Minutes, March 20, 2014, Teaching & Learning Center
Attendees: Francine Van Meter (Chair), Sandi Moore, Sylvia Winder, Loree McCawley,
Rachel Mayo, Kathie Welch, Marcy Alancraig, Vicki Fabbri, Patrick Meyer, Michael Mangin,
Sesario Escoto, Ian Haslam, Sue Slater, Laurel Jones, Terrance Willett Absent: Jill Gallo
Finalize Flex Week Schedule
All College Day will be on Monday, August 25. Poco Marshall was notified regarding Theater
use for the rehearsal and Monday event.
Flex Certification
Cabrillo’s Flexible Calendar Certification form was recently submitted to the Chancellor’s
Office verifying our participation in the Flexible Calendar Program. We also provided a list of
topics the calendar events cover based on categories.
Staff Development Administrative Changes
The TLC Director position and TLC services now report to Rachel Mayo.
Roundtable Discussion with President Laurel Jones
Laurel thanked the committee for all the work they have done for professional
development. One of Cabrillo’s big initiatives currently is the inclusion of an institutionalized
campus-wide model for professional development hinged on outcomes related to student
success. The efforts will ensure we broaden good work. [check model used at College of the
Canyons] The vision is for a larger group to address campus professional development
issues and that group reports directly to CPC. Their charge would include developing an
annual theme, managing resources, coordinating awards, maintaining a calendar, and
archiving prof dev resources. The branches of PD would be inclusive of classified staff,
administrators, and faculty. The Flex Calendar would continue to be managed by the
Teaching and Learning Center and the members of the Staff Development Committee.
There would be a separate sub-committee for classified and for administrators. The focus of
all three groups would be personal growth, professional competencies, and
transformational learning. Potential outcomes would include:
 In house workshops based on theme
 Limited conference funding, types of conferences that benefit college
 Separate classified PD funding
 How events correlate with Student Success Plan
 Convocation hour; time and place people can meet
 Imaging first semester, pilot second semester
C:\Users\frvanmet\Documents\Staff Devel - TLC\Administrative\Minutes\SD Minutes 3-20-14.doc
Teaching & Learning Center
Staff Development Resources > select Committee Minutes and Agenda
Spring 2014 meeting dates (in room 1096)
Thursday, April 17, 3:30-5pm Flex calendar approved at this meeting.
Fall 2014 Flex Week, August 25–29, 2014
All College Day will be on MONDAY
Call for proposals begins Monday, March 24, 2014
Deadline for Flex Proposals – Monday, April 21, 2014