NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Chinese Languages Education and Work – Careers Teacher’s Notes Simplified Mandarin [HIGHER] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by Learning and Teaching Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledges this contribution to the National Qualifications support programme for Chinese Languages. © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 This resource may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. 2 EDUCATION AND WORK: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 Contents Introduction 4 Answers to activities Unit 1: Listening and speaking Task 1: Listening 5 Unit 2: Listening and writing Task 1: Listening 7 Unit 3: Listening and speaking Task 1: Listening Task 2: Language points 9 11 Unit 4: Listening and writing Task 1: Listening 12 EDUCATION AND WORK: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 3 INTRODUCTION Introduction This resource has been developed to support the delivery of Higher Chinese Languages. The material contains four units of work covering the topic careers within the theme of education and work. The resource covers both topic development areas: job intentions and aspirations and employment issues. The aim of this material is to develop learners’ different skills in Chinese languages (listening, speaking and writing) and also to develop cultural awareness of life in China. Each unit comprises: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. learning objectives to enable students to track their own progress and take responsibility for their learning. listening activities comprising a downloadable audio file, questions in the student workbook and transcripts for the listening recordings. The transcripts can also be used as reading materials. word lists to support learners to complete tasks whilst adding to their Chinese language vocabulary. speaking and writing activities with questions to prompt discussion. an opportunity for learners to be involved in self -assessment on completion of each unit. It is at the discretion of teachers how to use the various activities to support learning in their establishment. You may wish to conduct the activities in a different order or to adapt activities to meet the needs of individual learners . Learners should be fully involved in the learnin g process and have responsibility for their progress and development. Where appropriate learners should be encouraged to engage in self and peer assessment, based on agreed success criteria. This resource will support the requirements of Curriculum for Ex cellence as it develops successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It provides opportunities to underpin and enrich learning in many other curriculum areas, including literacy across learning and skills for work. By supporting learners as they prepare for and participate in listening and talking activities, teachers can provide opportunities for students to develop confidence and interpersonal skills. 4 EDUCATION AND WORK: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES Answers to activities Unit 1: Listening and speaking Task 1: Listening Zhang Fei, a 22-year-old university student in China, talks about his job intention after graduation from university. F: M: 你学的是什么专业? 我主修商务英语专业, 还辅修了工商管理专业。 F: M: 你喜欢自己的专业吗? 我很喜欢商务英语专业, 因为可以学到很多有关外贸的知识和提高英语 水平。而工商管理专业可以增加我对管理方面的知识。我觉得两个专 业结合得很好。 F: M: 你什么时候大学毕业呢? 我今年六月份毕业。 但是我从一月份就开始找工作了,因为很多公司 很早就开始招聘新职员。 F: M: 你希望毕业后去哪里工作? 我比较想去大城市工作,例如,北京,上海,广州和深圳。因为在大 城市机会比较多,更有个人发展的空间。 F: M: 那些城市离家远吗? 是远一点。但是我认为自己还年轻,应该去闯一下,见识多一点。 F: M: 你父母对你工作的地点有什么看法? 我父亲很赞成我的想法;但是母亲希望我不要离家太远。 F: M: 你通过什么途径找工作呢? 我主要通过网络。现在资讯发达,很多单位把招聘广告贴在主要的招 聘网站,如,。也有大公司把招聘广告贴在自 己的网站,如美国花旗银行。我也打算去一些大型的招聘会看看。 