Document 13014182

Manon et Fanny Avran
il-faxxinu tat-traduzzjoni
IL-PREZenza assenti
Tul is-serata: 90min
- 22 ta’ Lulju - 8:30pm
Valeria Bianchi - Organetto
L-awturi rappreΩentati huma:
• Wjasa: “Il-Bhagawad Gita”
(tradott minn Michael Zammit
• Anon: “Beowulf”
(tradott minn Charles Briffa)
• Jean Marie G. Le Clèzio: “La roue d’eau
(Mondo et autres histories)” (tradott minn
Anthony Aquilina)
• Emily Brontè: “Wuthering Heights”
(tradott minn ÌuΩè Diacono)
• Oliver Friggieri: “Il-ÌiΩimin
li Qatt ma Jifta˙”
(tradott minn Rose Marie Caruana)
a concert of poetry
BOcca di rosa
Wednesday, 29 July - 8:30pm
Bocca di Rosa is one of the most renowned songs by Fabrizio de André.
As the singer-songwriter from Genova once said in a televised interview with
Vincenzo Mollica, his songs were ‘his way of being’. On her part, Emily
Dickinson exclaims, on finishing one of her poems: “And I am a rose!”. It is
the Rose, therefore, a metaphor for love, beauty, fragility, that joins together
two paths which at first glance are very distant from each other. To this Rose,
the Rose of poets, both have given their all with total dedication.
Lalla Bertolini - Guitar
Poems by Emily Dickinson, arranged and sung
«Comme deux gouttes d’eau»
I look at the features in her face which are identical to mine, I know that her toes
buried inside her shoes are identical to mine, I have become accustomed to smelling
my own scent on her, I hear the timbre of her voice when I hear myself speak, I see
myself in her in those instances when she is being totally herself, but at times, when
she withdraws her look as if engaged in some secret conversation with herself, I feel
suddenly surprised that I can no longer do so. Not keen to discover differences in a
lieu which cannot but accentuate differences, she becomes more and more unknown
to me, and yet, losing myself in the depths of her eyes, I feel myself moving closer to
her, or perhaps, to me.
Event duration: 60mins
17th edition of the University of Malta’s summer festival
When the festival originated in 1992, cultural events were not very numerous. Since
then Evenings on Campus has become a regular and appreciated addition to Malta’s
summer cultural life. One of the objectives has always been to involve the students,
lecturers and staff and to offer a venue to whoever felt they had a talent, whether it was
artistic or organisational. What could be more appealing to the senses than an evening
of quality performances!
Historical backdrop:
Old University Courtyard, St Paul Street
Koperattiva Kulturali
Event duration: 105mins
Songs by Fabrizio de André – which are poems
Tiziano Carone - Viola
Main sponsor:
‘Over the fence’ and ‘Some, too fragile for winter winds’ are two of the
poems by Emily Dickinson which will be sung by singer-songwriter Lalla
Bertolini. The audience will be able to enjoy songs by De André on the 10th
anniversary of his death and also the adaptations of Emily Dickinson’s poems,
arranged and sung by Lalla Bertolini.
Tickets for all events (except The Two Gentlemen of Verona)
available from Room 132, Admin Building, University of
Malta, Msida, and at the door before the performance
(Old University Courtyard, St Paul Street, Valletta).
Bookings by email:
or telephone: 2340 2043
Cover: Emily Dickinson (Amherst College Archives and Special Collections)
Meta naqraw traduzzjoni,
lil min qed naqraw,
lit-traduttur jew lill-awtur?
Is-serata hi organizzata mid-Dipartiment
tat-Traduzzjoni tal-Fakultà tal-Arti.
Din l-attività se tiffoka fuq qari ta’
traduzzjonijiet mi©juba g˙all-ewwel darba
fil-Malti. Dawn it-traduzzjonijiet, misSanskrit, IngliΩ Antik, FrançiΩ, Malti u
IngliΩ, se jkunu diskussi minn professjonisti
involuti fil-kamp tat-Traduzzjoni.
Din l-attività tinkludi wkoll preΩentazzjoni
awdjoviΩiva li takkumpanja t-testi moqrija.
MuΩika ta’ Ulrike Buhlmann.
