AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT April 11, 2011 SUBJECT: Critical Needs REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 5 ITEM NUMBER E.3 INFORMATION BACKGROUND: The College Planning Council and the Governing Board have had several discussions about the need to develop a critical needs list for the college. The college has worked over the past several months to compile a list of critical needs for fiscal year 2011-12 and one for fiscal years 2012-13 through 2013-14. Each item on the lists includes a summary of the project, an estimate of the cost of the project and a possible funding source. Bond/RDA One-time Lottery 2011-12 $2,365,000 $902,000 $83,000 2012-14 $6,336,000 $370,000 Total $8,701,000 $1,272,000 $83,000 $10,056,000 It should be noted that none of the allocations above are reflected in the budget planning documents. The Bond/RDA amounts listed about exceed the amounts currently available in the Bond/RDA funds. Projects that are not funded out of the Bond/RDA funds will be funded out of one-time funds. It should be noted that item #30 on the 2011-12 critical needs list, the equipment for the Green Technology Center in Watsonville, is not currently funded. The equipment needs for the new building are approximately $500,000. This information is provided for CPC and the Governing Board’s information. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition CPC/Board Meeting April 11, 2011 Department Collegewide Critical Needs for 2011-12 Fund Source Timeline Current Projects Door/Key Access Management System Status In Process - Rough estimate – Scope will need to be developed as well 1 FP &PO Bond 2011 2 FP &PO Bond 2012 M & O support for department moves to new Anticipated help needed to accommodate occupants facilities. 2012 Re-coat Bldg. 2000 & Storage Bldgs. w/ Urethane coating 3 FP &PO 4 FP &PO 5 FP &PO 6 FP &PO 7 FP &PO 8 FP &PO 9 FP &PO Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 HVAC controls & equipment repair/replacement 1550 Bldg. HVAC controls & equipment repair/replacement 1500 Bldg. HVAC controls & equipment repair/replacement 1300 Bldg. Replace Lighting/Ballasts Watsonville Center Repair/Replace HVAC Systems Bldg. 1400 300,000 gal. Water Tank and Water System Repair/Replacement Funds needed $45,000 $15,000 If this work is not completed in the target year further damage to the substrate will cause additional damage and cost to replace $70,000 The boiler that operates this building and the associated components are over 30 years old and require a complete overhaul $80,000 The equipment in this building is on its last leg and requires complete overhaul. The equipment in this building is in poor shape and requires complete overhaul. This work is an essential function of the space and reduces energy consumption The equipment in this building dates back to the 70's and requires a major overhaul The existing water tank and water system - well/pumps/chlorination all require repair & replacement 2012 Spring 2011 - Fall Replace Datatel server (Sol) /SQL Migration Fulfills Title V grant project to provide faculty access to analytics; increases analytic capabilities; allows Datatel to run on virtual 2012 /SQL data warehouse $400,000 $300,000 $100,000 $200,000 $500,000 $75,000 hardware resulting in significant hardware cost savings; Many SQL standardization benefits. 10 IT 11 IT Bond Bond 12 IT Bond 13 Student Services 14 FTTW Bond Bond 15 Instruction 16 Student Services Bond Bond Spring 2011 construction; Summer 2011 consolidation 1300 Server room consolidation/AC upgrade Required to safeguard investment in servers and mission critical equip. Will provide major energy savings. IT is funding $50,000 project Winter 2012 Watsonville server room AC upgrade 2011-12 Move A & R/Financial Aid to SAC 2011-12 Move FTTW to the 900 building Room renovations: 601 for chemistry/ 1606 for DM TBD Veteran space Cost TBD 2011 $80,000 from carryover funds Watsonville server room needs upgraded to enhance stability and capacity due to age of system and new demands due to the Green Tech Center TBD $100,000 $350,000 $50,000 Cost TBD 2011 S:\President_Cabinet\2010-11 Board items\April 2011\Information\041111ICriticalneedslistBoardCPCp2-5 Page 1 CPC/Board Meeting April 11, 2011 Department Collegewide Critical Needs for 2011-12 Fund Source Timeline $67000 first year (includes all conversion/installation, implementation, and hosting fees the first year, reduces to $60,357 annually for hosting. E-Tech Equipment $16,000 Virtual Labs $120,000 Spring 2011 Spring 2011 Cabrillo College has over 1,000 student lab computers. The upkeep and replacement of these PC is costly and labor-intensive. Virtual Labs allows Cabrillo to: extend the life of aging systems; replace failed PCs with cheaper thin clients; significantly lower energy usage; provide a cooler lab environment; respond quickly to requests for software in rooms; streamline and centralize lab maintenance; extend workstation replacement cycles to a s long as eight years; improve productivity with fast boot times and responsive systems. Storage Area Network (SAN) upgrade More storage is needed to implement phase 2 of the Document Imaging