PRE­LAW LIBRARY The following books are available for check out from the K‐State Pre‐Law Advising Office, 112 Eisenhower Hall "1 L of a RIDE" A Well­Traveled Professor's Roadmap to Success in the First Year of Law School/Andrew J McClure "Academic Legal Writing" Law Review Articles, Student Notes, Seminar papers / Eugene Volokh "America's Greatest Places to Work With a Law Degree" / Kimm Alayne Walton, J.A. "Best 174 Law Schools 2009 Edition" / The Princeton Review "BRANDEIS" An intimate biography of one of America's truly great Supreme Court Justices/Lewis J Paper "CAREERS in LAW" / Gary A. Munneki "CAREERS in NATURAL RESOURCES and ENVIRONMENTAL LAW" / Percy R. Luney, JR "CAREERS in SPORTS LAW" ABA / Kenneth L. Shropshire, Esq. "CASE ANALYSIS and FUNDAMENTALS of LEGAL WRITING"/ Wm P. Statsky & R. John Wernet, Jr. "CHOOSING a CAREER in the LAW" / Dena O. Rakoff "DECONSTRUCTING LEGAL ANALYSIS" A 1L Primer / Peter Wendel "ESSAYS That WORKED FOR LAW SCHOOLS" 35 essays / Edited by Boykin Curry "Getting to Maybe" ­ How to Excel on Law School Exams / Richard Michael Fischl & Jeremy Paul "GOING TO LAW SCHOOL?" Readings on a Legal Career / Thomas Ehrlich & Geoffrey Hazard, Jr "HOW TO GET INTO LAW SCHOOL" Susan Estrich "How to Get Into the Top Law Schools" ­ Richard Montauk, J.D. 2001 (1­A) "How to Get Into the Top Law Schools" ­ Richard Montauk, J.D. 4th Edition (2­A) "IVY BRIEFS" True Tales of a Neurotic Law Student/ Martha Kimes "JUSTICE What's the Right Thing To Do? / Michael J Sandel "LAW SCHOOL COMPANION" The Princeton Review "LAW SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL" / Robert H. Miller "Law School Essays that Made a Difference" 2nd Edition / The Princeton Review "LAW SCHOOL LABYRINTH" / Steven R Sedberry, Esq. "LEGAL EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT" An Educational Continuum "LEGAL WRITING" / Amanda Martinsek, Esq. "LIBERTY and JUSTICE for All" Public Interest Law in the 1980's & Beyond/Nan Aron "MAKING IT and BREAKING IT" The Fate of Public Interest Commitment during Law School/Robert V. Stover "Nonlegal Careers for Lawyers" ­ ABA Career Series 5th Edition "NONLEGAL CAREERS for LAWYERS" 3rd Edition ABA /Gary A Munneke & Wm D. Henslee "ONE L" Scott Turow (1­A) "ONE L" Scott Turow (2­A) "PLAIN ENGLISH for LAWYERS" fifth edition / Richard C. Wydick "PLANET LAW SCHOOL" What You Need to Know (Before you Go)..but Didn't Know to Ask / Atticus Falcon, Esq. "READING LIKE A LAWYER" Time­Saving Strategies for Reading Law Like an Expert/Ruth Ann McKinney "SCALIA DISSENTS" Writings of the Supreme Court's Wittiest,Most Outspoken Justice/ Kevin Ring "Should You Really Be a Lawyer?" The Guide to Smart Career Choices Before, During, & After Law School "SUCCEEDING IN LAW SCHOOL" second edition / Herbert N. Ramy "The BEST LAW SCHOOLS" Admission Secrets / Joyce Putnam Curll "THE HAPPY LAWYER" Making a Good Life in the Law/ Nancy Levit & Douglas Linder "The Handbook to Building a Better World" /Stephanie Land "The IVEY GUIDE to LAW SCHOOL ADMISSIONS" / Anna Ivey "THE LAWYER MYTH­A Defense of the American Legal Profession" / Rennard Strickland & Frank T Read "THE LAWYER'S CAREER CHANGE HANDBOOK" 300 + Things you Can Do With A Law Degree / Hindi Greenberg "The Official Guide to Legal Specialties"‐An Insider's guide to every major practice area/ Lisa L Abrams, J.D. "TOP LAW SCHOOLS" The Ultimate Guide­ / Bruce S, Stuart & Kim D. Stuart, Esq "Ultimate Guide to Law Schools" Anne McGrath & the staff USNews & World Rport / 3rd Edition 2008 "ULTIMATE PUNISHMENT" A Lawyers Reflection on Dealing with the Death Penalty / Scott Turow "WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH A LAW DEGREE?" 5th Edition / Deborah Arron "WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH A LAW DEGREE?" Deborah Arron "What Every Law Student Really Needs to Know"An intro to the Study of Law /Tracey George & Suzanna Sherry 10 Actual, Official LSAT PrepTests ( 2 ­ A) 10 Actual, Official LSAT PrepTests (1 ­ A) ABA­LSAC Official Guide to ABA Approved Law Schools 2010 Edition Cracking the LSAT 2010 Edition / THE PRINCETON REVIEW KAPLAN LSAT 2011 Strategies, Practice & Review / Everything You Need To Score Higher! KAPLAN LSAT PREMIER 2010­2011 Edition Featuring Real, Official LSAT questions. 5 practice tests LSAT Book of Official Tests /CAMBRIDGE Ed. Services ­ 4 LSAT Tests (1­A) LSAT Book of Official Tests /CAMBRIDGE Ed. Services ­ 4 LSAT Tests (3­A) LSAT Book of Official Tests /CAMBRIDGE Ed. Services ­ 4 LSAT Tests (4­A) LSAT Book of Official Tests /CAMBRIDGE Ed. 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