EDUCATION AND WORK: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 5 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITES F: M: 听说参加招聘会的费用不贵? 其实招聘会的入场费是不贵的,一般是二十元左右。但是因为招聘会 都在大城市,那么要算上住宿的费用,旅费和其它的费用,加起来要 几百元。 Now listen to conversation and answer the questions below . 1. What are Zhang Fei’s main courses in university? Business English and business management. 2. Zhang Fei likes his main courses very much. Why? List one reason for each subject. Business English: learns a lot of foreign trade knowledge/improves English Business management: increases management knowledge. 3. When did Zhang Fei start to look for a job? Why? January, because many companies start recruitment early. 4. Where does Zhang Fei want to work? List two reasons for this choice. In a big city, because more opportunities and more space to develop individual performance. 5. Why does Zhang Fei want to work far away from home? Because he wants to experience life and learn more when he is young. 6. What are his parents’ opinions about him working far away from home? Father agrees, but mother doesn’t want him to be too far away. 7. What resources does Zhang Fei use to look for a job? List two. Internet/company websites/job fairs 8. How much is the entrance fee to a job fair? About 20 yuan. 9. How much does it cost to attend a job fair? What are the expenses? List two expenses. A few hundred yuan. Accommodation fees/travel expense. 6 EDUCATION AND WORK: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES Unit 2: Listening and writing Task 1: Listening Mr Li, a human resource manager in an international company, is interviewed by a journalist about what factors he considers when he recruits an employee. F: M: 贵公司主要招聘什么专业的人才? 我公司主要招聘管理人才, 同时也招聘文秘方面的人才。 F: M: 贵公司招聘时看重的是应聘者的哪些能力? 我公司看重的是应聘者的专业知识和与人沟通的能力。因为在公司讲 求的是团队合作,所以沟通能力也是很重要的。 F: M: 贵公司是怎样考核应聘者的能力? 我公司首先看应聘者的简历,了解应聘者的专业背景和工作经验;其 次通过应聘者工作的单位了解其工作能力;最后通过本公司的测试, 考核应聘者的沟通能力。 F: M: 贵公司会安排岗前培训吗? 会。我公司提供为期一个月的岗前培训。 F: M: 培训的重点是什么? 培训针对公司的产品背景, 企业文化, 团队合作等方面。新员工通过培 训后,通常能顺利上岗。 F: M: 贵公司对加班的员工,有补贴吗? 我公司一般不要求员工加班。对于由于特殊原因,一定要加班的员工 ,我公司有加班工资. F: M: 贵公司对节日放假的执行情况怎样? 我公司按照国家规定的假期安排员工放假。 对于公共假期要加班的员 工,公司给予相应的加班费用。 F: M: 如果发现员工工作能力不符合要求,贵公司有什么措施? 我公司会通过职业培训来帮助员工。但是如果员工还是不能胜任,我 公司考虑把该员工调到其他的部门。 EDUCATION AND WORK: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 7 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITES Now listen to the conversation and answer the questions below. 1. What specialists does his company look for? Manager and administrator 2. What does his company look for in candidates? Subject knowledge and communication ability 3. How does his company evaluate the candidates’ capabilities? (Choose one of the following which is not mentioned) A. B. C. D. Read CVs to know the working experience and major background of candidates. Contact previous employer to find out the capabilities of the candidate. Ask candidate questions and make decision. Hold internal tests to evaluate communication ability. 4. How long does the pre-work/induction training last? One month 5. What is the focus of the training? List two points on which the training focuses. Product knowledge/company culture/team work 6. How does his company view working over-time? Staff are not normally required to work over-time. 7. What will the employee get if he/she has to work over -time? Extra money. 8. What is his company’s policy regarding public holidays? They give holidays according to the law. 9. What does his company do if the employee is not competent in the job? Training or transfer to another department. 8 EDUCATION AND WORK: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES Unit 3: Listening and speaking Task 1: Listening Liu Yu is talking about her experience of finding a job after graduation. 大学毕业后, 我在北京一家私人工厂做销售助理。我算是很幸运的,因为我 一毕业就找到工作。我的很多同学到现在还没有找到工作呢。