of Vildlife Journal DYNAMICS OF PLAGUE COMPLEX Jack FROM F. Cully, Jr.,12 IN A GUNNISON’S NEW Allan 33(4). Diseaces. © Wildlife PRAIRIE 1997. Disease DOG pp. 706-719 1997 Association COLONY MEXICO M. Barnes,34 Thomas J. Quan,3 Maupin3 Gary and Museum of Southwestern Biology, Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131, USA 2 Present address: USGS, Biological Resources Division, Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, 204 Leasure Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506, USA Plague Section, Bacterial Zoonoses Branch, Division of Vector-borne Infectious Diseases, Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-2087, USA Deceased 1 (Yersinia pestis) epizootic spread through Gunnison’s prairie dogs (Cynoinys possibly other rodent species, in the Moreno Valley in north-central New Mexico between winter 1984-1985 and autumn 1987. We observed the progress of the epizootic and subsequent population recovery at four prairie dog towns within the valley during this period. At two towns (Midlake and Val Verde) the prairie dogs were marked prior to the epizootic. At two A plague ABSTRACT: and gunnisoni), additional In 1988, collected burrows. towns (Vega and South Entrance) prairie dogs were marked following the epizootic. a second epizootic occurred at Vega. One hundred thirty-nine serum samples were from prairie dogs and other rodents and 1,750 fleas were collected from animals and Fleas infected with 1’. pestis were collected from prairie dogs, deer mice (Peromyscns maniculatus), and thirteen-lined ground squirrels (Spermophilus tridecemlineatus). Prairie dog fleas included Oropsylla hirsuta, 0. labis and 0. tuberculata; deermouse associated fleas were Aetheca wagner! and Rhadinopsylla sectilis, and Oropsylla bacchi was associated with thirteenlined ground squirrels. All of the above flea species were collected from prairie dog burrows. All rodent plague epizootic Vega dog some in mortality that at more plague became in summer all ground than dogs abundant 1988. of the few plague prairie in 1987, and disappeared we collected serum was dogs left in words: Key Cynornys Yersinia dynamics, Plague (Yersinia in New gunnisoni, pestis. prairie epizootiology, in 1982 had been found infected 1978). Moreno Plague prairie reported excess of 99%. disappeared were at the rare time from (Microtus prairie Serum colonies fleas, shortly following the of the second Gunnison’s prairie pennsylvanicns), dogs. antibody Prairie titers following with it was (Link, further observations 1983 when a teen-age of Eagle Nest (NM) interspecific disease and Improvement discov- Fe, NM, dog and the town positive in Gunis by ciate of 33 coun- dog indicate epizootics survived Y. nopsylla pestis found 1955). (Weber, in the in Auwere sectilLs, ceptible study a deer flea prairie to the terrupted al., 1962; 706 ground species dogs, squirrels 0. hirassociated and Rhadi- mouse (NMEID, (Peromysunpub- records). Gunnison’s of plague there until boy from the town became ill with the pop- Environmental (NMEID, Santa tridecemlineatus), and 0. labis, flea Gunnison’s prairie lished no NM thirteen-lined snaniculatus) in Gunnison’s There The Division plague, USA) collected fleas from prairie ground squirrel burrows around of Eagle Nest and found Y. pestLs Oropsylla bacchi, fleas that asso- with suta with transmission, died. (Spermophilus NM, 21 species of of fleas have been was first recorded Colfax County, NM, when dogs first USA) in 31 1982). In 16 species Valley, 1949 was (NM; dogs (Cynomys gunnisoni) 1938 (Link, 1955). Plague throughout the state, and Zuni found ties (Barnes, rodents and pestis) Mexico near now gust voles meadow voles only in Gunnison’s to establish INTRODUCTION nison’s Meadow infection. ulation ered squirrels Midlake. mice, and Y. pestis against by ground at Although deer titers affected 40% prairie squirrels, serum towns Thirteen-lined species. in 1986, epizootic thirteen-lined identified elevated we flea identified was at prairie dogs, shared species before plague, dogs and are highly sus- three attempts to species’ social behavior were inby the disease (Lechleitner et 1968; Fitzgerald, 1970; Rayor, CULLY 1985). Mortality in Gunnison’s as a result of l)ut those reports of cover>’ ET AL-PLAGUE plague prairie prairie populations (luent to plague. In this paper, a wave-like plague epizootic through prairie a 100 km2 dog towns NM, between 1987; we covery also of to attempt plague 1985 the dog and epizootic. disease interspecific the in Autumn we describe that swept IEU Summer course dynamics both re- 1986 EJ km2. 100 cattle The land #{149}o 2,560 Cattle because daily temperatures warmest m, Forest month of usually occurs of the winter 18 C. during privately owned grazing State snow also The July heaviest and precipitation August Climatologist, is (NM 1984), important #{149}0 ley Creek Nest town geographic to bound the flows features in plague-affected east from Lake, approximately of Eagle Nest (Fig. SE 123 404k 4040 #{149}400 4000 “ the the range Moreno areas. 0404 444 04444 2 400 II #{149} Ii 444 IIII 440 44 II IIII O 44 *440 I 64 440, 044 64 1. FIGURE the = locations South NIap Entrance, 044 04 of of the the study \‘V 444 004 444 Moreno areas (ML \‘al Verde), period March = Valley = and 0440640 6 0 showing SE Midlake. the progress of plague (luring the 1985 to Novem1)er 1986. Plague probably began in prairie (logs north and east of Eagle Nest during the summer of 1983. The shading shows the course of plague (hiring the period winter 1985-summer 1987. The three regions were separate(l h 1)olmndaries at Six-mile Creek (I) and Jackson Hill (2). Of- although veg- etation. Two 04404 4644 4404 KM is lo- winters perature fice mostly ML 406 4004 400 is limited to sumare very cold with mean of -5 C in January. The is July with a mean daily tem- ranches. mers is 4044 4044 #{149} ,#{149} elevation 46 44 44 1 the cated in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains (:36#{176}:30’N,105#{176}15’W) Colfax County, NM (Fig. 1). The bottom of the Moreno Valley supports a variety of grasses and shrubs; plant cover and productivit are high. Suitable prairie dog habitat in the Moreno Valley covers approximately 446 . __) 6040 44 4*0 Roads Valley. Valley, est 444-’VEG 444 METHODS Moreno 040 0444 604 4444 34,4 ,/ 44 The 0444 04444 04406 004* Dirt Roads - of the intraspeof 0 40444* /3 0044 4400 1985 \ 707 / 0o,0 #{149} Trap Site we transmission 4,,,:/ 4000400 0444 04 44 46 sub- Additionally, Moreno esoo#{149} Paved of DYNAMICS Eagle summer populations to analyze the epizootic, including cific POPULATION of plague subse- and the prairie DOG Spring 1985 of Gunnison’s Moreno Valley, document the sequent complex in the spring Time PRAIRIE been not dog dogs GUNNISON’S described, followed the re- has have AND Val- Six-mile the forest into Eagle 4 km south of the 1). The valley formed by this stream contains mesic grassland with the water table close to the surface. Prairie dogs did not dig burrows in this habitat, and the rarely ventured into it more than 5 to 10 ni. The grass was usually high enough to obstruct a prairie dog’s view of its surroundings. The second boundary was Jackson Hill, a ridge that crosses the valley approximately 7 km south of Six-mile Creek. The ridge is covered by shallow soil and xeric grassland similar to that of uplands throughout the valley. Prairie dog colonies were present both north and south of Jackson Hill, hut were separated by approxiniately 1 km. The first study area (Midlake) was located adjacent to Eagle Nest Lake in October 1984, and consisted dog town of 9 ha in the that covered 1). The Val Verde (Fig. the south end Both were middle of a prairie approximately 100 site was identified ha at the valley in October 1985. established in advance of the plague epizootic. After plague eliminated prairie dogs at Midlake, the Vega study site was established in March 1986, at the north end of the valley 2 km west of the town of Eagle Nest, and sites South of Entrance was identified in June 1987, near the south end of Eagle Nest Lake approximately 2 km south of the original Midlake study site. Prairie dogs were trapped in small Tomahawk live traps (14 X 14 X 40 cm) baited with rolled oats. When captured, prairie dogs were weighed on a triple beam balance, sexed, aged to juvenile or adult age class by weight and pel- age color (Cully, 1997), uniquely marked by toe clip or numbered fingerling tags attached to the ear, and individually marked with commercial hair dye. We attempted to trap all of the prairie dogs at the study sites. Visual observations of 708 JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES, VOL. 33, NO. 4, OCTOBER marks combined with recaptures in indicated that more than 90% of prairie at the staked study sites at Midlake, Vega South Entrance were marked. At Val Verde proximately 50% of the active prairie dogs captured on the 1 ha area trapped. Mark capture trapping was inappropriate during ulation declines because the high rates of tality would bias the analysis. In 1988 at Vega, South Entrance, and fur Verde, prairie dog populations were traps dogs and apwere repopmorVal estimated 1997 groups of prairie the same vial for Disease Control sion of Vector-borne Collins, Colorado, and analyzed for In the laboratory, amined microscopically and identified to species following the classification of Traub et al. (1983) or Hopkins and Rothschild (1962). After identification, and Biggins, 1986; Menkens and Anderson, 1993). At Vega and South Entrance, 2 ha plots were marked with wood stakes; the grids were 100 X 200 m with stakes placed at 20 m intervals. The stakes made it possible to systematically count prairie dogs on areas of known size during periods site, cies. when 6-wk-old days of by visual scan it was counts not (Fagerstone possible to trap animals or when Visual the populations were changing rapidly. counts were made from a car parked approximately 100 m from the prairie dog towns. Counts were made with the aid of lox binoculars and a 3O spotting scope three or four times in the morning while prairie dogs were most active above ground. The highest count was used for the population or density estimate. During 1985, blood samples were collected from toes when the animals were marked by toe clipping. This method was satisfactory only during warm weather when the wounds bled freely. Consequently, beginning in April 1986, blood samples were collected by cardiac puncture. Newly captured animals were anesthetized with ether to reduce stress during handling, and to simplify collecting fleas which also were anesthetized tested for antibodies by the ether. All to Y. pestis using sera were the pasHealth Or1:16 were test (World 1970). Sera with titers considered positive. Beginning in July 1985, fleas and blood samples were collected from newly captured prairie dogs. Fleas were brushed from the anesthetized animals during the handling procedure. Fleas also were collected from prairie dog burrows by swabbing the burrows with a square of flannel attached to the end of a sewer cable. The swab was inserted 1 to 2 m into burrows. Fleas were immediately removed with forceps and placed in a 2% NaCl solution in a small vial. If no fleas were captured on the first swab, another burrow was selected. If the swab collected fleas, the burrow was swabbed repeatedly until fleas were no longer captured. Burrows were selected from throughout the marked portions of the study sites, and represent a cross section of the burrows in the colony. Fleas from burrows that were close together and shared by individuals within social sive hemagglutination ganization, dogs were often combined in submission to the Centers for (CDC, Plague Branch, DiviInfectious Diseases, Ft. USA). Fleas were identified 1’. pestis at CDC. fleas were individually ex- fleas were host species (or Fleas collected social pooled by collection group), and from different flea spesocial groups or towns were kept separate as described above. Flea pool size never exceeded 25 individuals. Flea pools were triturated in a small amount of physiological saline and 0.1 ml aliquots were inoculated subcutaneously into and mice. The inoculation spleen logical tissues analysis cause of mice were that died necropsied within and 21 liver were to death removed for bacteriothat plague was the described by Quan et al. verify as (1981). Rodents other than prairie dogs were trapped at Midlake, Val Verde, and Vega to determine which species were present and to collect fleas and serum samples for plague analysis. Small rodents were trapped at study areas on three or more occasions between September 1985 and September 1988. Folding aluminum 8 x 9 x 23 cm Sherman Live Traps were set in parallel rows of 10 with 10 in between traps. The number of rows set