New Jersey 2010 Updated Statewide Master Plan... MUICIPAL ALLIANCES STATE GOVERNMENT OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES TREATMENT MISSION CORE BELIEFS VISION PURPOSE PREVENTION for Alcoholism, Tobacco & Other Drug Abuse February 15, 2011 Dear Reader: The Planning Committee of the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse is pleased to present the Comprehensive Statewide Master Plan for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in New Jersey. This Master Plan, mandated by N.J.S.A. 26:2BB-4.b,d., is a comprehensive plan that outlines New Jersey’s efforts to reduce the incidence and effect of alcoholism and drug abuse in our communities. The designees of 12 state departments or agencies and the appointed public members of the Council, the staff of the Council, as well as the many volunteers who participate with the various committees and subcommittees of the Council are commended for their work in developing the plan. Alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse remain one of New Jersey’s most serious challenges and a disease of vast proportions. This Master Plan, along with the ongoing planning process established within the Council’s organization, serves to identify priorities for addressing challenges while coordinating efforts and targeting existing resources for the fullest benefit. The Master Plan includes detailed information regarding the Municipal Alliance Program, the statewide network of community coalitions whose primary mission is to provide community based education and public awareness. The Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse is proud of the dedication and untiring determination exhibited daily throughout the state by more than 7,000 Municipal Alliance volunteers and coordinators who work to lessen the impact of alcoholism and drug abuse in our communities. The challenges we face regarding alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse can only be met by the collective and combined actions of our public and private sectors. The Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse remains committed to coordinating, collaborating and facilitating efforts that bring all stakeholders together to reduce the adverse effects of alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse in New Jersey. We thank you on behalf of the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse for your interest in the Comprehensive Statewide Master Plan and ask for your continued support of our efforts. Sincerely, Mary Lou Powner Executive Director Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Mary Lou Powner Executive Director (609) 777-0380 Kevin Sullivan Planner (609) 777-0529 Alliance Unit Nicholas Petrozzino Planner 609) 777-0527 Evon Judkins State Alliance Coordinator (609) 777-1829 Susan Massaro Administrative Assistant II (609) 984-4353 Rebecca Alfaro State Alliance Coordinator (609) 777-4548 John Varone Public Relations Officer (609) 777-4550 George Myers State Alliance Coordinator (609) 984-3996 Fiscal Unit Marge Beattie Grant Administrator (609) 777-0533 Katelyn Assenheimer Sr. Clerk Typist (609) 777-0528 GOVERNOR’S COUNCIL ON ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG ABUSE Membership as of September 2009 Gubernatorial Appointments Gregg Benson Kay McGrath Harry Morey, Jr. Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Morris Mercer Ocean Senate President Appointments Neil Van Ess, 1st Vice-Chair Robert Zlotnick Passaic Atlantic Assembly Speaker Appointments Betty Ann Cowling Carson Regan McGrory Camden Monmouth Ex-Officio State Departments Administrative Office of the Courts Administrative Director Glen A. Grant Designee, Gayle Maher/John Pizarro Children and Families Commissioner Allison Blake Designee, Tyrone Richardson/ David Sims Community Affairs Commissioner Lori Grifa Designee, Eileen Brennen Corrections Commissioner Gary M. Lanigan Designee, Myrtle Daniels Education Commissioner Rochelle Hendricks Designee, Gary Vermeire Health and Senior Services Commissioner Poonam Alaigh Designee, Laura Hernandez Paine Human Services Commissioner Jennifer Velez Designee, Raquel Mazon-Jeffers Labor and Workforce Development Commissioner Harold J. Wirths Designee, Christine Purcell Law and Public Safety Attorney General Paula T. Dow Designee, Lisa Ellison Barata Military and Veteran’s Affairs Adjutant General Glenn K. Reith Designee, Dorinda Sapp NJ Higher Education Presidents’ Council Dr. Richard L. McCormick Treasury State Treasurer Andrew Sidamon-Erstoff Designee, Willa Lloyd COMMITTEES AND SUBCOMMITTEES OF THE GOVERNOR’S COUNCIL ON ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG ABUSE Executive Committee Neil Van Ess, Acting Chairman Mary Lou Powner, Executive Director, Ex-Officio Harry Morey, Alliance Committee Chairman Planning Committee Betty Ann Cowling-Carson, Chairman Gary Vermeire, Chair, Interdepartmental Advisory Panel Myrtle Daniels, Chair, Criminal Juvenile Justice Subcommittee Kay McGrath, Chair, Legislative Subcommittee Gregg Benson, Chair, Treatment Subcommittee Harry Morey, Chair, Alliance Prevention Committee Neil Van Ess, Chair, Veterans’ and Families Committee Interdepartmental Advisory Panel Gary Vermeire, Chair, Department of Education Gayle Maher, Administrative Office of the Courts Eileen Brennen, Department of Community Affairs Myrtle Daniels, Department of Corrections Laura Hernandez Paine, Department of Health and Senior Services Raquel Mazon Jeffers, Department of Human Services Christine Purcell, Department of Labor and Workforce Development Lisa Ellison Barata, Department of Law & Public Safety Dorinda Sapp, Department of Military and Veteran’s Affairs Willa Lloyd, Department of Treasury Dr. Richard McCormick, NJ President’s Council (Higher Education) Veterans and Military Families Neil Van Ess, Chairman Ray Zawacki, NJ Department of Military & Veterans’ Affairs Harry Morey, GCADA, Public Member Doug Breen, Middlesex County Veterans Service Officer Dennis E. Donovan, Division of Addiction Services, DHS Angela Conover, Partnership for a Drug Free New Jersey George Gumpper, Ventnor Vets Center Paul Kozak, Vet Works Danielle Lanik, Public Member Diane Litterer, NJPN Bruce Hummer, NJPN Mst. Sgt. Karin Dates, New Jersey National Guard Alliance Prevention Committee Harry Morey, Chairman Lynn Belvedere, SAC, Millburn Township Public Schools Liz Knodel-Gordon, SAC, Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School Janis Mayer-Obermeier, Department of Health and Senior Services Angela Conover, Partnership for a Drug Free New Jersey Neil Van Ess, GCADA Public Member Brenda Banks, Salem County Alliance Coordinator Margery Wood, Department of Education Dr. Allen-Walker, DARE New Jersey Lynne Belvedere Rob Lightfoot, New Jersey Prevention Network Sue Nobleman, Willow Tree Beth Jacobson, Morris County Camille Mussari Donald Weinbaum, Elliot White, Middlesex County Fran Micelli Judy Forman, Bergen County Monica Barria, Mercer County Criminal Juvenile Justice Subcommittee Myrtle Daniels, Chair, Department of Corrections Wayne Cozart, Youth Services Commission Lisa A. Gulla, Substance Abuse Resource Center Carl Jackson, NJ Juvenile Justice Commission Darryll Johnson, Readjustment Counseling Service Carl Williams, St. Michael’s Medical Center Betty Ann Cowling-Carson, (Alt), Camden County Alliance Coordinator Joanne Schuh, Ocean County Alliance Coordinator Laura Hernandez Paine, Department of Health and Senior Services Patricia McKernan, Volunteers of America Patricia Morris, Rutgers Willa Lloyd, Department of Treasury Legislative Subcommittee Kay McGrath, Chair, GCADA Public Member Betty Ann Cowling-Carson, Camden County Alliance Coordinator Beverly Gibson, Life Ties Helen McIntosh, Clinical Director of Anderson House Candice Singer, NCADD-NJ Regan McGrory, GCADA Public Member Beverly Keating-Monsen, Friends of Recovery John Gaspich, SAC, Toms River Schools Dr. Randie Fielder, ASAPNJ Donald Hallcom, Division of Addiction Services Jim O’Brien, CEO of Merryville Mary Beth Monroe, Gloucester County Alliance Coordinator Marcia Fleres Mindy Lazar, MADD New Jersey Janis Mayer Obermeier, Division of Health and Senior Services Elizabeth Santeramo, Municipal Alliance Coordinator Elliott White, County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors Association Robert Widitz, Atlantic County Alliance Coordinator Joe Williams, NJPN James Wojtowicz, Director of Office of Drug Programs, Dept of Corrections Robert Zlotnick, GCADA Public Member Treatment Subcommittee Gregg Benson, Chair, GCADA Public Member Camille Bloomberg, Mercer County Alliance Coordinator Richard Bowe, Addiction Professionals Certification Board Barbara Schlicting, Somerset Treatment Services Candice Singer, NCADD, New Jersey Jim O’Brien, Merryville Sue Seidenfeld, Cope Center Tom Garofola, Malvern Institute Vicki Fresolone Willa Lloyd, Treasury Bernice Taylor-Jones, Brian Gamarello, Daytop NJ Carol-Anne Avello Langford, Bergen County Dave Roden John Christadore, Essex County Maggie Vaughn, Salem County Malachi Walton Monica Barria, Mercer County Sara Kossove, Bergen County Vicky Major, NJJJC INTRODUCTION TO THE MASTER PLAN Background The Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse was established by the New Jersey Legislature in 1989 as an independent body to coordinate, plan, research and review all aspects of alcoholism and drug abuse, as well as maintain a statewide prevention network of Municipal Alliances. The Council is comprised of 26 members: Ten public members are appointed by the Governor, the Senate President and Assembly Speaker each appoint two public members, and 12 ex-officio members represent state departments and agencies. The Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse adopted its Mission Statement, Vision and Goals following a collaborative process involving a varied and diverse group of stakeholders with interest in substance abuse prevention, education, intervention, treatment and recovery. These guiding principles have formed the foundation for the ongoing development and implementation of a comprehensive and meaningful planning process to address alcoholism and drug abuse in New Jersey. The Interdepartmental Advisory Panel, which coordinates the Council's state department representation, developed the format used in the State Government Component of the Master Plan. Their efforts made the collection of this comprehensive information possible. Purpose of the Master Plan The Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse was established by Chapter 51 of the Laws of 1989. The legislation set forth two primary objectives for the Council; the establishment and maintenance of a statewide network of community coalitions, the Municipal Alliance Program, and the development of a Comprehensive Statewide Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Master Plan. The law states that the Council shall "adopt and submit to the Governor and the Legislature a Comprehensive Statewide Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Master Plan incorporating and unifying all State, county, local and private alcohol and drug abuse initiatives." Public Law 1989, Chapter 51 also states, "The Council shall take into consideration all matters affecting alcoholism, intoxication, alcohol abuse, drug addiction and drug abuse and shall formulate comprehensive policies for the prevention and control of alcoholism and drug abuse in order to unify in a comprehensive program all efforts." The legislation also mandates that the "Council shall review and make recommendations with regard to the revision of existing statutes relating to alcoholism and drug program and policies." This Master Plan is the continued evolution of an effort that began several years ago when the Council developed a strategic planning process. The current approach by the Council is a Master Plan that not only looks at the current status of alcoholism, intoxication, alcohol abuse, drug addiction and drug abuse efforts in New Jersey, but sets forth objectives and strategies for the future. The 2010 Master Plan came from the vigorous efforts of the Council's Planning Committee, the Alliance Prevention Committee, and the Criminal/Juvenile Justice, Legislative, Treatment and Veteran’s and Military Family Subcommittees. It has been reviewed and adopted by the members of the Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. 2011 Alliance Committee Objectives Objective #1: To increase the Alliance Committee’s effectiveness in order to better influence the planning and coordination of the state’s efforts to prevent alcoholism, drug addiction, and abuse of tobacco and other substances. Additionally, promote programs for youth and young adults that foster resiliency. Strategy for Achieving Objective with Time Frames: • • • Increase capacity building efforts by incorporating representatives and presentations from various prevention affiliates and program facilitators. (ongoing) Recommend a prevention presentation topic by January 2011 which covers the purview of this objective for the Municipal Alliances through a workshop at the GCADA Summit. Continue working with associations and organizations that have a focus on primary prevention services for youth and young adults in order to examine ways to integrate and collaborate to foster resiliency in their constituencies. (ongoing) Objective #2: Educate legislators about the benefits of evidence based prevention programs that addresses alcohol, tobacco and other drug addictions and abuse affecting the residents of New Jersey. Strategy for Achieving Objective with Time Frames: • • • Work collaboratively with GCADA’s various committees to educate legislators concerning the importance of promoting the benefits of alcohol, tobacco and other drug prevention. (ongoing) Develop presentations to educate and inform GCADA members about prevention and evidence based practices. (ongoing) Incorporate ad hoc committee functions to enhance GCADA’s efforts. (ongoing) Objective #3: Research and investigate programs on emerging trends and areas of need that foster resiliency to prevent the abuse of, but not limited to, alcohol, tobacco, prescription medications, other drugs, and problem gambling. Strategy for Achieving Objective with Time Frames: • • • • Identify and work with organizations focused on the identified trends to encourage the development of programs to foster resiliency in their constituencies. (ongoing) Develop a mechanism for communicating a list of prevention programs for the GCADA website that follow evidence based practices and incorporate environmental change strategies and submit to the Planning Committee for action by July 2011. Notify and educate Municipal Alliance members on state and local initiatives in areas such as, but not limited to, underage drinking, prescription drug abuse, tobacco prevention, and underage gambling. Recommend a prevention presentation topic by January 2011 on the identified trends for the Municipal Alliances through a workshop at the GCADA Summit. Evaluation: • • • • Maintain 60% attendance of membership at each meeting throughout the year. Publish the resource list on prevention programs that follow evidence-based practices and incorporate environmental change strategies on the GCADA website by December 2011. Continue monthly report to GCADA. Provide three (3) guest speakers to the Alliance Committee on identified trends. 2011 Criminal Justice/Juvenile Justice Subcommittee Objectives Objective #1: Reorganize subcommittee so that it is viable and fully functioning. Strategies: • • • GCADA Planning Committee Chair will appoint a permanent subcommittee chair. Solicit GCADA member agencies, counties and other groups for interested persons in membership on the subcommittee. Establish a 2011 meeting schedule. Objective #2: Explore opportunities to coordinate and collaborate with other state agencies around criminal justice, drug court, juvenile justice, prevention and re-entry initiatives, and local planning efforts. Strategies: • • Arrange for speakers and presentations for both the subcommittee and the GCADA on criminal and juvenile justice issues. Organize community based forums with collaborating partners on criminal and juvenile justice issues. Objective #3: To increase the knowledge of criminal and juvenile justice officials, treatment providers, legislators, social service and mental health professionals on the impact of substance abuse on the criminal and juvenile offender population. Strategy: • Through invitation allow various state and community agencies, and other organizations with an interest to attend the criminal justice/juvenile justice subcommittee meetings to present an overview of their respective duties and responsibilities relative to alcohol and drug addiction prevention and treatment. Objective #4: Work with GCADA’s subcommittee on veterans and military families on raising awareness in the criminal justice and juvenile justice field of the unique challenges and impacts of substance abuse faced by veterans and their families. Educate policy makers on the services available to veterans and military families. Strategy: • Assist in identifying appropriate agencies and officials in the criminal justice and juvenile justice field to receive veteran’s service directory compiled by GCADA’s ad hoc committee on veterans and military families. 2011 Legislative Subcommittee Objectives Objective #1: Increase GCADA's awareness and knowledge about legislative activity related to alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse, to assist the Council in making an informed decision whether to support, oppose or take no action on a bill and/or recommend legislation. Strategies: • • • • • Identify and track legislation related to alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse issues. Review and research related legislation, formulate policy recommendations, draft resolutions of support or opposition, and present recommendations to the Council for adoption. Establish appropriate measures to initiate and draft recommended legislation. Continue distribution of related public policy information to Council members. Sponsor presentations at Council meetings in 2011 on public policy issues. Objective #2: Notify stakeholders as may be appropriate of positions adopted by the full Council on proposed legislation related to alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse. Strategies: • • • Ensure the timely distribution of the Council’s actions on policy and legislative positions to the administration, legislature, Alliance coordinators, substance abuse professionals and other stakeholders. Monitor, recommend and take further actions to educate stakeholders regarding the Council’s position on legislation (i.e. press releases, legislative testimony, communication with legislative committee chairs and staff, etc.) Ensure the Council’s official position on legislation is included in certain GCADA publications, presentations, and webpage. Objective #3: Educate legislators and other public policy decision makers about alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse issues Strategies: • • • • Sponsor an event, such as the Day of Advocacy, at the State House in coordination with other subcommittees of GCADA, other state agencies and constituent groups. Continue to send GCADA publications to legislators and public policy decision makers. Encourage advocacy teams and ongoing advocacy efforts. Make a special effort to bring new legislators up to date on GCADA’s mission. 2011 Treatment Subcommittee Objectives Objective #1: Educate GCADA members about the barriers to accessing treatment services, emphasizing the extensive waiting lists for those individuals seeking treatment. Strategy: Make presentations at Governor’s Council meetings with an emphasis on types of treatment, need for additional treatment resources, and gaps in the continuum of care. Objective #2: Educate public policy makers and other stakeholders about addiction, treatment, prevention, and recovery services in New Jersey to include information on the continuum of care, identifying gaps between systems and covering all developmental stages and special populations e.g. older adult etc. populations. Strategy: Collaborate with the GCADA legislative subcommittee on assisting counties in the planning and conducting of events to educate legislators (e.g. legislative breakfast) about issues regarding the AEREF fund, workforce development, and access and barriers to individuals seeking treatment. Assist in the distribution of the service directory developed by the Council’s ad-hoc committee on veterans and military families to the treatment community. Objective #3: Increase the knowledge base of treatment and prevention professionals on the issue of substance abuse and provide networking opportunities to promote professional development. Strategy: Support and/or organize workshops and trainings at the GCADA annual summit, and other local or regional presentations for treatment professionals in an effort to improve the linkage between treatment and prevention community. Conduct a survey to assess the success of these trainings. Objective #4: Improve collaboration between the Alliances and treatment providers in each county Strategy: Schedule meetings with representatives from the Alliances and treatment providers to enhance awareness of substance abuse issues and increase opportunities for collaboration. 2011 Veteran’s and Military Family Subcommittee Objectives Objective #1: Increase GCADA's awareness and knowledge about military and veteran activity in New Jersey especially as it relates to alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse. Strategies: • • • Identify and track activity at the local, county, state and federal levels including veteran service organizations. Review and research related legislation as it relates to military and veteran issues, draft resolutions of support or opposition, and present recommendations to the Council for adoption when necessary. Sponsor presentations at Council meetings in 2011 on military and veteran issues and initiatives. Objective #2: Maintain and update as needed hardcopy and website of the Military And Veterans’ Resource Guide. Strategies: • • Annually review contents of the resource guide and contact all agencies, hotlines, websites for accuracy. Continue and monitor distribution of the resource guide and replenish stock as needed. Objective #3: Maintain partnerships with military and veteran groups Strategies: • • • Attend military and veteran sponsored events, such as job fairs, Operation college Promise conferences etc. Encourage advocacy teams and ongoing advocacy efforts. Continue to represent the Veteran Enhancement Team Coalition (VETC) with legislator, interest groups etc. • Make a special effort to bring diverse representation to VETC core leadership group. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS Judiciary Mission Statement: The Judiciary is an independent branch of government constitutionally entrusted with the fair and just resolution of disputes in order to preserve the rule of law and to protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States and this State. Drug Court Mission Statement: The purpose of drug courts is to stop the abuse of alcohol and other drugs and related criminal activity. Drug courts are a highly specialized team process within the existing Superior Court structure that addresses nonviolent drug-related cases. They are unique in the criminal justice environment because they build a close collaborative relationship between criminal justice and drug treatment professionals. Criminal Practice Division ADULT CRIMINAL DRUG COURT The Adult Drug Court is operational in all of New Jersey’s 21 counties. The Judiciary and the Division of Addiction Services entered into a Cooperative Agreement to manage the treatment component of the program’s funding. The adult drug courts are an alternative to incarceration for a vast majority of participants who otherwise would have been sentenced to a term in state prison. The program targets the criminal offender who has an addiction, and who has been charged with a non-violent, drug-driven offense. Following application, the Prosecutor’s Office in the county of the offense makes a determination as to defendant’s program eligibility under statutory requirements. The offender also completes a comprehensive assessment with a TASC (Treatment Assessment Services for the Courts) Evaluator employed by the courts to determine if treatment for chemical dependency is indicated. Once an offender is accepted into the program, a referral for treatment at the appropriate level of care is made in collaboration with the treatment providers designated by the Division of Addiction Services for drug court, including long term residential, short term residential, halfway houses and intensive outpatient. Drug court programs are rigorous, requiring intensive monitoring of the program participants by the courts’ Probation Services Division. Requirements include frequent drug testing and court appearances, along with tightly structured regimens of treatment and recovery services. This level of very close supervision permits the program to support the recovery process, but also allows the drug court program staff to react swiftly to impose appropriate therapeutic sanctions or to reinstate criminal proceedings when participants do not comply with program provisions. Legislation that became effective August 1, 2008 permitted the drug courts to expand total new admissions by a third. Between July 2009 and June 2010, 1,367 offenders were sentenced to drug court. As of June 30, 2010, there were approximately 3,928 active drug court participants. More than half of the program participants are male. Over 1,900 offenders have graduated from the drug court program to date. Funding Amount: $ 13.2 Million for Judiciary Staff/Operating Expenses (FY 2010) $ 24.4 Million for Drug Court Treatment (FY 2010) Funding Source: State of NJ, Special Purpose Funding Family Practice Division JUVENILE DRUG COURT Currently, New Jersey has three Juvenile Drug Courts in the Camden, Hudson, and Passaic Vicinages. Juvenile Drug Courts focus on juvenile offenders who have drugdependency problems. The juvenile drug courts serve as a diversion from the formal court process for some cases and also as an alternative to incarceration in state juvenile correctional facilities. They provide an intermediate sanction between probation and state correctional facilities as well as better treatment outcomes for juveniles with alcohol and drug-related problems. Juvenile drug courts allow intensive supervision for at-risk adolescents who are receiving community and court services. The purposes of the Juvenile Drug Courts is to reduce recidivism, which creates a safer community; to allow juveniles to be alcohol and/or drug free, which will enable them to go back into, or continue, attending school or to become employed; to alleviate detention overcrowding; to implement effective case processing measures; to provide services for family members; and to heighten community awareness of substance abuse. The three Juvenile Drug Courts have enrolled a cumulative total of approximately 850 juvenile offenders. Over 260 have graduated from the programs and there are currently approximately 59 active participants. Funding Source: Other FAMILY DEPENDENCY DRUG TREATMENT COURT New Jersey also has three pilot Family Drug Courts – in Essex, Morris, and Sussex Counties. The purposes of the Family Drug Courts are to help parents become abstinent from alcohol and drugs, to maximize and balance child safety and permanency while preserving family integrity and functioning, and to increase retention of parents in major services mandated and provided by the Family Drug Court. The Family Drug Court results in much closer monitoring for parents involved in child abuse and neglect cases. The program is expected to result in a higher percentage of reunifications of affected families, and increase the chance for parents to remain drug-free and to ultimately provide a better life for their children. The Family Drug Courts have enrolled a cumulative total of approximately 138 clients. There are currently 43 enrolled in the programs and there have been 56 program graduates. Funding source: Other Criminal, Family and Probation Divisions TREATMENT ASSESSMENT SERVICES FOR THE COURT Working in all 21 New Jersey counties, the Criminal Division's Treatment Assessment Services for the Courts (TASC) professional evaluators interview defendants, subject them to substance abuse screening to identify current drug use, and prepare drug assessments or reports for criminal and drug court judges, detailing drug abuse histories, identifying treatment needs and recommending counseling at appropriate drug and alcohol treatment centers when support is needed to overcome addiction. Substance abuse evaluators interview defendants charged with drug and property offenses to determine the extent of their involvement with addictive drugs. This program also serves as a resource for judges when determining appropriate community support systems for defendants who are being released from jail. Failure to complete treatment may result in sanctions, including bail or probation revocation with a loss of liberty. The Family Division's TASC professional evaluators are located in Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Monmouth, Morris, Passaic, and Sussex Counties. The evaluators interview juvenile offenders and adult litigants to identify current drug use, and prepare drug assessments or reports for Family judges, detailing drug abuse histories, identifying treatment needs and recommending counseling at local drug and alcohol treatment centers when indicated. This program is very helpful to judges in determining appropriate case dispositions. TASC Evaluators in the Probation Division provide substance abuse assessment services to probationers in Mercer and Essex counties. Between July 2009 and June 2010, approximately 5,800 court-involved individuals were evaluated for alcohol/drug treatment services. Funding Source: State of NJ DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES Intervention DIVISION OF YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES CHILD PROTECTION SUBSTANCE ABUSE INITIATIVE Known as CPSAI, this program serves families involved with the Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) by providing substance abuse assessment, drug screening, treatment referrals, case management, and support services to parents or caregivers referred for substance abuse or suspected substance abuse. The population served presents an array of challenges including poverty, homelessness, mental illness and past trauma, in addition to substance abuse. Services are available through three statewide contract provider agencies. The initiative allows substance abuse specialists to be assigned to each local DYFS office in the state to provide on-site services to families, and consultation and education to staff on matters related to substance abuse. The Department of Human Services’ Division of Family Development (DFD) and DYFS are collaborating to promote and coordinate substance abuse services for families who exceed the 250% Federal Poverty threshold and are not an active welfare case. The funding commitments are set forth in a Memorandum of Understanding between the two Divisions. Service Information: Data from the period from July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010 indicates that 15,527 clients were referred to the initiative by DYFS staff. Of these clients, 11,766 were assessed, 6,385 met the DSM IV criteria and 2,771 clients entered various levels of treatment. The instruments used to screen clients include the ASI-F, ASAM Patient Placement Criteria. The DYFS 11-46 referral form that includes background information on parents and caregivers from the DYFS safety and risk assessment interview is also used. Funding The program has multiple funding sources through State and Federal appropriations. Funding Amounts and Sources: NCCAN $525,000 (Federal) Grants & Aid $72,881 (State) Special Appropriation + $2,325,587 Million, (State) DFD $6 Million (State) Total Funding: $8.9 Million Treatment CHILD WELFARE REFORM PLAN/ADOLESCENT TREATMENT This Child Welfare Reform Plan Initiative provides a coordinated network of specialized substance abuse treatment services in licensed facilities targeted to adolescents with first priority to those under the supervision of the Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS). Services include long-term residential treatment that provides a structured recovery environment, combined with professional clinical services designed to address addiction and living skill problems for adolescents with a substance abuse diagnosis who require longer treatment stays to support and promote recovery. Thirty