2009 年中国 的大学生毕业人数约有六百多万, 能顺利找到工作的只有大约 56%。在找 工作的时候,我主要是找适合自己专业的,工资能维持基本生活就好。我认 为第一份工作最重要的是积累工作经验和建立人际关系。我觉得在找工作的 时候,不公平的待遇是有的。例如,第一, 学历歧视:有的公司根据不同的 学历,把简历分开放;第二, 性别歧视:有的公司比较喜欢男同学,不太喜 欢女同学;第三, 外貌歧视:成绩优异,但相貌一般的,或女生身材较胖的 ,都直接被拒。但是我们都知道,选择权在招聘公司手上,所以很多人选择 沉默。当然, 也有一部分同学选择出国留学,希望可以通过在国外学习,接 触不同的文化,增加竞争能力。但是,能够出国读书的人毕竟不多,因为需 要大量的资金。对于一般的人来说,只能面对国内激烈的竞争。 EDUCATION AND WORK: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 9 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITES Answer the questions below after listening to the short passage. 1. What is Liu Yu’s first job after graduation fro m university? Marketing assistant/marketing assistant in a private factory 2. Why does Liu Yu feel lucky? Because she found her job after graduation while many others still can’t find a job. 3. How many students graduated from university in China in 2009? About 6 million 4. How many graduates found jobs? About 56% 5. What points did Liu Yu have in mind when she was trying to find a job? 1. She wanted a job relevant to her degree. 2. Salary which would cover basic living costs. 6. What, according to Liu Yu, is most important in a first job? Get working experience and build up social networks/meet more people. 7. List two factors where a graduate can experience unfairness or discrimination when looking for a job. Degree-related unfairness/gender/appearance 8. Why do some students choose to study abroad? To learn about a different culture and increase their competitiveness. 9. Why can’t many people go abroad to study? Because it requires a lot of money. 10 EDUCATION AND WORK: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES Task 2: Language points Over to you Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. ___a___电话,你可以与朋友聊天。 a. 2. 一般 c. 毕竟 一 b. 不 c. 就 每天 早上, 奶奶___c___去公园锻炼身体。 a. 4. b. 她___a___出门,电话___c___响了。 a. 3. 通过 同时 b 毕竟 c. 一般 妈妈原谅了我,___c___我是她的孩子。 a. 一般 b. 不 c. 毕竟 EDUCATION AND WORK: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 11 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITES Unit 4: Listening and writing Task 1: Listening Miss Lin, who works for a university career service, talks about employment issues. M: 你觉得大学生在找工作的时候,他们考虑什么? F: 他们会考虑两个方面:物质条件和发展机会。 M: 大学生对就业的地域看重吗? F: 是的。大学生对就业的地域十分看重。他们首先选择去经济比较发达 地区,如东部和东南部;他们不愿意去人才短缺的西部。 M: 今年就业情况如何? F: 今年大学生就业情况并不乐观。主要是因为全球经济环境不理想,所 以很多毕业生还没有找到合适的工作。 M: 政府有什么措施帮助毕业生就业? F: 政府推出了一系列措施希望解决毕业生的就业问题。 例如鼓励和支持 毕业生创业, 建议毕业生到农村工作,和鼓励继续读研究生。 M: 你对研究生去卖猪肉的情况有什么看法? F: 我认为研究生卖猪肉没什么不好的。卖猪肉也是份工作,而且从低做 起,学到很多东西。研究生去申请这样的工作,体现了现在学生的心 理和思想的成熟。 M: 你对大学生选择职业时有什么建议? F: 我建议大学毕业生转变就业观念和就业心态。要对就业市场情况和对自 己的工作期望进行正确的评估。 12 EDUCATION AND WORK: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES Now listen to the conversation and answer the questions below . 1. List two factors that university graduates might consider when they choose a job. Materials element and professional development opportunity. 2. What areas are graduates’ first choices? East and south-east China 3. Which area has a shortage of graduates? The west part of China. 4. What is the employment situation for graduates this year? Why? Not very positive, because of bad global economic envi ronment. 5. The government has some policies to help graduates to find employment. List two of these policies. Encourage graduates to set up business/suggest graduates work in village/encourage graduates to continue studying. 6. What does Miss Lin think of the case where a postgraduate applies for a job selling pork? Nothing wrong with it/can learn a lot from low-level job/mature attitude. 7. What are Lin’s suggestions for graduates? List three suggestions. Change job thoughts and thinking status/assess work expectations correctly/assess market situation correctly. EDUCATION AND WORK: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 13