WETLANDS, Vol. 25, No. 3, September 2005, pp. 667–674 q 2005, The Society of Wetland Scientists SHORT-TERM RESPONSE OF WETLAND BIRDS TO PRESCRIBED BURNING IN RAINWATER BASIN WETLANDS Elisabeth K. Brennan1, Loren M. Smith1, David A. Haukos2, and Theodore G. LaGrange3 1 Wildlife and Fisheries Management Institute MS 2125 Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas, USA 79409-2125 E-mail: e.brennan@ttu.edu U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service MS 2125 Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas, USA 79409-2125 2 Nebraska Game and Parks Commission P.O. Box 30370 Lincoln, NE, USA 68503-0370 3 Abstract: Prescribed burning is often used in wetlands to remove plant litter, decrease woody or invasive species, and increase use by wetland birds. However, little is known about the within-season, short-term response of wetland birds to prescribed burning, especially during spring migration. We surveyed use of 19 burned and 19 unburned (reference) wetlands by migratory birds in the Rainwater Basin region of Nebraska, USA during three spring migrations, 2002–2004. We calculated the change in avian abundance and species richness, as well as generating the Sørenson’s similarity index for burned and reference wetlands in the weeks immediately before and after burning. We compared Sørenson’s index values and percent change in abundance and species richness between burned and reference wetlands using an analysis of covariance with week and wetland area as covariates to account for migration chronology and differences in the area of experimental units. Following removal of effects due to wetland area and week, burning had no effect on the percent change in avian abundance and species richness. Sørenson’s index also did not differ between burned and reference wetlands. Prescribed burning did not improve use of wetlands by migratory birds in the short term. Understanding the immediate and long-term effects of prescribed burning on migratory avian abundance, species richness, and community composition is imperative for management decisions. Key Words: avian community, burning, management, migration, Rainwater Basin INTRODUCTION stopovers often function as geographic bottlenecks; entire populations within a flyway can be affected by the quality and quantity of available wetland habitat at stopover sites (Myers 1983). Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the effects of prescribed burning on avian habitat use of wetlands during migration. Rainwater Basin (RWB) wetlands in Nebraska, USA provide essential spring stopover sites to migratory wetland birds in the Central Flyway and have been identified as containing waterfowl habitat of major concern by the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP; Gersib et al. 1992). Five to seven million waterfowl pass through the RWB region each spring, including virtually all of the 250,000 midcontinent greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons) (Krapu et al. 1995, Haukos 2003), 500,000 Canada Prescribed burning is a commonly used management technique to remove plant litter, decrease woody or invasive species, facilitate prescribed grazing (intentional use of grazing to modify vegetative communities), and alter plant species composition in wetlands, with the ultimate goal of improving wildlife habitat (Singleton 1951, Schlichtemeier 1967, Smith and Kadlec 1986, Kirby et al. 1988). Burning in wetlands has been shown to influence avian community composition, as well as relative avian abundance in breeding and wintering areas (Kantrud 1986, Herkert 1994, Gabrey et al. 1999). However, little is known about the effects of prescribed burning in wetlands on birds during migration (Kirby et al. 1988). Migratory 667 668 and cackling geese (Branta canadensis L. and B. hutchinsii Richardson), 50% of the mid-continental mallard population (Anas platyrhynchos), and 30% of the continental northern pintail (A. acuta) population (Gersib et al. 1992). Although less is known about use of RWB wetlands by non-waterfowl species, the wetlands provide habitat for 38 shorebird species (Jorgensen 2004) and the endangered whooping crane (Grus Americana L.) (Farrar 1986). This common dependence among migratory birds on wetlands within the RWB region has hemispheric implications for migratory bird conservation and management (Myers 1983, Skagen and Knopf 1993). The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) RWB Management District manages Waterfowl Production Areas in south-central Nebraska with the goal of providing resting, feeding, and staging habitat for waterfowl and other migratory wetland birds during spring migration. The USFWS conducts prescribed burns in wetlands to reduce the occurrence of late successional and non-native (introduced) vegetation and provide optimal feeding and loafing habitats for migratory waterfowl, whooping cranes, and shorebirds (Drahota 2004). The USFWS typically conducts prescribed burning on approximately 25 wetlands each spring (Drahota 