Blackboard Academy (Sessions offered July 9–10 and August 20–21)
This is a twoday academy designed to provide novice and experienced users 4–6 hours of instruction. Faculty new to teaching online or hybrid courses are required to participate in the 2hour Cabrillo Distance Education Orientation.* Learn what the regulations are for teaching online, best practices, and how to design your course to improve instructor/student interaction. Novice users will learn the basics of a learning management system. Blackboard accounts will be given to those who have completed the Blackboard for the
Novice:Part I session. Experienced users are encouraged to learn about successful strategies with assessment tools, and ways to motivate students to stay engaged with video and web conferencing options.
Register online at:
Room 1097 Francine Van Meter
*Cabrillo Distance Education Orientation
Blackboard for the Novice: Part I, Understanding and Building Your Course
Blackboard for the Novice: Part II, Communicating and Collaborating
Blackboard for the Experienced User: Successful Strategies with Assessment Tools
Creating Video Assessments and Online Episodes
Blackboard Collaborate: Web conferencing tips and tricks
EMT TA Orientation and Safety Meeting
Provides an overview of the current EMT skills standards as defined by NREMT and individual training and overview of current safety practices in the EMT program. Teaching assistants will also complete the required safety quizzes and required paperwork for clearance to assist in the EMT skills lab.
1–4pm 1520 Shane Bell, Carol Wallace
Join colleagues for an all college convocation, including a State of the College address by President Laurel Jones.
Morning Refreshments
8am Reception
8:30am–12noon, Crocker Theater
Assessing the Global Core Competency in Math
Math faculty will be assessing how the third core competency is supported through our math classes.
1–3pm 711 Daniel Morgali
Title V Grant: Final Report
See a recap of the projects accomplished through the Title V grant (20092014) and the data on improvements made to the college by the grant for student success. An update on the application for a new Title V Grant (20142019) will also be available.
1–3pm 517 Rachel Mayo, Eric Grabiel, Terra Morris
SLOs and CurricUNET: Make a Connection
Cabrillo has a new tool to make SLO work easier – CurricUNET. We will be using a new module on the program to input SLO assessment results so that the process can be computerized, saving faculty time and trouble. We are phasing it in over the next four semesters. If your department has been selected to use it this semester, or you are simply interested in learning how it works, come to this workshop.
1–3pm 317 Marcy Alancraig
Biology Program Planning
The Biology faculty will work together to put the finishing touches on our Program Plan.
1–5pm 616 Yves Tan, Denise Lim
Connect with SmartBoards
That giant touchscreen in your classroom can be used interactively with your students. Learn how you can do demonstrations and annotate on the screen, then save to a file the students can access later.
3–5pm 1097 Francine Van Meter
ECE SLO Assessment and Talking about Teaching
Early Childhood Education faculty will meet to share SLO Assessments and discuss teaching successes, challenges and strategies.
This will be done utilizing our SLO assessments from spring 2014, and planning our fall 2014 SLO assessments for ECE courses and certificates.
4:30–6:30pm 1508 Jean GallagherHeil
Orientation for New Adjunct Faculty
This workshop is designed for adjunct faculty who are newcomers to Cabrillo. It is an introduction to the college and its processes and procedures including how to handle a wait list and add codes, what to do about disruptive students, accommodations for students with a learning disability, and how you are expected to use WebAdvisor. Get answers to your questions and receive handouts vital to a
successful first semester at Cabrillo.
5:30–7:30pm 1096
WebAdvisor Training
Rock Pfotenhauer
WebAdvisor is the tool for you to use from the beginning to the end of your course, and key points in between. Gain hands on experience and navigate the screens where you will access your class roster, submit the census roster, send emails to a few students or to the entire class, and post final grades.
7:30–8:30pm 1096 Ed Greene, Delia Torres, Rock Pfotenhauer
PartTimers’ Solidarity Breakfast
Please join us for discussion of current topics relevant to parttime faculty at Cabrillo, and an excellent breakfast. CCFT will be negotiating our contract this semester and for the next three years. This meeting will be an opportunity to make your opinions and voices heard so that our interests and priorities can inform contract negotiations.
