ITU Workshop on Software Defined Networking (SDN) Standardization Landscape (Geneva, Switzerland, 4 June 2013) "Deeply Programmable Network" Emerging Technologies for Network Virtualization and Software Defined Network (SDN) Akihiro Nakao Associate Professor The University of Tokyo Geneva, Switzerland, 4 June 2013 Future Network Research Proliferating... • • • • • Future Internet Architecture (FIA) in U.S. Global Initiative in Network Innovations (GENI) in U.S. Framework Programme 7 (FP7) in EU Horizon 2020 (2014-) in EU New Generation Network (NwGN) in Japan The University of Tokyo Confidential 2 How can we resolve newly observed, constantly arising problems in the current Internet? Network Services Economic DDoS Attack Sub-optimal Data Center NW SaaS Cloud Computing Platform PaaS Access IaaS & Data Convergence Smartphones Wired-Wireless Convergence Named Content ID-Locator Separation Content Oriented Access Sensor Data Processing NetBooks/NetTops Enterprises Security Vulnerability Sensors The University of Tokyo Confidential 3 Emerging Areas of Study in Future Network Research Introducing programmability into networking to flexibly and dynamically resolve constantly arising contemporary issues. • Network Virtualization (NV) • Software Defined Network (SDN) • Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) • And more? The University of Tokyo Confidential 4 Network Virtualization In computing, network virtualization is the process of combining hardware and software network resources and network functionality into a single, software-based administrative entity, a virtual network. Network virtualization involves platform virtualization, often combined with resource virtualization. .... the advanced network virtualization , govern a collection of the resources ranging from links, networks, and node-software as a slice and create a virtualized network over the slice with dynamically controllable and programmable links and nodes. The University of Tokyo Confidential 5 • • • SDN Software Driven Network (IETF BoF) ? Software Defined Network Some Definition Needed :-) Software-defined networking (SDN) is an approach to building computer networks that separates and abstracts elements of these systems SDN decouples the system that makes decisions about where traffic is sent (the control plane) from the underlying system that forwards traffic to the selected destination (the data plane)... SDN enables programmability for control-plane so that OPEX in network operation and management can be reduced through automation... Aki Nakao 2013 The University of Tokyo Confidential 6 Standardization Activities • • • • • • • ITU-T on Future Networks / Network Virtualization ETSI on Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) IETF BoF on Software Driven Networks (SDN) IRTF BoF on Network Virtualization IETF WG on Interface to Routing System (I2RS) (conceptually similar to SDN) ONF (Open Networking Foundation) on Software Defined Networks (SDN) /OpenFlow OpenDaylight on Software Defined Networks (SDN) The University of Tokyo Confidential 7 Deep Programmability within Network • Application Programmability OpenDaylight DPN Applications OpenFlow SDN • Control-Plane Programmability • Interfaces • Functions • • • Applications Interfaces e.g, Northbound API Control Plane Route Control Access Control Control-Plane Elements e.g, OpenFlow Controller Network Management • Data-Plane Programmability • Interfaces • Functions • Packet Data Processing Network NFV • • • Network Appliances (DPI, BRAS, EPC) • IPvN (N>6), New Layer2, CCN Deeply Programmable Network (DPN) Data Plane