2004). Therefore, it is important to understand the effects that various management strategies, particularly prescribed burning, have on avian habitat use in the RWB region. Studies investigating the effects of burning on wetland birds have produced varied and contradictory results. One study that examined the long-term (.1 year) effects of prescribed burning on breeding birds found burned shrub/scrub wetlands had lower abundance and species richness than unburned wetlands (Hanowski et al. 1999). Gabrey et al. (1999) reported that prescribed burning in coastal marshes had no effect on the overall abundance of wintering birds but did alter relative abundance within specific groups, such as blackbirds (Icteridae), wrens (Troglodytidae), and sparrows (Emberizidae). Moreover, the effects of prescribed burning can depend on marsh type. For example, burning had no effect on wintering bird abundance in wetlands dominated by rushes (Juncus spp.) but did reduce bird abundance in cordgrass (Spartina spp.) dominated wetlands (Issach et al. 2004). Studies examining the effects of prescribed burning on habitat use have focused on wintering and breeding grounds, but little work has occurred on migration areas. Our objective was to determine the immediate effects of prescribed burning on abundance, species richness, and community composition of wetland birds during spring migration in the RWB region. We hypothesized that burned wetlands would have a greater positive percent change in abundance, greater positive percent change in species richness, and less similar WETLANDS, Volume 25, No. 3, 2005 bird communities following burning than unburned wetlands. We compared changes in avian abundance, species richness, and community similarity between burned and unburned (reference) wetlands of similar area and vegetation structure during spring migration. METHODS Study Area Wetlands in the RWB region are distributed among 17 counties in south-central Nebraska, USA (Figure 1). The area is characterized by flat to gently rolling loess plains, with elevations ranging from 455 m to 758 m (Gersib et al. 1989). Precipitation increases on a west-to-east gradient across the region, with far western and eastern counties receiving an average of 43 and 74 cm annual precipitation, respectively (Gilbert 1989). Most wetlands range in size from ,1 to 16 ha, although several wetlands are .400 ha. Located primarily on silt loam and silty clay loam soils, RWB wetlands are classified as playas and believed to have been originally formed by scouring due to wind (LaGrange 1997, Smith 2003). Most RWB wetlands are classified into one of three palustrine emergent wetland categories (following Cowardin et al. 1979); temporarily flooded, seasonally flooded, or semi-permanently flooded (Gersib et al. 1989). RWB wetlands are not naturally connected to ground water; thus, accumulation of water in the basins depends primarily on runoff from snowmelt and rainfall. However, irrigation runoff from crop fields and pumping by natural resource agencies contributes to flooding of some basins (Schildman and Hurt 1984). Most wetland vegetation in the RWB can be characterized as herbaceous, hydrophytic species, persisting throughout the majority of the growing season (Gersib et al. 1990). Surrounding uplands contain tall grass and mixed grass prairie ecosystems. Wetland plant communities consist primarily of species adapted to alternating wet and dry conditions (Weaver and Bruner 1954). Gilbert (1989) identified five major vegetation zones in RWB wetlands: an upland zone that includes pasture and planted prairie stands; a transition zone consisting of mesic and wet-mesic stands of grasses, sedges, and forbs; an outer marsh zone consisting of spikerush (Eleocharis spp.) and hydrophytic grasses and forbs; a persistent emergent zone; and an inner marsh zone comprised of drawdown and aquatic bed species. Prescribed Burning All prescribed burns evaluated in this study were conducted by the RWB Management District of the Brennan et al., AVIAN RESPONSE TO BURNING 669 Figure 1. Rainwater Basin wetlands are located in 17 counties in south-central Nebraska, where short-term effects of prescribed burning on avian abundance, species richness, and community similarity were evaluated during springs 2002–2004. USFWS (Drahota 2004). In an average year, 1,800 ha are burned in 25 different units by the USFWS. The Nebraska Game & Parks Commission also conducts prescribed burns on their Wildlife Management Areas; however, none of the state owned wetlands contained water at the time of burning, and therefore, none were evaluated in this study. Our study examined 19 wetlands burned in spring 2002–2004; 10 in 2002, two in 2003, and seven in 2004. Burn dates ranged from 12 March to 2 May. Conditions for burning were subjective, depending on wind direction and proximity of the wetland to a dwelling or a major road (T. Koerner, USFWS, pers. comm.). Prescribed burns were performed when wind speeds ranged from 5 to 20 km/ hour. The USFWS used a