8–10am HORT 5005 Sadie Reynolds, John Govsky, Maya Bendotoff
Connect with Video
Communicating through video is a way to help students see you as a real person rather than a computer program. Provide students a
weekly report on the latest news in your discipline, or a video assessment of their paper or project. Learn how easy it is to use a webcam, quickly edit, and style up your short video. Participants will get handson experience in the new Digital Media classroom.
8–10am 1097 Francine Van Meter
Mental Health First Aid ( 8 hour session)
Although many of us know CPR and First Aid, we are much more likely to encounter someone with mental health symptoms than someone having a heart attack. An estimated 1 in 4 Americans have a diagnosable mental illness. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a training course designed to teach individuals methods for assisting someone who may be in the early stages of developing a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis. As a member of the Cabrillo community you have an exciting opportunity to be trained in
Mental Health First Aid. The course provides useful information on how to assist individuals who have a history of mental disorders, longerterm mental health problems, or help identify those developing serious mental health difficulties. Participants who complete the
8hour training program will learn a fivestep action plan to: assess a situation, select and implement appropriate interventions and
secure appropriate care for an individual experiencing a mental health problem. Students are welcome to participate.
Maximum of 40 participants. Contact Leti Amezcua to register, 4796436.
8am–4:30pm SACW 202 Katie Dowling
American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR Certification
Attendees will receive training and certification in Adult, Child and Infant CPR as well as be introduced to the use of an Automated
External Defibrillator (AED).
9am–12noon Pool Classroom Mark Ramsey, Dale Murray
New Full Time Faculty Orientation
This workshop will provide the newest additions to the Cabrillo faculty an opportunity to learn more about the history and mission of
Cabrillo College. In addition, new faculty will participate in a dialogue about the opportunities and challenges at Cabrillo. Meet at
9:30am at the flagpole on campus (in front of the 100 building) for a walking tour, which will end at Michael and Eve Mangin’s home for an informal lunch. Orientation 1–2:45pm in Sesnon 1804, followed by the Faculty Senate meeting from 3–5pm.
9:30am–5pm Meet at flagpole in front of 100 building at 9:30am
Kathleen Welch, Michael Mangin, and Conrad ScottCurtis
Cabrillo Honors Faculty Connect and Collaborate!
Are you a seasoned honors program instructor looking for new ways to inspire your students? Do you want to help recruit more
Cabrillo students into the honors program? Do you want to know how honors contracts work and why we will be using them more in the future? Are you new to teaching in the honors program and would you like to be mentored through your first semester? Are you thinking about teaching in the program, but would like to learn more about what we do? If you answered yes, or even slightly nodded your head in the affirmative, then please be sure to join us for a lively, interdisciplinary meeting. It will be fun and there will be food!
10am–12noon 312 Carolyn Jackson, Letitia ScottCurtis, Marcy Alancraig
Emergency Preparedness Training
Emergency preparedness training is an ongoing state and federal requirement. Please join us for an informative and always interesting look at what emergency preparedness means at Cabrillo College.
10am–12noon 403 Oscar Guillen, Diane Avilar, Sheriff’s Office
How to Support Undocumented Students: Information, Resources, & Best Practices
This presentation, facilitated by staff from Educators for Fair Consideration, will provide faculty and staff with current information about undocumented students in California and the United States and best practices for supporting student success for undocumented students at the community college level. The presentation includes information about the California Dream Act, the Federal Dream Act,
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA), and AB540. In addition, we will discuss best practices for educators to create a safe space, be an effective advocate, and seek resources for their students.
10am–12noon 512 Michelle Morton, Tera Martin
Not Your Typical Student: Autism Spectrum in the Classroom
How do you respond to a student whose behavior can be distracting, who responds in tangential ways, whose speech is stilted but you sense is trying to conform to a classroom environment? This workshop looks at behaviors common to students on the spectrum and discusses instructional strategies for successfully working with these bright, unique individuals. We will discuss experiences
Cabrillo instructors have shared.
10am–12noon LRC 1061
CCEU Flex Luncheon
Beth McKinnon
The Cabrillo Classified Employee Union will gather to discuss building our solidarity, the current working conditions and our role in the greater college community. Please plan on attending as you make all the difference! Lunch will be provided.
