Automated Round-trip Software Engineering in Aspect Weaving Systems

Automated Round-trip Software Engineering in
Aspect Weaving Systems
Mikhail Chalabine, Christoph Kessler, Peter Bunus
Programming Environments Laboratory
Dept. of Computer and Information Science
Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
{mikch, chrke, petbu}
We suggest an approach to Automated Round-trip
Software Engineering in source-level aspect weaving
systems that allows for transparent mapping of manual edits in the woven program back to the appropriate
source of origin, which is either the application core or
the aspect space.
Automated Round-trip Software Engineering
(ARE) is a demanding problem in a wide range of
modeling and programming systems. The goal of
ARE is to automatically assure consistency between
different interrelated system artifacts, such as, views,
models or code, and, in particular, propagate updates
made in the derived artifacts back to their sources of
origin. The generic approach to ARE builds around
the classical mathematical definition of a bijective
mapping and its inverse, which, albeit working beautifully in theory, is difficult to realize in practice as
automatic inversion of arbitrary refactoring functions
on arbitrary code is hard [3]. The problem, therefore,
calls for domain-specific solutions.
In this paper we sketch a solution to ARE applicable to a specific class of source-level code refactoring systems where refactoring actions, such as, preprocessing, aspect application, semi-automatic transformations or manual editing are encoded as aspects
statically woven into a core. A series of weaving steps
transforms an initial, possibly empty, core into a final
version of the program [8].1 The approach is of particular importance to Invasive Interactive Parallelization
1 Note that the model also covers refactoring programs in Invasive Software Composition [3].
(IIP) [5] where an interactive system must allow for
consistency-preserving manipulations in the composed
(parallelized, woven) code.
We show that, given we distinguish between the
original core code and aspect code, the inverse mapping
can be implemented in three steps. First, derive the
origin of a lexeme being edited, i.e., decide whether it
stems from an aspect or the core and find its (row, column) position relative to the aspect or the core. Then
propagate the update to the origin, and, finally, recompose the system, i.e., re-apply all refactoring actions
that causally followed the updated source.
Motivational example
The following simple example illustrates how manual edits in the (transformed) code can be mapped back
to either the application core or to the appropriate element in the aspect space. Let us consider a banking
application in which a BankAccount class is defined as
public class BankAccount {
private float balance;
private float safetyDeposit;
public BankAccount(float p_balance,
float p_sdeposit){
balance = p_balance; safetyDeposit = p_sdeposit;
public void credit(float amount){
balance = balance - amount;
public float getBalance(){return balance;}
public float getSDeposit(){return safetyDeposit;}
A very simple banking transaction can be illustrated
by the following BankTransaction class:
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public class BankTransaction {
public static void main(String[] args) {
BankAccount ac = new BankAccount(500, 400);;;
in which two withdrawals are performed on a newly
created account. Now let us impose that the owner
of an account needs to have at least 250 in the current deposit before withdrawing money and after each
withdrawal the balance should be positive. We will
introduce these concerns as an AspectJ aspect:
public aspect secureTrans {
pointcut checkings(BankAccount bk):
&& target(bk);
before(BankAccount bk) : checkings(bk) {
assert bk.getBalance() > 250;
after(BankAccount bk)
returning: checkings(bk) {
assert bk.getBalance() > 0;
The aspect secureTrans contains two constraints
(assertions) that should be inserted(woven) before and
after the execution of the credit method. Now let
us suppose that our system has a means to display
the woven code to the programmer. In this case the
BankTransaction will look like:
public class BankTransaction {
public static void main(String[] args) {
BankAccount ac = new BankAccount(500, 400);
assert ac.getBalance() > 250;;
assert ac.getBalance() > 0;
assert ac.getBalance() > 250;;
assert ac.getBalance() > 0;
Now let us consider a manual edit at the woven code
level that attempts to relax the first assertion by specifying that, before each withdrawal, the condition that
needs to be satisfied is that the amount of money in
the current deposit plus the amount of money from
the safety account should exceed 250. This edit will
transform the first assertion into:
assert ac.getBalance() + ac.getSDeposit() > 250;
At this point we might consider that the manual edit
should be applied only at this program point and leave
the other assertions unmodified. On the other hand,
since the original code stemmed from an aspect advice we might also consider to modify the advice from
originating aspect, rewind all other applications of the
aspect, and reapply the modified aspect to the original core. In this case the assertion before the second
withdrawal attempt will be modified as well.