beds are available for adolescents to receive these services. Intervention focuses on reintegrating into the greater community with emphasis on education and vocational development. One hundred and seventy-six (176) slots are available to adolescents needing variable levels of care in outpatient settings. These services include individual, group and family counseling and include access to support services. Joint case planning and case conferencing between the DYFS caseworker and the treatment provider are an essential component to this initiative. DYFS also purchases additional residential beds on a per diem basis from two licensed programs. While contracted beds will be utilized first, DYFS is committed to purchasing on an as needed basis residential treatment services for any youth whose treatment plan identifies that this service is needed. Funding Amount and Source: $3,014,000 Million (State) CHILD WELFARE REFORM PLAN/PARENTS WITH CHILDREN INITIATIVE The Child Welfare/Parents with Children Initiative has allowed for the expansion of existing DAS substance abuse treatment services for parents and their children under the supervision of DYFS. This initiative has provided residential treatment services for a minimum of six (6) months to include a woman with an average of two (2) children, outpatient variable level of care and methadone outpatient variable level of care treatment. The expansion of these services has allowed the programs to continue serving mothers, fathers and their children who are DYFS involved as a high priority population. First priority is given to referrals made by the Child Protection Substance Abuse Initiative (CPSAI) drug abuse counselor located in the local DYFS offices following the established protocol. Second priority is given to self-referrals (“walk-ins”) or referrals made by various sources (Probation, court, other providers, etc.) of women who are under DYFS supervision. Third priority is given to eligible women with dependent children who are in need of treatment and who are not under DYFS supervision. All priorities include pregnant women. Treatment is family-centered and is both gender and traumaspecific. During this fiscal year, the 36 IOP slots for fathers with dependent children were maintained to the overall treatment array provided to DYFS families. These slots are geographically located throughout the state where the greatest need has been identified by DYFS. Substance abuse treatment and other therapeutic interventions are provided to address issues of domestic violence, sexual and physical abuse, relationships and parenting. These services are enhanced with case management, childcare, transportation, and referrals to services in the community. DYFS keeps all cases that are participating in this initiative open for the duration of treatment, and its ultimate goal is the reunification of these families. In SFY 10, approximately $14 million dollars was given by DCF/DYFS to the Department of Human Services, Division of Addiction Services (DAS) through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the continuation of Child Welfare (CW) substance abuse services for adolescents and adults. This funding allows for these CW programs to continue providing the level of services needed for DYFS involved families. Listed below are the individual CW programs, number of slots, Level of Services (HWH Halfway House Women and Children, Intensive Outpatient Program – IOP, Women & Children – W&C, Adolescent – ADOL, RLT - Residential Long Term, Methadone Intensive Outpatient Program – MIOP, Adolescent Outpatient Services – OPPS) and funding amount. Eva’s Sheltering Programs is an agency that provides Non Enhanced Intensive Outpatient services for Women and Children. Services for Non Enhanced mean that women are receiving traditional IOP treatment but do not have the full array of enhanced services as the other CW programs do. However, families are residing full time on site and provided all of the advantages of the housing services S/P GRANTEE 10Jan Center for Great Expectations 11Jan Center for Great Expectations 11Jul Center for Family Services, Inc. 11Jul Bonnie Brae 10Jan Cape Counseling Services 11Jan Cape Counseling Services 11Jul CURA Inc 11Jul Daytop Village 11Jul Daytop Village 11Jul Eva's Sheltering Programs 11Jul Eva's Sheltering Programs Service Total SP Funding 8 HWH W&C 219,628 8 HWH W&C 219,628 Slots 439,256 28 IOP 337,176 337,176 5 ADOL LTR 278,800 278,800 20 IOP 120,420 20 IOP 120,420 240,840 4 IOP w/ Housing 158,956 158,956 43 ADOL LTR 2,506,120 10 ADOL IOP 2,506,120 12 8 HWH W&C 1,037,843 IOP w/ Housing - 11Jul Eva's Sheltering Programs IOP W&C Non9 Enhance 1,037,843 11Jul John Brooks Recovery Center (IHD) 20 10Jan JFK 11Jan JFK Center for Behavioral Health 10Jan 10Jan 10Jan 11Jan 11Jan 11Jan IOP 240,840 240,840 11Jul Integrity Inc. 10Sep Newark Renaissance House 10Sep Newark Renaissance House 10Sep Newark Renaissance House 11Sep Newark Renaissance House, Inc. 11Sep Newark Renaissance House, Inc. 11Sep Newark Renaissance House, Inc. - 20 IOP 240,840 240,840 9 ADOL IOP 18,079 4 ADOL OPPS - RLT Youth 260,096 9 ADOL IOP 90,397 4 ADOL OPPS - RLT Youth 1,300,478 32 32 1,669,050 14 IOP 84,294 14 IOP 84,294 168,588 SODAT 12 ADOL IOP 65,064 SODAT 12 IOP Fathers 72,252 SODAT 28 IOP 168,588 SODAT 12 ADOL IOP 65,064 SODAT 12 IOP Fathers 72,252 SODAT 28 IOP 168,588 10Jan Sunrise House 10Jan Sunrise House 611,808 24 6 RLT 1,073,435 HWH W&C - 10Jan 11Jan 11Jan 11Jan Sunrise House Sunrise House 24 Sunrise House 6 Sunrise House 11Jul CPC Behavioral Healthcare, Inc. 11Jul JSAS Healthcare, Inc. 11Jul New Brunswick Counseling 11Jul Paterson Counseling Center, Inc. 11Jul Somerset Treatment Services 11Jul Spectrum Healthcare, Inc. 11Jul Seashore Family Service of NJ 11Jul Seashore Family Service of NJ 10Jan Seabrook House 10Jan 10Jan 10Jan 11- IOP W&C Non5 Enhance RLT HWH W&C IOP W&C Non5 Enhance 776,183 1,849,618 6 ADOL IOP 65,064 65,064 10 MIOP 129,100 129,100 10 MIOP 129,100 129,100 17 MIOP 219,470 219,470 10 MIOP 129,100 129,100 20 MIOP 258,200 258,200 9 ADOL IOP 108,476 4 ADOL OPPS 108,476 0 - Catholic Charities/Trenton 43 ADOL IOP 249,466 Catholic Charities/Trenton 12 ADOL OPPS - Catholic Charities/Trenton Catholic Charities/Trenton 20 43 IOP ADOL IOP 120,420 Jan 11Jan Catholic Charities/Trenton 11Jan Catholic Charities/Trenton 10Jan 10Jan 11Jan 11Jan 11Jul 11Jul 11Jul 11Jul 12 ADOL OPPS - 14 IOP 703,646 COPE Center 9 ADOL IOP 54,238 COPE Center 4 ADOL OPPS - COPE Center 9 ADOL IOP 54,238 COPE Center 4 ADOL OPPS 108,476 Family Connections 18 ADOL IOP 216,952 Family Connections 8 ADOL OPPS - Family Connections 12 IOP Fathers 144,504 Family Connections 20 IOP 240,840 11Jul Genesis Counseling Center 11Jul Genesis Counseling Center 10Jan My Father's House 10Jan My Father's House 11Jul 11Jul 333,760 Preferred Behavioral Health of New Jersey, Inc. Preferred Behavioral Health of New Jersey, Inc. 11Jul Bridge, Inc. 602,296 11 4 ADOL IOP 130,164 ADOL OPPS 130,164 9 ADOL IOP 54,238 4 ADOL OPPS 54,238 20 IOP 240,840 12 IOP Fathers 144,504 385,344 20 IOP 240,840 240,840 11- East Orange Substance Abuse 20 MIOP 258,200 Jul 258,200 11Jul Oxford House 10Jan 10Jan 11Jan 11Jan Group Homes 57,888 57,888 Pinnacle Treatment/Del Val Medical 12 MIOP Fathers 74,335 Pinnacle Treatment/Del Val Medical 20 MIOP 123,891 Pinnacle Tx/ Delaware Valley Medical 12 MIOP Fathers 77,460 Pinnacle Tx/ Delaware Valley Medical 20 MIOP 129,100 404,786 13,753,335 Funding Amount and Source: $13,753,335 Million (State) CONTRACTED SERVICE PROVIDERS (Vendor Agreements with DYFS) HUNTERDON PREVENTION RESOURCES Contract # 11PJKC This program provides substance abuse assessments, in –home urinalysis or testing in the Hunterdon DYFS office for families under DYFS supervision residing in Hunterdon County. Funding Amount and Source: $396,000 (State) TRINITAS HOSPITAL Contract # 10DBXM This program provides substance abuse assessments, case management support and treatment referrals for families under DYFS supervision in Union County. Funding Amount and Source: $56,848 (State) NEW HOPE FOUNDATION Contract # 10CANC This program provides inpatient adolescent residential substance abuse treatment facilities located in Secaucus (males & females) and in Marlboro (males only). This program serves adolescents statewide who are under DYFS supervision. Funding Amount and Source: $ 573,100 (State) CAPE COUNSELING SERVICES Contract # 10AAES This program provides outpatient substance abuse counseling services. This program is for adolescents under DYFS supervision in Cape May County. Funding Amount and Source: $17,073 (State) RECOVERY SERVICES – LIGHTHOUSE Contract # 11XNAS This program provides residential in-patient substance abuse treatment for adolescents who are Atlantic County residents under DYFS supervision. Funding Amount and Source: $3, 234,215 (State) CUMBERLAND COUNTY ALCOHOL TREATMENT SERVICES Contract #10AOFS This program provides outpatient substance abuse counseling to Atlantic County resident adults referred by the DYFS District Office. Funding Amount and Source: $73,630 (State) $$14,925 (Match) = $88,555 VINELAND RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT CENTER (DYFS) This program provides substance abuse treatment, prevention, education and individual counseling to adolescents under DYFS supervision who are residents of the center. Funding Amount and Source: $16,000 (State) EWING RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT CENTER (DYFS) This program provides substance abuse treatment, prevention education and individual counseling to adolescents under DYFS supervision who are residents of DYFS Ewing Residential Treatment Center. Funding Amount and Source: $16,000 (State) SERVICES TO OVERCOME DRUG ABUSE IN TEENS (S.O.D.A.T.) Contract # 10AYHS This program provides outpatient substance abuse treatment to Salem County adolescents referred by the DYFS District Office. Funding Amount and Source: $34,366 (State) OPTIONS COUNSELING CENTER Contract # 10FJRN This program provides outpatient substance abuse treatment to families residing in Passaic County under DYFS supervision. Funding Amount and Source: $116,705 (State) THE COMMUNITY YMCA Contract # 10ASNC This program provides outpatient substance abuse treatment, rehabilitation, group counseling and psychological assessment to families residing in Monmouth County referred by the DYFS District Office. Funding Amount and Source: $4,109 (State) SEASHORE FAMILY SERVICES OF NJ Contract # 10AHQC This program provides outpatient substance abuse assessment and treatment services for adults and adolescents residing in Ocean and Monmouth Counties referred by the DYFS District Office. Funding Amount and Source: $98,817 (State) MERCER STREET FRIENDS Contract # 10APLC This program provides family reunification support and parenting education to at risk families or families who have experienced the removal of minor child or children by DYFS. Services are provided at the facility and in Mercer County’s DYFS Office. Funding Amount and Source: $75,085 (State) OCEAN MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES This program provides outpatient substance abuse and mental health treatment services for families under DYFS supervision in northern Ocean County. Funding Amount and Source: Open Purchase Agreement (State) SAINT FRANCIS COMMUNITY CENTER Contract # 10AVQC This program provides counseling for recovering substance abusers, psychoeducational supports and parenting groups. Funding Amount and Source: $26,981 (State) FAMILY GUIDANCE CENTER OF WARREN Contract # 10ACWN The program provides outpatient substance abuse assessments, treatment referrals, substance abuse education and counseling services for families under DYFS supervision. Funding Amount and Source: $21,144 (State) NEW BRUNSWICK COUNSELING CENTER Contract # 10JVMM This program provides outpatient substance abuse assessments, treatment referrals, counseling, drug screening and psychological evaluations for families under DYFS supervision in Middlesex County. Funding Amount and Source: 13,605 (State) CATHOLIC CHARITIES (MERCER) Contract # 10BLLC This program provides outpatient substance abuse urinalysis and treatment referrals, individual and group counseling for families under DYFS supervision in Mercer County. Funding Amount and Source: $31,344 (State) DIVISION OF PREVENTION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS School Based Youth Services Program (SBYSP) The New Jersey School Based Youth Services Program (SBYSP) was initiated by the New Jersey Department of Human Services in 1987. In 2007, SBYSP moved to the new Department of Children and Families (DCF) with the consistent goal of helping young people navigate the adolescent years, finish their education, obtain skills leading to employment or continuing education, and graduate healthy and drug free. Many teenagers have multiple challenges that call for different support and services. SBYSP was designed with input from teens, to provide employment, health and social services that are available to all youth. Recreation is also provided. There are no fees or eligibility requirements. In addition to the following core services, each site develops resources to respond to local needs, such as on-site child care so that teen parents can stay in school. The core services are: √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Mental Health and family services Pregnancy prevention programs Healthy youth development Learning support services Access to primary and preventive Family involvement Health services Referrals to community based service providers Substance abuse counseling Recreation Employment services Over 130,000 youth were served in FY2010 Funding Amount and Source: $20,058,000 (State) and $4,062,000 (Federal) Outreach to At-Risk Youth (OTARY) As part of the Governor’s crime prevention plan DCF funded the Outreach to AtRisk Program (OTARY) in October of 2007. The goals of OTARY include expanding adolescent programming in communities which have demonstrated high crime and gang violence; deterring gang violence in these communities; and partnering with law enforcement, community based organizations, or other youth serving entities to affect gang violence. Program design utilizes nationally recognized models of positive youth development. Programs identifying as implementing positive youth development often include services that: prevent teen pregnancy, deter gang involvement, improve a youth’s ability to enroll in college, offer street outreach services in gang involved or homeless youth, support youth to lead healthier and drug free lives, and provide services assisting youth in the transition into adulthood. Over 2,200 youth were served in FY2010 Funding Amount and Source: $1,100,000 (State) and $1,000,000 (Federal-TANF) NJ 2NDFloor Youth HELPLINE The NJ 2NDFLOOR Youth HELPLINE is a Statewide, 24-hour interactive telephone line for youth and young adults (ages 10-24), staffed by counseling professionals and specially trained volunteers. The overall goal of this initiative is to promote healthy youth development by providing immediate interactive, respectful professional helpline services with linkage to information and services that address the social and health needs of youth. The Helpline offers: • information, education and crisis counseling by telephone and/or email to youth and youth adult callers on issues such as gang intervention, suicide, sexual orientation/identity issues, eating disorders, substance abuse, and domestic violence; • information and education regarding issues affecting youth; • guidance in formulating a comprehensive plan to address identified issue(s)/problem(s); • referral information about local agencies and organizations that may offer additional or more intensive services and telephone assisted linkage to provider(s) when indicated; • follow-up services, such as counseling and verification of linkage of service providers, when authorized by caller; • caring support and reassurance to youth; and • supportive services to parents and/or guardians. During FY2010 over 180,000 calls were received, with over 100,000 website hits. Funding Amount and Source: $626,000 (State) DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Department/Agency Mission Statement: The mission of the New Jersey Department of Corrections is to ensure that all persons committed to the state correctional institutions are confined with the level of custody necessary to protect the public and that they are provided with the care, discipline, training, and treatment to prepare them for reintegration into the community. Current/Future Plans: The following plan represents substance abuse programs offered by the New Jersey Department of Corrections on an on-going basis. Therefore, plans are to increase and/or augment the same when and where financially feasible and programmatically appropriate. Treatment Information Division of Programs and Community Services OFFICE OF DRUG PROGRAMS NJ DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS IN-PRISON THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITY SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER TREATMENT PROGRAM In the Therapeutic Community (TC) model, substance abuse/ dependence is viewed as a disorder of the whole person, one that necessitates extensive changes in lifestyle and selfidentity to overcome the negative affect of chemical dependency. The treatment is designed to equip the resident with requisite coping skills and techniques to assist him/her to reintegrate successfully into society and to remain drug/ alcohol free. In general, most residents spend nine (9) to twelve (12) months in a prison-based Therapeutic Community (TC) program. However, in some situations a resident may require a longer stay depending on their rate of treatment progress as well as other relevant factors with respect to their capacity to remain void of substances upon societal reintegration. Institutional matriculation is the first phase of the substance use disorder treatment continuum. Service Information: This program serves incarcerated individuals who have been identified as having a substance use disorder. Recommendations for treatment placement are made based on a number of factors inclusive of (1) assessment of the offender’s level of drug/alcohol abuse, (2) treatment need, (3) criminal history, and (4) other key elements that contributed to the offender’s criminal deviance that led to substance abusing behavior. Offenders with the most severe addiction issues that meet the Department’s treatment eligibility criteria are referred to one of the prison-based Therapeutic Community (TC) Programs. The New Jersey Department of Corrections (NJDOC) allocates a total of 1,356) beds (1,296 male, 60 female), distributed among ten (10) programs located in six (6) correctional institutions. Five hundred four (504) allocated beds service the youth population who are between the ages of 18 to 26 years, and the remaining eight hundred and fifty-two (852) beds service the population aged 26 and above, inclusive of the female population. Additionally, these treatment services are delivered in the following counties: Burlington, Cumberland, Essex, Hunterdon and Mercer. Outcome Measures - outcome data is collected and reported as needed and/requested. The Office of Drug Programs receives daily and monthly bed fill statistics from the several programs and monitors bed-vacancies regularly. The complete Addiction Severity Index (ASI) assessment is administered to all residents admitted to the program at the institutional level, and random inmate urinalyses are conducted throughout the program experience. A part of this random selection includes testing of residents upon entry to and exit from program treatment. Residents receive a minimum of twenty (20) hours of treatment per week of hands on treatment during their tenure in the therapeutic community. The NJDOC continues to engage in a formal outcome study of Therapeutic Community participation in collaboration with Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. The average length of time an inmate is placed on the waiting list(s) varies from institution to institution and is contingent upon the rapidity of inmate matriculation. However, conservatively it is less than six months. Funding Amount: $5.100 million Funding Source: Federal and State of New Jersey NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ALTERNATIVE SUBSTANCE ABUSE AWARENESS AND EDUCATION PROGRAM – LIVING IN BALANCE (LIB) The Living In Balance (LIB) program is a research-based program designed as a practical instructional system for conducting sessions on drugs and the disease of addiction from an educational perspective with individuals who abuse or are addicted to alcohol and other drugs of abuse. The LIB Component serves as an alternative to the traditional Therapeutic Community (TC) concept and is designed to provide addiction education and relapse prevention techniques that address the disease of addiction and further supports the recovery process. Specifically, LIB targets that segment of the inmate population determined to ineligible for TC treatment placement based on the department’s established criteria. The Living in Balance program is delivered through a variety of interactive client worksheets in which each client worksheet constitutes a living in balance program session. The programmatic design is structured in a manner that requires the reading and subsequent retaining of information that is evidenced via written exercises geared toward retention and reinforcement of education, skills, techniques and preventive measures. The LIB schematic structure is divided into twelve (12) core client worksheet sets, representing twelve (12) core client sessions. These sessions encompass basic addiction terminology, substances of abuse, triggers and relapse prevention techniques, the co-relation between sex and substances of abuse, as well as emotional components associated with addiction and recovery. Also, there are twenty-one (21) supplemental components that focus on self-help and twelve-step program facilitation, stress reduction techniques, social and family issues, compulsive sexual behaviors, grief and loss, as well as other topics that impact and/or influence abusive or relapse behavior. Upon completion of the LIB Program, participants are issued a certificate program completion, and a centralized file is maintained of all participants completing the program. The pilot program was implemented at Northern State Prison in Newark, New Jersey and currently is on-going at Bayside State Prison, the Central Reception and Assignment Facility (CRAF), East Jersey State Prison, Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women, Mid State Correctional Facility, and New Jersey State Prison. Plans are to implement the LIB program throughout our correctional institutions to the inmate population identified as having a substance use disorder, but are ineligible for the traditional therapeutic community construct. Additionally, it is critically important to implement this program at those institutions that do not house a therapeutic community or offer any other type of substance abuse programming. The LIB program is a unique means that can be offered to those offenders found guilty of violating the Department’s zero-tolerance policy. To this end, the LIB Program has a strong message regarding relapse education and prevention and as such will afford this category of inmate the opportunity to address their drug behavior and subsequent criminal lifestyles. The duration of the LIB Program is twelve weeks and the waiting list varies based on inmate application and time eligibility. Funding Amount: Funding Source: -0- Program operating with existing staff resources State of New Jersey NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS MUTUAL AGREEMENT PROGRAM Mutual Agreement Program (MAP) is a formal cooperative agreement between the New Jersey Department of Corrections (NJDOC) and the Department of Human Services (DHS) that offers substance abuse services via state-licensed, residential community-based agencies throughout New Jersey for inmates assigned to the same. Currently, the Mutual Agreement Program contracts with four (4) community-based substance abuse treatment facilities. In order to receive inmates for treatment placement under the the Mutual Agreement Program, these agencies must hold the requisite licensure granted by the Department of Human Services and must comply with the conditions established by the New Jersey Department of Corrections and the Department of Human Services. Service Information: Inmates who participate in MAP must be approved for community release by meeting departmental requirements as follows: be in full minimum custody status, obtain medical and psychological clearance and cannot have any non-permissible warrants, detainers or open charges. Additionally, MAP placements are usually of six month duration, and upon completion further treatment is provided in a residential halfway house facility or the inmate is paroled. Conceivably, the predominant MAP client- population is male; however, females from the women’s institution are also eligible for participation. MAP contract agencies are located in Essex, Mercer and Passaic counties. Program duration is 180 days/6 months. Current total bed capacity is forty (40). Outcome Measures - the Department will examine the effectiveness of all Mutual Agreement Programs by data collection indicators such as recidivism, relapse and employment of program graduates. Program evaluation and assessment of activities to ascertain adherence to stated policies as well as the accomplishment of goals is facilitated through the submittal of required reports received from the contract agency. Funding Amount: $1 million Funding Source: State of New Jersey NJ DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COMMUNITY-BASED PROGRAM HALFWAY HOUSE FACILITIES In addition to the two (2) Assessment and Treatment Centers (see below), the Department of Corrections contracts with private agencies for 2,720 beds in 24 residential community release programs throughout the State. Many of these programs provide substance abuse awareness and relapse prevention services, while others provide employment and/or educational services. These programs espouse a structure of strict discipline while designed to focus on preparing the offender to re-enter society. Of necessity, they are closely supervised so as to assure the highest levels of security and accountability by and for the offender population. Service Information: Candidates eligible for participation in Residential Community ProgramsHalfway House and substance abuse support facilities are inmates who are approved for community release and have successfully completed the assessment process. Additionally, they must be of full minimum custody status, have medical clearance, receive a favorable psychological evaluation, satisfactory institutional adjustment, and have less than 18 months remaining toward the completion of their maximum sentence or parole eligibility. For those identified as having a significant substance use disorder, this assignment typically represents the third phase of treatment and is designed to build on the prison-based TC continuum stepdown as well as Assessment Center exposure. The population served is predominantly male (2,401 male, 319 female for a total complement of 2,720 beds). The average program duration is approximately seven (7) months. The programs are located in Burlington, Camden, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Passaic and Union counties. Outcome Measures - the Office of Drug Programs, in consort with other relevant Departmental offices, develops appropriate training for facility staff on an ongoing/as needed basis in areas of drug/alcohol treatment, inmate accountability and urine monitoring. To this end, an examination of the effectiveness of Halfway House programs is conducted via a number of mechanisms. Most significant to the measurement of program effectiveness is data collection with respect to recidivism, relapse and employment of program graduates. In addition, onsite program observation and monitoring is on-going in order to assure programmatic compliance as mandated by Department of Corrections’ policies and procedures, rules and regulations. The number of inmates on the waiting list varies from month to month based on the classification process, but is minimal. Funding Amount: $25 million Funding Source: State of New Jersey NJ DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS COMMUNITY BASED PROGRAMS – ASSESSEMENT CENTERS All male and female inmates, once approved for community release, must matriculate through the Assessment Center prior to assignment to a Halfway House. These Centers conduct a comprehensive battery of risk/ need assessments to determine community readiness, community placement, and to substantiate continued substance use disorder treatment needs or support services initially identified by prison-based treatment professionals. In the furtherance of service-need identification, the centers also administer various tests and/or evaluations to ascertain offender social service needs (education, employment, housing and medical). Service Information: The offender must meet the requirements for community release as established by the Department of Corrections in order to move from the institution to the Assessment Center. These requirements are consistent with and the same as those required for halfway house consideration. For those inmates identified as having a significant substance use disorder, this assignment designed to build on the prison-based Therapeutic Community continuum experience so as to further prepare the offender for community reintegration, represents the second phase of substance use disorder continuum. This program serves 722 males and 77 females (capacity) from two locations and the duration is one (1) to three (3) months. Inmates who remain less than three months are usually those who are paroled prior to the three month completion requirement. Outcome Measures - the Department is planning to examine the effectiveness of both Assessment Centers by reviewing indicators such as recidivism, relapse and employment of program graduates. In addition, an ongoing assessment will be conducted through the review of required programmatic reports submitted by the contract vendor to determine whether stated goals are accomplished. The number of inmates on the waiting list varies from month to month based on the classification process, but is minimal. Funding Amount: $21 million Funding Source: State of New Jersey NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMMING SUBSTANCE ABUSE AWARENESS AND EDUCATION PROGRAM – PROJECT INSIDE - SUBSTANCE ABUSE EDUCATION AWARENESS AND INFORMATION INITIATIVE The Project Inside Substance Abuse Education Awareness and Information Initiative is a collaborative between the Offices of Drug Programs and Educational Services. It is a collegelevel program that specifically targets offenders twenty six years (26 yrs.)