12noon–2pm HORT 5005 Alta Cilicia Northcutt, Eireann Del Bonta, Bradley Booth
Basic Skills Advisory Council (BSAC) Meeting
Born out of the California Basic Skills Initiative (BSI), BSLCAC was created at Cabrillo as a way for faculty and staff to meet and discuss best ways to serve our basic skills (pretransfer level) students and programs. This meeting will spend time focusing on the progress of the BSI Action Plan developed by the committee in fall 2012 and how these activities relate to Cabrillo's educational master
plan. We also will discuss and identify the challenges Cabrillo faces in the area of Basic Skills (English, math, ESL, reading) within transfer and CTE fields.
13pm SESNON 1804 Eric Grabiel
From Classroom to Tutoring Session: An Interdisciplinary Discussion: Part II
Faculty are invited into the Writing Center to continue the discussion of tutoring services, how to best serve student writing needs, refine writing assignments for students, and to educate tutors about the nuances of teaching writing in the classroom. The workshop also provides time for instructors to share their assignments in small groups. Additionally, we will review how we are meeting goals to:
1) accumulate a collection of instructor writing assignments for reference in the Writing Center; 2) send Center staff to classes to present on tutoring services and discuss how students can hone writing skills through individualized tutoring; 3) work directly with instructors to find out what resources you need to create strong links from classroom to tutoring session; and, 4) invite instructors to
Writing Center staff meetings to discuss writing assignments, critical thinking and analysis, and exchange ideas with tutors in support of instructor and student needs.
1–3pm LRC 1060 Cheryl Chaffin, Melissa Palacios
Education Plans and the New Student Planning Tool
Learn about factors considered in the development of an Education Plan, and the new Student Success Act requirements regarding these plans. Participants will be able to view the new WebAdvisor tool called Student Planning and how their program is presented.
Learn how instructional and counseling faculty can work together to help students develop a Comprehensive Education Plan. We will explore and demonstrate some of the tools available to students and faculty to assist students in the process.
1–3pm 312 Jay Jackson, Shawn Ogimachi, Mario Garcia, Arturo Cantu
Sabbatical Leave Workshop
Sabbaticals are now being funded at Cabrillo. If you’re thinking about taking a sabbatical during the 2015/16 academic year you must attend this mandatory workshop in order to submit an application. We will discuss eligibility, funding, writing the application, leave categories and procedures and requirements.
1–3pm 313 Eric Carter, Marcie Wald, Dawn Nakanishi
Visual Arts Scholarship Committee —Building Success
The Visual Arts Scholarship Committee will analyze the 2014 scholarship application and portfolio review process, including the faculty
mentorship and nomination component, instruction and application materials, the website, and strategies for funding growth. The 2015
Scholarship calendar will be proposed.
3–5pm 2008 Susan Hoisington
Faculty Senate Meeting
Come to the first Faculty Senate meeting of the academic year. Take advantage of this opportunity to catch up on the latest news affecting faculty. At this meeting you'll learn about how the Senate functions as an integral part of the shared governance process on campus. Help plan our future adventures and find out how to participate in Senate activities.
SESNON 1804 Michael Mangin and Calais Ingel
Through the Equity Lens
How do different groups of students perform? Can we identify achievement gaps? If so, where, and among whom? Join us for a look at equity issues. Have a look the revised Program Planning Datasets which now break out departmentlevel course success and completion rates by underrepresented status. Learn about the definition of ‘underrepresented’. Join in an examination of the Student
Success Scorecard data, disaggregated by demographic groups. The discussion will help prepare for a refresh of the college’s Student
Equity Plan (last updated in 2003). Come away with knowledge of data sources that can be used to identify and monitor equity gaps.
8–10am 1096 Rick Fillman, Dennis BaileyFougnier, Terrence Willett
Individual Creativity in Math Teaching
Math Department members will collaborate and share individual creative strategies and viewpoints on math and its teaching that they use to enlighten and inspire their students.
8–10am 708 David Viglienzoni
Connecting Assignments, Ideas and Great Teaching
Join the English department as we share assignments and our best teaching moments. This three hour workshop will begin with an inspirational round table about best teaching practices in English, then break into sessions focused on specific courses in our composition sequence: English 255, 200, 1Aand 2. The break out sessions will be participant focused, so bring an assignment to share
and a story to tell. Come share what you do best in the classroom while picking up new ideas from your colleagues.
