Higher Chinese Theme: Lifestyles Topics: family, friends, society Role of the individual in the home and in society In this session you will: • learn some words used to talk about role of the individual in the home and society • listen for the words you have learnt • talk to others about the role of the individual in the home and society • read a short passage about role of the individual in the home and society • write a short passage about role of the individual in the home and society. Household chores –家務 Working in pairs, match the pictures to the descriptions. 1 打掃 2 清潔 3 擺碗筷 a. wash clothes b. set the table c. sweep the floor 4 熨衣服 5 洗衣服 6 洗碗 d. wash the car f. wash the dishes e. tidy up 7 洗車 8 照顧/照料/照看 g. look after children h. do the ironing The answers are… 1. 打掃 dǎ sǎo sweep the floor 2. 清潔 qīng jié tidy up (clean up) 3. 擺碗筷 bǎiwǎnkuài set the table 4. 熨衣服 yùn yī fú do the ironing 5. 洗衣服 xǐyīfú wash clothes 6. 洗碗 xǐwǎn wash the dishes 7. 洗車 xǐchē wash the car 8. 照顧/照料/照看 zhàogù/zhàoliào/zhào kàn look after children Role in the society – community involvement Working in pairs, match the characters to their descriptions. 1. 志願者 2. 義賣 scouts volunteer 3. 童子軍 4. 社區服務 selling things for charity 5. 班代表 community services class rep The answers are… 1. 志願者 zhìyuànzhě volunteer 2. 義賣 yì mài selling things for charity 3. 童子軍 tóng zǐ jūn scouts 4. 社區服務 shè qū fú wù community services 5. 班代表 bān dài biǎo class rep How well did you do? • Excellent 太棒了 • Not bad 不錯 • Need to improve 加油 Sentence structure 1 Subject +負責 + Verb + Object e.g. 在家裡,我負責洗車。 在家裡,我負責打掃 客廳。 在家裡,我負責照顧 弟妹。 Sentence structure 2 places S幫忙/幫助verbal phrases / noun 在社區,我們经常幫忙打掃社區。 在家裡,我经常幫忙做家務。 在學校,我经常幫助同學。 Assessment for learning Say the following sentences in Mandarin: 1. At home, I am responsible for the washing up. 2. My mum is responsible for the ironing. 3. At school, I like helping people. I am a class rep. 4. In the community, I am a volunteer worker. I help to sell things that have been donated. 5. I am a volunteer. I help patients in the hospital. 6. I am a scout. I like doing scout activities. Battleships game • Find an opponent. • You each draw three battleships on your sheet (do not let your opponent see where they are). • You have to guess where your opponent’s ships are. • The winner is the person who hits all their opponent’s ships first. Detailed instructions are on your sheet. Battleship game Listening and reading …我們去 了中國, 我參加了 英文志願 者隊伍。 去年 暑假 去年 寒假 前年的新年 昨天在家裡 上星期 在社區裡 上學期 在 學校裡 …我們去 了 蘇格蘭高 地,我參 加了童子 軍。 …我當了 班代表, 我覺得高 興極了。 …我幫忙 洗車了, 也幫忙洗 碗了。 ..我幫學 校做了義 賣活動, 也幫社區 打掃了。 …我幫忙 照顧了我 的弟妹, 我當了他 們的保姆。 