NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Course: Mathematics Advice and Guidance for Staff Level: Higher March 2016 This advice and guidance has been produced to support the profession with the delivery of courses which are either new or which have aspects of significant change within the new national qualifications framework. The advice and guidance provides suggestions on approaches to learning and teaching. Staff are encouraged to draw on the materials for their own part of their continuing professional development in introducing new national qualifications in ways that match the needs of learners. Staff should also refer to the course and unit specifications and support notes which have been issued by the Scottish Qualifications Authority. Acknowledgement © Crown copyright 2016. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit or e-mail: Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to us at This document is also available from our website at 2 MATHEMATICS (HIGHER) © Crown copyright 2016 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS Advice and guidance for practitioners Mathematics is important in everyday life, allowing us to make sense of the world around us and manage our lives. Using mathematics enables us to model real-life situations and make connections and informed predictions. It equips us with the skills we need to interpret and analyse information, simplify and solve problems, assess risk and make informed decisions. The course aims to: motivate and challenge learners by enabling them to select and apply mathematical techniques in a variety of mathematical situations develop confidence in the subject and a positive attitude towards further study in mathematics and the use of mathematics in employment deliver in-depth study of mathematical concepts and the ways in which mathematics describes our world allow learners to interpret, communicate and manage information in mathematical form; skills which are vital to scientific and technological research and development deepen learners’ skills in using mathematical language and exploring advanced mathematical ideas. MATHEMATICS (HIGHER) © Crown copyright 2016 3 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS Area of mathematics Applying geometric skills to vectors Learning and teaching approaches Learners will already have been introduced to twoand three-dimensional vectors at National 5. They should be familiar with adding and subtracting, and using directed line segments and components. They should also be able to calculate the magnitude of a vector. Revise above and introduce position vectors. Applying is the ability to use existing information to solve a problem in a different context, and to plan, organise and complete a task. Learners could be encouraged to think about how they are going to tackle problems, decide which skills to use and then carry out the calculations in order to complete the task. To determine a learner’s level of understanding, learners could be encouraged to show and explain their thinking. Staff are encouraged to promote learning and understanding through interactive activities using a variety of real-life contexts. It is essential that learners are provided with opportunities to link their learning across different contexts. Exemplification Learners’ skills should be developed so that they can: determining the resultant of vector pathways in three dimensions work with collinearity determining the co-ordinates of an internal division point of a line use the scalar product use unit vectors i, j, k as a basis. TES also provides a range of activities for two- and three-dimensional vectors. National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM): Requires login It’s all in the detail: a detailed account of the use of vectors in computer-aided design: 4 MATHEMATICS (HIGHER) © Crown copyright 2016 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS Using recurrence relations to increase understanding of mathematical modelling Recurrence relations are a great topic for showing the importance of mathematics in real life, for example modelling the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, population increases and decreases, or concentrations of drugs in a patient. This can link in with current events, for example decreasing bee populations or climate change. Analysing and evaluating is the ability to identify and weigh up the features of a situation or issue and use your judgement of them in coming to a conclusion. It includes reviewing and considering any potential solutions. Staff are encouraged to promote learning and understanding through interactive activities using a variety of real-life contexts. Learners’ skills should be developed so that they can: determine a recurrence relation from given information use a recurrence relation to calculate a required term find and interpret the limit of a sequence, where it exists. TES also identifies some practice in this area of mathematics: Further reading can be found here: Recurrent chaos: How to add up quickly: a detailed account of the use of recurrence relations: MATHEMATICS (HIGHER) © Crown copyright 2016 5 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS Using logarithmic and exponential functions Opportunities for staff and learners to explore, research and investigate data and its representation. Higher-order thinking can be developed through high-level questioning. Learning and teaching of logarithms and exponentials provides opportunities for interdisciplinary contexts to be used. There are many applications in science, for instance decibel scale for sound, Richter scale for earthquake magnitude, acidity and pH. Learners’ skills should be developed so that they can: identify and sketch related functions manipulate algebraic expressions using the laws of logarithms and exponentials solve logarithmic and exponential equations. TES also identifies some practice in this area of mathematics: Further video exemplification can be found here: Further reading can be found here: Have we caught your interest? A detailed account of the use of logarithms: 6 MATHEMATICS (HIGHER) © Crown copyright 2016 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS Integrating polynomial and simple trigonometric functions Integration is often introduced as the reverse Learners’ skills should be developed so that they can: process to differentiation, and has wide applications, integrate an algebraic function which is, or can for example in finding areas under curves and be, simplified to an expression of powers of x volumes of solids. integrate functions of the form Anti-differentiation is one way to introduce f(x) = (x + q)n, n ≠ –1 integration. Learners should understand that each process is the inverse of the other, and that this will f(x) = (px + q)n, n ≠ –1 help them to check their answers for accuracy. f(x) = pcosx and f(x) = psinx Learners should be aware of the importance of the f(x) = pcos(qx + r) and f(x) = psin(qx + r) constant of integration when limits are not given or solve differential equations using integration cannot be found. They should also appreciate that a use integration to calculate definite integrals: constant can be taken outside the integral, and that in some cases this may ease the process of calculate definite integrals of polynomial integration. functions with integer limits Where appropriate or possible learners should calculate definite integrals of functions experience practical applications and contexts, which with limits which are radians, surds or may also link to other curricular areas. fractions. Further video exemplification can be found here: - Glow login required MATHEMATICS (HIGHER) © Crown copyright 2016 7 USEFUL WEBSITES Useful websites BBC Skillswise Khan Academy Twig Plus Maths TES Resources Wild Maths National Centre of Excellence in Mathematics HSN Scholar SQA DESMOS 8 MATHEMATICS (HIGHER) © Crown copyright 2016