varied between trap sessions at the three areas. Traps were baited each evening and examined in early morning and at least two times during the day. Because of high mortality during blood collection, (blood was collected from these species by cardiac puncture in order to obtain adequate sized samples for antibody analysis), mark-recapture population estimation was not appropriate for deer mice and meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus). Relative population estimates, fort, were based on calculated. captures per trap-night ef- RESULTS Plague occurred between in autumn (Table 1, Fig. 1). in three spatially phases. killed In valley gle Nest (Fig. 1). Moreno and The and dogs west of Valley summer epizootic temporally winter-spring prairie the the 1984 1987 occurred distinct 1985, in the northern Moreno Creek Lake, north of Six-mile From July 1985 to plaguethird and of Ea- Creek July 1986 CULLY ET AL-PLAGUE AND ‘ GUNNISON’S PRAIRIE s DOG POPULATION DYNAMICS 709 . C > - =. . j c,C 2’ ‘5 S .,, 5 ‘p,-:. 6 ‘ Ci C . ,*- C .- 6 S .5 :! jc - . . C t:i - .d II d I,.. cc I -r cc C, E “‘S - ‘. .4 .cc C . . C .C_ “5 . 1 , C cc C C cc . E z 9 c-. ‘S “‘S cc- ,. I- - 1 : -. . .. . C . S aC C., ., ., - LE - 6 . - 5 C - CC - cc ., C C t - iC > c... t -- . z C -‘C ..CC’’ E E ‘.CC cC :- E: 1Cc - -“s- <II,C A “S e, cc ; -rccwitc5 cccccccccccccc> C,--sLrcct--ccC,- c cc mf cc cc c’ cc cc cc cc cc m- cc cc cc ccm- cccccc -cc s ccccc cccccc 710 JOURNAL TsBI.E 2. OF WILDLIFE Results of DISEASES, 1)100(1 samples VOL. collected Area NIidlake from Area Stud Cjnmnys mammals at the Moreno Verde Gynonijs 3 2 12 13 1 4 1 15 (2) tridecemlineatus pennsyh)anzcus Ctjnoinys gunnzsoni of sainph’s analyzed. of with aultih(xlies prairie dogs samples plague-killed valley Underline between Jackson Hill. June 1986 and Hill. There was :3 99 (2) I in the Six-mile pesti.s samples were in parentheses. middle of Creek and Plague occurred July 1987, south between of Jackson no plague of collected declined third of during similarly the valley. throughout At the One litter of three juveniles adult 200 m south on 14 June 1986. was captured, but tober 1984. The density estimate trapping at Midlake in October positive for Y. pestis. were no longer any and 1985, been from on was On in July 1985, was 28/ha. an adult in the male trap died for in a trap. He <2 hr when 24 burrows ples ples dogs first et 1’. al. 1981). pestis fleas were collected from burrows lake (see below). By September ulation had declined noticeably, On 6 positive at Midthe popand by early October 1985, approximately 25 prairie dogs remained where 168 had been marked. At the same time the population a single the juveniles were On 5 July 1986, there prairie dogs at Mid- and eight Y pestis were collected in laboratory (Quan flea by and lake. bles 2, 3) from Val Verde. The the central study all that remained of these animals samples collected None used tive for Y. pestis; however, Gunnison’s prairie dogs die so quickly from plague that they may fail to develop measurable antibodies before death; this also is true for mice were There were no indications the south end of the valley 1986. Three antibody negative found, and at that time he was moribund. Two hr later he was dead. A blood sample obtained from this animal was sero-nega- 1985, the Midlake area only 7 to 10 animals emerged from hibernation in April 1986, where there had been approximately 90 one year earlier. in based 1984, :32 (4) epizootic. prairie dogs in the middle of the valley until July 1985. Visual observations indicated that the density of Gunnison’s prairie dogs was similar throughout the valley in Oc- 30/ha, 9 5 (2) that indicates against evidence 16 tridecem!ineatus 8 Number 4 I Total b Number (2)1) 1 4 maniculatus Microtus Spermophilus August 23 gunnzsonz Peronnjscus July had 1 2 pennsylvanicus Sperinophilus the 1 inaniculatus Microtu,s 1987 4 tridecernlineatus Peroini,scus USA). 7 5S gunnzsonz Mexico, 1986 maniculatus Spermophilus Entrance (New tridecemlineatus (7ijnomys Vega Valley 1985 gunnisoni Peromijscus South 1997 Species Spennophilus Val 33, NO. 4, OCTOBER disappeared to US negative October flea 1985 sam(Ta- 18 prairie dogs trapped first indication of plague the south end of the tween 1 and 14 June cent of plague at until June serum sam- valley 1986, from Highway at at occurred bewhen prairie a 2 ha field adja- 64 at Val Verde. From 4 to 6 July 1986, 30 prairie dogs were trapped and marked at a 1 ha area near the center of the Val Verde Town. Visual counts of marked and at the trap area indicated of the prairie dogs unmarked were that marked animals about half so the CULLY 3. Tutl.t: Fleas from ET AL-PLAGUE Gumnnison’s prairie Number AND clog GUNNISON’S burrows PRAIRIE in the Moreno DOG Valley POPULATION (New DYNAMICS Mexico, 711 USA). of Inirrosvs/nomber Area Nlidlake Val sampled Year’ Verde 16/78’ 56 (6/10)d 18 1986 12141’ 58 (2/6) 22 1987 4/25 1985 7/21 20/59 1987 South Entrance Underline Oil indicates .et/u’ea fleas population 50 per 10,000 tested ii 96 1987 2/25 plague collected. but ( miumnber pestis. By 11 August a massive dogs There die-off remained were town was highest tion was eral area. prairie in pramfle OTC = the number of plague positive dogs town at the where in mid-summer, dogs all were duration end of there burrows been colony. across valley more occurred between deep grass dogs. By were was than 8 no active of the Val had been the popula- at the 1987, we the center nulliparous of the epizootic However, 1(1/1) 2 periph- trapped of the four town adult females. at the south approximately 90% of the July and 1 yr. mortality 11 August 8 (3/3) 2 (212) 4 (1/2) 7 7 6 (logs. tu/wrculaia without pools/total 5 prairie of the dogs and from and The had with prairie reduced July (3/11) Oropsylla collectfor Y. 4 to central areas densities noticeably In there only center prairie 1986, the (5/6) a concentration of approxia ridge 400 m to the northseparated from the rest of mid-September prairie Verde active Fleas were not assayed by mesic habitat little used by 1 77(1/6) blood samples negative anti- 1986, and at the scattered the town, and mately 100 on west that was 1986. of prairie dogs. Four from that time had body titers to Y. pestis. ed and identified, but the that was 01. = Oropsylla labis, Caiallagia rleezp:ens. were CD1’ 4 4/25 collected A\V1’ 79 15/25 = (2/6) 143 109(1/3) 1988 when OB1’ I (2/19) at