Student Services Department SSLO Assessment Analysis Form

Student Services Department SSLO Assessment Analysis Form
Use the form below to summarize the results of the department meeting in which you discussed the results of your SSLO
Meeting Date
Fall of 2006, discussion of this SSLO assessment results for the previous academic year.
Revisited September 25, 2012.
4 (Director of EOPS, 2 counselors and the Dean of Student Services)
Number of Staff
% of department
SSLOs measured
Students will articulate, identify, and clarify career, vocational and transfer goals on their
educational plan.
Questionnaire and counselor interview.
When students met with a counselor, three questions were asked regarding their
educational plans (plans were created with student input):
1. Do you know what your major is?
2. Do you understand your education plan?
3. Are you aware that it can change at any time?
Assessment Tool
(Briefly describe
assessment tool)
At end of semester, tallies were done on each student to determine if they understood their
plans, based on the answers from the questions above.
Assessment Analysis
(Summarize the
assessment results;
discuss what student
needs and issues were
Next Steps
(How will you address
the needs and issues
revealed by the
Timeline for
(Make a timeline for
how you will implement
the next steps outlined
above )
Each student met with a counselor at least twice per semester. By the end of the second
meeting, counselors assessed students’ understanding of their goals within the educational
These assessments were done during the ‘05/06 semesters. It was found that 80% (107) of
those tabulated fully understood their plans, while 20% (26) did not. Although 80% is a high
level of achievement, we will strive to improve and work towards a higher
percentage/outcome in the interest of serving all students.
After evaluation of results, we determined that an Introduction to College course, CG 51,
should be offered to all EOPS/CARE students who were not understanding their Educational
Plans. This course was offered and staffed by EOPS/CARE counselors.
These courses were offered every fall semester, from fall 2008 through fall fall 2011. Since
budget constraints prevented further offering of these courses, we will develop and offer
ongoing workshops for students to focus specifically on their comprehension of Educational
Student Services Department SSLO Assessment Analysis
Meeting Date
Staff meetings were held before and after each orientation every semester, spring 2006,
fall 2006, spring 2007, fall 2007, spring 2008, fall 2009 and spring 2009.
Number of Staff
3: EOPS Director, two counselors
% of department
SSLOs measured
SSLO 2: Semester Orientation
Students will take responsibility for college success by becoming familiar with
on campus and in the program
Assessment Tool
(Briefly describe
assessment tool)
From Spring ’06 to Spring ’08 semesters we evaluated success of the orientation program
by designing and administering a pre and post orientation questionnaire. Questions
regarding basic college, financial aid and EOPS/CARE Program policies and procedures
were asked to students. Student advisors tallied results, and staff assessed evaluations.
Assessment Analysis
Through two years of analysis we concluded that the students were made acceptably
aware of other resources on campus. We also concluded that their awareness of the many
features of the EOPS/CARE program was deficient.
(Summarize the
assessment results;
discuss what student
needs and issues were
Next Steps
(How will you address
the needs and issues
revealed by the
Timeline for
(Make a timeline for
how you will implement
the next steps outlined
above )
The Orientation was redesigned during Fall ’08 for the upcoming semester to encourage
greater understanding of EOPS/CARE program, and personal interaction between students.
Results of implementation were excellent, revealing great improvement in all areas. We
also have discussed the possibility of implementing a mandatory CG 190 A-Z Orientation
course for all incoming EOPS/CARE students.
As of Fall 2008 the orientation has been restructured and continues to be assessed each
semester by the staff. Due to budget constraints and an administrative mandate to reduce
course offering to lower FTES, we will not be able to continue to offer the prescribed
Orientation course CG 190 A-Z until the budget improves and the College administration
allows us to reinstate this course.
Student Services Department SSLO Assessment Analysis
Meeting Date
Beginning in the fall 2009 semester, every semester after the 8th week of school.
Number of Staff
5 (EOPS/CARE Director, two counselors, program specialist and the Dean of Student
% of department
SSLOs measured
SSLO 3: Progress Reports
Students will communicate directly, in person, with instructors and be able to participate in
their own academic program evaluation process.
Assessment Tool
(Briefly describe
assessment tool)
Progress report form- student will ask each instructor to indicate the student’s progress in
class. Student will submit completed progress report to the EOPS Office. Any student
with less than a “C” grade in any course will be asked to meet with counselor to strategize
methods for improvement and success.
Assessment Analysis
We determined our return rate on the progress reports was not high enough, so we
increased our efforts by tying grant receipt to return of progress reports, and improved the
percentage of completion and return from below 50% to above 75% of all students in the
(Summarize the
assessment results;
discuss what student
needs and issues were
Next Steps
(How will you address
the needs and issues
revealed by the
Timeline for
(Make a timeline for
how you will implement
the next steps outlined
above )
EOPS office staff will conduct close follow up with students to remind them of progress
reports due via the following: phone calls, email and by posting due dates on program
website and Facebook. Program counselor and director will meet and review each student
after the 8th week of semester.
Implementation is ongoing for every semester.
Student Services Department SSLO Assessment Analysis
Meeting Date
From Fall 2007 to Spring 2012 the group met twice a semester.
Number of Staff
Director of the Planning and Research Office (PRO), Dean of Student Services and EOPS
Counselor and Director
% of department
SSLOs measured
SSLO 4: Ongoing Counseling
After a year in EOPS, students will persist to a 3rd semester as full time students.
Assessment Tool
(Briefly describe
assessment tool)
Research conducted by the Office of Planning and Research. See appendix
Assessment Analysis
EOPS students accumulated significantly more transferable units than the matched
comparison group. EOPS students also enjoyed higher second year retention rates, higher
rates of success in transfer-level math, and higher rates of transfer to four year institutions.
(Summarize the
assessment results;
discuss what student
needs and issues were
Next Steps
(How will you address
the needs and issues
revealed by the
Timeline for
(Make a timeline for
how you will implement
the next steps outlined
above )
A .5 unit orientation course, CG 190 A-Z, will be developed and required for all incoming
EOPS students. We will continue to work closely with the campus Transfer Center to ensure
students get supplemental information on transfer deadlines and requirements.
We will also coordinate efforts with Region IV Consortium to provide students with the
opportunity to do campus visits. We will also work closely with the new cohort Career
Technical Education (CTE) programs to increase student success and completion of degree.
Due to budget constraints, we will not be allowed to implement an orientation course (CG
190 A-Z) as this would increase FTES to the College, which is not allowed at this time. When
the College budget improves and we are allowed to offer this course, we will do so. In the
meantime, we will continue to closely work with the Transfer Center and new CTE and
Learning Community cohort programs. Timeline is ongoing, semester by semester.