Student Services Department AUO Assessment Analysis Form

Student Services Department AUO Assessment Analysis Form
Use the form below to summarize the results of the department meeting in which you discussed the results of your AUO
Note: This AUO is connected to the new division of Counseling & Educational Support Services (C&ESS) that was created
in July 2011. The division is a blend of Matriculation services (Assessment, Orientation, and Counseling), Transfer and
Career, Puente, International Students, DSPS and Learning Skills. It no longer includes some of the departments that were
part of the old division (Instructional Development) and the program plan that is posted here from 2008. A program plan
for the new C&ESS division is scheduled for spring 2013.
Counseling & Educational Support Services Division
Meeting Date
September, October 2012
Number of Staff
% of department
AUO measured
Assessment, Orientation and Counseling will utilize information from the Division Office/
Office of Matriculation to improve services to help students meet their educational goals.
Assist counselors to recognize and support the different needs for high and low
engagement/high and low touch services that community college students may have;
redesign services to respond to theses differing needs.
• Meetings were held in spring 2012 to discus the concept of High and Low
Engagement/High and Low Touch services- led by dean.
• Dean, counselors and staff in Transfer Center and Counseling Office clarified
distinction in services that require 10 minutes (Express session) and 30 minute
sessions with counselors
• Counselors identified BYMA (Before You Make an Appointment) as a way to have
students be better prepared for visits, clearer on needs during session, and to
direct those that may be more comfortable using technology (low touch) to use that
medium first before automatically making an appointment with a counselor
• Web page was updated with BYMA and large posters were written with a checklist
of things to do BEFORE making an appointment
• Staff was trained by dean to ask questions differently, drill down and triage on the
phones in order to better identify needs and make appropriate appointments
Assessment Tool
(Briefly describe
assessment tool)
Assessment Analysis
(Summarize the
assessment results;
discuss what
administrative unit’s
needs and issues were
Next Steps
(How will you address
the needs and issues
revealed by the
Two meetings were held with counselors and staff to assess if 1) students were
reading the signs, 2) asking different kinds of question when meeting with
counselors or working with staff, 3) the communication had made any difference
(positive) in what was discussed in a session with a counselor and 4) if students
were more focused and better prepared when meeting with counselors.
• The evaluation was that there is a positive difference - evident in questions asked,
steps completed before meeting with a counselor and the counselors reported that
the sessions were different in terms of focus, preparation and outcomes.
The counselors and staff want to revise some of the wording on the BYMA signs after
“living” with them for a semester and then reprint and also share with the Watsonville site,
which initially had not been interested in using them as they “see” their students
differently. After hearing the feedback from their colleagues, some of the Watsonville
counselors want the posters for better and more focused services at their smaller location.
Timeline for
(Make a timeline for
how you will implement
the next steps outlined
above )
October 12, 2012- rewrite BYMA
October 21012- reprint and distribute signs
Spring 2013 re-evaluate for other changes.
Spring 2013- work on counseling website to reformat BYMA communication.
Student Services Department SLO/AUO Assessment Analysis Form
Use the form below to summarize the results of the department meeting in which you discussed the results of your
SLO/AUO assessment.
Counseling & Educational Support Services (C&ESS)
Meeting Date
Online Survey, sent 4-15 through 4-24, 2013
Number of Staff
17/28 = 61%
% of department
AUO measured
AUO measured: Staff that provides assessment, orientation, and counseling information is
presented with information from the Division Office/Office of Matriculation as one way to
evaluate and improve services for students so that students can more efficiently and
effectively meet their educational goals.
Assessment Tool
(Briefly describe
assessment tool)
Online Survey Monkey; nine questions (Likert scale) with two narrative questions.
Counseling faculty and staff, and assessment staff were asked to answer questions related
to: The Division Office’s communication and actions related to providing updates from the
Chancellor’s Office on the Student Success Act requirements ( AUO for the Division Office);
dialog with staff at meetings; direction for and solicitation of ideas on process
improvements; introduction of new initiatives for work groups and service redesign; dialog
about improved curriculum; provision of on-campus support by dean; advocacy for
departments and services
Assessment Analysis
The responses were positive and reinforcing in regard to the responders’ awareness of the
work of the division office in support of the counseling and assessment faculty and staff &
their issues
• 75% agree or strongly agree that the division office/dean provides ongoing updates
on new state initiatives and the implications for the services at Cabrillo;
• 58% agreed or strongly agree that the dean initiates conversations for new
directions for student success;
• 41% agreed or strongly agree that the assessment staff was solicited for their ideas
(35% were unaware of this area; and 24% disagreed). See Next Steps.
• 59% agree or strongly agree that the division office/dean work directly with
counselors to improve specific services that more effectively meet differing student
(Summarize the
assessment results;
discuss what staff needs
and issues were
• 53% agree or strongly agree that the division office/dean initiates new initiatives
and encourages work groups for process and service redesign;
• 71% agree or strongly agree that the division office/dean initiates dialog and ideas
about improving instruction/curriculum
• 47% agree or strongly agree that the division office works collaboratively with
other areas on campus to inform and support the counseling department's efforts
(24% strongly disagree or disagree). See Next Steps.
• 71% agree or strongly agreed that the division office/dean advocates for the
department and staff;
• The suggestions for improvement include having a dedicated budget person ;
being open to “battling entrenched practices and considering alternate ways of
functioning. “
Analysis: The major issues are 1) more frequent communication needed with the
assessment staff on a more regular basis. It is a small staff and the communication is
commonly directed to the coordinator and the ideas flow up and down that way. 2) to
need to inform the staff more consistently on the ways the dean/ the division office has
communicated with other parts of campus on their behalf.
Next Steps
(How will you address
the needs and issues
revealed by the
Timeline for
(Make a timeline for
how you will implement
the next steps outlined
above )
The dean will schedule more frequent meetings with assessment. There is a need to pull
them in more as a group and also work with them on ways to broaden their services in
regard to the Student Success Act.
The dean will ask counselors that already do see the efforts of the dean as collaborative
and supportive to help identify ways to better inform others that are less or unaware about
the advocacy. There is also the recognition that some will never see an administrator as a
Ongoing. Fall ’13 regular assessment meeting