* of age and under. The pilot was implemented in January, 2007 at the Garden State Youth Correctional Facility. It is a college level program that is structured into three components as follows: Component I Addiction – Identification and Definition; Component II – Commonly Used Street Drugs (especially those prevalent in New Jersey); Component III – Drugs and the Brain. This is a thirtysix hour presentation of six week duration, two hours (2 hrs.) per week, twelve hours (12 hrs.) of independent study and homework assignments, and twelve hours of Journal documentation. *Effective January 2010 the age of acceptance into the Project Inside Program will change from 26 years and under to 18 – 35 years of age. Service Information - the program is geared toward the youthful offender (26 years and under) enrolled in the Project Inside College Program. Moreover, it is designed to provide preventive education and information so as to circumvent future drug involvement whether usage or sales that further gravitates into criminality. Upon completion of the program, the inmate is presented a Certificate of Completion. The goal of this initiative is to impart research-based educational information with respect to the negative affects of drugs and addiction to the youthful offender so as to plant preventive concepts that might attenuate any future substance abusing behavior that leads to criminal behavior. Additionally, it is the aim of the Office of Drug Programs to provide a diversity of programming for inmates who do not meet criteria for the traditional therapeutic community constructs. In this regard, the Substance Abuse Education Awareness and Information Initiative is viewed as beneficial toward institutional/community release requirements of program participation. It is also an alternative method of offering preventive education to those offenders found guilty of violating the Department’s zero-tolerance policy. The Substance Abuse Education Awareness and Information Initiative is on-going at Garden State and Albert C. Wagner Youth Correctional Facilities. Outcome Measures – the Office of Drug Programs is maintaining a current list of program completions for follow-up comparative analysis as these inmates are released to determine the existence of recidivism. At this juncture there is no waiting list as inmates are selected based on their matriculation in the Project Inside College level program. Funding Amount: $3,000 and operating with existing staff resources Funding Source: Federal and State of New Jersey Resources ENGAGING THE FAMILIES – (Parenting and Substance Abuse Initiative) The New Jersey Department of Corrections was one of a few states selected by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' to participate in a pilot that seeks to promote healthy marriages and responsible fatherhood. Hence, the grant awarded will support the project entitled "Engaging the Family in the Recovery Process - An Innovative Approach for the Max-Out Offender." The program focuses on an underserved population, specifically those who will max-out (complete their sentence) while still incarcerated. This initial pilot construct was designed to reconnect and strengthen families upon the offender’s reintegration into society. Service Information – The program is designed to engage the spouse and/or children of offenders in dialogue and activities geared toward ending the criminal and subsequent addictive lifestyle of the offender and their loved ones. The overall goal of the program are threefold: (1) to strengthen marriage and family relationships of the incarcerated offender, (2) enhance the well-being of children of incarcerated fathers and (3) motivate and prepare incarcerated fathers to maintain a lifestyle abstinent of drugs so as to attenuate further gravitation toward criminality. To this end, case managers will develop treatment goals and a treatment plan with the offender prior to release. The uniqueness of this initiative is centered on integrating the constructs of drug treatment, specifically the Living in the Balance Program (LIB) into parenting workshops. Utilizing researchbased education and information, the offender and family is exposed to a reinforcement of parenting skills, knowledge and techniques geared toward strengthening the family bond. This exposure culminates with the case manager establishing specific links to social and drug treatment services in preparation for release. Additionally, the case manager will continue to be a resource to the ex-offender and the family upon societal reintegration as it relates to referral and networking resources. Outcome Measures – As part of the grant, the N.J.D.O.C. has contracted with the College of New Jersey to conduct process and outcome evaluations. The New Jersey project was also selected to be part of a national outcome evaluation. To this end, the Office of Drug Programs will maintain requisite data with respect to those offenders participating in the program, completing the programs and co-relate this information with those who recidivate. Additionally, ODP will work in consort with relevant agencies both internal and external to the Department, to ascertain the offender’s success as it relates to maintaining family ties as well as to abstain from subsequent drug involvement. The Engaging the Family Program has been in existence three years operating under a five year grant allocation. Upon entering its fourth year the program in ongoing at four institutional sites, Northern State Prison, Southwoods State Prison, Garden State Youth Correctional Facility and Mid State Correctional Facility. The current program duration consists of six month cycles. However, four month cycles are being considered as this would allow for the implementation of more programs and thereby availing the same to a larger complement of inmateparticipants and their families. Recruitment of program participants in on-going, and as such a waiting list is maintained. While many of the inmates seeking to participate in the program are not time eligible (must be within six months of maxing out); they are fused into the program as they meet eligibility criteria Funding Amount: $394, 000 Funding Source: Federal and State of New Jersey Resources Community Based Relapse Prevention Service Information – The Relapse Prevention Program is designed for inmates returned from community-based agencies for the use o drugs and/or violation of Departmental rules and regulations with respect to drug involvement. The Program affords inmates the opportunity to address issues of relapse and/or continue in the recovery path. To this end, the program seeks to impart skills and tools so as to empower them to recognize triggers that lead to use. Although, the program is facilitated under the auspices of the C4 Committee, and managed y the Office of Drug Programs, the physical location and subsequent operation is carried out in the Assessment Centers. The C4 Committee interviews inmates returned from Communitybased facilities for drug-related offenses. This Committee further determines the appropriate reassignment based on the offense that occasioned the return consistent with their current custody level. A representative from the Office of Drug Programs is present to assure that inmates returned from drug-related offenses (i.e., 204a, 552a or zero-tolerance) are referred to the Relapse Prevention Program at the Assessment Center. There are two Assessment Centers used by the Department – Talbot Hall and Bo Robinson. The female inmates are assigned to Bo Robinson, and the male inmates are assigned to both. There is no waiting list since inmates are referred to the Relapse Prevention Program upon being seen by the C4 Committee and meet custody requirements for matriculation in the community. Funding Amount: -0- Program operating with existing staff Resources Funding Sources: State of New Jersey DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Department/Agency Mission Statement: The New Jersey State Board of Education, in collaboration with the Department of Education, establishes policy and provides leadership to prepare all students for their role as citizens and for the career opportunities of the 21st century. Prevention Information DIVISION OF STUDENT SERVICES FEDERAL SAFE AND DRUG-FREE SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITIES ACT FORMULA GRANTS TO ALL LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCIES The capacity for local school response to behavioral, social-emotional and health problems has been supplemented by federal funding provided specifically for school substance abuse and violence prevention activities. Under the Federal Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (SDFSCA) program (Title IV-A of the No Child Left Behind Act). A total of $5.5 million dollars was provided through the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) to local school districts for this purpose in 2009-2010, a 36% reduction in Federal funding provided under the SDFSCA for the 2006-2007 school years and a 43% reduction from the allocation in the 2003-2004 school years. This funding decrease dramatically reduced the fiscal resources available to schools and the NJDOE for responding to substance abuse and other school safety and security needs. Funding for the SDFSCA program has been eliminated from the Federal budget for the 20102011 school year. While some local educational agencies (i.e., school districts, charter schools, private, non-profit schools) may choose to use FY10 carryover funds to support limited activities in the 2010-2011 school year, it is anticipated that the elimination of Federal SDFSCA funds will severely compromise the capacity of school districts to plan and deliver comprehensive substance abuse prevention programs, services and activities. Since 1987, the SDFSCA had been the NJDOE’s sole source of funding dedicated to supporting all local educational agencies in New Jersey in the development, implementation and evaluation of comprehensive programs and activities coordinated with other school and community-based services and programs, and designed to: (1) foster safe and drug-free learning environments (grades K-12) that support academic achievement; (2) be consistent with the Principles of Effectiveness, per Section 4115(a)1 of Title IV, Part A; (3) prevent or reduce violence, the use, possession and distribution of illegal drugs, and delinquency; and create a well-disciplined environment conducive to learning, including consultation between teachers, principals and other school personnel to identify early warning signs of drug use and violence and to provide behavioral interventions as part of classroom management efforts; and (4) promote the involvement of parents in the activities or programs; promote coordination with community groups and coalitions and government agencies; and distribute information about the local education of agency’s needs, goals and programs. Target Population Served: Numbers Served: Public and nonpublic school students 1,061,335 students in grades K-12(ages 5-17) in 21 counties*. Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: $5,520,628 (includes $356,748 in Carry Forward Funds) Funding Source: Federal Website: • No Child Left Behind Act (including SDFSCA) information – *Indicates services provided in FY09. SOCIAL NORMS PROJECT This cooperative initiative between the NJDOE and the Center for Addiction Studies and Awareness, Rowan University is designed to use established social psychological principles concerning the influence of group norms on individual behavior to reduce student alcohol, tobacco and other drug use in participating high schools and student bullying, harassment and intimidation in participating middle schools. The project is based on the research literature and the successful implementation of the social norms approach in New Jersey colleges by the New Jersey Higher Education Consortium. The project, initiated in the 2005-2006 school year, provided a fifth year of services in the in the 2009-2010 school year, and is scheduled to conclude in February 2011, due to the elimination of SDFSCA funds. Target Population Served: Numbers Served: High schools and middle schools 12 high schools and 13 middle schools Coverage Area: The participating schools represented three regions (i.e., north, central, south) and diverse settings (i.e., urban, suburban, rural) of the state. Additionally, all middle schools and high schools in the state will benefit from the dissemination of project support materials, technical assistance and training and evaluation findings at the conclusion of the project. Funding Amount: $300,000 (December 1, 2009 – February 28, 2011) Funding Source: Federal Website: • Project Website – DEVELOPING SAFE AND CIVIL SCHOOLS: A COORDINATED APPROACH FOR SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT Reports of the research literature document that when both social-emotional and academic learning become part of schooling, students are more likely to remember or use what they are taught and are less likely to engage in high-risk behavior. In response to these important findings, the NJDOE collaborated with Rutgers University to implement a project intended to assist participating school staff in fully integrating social-emotional learning throughout the educational program and organizing existing resources, programs and services to create strong social and emotional learning conditions. Participating school districts and schools received assistance in coordinating student support services and selecting, developing and implementing projects based on findings derived from a needs assessment. The technical assistance was provided by experts from the national Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning and New Jersey experts with demonstrated experience in creating well-coordinated and effective social-emotional learning conditions in schools to support project initiatives. The intent was to reduce at-risk student behavior, develop positive learning climates and improve academic performance among students in participating schools. The project was initiated in the 2005-2006 school year and will conclude in January 2011, due to the elimination of SDFSCA funds. Target Population Served: School building and school district staff. Priority was given to schools identified for corrective or other action through the NJDOE’s Collaborative Assessment for Planning and Achievement (CAPA), since the findings from the CAPA process identify educational vulnerabilities that are directly related to the purposes of the project. Numbers Served: By 2009-20010, working relationships had been established with staff from 204 participating school districts Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: $438,394 (July 1, 2009 through January 31, 2011) Funding Source: Federal Website: • Project Website – TITLE IV-A AND UNSAFE SCHOOL CHOICE OPTION TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT This cooperative initiative between the NJDOE and the Center for Applied Psychology, Rutgers University is designed to assist the NJDOE in fulfilling the statutory requirements of Title IV-A (the SDFSCA) and the Unsafe School Choice Option (Title IX, Part E, Subpart 2, Section 9532) of the No Child Left Behind Act. The project assists the NJDOE by increasing its capacity to provide schools and NJDOE staff with technical assistance, training services and support for resource development for the successful implementation of the requirements under Title IV-A and the Unsafe School Choice Option (USCO) Policy. The assistance and supportive resources are provided to schools utilizing federal Title IV-A funds and schools determined by the NJDOE to be persistently dangerous or in early warning status and special services schools identified under the USCO Policy. The project was initiated in the 2005-2006 school year, continued through the 2009-2010 school year, and will conclude in June 2011 due to the elimination of SDFSCA funds. Target Population Served: All school districts that accepted Title IV-A funds and all nonpublic schools that benefited from district’s Title IV-A awards; schools identified under the USCO Policy as either persistently dangerous or in early warning status; and NJDOE staff who provided support to schools for Title IV-A grant applications and the USCO Policy. Numbers Served: 383 schools and 3,269 staff Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: $249,513 (November 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010) Funding Source: Federal Website: • Project Website – TRUANCY REDUCTION PILOT PROJECT The project was a collaborative initiative among the Office of the Attorney General (OAG), the New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission (NJJJC), the Administrative Office of the Courts, the Department of Children and Families, the Department of State and the NJDOE designed to keep young people in school and engaged in learning. The initiative was implemented in collaboration with the teams of school and community stakeholders in each of the pilot cities (Asbury Park, Camden, Newark, Paterson, Trenton and Vineland) formed under the direction of the Office of the Attorney General. The general services provided to the six pilot cities, in collaboration with the State agency partners, featured local needs assessment and planning, training, ongoing technical support, materials development, assistance in the implementation of evidence-based truancy prevention and intervention programs, taking into consideration current local resources and programming for truancy prevention and intervention, and project evaluation. Additionally, an online course in truancy titled Truancy and Dropout: Mending Cracks in the Graduation Pipeline was developed, which is available to all New Jersey citizens free of charge. Target Population Served: School staff and students Numbers Served: Six school districts Coverage Area: Asbury Park, Camden, Newark, Paterson, Trenton and Vineland Funding Amount: $104,800 Funding Source: Federal Website: • Truancy and Dropout: Mending Cracks in the Graduation Pipeline (online course) – HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING (HIB) To assist school districts in developing the required HIB policies, the authorizing statute (N.J.S.A. 18A:37-13 et seq.) required the NJDOE to develop and issue a model policy applicable to grades kindergarten through twelve. The NJDOE’s model policy and guidance was developed and disseminated in December 2002 and revised in April 2006, April 2007 and again in November 2008. Regulations (N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.9) regarding harassment, intimidation and bullying were adopted by the State Board of Education in August 2005 and readopted in September 2006 as part of the re-adoption of N.J.A.C. 6A:16, Programs to Support Student Development. Additionally, the NJDOE developed HIB Complaint Procedures and Investigation Protocols for use by county offices of education, and providing county office staff with training, in responding to concerns regarding school-based HIB. Target Population Served: Staff and students in public school districts Numbers Served: All staff and students in all public school districts Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: Not available Funding Source: State Website: ï‚Ÿ Model HIB Policy and Guidance – ï‚Ÿ HIB Regulations – VIOLENCE AWARENESS WEEK The NJDOE provided guidelines and information to local boards of education for use in planning the activities that are required (N.J.S.A. 18:36-5.1) in observance of the week for each year the requirement has been in effect, beginning in September 2004. The guidelines have been revised and reissued each year, including in FY10. Target Population Served: Staff and students in public school districts Numbers Served: All staff and students in all public school districts Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: Not available Funding Source: State Website: ï‚Ÿ Guidance – PUBLIC HEARINGS ON VIOLENCE AND VANDALISM For each year the requirement (N.J.S.A. 18A:17-46 and N.J.A.C. 6A:16-5.2 and 5.3) has been in effect, the NJDOE has provided guidelines and information to local boards of education for complying with the statute, beginning in September 2004. Target Population Served: Public school districts and constituent communities Numbers Served: All public school districts and communities Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: Not available Funding Source: State Website: ï‚Ÿ Guidance – PARTNERSHIPS IN CHARACTER EDUCATION PROGRAM In 2002, New Jersey was one of five states to receive a four-year federal grant award under the Partnerships in Character Education Program (Title V, Part D of the No Child Left Behind Act). Under this grant, New Jersey created the New Jersey Center for Social and Character Development (formally the New Jersey Center for Character Education) at the Center for Applied Psychology in the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. The creation of the New Jersey Center for Social and Character Development (NJCSCD) provided key leadership for maximizing New Jersey’s ability to guide schools in adopting evidence-based programs and strategies. The NJCSCD continued to serve as a primary partner in the provision of technical assistance, services and resources to schools statewide in support of social and character development under the 2006-2010 Federal Partnerships in Character Education Program (PCEP) grant. This four-year, $2.7 million grant program enabled the NJDOE to fully incorporate character education into the mainstream of changes that have occurred in school-based curriculum standards and student services by: 1) increasing the capacity of New Jersey school systems to implement and sustain social-emotional and character development programs in the context of current state reform efforts; and 2) evaluating the impact of social-emotional and character development programs on the social inclusion of students with disabilities, a population of students that previous efforts have not adequately addressed. Under the four-year grant, the NJCSD created a comprehensive Website designed to provide information, resources and assistance to the public regarding all of the projects and products developed under the grant. For ease of use, the primary content categories are organized as follows: • Best Practices: This section is designed to provide teachers with innovative character education practices and approaches for engaging students in learning that have been implemented in New Jersey classrooms. All of them have been honored as Promising Practices by the Character Education Partnership or as Best Practices by the NJDOE. • Process Model: This section includes information regarding The Seven Guideposts that were developed under the Fostering School Change and Culture through Character Education pilot administered under this grant. The Guideposts provide a process framework for social and character development in schools that has been designed to assist educators in mapping a plan for comprehensive changes in school climate and culture. The Guideposts are based on the experience of the Center for Social and Character Development (CSCD) at Rutgers University in coordinating with a wide variety of schools that have experience in implementing character education programs. • Research and Resources: The resources and information found in this section range from developing positive student behavior and changing school culture to preventing bullying and teasing, instilling empathy for individual differences, and confronting social injustices. These resources include information on successful strategies and how they worked. • • • Evaluation/Assessment: This section provides information on the steps a school should take to evaluate and assess their school environment/climate. Information is included on assessing school strengths and devising strategies for improving the conditions for learning. Code of Student Conduct: Under the PCEP grant, the NJCSCD developed an online Code of Student Conduct Tutorial that, when posted, will serve as a resource to local school districts and the public regarding the requirements in N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7, Student Conduct. What Parents Can Do: This section provides parents with information on assisting schools in their character development efforts and ideas for schools to encourage parent involvement. Target Population Served: Public school districts Numbers Served: All public school districts on an ongoing basis; 12 school districts in the pilot project; 10 school districts in the evaluation project. Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: $510,155 Funding Source: Federal Website: Project Web site – NEW JERSEY STUDENT HEALTH SURVEY In 2004-2005, the NJDOE first conducted the bi-annual New Jersey Student Health Survey (NJSHS) among a sample of public school students. This survey, which is based on the Youth Risk Behavior Survey sponsored by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), asks students to self report on their actions in six areas that are highly related to preventable, premature injury or illness. Concerning alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drug use, the survey includes questions on age of first use, 30-day use and lifetime use, use on school property, sale of drugs, and perceived harm. Concerning violence, the survey includes questions on carrying a weapon, carrying a gun, having been in a physical fight, having personal property stolen or damaged at school, having been hit by a boyfriend or girlfriend, having been forced to have sex and trying to commit suicide. Some questions are asked every other survey administration. The findings are used by state agencies for planning, program assessment and federal reporting. Reports of findings are distributed to school staff and published on the NJDOE Website. Target Population Served: Students in grades 9-12 Numbers Served: 1,757 students Coverage Area: 34 high schools in the survey sample Funding Amount: $167,577 Funding Source: Federal Website: New Jersey Student Health Survey Report – ELECTRONIC VIOLENCE, VANDALISM AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE REPORTING SYSTEM Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:46 and N.J.A.C. 6A:16-5.3, school staff who witness or who have knowledge of an incident of violence, vandalism or substance abuse must file a report of the incident with the school principal, and the district must annually report all incidents to the NJDOE. The Commissioner of Education is required to annually report all incidents to the Legislature and the Governor. In addition, the chief school administrator is required to provide a summary of all such incidents annually at a public hearing, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:36-5.1. The Commissioner’s report provides the Legislature and the Governor with data in four broad categories of incidents: violence, vandalism, weapons and substance abuse. This report also notifies the Legislature, the Governor and the public of the actions taken by the Commissioner, the State Board of Education and the NJDOE to address the problems indicated by the data. Since the 1999-2000 school year, school districts have been recording their incidents of violence, vandalism and substance abuse over the Internet on the Electronic Violence and Vandalism Reporting System (EVVRS). To promote consistency in reporting, the NJDOE provided regional trainings for school staff to facilitate understanding of the EVVRS incident definitions and accuracy in data entry procedures. Target Population Served: Public school staff Numbers Served: All public schools (EVVRS); 240 school staff (EVVRS training) Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: Not available Funding Source: Federal and State Website: ï‚Ÿ The Commissioner’s report to the Legislature and On-line reports of school, school district and state summary data from the EVVRS – ï‚Ÿ The Electronic Violence and Vandalism Reporting System (EVVRS) – CHIEF OF STAFF SCHOOL SAFETY AND SECURITY - The NJDOE’s School Security Unit (SSU) disseminated the Critical Incident Response CD-ROM, which contains an interactive training program, to all public, charter and nonpublic schools. The CD-ROM was developed in collaboration with the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness as a result of a recommendation made by the School Security Task Force. Approximately 4,000 CD-ROMS were distributed to school administrators to assist with the training of all school staff in responding to critical incidents in schools, in accordance with N.J.S.18A:41-7 and N.J.A.C. 6A:16-5.1(d). This guidance directly supports the priorities of the School Security Task Force and the Governor’s Domestic Security Preparedness Task Force, pursuant to P.L.2001, ch.246, the Domestic Security Preparedness Act. The CD-ROM is to be used by local educational agencies to establish appropriate practice drills, provide staff training and strengthen collaboration with emergency responders to assist with meeting district’s training needs. The guidance will help district boards of education fulfill their requirement to provide in-service training to all employees to enable them to recognize and appropriately respond to safety and security concerns. Practicing the procedures will help to strengthen the emergency response system in schools. N.J.S. 18A:41-1, an act concerning school security drills, was signed into law on January 11, 2010. This statute requires that schools hold one fire drill and one school security drill each month when school is open. In addition, it requires all schools to ensure that full-time employees receive training on school safety and security and related drills. Security drills, which are similar in duration to fire drills, will be used to practice school’s procedures for responding to emergencies, as outlined in the document titled School Administrator Procedures: Responding to Critical Incidents that the NJDOE disseminated in October 2007. Schools continue to coordinate with local emergency responders by updating safety and security plans and procedures for drilling, managing and responding to school emergencies. The Office of School Preparedness and Emergency Planning (OSPEP) was the department’s liaison to the Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (OHSP) and the School Security Task Force regarding this legislation, which took effect on November 1, 2010. In preparation for this new law, OSPEP is collaborating with the SSU, the New Jersey State Police and the School Security Task Force to develop school security drill guidance, pursuant to N.J.S. App.A:9-86 Development, dissemination of building security drill guide, training materials. The department is planning to provide regional training and additional guidance on school security drills, pursuant to 18A:41-1, to support local training and planning efforts. Target Population Served: All public, charter and nonpublic school building and school district administrators. Numbers Served: 4,000 school administrators Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: Not available Funding Source: Website: State and Federal DIVISION OF ACADEMIC STANDARDS, CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENTS CORE CURRICULUM CONTENT STANDARDS The New Jersey State Board of Education adopted revised Core Curriculum Content Standards (CCCS) in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education (CHPE) in June 2009. The revised standards contain specific indicators under Standards 2.3 (Drugs and Medicines), 2.1 (Wellness), 2.2 (Integrated Skills) and 2.4 (Human Relationships and Sexuality) that require public schools to teach substance abuse and violence prevention skills, including media resistance, peer pressure resistance, peer leadership, problem solving, conflict resolution and stress management. Topical strands infused in each of the CCCS in CHPE help teachers locate specific content and skills related to substance abuse and violence prevention skills. The standards are further defined by progress indicators at grades two, four, six, eight and twelve. Web resources have been developed to assist educators in locating standards and in addressing topics related to substance abuse and violence prevention and positive social and emotional development. The New Jersey CCCS in CHPE and the related resources provide an age-appropriate and culturally sensitive focus that helps students develop the knowledge and skills that lead to healthy, active lifestyles. Target Population Served: Public school students in grades K-12 Numbers Served: All public school students Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: Not available Funding Source: State Website: • Core Curriculum Content Standards and supportive resources – • Standards Clarification Document – SUBSTANCE AWARENESS COORDINATOR CERTIFICATION In April 2005 the New Jersey State Board of Education amended the Educational Services Certificate requirements (N.J.A.C. 6A:9) for the substance awareness coordinator (SAC) endorsement issued by the New Jersey State Board of Examiners. (In May 2009, the Legislature changed the professional title of “substance awareness coordinator” to “student assistance coordinator;” however, the SAC certification regulations have not been modified to reflect the new title at this point in time.) The endorsement authorizes the holder to perform the functions of a SAC, as set forth in N.J.S.A. 18A:40A-18, in grades preschool through 12. The amended regulations expanded the eligibility requirements to increase the types of professionals who may apply to obtain the endorsement, increased the clock hours for the required curriculum and expanded the required areas of study. Target Population Served: SACs or appropriately certificated school staff performing SAC functions in New Jersey public school districts Numbers Served: All certificated SACs Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: Not available Funding Source: State Website: ï‚Ÿ SAC Certification Regulations – ï‚Ÿ Recruitment, Licensing and Placement – of Professional SUICIDE PREVENTION In support of N.J.S.A. 18A:6-111, which requires all public school teaching staff members to complete at least two hours of instruction in suicide prevention as part of their required 100 clock hours of professional development, the NJDOE issued guidance for fulfilling the professional development requirement to all chief school administrators in August 2006. The guidance also addressed the provision in the statute requiring that