sustainable Energy Plan approved by the Governing Board in 2009. Budget reductions have delayed progress towards the creation of the position of Energy Manager recommended in the Sustainable Energy Plan. Data show a 6.6% drop in electricity use on the Aptos campus for calendar year 2010, compared to 2009. While class offerings were cut, there was a 7.9% growth in Aptos campus square footage. • Next Steps: In spite of, and in response to, the challenges created by the budget reductions, Maintenance and Operations (M&O) will continue to aggressively pursue programs and opportunities to reduce energy usage and to develop alternate energy sources. The President’s Climate Commitment Task Force meets regularly to assist in developing and refining objectives. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective D4 D4 Count of Board Policies Which Mention "Sustainability", "Conservation" and/or "Environmental Awareness" Sustainability Conservation Awareness 2010 0 1* 0 * BP 4150 D4 Count of Administrative Regulations Which Mention "Sustainability", "Conservation" and/or "Environmental Awareness" Conservation 2010 0 1* Environmental Awareness 0 Sustainability * AR 4130 OBJECTIVE D5: Implement SLOs and assessments college-wide. D5a) Complete development of Student Learning Outcomes for all services to students, and develop assessment plans by 2009-2010. • Status: In progress • Update: The focus has been on developing SLOs and assessment plans for counseling and other student services. • Next Steps: Pilot a revised Student Learning Outcomes survey for Students Services during Flex Week for the Spring 2010 semester. Refinement of the survey instrument continues. D5b) Improve processes for college-wide for program planning and departmental review, strengthening links among student learning, program improvement, and budgeting decisions. • Status: In progress 19 • Update: The college has developed a new annual update form for instructional (program) planning, which includes a section on progress towards recommendations and funding sources, along with an SLO/Assessment section. • Next Steps: With over 70 programs undergoing instructional planning on a 6-year cycle, he annual updates will reflect the work accomplished one year at a time. Over time, the compilation of these updates will reveal larger scale progress. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective D5 D5 Deliverable: Assessment Review Committee Annual Report. (Completed.) Available at Goal E: Enhance Cabrillo’s resource development and connections with the community. OBJECTIVE E1: Increase Cabrillo’s fiscal sustainability with alternative resources. E1a) Increase services to the community and generate revenue for the college by self-funded growth of Extension and contract education. • Status: In progress • Update: Cabrillo Summer Arts program converted from a general fund credit based program to a fee based program in Cabrillo Extension. A number of contract education programs have been offered over the last year to healthcare, agriculture, and human service organizations. Budget reductions and the loss of a staff person limits progress on this objective. • Next steps: We will continue work on this objective as resources permit. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective E1 E1 Deliverable: Report on feasibility of expanding non-credit fee-based contract education classes. (Under development.) OBJECTIVE E2: Promote communication and collaboration between Cabrillo and other organizations in the community. E2a) Increase Cabrillo representation in key community organizations. • Status: Postponed. • Update: The committee for this objective has not met since the last report. The project leader for this objective was recently changed. An online survey was taken to determine current representation of the management staff. • Next steps: The team leader will convene the group to review the results of the survey and determine next steps. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective E2 E2 Deliverable: Report that identifies key community organizations with a target that all will have representation by Cabrillo staff. (Completed.) OBJECTIVE E3: Integrate College Board budget priorities and the master plan. E3a) Goal Area Implementation Teams will monitor and facilitate strategy development, budget augmentations required for strategy implementation, and strategy reporting. • Status: In progress • Update: The GAIT Chairs meet at least once per semester to discuss strategy development and updates. 20 State budget reductions have limited the college’s ability to augment budgets for each strategy. The 2010-11 Preliminary Budget includes an augmentation of 2.5 custodial positions to support new facilities. Program and service reductions implemented are linked to strategies, objectives or goals. • Next step: The GAIT chairs will continue to work with implementation teams to monitor and facilitate strategy development. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective E3 E3 Deliverable: Annual Report on College Master Plan strategies and related budget augmentation. (Ongoing.) OBJECTIVE E4: Optimize college facilities as a resource for college and community users. E4a) Manage use of college facilities by the public to meet community needs, recover direct and indirect costs and offset the costs of general maintenance and upkeep. • Status: In progress • Update: Rock has made some progress on the facility evaluation issue. A task force has been formed to review policies and procedures and make recommendations to the cabinet regarding facilities use by on and off-campus users. Facilities usage is both complex and political. Very little progress has been made on this strategy. • Next Steps: This strategy will be continued. Determine what has been accomplished, establish a timeline and reconvene the committee to evaluate the best approach to managing facilities use on campus. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective E4 E4 Deliverable: Facilities usage plan that streamlines the scheduling process, pricing structure and policies regarding facilities use. (Under development.) OBJECTIVE E5: Develop and implement a comprehensive energy conservation program. E5a) Disseminate and promote energy conservation through an awareness campaign, contests and marketing. • Status: Ongoing • Update: The first Cabrillo College “emissions inventory” was completed by the Climate Initiative Task Force (CITF) in 2009. Cabrillo’s Climate Action Plan was produced in 2010 and can be found online, along with Cabrillo's emissions inventory, at: or on the shared drive at: P:\President_PUBLIC\Planning and Research_PUBLIC\Climate Initiative\Cabrillo Despite a 7.9% growth in Aptos campus square footage in 2010, data show a 6.6% drop in electricity use on the Aptos campus in calendar year 2010, compared to 2009. Maintenance and Operations continues to work with PG&E to take advantage of energy cost saving programs, receiving a $9,000 rebate check in January, 2011. I.T. and many other departments and buildings across campus are taking active energy conservation measures as part of “GreenSteps” programs. The Director of Facilities Planning and Plant Operations actively pursues and implements energy conservation measures, including campus-wide communications on a regular basis. Cabrillo’s Governing Board-approved Sustainable Energy Plan is posted on the campus network drive at: P:\President_PUBLIC\PlanningandResearch_ PUBLIC\ ClimateInitiative\CabrilloSustainableEnergyPlan_approved10-5-09.pdf • Next Steps: Continue to actively work toward the 15% reduction in energy consumption goal set in Cabrillo’s ‘Sustainable Energy Plan’ adopted by the Governing Board in 2009. “GreenSteps” energy conservation campaign was launched Earth Week, 2010, and efforts redoubled for Earth Week 2011. Efforts will focus on installation of 1,000 grant-funded Power Saver Pro Software and power strip, estimating a $50 savings per work station to further reduce Cabrillo’s energy use, carbon footprint, and associated monetary burden of our waste of energy on campus. Deliverables and KPIs for Objective E5 E5 Deliverable: Energy Conservation Plan. (Completed.) Available at: P:\President_PUBLIC\Planning and Research_PUBLIC\ClimateInitiative\CabrilloSustainableEnergyPlan_ approved10-5-09.pdf E5 College Energy Usage: Kilowatt hours (kWh) per square foot (Aptos Campus) sq' kWh kWh per sq' 2000 533,000 sq' 3,261,990 2007 548,700 sq' 6,027,489 2008 671,000 sq' 6,816,934 2009 728,000 sq' 7,402,868 2010 785,688 sq' 6,914,629 6.12 11.0 10.16 10.17 8.80 Note: Aptos Campus only. Sources: PG&E, & Facilities Planning & Plant Operations. 21