that time was approximately The colony covered approxiha and consisted of 5,000- ha. 200 mately 18 235 1987 CI) samples of Number 1/25 15/108 year wagnm’rm. Additional 1988 OTG1’ 13 12/35’ 1986 /iirsuta, ()ropsujlla = 01.1 1985 198(1 Vega 0111 number eynomuns. wa.s fleas of miot OB Oropsylla = A\V and May = recorde(l. pls Between September 1987, the Gunnison’s tion in the Moreno from more tween 250 imum than mortality and 1984 prairie Valley dog was 100,000 500. rate 1986 north At and end lined traps ground without animals of 99.5%. their density This epizootic mor- at 1984, noting frequently that captured dogs. During spring 1985, teen-lined ground squirrels Midlake be- a min- the thirteen- were released from so we cannot estimate beyond as to because the born during 1987, after the of the valley. Midlake in October squirrels marks, populareduced represents This tality estimate is conservative survivors included animals nearly bare/mi, compared to they as only thirat three were 77 were prairie caught prairie dogs. Thirteen-lined ground squirrels disappeared from Midlake by the end of June 1985, but whether they had plague is not known. Limited trapping at Midlake indicated that there October was the deer mouse high (0.12/trap 1985, at the peak dog epizootic one meadow (Table vole negative antibody trapped. In later 4). Also without titer trap population night) of the at that fleas to during prairie 1. sessions and time, with a pestis was the deer 712 JOURNAL TABLE 4. OF WILDLIFE Results DISEASES, of live-trappimsg VOL. (leer 33, NO. 4, OCTOBER mice and meadow 1997 voles Peronmyscu Midlake Val Trap Year’ Area Verde nights 1985 200 1986 120 1987 80 1985 1986 April Vega 1986 September Underline mouse half voles At Val dropped Verde, teen-lined ceded the to in October captured 0 0.0667 8 0.0400 120 0 1 0.0083 80 0 active night, the no 4). in thir- local prairie after growth population at October 1987. Voles were first captured at Val Verde in August 1986, and were still present there in 1987 (Table 4). Rodents other than prairie dogs were not trapped at Vega until 1986, 1 yr after dogs common. Later that lation increased and 1987. In September rie dogs disappeared ulation were was present August 1987 The varied cases tionship and and population species most again at September subsequent was the in of the area no time. predictable number plague different over of In rela- rodents phenology at in disappearance 1988; of thirteen-lined to the (2) the ground prairie and of and dog plague concurrent with prairie dogs (six from thirteen-lined from 26 squirrels mice (zero (zero positive), positive), and (zero were positive; before, positive prairie 1986, and two 1987, had titers of samples from South May 1987, had titers were were of 15 post-epizootic while at South positive positive. One thousand were collected (Table lined deer 2). and Although during, and sera the were colepizootic. all positive more after April antibody ground 20 from deer 30 from meadow Table collected epizootic, 1 yr or Two two itive mice 1988. densities there and un- the the vole ters, 61 positive), sera year the vole popustayed high through 1988, when the praiat Vega, the vole pop- low (Table 4). Deer Vega in low numbers at each between the dogs. In March deer mice were to and of the at Vega in 1988. thirty-nine serum samples and tested for antibody ti- ter the lected pearance of the prairie April 1986, voles and to epizootic One hundred were collected bers disap- decline Midlake, the voles the Exceptions epizootic, at Vega disappearance the plague epizootic there. Thirteen-lined ground squirrels were present in low numdis- plague prior epizootic with 0.0167 towns. subsequent curred. At the south end mouse populations were throughout the period of the valley, deer consistently low October 1985 to dog the and prior simultaneously 0.0661 this generalization were: (1) the absence of voles in the meadow near Vega in Spring 1986 prebut they 0.4 125 37 5 squirrels when 33 clogs. in prairie change 0.0107 prairie appeared 0.0050 0.0750 1985, and there (Table 1988, night 6 squirrel numbers in prairie dogs, summer trap 24 since little trapping occurred there prior to June 1986, it is unlikely that we could have detected a reduction if one had oc- until pennsylvanicmis Per 1 USA). 80 0.5/trap no obvious ground epizootic Mexico, Captures 0 0 that were night 0.0500 300 density <one more trap 0.1150 1988 was Microtus 6 6 plague Per (New 360 1986 when Valley 23 560 ear Moreno s maniculatus Captures 1987 indicates in the af- dog sera from Vega in from Val Verde in July 1:256; the two positive Entrance taken in of 1:128. At Vega only samples Entrance at Val were postwo of five Verde seven hundred from prairie dogs two of two fleas burrows fifty 3), prairie dogs (Table 5), thirteenground squirrels, meadow voles, and mice (Table 6). The highest number CULLY 5. TxBI.I.: Nuumrmber of fleas Area Midlake Val Verde ET AL-PLAGUE collected Emutrance Oil 15 6 12 (1/3Y1 3 1985 8/8 63 1986 19/30” 1987 1/1 fleas/miuimmiber Iunlicatel of fleas taken a prairie dog prior to the number row at after pools dogs; one (4%), the epizootic ble 5). rows 1.4) SD = fleas. at 26.7) = SD at without and 6. 37 Numnsber Spennopimilus .fiC’I’u)tu15 = = not tele/,inu.s. CN imum were of fleas collected = Catallagia 1 Orop.sqlla = hare/mi. RS = (Ta- bacchi, bur- and bur- the (n rows 29, Midlake EW’ Oil = 8 37 1 Oropsylla ()ropsylla ?aeweyi. 32 CD = litter were Catallagia other OIl 0. (n 38 = for and than prairie OL OTC OB 2 6 2 98 2 2 clogs OS On from three An additional of prairie hirsuta RS 01. = = Oropstlla R/iathimopsylla (/m’ci/)iens. lahis. seetilis. MAB = OTC A’s’ dogs was 1986, one dogs present which at we Mid- A\’ MT (:N 4 1 1 64 10 .fegahot/mrzs Oropstlla = = .