Jintroduçi d-diskussjoni: Dr Charles Briffa.
evenings on campus
Wednesday, 5 August - 8:30pm
the art of interrupting
without leaving behind
© Anita Schiffer-Fuchs
Event duration: 90mins
The presence of absence
Wednesday, 8 July - Thursday, 6 August
In this singular art exhibition, Koperattiva Kulturali
Universitarja aims to make art socially relevant. The
photographs carry with them an aura of mourning, of the
lives lost, of villages which were extinguished, of the houses
which came down like a pack of cards. There is an absence
and the photographs capture this presence of absence of life.
‘The presence of absence’, the theme for this exhibition
and for Evenings on Campus this year is not meant to be
an exercise in voyeurism. There is no editing or montage
to amplify human suffering or the humiliation. Life was
interrupted but the reality is not edited.
Friday, 24 July - 8:30pm
The Evenings on Campus team is proud to feature the distinguished
participation this year of Patricia Duncker, Professor of Modern Literature at
the University of Manchester and critically acclaimed author, among other
well received works, of Hallucinating Foucault (1996) and Miss Webster and
Cherif (2006). She will be giving a public reading of her work on Friday, 24
July and participating in a question and answer session and book signing. Her
participation in Evenings on Campus 2009 takes place in collaboration with the
University of Malta’s Department of English and the British Council and with
the further assistance of the Department of English Students Association.
Launch of the Festival
Evenings on Campus will be launching its programme
of events with a photographic exhibition by Darrin
Zammit Lupi. The photographs portray the aftermath of
the earthquake in Abruzzo – in particular L’Aquila and
its environs - where almost 300 died and thousands are
living in tents.
Event duration: 135mins
‘The Two Gentlemen of Verona’ was probably
Shakespeare’s first play – certainly his first comedy,
and has never been produced in Malta.
Opening Night E10
Other nights E18
1 Free with 10 tickets purchased
An exhilarating account of the themes of love, fidelity versus
friendship; the notion of a girl dressing as a boy to follow
her lover, and who becomes page to that very same lover...
Does that sound familiar? Who acts as a go-between her lover
and the woman he now fancies that he loves? A wood, the
precursor to the enchanted wood in A Midsummer Night’s
Dream? They started here, in this play.
All the roles will be played by
women – a neat reversal of the
tradition in Shakespeare’s time!
Free Entrance
Saturday, 25 July - 8:30pm
The art photographs
are a documentary
of the aftermath,
they recount in
silence, without
leaving behind.
Event duration: 75mins
Karl Fiorini and his fellow musicians will keep
you glued to your seat with an imaginative and
original use of timbre, textures and energetic
rhythms. As well as Fiorini’s own compositions,
the programme includes works by Charles
Camilleri, Ruben Zahra, Witold Lutoslawski and
Paul Hindemith. The performers are:
Tatjana Chircop (Violin), Lino Pirotta (Clarinet)
and Tricia Dawn Williams (Piano).
It is set in the 1980’s: The New
Romantics movement in that decade,
the element of fantasy in dress – lace,
frills, beautiful fabrics, for men - the use
of make up by men as well as women,
all help with the blurring of the gender
and sexual identities. All this supports
the possibility of a single sex cast, where
identities are truly blurred.
10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 July
tickets online: Tel: 2122 4011 Email:
shakespeare wallah
Running time: 155mins - Rating: PG
The film’s inspiration lies behind the real-life
adventures of Felicity Kendal’s family as a travelling
theatre troupe in India during the final days of English
colonial rule. They try to uphold British tradition by
staging Shakespeare plays, but are unable to compete
with the wildly popular Bollywood film industry. The
film also traces the developing relationship between
the young ingénue Lizzie, with Sanju, a wealthy Indian
playboy. But their romance is beset by hindrances...
Thursday, 23 July - 8:30pm
Running time: 155mins - Rating: U
MACBETH (restored)
Running time: 103mins - Rating: U
Laurence Olivier delivers one of his greatest
Shakespearean performances as Hamlet. Seldom has
the tragic story of the Danish prince tortured by his
duty to his murdered father and by the guilt and fear
he feels at the prospect of revenge, been so brilliantly
portrayed. It is the tragedy of a man who thinks but
fails to act. For as long as Shakespeare is performed
this film will stand as a definitive production.
This fully restored release of Macbeth is the original
version produced and directed by Orson Welles.
From the ominous opening encounter with the
witches to the fateful marching of Birnam Wood
to Dunsinane, Welles captured the very essence of
the play. With typically expressive use of camera,
lighting and sets bordering on the surreal, he created
one of cinema’s greatest adaptations of Shakespeare.
Thursday, 30 July - 8:30pm
Thursday, 6 August - 8:30pm