Project and to create virtual labs in Bldg 300. Current SAN is out of space and near end of life. IT will fund $100,000 of this project, Student Services will fund $70,000 of this $390,000 project $220,000 2011-12 Educational Masterplan Update More storage is needed to implement phase 2 of the Document Imaging Project and to create virtual labs in Bldg 300. Current SAN is out of space and near end of life. IT will fund $100,000 of this project, Student Services will fund $70,000 of this $390,000 project $50,000 2011-12 Duplications- replace Fred (large copier) $80,000 needed - one-time funds of $45,000 available $35,000 Labs and faculty computers 136 computers for labs and faculty computers- $136,000 College Emergency funds for plumbing, mechanical, other emergencies on campus $120,000 set aside for unplanned emergencies on campus. May need more resources. Retiree Benefit contribution $150,000 one-time as part of the funding plan established in 200607. Additional $100,000 for new employees. Operating budget shortfall 17 Instruction Lottery 2011 18 Instruction Lottery 2011 19 IT/ Instruction 20 IT One-time funds Status Current Projects Distance Ed-Blackboard software conversion, implementation and on-going services Funds needed $67,000 $16,000 One-time funds Collegewide 21 Planning One-time funds 22 Purchasing One-time funds 23 Instruction One-time funds $136,000 2011 24 M & O Collegewide 25 Planning One-time funds 2011 One-time funds 2011 26 Student Services One-time funds 2011-12 27 Instruction One-time funds 2011-12 Collegewide 28 Planning One-time JPA funds 2011 29 Admin. Services One-time Funds 2011-12 Matriculation Classroom remodels Emergency Preparedness Inventory Tracking System- Purchasing S:\President_Cabinet\2010-11 Board items\April 2011\Information\041111ICriticalneedslistBoardCPCp2-5 $250,000 $91,000 Smart classrooms, replace furniture, painting, repairs in three classrooms@ $40,000 each. $75,615 Restricted funds from JPA for Emergency Prep. Planning, infrastructure & training. Will need more funds in subsequent years. Implement Inventory Tracking system to address 200910 Audit Finding- Cost TBD Page 2 CPC/Board Meeting April 11, 2011 Department Collegewide 30 Planning Collegewide Critical Needs for 2011-12 Fund Source TBD Timeline Current Projects Green Technology Center 2011-12 Status Funds needed TBD A list of equipment needs has been prepared for the GTC- $500,000 Total: $3,350,000 Summary by Fund Source: Bond $2,365,000 Lottery $83,000 One-time $902,000 Subtotal $3,350,000 S:\President_Cabinet\2010-11 Board items\April 2011\Information\041111ICriticalneedslistBoardCPCp2-5 Page 3 CPC/Board Meeting April 11, 2011 Department 1 FP & PO 2 FP & PO 3 FP & PO Collegewide Critical Needs for 2012-14 Fund Source Bond Bond Bond Timeline Current Projects 2014 HVAC Controls & equipment repair/replacement 200 Bldg. HVAC Controls & equipment repair/replacement 900 Bldg. 2013 repair/replace existing 21kv/480v step down transformers campuswide 2014 Status Funds Needed This building is scheduled to be offline spring of 2011 but will eventually need to be overhauled $900,000 This system has been reconfigured several times in order to satisfy various office clusters but will need a complete overhaul $1,000,000 Maintenance of existing system will prolong the life of the equipment and reduce overall costs $56,000 the existing gutter systems on many of the buildings have reached the end of their useful life and require replacement. 4 FP & PO 5 FP & PO 6 FP & PO 7 FP & PO 8 FP & PO 9 FP & PO 10 FP & PO 11 FP & PO 12 FP & PO 13 FP & PO 14 FP & PO Instruction Collegewide 16 Planning 15 2013 Gutter repair/replace campus wide 2013 Replace/repair lighting fixtures campus wiide Phase II 2012 HVAC controls & equipment repair/replacement 1550 Bldg. Support Services, Age 30 years 2012 HVAC controls & equipment repair/replacement 1500 Bldg. Classroom/Lab Age 33 years $400,000 2012 HVAC controls & equipment repair/replacement 1300 Bldg. Classroom/Lab Age 33 years $300,000 2012 HVAC controls & equipment repair/replcaement 100 Bldg. Support Services Age 50 years $300,000 2013 HVAC controls & equipment repair/replacement 1600 Bldg. Classroom/Lab Age 33 years $250,000 2013 HVAC controls & equipment repair/replacement 1000 Bldg Library/Support Services/Classroom/Lab Age 14 years $350,000 2014 HVAC Controls & equipment repair/replacement 200 Bldg. Classroom/lab Age 46 years $900,000 2014 HVAC Controls & equipment repair/replacement 900 Bldg. Support Services Age 44 years Bond One-time 2015 2013-14 HVAC Controls & equipment repair/replacement 2600 Classroom Remodels Support Services Age 12 years Smart classrooms, replace furniture, painting, repairs@ $40,000 per classroom One-time 2013-14 Retiree Benefit contribution $150,0000 plus $100,000 for new employees Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond $400,000 Lamp replacement will be needed in order to keep up with use. $200,000 $80,000 $1,000,000 Total $200,000 $120,000 $250,000 $6,706,000 Summary by Fund Source Bond One-time Total $6,336,000 $370,000 $6,706,000 S:\President_Cabinet\2010-11 Board items\April 2011\Information\041111ICriticalneedslistBoardCPCp5 2013-2014 Page 4