%et/ieea ahanti.s. 16 18 14 June Moreno 1 at 1985, in the 6 3 Y bur- September prairie trap was RS hirsuta, collected from four pooi of 0. for Y. pestis. burrows), 0. prairie dog the epizootic collected examined. of juvenile unable to spe- 1) for for 0. (n burrows) August min- flea 6 burrows) positive fleas from at Midlake. During in pools The among 100% labis 58 = most flea. Valley (New Mexico, (:1) SlAB MAS 5 2 /mirsvaa. stanforils. for (n positive The rodents and one rates fleas were collected in 1986, and one regularly collected from infection 21 fleas were prairie dogs samples of burrows positive. than most abundant flea species. On 6 August 1985, NMEID 31, 2:3 = 3% = (n positive 4% pestis 5.0 pool positive fleas was of positive pools flea would make cies in burrows varied: A. wagneri, 9% (n = SD ii OS OB of more field 2, pools (41%) ueenunan:, bare/mi. 1 of pools). entire 3.9 counted Ninety the during flea /)t’lm?isi/ltiI?lit’US I’/)itU/(’(1 1 4 eynoinuris. consisted were number inanzculatus ()rop.sylla tuberculata 4 (n = 17.3 (n and tndt’ceinlin’u’itus ont/sc’us 27 percentage of Y pestis lower than the number because a single positive flea prairie infested Species Pets Oropsylla dog burrows during or followwere analyzed for Y pestis, of these Tsni.t: USA). 7 1 yr censused Other the were from prairie ing epizootics 2 = Y. pestis fleas Verde, 1986. June 370 of but fleas until 2 a bur- Midlake Among Vega. collected, 1’ 4 25 from 1985, highest 1987, for at Midlake, Entrance, at Val 5.9) were at of 2.6) South 1 3 fur plague. from June positive numbers SD MVt’ 1 1)ools/total number assavel not 98 30 hundred mean 8, = were was taken contained RS” :3 6 OT(: Twenty-seven directly from was One rows, 1986 on epizootic. collected USA). exaumuinecI. Verde the were Mexico, OB” 59 (miuimiilwrof phugume positive burrows Val (New 713 Ui5011. from any animal was at Val Verde in October epizootic there. The from \‘allev DYNAMICS active. lahis. Oropsujlla = July from was .‘tfmflmOJ)syll(l = 80 18 plague Moreno 126 5 collected saoiples P/21 POPULATION OTC” 9 27” 6 9/4:3 01. Nuimmiber 40” 1:3/1:3 54 ml which /iirsuta, r of hosts DOG 01,1 4/4 ‘a’’tilis.N1\’ with 011k’ in the 3/16’ Ii/maI:uimsylla 1 Nummumber of flt.as clogs 1986 ear ()ropsylla = prairie 1985 1987 indicates Umiclerlimie Guinmsisoms’s PRAIRIE Nuimnbc 1987 South from GUNNISON’S Year’ 1986 Vega AND tU/E’I5’Ulata MAS = OB ‘ym)muns. MT uagm’ri. 26 = .fegahmt/arz.s ,falaram’us asso. 714 JOURNAL lake. rows We collected they were were positive suta, two bacchi. At OF WILDLIFE DISEASES, 66 using; six Midlake labis four and mouse flea (Table at mice labis, a species rie clogs (Table On eight prairie Only fleas one and it 24 fleas, one were Verde on 14 June blood samples July. Ten June July were 1986, from flea fleas 1986, and prairie pools taken at the beginning per host was flea species prai- and 6 to 7 burrows in Verde in sampled epizootic suta, gust, 0. the labis, prairie ter of Val flea pools center were the and 0. bacchi. dog population By at the Verde had crashed. Five collected from burrows of the town on 12 August positive for Y. pestis. Prairie small satellite by mesic habitat Verde town was collected there on ative for 10 pools colony that was Au- cenof 18 at the 1986, dogs at isolated from the rest of the still at high density. Val We five flea pools from burrows 13 August 1986, and all were negY. pestis. In June 1987, three of from prairie dog burrows at the center of the town, including 0. labis, and A. wagneri were Y pestis. Deer 11 mice, meadow squirrels were voles, lined Verde. ground There voles. were though Thirteen-lined ground mostly infested with 0. they also carried two no 0. hirsuta, positive for and thirteen- were trapped at Val fleas on meadow squirrels bacchi, species alof dogs in spring Y. pestis. The mice fleas. 3.6 eight from 1986. mean 14 All were number (range 0-18, present captured However, fleas in 3). prairie samples dog 0. from bacchi, and tis hirsuta; wenniani We Vega the Catallagia fleas only three neweyi. at Vega. vole M. at did we Thirteen-lined parent (mean = 2.2 fleas/prairie dog, SD = 2.5, range 0-8). Fleas collected in July were identified to species but were not checked for plague. Those samples included 0. hir- with on SD prairie dogs at Vega were 0. hirsuta, 0. labis, 0. tuberculata cynomuris, Pthadinopsylla sectilis, and Ceratophyllus vison; the last two species are deer mouse fleas (Haas et al., 1973). Deer Y. pesat Val on = of fleas collected The was fleas. one flea of the diversity 4.9). took from highest (Table 6). Vega, fleas were of fleas for fleas not infected. At Val 30 prairie dogs were the vole on dogs had adult prairie negative for had no including negative for prairie dog flea, 0. hirsuta and 0. labis, and A. wagneri, a deer mouse flea (Table 5; Thomas, 1988). Deer mice at Val Verde species At 6). All were burrows 1997 squirrels one deer found typically 0. 24 to 26 October 1985, at Val Verde, flea samples were collected from dogs, and seven were collected from burrows. tis. We flagged for of ground flea and 5). Midlake, yielded 0. 0 of species taken from thirteen-lined including 1 prairie dog caught Deer the bur15 pools of eight 0. hir- five 0. 33, NO. 4, OCTOBER fleas from seven of including of VOL. Vega find had mouse (Table burrows there ground squirrel included its prairie dog flea specialist, fleas, Meadow voles These included specialists, the asio; aban- dog and a deer mouse (Thomas, 1988). collected fleas from flea, flea, all and yielded the ap- Megabothris prairie no deer 0. Epitidia four rodent species in the valley, and only found Y pestis positive fleas on prairie dogs or in prairie dog burrows. It is important to note that three species fleas, 0. bacchi, were found that were R. sectilis to be lined prairie dog A. wagneri plague-infected rie dog burrows. fleas were collected east gust one not and Yersinia in praipestis at a gravel positive pit on the side of Eagle Nest by NMEID in Au1983: one pool of nine 0. bacchi and pool of one 0. hirsuta from thirteenground squirrel burrows and one pool of seven 0. labis, and one pool of two 0. hirsuta from prairie dog burrows. Later, on 1 November 1983, one pool containing one R. sectilis, hirsuta and one pool one of eight pool of 0. labis 48 0. were found positive at the same area (NMEID, CDC, unpublished records). Prairie dog population recovery following plague was variable. Subsequent to the epizootic at the north end of the valley in CULLY late South summer the vidual vicinity In 1985, late summer and late summer Entrance, AND GUNNISON’S 1986 near 1987 in of Val Verde, there were indidogs or small aggregations. prairie spring ET AL-PLAGUE 1986, Vega consisted of ha. Because ha of not 17 ani- three nearly 70 animals, 20 in August 1986. but hunters Approximately We rie dogs and 1987 entered hibernation October, indicated winter. In spread over and that April emerged the ha in June counts in all survived population and 1987, when there imately 200 animals. had good over-winter April the were approxagain when June (Cully, in began the July, a steady prairie decline at numbers. and Fleas pools from September were positive pools included cynmnurzs, and itive t. September, collected were 10 on 8 on 1988, for 0. 