English Acceleration Provisional Pass

English Acceleration Provisional Pass
Procedures and Instructions for Faculty
Steps to Nominate English 255 Students for Acceleration (to jump from 255 directly to 1A):
1) IDENTIFY STUDENTS: In order to nominate a 255 student for acceleration into English 1A, it is
extremely important to speak with selected students ASAP in the semester so that students can fill
out the necessary paperwork and polish their essays for the portfolio.
2) PROVISIONAL PASSES: After students have been nominated by their instructor, the instructor
(a) have the student fill out and sign the Provisional Pass
(b) turn in the bottom half of the “Provisional Pass” to Masina Hunnicut in Admissions
and Records.
(c) Complete a&b above by November 1st for spring semester registration, and April
15th for fall registration.
3) SEND PROVISIONAL PASS TO Masina Hunnicut in A&R:
(a) Turn in signed provisional passes (signed by student and faculty)
(b) Copy of your English 255 Roster with the student(s) name(s) highlighted
4) NOMINATED STUDENTS CAN NOW REGITER FOR 1A: Following steps 1-3 above will ensure that our
students are able to register in a 1A class before these courses get filled up. (Should the student not
"accelerate," he/she will need to drop the 1A class and sign up for a 100 course instead.)
5) PORTFOLIO DUE DATE: Contact Joseph Carter or Vicky Bañales for the date when portfolios are due.
Acceleration portfolios may need to be collected early in order to conduct the blind portfolio scoring
process. It is imperative that any instructor who nominates students find out the exact date by
which to collect portfolios. It each instructor’s responsibility to do so!
6) BLIND PORTFOLIO READING: Nominated students' portfolios will be read during the ACE
Acceleration blind portfolio reading—contact Joseph Carter or Vicky Bañales for the exact date.
(a) All 255 portfolios nominated for acceleration will be scored using the 100
department portfolio rubric, (see English Dept. website for rubric).
(b) Keep in mind that the student’s portfolio would need to display some evidence of
textual analysis and critical thinking as described in our English 100 portfolio rubric
(see English Dept. website for rubric).
(c) If a 255 portfolio does not receive a passing score on the 100 rubric, then that
portfolio will be scored using the English 255 portfolio rubric (see English Dept.
website for rubric).
(d) Only one rubric or rubric score will be given to the student: students will receive the
100 rubric & score, if the portfolio passes and merits acceleration; students will
receive the 255 rubric & score, if the portfolio does not pass.
October 5, 2012