GIS (Geographic Information System) hydric soil boundary layer to estimate size of each burn within a wetland (T. Koerner, USFWS, pers. comm.). In most cases, hydric vegetation was burned to the water’s edge; however, in a few wetlands, a narrow band of vegetation surrounding the perimeter of the water was left unburned. The prominent vegetation types targeted in prescribed burning were cattail (Typha spp.), river bulrush (Schoenplectus fluviatilis Torr.), and common reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.), although reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) was also included (Drahota 2004). All burned wetlands contained water, although none were 100% full relative to the extent of hydric soils. Emergent vegetation in the water was not altered by prescribed burning. Bird Surveys We surveyed birds in each burned wetland within seven days prior to and following burning to estimate avian species richness and abundance. In addition, a matching reference wetland was surveyed during the same weeks and paired with a burned wetland to form an experimental block. We selected reference wetlands as similar in area and vegetation cover to burned wetlands as possible. Vegetation cover was based on the ratio of open water to emergent vegetation, as well as the percent of wetland vegetation consisting of perennial emergents. Week of survey was recorded to account for differential migration chronology among potential avian communities of burned wetlands. We divided daylight hours into four time intervals (sunrise0800, 0800–1200, 1200–1600, and 1600-sunset), and wetlands were surveyed during a randomly assigned time period. We surveyed wetlands by first observing the wetland from a vantage point and then visiting a set of pre-established points within the wetland. We combined point counts (within the wetland) and observations from a vantage point to obtain a better estimate of the total number of birds and species in the wetland. In some cases, birds were only visible from 670 WETLANDS, Volume 25, No. 3, 2005 the vantage point and visiting the survey points did not alter our initial counts. However, in more densely vegetated wetlands, birds were often not visible from the vantage point and could only be detected from survey points within the wetland. Survey points within the wetland also increased detectability of secretive species, such as American bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus) that could not be seen from the vantage point. To ensure consistent sampling effort, the number of points visited per wetland varied with wetland area: one point in wetlands #5 ha; two points in wetlands 5.1–25 ha; three points in 25.1–100 ha wetlands, and four points in wetlands .100 ha (Naugle et al. 2001). We visually estimated the total number of wetland birds within the wetland boundary, recorded all species present, and estimated number of each species. Any birds we observed while walking between observation points within a wetland were included in the overall count for the wetland. However, if previously counted birds flew to another part of the wetland, they were not counted again. Percent change in species richness and abundance was calculated for counts recorded prior to and following burning for each burned and associated reference wetland. Percent change was calculated by subtracting the abundance or species richness observed post-burn from the pre-burn abundance or species richness in the same wetland and dividing by pre-burn abundance or species richness. We also calculated Sørenson’s similarity index (Krebs 1999) for species occurrence recorded prior to and following burning for each burned and associated reference wetland. Sørenson’s index (Ss) was calculated Ss 5 2a 2a 1 b 1 c where a 5 number of species in both pre-burned and postburned wetlands b 5 number of species in pre-burned wetlands but not in post-burned wetlands c 5 number of species in post-burned wetlands but not in pre-burned wetlands. Data Analyses We tested for differences in wetland area between burned and reference wetlands using a student’s t-test. We used a simple linear regression to test for relationships between percent of wetland burned and percent change in abundance and percent change in species richness. We used an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to test prescribed burning effects on avian abundance, species richness, and community similarity. Week and wetland area were entered as the covariates to account for migration chronology and the speciesarea relationship (Brown and Dinsmore 1986), respectively. Burned and reference wetlands were paired as blocks, and the burning treatment was the independent variable. Dependent variables were percent change of species richness and abundance and Sørenson’s similarity index. We did not test for between year differences in percent change in abundance, species richness, and Sørenson’s index because of sample-size limitations. Data were variable and did not meet ANCOVA assumptions for