the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education be revised to include suicide prevention. . Target Population Served: Public school staff and students in grades K-12 Numbers Served: All public school staff and all public school students in grades K-12 Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: Not available Funding Source: State Website: • Suicide Prevention Guidance – OFFICE OF STATE BUDGET AND ACCOUNTING DRUG ABUSE EDUCATION FUND PROJECT Per the provisions of N.J.S.A. C.2C:43-3.5 and N.J.S.A. C.54A:9-25.12 et seq., a Drug Abuse Education Fund (D.A.E.F.) was established from portions of taxpayer-designated refunds and penalties assessed against individuals adjudicated or convicted of certain crimes. The resources accumulated in the fund are appropriated annually to NJDOE for distribution to non-governmental entities for the use of law enforcement personnel in providing drug abuse education to students in grades K-12 on a statewide basis. Under the appropriation for these statutory provisions, the NJDOE issued funds to D.A.R.E. New Jersey, Inc. for the eighth year of services for the 2009-2010 school year. Target Population Served: Public and nonpublic school students, parents and other adults, schools, school districts and government agencies Numbers Served: 430 schools in 143 communities Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: $375,000 Funding Source: State Website: • DARE NJ Website – Intervention & Referral Information DIVISION OF STUDENT SERVICES INTERVENTION AND REFERRAL SERVICES INITIATIVE The Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) Initiative supports implementation of the I&RS regulations (N.J.A.C. 6A:16-8) by providing technical assistance to districts for the establishment and operation of building-based multidisciplinary problem-solving teams. These teams are designed to assist students who are experiencing learning, behavior or health difficulties, and to assist staff members who have difficulties in addressing students’ learning, behavior or health needs. The technical assistance provided by the NJDOE includes a comprehensive Resource Manual for Intervention and Referral Services, a four-part series in video and DVD formats and accompanying flyer , and the provision of training and technical assistance to prepare building administrators and building-based teams to implement the I&RS regulations. . Target Population: I&RS team members Numbers Served: I&RS team members in all public school buildings serving grades K-12 Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: $125,000 Funding Source: Federal Website: ï‚Ÿ Resource Manual for Intervention and Referral Services – ï‚Ÿ Four-part Video Series – INTERVENTION AND REFERRAL SERVICES TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT This cooperative initiative between the NJDOE and The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey is designed to assist the NJDOE in increasing its capacity to provide technical assistance, consultation, professional development, networking and materials development and dissemination services to support school building and school district staff in the effective implementation of N.J.A.C. 6A:16-8, Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) and the NJDOE’s best practices in support of N.J.A.C. 6A:16-8. Approximately 1,579 building-based teams have been trained since April 2000, including 225 teams trained by project staff (676 school staff) in the 2009-2010 school year. Approximately 112 school staff who were added to their school’s I&RS teams also were provided training in the 2009-2010 school year. In addition to providing annual training in I&RS team practices, supplemental training programs were provided to 1,445 I&RS team members since 2005-2006, with 872 being trained in 2009-2010, in response to the results of a professional development needs survey conducted in the spring of 2006. Target Population Served: serving grades K-12 I&RS team members and other school staff and administrators Numbers Served: above) Staff from 96 school districts (see additional numbers in the description Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: $400,000 Funding Source: Federal Website: • Project Web site – RANDOM TESTING OF ALCOHOL AND CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:40A-25, the New Jersey State Board of Education adopted regulations at N.J.A.C. 6A:16-4.4, Voluntary policy for random testing of student alcohol or other drug use, in November 2007. The regulations apply only to districts that choose to adopt a policy for the random testing of alcohol and controlled dangerous substances of the district’s students in grades nine through twelve, who participate in extracurricular activities or who possess parking permits. These rules implement the statute requiring the establishment of parameters for implementing random student drug testing as a means to deter drug use and for the early detection of student’s with drug problems so that counseling and rehabilitative services may be offered. Target Population Served: Schools with students in grades nine through twelve Numbers Served: Schools choosing to implement a voluntary random drug testing program in grades nine through twelve Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: Not available Funding Source: State Website: ï‚Ÿ Random Testing Regulations – UNSAFE SCHOOL CHOICE OPTION (USCO) POLICY As a condition for the NJDOE and public school districts to receive funds under the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), the NJDOE was required to establish and implement a statewide policy requiring that students attending persistently dangerous schools or who become victims of violent criminal offenses while in or on the school grounds that they attend be allowed to transfer to a safe public school within the local educational agency. The NJDOE’s policy was adopted by the State Board of Education in June 2003 and reissued in July 2010. All local educational agencies must comply with the provisions of the policy, as appropriate. Target Population Served: Schools identified under the USCO Policy by the NJDOE as being persistently dangerous or at risk of becoming persistently dangerous Numbers Served: Zero persistently dangerous schools; eight early warning schools Coverage Area: Statewide Funding Amount: Not available Funding Source: Federal Website: ï‚Ÿ USCO Policy and Related Information – Planning, Coordination and Collaboration Information NEW JERSEY HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION CAMPAIGN In partnership with the America’s Promise Alliance, New Jersey launched the New Jersey High School Graduation Campaign through a symposium and a summit to focus on combating the high rate of high school dropouts. The campaign involved 500 partners from across New Jersey, representing schools, businesses, non-profit and faith-based organizations, and was planned by the Office of the Attorney General, the NJDOE, the New Jersey Commission on Higher Education, Rutgers University, NJ After3, Communities in Schools and Teach for America. The NJDOE will review the findings and recommendations in the first-year report, Forging New Jersey’s Cradle to College and Workforce Pipeline for All Children, to inform next steps in New Jersey’s commitment to improving the graduation rates for all New Jersey students and to enhancing the NJDOE’s collaboration with America’s Promise Alliance. Funding Sources and Amounts: Verizon ($35,000), America’s Promise Alliance ($25,000), Nicholson Foundation ($15,000), MCJ/Amelior Foundation ($15,000) Coverage Area: Statewide Websites: • Information on the New Jersey High School Graduation Campaign: Keeping Kids In School – • Information on America’s Promise Alliance – TRUANCY FOCUS GROUP In April 2010, the NJDOE convened a focus group discussion among a broad cross-section of staff from New Jersey schools to advise the NJDOE on critical issues pertaining to student unexcused absences and truancy. The school issues, concerns, practices and recommendations that were generated during the discussion will aid the NJDOE and other state agencies and will be considered by the State Interagency Truancy Working Group in addressing concerns with related statutes, regulations, policies, practices and resources. Funding Amount: Not available Funding Source: Federal and state Coverage Area: Statewide Websites: • The compulsory education statute (N.J.S.A. 18A:38-27) – hits=on&hitsperheading=on&infobase=statutes.nfo&record={7487}&softpage=Doc_Frame_ PG42. • The attendance regulations (N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.8) – STATE INTERAGENCY TRUANCY WORKING GROUP In April 2010, the NJDOE convened an ongoing state interagency working group to continue to study and manage issues, concerns, practices and recommendations regarding student unexcused absences and truancy. Emphasis is being placed on considering the findings from the NJDOE’s Truancy Focus Group, assessing and addressing the effects of existing statutes and regulations on unexcused absences and truancy and on examining and advancing the effectiveness of the courts, schools, human services agencies and other resources in addressing truancy cases. It is anticipated that an Attendance-Truancy Tool Kit will be prepared as a result of the working group’s activities. The working group comprised representatives from the Administrative Office of the Courts, the Superior Court of New Jersey, the county courthouse, the Department of Children and Families and the Juvenile Justice Commission. Funding Amount: Not available Funding Source: Federal and state Coverage Area: Statewide Websites: • The compulsory education statute (N.J.S.A. 18A:38-27) – hits=on&hitsperheading=on&infobase=statutes.nfo&record={7487}&softpage=Doc_Frame_ PG42. • The attendance regulations (N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.8) – COLLABORATION WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT The NJDOE coordinates with the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety on matters related to safety and the illegal use or possession of substances and weapons through the Attorney General’s Education and Law Enforcement Working Group. The working group comprises representatives from county prosecutors, Administrative Office of the Courts, State Police, local police, juvenile and probation officers, executive county superintendents, New Jersey School Boards Association, New Jersey Association of School Administrators, New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association, New Jersey Education Association, the Catholic Conference and local school districts. As set forth in N.J.A.C. 6A:16-6, Law Enforcement Operations for Alcohol, Drugs, Weapons and Safety, each school district is required to establish a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with local law enforcement authorities. The MOA, which is reviewed and signed annually by local education and law enforcement officials, forms the basis for information sharing among education and law enforcement representatives and sets parameters for law enforcement investigations on school grounds regarding alcohol, drugs, weapons and safety. The MOA must be consistent with the format and content established by the Attorney General and the Commissioner of Education in the Uniform State Memorandum of Agreement between Education and Law Enforcement Officials. In November 2007, the Attorney General and the Commissioner of Education issued a revised MOA, which contains new information on school safety and security, including information on school security plans and training; gang threats, recruitment and information sharing; harassment, intimidation, and bullying; offenses involving computers; offenses involving hazing; reports of child abuse or neglect; law enforcement units; inquiries regarding law enforcement operations, stationhouse adjustments, and notification of arrests or charges filed against school personnel; notification of emergencies; and School Violence Awareness Week. The NJDOE coordinates with the Office of the Attorney General on the Gang Awareness Initiative. On October 12, 2007, N.J.S.C. 52:17B-4.7 was enacted, which requires the Attorney General, in coordination with the Commissioner of Education, to develop seminars to teach school administrators to recognize signs of gang involvement or activity. The law also requires that a seminar on gang awareness be held annually in each county for all public and nonpublic school administrators. These training sessions are offered by each county prosecutor’s office in conjunction with the county office of education, and the training programs address gang awareness and related topics and are facilitated by trainers from various law enforcement agencies. Funding Amount: Not available Funding Source: Federal and state Coverage Area: Statewide Websites: • Uniform State Memorandum of Agreement between Education and Law Enforcement Officials – • Question and answer document on the MOA – • Information on the Gang Awareness Training – • N.J.S.C. 52:17B-4.7 – COLLABORATION WITH HUMAN SERVICES AGENCIES AND STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES STAFF One of the conclusions drawn from widely publicized violent incidents in our society is that schools should examine how they collaborate with local mental health agencies and how they utilize existing student support services staff. The effective use of student support services staff and the development of cooperative relationships between them and mental health providers are important components of schools' responses to violence. Therefore, the NJDOE continues to forge links among New Jersey schools, mental health, and other human service and health providers to establish effective working relationships, identify areas of concern, and consider strategies for improving the delivery of student support services. Specifically, NJDOE staff collaborates with the leadership of the Association of Student Assistance Professionals of New Jersey, the New Jersey Association of School Psychologists and the New Jersey School Counselors Association on comprehensive student support services issues. Representatives of these organizations serve on advisory committees for NJDOE projects, including the Social Norms Project and the Developing Safe and Civil Schools: A Collaborative Approach for Social-Emotional and Character Development initiative. Funding Amount: Not available Funding Source: Federal and state Coverage Area: Statewide Websites: • Association of Student Assistance Professionals of New Jersey – • New Jersey Association of School Psychologists – • New Jersey School Counselors Association – COLLABORATION WITH CHILD WELFARE AGENCIES In an effort to provide supportive services and resources that address the needs of the whole child, the NJDOE has increased its efforts to collaborate with child welfare agencies for the purpose of information-sharing, support and access to schools and policy development. Specifically, the NJDOE coordinates with the New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DCF) in a number of ways: • New Jersey Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect – The NJDOE remains a member of the Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect, which consists of key stakeholders, including state agencies, community representatives and child advocates. NJDOE’s participation on this • task force has facilitated increased information-sharing, collaboration and prevention planning on issues related to the welfare of children in New Jersey. NJDOE and DCF Workgroup – The NJDOE co-chairs this workgroup which was created to address the issues regarding educational barriers for children in out-of-home placement raised by the Child Welfare Citizens Review Panel (CWCRP) at the 2007 Roundtable. This workgroup, composed of a number of external stakeholders, including, but not limited to, representatives from the Association of Children of New Jersey (ACNJ), Court-Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), Legal Services, Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN) and Office of the Child Advocate (OCA) has coordinated over the past two years to establish a standardized training program on reporting child abuse and neglect to increase and improve communication and collaboration between education and child welfare agencies and to support the educational needs of children in out-of-home placements. As a result, the workgroup has: − Developed a training module for reporting child abuse and neglect entitled: Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect: What School Personnel Need to Do. The purpose of the training is to provide all school staff with the content necessary to ensure that local school district staff members consistently implement the requirements established in N.J.A.C. 6A:16-11, Reporting Potentially Missing or Abused Children, and to foster collaboration among DCF and other external agency trainings to school staff on reporting abuse and neglect. The training was piloted and identified as a comprehensive training tool that would prove useful to districts in implementing the training requirements at N.J.A.C. 6A:16-11(a)8. − Drafted a Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Education and the Department of Children and Families (MOA). The MOA is designed to promote, develop and enhance collaboration between school, child protective, behavioral health and prevention agencies and other interested organizations and parties to improve the well-being of children in New Jersey. The MOA achieves this objective by creating a framework for promoting interagency collaboration and communication that supports educational stability and continuity for children in out-of-home care by outlining specific activities of each partner agency as well as those of local school districts and DCF personnel. The draft MOA is currently being reviewed by DOE and DCF. − The DOE coordinated with the DCF and OCA in the development of proposed Legislation to comply with the federal Fostering Connections Act, which is designed to foster educational stability for children in out-of-home placements. The Legislation (P.L.2010, ch. 69) was adopted in September 2010. Funding Amount: Not available Funding Source: Federal and state Coverage Area: Statewide Website: • Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect: What School Personnel Need to Do (the training protocols document) – OTHER COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIPS The NJDOE aims to continue to collaborate with the following groups: New Jersey School Boards Association, New Jersey Association of School Administrators, New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association, New Jersey Education Association, New Jersey School Counselors Association, Association of Student Assistance Professionals of New Jersey, New Jersey Association of School Psychologists, New Jersey Association of School Social Workers, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ), including the Violence Institute of New Jersey at UMDNJ and the County Traumatic Loss Coalitions for Youth administered by UMDNJ, the Departments of State, Health and Senior Services, Human Services, Children and Families and Law and Public Safety, including the Juvenile Justice Commission and the Domestic Security Preparedness Task Force and affiliated committees and work groups, the Administrative Office of the Courts, the Attorney General’s Office, including the Education and Law Enforcement Working Group, and other organizations, associations and agencies. The NJDOE continues to be represented on the following organizations and their subgroups: Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, Governor’s Youth Suicide Prevention Advisory Council, Governor’s Advisory Council on Domestic Violence, Governor’s Advisory Council on Sexual Violence, New Jersey Association of County Youth Services Coordinators, Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Committee and School-based Probation Committee, New Jersey Coalition for Bullying Awareness and Prevention, Childhood Drinking Coalition and intends to continue to support the various collaborative initiatives described above. The NJDOE coordinates with the New Jersey Alliance for Social and Character Development (NJASECD) on information and resource-sharing and technical assistance to local school districts regarding social-emotional and character development. The NJDOE has served as a collaborator in annual conferences held by the organization, and continues to serve as a resource to the NJASECD Advisory Board. The NJDOE also actively served on the Commission on Bullying in Schools. Funding Amount: Not available Funding Source: Federal and state Coverage Area: Statewide Websites: • New Jersey Alliance for Social and Character Development – • There Isn‘t A Moment To Lose An Urgent Call for Legal Reform and Effective Practices to Combat Bullying in New Jersey Schools (report of the New Jersey Commission on Bullying in Schools issued in 2009) – %202009%20-%20%20Final.pdf s:\sdfs unit\committees-collaboration\gov co on alcoholism & drug abuse\governor's council\gcada fy11\doe master plan 9 20 10.doc NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SENIOR SERVICES Prevention Information Division of Epidemiology, Environmental And Occupational Health TUBERCULOSIS (TB) PREVENTION This program provides literature and pamphlets regarding TB to clients at Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Centers. Materials Provided to TB Program at no cost by CDC or TB Regional Training and Medical Consultation Centers. Funding Amount: Unfunded Division of HIV/AIDS Services (DHAS) HIV/AIDS The DHAS supports the provision of HIV prevention services to injecting drug users (IDU) through the Patient Incentive Programs (PIPs). PIPs, located at drug treatment centers in Newark, Trenton, Asbury Park and Atlantic City, provide community outreach, HIV counseling, testing and referral services, HIV health education/risk reduction behavior change programs, and free drug treatment to hard to reach IDUs who would otherwise not be in treatment. Female sex partners of IDUs receive HIV prevention services through two specialized HIV Prevention for Women (HIP4W) programs located at healthcare provider agencies in Trenton and Newark. Funding Amount and Source: PIP Federal State HIP Federal State $ $ $ $ 973,362 498,830 232,300 201,500 Division of Family Health Services Perinatal Addiction Prevention The six Maternal and Child Health Consortia are funded to provide regional risk reduction coordination for women of childbearing age. The major objectives of the Perinatal Addictions Prevention Project include providing professional and public education, encouraging all prenatal providers to screen their patients for substance use/abuse and developing a network of available resources to aid pregnant substance abusing women. The risk-reduction coordinators in each of the consortia provide these services. They also provide information, training, advocacy and support for programs that serve families of children adversely affected by prenatal alcohol and drug exposure. The Coordinators work with staff from the six Centers of Excellence throughout the State. Children who have been affected by drugs and/or alcohol are referred to these Centers for appropriate services. Service Information: During the 2010 grant year, over 29% of the pregnant women throughout the state were screened for alcohol, tobacco, and/or drug use during their pregnancy. The majority of these screenings were done in hospital clinics. The results of these screenings show that 14% of the pregnant women say that they consumed alcohol in the month before they knew that they were pregnant. Because most women do not know they are pregnant during the first month, those babies were exposed to alcohol. Similarly, when women were asked if they had smoked cigarettes in the month before they knew they were pregnant, over 15% responded that they had smoked. These percentages have not changed significantly compared to the information from those who had been screened during the previous two years. If a screening reveals risk behavior, it results in the women receiving prevention education, being referred for a substance abuse assessment or entering treatment when appropriate. Programs designed to educate the general public about the risks of substance use during pregnancy have reached 18,528 women and men during 316 offerings. There were 136 programs offered to 2782 nurses, physicians and social workers. The goal all of this education is to raise awareness of the treating professionals and encourage their participation in the universal screening project. Funding Amount and Source: $875,000 State Intervention & Referral Information Division of Epidemiology, Environmental And Occupational Health Services TB Intervention This program provides materials (syringes, antigens) to Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Centers for Mantoux tuberculin skin testing of clients. The funding utilized to provide these TB testing materials are provided by the state, but recordkeeping does not exist to determine the value of the TB testing materials supplied to Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Centers. If latent TB infection is detected through these screening activities, referrals may be made to TB clinics funded by the Program. These clinics are funded by both state and federal sources, but there is no mechanism to determine the costs associated with services provided specifically for referrals from Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Centers. Funding Amount: Undetermined Treatment Information Division of HIV/AIDS Services (DHAS) HIV Specialists This program is no longer existence. Care & Treatment I The funding for this program was eliminated. Care & Treatment II The DHAS supports individual, group substance abuse counseling, methadone maintenance treatment, residential substance abuse treatment counseling and ambulatory outpatient medical care. Service Information: Outpatient and residential substance abuse treatment services as well as methadone maintenance were provided to intravenous drug users and persons with HIV. A total of 56 individuals received outpatient substance abuse counseling services, 13 received residential services and 69 persons were provided with methadone maintenance and 19 received outpatient medial care. Treatment providers were located in five New Jersey counties including Atlantic, Cape May, Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean. Funding Amount and Source: $155,003 Federal (C.A.R.E. Title II) State funding eliminated Division of Family Health Services Perinatal Addictions Treatment This program is funded by The Division of Addiction Services. Funding Amount and Source: $300,000 Federal FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) Diagnostic Centers A statewide network of six Regional FAS Diagnostic Centers has been established whose purpose is to provide diagnosis and treatment of children with FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.) The regional centers are strategically located throughout the state and housed within state funded hospital-based Child Evaluation Centers. In addition, the Centers provide both community education and professional and allied health training related to early detection and treatment of FAS. Attendance at 35 programs during this past fiscal year was approximately 800 consumers and professionals. Staff from the Diagnostic Centers participated in the fall conference titled Women’s Health-Addiction, Trauma and Hope through the FAS Task Force. In addition representatives from the Centers are participating in the development of a statewide media campaign focused on prevention and the development of a web site www.bein Service Information: During Fiscal Year 2010, 5,586 children were screened for FAS, 96 were identified with FAS and 54 have been identified with FASD. To date, 32,369 children have been screened for FAS through the Diagnostic Centers. A multidisciplinary team completes an evaluation and then develops a comprehensive report and intervention plan that is discussed with the family. Members of the team include: developmental pediatrician, licensed psychologist, physical and occupational therapists, speech pathologist, social worker and family counselor. This treatment plan may include the following: diagnosis of medical and psychosocial conditions, treatment referrals to community resources, out patient services and school-based programs, medical and/or behavioral monitoring and case management and counseling which include family support, behavior modification and education planning. During this year, 265 children have received complete evaluations. The six centers have developed a standardized screening tool for identifying children at risk. In addition a standard four digit diagnostic grid developed by the University of Washington is used make a diagnosis of FAS. Performance indicators used were delete previous two words insert developed have resulted in increased screening of children utilizing the standard tool and the identification of children with a diagnosis of FAS using the University of Washington diagnostic guide. Funding Amount and Source: $450,000 State Division of Epidemiology, Environmental And Occupational Health Services TB Treatment Support TB education/training is made available for providers of care to substance abusers who work in various centers throughout the state; medication is provided for treatment of active disease and latent TB infection; and field follow-up occurs for an individual who was overdue for examination, treatment and/or clinic appointment, and for directly observed therapy of new cases among substance abusers. The funding for these field services is often provided by health service grants funded by both federal and state sources. It is not possible to determine the amount of funding that is used specifically to provide services for individuals also served by Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Centers. Funding Amount: Undetermined TB Administration Technical assistance is provided and policies and procedures regarding TB control activities are developed. These services are provided by TB Program staff funded by both state and federal sources. It is not possible to determine the time and effort of these employees specifically for Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers. Funding Amount: Undetermined Division of Family Health Services Chronic Disease and Prevention Control/Chronic Disease Management OFFICE OF TOBACCO CONTROL (OTC) The main goals of the OTC is to increase cessation, reduce tobacco acceptability, decrease tobacco-related disparities and decrease involuntary exposure to second-hand smoke The information provided in this report includes the tobacco programs that remain in operation after the termination of tobacco funding from the state budget for Year 2010. New Jersey Quitline, a toll-free (1-866-NJSTOPS) telephone based counseling service offering services from brief advice to extensive one-on-one telephone counseling. The OTC was awarded federal funds from the American Recovery Reinvestment Act (ARRA)to increase the NJ Quitline utilization by expanding health communication strategies, particularly targeting the population with a disproportionate burden of tobacco use and exposure, and offering a one time-limited of Nicotine Replacement Therapy. This funding will run until February 3, 2012 State Funding Amount: $ 200,000 Federal Funding Amount (ARRA): $ 938,000 Tobacco Age of Sale Enforcement Program (TASE): this program is responsible to perform tobacco inspections to retailers in order to test the law of non-selling tobacco to minors less than 19 years of age. The main goal is to reach non-compliance violation rate of less than 20% as mandated by the federal Center for Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT). TASE Tobacco Inspectors and student associates perform year-round inspections to retailers selected through a random sampling. Starting SFY 2010, TASE will perform only the mandated federal inspections to be completed by September 30th of each year. Total State Funding Amount for TASE program (Projected revenues from the license tobacco fees collected by the Division of Taxation). $ 500,000 Tobacco-Diabetes Integration Project: A total of seven organizations continue to provide services to all populations in the state: adults and young adults, young and expectant mothers, multicultural groups, college students, the workforce, smokers and nonsmokers, and people with tobacco related illnesses. Each of the partner organizations possess different areas of expertise, therefore establishing a comprehensive approach to all issues surrounding tobacco use, abuse and a multitude of health concerns and diseases. Their services focus on community mobilization, population-based health communications/education and policy action. In order to maximize the efficient use of limited resources, all health communication messages about tobacco control activities within New Jersey is being coordinated through the Tobacco Free for a Healthy New Jersey promotional strategy. This strategy was developed by the seven funded organizations to increase collaboration and message consistency and impact throughout the state. Total CDC Federal Funding amount: $ 680,000 Total State Funding amount: $ 400,000 Comprehensive Tobacco-Free School Policy Initiative: with ARRA funding through February 3, 2012, the program will continue to ensure the implementation of the comprehensive tobacco free school policy initiative within a minimum of 30 High Schools throughout New Jersey. Total Federal ARRA funding amount: $ 390,00 Youth Tobacco Survey (YTS): The OTC continues to work with the University of Medicine and Dentistry – School of Public Health for the implementation of the 2010 Youth Tobacco Survey. CDC Federal Funding Amount: $ 250,000 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Department/Agency Mission Statement: The Department of Human Services is dedicated to providing quality services that consistently meet or exceed expectations with the goal to protect, assist and empower economically disadvantaged individuals and families, and people with disabilities to achieve their maximum potential. We strive to ensure a seamless array of services through partnerships and collaborations with communities statewide. We seek to promote accountability, transparency and quality in all that we do. Core Functions  Serve as a safety net for low income people through the TANF, GA, Food Stamps, child support and emergency shelter programs. Help people transition toward greater independence and self sufficiency.  