CERTIFICATE IN FOUNDATION STUDIES 2015 - 2016 Semester 2 Humanities & Commerce TIME 08:00 - 09:00 09:00 -10:00 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY FST0112 - English Writing Skills 2 (EW) GW156 FST0112 - English Writing Skills 2 - ( EW) GW156 FST0428- Introduction to Management (BM) GW154 FST0110 - English Reading Skills 2 (TUTORIAL) - (PL) GW205 FST0112 - English Writing Skills 2 TUTORIAL (EW) GW114 FST0110 - English Reading Skills 2 - (PL) GW156 FST0568 - English Listening and Speaking 2 (ON'S) GW114 FST0266 - Introduction to Marketing (BM) GW154 FST0110 - English Reading Skills 2 (TUTORIAL) - (PL) GW205 FST0332- An Introduction to the History of Europe 2 (IG) GW156 FST0574 - Maths for Commerce 2 (JS) MP216 FST0110 - English Reading Skills 2 - (PL) GW156 10:00 -11:00 FST0112 - English Writing Skills 2 - TUTORIAL (EW) GW114 FST0569 - English:Integrated FST0568 - English Listening and Speaking 2 (ON'S) Skills in English 2 GW205 (AB) GW154 FST0427- Mediterranean History & Culture (IG) GW257 FST0569 - English Grammar & Integrated Skills 2 (EW) GW205 11:00 -12:00 12:00 -13:00 FST0574 - Maths for Commerce 2 (JS) MP216 FST0569 - English Grammar & FST0511 - Research & Reasoning FST0511 - Research & Integrated Skills 2 (EW) - Joint Class with MFP and Science FST0574- Maths for Commerce Reasoning - Joint Class with MFP 2 (JS) GW205 Foundation and Science Foundation (Mr.Omar N`Shea + Mr. Arthur (Mr.Ed Wilkinson + Mr. Arthur MP216 Bezzina) Bezzina) MP401 LC216 FST0574-Maths for Commerce 2 (JS) MP216 13:00 -14:00 FST0550 - Introduction to Psychology (PP & SG) GW105 FST0569 - English Grammar & Integrated Skills 2 (TUTORIAL) FST0569 - Integrated Skills in (EW) English 2 (AB) GW205 GW154 FST0321- Decolonisation:The Aftermath of World War 1 (FC) GW307 14:00 -15:00 ACC0265 - Basic Cost Accounting (GV) GW207 FST0570 - English for Specific Purposes 2 (Humanities) - (PL) GW256 FST0449 - Activity-based Costing, Budgeting and Budgetary Control (GV) GW257 FST0433- French for Adult Beginners II (SM) GW257 FST0570 - English for Specific Purposes 2 (Commerce) (AB) GW154 FST0575 - Themes in Western Political Philosophy (MG) GW257 ACC0265 - Basic Cost Accounting (GV) GW207 15:00 -16:00 FST0217 - An Introduction to Macroeconomics (EM) GW164 FST0322 -The Cold War (EP) GW307 16:00 -17:00 FST0331 - Conflicts in Balkans and the Middle East (EP) GW307 FST0217 - An Introduction to Macroeconomics (EM) GW164 FST0449 - Activity-based Costing, Budgeting and Budgetary Control (GV) GW257 FST0433- French for Adult Beginners II (SM) GW257 FST0218 - Ecomonic Objectives and Issues (EM) GW307 FST0218 - Ecomonic Objectives and Issues (EM) GW307 15/12/15-CAG finalised:27/1/16 -CAG