normality. Therefore, we rank-transformed percent change variables (Zar 1996), and analyses were conducted on transformed variables. All analyses were conducted using SAS (SAS Institute 1990), with a 5 0.10 to evaluate all hypotheses. RESULTS Burned areas in wetlands ranged from 6.5 to 259 ha. Areas of burned and reference wetlands, based on hydric soils, ranged from 4 to 348 ha. However, actual wetted areas were much smaller, ranging from 0.5 to 209 ha. Area did not differ between burned (x̄ 5 26.76 ha, SE 5 10.59) and reference (x̄ 5 25.03 ha, SE 5 7.83) wetlands (t19 5 0.13, P 5 0.90). Over 50% of wetland area was burned in 17 of the 19 burned wetlands (USFWS, unpublished data, Kearney, NE). There were no relationships between percent of the wetland burned and percent difference in abundance (r 5 0.10; F1,16 5 0.17, P 5 0.69) or percent difference in species richness (r 5 0.11; F1,16 5 0.20, P 5 0.66). We observed 36 bird species in 76 total surveys from 17 March to 5 May 2002, 18 April to 26 April 2003, and 9 March to 2 April 2004. Mallards were the most abundant, as well as the most frequently observed species, occurring in 59 of 76 surveys (Table 1). Mallards, northern pintails, and green-winged teal (Anas crecca) were the most abundant species in burned and reference wetlands (Table 1). For both burned and reference wetlands, three species were present during initial surveys that were absent from postburn surveys (Table 1). There were six species present in burned wetlands post-burn that were not observed in initial surveys. In reference wetlands, four species were present in post-burn surveys that were not recorded in initial surveys (Table 1). Following removal of the influence of week and wetland area, percent change in relative abundance did not differ (F1,32 5 2.06, P 5 0.16) between burned and reference wetlands (Table 2). Following removal of the influence of week and wetland area, percent change in richness did not differ (F1,32 , 0.01, P 5 0.95) between burned and reference wetlands (Table 2). Mean Brennan et al., AVIAN RESPONSE TO BURNING 671 Table 1. Frequency and percent abundance of birds species in 19 burned and 19 reference wetlands for the weeks immediately prior to (initial) and following (ending) prescribed burning in wetlands in the Rainwater Basin region of south-central Nebraska, springs 20022004. Reference Burned Ending Initial Freq Anser albifrons Greater white-fronted goose (Scopoli) Chen caerulescens Snow goose (L.) Branta sp. Canada goose conplex (L.) Aix sponsa Wood duck (L.) Anas stepera Gadwall (L.) Anas americana American wigeon (Gmelin) Anas platyrhynchos Mallard (L.) Anas discors Blue-winged teal (L.) Anas clypeata Northern shoveler (L.) Anas acuta Northern pintail (L.) Anas crecca Green-winged teal (L.) Aythya americana Redhead (Eyton) Aythya collaris Ring-necked duck (Donovan) Aythya affinis Lesser scaup (Eyton) Bucephala albeola Bufflehead (L.) Lophodytes cucullatus Hooded merganser (L.) Oxyura jamaicensis Ruddy duck (Gmelin) Podilymbus podiceps Pied-billed greb (L.) Podiceps nigricollis Eared grebe (Brehm) Pelecanus erythrorhynchos American white pelican (Gmelin) Phalacrocorax auritus Double-crested cormorant (Lesson) Botaurus lentiginosus American bittern (Rackett) Ardea herodias Great blue heron (L.) Fulica americana American coot (Gmelin) Grus canadensis Sandhill crane (L.) Pluvialis dominica American golden-plover (Muller) Charadrius vociferus Killdeer (L.) Recurviostra americana American avocet (Gmelin) Tringa melanoleuca Greater yellowlegs (Gmelin) Tringa flavipes Lesser yellowlegs Calidris pusilla Semipalmated sandpiper (L.) Calidris bairdii Baird’s sandpiper (Coues) Calidris melanotos Pectoral sandpiper (Vieillot) Limnodromus sp. Dowitcher (Gmelin) Gallinago delicta Wilson’s snipe (Ord) Phalaropus tricolor Wilson’s phalarope (Vieillot) Total species percent change in abundance and species richness for burned and reference wetlands represented an overall increase in abundance and species richness between initial and ending surveys in the RWB region. Sørenson’s similarity index did not differ (F1,34 , 0.01, P 5 0.99) between burned and reference wetlands (Table 2). DISCUSSION In contradiction to our hypothesis, we found that prescribed burning had little short-term effect on rel- 2 5 1 0 5 11 15 8 9 13 13 3 2 1 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 1 4 1 0 9 0 3 4 1 3 0 2 2 1 27 % 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.4 8.8 33.7 1.0 11.3 24.6 17.5 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 Freq 2 3 1 2 8 9 15 11 8 10 15 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 6 2 0 12 0 4 5 0 3 1 3 8 1 29 % 1.4 3.4 0.6 0.1 12.9 15.3 10.4 10.9 12.5 4.6 16.8 4.6 0.9 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.7 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.5 0.3 0.0 0.7 0.4 0.1 0.7 0.0 Ending Initial Freq 2 1 1 2 7 12 14 11 12 6 10 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 8 1 3 3 1 4 0 2 0 2 27 % 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 