1 Cabrillo College Governing Board Monday, February 7, 2011 Cabrillo College Sesnon House 6500 Soquel Drive Aptos, California 95003 OPEN SESSION PAGE 1. Call to Order and Roll Call TIME 5:00 2. Adoption of Agenda 3. Public Comments Regarding Closed Session Items (three minute time limit per speaker) Please notify clerk if you desire to speak to the Board. 4. Announcement of Closed Session 5. Adjourn to Closed Session CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Government Code §54956.8) Property: 251 Kings Village Road, Scotts Valley, California 95066 Agency Negotiator: Brian King Negotiating Parties: Scotts Valley City Manager Under Negotiation: Terms of Payment, Conditions 2. Conference with District Counsel regarding anticipated litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(b)(3)(E) (8 cases) 3. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Victoria Lewis Employee Organization: CCFT 4. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Victoria Lewis Employee Organization: CCEU 5. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Brian King Employee Organizations: Management and Confidential Employees OPEN SESSION Call to Order and Roll Call Report Out of Closed Session 6:00 A. Consent Items 1. Minutes and Consent Agenda (these items are approved when the agenda is approved unless a Board member wishes to discuss) a) Minutes of January 10, 2011 2. Register of Warrants It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify warrant numbers 03266–04376 for the amount of $5,005,611.18. 5 11 6:01 2 February 7, 2011 A. Consent Items (continued) 3. Ratification: Construction Change Orders PAGE TIME 31 It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify the construction change orders provided as an attachment. 4. Budget Transfers by Resolution It is recommended that the Governing Board approve Resolution Numbers 006-11 through 008-11 for Budget Transfers 18944 through 19013. 33 5. Resolution 004-11: To Waive Bond Requirement for 2011-12 Sabbatical Leaves 37 It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt Resolution 004-11 waiving the Bond requirement for sabbatical leaves. 6. Acceptance of Contract with California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office 41 It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the $90,000 grant from the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office. It is further recommended that the Board authorize the Vice President of Administrative Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relation to this grant agreement and any future amendments on behalf of the college. 7. Human Resources Management Report 43 It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify and/or approve the human resources management report. Introduction of Newly Appointed Faculty and Staff Oral Communications Members of the audience may speak to non-agenda items (three minute time limit per speaker) B. Special Presentation Title V Update 6:05 C. Oral Reports 1. Board Members’ Reports 6:10 2. Student Trustee’s Report 6:13 3. Superintendent’s Report 6:15 4. CCFT 6:17 Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers. 5. Faculty Senate 6:19 Comments on issues of interest to the Faculty Senate. 6. CCEU Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo Classified Employees Union. 6:21 3 February 7, 2011 D. Action Items 1. 2011-12 through 2013-14 Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Criteria and Strategies 45 6:23 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the budget reduction process, commitments, criteria and strategies for fiscal years 2011-12 through 2013-14. 2. 2011-12 Non-Resident Tuition Fee 49 It is recommended that the Governing Board (1) establish the perunit non-resident tuition fee for 2011-12 at $177 based on District Computed Cost, and (2) establish a capital outlay at $6 per unit for students who are both residents and citizens of a foreign country. 3. Resolution 005-11: 2010-11 Mid-Year Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANs) 53 It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt Resolution 005-11 delegating to the Vice President of Administrative Services the authority to decide on participation in the Community College League of California cash reserve program at the time when interest, costs and reinvestment rates are known. 4. Redistricting of Cabrillo College Trustee Areas 85 It is recommended that a Governing Board subcommittee of three members be appointed to prepare and present to the full Board a proposed districting plan including proposed changes, if any, at the April 11, 2011 Board meeting. It is further recommended that the Superintendent/President and appropriate college staff provide support for this effort. 5. Cabrillo College and CSU Monterey Bay Partnership 87 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve this agreement with CSUMB and authorize the President to sign the Memorandum of Understanding. 6. Cabrillo College and SJSU Global Studies Partnership 91 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Partnership Agreement between Cabrillo College and SJSU University. It is further recommended that the Vice President, Instruction be authorized to make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement. 7. Cabrillo College and CUNY Partnership 93 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Letter of Agreement between Cabrillo College and City University of New York. It is further recommended that the Vice President, Instruction be authorized to make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement. E. Information Items 1. Sunshine CCEU Response to 2010-11 Negotiations Reopeners CCEU’s response to the District’s Proposal for negotiations reopeners is provided for Governing Board information. 97 6:35 4 February 7, 2011 E. Information Items (continued) 2. Sunshine 2011-12 CCEU Initial Proposal to District 99 CCEU’s initial proposal for 2011-12 negotiations is presented to the Governing Board for information. 3. 2010-11 and 2011-12 Budget Planning Parameters Update 103 A Budget planning update is provided for Governing Board information. 4. 2010-11 Cash Flow Update – Second Quarter 113 A cash flow update for the second quarter of the fiscal year is presented to the Governing Board for information. 5. Facilities Master Plan Update 117 The monthly status report regarding current Facilities Master Plan projects is provided to the Governing Board for information. 6. Financial Reports 121 The financial reports are presented to the Governing Board for information. 7. Watsonville Redevelopment Update 143 An update on the addition of the Manabe-Ow property in Watsonville to the Watsonville 2000 Redevelopment Agency through State legislative action will be presented to the Governing Board for information. 8. Cabrillo College Fact Book Presentation & Discussion 149 The Board will discuss the Cabrillo College Fact Book 2010 with Interim Dean of I.T., Planning & Research, Craig Hayward. 9. STARS Title V Project Update 151 A STARS Title V Project Update is presented to the Governing Board for information. 10. Board Policy Revisions: Student Services, First Reading 153 Board Policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. 11. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar 155 The Cabrillo College activities calendar for the month of February is presented for Governing Board information. 12. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings The Cabrillo College Governing Board may discuss items to be placed on the agenda for the future Board meetings. CLOSED SESSION ADJOURN 7:00 For ADA related meeting accommodations, contact Dominique Hansen, Executive Assistant to the President, at (831) 479-6306 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.