0. hirsuta, pools bacchi In fewer the middle of the valley small towns recovering At Lake the September there were still at prairie over following dogs a larger 25 time area, Eagle located at This population 25 in September that 0. the in spring dogs approximately in July of six nullipano offspring. determine the com- there were apdogs, both adults areas. There prairie dog of the valley source of is unknown. at least that ley appeared again we of prairie were also other colonies at the in July 1988. three plague in the It could have ways. plague is enzootic in rodent species dogs, Nest on of in but goes First, it is possible Moreno Valthan prairie unnoticed. recorded Plague there and was by been or mammalian from other areas ground At 1 the reno time Valley, underway South Piedras, that the squirrels were been 25 es do NM epizootic Moreno 1988, predators where not km (J. overlap Third, outside species Yersinia in the Taos Jr., voles the their plague was and pers. the source thirteen-lined because Mo- epizootic near F. Cully, thirvoles from praiValley. epizootic west meadow origin that plague plague. plague was Valley and the of the the ranchers. introduced associated with squirrels, meadow another 40 by in Valley. from rodent enzootic fleas pre- 1949 epizootic described may have maintain was in another plague Moreno entered in the other and deermice were all collected rie dog burrows in the Moreno were in numbered 1987, and prairie end pestis-positive teen-lined spring the at those isolated that and there than consisted is active outside the Moreno plague may be introduced the Moreno Valley by other neg- hirsuta of were The approximately although spread end dogs 10 0. two to ac- could groups year before, 28 prairie by raptors carry fleas 3). 1986. Entrance town. approximately was of 25 south prairie two labis, The the mid-1960’s Second, none. at Vega 0. bacchi. population consisted produced unable NMEID, and 11 of 13 flea Y. pestis. The pos- ative 3 0. north. consisted (Table there were burrows the 1.5 an of the two other groups. In July where the six females had been viously 1988, there were 143 prairie 2 ha grid; on 10 August, there on 28 August, there were four, 80; were The Valley On 4 July dogs on the were group and about DISCUSSION ha 19 dogs in on 715 colony, separated One females south 1997). Beginning Vega 1987. rous dogs small they emerged in Spring 1988, the town’s area had increased in size to approximately 15 ha and was coalescing with another small colony to the south. When the juveniles emerged in June 1988, a visual count of prairie dogs on a marked two plot at Vega found 180 prairie dogs on trapped and pups. The two other groups to be of similar size; however, were unable to get a clear count juveniles These animals survival and DYNAMICS Entrance of widely present proximately had only South estimate position 1988, in September visual nearly 1987, 8 about prai- POPULATION be made at that time. At Val Verde the population that occupied approxthe juveniles emerged population increased to 50 DOG we the curate mals in two groups imately 2 ha. When in June 1986, the killed PRAIRIE Tres obs.). If of plague in ground could species sites not have rang- outside 716 JOURNAL the OF WILDLIFE Sangre de deermouse that does Cristo has overlap sible source been implicated DISEASES, plague. a 33, NO. 4, OCTOBER Mountains. a continuous both sites, of VOL. Most The reservoir for plague in NM (Holdenried and Quan 1956) and Colorado (Barnes, 1982). It took a minimum of 3 yr for plague to progress the in Gunnison’s had three length of the prairie dogs. geographic during this from the vegetative study. The and Each Valley epizootic temporal phase as of temporary isolated the barriers epizootic. At to the middle sections of the valley took about 1 yr to extirpate from affected colonies. This north or, 1985). about County At the height of the ruptions caused We speculate dogs by collapsing that it was dispersing towns that hospitable prairie Those graphic from carried habitat and cies as well. Oropsylla were the species most itive. Oropsylla labis at unmay dis- populations. usually prairie dog populations to same barriers, combined isolation of recovering the to inthe the south. with geoprairie dog towns, apparently restricted the backward dispersal of plague into previously affected areas so that recovering populations were not immediately reinvaded by plague from other prairie dog towns to the south. At all areas, samples rie dog fleas on prairie dog burrows. species at probably reflect abundance samples while the seasonal and were others were differences activity collected because in collected 0. erculata spring. These volved the spring late on found that dogs or when jumped buronto 0. to naive labis, the dogs; other and 0. predomiall three rodent spe- and 0. labis often Y. pestis posand 0. tuberculata hirsuta active during different in summer and 0. tubin the species cynomuris flea in prairie dog prairie late were plague dogs et al., (Lechleitner prairie infected on were labis Gunnison’s 1968; fall-early also in- epizootics in in South Park Fitzgerald, 1970, 1993) and Gunnison County (Rayor, 1985), and among white-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys leucurus) near Meeteetse (Wyoming, USA; Ubico et al., 1988). At South Park and Meeteetse Oropsylla idahoensLs, a species not found in the Moreno Valley, was important. Oropsylla hirsuta, the dominant prairie dog flea species in the Moreno Valley, was present in small numbers at South Park, and was not reported at Meeteetse. At the Gunnison County site hirsuta and 0. labis were important. With the high rates of mortality recordamong Moreno in in seasons, ed flea areas found were hirsuta, plague among prairie dogs (Barnes, 1993) were prairie cynomuris cynomuris 0. non-praiin prairie The differences between Vega and the other two flea Vega summer. included dogs or from hirsuta, species epizootic across barriers fleas Oropsylla 0. cynomuris spread of if dispersing camivores the plague-destroyed plague of the infected resulted fleas, contact and fleas tuberculata nant fleas to the rate USA; Ray- Midlake, in addition