2.3 5.9 18.7 9.1 6.2 37.8 12.5 0.2 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.4 Freq 4 3 3 1 6 7 15 12 11 6 12 1 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 1 8 0 2 4 1 4 0 3 1 2 27 % 3.4 10.1 1.2 0.1 5.6 10.8 8.2 10.7 7.3 22.8 11.7 0.0 0.8 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.5 0.3 0.4 1.3 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.4 ative abundance, species richness, or community composition of migratory wetland birds. We chose to examine avian abundance, species richness, and community composition because they are commonly used measures of wetland quality (Gersib et al. 1990, Gabrey et al 1999, Hanowski et al 1999). However, different measures of habitat quality, such as avian behavior, could also be used to evaluate the effects of prescribed burning on wetland habitat quality. Although not a strict measure of habitat quality, behavior is often used to analyze the functional role of wetland habitats and the benefits they provide (Reinecke 1981). 672 WETLANDS, Volume 25, No. 3, 2005 Table 2. Mean avian abundance, species richness, and Sorenson’s similarity index in burned wetlands (n 5 19) and paired reference wetlands (n 5 19) prior to (initial) and following (ending) burning during springs 2002-2004 in the Rainwater Basin region of Nebraska. Reference Wetland Burned Wetland Initial x̄ Abundance SE x̄ % Change in Abundance SE x̄ Species Richness SE x̄ % Change in Species Richness SE x̄ Sorenson’s index SE 1680 806 554.3 545.9 6.6 0.9 48.7 45.7 0.55 0.03 For example, Smith and Kadlec (1985) reported increased herbivory in burned portions of an inland wetland and hypothesized that preferential grazing might be the result of increased protein and nutritive quality of wetland plants after burning. We do not believe that detectability while conducting avian surveys differed between burned and reference wetlands. Given that only dry parts of the wetlands were burned and we conducted avian surveys in inundated parts of the wetland, we do not believe that detectability changed appreciably following burning in those areas of wetlands where birds were counted. In addition, if detectability varied between burned and reference wetlands or between pre- and post-burned wetlands during avian surveys, we would expect to observe more birds in a wetland post-burn (when visual obstruction was decreased) than pre-burn. This would provide a positive bias for burning treatments. However, similarity in the percent change in abundance and species richness in burned wetlands compared to reference wetlands is strong, conservative, supporting evidence that prescribed burning had little influence on avian community measures during spring migration. The lack of change in avian abundance, species richness, and community composition in wetlands immediately following prescribed burning could be the result of being in an ecosystem that has evolved in the presence of fire (Wright and Bailey 1982). Historically, fires were essential in preventing encroachment of woody plant species and maintaining the prairie grasslands that surround wetlands in the Great Plains (Wright and Bailey 1982). However, historical fires and current management practices differ in the season of burning. Lightning fires typically occurred from June to August (Wright and Bailey 1982), whereas current prescribed burns are conducted from March to May (Drahota 2004). Spring burns often fail to pro- Ending 343 178 7.8 0.9 Initial 285 138 525.9 464.9 6.4 1.0 48.9 45.3 0.52 0.09 Ending 294 99 6.5 0.8 duce sufficient heat to alter rhizome efficiency and shoot viability (Smith and Kadlec 1985, Kostecke et al. 2004) and, therefore, rarely change long-term vegetation patterns of persistent emergents (Laubhan 1995). Hydrology is the main factor influencing vegetation in wetlands (Smith 1990). Given the results of our study and the possibility that spring burns will not permanently change vegetation communities, we believe that prescribed burning alone does not improve wetland habitat quality for birds during spring migration within the RWB. Another potential reason that prescribed burning did not influence avian use in the short term could be that overall vegetation structure was unaltered in parts of the wetland typically used by birds (flooded portions of the wetland). Changes in avian abundance and community composition following prescribed burning are generally attributed to changes in vegetation structure (Gabrey et al. 1999, Hanowski et al. 1999, Issach et al. 2004). During avian surveys, wetland-dependent birds were typically observed in the water and emergent vegetation in the water or in a narrow vegetation band surrounding the water, all of which were littleaffected by prescribed burning. Apparently, the changes in the surrounding vegetation also did not alter the microclimate in the wetland to cause a change in wetland use by birds or that habitat is so limited in the RWB that birds had little choice but to use the only available habitat. Despite the overall