Background and notation
In the following, we assume that a syntactically correct source program is given and is parsed according to
a context-free grammar. A concrete syntax tree (CST)
or parse tree [1] is a tree representing the syntactic
structure of a source program. Its inner nodes correspond to nonterminals and its leaves to terminals (tokens) of the underlying context-free grammar of the
source language, as resulting from the parsing process. Whitespace (such as blank spaces, tabs and line
breaks) and comments in the source program can be
represented properly in the CST by adding artificial
“fill” terminals before every terminal occurrence on the
right hand side of every production rule. A syntactic program point, or shortly program point, is a triple
p = (s, r, c) that consists of a source file name s and
the row index r and column index c in the source file
s where the lexeme of a token begins. A tree pattern
is a generic CST with at least one tree variable symbol. Tree patterns can be formulated in a superset of
the base language. Then, the actual code for performing the necessary matching functionality (testing for
equality of symbols etc.) can be generated automatically from tree pattern descriptions. Generic tree pattern matching with similar pattern description syntax
is widely used in generic tree transformation systems
such as TXL [4], puma [6], or TRAFOLA [7], as well
as in retargetable code generation.
Similar to COMPOST [3] we explicitly declare the
pattern type in the pattern specification. This is the
type of the associated nonterminal of the pattern root
together with variable symbols. This eases parsing
the pattern specification and pattern matching, and
it makes the composition interface explicit. In COMPOST, trees for program fragments are included in
containers, so-called fragment boxes, which are typed
explicitly with predefined fragment box types, such as
class boxes, method boxes, etc. In practice, these fragment box types always correspond to the contained
root nonterminal.
We view aspect as a set of pattern-matching-based
rewrite rules applicable to program source code that
21st IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'06)
0-7695-2579-2/06 $20.00 © 2006
Authorized licensed use limited to: Linkoping Universitetsbibliotek. Downloaded on January 6, 2010 at 11:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
together manifest a certain concern. Each rewrite rule
has a left-hand side that consists of a tree pattern, and
a right-hand side (also called advice) that corresponds
to a subtree substitution that is applicable when the
pattern matches a node in the program tree. A weaving
transformation A is either an application of a (matching) aspect rule to a CST T , or a subtree substitution
stemming from a manual editing step. We denote a
weaving transformation A applied to T resulting in a
tree T by
T A T A hook [3], also known as a join point in AspectJ terminology and as a redex in graph transformation theory,
is a program point where the left hand side of an aspect
rule matches. Hooks can be implicit, given in terms of
program elements that match the pattern stated in the
aspect rule, or explicit, given by a manual marking of a
specific program element (or sequence of elements) by
the programmer such that an aspect can address it.
Given a CST T0 of a core program and a sequence of
weaving transformations (aspect applications or edits)
A1 ,...,An , the weaving sequence
T0 A1 T1 A2 T2 ... An Tn
pulls the core through a sequence of intermediate states
T1 , . . ., Tn , where Tn holds the final version of the
woven code.
Assmann [2] defines inverse transformations and automatic roundtrip engineering (ARE) as follows:
Let A, B be two domains, and f : A → B a transformation function from function space F . If there is
a functional i : F → F which calculates for f its inverse f −1 ∈ F then R = (A, B, f, i) is an automatic
round-trip engineering system (ARE).
The problem with this definition is that it is nonconstructive. For certain transformations such as code
removal, the inverse may not exist at all, or the system
may not be able to derive it automatically from stored
information. We, therefore, choose an approach that
does not need to construct inverse transformations at
all. All that is needed is a means to trace back the
origin of code, and to store the weaving sequence (in
forward order).
