September 23, 2010, Room 1096, Teaching & Learning Center
Attendees: Sue Slater, Loree McCawley, Marcy Alancraig, John Govsky, Chuck Smith,
Francine Van Meter
The Fall Flex Week evaluation spreadsheet was reviewed. Three workshop presenters did
not return their evaluation packets. They did however submit attendance numbers via
phone or email. As one would expect for peer evaluations, the ratings were favorable.
There was discussion about events that could be categorized as workplace training. (e.g.
sexual harassment, emergency preparedness, diversity in hiring) The committee talked
about funding issues, scheduling, delivery options, and other special considerations. Loree
will consult with the administrator/manager group about what expectations there are for
Staff Development support in light of lean budget times to support regular, on-going
campus training needs, appropriate scheduling to maximize attendance, potential for
technology-media delivery, and mandated training issues such as the diversity training for
members of hiring committees. Some members of the Faculty Senate expressed concern
over using class time for emergency training. The Staff Development Committee wants to
be informed on how these issues will be addressed and what role, if any, the committee will
play in funding/scheduling events during flex week or approving flex credit for other times
throughout the year.
Francine mentioned the Board requested a Faculty and Staff Development Study Session.
Renée and Francine will put together a presentation. Committee members expressed their
hopes the Board will respect our self-governance in setting the theme for flex week and the
workshops offered that define the culture of our campus. The nature of workshops is not
only to provide workplace training, but encourage active participation by collaborating with
a diverse faculty in a variety of settings. These less formal ways of talking to each other have
yielded interdisciplinary partnerships and sharing of instructional strategies that are not
measured on an evaluation form. Faculty regularly state the experiential nature of flex
activities helps us define our roles and responsibilities to students. There were some
interesting flex experience stories shared in the meeting and Francine suggested we video
tape short 1-2 min. vignettes at the next meeting to use for the Board presentation.
The previous college Staff Development Needs Assessment was conducted in fall 2006. Flex
evaluation forms are collected each term and ask for participant feedback on the type of
professional development activities they would like to see offered. But that only reaches
Teaching & Learning Center
those who are already participating in flex week activities. Francine will send out a copy of
the online needs assessment to committee members to review and comment on.
The committee members decided on a theme for Spring Flex Week.
“I’ve always wanted to …”
Helping students achieve their dreams.
Cabrillo College gives students a chance to dream. Some enter with no particular
educational goal, others with a roadmap to personal success. How do we measure success?
This flex week we will explore how students transformed their lives through stories of
success in and out of the classroom. (This draft was sent to Marcy for wordsmithing!)
The call for proposals will go out in October.
Fall 2010 meeting dates
Thursday, September 23, 3:30–5pm
Thursday, October 21, 3:30–5pm
Thursday, November 18, 3:30–5pm
Thursday, December 9, 3:30–5pm
All meetings in room 1096, Teaching and Learning Center