similarity in relative abundance and species richness between burned and reference wetlands, a few species increased use of burned wetlands following burning. For example, we observed an increase in frequency and abundance of Wilson’s snipe (Gallinago delicta) following prescribed burning in wetlands. Wilson’s snipe and other species typically observed along the edge of water are most likely to be influenced by immediate changes in vegetation caused Brennan et al., AVIAN RESPONSE TO BURNING by prescribed burning. Future studies of prescribed burning in wetlands should take into account those species commonly found in unflooded parts of the wetland and associated upland habitat, as well as those observed in flooded parts of the wetland. Snow geese (Chen caerulescens) are attracted to burned areas and are often found in higher concentrations following burning on the wintering grounds (Gabrey et al. 1999). During our study, burning occurred after peak snow goose migration. Snow geese occurred in fewer post-burned wetlands (three) than pre-burned wetlands (five) but were more abundant in post-burned wetlands (221 vs. 118 geese per wetland). Given the millions of snow geese that migrate through central Nebraska in spring (Gersib et al. 1990), these numbers represent only a small percentage of that number. If prescribed burns were conducted earlier during peak snow goose migration (mid February–mid-March), an increase in snow geese on burned wetlands could have conservation implications in the RWB wetlands where avian cholera (Pasteurella multocida (Lehmann and Nuemann 1899) Rosenbusch and Merchant 1939) is of major concern and reduction of this population is an objective (Johnson 1997). Since 1975, several hundred thousand waterfowl have died in Nebraska because of avian cholera (Stutheit 1988). Although little is known about the factors that influence outbreaks of avian cholera, Smith and Higgins (1990) found cholera outbreaks to be inversely proportional to semi-permanent wetland densities in the RWB, suggesting that high densities of waterfowl on the few remaining semi-permanent wetlands increase the probability of an epizootic outbreak. MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There is little evidence that prescribed burning meets the objectives of increasing avian species richness or relative abundance during the season of burning. Fire without hydrologic change often has little influence on emergent plant community composition, and its effects on habitat structure are frequently temporary (Smith 1989). In prairie wetlands, hydrology is likely the main factor influencing plant community composition (Smith 1990). The USFWS spends approximately US $15,500 a year on prescribed burning in RWB wetlands (Drahota 2004). Given the lack of short-term avian response to prescribed burning and uncertainty of the effectiveness of prescribed burning in the long term, management agencies should evaluate effectiveness of prescribed burning over the long term. Prescribed burning may prove to be an important tool in other long-term management goals, such as facilitating prescribed grazing and woody plant control, especially given that it does not seem to have a neg- 673 ative impact on avian use of wetlands during spring migration. Therefore, we urge wetland managers to consider incorporating evaluation of prescribed burning, in conjunction with other management practices, into their long-term management strategies. We also recommend using funds to restore wetlands to their original hydrologic regime as a means of improving vegetation structure and communities for migratory wetland birds. Understanding the role that prescribed burning plays in influencing avian abundance, species richness, and community composition is an essential component of effective management of wetland birds during migration. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Tom Koerner and Jeff Drahota of the RWB Management District (USFWS) for providing information on prescribed burns. Thanks to Janelle Jensen and Matthew Gordillo for assisting with avian surveys. We also thank Craig Davis, Richard Kostecke, and an anonymous reviewer for their thoughtful reviews and comments that improved this manuscript. This study was funded by the Rainwater Basin Joint Venture, the North American Waterfowl Management Plan through a North American Wetlands Conservation Act Evaluation Grant, the Environmental Protection Agency through a State Wetland Grant, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. The Nature Conservancy of Nebraska provided partial support of this study through the Nebraska Chapter’s J. E. Weaver Competitive Grants Program. L. M. Smith was supported by the Caesar Kleberg Foundation for Wildlife Conservation. This is manuscript T-9-1065 of CASNR-TTV. LITERATURE CITED Brown, M. and J. J. Dinsmore. 1986. Implications of marsh size and isolation for marsh bird management. Journal of Wildlife Management 50:392–397. Cowardin, L. 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