Problem Solution
Assume some core program is given by its CST T0
and Tn is the final transformation state as in (1). Consider a manual edit of the woven code in the final state
Tn . In order to back propagate the edit we must first
find the origin of the code being edited, i.e. a proper
syntactic point (s, r, c).
4.1 Program point location
In order to track the location information we extend the nodes of the CST-based high-level intermediate program representation (IR) by some ancillary
data and functionality. In a straightforward implementation, every augmented node stores its current coordinates in terms of a syntactic point (sw , rw , cw ). It
further keeps a history of aspects being applied to it,
which is encoded as a list of syntactic points, see e.g.,
Figure 1(a). Elements of this list hold a pointer to
a location in every refactoring aspect rule applied to
the node. Given such an augmented IR, the source of
origin for a program point is derived in the following
way. When the user clicks the woven code, see e.g., the
bottom interface frame shown in Figure 1(b), the system searches the IR of the woven code for a leaf node
(token) with the coordinate values coinciding with the
(row, column) coordinates of the click. When the node
is hit, the Get history() method returns its position
in the source of origin, see Figure 1(a). A more efficient implementation of this base principle is being
developed in ongoing work.
We shall now describe a mechanism of propagating updates in the woven code to the proper source.
For clarity of the presentation we split the propagation
problem in two subproblems.
4.2 Woven-code–to–core propagation
In woven-code–to–core propagation an update is
born to all the states Ti , i ∈ (1, . . . , k − 1, k +
1, . . . , n). It is either applied as just another weaving
transformation (that is, Tn An+1 Tn+1 ), leaving the
preceding history intact, or is directly committed to
the original core T0 , which is subsequently subjected
to re-application of the whole weaving series (replay).
Observe that due to the change in T0 , re-application
is likely to result in a different configuration (weaving
sequence) as the back-propagation can introduce new
and eliminate existing hooks.
4.3 Woven-code–to–aspect propagation
In woven-code–to–aspect propagation an update is
born to the aspect source, which, in turn, requires consistent propagation to all or only a subset of hooks
affected by the aspect. Similar to the propagation to
a core, an update can be encoded as just another local weaving transformation (Tn An+1 Tn+1 ) or be directly committed to the aspect source. The user can be
prompted, e.g., by a clickable dialog which of the two
alternatives she prefers: do a local patch or a commit
the update to the aspect source and replay.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Linkoping Universitetsbibliotek. Downloaded on January 6, 2010 at 11:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
(a) A fragment of the woven-code CST. Aspect SecureTrans inserts a new
subtree shown in the dashed rectangle. Each node carries position information, shown for nodes with calls to bk.getBalance() and ac.Credit() only.
Following each weaving step, the (sw , rw , cw ) coordinates at every node
located after the weaving point are adjusted for the transformation length.
(b) A manual edit in the woven code, shown bold in
the bottom frame, is propagated to the proper source
of origin, which in this case is the SecureTrans aspect
shown in the top-right frame.
Figure 1. A simple solution attaches position and the transformation history to nodes in the CST.
Conclusion and future work
We sketched how to track the origin of lexemes in
the woven code and how to use this mechanism for implementing ARE in aspect-weaving systems. The suggested solution allows to keep the woven code and the
sources consistent when the woven code is manually
updated. We report plans for improving the performance of the suggested scheme and formalizing it in
terms of generic tree transformations. We also report
ongoing work on an ARE-enabled implementation of an
interactive weaving system Aspect-Diesel for a simple
Pascal-like base language.
This research was supported by the SSF–project
RISE - Research on Integrated Software Engineering–
and the CUGS graduate school.
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21st IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'06)
0-7695-2579-2/06 $20.00 © 2006
Authorized licensed use limited to: Linkoping Universitetsbibliotek. Downloaded on January 6, 2010 at 11:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.