to residents, marked prairie dogs were caught that have been moving as a result of the rculata between and to the epizootic prairie dogs was similar to 1 mo, similar (Colorado, dog tube new hosts. The towns may occur or wide ranging within probably prairie close social were shared towns. the progress in South Park, (Colorado, USA; Lechleitner et al., 1968; Fitzgerald, 1970). At Val Verde the initial mortality event lasted in Gunnison infected during rows transmission here 0. labis and 0. were transferred carry phases was others by natural geographic boundaries that appeared function spread Moreno plague reported from have species of the towns distribution and is a pos- Deermice 1997 Gunnison’s Valley prairie and at dogs sites in in the Colorado (Lechleitner et al., 1962; 1968; Fitzgerald, 1970; Rayor, 1985; Barnes, 1993). Gunnison’s prairie dog is an unlikely maintenance host species for plague between epizootics. There are simply not enough imals alive after an epizootic. mammal and flea species are Many involved sylvatic Seventy-three genera dents plague and have world-wide. more been than found species naturally 200 another with of roinfected CULLY (Poland and (1978) 14 flea 0. Weber report sectilis. dent species, wild carnivore plicated NM. plification be as in Moreno Valley. populations stable as bined with at two sites ment of dogs. to The to the points thirteen-lined were found along than in stream prairie land habitats tween the valley, dogs. between Verde the main and its thirteen-lined ground inhibited from introduced plague middle the of the most ground cies flea and also often found on dogs and squirrels dog burrows and at fleas; refuge Midlake, be- mice the tant opsylla were less found creek, and to were the the 0. positive bacchi from a prairie et al., 1964). However, no other evidence involved with an en- plague foci in et al., 1964; that plague at this time meadow in the Mo- Valley. The presence of Y. pestis posR. sectilis and A. wagneri from prairie burrows provides evidence between Near Santa were found to plague to and a possible (Holdenried bacchi, not be R. dog in prairie and dog for plague 1956). OrA. tvagneri but were all positive in of each species burrows, and Mo- were two of plague. col- have at adults Y. prairie flea species for interspe- Moreno antibodies Valley tested positive (13% at Vega, 40% Entrance, their titers and 100% at Val Verwere high. At Vega and South reproduction that squiranother the spe- transmission at South de), and from the Following the epizootics, a large proportion of the surviving Gunnison’s prairie dogs in the for Y. pestis collected consid- cific burrow were host Quan, fleas, to be Y. pestis Valley. Positives and deer resis- were sectilis prairie a route mice (NM) moderately therefore enzootic and for deer Fe ground was dog collected Califorare spe- ground was plague. californicus) hosts. prairie ground 1988 from and between Thus, each position predators, lected from a thirteen-lined rel burrow and in September 1985 in themselves. in an excellent thirteen-lined pool in at of dogs was disappeared shortly before the epizootic in prairie dogs. In August a found voles times also flea thirteen-lined meadow cies alternate used species, populations resulted were 2, interspecific was thirteen-lined from ered there epizothat bacchi was rodent (Microtus of transmission prairie dogs. of north frequently for dog ap- thirteen-lined exchanged squirrels squirrels plague on squirrels, Prairie ground the Oropsylla abundant most 1983, from valley. itive portion Six-mile the zootic host for Y. pestis at California (USA; Goldenburg squir- outlier squirrels crossing have reno of peared to slow the progress of the otic among prairie dogs. It is possible for mice, also were potential hosts for plague. The appar- high voles Hudson we have wet- thirds deer and voles Creek, middle colony nia frequent- Six-mile and of plague. two other epizootics could grass- drained route dogs involve- more Poorly along north and Val courses spread The this collection (Tables in prairie of mesic supports 1988 squirrels. deep burrow combined with frequent bacchi from prairie dogs the the as un- ground the positive flea may at Midlake dogs, combacchi fleas ground 4), dog 717 (0. bacin September squirrel meadow at the mortality potential thirteen-lined in a prairie 1988, of 0. of a Y. pestis ground cycle of populations in be discovery DYNAMICS ent population Vega with low ground appeared ground squirrels epizootic in prairie Y. pestis positive 0. Furthermore, lands cycle Thirteen-lined prairie thirteen-lined prior to the plague chi) POPULATION am- an squirrels the The DOG thirteen-lined voles and maintenance with NM, serving ground involved squirrel the Y. species. Thirteen-lined ly imto species in dog six been rodent plague prairie and antibodies Multiple did or R. 20 ro- have or maintain Gunnison’s rels that infection PRAIRIE Vega. 0. but species, species in bacchi, rabbit two probably also 0. GUNNISON’S Weber including tuberculata cynornuris, (1978) also identified by pestis and AND In NM, species, A. tvagneri, hirsuta, not 1979). Barnes, listed ET AL-PLAGUE Entrance there may have following the epizootic, pestis been which positive among had individuals a smaller established been so might number the popula- of 718 JOURNAL tion OF WILDLIFE a year that earlier. tested DISEASES, Some negative of at Vega yearlings epizootic which had in spring marked yearlings and plague. leitner may could 1970) dogs had of 37 bodies Such sults Y. pestis zootics. Valley after the be Gunnison’s is similar Valley during titers in from prairie epizootic the the epizootic of epizootic (Cully, growth to 2.9 1996, prairie throughout population after the was life Fund and N.I.H. 07030-12 for financial BARNES, a fraction of what reepi- London J. J. L. F., its of relevance black-footed of prairie of Fish dog the D. U.S. black- E. Biggins, and Wildlife 13: Washimigton, Gunnison’s change of I).C., indices prairie habitat. J. dogs South Park, State P. 1986. and clog densities Great Basin prairie visual in black- Natumralist Ph.D. complexes In for black-footed J. B. Miller GOLDENBERG, M. 1964. The with Pasturella pestis the QUAN in 1). U.S. Fish MARTIN, M. of prairie of of the E. Big- and Wild- 13, Washington, B. W AND HUDSON. inapparent infections a Microtus c(thfornicus the Sari Francisco 3: 1-13. Research Cunnison’s recovery reimstroduction of in Colorado, in for Report I., S. F. in P., M. plague (eds.). detection population Collins, L. Oldemever, life Service, Biological D.C., pp. 50-59. in Cd- Management the J. ferret, plague mnammals Dissertation. Fort ferrets. of smnall The ecology of and suggestiomis black-footed and ecology associated Colorado. University, dogs gins, The 1970. and orado 90 pp. 1993. noses BICcINs. 