Student Services Program Planning Annual Update Department ____Cabrillo Advancement Program___________________ Date ____May 1, 2014. Revised May 20, 2014 Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan List the top five goals and recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan In progress (in clude projected timeline) In Progress 2014-15 Source of funding Comments (include any modifications to goals due to feedback, discussion and/or evaluation – refer to data when possible) Goal Met None The Vice President of SS is currently exploring a reorganization of student services that would include relocation of the CAP office. NO Completed Cabrillo Foundation YES Goal 3 – Develop plan to inform all second year CAP students at Cabrillo of the “second year CAP scholarship.” Completed Cabrillo Foundation Goal 4 – Explore new avenues to collect firm high school graduation and college enrollment data. Completed None Two transfer scholarships were awarded in spring of 2014. This is now part of the check-off list/structure for the annual CAP induction ceremony and includes the presentation of these 2 transfer scholarship. An office procedure has been developed by which at the beginning of each fall, the CAP coordinator checks the registration of all first year CAP students who are registered for their second year at Cabrillo. They are all notified of the second year scholarship opportunity. This goal has technically been completed by a meeting that took place on March 24, 2014 with Terrence, Melinda, Eileen, Liz and Sesario. We explored the status of collecting data from Call-Pass, the Data Collaborative (by S4C) and the Cabrillo Data Warehouse. The Director of PRO (Planning and Research Office) has confirmed a commitment to assist with this data collection and is in the process of doing so. Meetings will be called next year to determine the status of data collection Goal 1 - Relocate CAP Coordinator (currently in a shared office with the Puente Counselor) to a private office to insure confidentiality for students and efficiency of operation Goal 2 – Provide 2 transfer scholarships annually. Revised October 22, 2012 YES YES Goal 5 - Identify student demographic group(s) by which to compare the graduation/college bound data with CAP in order to determine the significance of CAP accomplishments. In Progress 2014-15 None The California Department of Education's (CDE) average cohort has been identified as the comparison group for CAP student achievement. Santa Cruz County for English learner data is comparable to CAP demographics. YES New Goals and Recommendations Since Last Program Plan List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department Goal/Recommendation (include timeline) Cost None Explanation/Evidence of Need (indicate how this need was assessed) Status (Comment on progress of new goals/recommendations listed in last annual update) SSLO/AUO Assessment Progress In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be with ongoing assessment (what assessment you should have done in the last year) and what was actually done. If any task was not completed, explain why. The SLO’s have been met. However, the capacity of the summer institute and Saturday Academy and costs of providing services, such as transportation and, instructor fees and meals, need continued attention. While a large percentage of CAP students are participating (over 80%), it would be great to work towards 90%. Fill out the Assessment Results section below. SSLO/AUO Assessment Results List SSLO/AUO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below. Attach Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters. Core Competency, Program SSLO/AUO Assessed SLO’s were developed for all areas of assessment. However, the data collection goal is more appropriately an Revised October 22, 2012 Date of meeting where analysis / dialogue took place. CAP weekly meeting 5/1/14. For this meeting, Eileen from The Cabrillo Foundation joined Sesario and Liz and Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. The current focus is on data collection. Significant progress is being made and the result is leading the leadership team, Liz, Eileen and Sesario , with Terrence’s support, to collect more effective data to determine the success of our target population. AUD. Revised October 22, 2012 provided significant input.