February 18, 2010, Room 1096, Teaching & Learning Center
Attendees: Marcy Alancraig, Chuck Smith, Sesario Escoto, Loree McCawley, John Govsky,
Sue Slater, Francine Van Meter
Staff Development Funds
There is $17,991 remaining ($1,000 additional expense for Community TV services for All
College Day) Last fall we encumbered $2,400 for Teaching Excellence Award nominee, Dan
Rothwell to attend the award ceremony.
Balance = $15,591.
Spring 2010 Flex Week Assessment
Average workshop attendance was down slightly due to increase in number of workshops
offered. There was more participation in workshops covering new topics.
Fall 2010 Flex Week
Do we want a theme-based approach for fall? The discussion seemed to center on identifying
an over-arching theme that didn’t include the usual education jargon. The theme should
inspire proposals that focus on celebrating student success, successful teaching strategies,
how people from different areas on campus work together, and maintaining a healthy and
safe environment for students to learn. This would include both instruction and services
“It Takes a Village” is the theme for fall flex week. Proposals should center on activities and
innovations that keep the village alive, running smoothly, and looking to the future. The
phrase is attributed to an African proverb essentially describing how a child’s upbringing
belongs to the community. Hillary Clinton stated, “I'm obviously not talking just about or
even primarily about geographical villages any longer, but about the network of relationships
and values that do connect us and binds us together.”
The most profound suggestion came after the meeting was adjourned. Chuck and Marcy
suggested we change All College Day to Monday. People are fresh, want to be inspired, and
it's a great way to kick off the week. The title for All College Day could be “Rock the
Village.” There was discussion about rearranging the itinerary for All College Day. Admins
would be dispersed throughout program with constituent leaders. Have a dynamic guest
speaker first. John suggested we have a raffle prize awarded at the end of the program (like
an iPod) to keep people for the entire program. This would mean moving the div/dept
meetings to Friday.
Based on feedback from spring flex, a follow up on health and safety related workshops
should be considered. Activities would be similar to the workshops on students under the
influence, emergency preparedness, and crisis response. Also, we need more on working with
Teaching & Learning Center
basic skills students in transfer classes. Include strategies to encourage learning in math,
reading and writing.
Francine will communicate with M&O on facilities issues from spring events: noisy fans in
Hort. (need a mic), and cold rooms. CCFT wants to be back in Sesnon House for PartTimers’ Breakfast.
The Committee will invite Brian King and Kristin Fabos to join us at the next meeting to talk
about All College Day.
Fall 2010 Flex Week, August 23–27, 2010
Div/Dept Day is on Thursday, All College Day on Friday
Deadline for Flex Proposals – Thursday, April 8, 2010
Remaining Staff Development Committee Spring 2010 Meeting Dates
Thursday, March 18, 3:30–5pm
Thursday, April 15, 3:30–5pm
Thursday, May 20, 3:30–5pm
All meetings in room 1096, Teaching and Learning Center