8:30am–12noon 322 Joseph Carter, Adela Najarro, Diane Putnam, Winnie Baer, Marcy Alancraig,
Leticia ScottCurtis
800 Building & STEM Center Tour and Discussion
Tour the newly remodeled classroom and labs in the 800 building which houses the Engineering, Engineering Technology, Computer
Science, Computer and Information Systems, and Physics departments. And, tour the STEM Center which houses MESA, the Physics
Learning Center, and the CIS Lab. Following the tours, we will have a discussion of how the new facilities have stimulated student
8:30–10am 801 JoAnn Panzardi, Sue Tappero
Bloodborne Pathogen Training
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a standard (Section 5919 of Title 8 of California Code of
Regulations) that provides methods to reduce your risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens. The standard covers employees who can reasonably anticipate contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials as a result of performing their assigned job duties.
Training is required initially upon hire and annually thereafter. This training is introductory in nature and designed to provide a basic understanding of bloodborne pathogens, workplace transmissions, exposure control plan standard precautions, reducing risk, etc.
Select one of two session times offered, 9–10am or 2–3pm.
9–10am or 2–3pm 508 Pamela Gangloff
NAS Faculty Open Forum
NAS faculty and staff are invited to come together to share topics of interest in teaching and learning.
10am–12noon 825 JoAnn Panzardi, Kelli Horner, Sue Tappero
Transformative Pedagogy: How to Guide Students Through Rites of Passage Over a Semester
This workshop will explore the use of pedagogy to aid student transformation. We will discuss how curriculum can be used to harness transformative tendencies in young adults many of whom are striving to individuate and find purpose in their lives. As an example we
will explore how the ACE semester, starting with exercises in the Foundation Course and finishing with the student's public social justice presentations at the end of the semester, is designed as a rites of passage into the academic scholarly community and culture.
10am–12noon 509 Diego Navarro
Creating Unity Between Instruction and Student Services to Help Our Students Succeed
All faculty work with students that have Basic Skills needs. Participants will engage in dialogue and an interactive activity addressing the needs of students facing multiple challenges, and will explore and create new ways in which instructional and student services faculty can work together to initiate follow up services for our students.
10am–12noon 312 Michelle FoguetMendoza, Barbara Schultz Perez, Anna Zagorska
Connecting Tradition With Ocean Science in the Micronesian Outer Islands: a Teachable Experience
This presentation will cover sabbatical work done with Micronesian Outer Islanders to bring back traditional management, and combine it with ecological investigations and fish life history to conserve reefs and livelihoods. We have united people who autonomously govern over 100,000 square miles of ocean to work towards sustainable ocean management. Our unique approach, and the unprecedented success, is something our students can learn from as they frame their own vision of what it means to advance science and conservation, with a focus on community.
10am–12noon 608 Nicole Crane
Connecting Students to the SSCT (Student Support Conference Team)
Find out what happens when you file a Concern for Student or Disruptive Behavior report, what happens to the student involved, and what happens behind the mysterious closed doors at the SSCT meetings. During this session participants will look at supporting all employees and students through the SSCT process. We will also address core concepts of behaviorbased threat assessment and what we, as Cabrillo faculty and staff, can do to help students exhibiting those behaviors. We will look at the tools available for assessing campus violence risk and how best to help keep students and the campus community safe.
10am–12noon SACE 225 Dianne Avelar, Katie Dowling, Anne Smeltzer, Lalu Simcik
CCFT Luncheon
Catch up with colleagues and hear about the main issues facing faculty in the coming year. Food and solidarity provided. (Bring your
own plate to get bumped to the front of the line.)
12noon–1pm HORT 5005 Conrad ScottCurtis
CCFT Council Meeting
Following the CCFT Luncheon, we will take a more indepth look at issues related to bargaining, the state budget, and how to stay connected to promote high quality education.
1–3pm HORT 5005 Conrad ScottCurtis, John Govsky, Barbara SchultzPerez
Best Practices from the Electronic Trenches
Bring a copy of your syllabus, online teaching examples, and share a demonstration of what works for you to keep students engaged online. All faculty considering teaching online or currently teaching online are encouraged to attend.