8: 94-98. prairie dog E. capture-recapture of ferret growth epizootic. 146-157. D. AND dog a plague 78: A., of prairie after Mammalogy K. Memoirs HAAS, of bum- 237-270. the Oldemeyer, Report 1997. JR. FITZGERALD, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and Management (eds.). life-history Journal 1984. 50: reintroduction Miller FAGERSTONE, in control Symposium and In Biological count We thank the land owners of the Moreno Valley for their kindness in letting us work on their ranches. We are especially indebted to the late B. Gallagher and his family for providing a house as a base of operations. M. Hohmann helped with field work during 1987-88. A. Cully made many helpful contributions to this project. J. Hoogland, S. Kambhampati, S. Loker, R. Thomas, and two anonymous reviewers provided numerous helpful suggestions on the manuscript. T Brown and P. Reynolds provided help in the field and shipped tissue, flea and serum samples. J. Hubbard and G. Graham provided consistent encouragement and numerous helpful suggestions on the work re- of the Comparison present but the and States. 28-37. and rate CITED of plague 28-37. J. DeWild#2 T32 Al Grant populations ferret, B. CULLY, original it was With Suveillance for Service, first and populations valley are hunted. In July were Valley, Mexico Share support. A review dog Pps. pp. Valley could re7 yr. At Vega the a second epizo- colonies Moreno New Training Society prairie and the a high the Fish, the United in 1993. to footed the popufrom 0.8 the and Zoological ferret. Moreno dogs pres- following thank 1982. plague the 0 to M. A. honic the dog the Game footed If such maintained, population in the Moreno cover in between 6 and prairie dogs experienced otic 4 yr throughout We of passed. 1997). were here. partment complexes had antial., 1988). At Vega and South Entrance lation growth rate, X, increased before to prairie dogs et ported LITERATURE Likewise, prairie (Ubico 1997 distin- immune antibodies. positive taken the un- one of nine (Lechnone of nine (Fitz- seroprevalence the Moreno All were been presence of Y. proportion of indicates that to Y. pestis, were from white-tailed to Y. pestis low from ent sera animals have not presumably At South Park, et al., 1968) and gerald, the 33, NO. 4, OCTOBER not been through 1985; at Vega guished from adults. The pestis antibodies in a large survivors of the epizootics these animals were exposed survived, VOL. Bay SWIcKARD ANI) area. Zoo- B. E. MIL- 1973. Siphonaptera-mammal relationships in north central New Mexico. Journal of Medical Entomology 10: 281-289. HOLDENRIED, R., AND S. F. QUAN. 1956. SusceptiLER. bility of plague. HOPKINS, G. New Mexico Rodents Public Health Reports A. G., illustrated of Fleas (Natural University HUDSON, M. experimental 979-984. ROTHSCHILD. 1962. An catalogue of the Rothschild Collection (Siphonaptera) in the British Museum History). Vol. III, Histrichopsyllidae. Press, Cambridge, England, 560 pp. B. W, BERG. 1964. ulation of rodent AND to 71: S. F. QUAN, Serum Microtus species during AND amstibody calmj’ornicus and M. I. responses after and Pasturdlla GOLDENin a pop- associated pestis CULLY epizootics BERG, plague nzsoui) 49: 734-743. J. A G. size Management E. of MEXICO anti visual of white-tailed POLAND, J. CRC 66: THOMAS, L. and Miller, \Vildlife OF STATE and precipitation Mexico re- Fe, A. M. Series Rickettsial, II. Stoenner, CRC Press, in anti W Inc. 1979. BARNES. Zoonoses, Mycotic Kaplan, Boca Raton, G. 0. Fe, New Passive pp. A. 25 epizootic New of Mexico. T. J., A. M. BARNES, AND J. 1). POLAND. 1981. Received for publication New pp. 1970. ON \\‘IIO PLAGUE. Technical Health \Vilcl- Agency, test. Report Organization, pp. World Series, Geneva, pp. 5 November EX- Annex, 515-597. QUAN, leo- (Cynomys hemaglutination World FAGERSTONE, Journal in 33 Organization Switzerland, re- London, Improvement Mexico, 23-25. 447, The host Ltd., clogs ORGANIZATION. A: Health IIADD0W. fleas: A plague Wyoming. Plague Section Florida, K. prairie 399-406. HEALTH No. F. and Inc. 1988. 24: COMMITTEE Vol- the Basin of genera MAUPIN, 1978. PERT Torten the Environmemital Santa in Great J. AND to Meeteetse, S. mice Collection McLEAN. Diseases N. reobser- with plague. Press white-tailed of collection pp. G. Mexico Mex- outbreak grasshopper rodent Key In M. 723- 83-95. Plague. Diseases. amsd health pp. of Mammnalogy of flea ROTHSCHILD, 288 the life of Rothschild R., R. WORLD ANI) Pumblic leucog.a.ster Academic S. WEBER, Mexico New role 48: M. corns) summaries Santa the The AND CLIMATOLOGIST. New A review of wild England, in Journal Onyc/zomy.s on R., UBICO, 67-72. Locations. of Agriculture. the Biological pp. Bellows of a plague dog. 1988. lationships. R. Crete Service, D.C., ln J. L. Old- and E. from 1983. pp. D., R. Ceratophyllidae: dogs. for bacte- A. I).C., Dynamnics prairie Naturalist estimating ferret. American Washington, 1985. epizootiology 1993. complexes for infections. (eds.). 719 194-196. vations Public Washing- for DYNAMICS procedumres parasitic Inc., S. cords United prairie J. B. and New Bacterial, (eds.). W. J. Hausler 1962. ANDERSON. counts clog Biggins, Ilaisdbook ummise I. and in cen- 36. 392, black-footed OFFICE I)epartment the No. H. \Vashington, selected in No. S. Temperature 190 plague AND Fish 13, ico, mycotic RAYOR, 1: 185-199. Monograph Diagnostic rial, TRAUB, of the U.S. 1984. Ecology colony Research of prairie introduction 1). dog Publication, E., population Reports In POPULATION 745. pp. Mark-recapture (ecis.). DOG Association, (Cynomys KARTSIAN. prairie history 120 emneier, PRAIRIE Yersinioses. epizootic dogs L. AND Health Service I).C., MENKENS, Zoo- I. GOLDENAn Colorado. Zoonoses Public health M. prairie TILESTON, 1955. ton, Area. 1968. south-central Colorado. for KARTMAN, HUDSON. of a Gunnison’s V Bay GUNNISON’S in Gunnison’s V States. NEW L. Gunnison’s in l)ie-off tral R., in Fransisco AND 15-29. B. \V ANI) gun LINK, San 3: R. LECIII.EITNER. of the in Research HOSCS ET AL-PLAGUE 1.996.