In-Network processing (Cache, Transcode) Interfaces e.g, Southbound API Data-Plane Elements e.g, OpenFlow Switches Wide-Area generic processing • Handling New Protocols The University of Tokyo Confidential 8 Discussions necessary at ITU-T Existing standardization activities • • • Network Virtualization (NV) Software Defined Network (SDN) Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Further study and standardization needed at ITU-T (SG13, SG11 or FG-DPN) • • Systematic view and organization of related technologies (NV, SDN, NFV and DPN) Deeply Programmable Network (DPN) Technologies • • • • Programmability for in-network processing Programmability for new (non-IP) protocols Data-Plane Programmability Interfaces Accommodation of multiple isolated programmable environments The University of Tokyo Confidential These missing pieces should be studied among industries and academia (GENI, FIA, FP7 NwGN related academia) 9 DPN Research: FLARE The University of Tokyo Confidential 10 FLARE /!5(32'($0&$*3"0 &'()'*++*,4$42% !&/!-010!*2*0&$*3"0 &'()'*++*,4$42% !""#$% &'()'*++*,$" -(." -"26('80 94'2:*$4;*<(3 -"60&'(2(7($0 5*#*,4$42% The University of Tokyo Confidential 11 OpenFlow Switch Applications Northbound API OpenFlow Controller (OFC) OpenFlow API (Southbound API) Fixed Control Plane Fixed Data Plane Physical Ports Flow Pattern Match Actions OpenFlow Switch (OFS) Although flexible control is achieved to some extent... Data-plane programmability •Complex processing not supported New protocols •Non Internet protocols not supported New classification •L7 pattern match not suppoted Proprietary actions •Proprietary actions cannot be executed Proprietary APIs (re)definition •Proprietary API cannot be added The University of Tokyo Confidential 12 Fully Programmable Switch? Applications Northbound API Controller Southbound API Programmable Control Plane Programmable Data Plane Physical Ports Challenges: Deeply Programmable Switch •Tradeoff between performance and flexibility •Ease of programming •Supporting multiple protocols/instant switch/concurrent use The University of Tokyo Confidential 13 Multiple Fully Programmable Layers (Slivers) Programmable Control Plane Virtualized Resource Layers (Slivers) Programmable Data Plane Resource virtualization within a single node enables multiple switching logics/controls The University of Tokyo Confidential 14 FLARE Node Architecture (multiple fully programmable slivers) Fully Programmable Sliver N . . FLARE Central Programmable Control Plane Programmable Data Plane Virtual Ports Sliver 2 Sliver 1 Physical Ports The University of Tokyo Confidential Node Manager Packet Slicer 15 • • • • • • FLARE Node Implementation Multiple, isolated, deeply programmable environments OS Virtualization on many-core processor (D-plane) and x86 processor (C-plane) Multi 10Gbps ports 1U / 1U Mini Form Factor Control Plane & Data Plane Linux Programmability Flexible programmability and reasonable performance The University of Tokyo Confidential 16 Roadmap of FLARE nodes Capacity in Gbps 320 10GbE x32 FLARE-EX (1U) 2014 1Q 10GbE x8 40 FLARE-X (1U) 2013 4Q 10GbE x4 FLARE1 2012 4Q 4 GbE x8 + 10GbE x2 FLARE2 2013 1Q 10 32 The number of ports The University of Tokyo Confidential 17 FLARE Programming Model in Sliver Programmable Control Plane ofprotocol dpctl Programmable Data Plane FromIO (xgbe1) FromIO (xgbe2) NOX Controller tunnel ToIO (xgbe2) OFSwitch ToIO (xgbe1) Multi-Threaded Modular Programming e.g., Click Software Modular Router (multi-threaded) •Arbitrary switch logic(s) can be implemented The University of Tokyo Confidential 19 Ethernet Switch 6+-./0 1.23$75 *%+,-./0 1.23$45 !"