Administrative Unit Annual Update Name of Unit: Date:

Administrative Unit Annual Update
Name of Unit: Student Employment Office
Date: December 14, 2015
1. College Mission Statement: Cabrillo College is a dynamic, diverse and responsive educational
community dedicated to helping all students achieve their academic, career and personal
development goals.
2. Administrative Unit Outcome, Unit Description, and List of Key Responsibilities:
The Student Employment Office is a full-service, one-stop center dedicated to assisting students, the
college, and the community in seeking, preparing for, identifying, and securing employment and career
development services.
The Student Employment Office is staffed by one 11-month, full-time, classified staffperson (Student
Employment Coordinator, SEC); with assistance from three part-time student assistants.
The SEC is responsible for all functions, services, and resources of the Student Employment Office.
By visiting the Student Employment Office, students and alumni can access the following services and
The SEC is available daily for walk-ins. During this time, the SEC provides assistance with
registering for, logging into, searching, and utilizing the Online Job Board, which the SEC
maintains and updates. The SEC also answers questions about campus jobs, the application
process, and other questions about campus functions (how to access information about
financial aid awards, where to get advising, how to access campus resources, etc.).
The SEC is available daily for appointments, during which more structured job search counseling
and guidance is provided. Typically students request appointments for resume review,
application assistance, interview coaching, and individualized advice related to the job search.
Computers are available to students and the community from 8-5 M-Th, and 8-3 Fri to sign up
for the Online Job Board, to search other job websites, draft resumes, complete applications,
and/or perform other job-search-related tasks. A scanner, phone, and printer are also available
for use.
The Online Job Board is maintained by the SEC for student and community use. Daily
maintenance tasks include: checking messages, answering phone calls, and following up on
emails from employers; reviewing, editing, and approving new employers and job postings;
reviewing student/alumni status and approving new users; troubleshooting issues with the
system; and auditing jobs and board users to be sure compliance with various laws, policy, and
standards are followed.
Workshops for students: resume prep, interview prep.
The SEC provides targeted job search assistance to under-represented and at-risk populations
on campus by providing office hours at the Foster Youth Independence office, and at the
Veterans’ Information Center.
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The SEC provides classroom visits to various programs on campus to explain office services. The
SEC has presented at the Nursing program and to International students.
The following HR/Payroll student employment functions are provided by the SEC to serve the
campus (staff, faculty, supervisors, and students).
• Duplication, collation, and distribution of student hiring packets.
• Duplication and distribution of Federal Work Study (FWS) time cards. IN PROCESS: working to
get these timecards available online.
• The SEC collects completed student new and rehire paperwork.
• Students visit the Student Employment Office with the documents required in order to be
cleared for work, and the SEC verifies these documents. The SEC also coordinates the
paperwork and instructions for students to be fingerprinted and cleared to work.
• Once paperwork is complete, the SEC enters data into Colleague (Datatel). The SEC also
maintains student employment files, including I-9 documents. Other hiring paperwork is
forwarded to HR and/or Payroll, as needed.
• As part of the ongoing responsibilities for student employment, the SEC also audits student
registration to verify that students can continue to work.
The SEC provides the following consultative function to campus supervisors:
• Availability to answer questions regarding student employment issues, challenges, processes,
• Workshops for supervisors. (In development)
• Communication about policy, procedure, forms, etc.
• Assistance with creating/editing job descriptions.
The SEC also participates in the following activities which impact and benefit the broader
Assists with and participates in local Job and Resource Fairs and employment services.
Participates with local Job Collaborative committees.
Consults with off-campus employers regarding recruitment of students.
Plans and implements campus-based Job Fair with outreach to alumni and the community.
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3. Three year Goals from previous program plan
Numbered Goals (list in
priority order)*
Goal 1: Support
continuity of services to
Objective 1.1: Write
and continually update
Center operations and
procedures manual,
which is for the use of
Student Employment
Effectiveness Link(s)*
SP2: Sustainable
Programs and Services
SP4: Institutional
SP5: Institutional
Objective 1.2: Request
part-time staff and/or
job restructure to
reduce workload and
better address campus
Goal 2: Increase
student access to
opportunities that
increase personal
awareness and
Objective 2.1: Explore
possibility of offering
collaborating on a
Volunteer Opportunities
and Unpaid Internship
Fair for Cabrillo
Objective 2.2: increase
number of workshops
offered to students on
(include year)
Yr 1 : Review current
Operations Manual
and learn procedures.
Request part-time
staff for Fall 2015.
Yr 2 Edit and Update
Manual, based on
meetings with Dean
of Student Services,
Director of Financial
Aid, Human
Resources, and
Create clear
work flow
Yr 3 Evaluate Goal.
SP1: Professional
SP5: Institutional
Yr 1 Establish working
relationship with
Matthew Weis.
Establish seamless
between Internship
Office and
Employment Office,
with clear
understanding of
purposes of each.
of programs
and resources.
Informally survey
students regarding
job-search needs.
Yr 2 Create and
deliver workshops for
students based on
Yr 3 Evaluate Goal
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SEC tasks listed
and reviewed
in Annual
Create and
lead 2-3
workshops per
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Goal 3
Added for Spring 2014
Increase Awareness of
Student Employment
Center and services.
SP1: Professional
SP3: Community
Partnerships and
Economic Vitality
SP4: Institutional
Yr 1 Build
relationships with
campus and
community entities.
Collaborate on Job
Participation in
events, job
Yr 2 : Create baseline
count of visits to
Student Employment
measure from
which to
collect data
student use of
the Office.
Organize Annual
Cabrillo Job Fair
Calendar Job
Yr 3 Evaluate Goal
4. Requests For Goal(s)
Please use the form at the link below to submit your resource requests:
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