Provide health care coverage for low income, aged, blind and disabled people.  Operate state institutions and provide residential and community based supports and/or treatment to people with developmental disabilities, mental illness and substance abuse so they can live in the most independent situation possible and achieve quality of life, wellness and recovery. • Communicate effectively with the public, the media, consumers of Human Services and DHS staff. Provide equal access to public information within the purview of this department to all interested citizens.  Effectively manage the Human Services’ budget, maximize revenue, ensure fiscal integrity and maintain the public trust.  Assure a sufficient workforce that is competent and diverse in both state and contracted services. • Develop and formulate public policy related to human services in collaboration with community partners, stakeholders and government leaders to address identified local and state issues and priorities.  Ensure that all Department services are carried out with quality, efficiency, safety, fiscal integrity and dignity for the people we serve. Prevention Information Division of Addiction Services THROUGH THE MEDIA The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey develops large-scale prevention media campaigns to impact communities, schools, families and workplaces. Service Information: Services include information dissemination to youth, parents, educators, the media, prevention, and education and other activities that also relate to their “Drug Free Workplace Programs. Recent initiatives focused on medication abuse and underage drinking. Partnership messages go beyond "traditional" media. Their anti-drug messages can be found on PATH and New Jersey Transit trains and buses. More messages are placed in the Bell Atlantic Yellow Pages, in Motor Vehicle Commission registration renewal notifications, milk cartons, shopping bags, car litter bags, and many other venues. The Partnership has also developed The American Medicine Chest Challenge, a community based public health initiative, with law enforcement partnership, designed to raise awareness about the dangers of prescription drug abuse and provide a nationwide day of disposal – at a collection site or in the home - of unused, unwanted, and expired medicine that was held on November 13, 2010 in communities across the country. The American Medicine Chest Challenge provides a unified national, statewide, and local focus to the issue of medicine abuse by children and teens. It is designed to generate unprecedented media attention to the issue of prescription and over-the-counter medicine abuse and to challenge all Americans to take the 5 Step American Medicine Chest Challenge: • • • • • Take inventory of your prescription and over-the-counter medicine. Lock your medicine chest. Dispose of your unused, unwanted, and expired medicine in your home or at an American Medicine Chest Challenge Disposal site. Take your medicine(s) exactly as prescribed. Talk to your children about the dangers of prescription drug abuse Funding Amount and Source: $1,056,000 (State) SPORTS, VIOLENCE AND ADDICTIONS “PARENTING AN ATHLETE” This is a project with the Institute for Prevention at St. Barnabas Healthcare to reach parents of middle and high school athletes regarding youth sports, leadership, personal development, and prevention Service Information: Coaches. Prevention education was provided to 112 parents and 42 Parent Funding Amount and Source: $182,500 (Federal) RUTGERS AND WILLIAM PATERSON UNIVERSITIES – RECOVERY SUPPORT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PREVENTION STRATEGIES ON CAMPUS This initiative that began in the fall of 2008 provides funding to two New Jersey universities – Rutgers (at both the New Brunswick and Newark campuses) and William Paterson, in Wayne, to enable them to provide recovery and substance-free housing to students in recovery, students at risk of a SUD, and students not in recovery who choose not to misuse alcohol and illicit drugs, with a supportive community that promotes physical, psychological, social, and spiritual health. By providing this support, it is easier for a student that is in recovery to thrive in the college setting and work toward their academic goals. It also provides comfort to families who have to deal with the fears and reservations of letting their recovering loved one enter an environment that is well-known for drinking and partying. The colleges also utilize environmental strategies to reduce the supply of and demand for alcohol and other drugs by making them less available and their use less acceptable. The strategies require the leadership of college administrators in collaboration with government agencies, campus task forces, and community coalitions (and includes public safety officials, students, high school- and college personnel, policymakers, and community members) to reduce alcohol and other drug - related problems and to promote academic achievement. The strategies also seek to offer alcohol and other drug-free social and recreational options, to establish health-promoting normative environments, to restrict marketing of alcohol, and to increase enforcement of alcohol and other drug laws and policies (on and off college campuses). Website: Funding Amount and Source: $490,000(State and Federal) COMMUNITY BASED PRIMARY PREVENTION GRANTS In response to the Unification Plan developed with each county in 2007, 50 contracts were awarded to provide science-based primary substance use prevention programming in all 21 counties. The goal of each contract was to reduce the risk factors identified during the county planning process. Additionally, agencies provided intensive services in high-need communities to indicated populations such as at-risk youth, children of substance abusers and/or special populations, such as older adults or court adjudicated youth. Service Information: Prevention services were provided to 104,787 members of the targeted populations in all 21 counties. Services included prevention education, environmental strategies, alternative activities, parenting classes, hotline services, and other activities. Performance indicators varied depending on individual contract objectives. Strengthening Families - This evidence-based parenting program is age specific focused and provides skill development for both parent and child with built in practice sessions to support competency in skill achievement. There are incentives for parents, children and agencies providing the program to retain maximum attendance. Service Information: Twenty-one community-based agencies have provided this program to over 1,200 families statewide for SFY 2009. This skill development program is offered in seventeen New Jersey counties to target populations such as DYFS involved families, court involved families, school-based families, and indicated high risk families. Funding Amount and Source: $5,800,000 (Federal) SERVICES TO FAMILIES OF MILITARY VETERANS Working with the New Jersey National Guard Family Program and its eight Family Assistance Centers based at armories around the state, the New Jersey Prevention Network is funded to provide programs to serve returning military personnel and their families through two evidence-based programs, Coping with Work and Family Stress and the Strengthening Families Program. Both programs are designed to enhance protective factors to support military members and their families in making responsible parenting and individual choices in regards to drug and alcohol use. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $325,000 (Federal) SERVICES TO GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDERED, AND QUESTIONING YOUTH The odds of substance use for gay, lesbian bisexual, transgendered and questioning (GLBTQ) youth are on average 190 percent higher than for heterosexual youth, according to a study by University of Pittsburgh researchers published in the March 2008 issue of Addiction. What's more, for some sub-populations of GLBTQ youth, the odds were substantially higher, including 340 percent for bisexual youth and 400 percent for lesbians, researchers found. DAS awarded funding to the North Jersey Community Research Initiative to expand their existing programs for high-risk GLBTQ youth of color by using a prevention model developed by the Centers for Disease Control, early intervention services, social marketing, and structured recreational activities. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $225,000 (Federal) PROGRAMMING TO ASSURE THE DELIVERY OF CULTURALLY AND LINGUISTICALLY-COMPETENT PREVENTION SERVICES IN NEW JERSEY To ensure access to quality services by diverse populations, DAS awarded funding to PROCEED to develop new and/or enhance existing systems for assuring the provision of culturally and linguistically competent prevention services among DAS-funded providers throughout New Jersey. Training and technical assistance services are individualized for each prevention provider and based upon the results of an extensive assessment of the provider’s needs and capacity. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $200,000 (Federal) PRIMARY PREVENTION RESOURCE CENTERS New Jersey Prevention Network member agencies receive funding to offer programs and services that have a common goal of reducing the incidence and prevalence of alcoholism, addiction and related problems through primary prevention efforts. The network refers those needing and requesting help for their own or another individual’s problems related to use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs to an appropriate established organization or center that most closely meets their needs. Additionally, NJPN is funded to organize and convenes an annual statewide conference that provides programming and information to drug and alcohol professionals, law enforcement and the community-at-large. Service Information: 65,000 New Jersey residents from all 21 New Jersey counties were served by county-based resource centers. Services provided included information dissemination, prevention education and other activities as needed. Over 600,000 pieces of printed educational materials were distributed. Funding Amount and Source: $2,400,000(Federal) WISE The WISE Program is a wellness and prevention program targeting older adults, which is designed to help them celebrate healthy aging, make healthy lifestyle choices and avoid substance abuse. It provides educational services to older adults on topics including nutrition and exercise, medication use, stress management, depression and substance abuse. Service Information: WISE promotes health through education concerning high-risk behaviors in older adults. Since the program was launched in 1996, prevention programs presented by WISE Volunteers have reached over 68,000 individuals. Funding Amount and Source: $235,000 (Federal) STIGMA REDUCTION The many New Jersey residents with an alcohol or drug addiction, as well as those who are in recovery from this disease, routinely encounter stigma and discrimination. Existing policies, laws, practices and misplaced perceptions undermine acceptance of addiction as a treatable disease and health condition and restrict access to appropriate health care, employment, housing, and public benefits. NCADD- New Jersey provides extensive education and public information to help reduce the incidence of stigma related to alcoholism or drug addiction. Funding Amount: $624,000 (Federal) CHILDHOOD DRINKING This is a statewide initiative that includes a coalition of key stakeholders who focus on reducing underage and childhood drinking. All 21 New Jersey counties have developed local coalitions to promote awareness and support educational programs for children and their parents. Service Information: Education activities for K-3 students were delivered to 6200 students and 2100 parents. Over 180 Town Hall meetings were held along with 21 county meetings to increase community awareness of the problem. Over 9600 people were in attendance. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $1,030,000 (State) STRATEGIC PREVENTION FRAMEWORK STATE INCENTIVE GRANT The Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) changes the approach to prevention, and helps move the vision of a healthier US to state and community-based action. The SPF is built on a community-based risk and protective factors approach to prevention and a series of guiding principles that can be utilized at the federal, State/tribal and community levels. The SPF requires States and communities to systematically: 1. Assess their prevention needs based on epidemiological data, 2. Build their prevention capacity, 3. Develop a strategic plan, 4. Implement effective community prevention programs, policies and practices, and 5. Evaluate their efforts for outcomes. DAS funded eleven communities to adopt and implement the SPF to deliver and sustain effective substance abuse prevention and mental health promotion programs in their communities by institutionalizing a data-driven planning process to decrease both underage drinking and the harmful consequences of alcohol and drug use among 18 to 25 year olds at the community level. The NJ SPF is a public health, outcomes-based prevention approach that uses data to drive prevention decision-making. The goals and objectives of the NJ SPF are being achieved through strong collaborations among State, community, and academic partners, who work together to implement the NJ SPF, and develop prevention expertise and infrastructure to sustain the process in selected communities. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $2,100,000 (Federal) COMPULSIVE GAMBLING This contract provides statewide assessment, treatment, prevention, and helpline services through the Council on Compulsive Gambling of NJ. The Council offers counseling services provided by certified treatment providers; a helpline (1-800-GAMBLER) that provides information on problem gambling and connects callers to treatment programs and Gamblers Anonymous/Gam-Anon meetings; ongoing public awareness activities; and educational materials for compulsive gamblers, families, and others affected by gambling problems. The Council also conducts outreach to at-risk populations such as older adults, adolescents, criminal offenders, and alcohol/drug dependent persons. Advanced professional training workshops and program development assistance are offered throughout the year. The Council’s annual statewide conference focuses on promising approaches to assessment, prevention and treatment of compulsive gambling. Service Information: The helpline received approximately 20,000 calls, and the website generates 70,000 hits monthly. The Council delivered 62 presentations to schools and colleges, 56 presentations to seniors, and 66 presentations to other at-risk populations. 461 people received treatment. Funding Amount and Source: $970,000 (State) WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT In order to ensure the quality, effectiveness, and availability of prevention and treatment services in New Jersey, a workforce development and training initiative was established by DAS in September 2006 to increase and enhance its addiction workforce capacity and competency. The program provides scholarships to attend Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC) training for staff working in DAS-licensed addiction treatment agencies and is offered at 12 geographically diverse sites throughout New Jersey. Instructors are master’s level clinicians who teach courses approved by the Addiction Professionals Certification Board of New Jersey (APCBNJ). In addition, scholarships are offered for CADCs and LCADCs to attend specialized trainings covering topics such as cultural diversity, co-occurring disorders, and ethical and legal standards. Courses are also offered to individuals to obtain the Certified Clinical Supervisor (CCS) and the Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS). Service Information: Since its inception in 1996, the program has had 643 students complete CADC coursework required to become certified in New Jersey. Of that number, 135 individuals have become licensed or certified as alcohol and drug counselors in New Jersey Funding Amount and Source: $1,030,000 (Federal) Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services MANAGED CARE Mental health and substance abuse services are obtained under Medicaid Fee-for-Service (FFS) with the exception of clients of the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD), who receive these services under the Medicaid managed care contract. The HMOs who service the Medicaid managed care contract are responsible for providing mental health and substance abuse services (except for partial care and partial hospital services) to DDD enrollees. HMO enrollee handbooks describe how to access mental health and substance abuse services. The State’s contract with HMOs, that provide health care services to Medicaid and NJ Family Care beneficiaries, provides that the HMOs identify relevant community issues and the health education needs of their enrollees. This includes smoking cessation programs, which must have targeted outreach to adolescents and pregnant women, as well as prevention and treatment of alcohol and substance abuse. Although mental health and substance abuse services are furnished through Medicaid FFS, the HMOs have the responsibility for screening and identifying enrollees with substance abuse service needs and for providing them with referrals to appropriate providers. Managed care enrollees who require special health care services, including substance abuse services, may request care coordination services through the HMO that will help coordinate care and link the enrollee to needed services. Service Information: The HMOs offer counseling and pharmaceutical management for smoking cessation to all managed care enrollees. This may include participation in disease management programs, the Getting Early Maternity Services program referral to the NJ QuitLine and the Department of Health and Senior Services smoking cessation program. In addition, HMO participating providers are advised to counsel patients about smoking cessation. Some HMOs also produce educational materials about the hazards of secondhand smoke inhalation. Website: Division of Developmental Disabilities Office for Prevention of Developmental Disabilities PREVENTION OF FETAL ALCOHOL SPECTRUM DISORDERS AND OTHER PERINATAL ADDICTIONS EDUCATIONAL GRANTS PROGRAM Service Information: The Office for Prevention of Developmental Disabilities (OPDD) funds grants to educate the community about the effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol, drugs and nicotine upon developing fetuses. These funds are also used to support Pregnant Pause events in every county annually. Targeted educational programs focus on specific audiences, including high school students, pregnant women, and staff and clients of substance addiction treatment centers. An estimated 500,000 persons receive information about perinatal addictions annually through these grants. Website: Funding Amount and Source: Grants totaling approximately $200,000 are implemented annually (State funds) Intervention Division of Addiction Services THE ADDICTION HOTLINE OF NEW JERSEY The Addiction Hotline of New Jersey provides a statewide, 24-hour information and referral line disseminating information about prevention, intervention and support resources for New Jersey residents with concerns about the use of Alcohol and Other Drugs of Abuse. The hotline provides referral information to over 30,000 calls a year. The Hotline maintains an educational website capable of handling traffic of 14,000 site hits per year. Interpreters are provided for callers whose native language is not English. Within the next month DAS plans to operationalize a much enhanced Addictions Hotline thru 211 which will provide treatment and fiscal screening, as well as a “warm hand-off” to a targeted treatment referral and casemanagement/ care coordination which can only serve to improve potential client engagement and service to support individuals who reach-out for help. Funding Amount and Source: $460,000 (State and Federal) Treatment Division of Addiction Services DRUG COURT Drug Court is a cooperative initiative between the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) and DAS which commenced in 2002. This agreement allows the AOC to transfer treatment funding to DAS who then secures and implements a complete continuum of care for Drug Court offenders sentenced in New Jersey Superior Court. Drug Court participation is voluntary and clinically-driven. Fifteen vicinage Drug Courts function within the existing Superior Court structure to provide treatment along the full continuum of care and diversion opportunities for non-violent offenders who otherwise may be incarcerated in State prisons for drug related offenses. Research shows there is only 14% recidivism after 5 years in this program. As of September 2010, 74% of the active DC participants were employed full-time, 186 drug free babies, and 1,947 successful graduates. Service Information: In SFY 2010, New Jersey Drug Court had 198 pre-paid long-term slotted beds with 6 residential treatment providers. These beds were assigned to each of the 15 vicinages at a cost of $24,353 per bed per year. In addition, Drug Court had 25 pre-paid halfway house slotted beds with 4 halfway house providers. Drug Court also has over 110 Feefor-Service providers in their network with modalities including short term residential, halfway house, medication assisted treatment, IOP, partial hospitalization and outpatient treatment. In SFY 2010, approximately $28 million was dedicated for treatment through the Drug Court program as a jail diversion strategy. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $27,836,000 (State) MUTUAL AGREEMENT PROGRAM (MAP) In SFY 2010, DHS/DAS continued to oversee the Mutual Agreement Program (MAP), an Inmate/Parolee Substance Abuse Treatment Project implemented through Memorandums of Agreement between the Division of Addiction Services and the Department of Corrections (DOC), and the State Parole Board (SPB). This funding is a combination of direct appropriations to DAS and funds transferred from the DOC and SPB. Funding for long term residential is available for DOC inmates pending parole through a network of fee-for-service providers. For SPB, these funds support a similar fee-for-service network which offers the full continuum of care including long term and short term residential care, halfway house, partial care, detoxification, intensive outpatient, and outpatient treatment for SPB parolees. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $ 4,100,000 (State) THE JUVENILE JUSTICE TREATMENT INITIATIVE DAS, through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Juvenile Justice Commission (JJC), allotted funds to treat adolescents who had been committed to a state juvenile institution and adolescents placed on probation. This initiative allows for coordinated planning and joint funding of services to juvenile offenders. DAS funded 33 out of the 41 residential adolescent substance abuse treatment beds. The remaining eight (8) beds were supported by a transfer of funds from the JJC. DAS will allow discretion to the providers to utilize JJC beds for juveniles involved in the criminal justice system or court involved; however, JJC youth shall have priority. JJC shall maintain responsibility for placing JJC juveniles in funded beds. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $1,650,000 (State) SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT AND REHABILITATION SERVICES DAS strives to ensure equitable client access to drug and alcohol treatment services and engagement in appropriate Levels of Care (LOC) as determined by the ASAM PPC-2R guidelines. Comprehensive substance abuse treatment services are provided statewide through contracts with licensed facilities. Service Information: DAS’ substance abuse treatment service continuum of care for adults and adolescents is structured according to four major phases of treatment: I. Inpatient Treatment, II. Outpatient Treatment, III. Pre-Treatment Recovery Support, and IV. Post Treatment Recovery Support. Many providers offer specialized programs for women, children and adolescents, which are consistent with the LOC classification but include additional services appropriate to these populations. I. DAS’ inpatient treatment services include six levels of care of varying intensity 1) Sub-Acute Detoxification (ASAM PPC-2R level III.7 D) 2) Sub-Acute Enhanced Medically Managed Detoxification (ASAM PPC-2R level III.7 D), this level include the ability to treat the following: a) individuals with co-occurring disorders b) pregnant women c) poly-addicted persons including those addicted to benzodiazepines d) individuals who may or may not be on opiate replacement therapy e) clients with non–life-threatening medical condition(s) 3) Short-Term Residential (ASAM PPC-2R level III.7) 4) Long-Term Residential Treatment (ASAM PPC-2R level III.5) 5) Halfway House Services (ASAM PPC-2R Level III.1) 6) Residentially Assisted Day Treatment (ASAM PPC-2R Level III.1) II. DAS’ outpatient treatment service includes six levels of care of varying intensity: 1) Early Intervention (ASAM PPC-2R level 0.5) 2) Outpatient (ASAM PPC-2R level I) 3a) Intensive Outpatient (IOP) (ASAM PPC-2R level II.1) 3b) Methadone Intensive Outpatient (MIOP) (ASAM PPC-2R level II.1) 4) Day Treatment/Partial Hospitalization (ASAM PPC-2R level II.5) 5) Ambulatory Detoxification (ASAM PPC-2R level II.D) 6) Opioid Maintenance Therapy (OMT) (ASAM PPC-2R level I) III. Pre-treatment Recovery Support - See under Intervention section IV. Post-treatment Recovery Support is the coordination of personal, family, and community resources to achieve the best possible quality of life. It can range from Oxford Houses, which are peer-led group recovery homes, to low level contact such as quarterly telephone conversations to high level contact such as coaching, depending on support needed. Support for involvement of recovering persons in self-help groups such as Alcohol Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous is also routinely provided as part of recovery planning, beginning in treatment and continuing upon discharge. Funding Amount and Source: $42,300,000 (federal and State) Medication Assisted Treatment Initiative (MATI) Through funding legislated through the Bloodborne Disease Harm Reduction Act, DAS has developed the Medication Assisted Treatment Initiative (MATI). This initiative includes mobile medication units with corresponding outreach, office based services and case management, as well as supportive housing, sub-acute enhanced medically managed detoxification, vouchers for other treatment services, and an evaluation of the project. The mobile medication units prioritize the provision of pharmacological treatment to individuals in cities and towns that have no access and/or limited access to methadone and suboxone treatment, and to clients referred through the Sterile Syringe Exchange Programs. According to DAS’ NJ-SAMS data, the total number of MATI client admissions for the six pilot sites is 2,824 thru SFY 2010, while the total number of SEP participants admitted to treatment is 1,411. Statewide, 50% of MATI admissions have been SEP participants. The MATI also includes a pilot housing first program. This supportive housing program provides for a total of 63 housing units, 31 units in Camden and 32 units in Atlantic City. To date, a total of 107 individuals are receiving both services and housing in Camden and Atlantic City. Two providers were awarded contracts to develop these ten sub-acute enhanced medically managed detoxification beds for priority use of clients involved in the mobile medication units. A total of 182 unduplicated clients have received enhanced sub-acute detoxification services. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $ 11,100,000 (State) GROUP RECOVERY HOME LOAN FUND Funding is provided to Oxford Houses to provide administrative and programmatic oversight of the statewide network of peer-led group recovery homes in New Jersey. This funding is provided only for the maintenance of the 72 existing homes in New Jersey. Oxford Houses are democratically run, self-supported, drug-free living environments for clients needing housing during or post-treatment. No direct treatment or clinical services are provided within these homes, however, all individual members attend 12-Step meetings and may be encouraged to utilize outside professionals whenever such utilization is likely to enhance recovery from alcoholism. DAS has proposed the inclusion of Oxford Houses in GCADA’s revised Resource Guide for Military, Veterans & Families and staff will encourage Oxford Houses to expand housing resources specifically for our underserved veteran population in New Jersey. Funding Amount and Source: $158,000 (Federal) COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE SERVICES The Alcohol Education, Rehabilitation and Enforcement Fund (AEREF) is a non-lapsing, revolving fund from which the twenty-one counties receive annual allocations to plan and deliver comprehensive addiction services across the full continuum of care, including prevention, early intervention, treatment and recovery support, based on a county-sponsored, community-based needs assessment and planning process. These dedicated funds are annually disbursed to the counties according to statutory formula found in P.L.1989, Chapter 51, with a twenty-five percent county match requirement. The funds support county-wide needs assessment, planning, coordination and provision of the full range of addiction services for indigent adult and adolescent county residents. Direct state appropriations supplement dedicated AEREF allocations to the counties for expanded detoxification, case management, rehabilitative treatment, and post-treatment recovery support services. Funding Amount and Source: $16,138,000 (State) CHILD WELFARE/ADOLESCENT TREATMENT The Child Welfare Reform Plan Initiative provides a coordinated network of specialized substance abuse treatment services in licensed facilities targeted to adolescents with first priority to those under the supervision of the Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS). Services include long-term residential treatment that provide a structured recovery environment, combined with professional clinical services designed to address addiction and living skill problems for adolescents with substance abuse diagnosis who require longer treatment stays to support and promote recovery. Forty eight (48) beds are available for adolescents to receive these services. Intervention focuses on reintegrating into the greater community with emphasis on education and vocational development. One hundred seventy six (176) slots are available to adolescents needing variable levels of care in outpatient settings. These services include individual, group and family counseling and include access to support services. Joint case planning and case conferencing between the DYFS case worker and the treatment provider are an essential component to this initiative. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $4,238,000 (State) TREATMENT SERVICES FOR ADOLESCENTS The Division funds 233 long-term residential treatment beds, nine (9) short-term treatment beds and 18 partial care beds for adolescents in licensed facilities. Of these, 41 beds were reserved for adolescents under the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Justice Commission (JJC). Long-term residential treatment provides a highly structured recovery environment, combined with professional clinical services designed to address addiction and living skill problems for adolescents with substance abuse diagnosis who require longer treatment stays. Short-term residential services provide highly structured environment, combined with a commensurate level of professional services, designed to address specific addiction and living skills problems for youth who are deemed amenable to intervention through short-term treatment. Partial care treatment provides a broad range of clinically intensive treatment services in a structured environment for a minimum of 30 hours per week, during day or evening hours. Treatment includes substance abuse counseling, educational and community support services. Programs have ready access to psychiatric, medical and laboratory services. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $7,511,198, (Federal and State) PREGNANT WOMEN/WOMEN WITH DEPENDENT CHILDREN (PW/WDC) INITIATIVE This initiative provides a coordinated network of specialized substance abuse treatment services targeted to pregnant women and women with dependent children (PW/WDC). Services include methadone maintenance, residential, halfway house, and outpatient level of care services. Programs are required to provide gender specific services that are family centered and address the full range of women’s needs ranging from clinical treatment, clinical support and community support services. Specialized services include primary medical care for women, referrals for prenatal care; primary pediatric care i.e., immunizations for their children; trauma informed and trauma responsive treatment using the “Seeking Safety” program; therapeutic interventions for women to address issues of relationships, sexual and physical abuse and parenting; therapeutic interventions for children in custody of women in treatment which may, among other things, address their developmental needs, their issues of sexual and physical abuse, and neglect; case management, transportation and child care to ensure that women and their children have access to these services. Additional services include aftercare, linkages, assistance with housing, and recovery supports and management. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $7,160,000 (Federal) CHILD WELFARE/WOMEN WITH CHILDREN INITIATIVE The Child Welfare/Women with Children Initiative provides substance abuse treatment services to women and children under the supervision of DYFS. Services include residential treatment (a minimum of six (6) months to include a woman with an average of two (2) children), halfway house, intensive outpatient and methadone intensive outpatient level of care treatment. First priority is given to referrals made by the Child Protection Substance Abuse Initiative (CPSAI) drug abuse counselor located in the local DYFS offices following the established protocol. Second priority is given to self-referrals (“walk-ins”) or referrals made by various sources (Probation, court, other providers, etc.) of women who are under DYFS supervision. Third priority is given to eligible women with dependent children who are in need of treatment and not under DYFS supervision. All priorities include pregnant women. Treatment is family-centered and is both gender and trauma-responsive using the “Seeking Safety” program. Substance abuse treatment and other therapeutic interventions are provided to address issues of domestic violence, sexual and physical abuse, relationships and parenting. These services are enhanced with case management, childcare, transportation, linkages, referrals to services in the community as well as recovery supports and management. DYFS keeps all cases that are participating in this initiative open for the duration of treatment, with the ultimate goal of family reunification. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $7,880,000 (State) CHILD WELFARE/FATHERS WITH CHILDREN INITIATIVE The Child Welfare Fathers with Children Initiative provides substance abuse treatment services to fathers with children under the supervision of DYFS. Four licensed substance abuse treatment providers in Camden, Essex and Ocean counties provide intensive outpatient level of care treatment and methadone intensive outpatient treatment to fathers with dependent children. Referrals are made by the CPSAI drug counselor located in the DYFS local offices following established protocol. Services are reflective of the specialized needs of fathers and their dependent children. Services include substance abuse treatment that are family centered and other therapeutic interventions i.e., individual, family and group counseling, flexible evening and weekend treatment services to accommodate work schedules, parenting classes, Strengthening Families Program, vocational and education services, therapeutic interventions for children in custody of fathers that can address developmental needs, sexual and physical abuse and neglect. These services are enhanced with case management, transportation, linkages, referral to services in the community as well as recovery supports and management. DYFS keeps all cases open for the duration of treatment with the ultimate goal of family reunification. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $1,000,000 (State) PREVENTION AND TREATMENT SERVICES FOR DEAF, HARD OF HEARING AND DISABLED INDIVIDUALS This funding provided for prevention, education, treatment, intervention, communication accessibility, and advocacy services for the population of individuals who are Deaf, hard of hearing, and/or disabled. Service Information: Communication accessibility was coordinated to provide sign language interpreters or Computer Assisted Real-Time Translation (CART) for individuals who were identified as Deaf or hard of hearing seeking substance abuse treatment at any level of care. Funding was provided for assessment, case management, mobile counseling, outpatient treatment, housing placement and outreach via culturally Deaf staff for this population of individuals who were in need of substance abuse treatment. Funding was also provided for case management and outpatient substance abuse treatment services, focusing on recovery for individuals who may have physical, cognitive or developmental disabilities, including but not limited to traumatic brain injury, fetal alcohol syndrome, epilepsy, and other physical, cognitive or developmental disabilities. Other funding offered prevention and education regarding substance abuse risk factors, early intervention, advocacy and referral resources for disability service providers, substance abuse treatment agencies, disability service consumers, and substance abuse treatment clients. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $555,000 (Federal and State) SOUTH JERSEY INITIATIVE (SJI) This initiative targets adolescents (ages 13-18) and young adults (ages 18-24) from eight (8) counties (Ocean, Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, Cape May, Salem and Cumberland). It provides a continuum of care that includes methadone maintenance, detoxification, residential, halfway house, and outpatient treatment services. Service Information: During SFY 2010, 1,382 individuals (ages 13-24) were serviced by the initiative. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of the funds were used for residential services for adolescents and young adults, thirty-one percent (31%) was used for outpatient services. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $3,600,000 (State) CO-OCCURRING SERVICES The Detoxification Initiative is a contract wherein DAS and DMHS provide funding to four (4) licensed residential subacute detoxification facilities located throughout the state. These funds provide 14 bed slots for persons with co-occurring disorders referred through designated DMHS screening centers. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $530,502 from DAS, $530,502 from DMHS (State) CO-OCCURRING SERVICES NETWORK Co-occurring services were provided by the Co-Occurring Services Network (COSN). In SFY 2010, the COSN was comprised of 53 DAS-licensed treatment providers that met eligibility criteria for the network. These agencies provided treatment, on a fee-for service basis, to clients with co-occurring disorders. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $ 1,300,000 (State) HIV/AIDS SERVICES The Division funds for Early Intervention Services (EIS) and HIV Specialist positions at seventeen (17) substance abuse treatment providers statewide. Services were available in areas of the state that had the highest rate of HIV infection, as well as the greatest need for these services. Service Information: In SFY 2010, HIV/AIDS services were available at seventeen (17) substance abuse treatment agencies throughout the State providing outpatient treatment, which included on-site intensive medical care, counseling, case management, referral, and drug treatment services. Services for HIV disease at these sites included pre- and post-test counseling, as well as the availability of HIV testing for all clients. Additional funding, via an MOA with Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, provided for the directorship and technical support necessary for approximately twenty (20) DAS-licensed agencies to operate a clinical laboratory to implement on-site rapid HIV testing. Other set-aside funding was allocated to the Public Health and Environmental Laboratories (PHEL) to ensure that continued HIV testing and other laboratory support services were provided to the participating HIV EIS clinics. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $ 2,347,000 (Federal) DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (DUI) INITIATIVE New Jersey has set aside $7.5 million to support the treatment of financially indigent residents of New Jersey who have been convicted of Driving under the Influence (DUI). These treatment funds, which cover the full range of the continuum of care throughout the state, became available in November 2005. Financially indigent drunk drivers can receive the appropriate level and duration of treatment warranted, thus reducing the incidence of recidivism and ultimately creating safer highways. There are over 150 DAS licensed sites in the DUII network providing all levels of treatment services. From November 2005 through July, 2010 there were approximately 16,000 intoxicated drivers served under this initiative. Website: Funding Amount and Source: $7,500,000 (State) Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services Medicaid reimburses for drug and alcohol treatment for both inpatient and outpatient hospital services and services provided at independent clinics, as well as other non-clinical, nonhospital services. Within this report we expanded drug and alcoholism abuse diagnosis coverage to include secondary, as well as primary diagnoses. For this reason, the numbers of recipients and payments for their services have increased over the previous fiscal years’ figures. INDEPENDENT CLINIC SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES Service Information: The population served was 16,949. It included three (3) groups: 1) children 21 and under (2,019); 2) adults 22-64 (14,787); and 3) adults 65 and over (143). 1,222 of these children were female; 797 were males. 8,220 of the adults in the 22-64 age grouping were females; 6,567 were males. In the 65 and over age group, 50 were females; 93 were males. The largest racial group in each of the three (3) population groups is Caucasian. Funding Amount and Source: $31,082,844.97 (Federal and State) INPATIENT HOSPITAL ALCOHOL AND DRUG DEPENDENCE TREATMENT SERVICES Inpatient substance abuse services are combined both for alcohol and drug dependence. Service Information: A total of 16,249 people were served. Of these, 5,411 were children 21 and under; 10,751 were adults 22-64; and 87 were adults 65 and over. The number of female children, 21 and under, who received services was 3,469 and the number of male children serviced was 1,942. Within the 22-64 age grouping, 7,133 females and 3,618 males received services. 46 females and 41 males received services in the 65 and over age group. The largest racial group in each of the three (3) population groups was Caucasian. Funding Amount and Source: $9,659,942.10 (Federal and State) OUTPATIENT HOSPITAL ALCOHOL TREATMENT AND OUTPATIENT HOSPITAL DRUG TREATMENT This program offers outpatient hospital treatment services for alcohol and drug abuse. Data for these services are combined. Service Information: A total population of 4,591 received services. Children, 21 and under, serviced, totaled 752. Within the adult age groups, 3,798 adults 22-64 and 41 adults 65 and over received services. 372 of the children serviced were female and 380 were male. 1,964 adult females and 1,834 adult males received the services within the 22-64 age grouping. Within the adult age group 65 and over, 15 females and 26 males received services. largest racial group in each of the three (3) population groups was Caucasian. The Funding Amount and Source: $34,305,374.98 (Federal and State) NON-CLINICAL AND NON-HOSPITAL SERVICES This program includes but is not limited to: ambulance transportation, physician visits, and psychotherapy services. Service Information: The number of people served was 32,678. Services were provided to 3,818 children ages 21 and under; 27,157 adults ages 22-64; and 1,703 adults ages 65 and over. 2,427 of the children who received services were female; 1,391 were male. Within the adult 2264 age group, 14,046 recipients were female; 13,111 were male. 750 of the adults in the 65 and over group were female; 953 were male. The largest racial group in each of the three (3) populations serviced was 1) African-American; 2) African-American; and 3) Caucasian, respectively. Funding Amount and Source: $18,906,581.86 (Federal and State) Division of Mental Health Services RESIDENTIAL ALCOHOL AND DRUG REHABILITATION The Division of Mental Health Services (DMHS) contracts with Maryville in Williamstown, a residential rehabilitation center, which provides beds for use by Ancora Psychiatric Hospital and Trenton Psychiatric Hospital to serve as a step down service for individuals in need of residential rehabilitation for alcohol and drugs. Service Information: This is a 28-day alcohol and drug rehabilitation center. Funding Amount and Source: Maryville: $190,125 (State) PARTIAL CARE Partial care provides a highly structured program with an emphasis on life skills for individuals in the community with severe and persistent mental illness who need services at a level higher than outpatient treatment. Within all partial care programs are individuals who have cooccurring substance use disorders, but programs within this level of care differ in their dual disorders approach. Some partial care programs provide specialized tracks, some provide specialized groups and others are designed to specifically meet the needs of individuals with these co-occurring disorders. Partial care programs typically provide medication monitoring and education as part of their service. Website: Funding Amount: Included within $18,395,325 state appropriation for partial care services and within the Medicaid fee-for-service reimbursements. NEW VIEWS TREATMENT PROGRAM New Views is a private non-profit agency, providing services to individuals under commitment to Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital (GPPH). The agency provides specific co-occurring disorders interventions. Services are provided both on wards, and at a central location. Length of stay in the program depends on clinical need. This contract was terminated as of July 1, 2010. GPPH staff provides assessment and treatment to individuals with a co-occurring disorder. Funding Amount and Source: $627,095 (State) SCREENING Screening is the point at which emergent care is provided in the mental health system. There is at least one (1) screening center in each county. Screening centers provide emergency assessment, crisis stabilization, referral and in some cases mobile outreach to individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. An average screening episode is approximately eight (8) hours in duration. Not all screening centers have the capacity to hold individuals overnight for stabilization. The DMHS funds five co-occurring specialists who work in screening centers throughout the state who provide assessment and referral to consumers who may need addictions treatment. DMHS also funds two Early Intervention Support Services (EISS) pilots in Atlantic and Morris counties who have co-occurring specialty staff who are equipped to assess and treat consumers who have co-occurring issues. Website: Funding Amount: Included within the $46.9 million state screening/emergency services. appropriation for TRAINING DMHS provides statewide training on co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders directly from Central Office and through contracted agencies. Training is provided to agency staff and directly to consumers. All Central Office training sessions are approved by the Addiction Professionals Certification Board of New Jersey. Topics presented range from beginning clinical technique, topics for wellness, recovery and life management, advanced best practice models. Funding Amount: $220,000 (State) DETOX PROJECT DMHS and DAS jointly fund 14 beds statewide to serve as a diversion to state hospital admission for individuals who present in screening centers with co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders. This Project was terminated for FY 2011 effective July 1, 2010. Service Information: Service utilization database maintained and updated by DAS Funding Amount: $530,502 from DAS, $530,502 from DMHS (State) INPATIENT PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALIZATION The mental health system has many resources throughout the state for inpatient treatment for individuals who have severe and persistent mental illness and are in need of a high level of service, highly structured programming and 24 hour supervision for stabilization. Within the system, inpatient treatment is provided in State and County Hospitals, Community Mental Health Centers and “free standing” hospitals. Within all of the hospitals, there are individuals in treatment who also have co-occurring substance use disorders. Funding Amount: Included within the state and/or county appropriations and insurance fee payments for inpatient care. OUTPATIENT DMHS has a large network of agencies statewide that provides outpatient treatment to individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. Agencies that provide this level of care include Community Mental Health Centers, free-standing outpatient agencies, and satellite programs. In FY 2009, DMHS budgeted $2.96 million for the implementation of IOP programs. Website: Funding Amount: Included within the $51.3 million state appropriation and insurance fee reimbursements for outpatient services. CASE MANAGEMENT DMHS provides case management both through specific agency contract and as one element of services that are offered in agency based treatment. Clinical case management consists of advocacy, referral, follow-up, and intervention both within the mental health system and across several different systems of care to meet identified needs. As with all DMHS services, this element of care has a primary target population of individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. Funding Amount: Included within the $23.0 million state appropriation and the Medicaid fee reimbursements for case management services. Division of Family Development WORK FIRST NEW JERSEY SUBSTANCE ABUSE INITIATIVE (WFNJ/SAI) The Work First New Jersey Substance Abuse Initiative (WFNJ/SAI) was implemented in 1998 through collaboration among the Division of Family Development (DFD), Division of Addiction Services (DAS) and Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services (DMAHS). The SAI combines public health and managed care principles to provide substance abuse services for eligible Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and General Assistance (GA) clients. Consistent with the goals of WFNJ, the SAI uses an employment directed approach to address substance abuse as a barrier to work activities. The SAI is operational statewide. It has two key components: (1) a managed care model of Assessment and Case Management services, and (2) prior authorization fee-for-service treatment offered by providers in the SAI Provider Network. As part of an ongoing collaboration with the Department of Children and Families Division of Youth and Family Services, DFD has partially funded an expansion of the Child Protective Substance Abuse Initiative (CPSAI). Additionally, SAI implemented cross-systems Intensive Case Management for TANF and GA parents with active child welfare cases. The statewide client flow totals for TANF and GA clients in FY 2009: (1) unduplicated (initial) referrals, completed assessments and treatment entries were 5,637, 4,857 and 4,057 respectively; and (2) duplicated numbers (e.g., volume of clients) for the same categories were 11,412, 8,128 and 7,085 The average episodes of care per client is three (3) to four (4), but the range is between one (1) and twelve (12) episodes. The Division of Family Development has partnered with researchers from The National Center of Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA) to independently evaluate the SAI Intensive Case Manage (ICM) model for TANF clients. The research evaluation will assess clients’ employment and recovery outcomes along with the economic and health costs to state. It is anticipated that the findings will guide DHS and national policy on implementing cost-effective best practices which ensure fiscal and clinical integrity and help families/clients transition toward greater independence and self-sufficiency. Website: The SFY 2010 total DFD funding (combined State and Federal funds) for substance abuse was $33,132,000; $6.3 million for the expanded CPSAI; $8.1 million for SAI Care Coordination and Intensive Case Management services; $18,732,000 million for SAI treatment services. Planning/Coordination/Collaboration Division of Addiction Services Co-Occurring Task Force The Co-Occurring Task Force (COTF) was jointly facilitated by DAS and the Division of Mental Health Services. The COTF consisted of 32 members chosen through a public application process. COTF members included representatives of state agencies, non-profit mental health provider organizations, non-profit substance use disorder provider organizations, consumers, and professional trade associations. The COTF and its subcommittees met from February, 2009 through April 2010. The final report was made public September 2010 and represents the compilation of the work of the three subcommittees and was reviewed and updated after the 2011 State Budget merged the DMHS and DAS. Work is already underway to implement some of these recommendations, including the establishment of a stakeholder merger advisory committee for the new Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS), a review of client information systems and opportunities for collaboration, the initiation of efforts to coordinate consumer advocacy activities and a Co-Occurring Learning Collaborative that will bring Mental Health and Substance Abuse treatment providers together to improve agency specific services for individuals with co-occurring disorders. County Substance Abuse Directors DAS has been working closely with the County Substance Abuse Directors in reviewing their plan updates which incorporate strategies for prevention, early intervention, treatment and recovery support. Technical assistance is being provided on an ongoing basis using webinars and a regional forum structure. Collaboration with DHSS DAS presented a workshop on alcohol/substance abuse at the “Working Together on Public Health Priorities: DHSS, DHS & Local Public Health” forum held in May 2010 which was hosted by the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS). It was intended to strengthen the connection between state and local public health initiatives. DAS staff and DHSS’ Division of HIV/AIDS Services continue to coordinate data and ensure seamless referral processes from the SEPs to the MATI sites around the State. DAS and DHSS have also collaborated to convene their contracted evaluation teams to discuss evaluation protocols and the possibility of sharing data to track clients participating in both the SEP and substance abuse treatment. State Chronic Disease/Health Promotion Steering Committee DAS has been participating in the State Chronic Disease/Health Promotion Steering Committee since July 2010 and will be presenting at the 2010 Chronic Disease Summit “Vital Links: Creating NJ Partnerships for Health Promotion & Chronic Disease Prevention” in November 2010 which is co-sponsored by DHSS and other partners. Purposes include enhancing disease prevention programs, maximizing health care resources through partnerships and to generate a statewide chronic disease plan. The New Jersey Student Health (High School) Survey DAS and the Department of Education agreed in SFY 2010, via MOA, to implement a Student Health Survey on health behaviors in New Jersey high school students. Included in the survey items will be substance use questions and questions regarding factors protecting and posing risk to adolescent substance use. This will assist in prevention and treatment planning, community organization and coalition building and school planning. In Depth Technical Assistance In 2009 the State of New Jersey was awarded a two year In-Depth Technical Assistance (IDTA) grant through the National Center of Substance Abuse and Child Welfare (NCSACW), a program of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Children’s Bureau, Office on Child Abuse and Neglect (OCAN). New Jersey’s selection as an IDTA site was based on the State’s demonstrated commitment to collaborative systems change, and on the NCSACW’s intent to focus on sites at various levels of development in terms of cross-system collaboration. The IDTA program is structured to provide intensive technical assistance over a continuous period of at least eighteen months. This initiative is led by New Jersey’s Department of Human Services (DHS) Division of Addiction Services (DAS); Department of Children and Families (DCF) Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS), and the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC). The three systems are committed to developing and implementing a state-wide, coordinated plan to work with families who are involved with the child welfare system and affected by substance abuse disorders. New Jersey has identified three priority areas for technical assistance: joint outcomes and data sharing across Departments and the Divisions; a pilot project for the integration of the DYFS Substance Abuse Child Welfare Consortia and Family Dependent Drug Court in Essex County, including collection of data on the activities of the court and outcomes, and the possible introduction of recovery mentors; and on going training and staff development across the three systems on the coinciding issues of substance abuse and child maltreatment. 2010 Returning Service Members, Veterans, and Their Family Members Policy Academy NJ was part of a 2010 Returning Service Members, Veterans, and Their Family Members Policy Academy conducted by SAMHSA. A team was selected and sent to Maryland to participate and develop a strategic plan to serve this target population. The New Jersey Veteran Enhancement Team Coalition (VETC) was comprised of DHS representatives from DAS, DMHS, and Medicaid, as well as DMAVA, Veterans Service Organizations, The Department of Law and Public Safety, the Department of Labor, Office of the Attorney General, the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism, The NJ and PA Veterans Administration, The NJ Army National Guard, and other stakeholders. The VETC was charged to develop a strategic plan including five priority areas that was submitted to SAMHSA and to the Governor’s Office. Staff from DHS are assigned to co-chair the workgroup focusing on the priorities to identify existing exemplary service in New Jersey; integrate, expand, enhance the service delivery system; and coordinate/expand outreach and engagement strategies that work to assist veterans and their families regarding mental health and substance use disorders. The VETC was invited to participate in Tennessee’s Operation Immersion at the National Guard Regional Training Facility in Smyrna, TN. A representative participated in this training which provides a taste of military culture by placing the participant in various situations such as sleeping in barracks, eating at the mess hall, havening MRE’s for dinner, going through grueling physical training, tour of military hardware and classroom information. Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services 2010 Returning Service Members, Veterans, and Their Family Members Policy Academy NJ was part of a 2010 Returning Service Members, Veterans, and Their Family Members Policy Academy conducted by SAMHSA. A team was selected and sent to Maryland to participate and develop a strategic plan to serve this target population. The New Jersey Veteran Enhancement Team Coalition (VETC) was comprised of DHS representatives from DAS, DMHS, and Medicaid, as well as DMAVA, Veterans Service Organizations, The Department of Law and Public Safety, the Department of Labor, Office of the Attorney General, the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism, The NJ and PA Veterans Administration, The NJ Army National Guard, and other stakeholders. The VETC was charged to develop a strategic plan including five priority areas that was submitted to SAMHSA and to the Governor’s Office. Staff from DHS are assigned to co-chair the workgroup focusing on the priorities to identify existing exemplary service in New Jersey; integrate, expand, enhance the service delivery system; and coordinate/expand outreach and engagement strategies that work to assist veterans and their families regarding mental health and substance use disorders. The VETC was invited to participate in Tennessee’s Operation Immersion at the National Guard Regional Training Facility in Smyrna, TN. A representative participated in this training which provides a taste of military culture by placing the participant in various situations such as sleeping in barracks, eating at the mess hall, havening MRE’s for dinner, going through grueling physical training, tour of military hardware and classroom information. Division of Mental Health Services 2010 Returning Service Members, Veterans, and Their Family Members Policy Academy NJ was part of a 2010 Returning Service Members, Veterans, and Their Family Members Policy Academy conducted by SAMHSA. A team was selected and sent to Maryland to participate and develop a strategic plan to serve this target population. The New Jersey Veteran Enhancement Team Coalition (VETC) was comprised of DHS representatives from DAS, DMHS, and Medicaid, as well as DMAVA, Veterans Service Organizations, The Department of Law and Public Safety, the Department of Labor, Office of the Attorney General, the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism, The NJ and PA Veterans Administration, The NJ Army National Guard, and other stakeholders. The VETC was charged to develop a strategic plan including five priority areas that was submitted to SAMHSA and to the Governor’s Office. Staff from DHS are assigned to co-chair the workgroup focusing on the priorities to identify existing exemplary service in New Jersey; integrate, expand, enhance the service delivery system; and coordinate/expand outreach and engagement strategies that work to assist veterans and their families regarding mental health and substance use disorders. The VETC was invited to participate in Tennessee’s Operation Immersion at the National Guard Regional Training Facility in Smyrna, TN. A representative participated in this training which provides a taste of military culture by placing the participant in various situations such as sleeping in barracks, eating at the mess hall, havening MRE’s for dinner, going through grueling physical training, tour of military hardware and classroom information. Co-Occurring Task Force The Co-Occurring Task Force (COTF) was jointly facilitated by the Division of Mental Health Services, and the Division of Addiction Services. The COTF consisted of 32 members chosen through a public application process. COTF members included representatives of state agencies, non-profit mental health provider organizations, non-profit substance use disorder provider organizations, consumers, and professional trade associations. The COTF and its subcommittees met from February, 2009 through April 2010. The final report was made public September 2010 and represents the compilation of the work of the three subcommittees and was reviewed and updated after the 2011 State Budget merged the DMHS and DAS. Work is already underway to implement some of these recommendations, including the establishment of a stakeholder merger advisory committee for the new Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS), a review of client information systems and opportunities for collaboration, the initiation of efforts to coordinate consumer advocacy activities and a Co-Occurring Learning Collaborative that will bring Mental Health and Substance Abuse treatment providers together to improve agency specific services for individuals with co-occurring disorders. Division of Developmental DisabilitiesOffice for Prevention of Developmental Disabilities FETAL ALCOHOL SPECTRUM DISORDERS and OTHER PERINATAL ADDICTIONS TASK FORCE The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and other Perinatal Addictions Task Force, a committee of the Governor’s Council on the Prevention of Developmental Disabilities, is an interagency body composed of representatives of three state agencies that include the Department of Human Services (DDD – OPDD, DMAHS and DAS), the Department of Health and Senior Services, and the Department of Children and Families. Other agencies represented on the Task Force include: the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, the NJ FASD Training Center, the six Maternal and Child Health Consortia - Perinatal Addictions Program Coordinators, the six FASD Diagnostic Centers, The Arc of New Jersey, The Arc of Atlantic County, the Weisman Center and other community agencies. The mission of the Task Force is to enhance coordination among agencies and to encourage collaboration. The Task Force meets on a quarterly basis and is responsible for producing and disseminating a five year plan to educate and prevent perinatal addictions. The Task Force has implemented a media campaign, Be in the kNOw, to educate New Jersey citizens about not drinking, smoking or taking drugs during pregnancy. The Task Force has implemented an interactive website,, which provides information about perinatal addictions and direct links to treatment services and the FASD Diagnostic Centers. Funding Amount and Source: $80,000 of State funds are used to support the FASD Task Force activities DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Department/Agency Mission Statement: With a commitment to the highest standard of customer service, we will ensure the opportunity for employment at fair wages in a safe environment; enhance the quality of the State's labor force and labor market activities; stimulate economic growth; promote labor management harmony; and administer income support services to unemployed or disabled workers. Intervention & Referral Information Workforce Development WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT There is a partnership between Department of Labor and Workforce Development (LWD), Division of One-Stop Programs and Services and the Department of Human Services, Division of Family Services (DFD) (DHS) whereby recipients of WorkFirst New Jersey (WFNJ) cash assistance can be referred to the DHS Substance Abuse Initiative (SAI) by LWD counselors and interviewers. During outpatient substance abuse treatment or upon completion of inpatient treatment, the WorkFirst NJ registrant can be referred to LWD for job placement and other employability development services such as job search skills training, work experience, etc. Service Information: The target population for this ongoing initiative is Work First NJ recipients. Funding Amount: Funding for this program is part of the Division's operations. Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION SERVICES Vocational Rehabilitation Services is a statewide program that provides counseling, case management and individualized vocational rehabilitative services to individuals with disabilities, some of whom are substance abusers, to enable them to obtain and maintain employment. Services provided also include appropriate referrals to other agencies. Service Information: In Fiscal Year 2010, 3,448 participants in this program were identified as having a primary or secondary substance abuse related disabilities. Funding Amount: Funding for this program is part of the Division's operations. Work/Life and Employee Assistance Programs WORK/LIFE AND EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS The Department's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides confidential employee assistance services to LWD employees with a variety of personal issues and concerns including drug and/or alcohol abuse, compulsive gambling and/or a family member's substance abuse. Services provided by the EAP include problem identification and assessment, referral and follow-up services. The program also provides supervisory training and consults with management on ATOD-related situations. EAP services have been shown to decrease absenteeism, workers' compensation claims, grievances and workplace injuries and increase productivity. Service Information: This program serves employees and management of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Funding Amount: operations. Funding for this program is part of the Department's administrative DEPARTMENT OF LAW AND PUBLIC SAFETY PREVENTION INFORMATION DIVISION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL "DANGERS OF UNDERAGE DRINKING” BILLBOARD/CALENDAR INITIATIVE This Statewide initiative is designed to encourage middle school students and their parents to work together to create images and messages depicting the dangers of underage drinking, to be used on calendars and billboards Statewide. Funding Amount: $25,000 Funding Source: Federal “DANGERS OF UNDERAGE DRINKING” RADIO PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT In response to increasing concerns about alcohol use among middle school students and the critical role parents play in helping to combat underage drinking at this age, this initiative educates both students and parents about the dangers of underage drinking. Specifically, middle school students throughout the State will be asked to create written 30 second radio public service announcements that “talk” directly to parents about the role they play in preventing underage alcohol use. Funding Amount: $17,000 Funding Source: Federal COPS IN SHOPS/UNDERCOVER OPERATIONS Cops in Shops is a Statewide initiative designed to combat underage drinking by bringing local undercover police officers and retail liquor establishments together to both prevent the illegal purchase of alcohol by underage individuals and to stop adults from purchasing alcohol for people under the legal age. With Undercover Operations, police officers working undercover as patrons in retail consumption establishments, conduct operations identifying underage purchasers as well as those who serve them. Funding Amount: $181,000 Funding Source: Federal LOLLANOBOOZA Lollanobooza provides college students with a chance to engage in alcohol-free activities and programs. This event provides a social outlet that does not support the consumption of alcohol, while reinforcing the positive messages given to students during their orientation week and throughout their college years, regarding underage drinking. Funding Amount: $10,000 Funding Source: Federal FATAL VISION GOGGLES The Fatal Vision Goggles program is designed to inform young people about the dangers of alcohol and the effects on perception and body control. Specifically, Fatal Vision goggles give young people the opportunity to experience firsthand the potentially fatal consequences of alcohol impairment. These goggles serve as a critical tool for schools and substance abuse organizations to use when addressing the issues of underage drinking and driving. Funding Amount: $26,000 Funding Source: Federal TELEVISION PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUCEMENTS The Division will run its, “Down the Shore” PSA during the 2011 summer months. The PSA was designed to inform young people of both the consequences and dangers of underage drinking and that underage drinking will not be tolerated in New Jersey. The 30-second TV announcement will run during shows that typically attract a younger viewing audience. Funding Amount: $15,000 Funding Source: Federal DIVISION OF STATE POLICE TEEN DRIVER EDUCATION PROGRAM – NJ DRIVE Despite all current advertising and educational efforts, teen drivers continue to suffer a disproportional amount of injuries and deaths across the country while driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. The NJ Drive Program allows the teenage driver to experience the affects of alcohol and reaction time on a controlled course while operating a golf cart while their vision is distorted with the use of fatal vision goggles. This practical exercise combined with the classroom presentation explains all consequences relating to drinking and driving. The innovative program has a dramatic and long lasting effect on students. Funding Amount: $31,762 Funding Source: Federal (NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety) YOUTH LEADERSHIP SAFETY PROGRAM The Youth Leadership Safety Program instruction consist of fourteen lessons on social skills, drug and violence avoidance and prevention, and the development of decision making skills and strategies. The program is a comprehensive safety curriculum that encourages elementary and middle school students to take responsibility for their own safety by providing them with an awareness of illegal drug use and drug dependence as well as providing them with a sense of purpose and selective positive alternatives. The New Jersey Department of Education conducted an objective review of the Youth Leadership Safety Program in 2009. The programs objectives and associated activities/resources were determined to be aligned with the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards. The program was found to focus on integrated skills of decision making, goal setting and effective communication in situations that may have an impact on the child’s health and safety. Funding Amount: Undetermined Funding Source: State NEW JERSEY RACING COMMISSION PREVENTION, EDUCATION & TREATMENT PROGRAMS FOR THE BENEFIT OF COMPULSIVE GAMBLING Beginning in FY 2004, the New Jersey Racing Commission began assessing the racing industry on an annual basis and forwarding funds to the Department of Health and Senior Services. These funds are used by that Department for prevention, education and treatment programs for compulsive gambling. Service Information: knowledge. Outcome measures include behavioral intentions, attitudes and Funding Amount: $200,000 Funding Source: Dedicated (Assessed to Racing Industry) RANDOM URINE TESTING The New Jersey Racing Commission administers a random urine test program for jockeys, grooms, drivers and racing officials. Samples are tested by laboratories staffed by State Police personnel for the presence of controlled dangerous substances. New Jersey racetrack and horse owners fund this program. This mandated program pays for the lab fees related to the services provided by the State Police on site. A specific evaluation and treatment program is required. Service Information: Outcome measures include attitudes, reduced risk factors and increased protective factors. Funding Amount: $300,000 Funding Source: Dedicated (Assessed to Racing Industry) RANDOM BREATHALYZER TESTING The New Jersey Racing Commission staff administers a random Breathalyzer test to race participant’s jockeys, grooms, drivers and racing officials. In FY 2011, the Racing Commission will extend its random breathalyzer testing to include thoroughbred exercise riders. New Jersey racetrack owners fund this program. Participants in violation would be fined or have their Racing Commission license suspended. Service Information: Outcome measures include attitudes, reduced risk factors and increased protective factors. Funding Amount: $25,000 Funding Source: Dedicated (Assessed to Racing Industry) DIVISION OF HIGHWAY AND TRAFFIC SAFETY DWI ENFORCEMENT PROGRAMS The “Over the Limit, Under Arrest” crackdown was conducted on December 7, 2009 – January 3, 2010 and again from August 20 – September 6, 2010 to raise public awareness about the danger of impaired driving through increased enforcement and media activities. While the Division invited all 490 police agencies to participate in the initial campaign, 110 departments were awarded overtime grants. The remaining agencies were asked to support the crackdown with their own resources. In addition to the enforcement effort, the Division used earned media to deliver the message. A Statewide press release was issued to print and broadcast media and police department grantees were also asked to engage their local media in reporting the initiative. Both activities generated strong newspaper and radio coverage around the State. The crackdown resulted in 1,959 DWI arrests. Police agency participation was also strong with 370 taking part in the campaign. In addition, the participating police departments issued 8,015 and 4,338 speeding and seat belt summonses respectively. While the crackdown=s focus was on impaired driving, motorists were also reminded of the State=s commitment to proper restraint and observing posted speed limits. The “Over the Limit, Under Arrest” driving campaign was conducted from August 20 B September 6, 2010. The law enforcement community conducted high-visibility checkpoints and roving patrols during the campaign. Media events were conducted to raise awareness of the campaign. Highlights of the two-week campaign included participation by over 400 police agencies and over 1,700 DWI arrests were made. Funding Amount: $1,964,000 Funding Source: Federal NORTHERN BURLINGTON COUNTY EFFORT A cooperative law enforcement effort was implemented in five towns in Northern Burlington County to combat drunk driving. The first of its kind effort allowed five towns (Bordentown Township and City, Mansfield Township, Chesterfield Township and North Hanover Township) to share law enforcement resources for drunk driving saturation patrols. Under this initiative, officers from all five jurisdictions patrolled across municipal lines to stop and arrest drunk drivers. The cooperative program enhances the efforts of smaller towns to apprehend drunk drivers by increasing law enforcement visibility. Forty-three drunk driving arrests were made in the five participating towns. Funding Amount: $44,250 Funding Source: Federal TRAINING The Alcohol/Drug Test Unit (ADTU) coordinators continued to train new breathalyzer operators at five-day Breathalyzer Operator Courses in 2010. There are currently over 10,000 certified breathalyzer operators in the State. The ADTU coordinators re-certified breathalyzer operators, conducting one-day re-certification classes. ADTU coordinators also trained police officers in DWI identification, apprehension, processing and prosecution at the Standardized Field Sobriety classes. Additionally, the ADTU re-certified officers at one-day Standardized Field Sobriety Test refresher courses. The ADTU coordinated the Drug Evaluation Classification/Drug Recognition Expert training program. This training enabled police officers to classify operators of motor vehicles as being under the influence of one or more of seven categories of drugs other than alcohol. Funding Amount: $490,300 Funding Source: Federal COLLEGE/HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAMS The College of New Jersey hosted its 9th Statewide Peer Institute in 2010. The event serves to train peer educators and leaders from New Jersey colleges and the tri-state area to become peer educators on their respective campuses. Programs were also developed with the campus police force and Ewing Township Police Department to address alcohol and other drug related issues. Police from both agencies worked collaboratively to patrol off-campus housing areas and popular student gathering spots. Stockton College sponsored alcohol/drug education workshops on campus emphasizing risks associated with alcohol/drug abuse and driving. In addition, personnel from local taverns and restaurants were trained on how to prevent drunk driving by student customers. The prevention program included an intensive three-hour training session leading to certification from Stockton College and regular communication with local restaurants and taverns to offer confidential counseling programs to students that are experiencing problems with drinking and driving. Funds were provided to New Jersey City University to address the link between substance abuse, irresponsible behavior and highway safety among university and high school students in the Jersey City area. The program focused on strengthening the relationship between university and inner city high school students through interactive role modeling exercises and a peer education training program. A highway safety outreach program on the New Jersey City University campus, consisting of presentations, information tables with resources on substance abuse and highway safety and a peer mentoring high school program was developed. Peer educators were used to reach student groups in elementary, middle and senior high schools as well as to conduct community outreach with local social service agencies. The Rutgers Comprehensive Alcohol and Traffic Education and Enforcement Program focused on helping to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured in crashes caused by impaired drivers. The program combined community prevention efforts in law enforcement with innovative educational and community outreach activities on campus. A series of supplemental enforcement programs were scheduled, which included DWI stops and the comprehensive Check for 21 Program. The education component provided training resources for police officers to disseminate materials throughout the Rutgers community. Rutgers police officers also received training on alcohol and drug abuse prevention training techniques. Police officers served as mentors and conducted drug and alcohol abuse education programs for the campus population. Funding Amount: $205,530 Funding Source: Federal COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAM Funds were provided to develop and deliver a teen driving community outreach program for Hispanic youth, 17-20 years of age. Two agencies, FOCUS Hispanic Community Center in Newark and the Puerto Rican Action Committee of Southern NJ located in Penns Grove, received awards that were used to develop, script, produce, and distribute public service announcements aimed at Hispanic young drivers. Spanish language billboards were placed in Newark promoting the dangers of drinking and driving. Simulation goggles which demonstrate to teens the impact alcohol has on driving were used to initiate outreach efforts throughout Salem and Cumberland Counties. Funding Amount: $155,000 Funding Source: Federal DRUNK DRIVING ENFORCEMENT FUND The Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund establishes a $100.00 surcharge on each conviction for drunk driving. Monies in this fund are distributed to municipalities and to State, county and interstate law enforcement agencies. The purpose is to increase enforcement of the laws pertaining to drinking and driving. Each law enforcement agency whose officers make arrests leading to DWI convictions and imposition of the surcharge is entitled to grants representing its proportionate contribution to the fund. Municipalities, the Division of State Police, interstate law enforcement agencies and county law enforcement agencies apply to the Division to use Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund monies for additional DWI enforcement patrols and any appropriate measures pertaining to other DWI activities as approved by the Director of the Division of Highway Traffic Safety. A total of $3.6 million was made available to law enforcement agencies during State Fiscal Year 2010 (July 1, 2009 B June 30, 2010) in an effort to reduce alcohol-related fatalities and crashes. Funding Amount: $3.6 million Funding Source: Dedicated JUVENILE JUSTICE COMMISSION FATAL VISION GOGGLES The Juvenile Justice Commission participates in the AEnforcing the Underage Drinking Laws Grant Program@ through the use of Fatal Vision Goggles. This program increases the knowledge and understanding of youth both in correctional and non-correctional settings, about the laws, consequences and experience of being under the influence of alcohol using simulator goggles and supportive classroom materials. Funding Amount: $13,000 FY 2010/2011 (Overlapping Fiscal Years) Funding Source: The Division of Alcoholic Beverage and Control subgrants the Federal monies to Juvenile Justice Commission. INTERVENTION & REFERRAL INFORMATION DIVISION OF STATE POLICE EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (EAP) The general purpose of the New Jersey State Police Employee Assistance Program is to help those individuals with persistent behavioral or personal problems that affect work performance. The program provides training, prevention information, confidential professional assistance and subsequent referral services. Funding Amount: Undetermined Funding Source: State TREATMENT INFORMATION NEW JERSEY RACING COMMISSION ON-SITE ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUG COUNSELING The Backstretch Benevolent Fund provides funding, on occasion, to support salaries of an onsite (racetrack) alcohol and other drug counselors for an expanded group of backstretch personnel. The funding amount varies. Funding Amount: Variable Funding Source: Dedicated (Assessed to Racing Industry) DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE RESIDENTIAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT (RSAT) FOR STATE PRISONERS GRANT PROGRAM – NO RETURN I The Department of Corrections utilizes these funds to support a 160 bed therapeutic community treatment program located at the Garden State Youth Correctional Facility. This program is designed to address the treatment needs of the State’s youthful offender. Funding Amount and Source: $76,831 (Federal), $25,610 (State) RESIDENTIAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT (RSAT) FOR STATE PRISONERS GRANT PROGRAM DEVELOPING OPPORTUNITIES AND VALUES THROUGH EDUCATION AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT (D.O.V.E.S) The Juvenile Justice Commission utilizes these funds to support a 17 bed Residential Therapeutic Community; two beds are designated for Arelapse intervention@. Substance abuse counselors provide assessment, case management, counseling, aftercare referral and follow up. Funding Amount and Source: The Division of Criminal Justice subgrants funds to JJC: $76,831 (Federal), $25,610 (State) RESIDENTIAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT (RSAT) - CUMBERLAND COUNTY LOCAL JAIL-BASED TREATMENT PROGRAM The Cumberland County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services utilize these funds for a jail-based RSAT program for inmates housed within the Cumberland County Department of Corrections. There are four 12 week cycles providing substance abuse treatment to approximately 96 inmates per year. The program provides alcohol and drug related education; relapse prevention sessions; group therapy and other services. Funding Amount and Source: (Federal), $18,370 (County) The Division of Criminal Justice subgrants funds $55,108 SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAM The Juvenile Justice Commission will use grant funds to provide substance abuse counseling to juvenile offenders assigned to continue substance abuse treatment in secure facilities, juvenile justice substance abuse programs, or contracted substance abuse programs. The program will provide counseling upon intake, with a continuum of care throughout the juvenile’s commitment. This initiative will help address the increasing number of problems facing juveniles involved in the criminal justice system and reduce the number of repeat offenders upon their release. Funding Amount and Source: The Division of Criminal Justice subgrants funds to JJC: $180,000 (Federal) JUVENILE JUSTICE COMMISSION JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY BLOCK GRANT (JABG) The purpose of the JABG Program is to provide states and units of local government with funds to develop programs to promote greater accountability in the juvenile justice system. Funds are available for 17 purpose areas, one of which is substance abuse. Funding Amount and Source: $115,190 FY 2010 Federal $11,519 FY 2010 State COMPREHENSIVE SUBSTANCE ABUSE ASSESSMENTS Comprehensive substance abuse assessments are conducted on youth entering the Juvenile Justice Commission. The Commission has contracted with the Mercer Council on Alcohol and Drug Addiction for the services of two Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors. Information compiled through the use of customized assessments is correlated with the American Society of Addiction Medicine=s Adolescent Patient Placement Criteria (ASAM-PPC-2R) for use in determining level of care. Funding Amount: $133,417 Funding Source: State ALPHA META The JJC Residential Substance Abuse Program at New Jersey Training School for Boys, Jamesburg (NJTSB) provides treatment, placement, aftercare referral and evaluation to participants of this 52 bed, residential Therapeutic Community. An administrator coordinates all aspects of substance abuse treatment. Substance abuse counselors provide case management, counseling, aftercare referral and follow up. The Office of Substance Abuse Administration interfaces with NJTSB classification to ensure proper referrals to the Substance Abuse Programs, coordinates transfers to programs in the community and provides follow up case management for all juveniles placed in community programs and aftercare services. Drug testing is done two times per month on all residents on a routine basis in order to maintain a drug free environment. Funding Amount: $325,820 Funding Source: State NJ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SENIOR SERVICES-CONTRACTED BEDS Through a memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Department of Health (DOH) and the Juvenile Justice Commission (JJC), the Division of Addiction Services (DAS) provides residential substance abuse treatment to juveniles under the custody and care of the JJC. The JJC has the use of 67 beds and reimburses the DHS for eight beds via the MOA. The following DAS programs are utilized by the JJC: Integrity Newark, Integrity Secaucus, New Hope Secaucus, New Hope Marlboro, and Newark Renaissance. Funding Amount: $233,816 Funding Source: Grants-in-Aid JJC RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY HOME (RCH): CAMPUS RCH Campus RCH, located in Camden County, is the Commission=s original substance abuse treatment program which serves up to 40 male residents. It utilizes the principle rational emotive behavioral therapy supported by a customized social learning curriculum within a Therapeutic Community milieu. Funding Amount: $1,262,000 Funding Source: State JJC RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY HOME (RCH): OCEAN RCH Ocean RCH, located in Ocean County, serves up to 40 male residents. It utilizes the principle of rational emotive behavioral therapy supported by a customized social learning curriculum within a Therapeutic Community milieu. Funding Amount: $1,151,000 Funding Source: State AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT (ARRA) This funding provides substance abuse services to youth in the JJC’s Juvenile Reception and Assessment Center in Bordentown, New Jersey. Funding Amount: $180,000 Funding Sources: Federal STATE FACILITY EDUCATION ACT (SFEA) SFEA funding provides substance abuse clinical supervision to three JJC residential substance abuse treatment homes: DOVES, Ocean and Campus. Funding Amount: $60,000 Funding Sources: SFEA NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND Funds are used to provide outpatient, individual and group counseling. Funding Amount: $150,000 Funding Source: The Department of Education subgrants Federal monies to the Juvenile Justice Commission. DRUG ENFORCEMENT DEMAND REDUCTION PENALTY ACT (DEDR) Purpose of the funding is to be determined by the Juvenile Justice Commission. Funding Amount: $100,000 Funding Source: To be determined by the Juvenile Justice Commission PLANNING, COORDINATION AND COLLABORATION DIVISION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL COLLEGE TRAINING INITIATIVE TO PREVENT UNDERAGE DRINKING The main purpose of this program is to host an annual Statewide conference for representatives from New Jersey colleges and universities to discuss the pervasive problems related to underage drinking in the college environment and to develop strategies best suited to each college community. Most recently in the spring of 2010, a two-day conference focused on prevention and enforcement and brought together experts on research, prevention and programming, to show recent innovations, effective strategies and community-university collaborations. An additional one-day conference that focused on enforcing the underage drinking laws, including the judicial affairs process, was held in the Fall 2010. Funding Amount: $30,000 Funding Source: Federal LOCAL COMMUNITY-BASED EFFORT TO PREVENT UNDERAGE DRINKING The Local Community-Based Effort to Prevent Underage Drinking program will seek to address the issue of underage drinking through a community effort involving parents, PTA/PTO groups, youth, SADD or other similar organizations, educators and community members, through the use of town hall meetings, parental programs and peer leadership groups. Funding Amount: $40,000 Funding Source: Federal DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AND VETERANS’ AFFAIRS Department Mission Statement: The New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs’ mission is to provide trained and ready forces prepared for rapid response to a wide range of civil and military operations, while providing exemplary services to the citizens and veterans of New Jersey. Drug Demand Reduction Program Information New Jersey National Guard RED RIBBON CAMPAIGN The New Jersey National Guard is actively involved in the Aviation Role Model Program, an initiative in which Army National Guard pilots educate students on the benefits of a drug free life style and promote healthy life choices. Service Information: The New Jersey National Guard, DEA, County Coalitions and local schools distributed an estimated 35,000 red ribbons to schools, law enforcement agencies and community-based organizations with the goal of bringing awareness of the current drug problem to the forefront. This program served 6,000 students in grades 5-12 located in 21counties. The program is measured by the number of informational brochures, red ribbons, videos and CD ROMs distributed, as well as the number of students that were reached through drug awareness presentations. Funding Amount: 70,000 Funding Source: Federal YOUTH CAMPS – NJ NATIONAL GUARD – COUNTERDRUG TASK FORCE The New Jersey National Guard and D.A.R.E. New Jersey, as well as other local law enforcement agencies, reduce risk factors by rewarding youth that have repeatedly shown an adherence to a drug free lifestyle. The selection criteria are rigid, but students that are recommended and selected are encouraged to continue their healthy life choices. Service Information: This program served 240 children in grades 5 and 6 as well as 15 children in grades 7 and 8. Both male and female students were equally represented in grades 5 and 6. There were more males than females in the older grades. In grades 5 and 6, all 21 counties were represented. In grades 7 and 8, Essex, Hudson, Monmouth, Ocean, Passaic and Sussex counties were represented. This program is an alternative activity. The program is measured by the number of participants. Funding Amount: 50,000 Funding Source: Federal DRUG AWARENESS EDUCATION The New Jersey National Guard provides drug awareness education in an attempt to develop students’ individually held values and knowledge about drugs and society. The program is designed to demonstrate how our personal values and the choices we make impact drug use. Service Information: Three thousand five hundred sixty six students in grades 5-12 from Bergen, Burlington, Camden, Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Ocean, Passaic, Sussex and Union counties participated in this program. The program is measured by the number of students reached and schools visited throughout New Jersey. Funding Amount: 140,000 Funding Source: Federal STAY ON TRACK The New Jersey National Guard provides the Stay on Track program to Middle School students, their teachers, and their families. The primary focus of the Stay on Track program is to provide a curriculum of materials and supplemental products to reduce future substance abuse by reinforcing the drug-free commitment of America’s youth through Cognitive Development, Social Skills Development, and Emotional Development. Service Information: The New Jersey National Guard implemented the Stay on Track program in 2010 for Camden county and will implement the program for Burlington, Sussex and Hudson counties in the Spring of 2011. The program will serve 800 children in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th through 12/45-minute lessons in school classrooms, after-school settings and other school and youth-organization settings. The Stay on Track program contributes directly to Middle Level National Learning Standards for students in Health, Life Sciences and Language Arts. The program uses instruction and assessment to enhance optimal physical, mental, social, and emotional development of students necessary for lifelong health and learning. Funding Amount: 160,000 Funding Source: Federal CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Atlantic Absecon Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed 2ne Step Marsh Yes $1,695.