You need to have a good attitude These three people are talking about their involvement with the community they live in. Listen carefully and answer the questions. 我參與社區服務。 我在醫院做義工, 幫助病人。 我幫忙打掃社 區。我也參加 童子軍訓練。 What do they do? Write your answers in English. 1 2 3 You will hear one girl and one boy talking about their roles in their families and communities. After you have finished listening, answer the questions that follow. • 我叫亮亮,我們家有五個人,我的爸爸,媽媽,兩個弟弟,還有我。爸爸媽媽星期一到星期五每天工作。 星期六我們全家一起外出旅遊。星期天我們全家在家裡做家務。我爸爸負責洗車,我媽媽負責洗碗和洗衣 服,我負責打掃客廳,兩個弟弟會幫爸爸洗車。 • 在家裡,我常常幫忙照顧弟弟。他們一個十歲,一個十一歲。有時,我還會幫他們做作業。 • 每個星期三晚上,我都會去參加女童子軍的活動。我們參與很多社區服務,有時是幫忙打掃衛生,有時是 幫社區辦活動。我們也常常去登山。我最喜歡的活動就是登山了,因為空氣很新鮮,風景很美麗。 • 每星期五下午,我都去醫院當義工。我喜歡幫助病人,因為我將來想當醫生。 今天在醫院看到一位老奶 奶,她沒有孩子,也沒有家人。護士請我讀故事給她聽,我讀了一個很感人的故事,她非常喜歡。我很開 心可以幫助到她。 • 我叫冬冬,我們家有三個人,我的爸爸,我的媽媽和我。我的爸爸是工程師,我的媽媽是老師。我是十六 歲的中學生。我喜歡游泳,常常去參加游泳比賽。星期六我們常常有朋友來我家。有時,我們一起爬山, 有時,我們一起騎自行車。星期天,我們會去參觀博物館或拜訪朋友。我們家的家務不多,我爸爸做飯, 我媽媽打掃衛生,吃飯時,我幫忙擺碗筷。 • 我常常在社區做志願者,也會在學校的義賣活動中幫忙。去年暑假,我參加了Tesco的赛跑,賽跑籌到的錢 是為了幫助生病的孩子。我喜歡拉大提琴,我的夢想是去非洲給沒有爸爸媽媽的孩子們演奏。 我認為音 樂是最美的,我想把最美好的音樂帶給這些沒有爸媽的孩子們。 Questions 1. What does Linaglinag’s family normally do on a Saturday? 2. What are the household chores for each individual in Liangiang’s family? 3. There are lots of community services in Liangliang’s area. Mention two of them. 4. Why does Liangliang like climbing mountains? Mention two things. 5. Why does Liangliang like helping patients? 6. What did Liangliang do for the old lady in the hospital? 7. Describe how Liangliang feels towards helping people. 8. What are Dongdong’s parents’ professions? 9. In what activity does Dongdong often participate? 10. What do Dongdong’s family do on Sundays? 11. How does Dongdong normally help at school? 12. Dongdong has entered the Tesco Great Run. What is the money raised by the run going to be used for? 13. What is Dongdong’s greatest ambition ? Read the following passage and answers the questions that follow. • 在中國,很多小孩子不太做家務,因為父母希望他們多花些時間學習,取得好成績,為將來找一份好工 作做準備。 • 在許多城市裡,大家也不太重視社區服務。因為互相都不認識,而且城市裡有很多便利的設施和服務, 所以有些人覺得沒有必要參與社區服務。 • 去年,我在社區裡幫忙照顧老人,下面是我的一次社區服務經歷。 • 在我照顧的老人中有一位是中風的老人,我叫他劉爺爺。劉爺爺的孩子都去外地打工了,家裡只有他一 個人。據醫生說,他中風的主要原因是由於年輕時喝酒喝得太多。他每天都會在家裡練習走路。我到他 家幫他打掃之後,就和他一起去散步。很多老人都不會像他這樣每天堅持鍛煉,可見他是很有毅力的。 • 我曾經問過他,為什麼要天天鍛煉,他說,這是必須的,如果不天天鍛煉,恐怕就永遠都走不動了。他 還說,自己年輕時喜歡喝酒,不知道愛惜自己的身體,不然現在也許就不會生病了。 • 當今社會上,很多年輕人從很小就開始吸煙、喝酒。他們的這些行為不但是對自己不負責任,而且對父 母和社會也是不負責任的。劉爺爺希望我不要像他一樣,在年輕時不愛惜自己的身體健康。他的這些話 對我很有教育意義。 • 參加社區服務,對我是一種鍛煉,也是一種學習。雖然今後的學業會越來越重,但是,我一定會在假期 抽出時間多參加一些類似的活動。 Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Why do many children in China not do housework at home? Do people pay much attention to community service in the cities in China? Explain why this is so. Mention two things. Whom did the author take care of last year? What did the author do with the person? Why is the person living by himself? What does the person practise every day? What did the person like to do when he was young? What did the author say that young people start to do when they are very little in today’s society? 