#$% &'(")# 6+-./0 1.23$45 *%+,-./0 1.23$75 789/,: &!#! ;#; ;#; ;#; ;#; ;#; ;#; ;#; "'()*+, -'()*+, .'()*+, $'()*+, %#< %#$ $#! ;#; .#" "#$ ! &'()*+ /012,34+5$&"6 /012,34+5&$&.6 Switching Performance The University of Tokyo Confidential 20 OpenFlow Control Plane Data Plane tunnel FromIO (xgbe1) ToIO (xgbe2) OFSwitch FromIO (xgbe2) 789/,: ;#; %#; %#$ "#$ ToIO (xgbe1) ;#; &!#! &#$ ;#; =#% $#& .#" $#! NOX Controller ofprotocol dpctl "#% -#< ! &'()*+ /012,34+5$&"6 /012,34+5&$&.6 "'()*+, -'()*+, .'()*+, Switching Performance The University of Tokyo Confidential $'()*+, 21 What can we do with FLARE that others cannot do in a simple manner? The University of Tokyo Confidential 22 Multiple SDN Logics (OpenFlow 1.3 and OpenFlow 1.0) FLARE2 1 OpenFlow1.0 NOX1 NOX2 OpenFlow1.3 IPv6 IPv6 video client IPv6 Client #1 video client IPv6 Client #2 GbE IPv4 video client IPv4 Client #1 10GbE IPv4 video client IPv4 Client #2 The University of Tokyo Confidential IPv6 IPv4 video server VLC Server 23 Multiple SDN Logics Purpose: Dynamically changing SDN control logics for different flow spaces Benefit: Instant upgrade/downgrade of switching software Incremental upgrade while keeping compatibility with old technologies Enable evolve-able network architecture Solution: FLARE can implement multiple SDN logics (southbound APIs) in slivers The University of Tokyo Confidential 24 Window-based Arbitrary Bit Matching Arbitrary bit matching as in openflow pattern matcher is costly due to expensive memory operation per packet !"#$%! Set a window to minimize per-packet memory operations Improve performance while keeping flexibility Leon Lee, Ping Du and Akihiro Nakao, "Ouroboros: SDN Beyond Flow-Tuple Matching," IEICE NS Technical Report, Mar. 2013 The University of Tokyo Confidential 25 Window-based Arbitrary Bit Matching e.g., RTP-SSRC Matching Purpose: Specific Real-time audio/video traffic control, based on stream , not flow (e.g. based on RTP SSRC field to enable routing according to the streaming-video IDs ) Benefit: Application/Content specific routing Solution: Use window to extract information included in RTP headers "0$ !!"# $%&'(%)*+&,..// The University of Tokyo Confidential 26 L7 Switching and In-Network Processing Video Client L7 Switching Op en OpenFlow Controller Flo w/ R TP L7 Switching OFSW /RTP Video Server RE FLA In-Network Processing Mux RE FLA Trans coder RE FLA FLARE supports deeply programmable SDN solutions such as arbitrary-bits and arbitrary offset matching and definition of proprietary APIs achieving both flexibility and performance In-Network Processing Video transcoding can be preformed in real time on either D-plane (many-cores processor) or C-plane (Intel-CPU). The University of Tokyo Confidential 27 Window-based Arbitrary Bit Matching e.g., Trailer Matching Purpose: Device/application/content specific traffic engineering Benefits: More specific recognition for packets bound to overly used TCP port (e.g., 80) Traffic engineering for data transmitted from specific devices Network Virtualization for non-IP protocols! Solution: After attach/detach trailers, establish control in intermediate FLARE switches ##23 ./ &' 100$ &'&' The University of Tokyo Confidential 28 Window-based Arbitrary Bit Matching e.g., Trailer Matching Trailer is an extra section attached at the end of each packet 1-%)-45************************************$%67-+*6(8+-8+*************************************************04%9'-4 End/Edge nodes are responsible for attaching and detaching Trailers (%)*+ (%)*, $%67-+ $%67-+ !"