1–3pm 1097 Liz Roberts, Francine Van Meter
Where the Data Are: How to Access Enrollment and Success Data
This session will provide an overview of how Cabrillo employees can access student enrollment and success data from a variety of sources. These sources will include the classic fact book, the cutting edge SOFIA system, up and coming SQL reports, and web based reporting tools offered by the Chancellor's Office, CalPASS, and others. Attendees of this hands on session should come with at least one question they would like answered and will leave with answers, new questions, and/or additional resources to explore their questions further.
1–3pm 1096 Terrence Willett, Judy Cassada, Rick Fillman, Terra Morris, Natalia CordobaValesquez
Teach Like TED
In Talk Like TED , Carmine Gallo reveals the qualities that all successful TED talks have in common. Through interviews with the most popular TED presenters, as well as top researchers in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and communication, Carmine has determined the nine publicspeaking secrets of the world’s top minds. In this flex activity, we will watch clips from selected TED talks and discuss how to apply these nine publicspeaking secrets to become better teachers. Participants are highly encouraged to read
Talk Like TED before attending.
1–5pm 804 Joe McCullough
The Cabrillo Sustainability Plan: A Campus Wide Collaboration
What do you think of when you hear the word “sustainability?” Is it just another buzzword or will Cabrillo still be here in 140 years?
Do your thoughts allude to water, food, energy, curriculum, facilities, purchasing, transportation, funding, outreach and awareness, carbon emissions or waste? The sustainability of Cabrillo is dependent upon the collaboration of students, staff, faculty, administrators and community members and our willingness to investigate how to optimize in all the categories listed above. Join us to celebrate successes so far and help develop strategies to guide our community into a sustainable future.
3–5pm 810 Joe Nugent, Jeni Keane, Karen Groppi, Kelli Horner
Using Technology to Engage Students
Would you like to add some technology to your classes? I will demonstrate an array of ideas for you then help you develop an engaging lesson for your classes. Ideas shown would be as simple as downloading a YouTube video (for free) and inserting it into a
PowerPoint edited to just the section you need, a Prezi that organizes all of your materials to one canvas, to making a video from scratch with builtin assessment to measure student understanding of your material. This workshop is a mixture of theory, “how to”, and just seeing what can be done.
3–5pm 515 Terry Mullin
Curriculum Meeting
This is the first Curriculum Committee meeting of the semester. Proposals for new and modified courses will be considered, with
discussion. Also included: required training for committee members will be presented.
3–5pm 1096 Mike Strunk, Dale Attias
Watsonville Center Faculty Orientation
Information on procedures and resources for faculty teaching at the Watsonville Center will be available; including office assignments, alarm codes, keys, smart technology in classrooms, staff, and faculty services offered through our learning center (course materials on reserve, testing rooms, tutoring etc.). Also find out about learning resources, programs and support services for students at the Center.
Light dinner served; building tours available.
5:30–8:30pm WATS A130 Rachel Mayo, Tera Martin, Daniel Bomarito
Program Chair Meeting
Program Chairs will meet for a discussion of collegewide initiatives, policies and regulations facing instruction. Or, whatever anyone wants to talk about that helps you help your faculty and students.
8–10am HORT 5001 Peter Shaw
Building Connections in Health Sciences
This workshop is for Health Sciences faculty to discuss SLO assessments and teaching strategies that promote stronger connections between faculty and students in our program
10am–12noon HW 2212 Patrick Meyer
Composition and Connectivity: Teaching and Evaluating Writing in a Digital Age
As online teaching and grading tools evolve, assessing student writing should be more convenient; however, discovering and navigating these tools can take some time. Whether you’ve been using Blackboard since it was WebCT, or you’re just curious about what’s available, you’re encouraged to join us in shop talk and exploration. Panelists will share strategies and demonstrate useful online tools, and there will be time for participants to share their own teaching tricks and play around in the Blackboard environment.
Let’s learn new ways to connect with our students in the 21st century!
10am–12noon 317 Letitia ScottCurtis, David Sheftman, Steve Schessler, Diane Putnam
Connect with Respect: The Good—The Bad—The Ugly
This workshop will cover the first half of a two part learning experience that helps participants understand the crucial connection between the quality of our communication and our workplace culture. Included in the workshop will be a model for effectively engaging in difficult conversations and an overview of several “out of bounds” behaviors that will make any workplace a challenging place to be successful. The workshop will have hands on participation as well as practical application.
10am–12noon HORT 5005 Laurel Jones
Building Your Instructional Toolbox for Students with Learning Challenges
How do you identify students who might be struggling with learning challenges? What instructional strategies can help students with
challenges related to test performance and anxiety, class participation, understanding the textbook, and following the lecture? We will bring case studies and leave time to discuss concerns you have had with your students.
10am–12noon SACW 202 Sheryl KernJones, Debra Spencer
Watsonville Center Emergency Preparation
Get basic training in CPR and Active Shooter response. The session will involve a live drill and demonstration of the AED (Automatic
Electronic Defibrillator) device on the first floor of Building A.
1–3pm WATS A150 Rachel Mayo
Tasty Bites Encore!
The Faculty Student Success group invites you to another miniconference opportunity to sample some of the great things that are going on behind closed doors (our classroom doors that is). We will have a onehour opening session entitled: “Good Goofs: Why
Mistakes Are Our Friend.” This will be followed by two concurrent one and a half hour sessions. Here are the tastes: “Take a Look at the Toolkit,” “Tales from the Faculty Consultation Network,” “How to Engage Students with Busy Lives and Distractions,” and
“Flipping the Classroom: What Does It Mean and How Could I Use It?” After the sessions are done we will top off the afternoon with great conversation, wine, and some actual tasty bites! Come for whatever tickles your fancy.
1–7pm SESNON 1803 and 1804 Vicki Fabbri, Michael Mangin
Connect with CCC Confer
Learn how to use webinar technology to meet online or teach online. CCC Confer uses Blackboard Collaborate, a meeting tool that allows you to meet with your colleagues or students online to see, hear, text chat, present and share information in a collaborative
manner. Instructors can present content over the web using a form of slide show presentation, webbased chat, and streaming audio and/or video.
3–5pm 1097 Francine Van Meter
Discovery Searching
At the library, effective searching and research often leads to student success. To that end, the library has obtained a new “discovery” searching tool which offers students “nextgeneration” research techniques by combining content and technology in new ways. This flex session, designed for library faculty and staff, will present core concepts of discovery, demonstrate successful searching techniques, and will include a discussion of how discovery is applied to reference services and library instruction.
1–3pm 1051 Michelle Morton, Stephanie Staley
Spanish Program Meeting—Supporting our Students
Spanish faculty are invited to come together to receive program information, review curriculum, and discuss ways to support our
students in achieving their academic goals.
1:30–3:30pm 316
Nancy Stucker
Business, English, and Language Arts Division
Academy for College Excellence
Business, Accounting and Finance
Computer Applications and Business Technology
World Languages
Career Education and Economic Development (CEED)
Counseling & Educational Support Services Division
Accessibility Support Center (ASC)
Learning Skills
Health Athletics Wellness and Kinesiology Division
Adaptive PE
Dental Hygiene *
Health Science
Human Services
DH Tuesday, Aug 26
Medical Assistant
Nursing * Nursing Monday, Aug 25
Kinesiology/Athletics* KIN/ATH Thursday, Aug 28
Radiologic Technology
Stroke Center* SC Tuesday, Aug 26
Human Arts and Social Sciences Division
Communication Studies
ESL lab
SAC 225
SAC W 202
SAC W 202
SAC W 202
HW 2214
HW 2113
HW 2252
HW 2252
HW 2210
HW 2225
HW 2105
HW 1110
Culinary Arts & Hospitality
Early Childhood Education* ECE Thursday, Aug 28
Global Studies
Global Studies DepartmentS: Economics, Education,
History, Geography/Meteorology, Political Science
Public Safety
Library Division
Natural and Applied Sciences Division
Construction and Energy Management
Engineering Technology
Visual and Performing Arts Division
Art History
Art Photography
Art Studio
HORT 5005
HORT 5015
VAPA 1001
VAPA 1014
VAPA 2022
VAPA 2005
Digital Media
Theatre Arts
LRC 1097
VAPA 5000
VAPA 4116
Special thanks to the Staff Development Committee for their work on the Flex Calendar. Their efforts to promote professional development for all faculty and staff is greatly appreciated.
—Francine Van Meter, Chair
Marcy Alancraig
Sesario Escoto
Vicki Fabbri
Jill Gallo
John Govsky
Ian Haslam
Loree McCawley
Michael Mangin
Patrick Meyer
Sandi Moore
Sue Slater
Sylvia Winder