10. What does the author think of participating in community service? 寫一次有關社區服務的經歷 Write 230 words about your experiences of community involvement. Here are some points to help you to think about what you could write, if you are not sure: • A simple introduction about yourself and your family. • How did you get involved in community service? • What is the service about? • What do you like the best about the service and why? • What have you learnt from the experience? Write an entry to a blog • Read the text on the next slide. • It was copied from a blog where some young Chinese people expressed their opinions about community involvement. • Write a follow-up entry for the blog. You could mention any opinions you may have or say whether or not you agree with the existing entries, and why. (Just write your entry on paper, you don’t need to post it on the blog.) The blog is an extended reading exercise. It is intended to introduce you to some informal language used by young Chinese people and to stimulate your reading capacity as well as to provide a practical introduction to blogs as a modern communication tool. The blog 社區服務(2009-05-17 20:40:00)標籤:雜談 • 今天,我去學校附近的社區裡做社區服務,我的職責是量血壓,這是我第一次做社區服務,也是第 一次給別人量血壓,所以有點激動,再加上天氣熱,還沒等到開始做事,我就已經汗流滿面了。 • 第一個光顧的人是位老伯,我跟他聊了幾句,幫他測好血壓,他竟然誇我做事俐落,還說我一定很 能幹。剛一開始就受到表揚,我開心得不得了,整個下午都心情愉快。 • 每量完一個人,我都會囑咐他們平時要注意飲食,適量運動,保持好心情,並解答她們的問題。有 一個老奶奶說她關節經常會痛,睡眠也不好,我突然想起上課的時候老師說過血脂高會導致皮膚癢 ,關節痛的症狀,我就問她之前有沒驗過血脂,血脂高不高,她說高,於是我就跟她說,她關節痛 可能是因為血脂高,並叫她去看一下醫生,她說已經看過了,醫生還開了藥。她從包裡掏出幾種藥 給我看,問我是什麼藥,雖然我藥理學學得不好,但是這個時候可不能說不會,只好邊看說明說邊 ,硬著頭皮講給她聽,不過也說得頭頭是道,呵呵,她也聽得很認真,還引來了幾個人來圍觀,有 一個人還叫我寫了老奶奶吃的那個降血脂的藥名給他,說可以試試,可能是我講的聽起來很專業, 所以他們都相信我,當我是醫生,當時我真的很有成就感,被人信任和感謝的感覺真好。 • 不過天公不作美,正當我狀態超級好的時候,下起了大雨。我拿好東西就跑到涼亭那裡避雨,不過 這時候涼亭裡已經有很多人了,我只能擠在外面,被雨淋濕了一點點,這時剛好被之前的那位老奶 奶看到,她立刻叫其他人讓開一下,好讓我進去,讓我再次感到幫助人後,被人感恩時的那種幸福 感,真的謝謝那位老奶奶,你讓我燃起了人生的責任感和醫生的神聖感,希望你身體健康,安享晚 年!! • 感謝這次活動,讓我體會到了幫助別人的樂趣,也激發了我好好學習的熱情!!! http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_1595641550_0_1.html hao Assessment for learning My learning log 1. To be able to talk about role of the individual in the home and society. Done? When? 2. To be able to listen to information about role of the individual in the home and society. Done? When? 3. To be able to read short passages about role of the individual in the home and society. Done? When? 5 To be able to write about the role of the individual in the home and society. Done? When? 6 Words I need to remember from this section: