AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT January 10, 2011 SUBJECT: Academy for College Excellence Professional Services Contract REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER ACTION Page 1 of 1 D.7 Background: The Academy for College Excellence (formerly Digital Bridge Academy) is working in partnership with Cabrillo’s Planning and Research Office to collect and analyze student outcome and retention data from multi-state partner colleges. The scope of this project requires the services of consultants with skills that are not normally required at the college. Service: Technical Support for Project Evaluation Development of data sharing agreements and partnerships Assistance in developing a centralized database for multi-state partner colleges Vendor: Institute for Evidence Based Change (IEBC) Amount: $129,992 Duration: December 2010-September 2015 Fiscal Impact: Expenditures of $129,992 funded by grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President of Administrative Services to execute a professional service contract with Institute for Evidence Based Change. Administrator Initiating Item: Rock Pfotenhauer, Dean, CEED Renée M. Kilmer, Vice President, Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition APPROVED