#$% / $%67-+ / $%67-+ / $%67-+ / Leon Lee, Ping Du and Akihiro Nakao, "Ouroboros: SDN Beyond Flow-Tuple Matching," IEICE NS Technical Report, Mar. 2013 The University of Tokyo Confidential 29 Network Virtualization with Trailer Slicing SERVER1 !+,-+,.) () FLARE1 D51,+.)$ D51,+.*$ FLARE2 SERVER2 !+,-+,.* !"#$$ %&'$ !"#$$ %&'$ -(*/ (* SERVER3 !+,-+,.3 (3 D51,+.3$ +0%12 D51,+.4$ SERVER4 !+,-+,.4 +0%12 (3 5678$$ %69:;<=> (4 SERVER6 !+,-+,.C 76E8=$ GH68>I SERVER5 !+,-+,.? 76E8=$ F8:78: -()/ @A8>$ B;9$ The University of Tokyo Confidential 30 Drastic Examples The University of Tokyo Confidential 31 L2 Programmability Extended (96bit) MAC switching Traditional Ethernet Frame: DMAC (48bits) SMAC (48bits) Type IP PayLoad Extended Ethernet Frame with Extended MAC: DMAC (96bits) SMAC (96bits) Type IP PayLoad Prototype with Click FromDevice (tap0) Strip(14) ExEtherEncap Strip(26) EtherEncap ToDevice (tap0) Strip(26) EtherEncap ToDevice (tap1) ExEtherSwitch FromDevice (tap1) Strip(14) ExEtherEncap The University of Tokyo Confidential 32 L2 Programmability Extended (96bit) MAC switching 6+-./0 1.23$75 *%+,-./0 1.23$45 !.89: &'(")# 6+-./0 1.23$45 *%+,-./0 1.23$75 789/,: %#$ $#! ;#; ;#% &!#! ;#; ;#; ;#; ;#; ;#; -'()*+, .'()*+, $'()*+, <#% =#& -#" "#$ ! &'()*+ /012,34+5$&"6 /012,34+5&$&.6 "'()*+, Switch Performance The University of Tokyo Confidential 33 L2 Programmability Extended (96bit) MAC switching Purpose: •Demonstrating Clean-Slate programmability even for L2 protocols •Possibly alternative to VXLAN for mitigating MAC address exhaustion for supporting a large number of tenants in data center networks Benefit: MAC address extension keeping transparence for IP applications Solution: FLARE can literally provide deep programmability in data-plane, even in L2. The University of Tokyo Confidential 34 Non-IP protocol Mobility First Network In Tokyo Mobility First US Backbone MF GNRS RE FLA GBE C-channel MF RE FLA MF Sender XGB D-channel FLARE Testbed (Japan) The University of Tokyo Confidential Mobility First Network In Utah ProtoGENI Testbed (US) 35 Non-IP protocol Purpose: Develop and operate Non-IP protocols over a network Benefit: Enable non-IP protocol development for research community Solution: FLARE can be used to program data-plane as well as control-plane for Non-IP protocols (that requires data-plane programming) The University of Tokyo Confidential 36 FLARE at ITPro EXPO 2012 Beyond OpenFlow/SDN The University of Tokyo Confidential 37 MPLS 2012 (with Cisco & Juniper) The University of Tokyo Confidential 38 IM2013 Keynote 39 iPoP 2013 Business Session Platinum Booth 40 LivingLab @ NakaoLab Living with Deeply Programmable FLARE $%&%'(#$)*#+,'-.,/#0/)'1# 8!3 9/:1#;<8"#=,.->#?+@A4B# # 5 6 !"#"$%&!'(&)'*'&+,'$-& E D C 2!3 !!"## $3#DG# E . 2 !!"# 4/0 5"(-6&+76*& & 0 . ./0 < D F //1& +'*89& +'$-,& 5 E 5 0 5 E+ 2!" E 2 2!5 2!4 3 E 7 8 " E ./1 4 2 3 . 5 5 5 D ./3 ./2 0 . 0 . 0 5"(-6&+76*& & 9/:1#;<8"#=,.->#?+@A4B# # The University of Tokyo Confidential 41 Conclusion • Deep Programmability refers to the extensive programmability including Control-plane, Data-plane (including non-IP handling), (re)defining APIs in SDN, etc. • Deeply Programmable Network research encourages clean-slate thinking and redesigning the network and lifts the limitation in traditional networking and even in the current SDN • Standardization on deep programmability within the network is yet to be done The University of Tokyo Confidential 42 Credits • • FLARE Project Team @ UTokyo • • • • • • Aki Nakao Shu Yamamoto Ryota Ozaki Ping Du Eiji Miyagaki Haruki Denpo NICT & MIC for Funding the Project(s) The University of Tokyo Confidential 43