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $0.00 No Naional Night Out Yes $3,525.00 Alternatives Community $0.00 No Hooked on Fishing No $1,095.00 Alternatives Community $1,095.00 70 15 Yes DARE No $2,000.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Elementary School $2,000.00 200 2 Yes Yes $500.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 $3,500.00 Communications Early First Use High School $2,390.00 Education Early First Use Middle School FSAD Prevention Holy Spirit Program 2nd Step Attales No Yes $14,705 Atlantic City Activity/Program Rites of Passage New Prog 906 12 $0.00 Yes No $6,595 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Early First Use Middle School $7,000.00 Education Community $0.00 $4,000.00 Alternatives Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Community $4,000.00 $1,754.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Community $0.00 No $5,000.00 Collaboration Community $5,000.00 Holiday Pause 1 Yes $3,050.00 Collaboration Community $0.00 No Build to Be 1 Yes $3,500.00 Early Intervention Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No Venice Park Summer Basketball Alliance Pub. Rec Theather Guild Yes No Yes $28,695 Brigantine Activity/Program New Prog No $250.00 Collaboration Elks Peer Leadership No $1,200.00 Education Brigantine Alliance for Youth No $3,000.00 Alternatives 110 24 Yes No 92 16 Yes No 30 8 Yes $13,391 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Intergenerational Program $4,391.00 Participants Volunteers Completed $4,391.00 Early Intervention Senior Prevention & Tech No $3,500.00 No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Target Population DEDR Expend Intergenerational $250.00 149 2 Yes High School $1,200.00 30 1 Yes Middle School $2,738.00 600 95 Yes Participants Volunteers Completed Brig Scouting Outreach Yes $2,672.00 Education Early First Use Community $0.00 Members Awareness No $1,000.00 Education Community $1,000.00 816 14 Yes Hooked on Fishing No $2,900.00 Alternatives Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Community $2,900.00 87 16 Yes $1,000.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Middle School $2,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,558.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Brig Middle School Program Forest Friends National Night Out Yes No Yes $15,580 Buena Vista/Buena/Weymouth Activity/Program New Prog No $0.00 $2,000.00 No 116 2 $0.00 Yes No $10,088 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $1,000.00 0 2 Yes Community $585.00 0 10 Yes $1,000.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use High School $0.00 0 0 Yes Coordination No $1,000.00 Collaboration Community Awareness No $1,445.00 Communications Weymouth Empowering Youth No Project Graduation W Yes $5,300.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $0.00 No In My footsteps 1 Yes $5,500.00 Education Community $0.00 No School Safety Prog Yes $1,400.00 Education Elementary School $0.00 No No $5,500.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Intergenerational Natural Helpers Family Fun Yes $400.00 Alternatives Teen Rap No $1,000.00 Education Intergenerational Program No $1,800.00 Education Parenting Power No $865.00 Education High School Community High School Parent/Teacher/Coach $25,210 Egg Harbor City Activity/Program Coordination Resource Center 1 Youth and Family Prevention DARE Olympics1 New Prog No Yes $800.00 Education No $3,095.00 Education Yes $805.00 Education 95 8 $0.00 Yes No $500.00 30 8 Yes $1,800.00 355 6 Yes $200.00 95 8 Yes $6,142 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $600.00 Communications $2,057.00 Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Target Population DEDR Expend Community $0.00 Community $0.00 Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Community Abuse Greater Influence by and Elementary School Reliance on Peers than Parents $2,248.52 $0.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 0 0 Yes No 441 0 Yes No Peerleadership Yes $1,600.00 Education Project Graduation No $1,500.00 Education Crusaders Youth Athletics No REBEL II No $1,580.00 Education New Horizons No $1,900.00 Collaboration $500.00 Alternatives Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Academic Failure Elementary School High School Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No Children Are People No $5,892.50 Education Adopt-A-Cop No DARE No $1,500.00 214 24 No $500.00 25 9 Yes Middle School $1,580.00 173 0 Yes Community $1,900.00 46 0 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $12,380 Egg Harbor Township $0.00 $7,729 Target Population DEDR Expend Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use High School $800.00 801 136 No Elementary School $5,892.50 180 12 Yes $850.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $849.50 568 32 No No $1,225.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,225.00 575 31 Yes Forest Friends No $4,500.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $4,500.00 264 15 Yes Hooked on Fishing No $1,314.00 Alternatives Community $1,314.00 300 29 Yes Heres Looking at You No $4,668.00 Collaboration Elementary School $4,668.00 120 6 Yes Community Day No $4,320.50 Collaboration Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community $4,320.50 3,500 117 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $808.00 Alternatives $23,578 Folsom Activity/Program New Prog Participants Volunteers Completed $23,570 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Youth Against Drugs and Alcohol No $1,989.50 Education Early First Use High School $1,577.08 30 2 Yes Red Ribbon Day No $675.00 Education Early First Use High School $553.55 417 23 Yes Summer Program No $1,989.50 Education Elementary School $1,975.37 92 22 Yes Folsom Community Day No $832.00 Communications Community $674.10 47 3 Yes DARE No $925.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Elementary School $925.00 46 4 Yes Youth Basketball Program No $1,369.00 Alternatives Little Commitment to School Elementary School $968.58 70 25 Yes $7,780 $6,674 Galloway Township Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Playhard No $2,500.00 Education Early First Use High School $2,500.00 460 16 Yes Substance Abuse Workshops No $3,700.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $3,700.00 2,000 0 Yes Coordination No $2,700.00 Collaboration Community $2,700.00 0 0 Yes High School $5,000.00 0 15 Yes High School $2,404.60 0 0 Yes Elementary School $4,872.75 0 0 Yes Yes $5,000.00 Education Peer Leadership No $2,405.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Cops 5 No $5,435.00 Education Early First Use Project Graduation - Absegami $21,740 Hamilton/Estell Manor Activity/Program New Prog $21,177 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Senior Citizens $310.45 210 3 Yes Community $1,360.00 19 0 Yes Participants Volunteers Completed Hamilton DARE No $3,660.00 Education Strengthening Families No $1,360.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Hamilton Life Skills No $4,236.00 Education Academic Failure Senior Citizens $4,236.00 28 0 Yes Coordination No $2,000.00 Collaboration Community $2,000.00 31 0 Yes Estell Manor Softball No $500.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Little Commitment to School $291.00 23 2 Yes Hamilton Community Skating No $528.00 Alternatives Community $0.00 56 2 Yes Estell Manor Teen Basketball No $600.00 Alternatives Community $600.00 133 30 Yes PAL Bowling No $2,000.00 Alternatives Community $2,000.00 93 7 Yes Estell Manor Community Skating No $3,692.00 Alternatives Community $0.00 385 7 Yes Estell Manor Life Skills No $2,824.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Academic Failure Senior Citizens $2,824.00 31 0 Yes PAL Chess Program No $1,000.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community $1,000.00 27 3 Yes Senior Citizens $22,400 Hammonton $14,621 Activity/Program New Prog Do Hugs Not Drugs No $1,268.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,268.00 200 0 Yes Substance Abuse Workshops No $1,100.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,100.00 150 0 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Senior Citizens $3,000.00 4,000 0 Yes Community $2,777.00 2 0 Yes Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $250.00 200 2 Yes Early First Use Elementary School $3,000.00 600 0 Yes $250.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $250.00 200 2 Yes No $500.00 Collaboration Community $500.00 0 0 Yes Peer Support Training No $700.00 Education High School $700.00 100 1 Yes DARE No $3,500.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use $3,495.42 500 5 Yes Red Ribbon Week Yes $3,000.00 Communications Hooked on Family 2 Yes $2,777.00 Education Hammonton Home School No $250.00 Education Forest Friends No $3,000.00 Education St. Josephs PTA No Volunteer Recognition Elementary School $16,345 Linwood Activity/Program New Prog $16,340 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Post Prom Party No $1,955.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems High School Senior Citizen Program No $1,350.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens Coordination No $1,000.00 Collaboration Family Management Problems Community $1,000.00 Hooked On Family No $1,300.00 Alternatives Early First Use Community $0.00 DARE No $1,200.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,194.00 150 8 No Peer To Peer No $2,865.00 Education High School $2,454.50 350 12 Yes Forest Friends No $1,800.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Elementary School $11,470 Margate/Longport Activity/Program New Prog $1,952.08 Participants Volunteers Completed 322 25 $0.00 Yes No 0 4 Yes No $0.00 No $6,601 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Coordination Margate Yes $1,300.00 Communications Early First Use Community $1,300.00 0 0 Yes Shoot For The Stars Yes $4,021.00 Alternatives Early First Use Community $4,021.00 466 58 Yes DARE No $2,937.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,937.00 563 0 Yes Lucky Kids No $1,734.00 Early Intervention Family Management Problems Elementary School $1,734.00 964 4 Yes Teen Recreation No $2,565.00 Alternatives Early First Use Middle School $2,565.00 261 4 Yes BABES No $500.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $500.00 56 0 Yes REBEL II No $3,569.00 Education Availability of ATOD Middle School $1,746.63 189 0 Yes Summer Youth Basketball No $2,934.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Middle School $2,934.00 510 0 Yes $19,560 Mullica Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No Publicity and Recruitment No Environmental Education Experience No Olympics Camp $17,738 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Availability of ATOD High School Community $2,000.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Little Commitment to School No $2,520.00 Alternatives DARE No Afterschool Club Chess Club $2,000.00 Alternatives Target Population $375.00 Collaboration Activity/Program Coordination 3 Yes Middle School $2,000.00 68 2 Yes Early First Use Elementary School $2,520.00 193 22 Yes $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $991.00 542 16 No No $2,965.00 Alternatives Early First Use Middle School $2,965.00 403 25 Yes Yes $1,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use Community New Prog Community Relations No $2,000.00 Collaboration DARE No $2,000.00 Education Cops for Lunch No $1,000.00 Education Post Prom Party Yes $2,000.00 Alternatives No $2,500.00 Education Coaches Training Yes $1,000.00 Education Senior Citizens Program Yes $1,045.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Availability of ATOD Target Population Pre-College Initiative New Prog Yes DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,600.00 0 6 Yes Community $1,999.40 687 48 Yes Elementary School $1,998.70 646 2 Yes Elementary School $1,000.00 992 24 Yes Senior Citizens $2,000.00 635 43 Yes $2,500.00 553 6 Yes $1,000.00 35 5 Yes $1,045.00 75 8 Yes Community Laws and Norms Elementary School Favorable to ATOD Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Parent/Teacher/Coach Abuse Family Management Problems Community $13,143 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $968.11 Education No Community $13,145 Activity/Program $0.00 $8,851 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,600.00 Collaboration Pleasantville No 0 Yes Forest Friends Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 $375.00 $11,860 Northfield DEDR Expend School Tranistions Target Population DEDR Expend High School $825.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 12 3 Yes Eastern Star- The CLUB No $1,200.00 Education Academic Failure Elementary School $1,200.00 9 12 Yes Yes $1,250.00 Education Economical/Social Deprivation Elementary School $1,250.00 50 4 Yes Rites of Passage No $2,000.00 Education High School Community Awareness No $1,232.66 Collaboration Project Prom No $1,050.00 Alternatives Coordinator Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Academic Failure Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Availability of ATOD Life Skills $1,200.00 Collaboration Outdoor Club No $1,000.00 Alternatives Outreach Mentoring No $1,200.00 Collaboration Pleasantville PAL No $1,424.23 Collaboration Youth and Family Conference No $2,000.00 Education DARE No $1,000.00 Education Students and Mentors Striving Successfully Scoutreach BSA No $1,200.00 Collaboration No $1,650.00 Collaboration Activity/Program New Prog Yes Community $1,232.66 53 36 Yes High School $1,000.00 42 17 Yes Community $1,200.00 71 73 Yes Community $400.00 40 6 Yes Elementary School $1,117.20 45 9 Yes Community $1,400.00 108 16 Yes Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Community Abuse Anti-social Behavior in Late Elementary School Childhood/Early Adolescence Academic Failure Elementary School $2,000.00 300 30 Yes $1,000.00 97 13 Yes $1,199.69 40 6 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence $1,650.00 37 5 Yes Elementary School $18,375 Port Republic $0.00 $15,475 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Peer Leadership No $1,000.00 Education Little Commitment to School Middle School $1,000.00 25 3 Yes Hooked On Fishing No $1,500.00 Education Community $1,322.49 43 8 Yes Project Graduation No $200.00 Collaboration Forest Friends No $500.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use HS Transition Program No $200.00 Collaboration Academic Failure High School Find Your Talent - Fall Yes $2,180.00 Alternatives Elementary School $1,673.00 44 8 Yes Life Skills Yes $1,300.00 Education Middle School $1,300.00 30 3 Yes Senior Art Yes $500.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Health Problems $499.13 12 3 Yes Little Commitment to School Elementary School $1,607.27 107 10 Yes Find Your Talent No $2,460.00 Collaboration $9,840 High School Elementary School Community $0.00 $500.00 No 15 2 $0.00 $7,902 Yes No Somers Point Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Senior Citizen Program No $1,000.00 Alternatives Economical/Social Deprivation Senior Citizens FAS Prevention Program No $2,000.00 Education Early First Use Community MRHS After Prom Party No $1,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $1,000.00 500 60 Yes Public Relations No $1,655.00 Education Community $1,611.00 230 2 Yes DARE No $3,500.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Elementary School $3,494.65 600 6 Yes Youth Center Program No $1,000.00 Alternatives Community $834.74 200 5 Yes Coordination No $1,200.00 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $1,200.00 0 0 Yes $3,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $2,800.00 150 2 Yes Forest Friends Yes $14,355 Ventnor Activity/Program Hooked On Family New Prog Yes $1,000.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 200 4 $0.00 Yes No $11,940 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population $2,800.00 Communications Family Management Problems Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,990.00 5,000 25 Yes $948.77 600 8 Yes DARE No $2,066.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Youth Center No $1,500.00 Alternatives Early First Use Community $0.00 Alliance Run No $1,200.00 Alternatives Early First Use Community $1,044.00 1,200 15 No Hooked On Fishing No $1,279.00 Alternatives Early First Use Community $1,216.00 500 30 Yes Drug Free Family Night Out No $2,875.00 Alternatives Community $834.00 1,500 30 Yes Coordination No $1,750.00 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Economical/Social Deprivation Community $1,500.00 0 0 Yes $13,470 County Coordination Activity/Program County Coordination New Prog No $7,533 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $45,000.00 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Target Population Community $45,000 Countywide Project Activity/Program New Prog No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor DEDR Expend $34,291.16 Participants Volunteers Completed 0 4 Yes $34,291 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Countywide Volunteer Recognition No $4,500.00 Communications PRIDE Survey Yes $6,000.00 Collaboration Special Activities Yes $3,599.00 Collaboration $14,099 Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $4,214.95 Community $0.00 Community $3,185.84 $7,401 0 105 Yes No 5,949 242 Yes CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Bergen Allendale Activity/Program New Prog Target Population DEDR Expend Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use School Tranistions Parent/Teacher/Coach $750.00 35 2 Yes $2,500.00 93 2 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Health Problems Community $0.00 No Senior Citizens $0.00 No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Participants Volunteers Completed Positive Parenting Yes $750.00 Education Footprints for Life Yes $2,500.00 Education Community Awareness Yes $525.00 Communications Senior Citizen Education Yes $750.00 Education STOP Yes $2,538.00 Education Availability of ATOD High School $2,538.00 350 10 Yes HS Transition Program No $2,754.00 Education Middle School $2,754.00 400 30 Yes DARE No $1,200.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Elementary School Elementary School $11,017 Alpine Activity/Program New Prog Target Population DARE No $2,500.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Project Graduation No $1,500.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems High School Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community Yes $2,500.00 Education Family ATOD Awareness Yes $2,500.00 Education Community Awareness Yes $1,000.00 Communications Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Expend $2,024.22 Participants Volunteers Completed 100 9 $0.00 Yes No Elementary School $2,296.56 210 10 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,145.00 85 11 Yes $884.00 200 6 Yes $10,000 Bergenfield No $8,542 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor ATOD Prevention K-8 $0.00 $6,350 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Just Say No Presentation No $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No Peer Leader Program No $1,000.00 Education Little Commitment to School High School $0.00 No DARE No $4,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Outbound Program No $2,500.00 Education Little Commitment to School Middle School $0.00 No Red Ribbon Week No $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No $1,000.00 1,350 6 Yes Safe and Sober Month No $1,500.00 Education Family Management Problems High School $0.00 Prevention Advertising No $1,000.00 Communications High School $750.00 1,000 0 Yes Project Graduation No $2,000.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Little Commitment to School High School $0.00 0 0 No Community Awareness Outreach No $1,500.00 Communications Community $0.00 No Renaissance Program No $2,000.00 Collaboration Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community $0.00 No $17,500 Bogota Activity/Program New Prog $1,750 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor School Planners No $2,000.00 Communications Newsletter No $370.00 Communications High School Peer Leadership No $500.00 Early Intervention No Target Population Early First Use High School Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Academic Failure DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,918.53 770 5 No Community $120.00 5,400 10 No High School $486.75 27 27 No $1,000.00 300 2 No $224.73 300 18 No Keys to Innervision Yes $1,000.00 Education Early First Use High School Middle School Prevention Yes $2,017.00 Communications Little Commitment to School Middle School DARE No $1,230.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,230.00 200 2 No ATOD Prevention Activities No $1,550.00 Alternatives Community $1,076.19 550 31 No Project Graduation No $2,300.00 Alternatives Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD High School $1,812.85 248 30 No $10,967 Carlstadt Activity/Program New Prog $7,869 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor High School Prevention Yes $1,500.00 Education Senior Citizen Education Yes $1,254.25 Education Middle School Prevention Yes $2,754.25 Education DARE No $2,754.25 Education Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Early First Use Elementary Prevention Program No $2,754.25 Education Early First Use Target Population DEDR Expend High School $800.00 585 8 Yes Senior Citizens $1,254.25 100 3 Yes Middle School $2,506.05 175 4 Yes Elementary School $892.47 140 0 Yes Elementary School $2,250.00 132 2 Yes $11,017 Cliffside Park Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Participants Volunteers Completed $7,703 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Neighborhood Crime Watch Yes $1,800.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $1,800.00 110 1 Yes COPE Yes $3,233.25 Education Middle School $2,130.50 80 0 No Community Awareness Yes $1,293.00 Education Community $1,293.00 290 9 Yes Tutoring and Computers No $1,433.50 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Academic Failure Elementary School $1,008.00 4 6 Yes Jr. Police Academy No $3,233.25 Alternatives Elementary School $2,084.95 70 10 Yes Project Graduation No $1,940.00 Collaboration Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence $198.00 24 24 Yes Community $12,933 Closter $8,514 Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No $750.00 Alternatives Little Commitment to School Parents of Teens No $800.00 Education Senior Brown Bag No $750.00 Collaboration Community Prevention No $2,500.00 Education Elementary Prevention No Program 1234 DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed High School $0.00 No Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 No Senior Citizens $0.00 No Community $0.00 No $750.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No No $700.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 No Peer Leadership No $2,500.00 Education Little Commitment to School Middle School $0.00 No Middle School Prevention No $2,750.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $0.00 No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population $11,500 Cresskill Activity/Program New Prog $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor ATOD Prevention Activity No $1,725.00 Alternatives Peer Leadership No $1,700.00 Education Project Graduation No $1,725.00 Alternatives Parent Child Workshop No $1,725.00 Education Red Ribbon Week No $1,725.00 Education Community Morale No $1,700.00 Alternatives Senior Citizen Assemblies No $1,200.00 Education Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems High School $0.00 No High School $0.00 No High School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Elementary School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Senior Citizens $0.00 No $11,500 Demarest Activity/Program Police Explorers Elementary ATOD Awareness New Prog No Yes $0 Target Population DEDR Expend Early First Use Elementary School $200.00 56 0 No $1,000.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Elementary School $1,000.00 200 2 Yes Senior Citizens $625.00 50 5 Yes Elementary School $2,200.00 100 3 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $700.00 Education Participants Volunteers Completed Senior Brown Bag Program No $2,500.00 Education DARE No $2,500.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Alternatives Little Commitment to School High School $1,000.00 500 30 No $2,300.00 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community $2,000.00 3,000 25 No Community Prevention Yes $10,000 Dumont Activity/Program New Prog $7,025 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Parent Workshop No $2,500.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,500.00 25 2 Yes DARE No $3,233.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $3,233.00 526 27 Yes Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School $1,000.00 225 15 Yes MS Alternative Activities No $1,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use Middle School $1,000.00 910 5 Yes HS Prevention Activities No $1,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD High School $1,000.00 410 8 Yes Huskies Against Drugs No $3,233.00 Education Availability of ATOD Elementary School $3,233.00 11 2 Yes Intergenerational Prom No Availability of ATOD Intergenerational $966.00 150 14 Yes $966.00 Alternatives $12,932 East Rutherford Activity/Program New Prog $12,932 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population HS ATOD Prevention Yes $1,800.00 Education Early First Use High School Parent ATOD Prevention Yes $1,208.50 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach Jr. Police Academy No $2,462.75 Education Family Management Problems Senior Education Program No $2,500.00 Education DARE No $2,754.25 Education $10,726 DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 310 3 Yes $208.50 70 2 Yes Elementary School $1,675.04 105 8 Yes Availability of ATOD Senior Citizens $2,200.00 285 34 Yes Early First Use Elementary School $2,554.30 425 7 No $6,638 Edgewater Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Wellness Initiative Yes $767.00 Early Intervention Isolation and Loss Community $750.00 31 1 Yes Youth Empowerment Network Yes $750.00 Early Intervention School Tranistions Middle School $750.00 66 1 Yes Parental Guidance for Teens Yes $300.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach Peer Leadership Weekend No $1,200.00 Education Little Commitment to School High School $370.40 6 1 Yes Community Theater No $500.00 Alternatives Little Commitment to School Community $500.00 600 4 Yes DARE No $1,400.00 Collaboration Elementary School $848.72 122 0 Yes Do Drop In No $2,000.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Community $2,000.00 400 36 Yes Community $750.00 12 1 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $1,500.00 159 6 No High School $1,750.00 160 10 No Positive Parenting Yes Family Fun Days No Focus On Future Yes $850.00 Communications $1,500.00 Alternatives $1,750.00 Education $11,017 Elmwood Park Activity/Program Coordination Red Ribbon Week Adventure Prevention New Prog Yes No Yes Target Population Community $1,900.00 0 0 Yes $2,000.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Elementary School $1,980.27 1,200 30 No Elementary School $0.00 $2,758.00 Alternatives Peer Leadership Club No $2,224.00 Education Yes $1,293.00 Education $2,758.00 750 20 Yes High School $1,500.00 30 30 Yes Community No $1,653.00 Collaboration SADD No $325.00 Education MS Transition Program No $2,819.50 Education $0.00 No $8,138 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Coordination No High School $12,933 New Prog Participants Volunteers Completed Availability of ATOD $2,758.00 Education Activity/Program DEDR Expend $1,900.00 Collaboration No Emerson No $9,219 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Elks Peer Leadership Conference Community Awareness Events $0.00 Target Population Family Management Problems Community Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use High School Middle School DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $325.00 36 0 No $2,410.00 1,385 33 No Character Education Peer Leaders Club Tutoring Parent Workshops No $1,800.00 Collaboration Early First Use Elementary School $1,682.27 104 34 No Yes $2,819.50 Education High School $2,785.00 162 70 No No $1,000.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family Management Problems High School $1,000.00 46 0 No Yes $600.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Parent/Teacher/Coach $600.00 70 0 Yes $11,017 Englewood Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Youth Leadership Thru Arts Yes $4,191.25 Alternatives Footprints For Life Yes $4,191.25 Early Intervention Heroes and Cool Kids Yes $4,191.25 Communications Wisdom Counts for Children No $8,802 $4,191.25 Education Target Population Community $4,191.25 25 7 Yes Elementary School $4,191.25 320 0 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems Elementary School $4,191.25 120 20 Yes Elementary School $4,191.25 120 0 Yes $16,765 Activity/Program New Prog Kindergarten Safety No $1,250.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Yes $2,258.00 Education Middle School No $2,754.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use National Night Out No $1,102.00 Alternatives MS Dance No Wellness Initiative for Seniors No 8th Grade ATOD Prevention/Transition DARE DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,250.00 60 6 Yes $0.00 62 8 No Elementary School $1,974.91 152 8 No Community $1,102.00 509 17 Yes $1,653.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Little Commitment to School $520.00 72 10 Yes $2,000.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens Middle School $11,017 Fair Lawn Participants Volunteers Completed Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use $16,765 Englewood Cliffs DEDR Expend $0.00 No $4,847 Target Population DEDR Expend Early First Use Community $450.00 10 2 Yes Senior Citizens $2,500.00 287 2 Yes High School $1,100.00 432 3 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,062.00 8 2 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor TASE No $450.00 Enforcement Saturday Seniors No $2,500.00 Collaboration Project Graduation No $1,850.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization School Tranistions Parents Who Host Lose the Most No $1,500.00 Education School Tranistions Participants Volunteers Completed Too Smart To Start No $1,265.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $900.00 158 23 Yes Jr. Police Academy No $1,800.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,800.00 45 10 Yes Explorers No $2,000.00 Alternatives Middle School $1,634.00 15 3 Yes Alternative Family Activities No $2,400.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Community $1,988.34 3,207 29 Yes DARE No $3,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $3,000.00 357 7 Yes $16,765 Fairview Activity/Program New Prog $14,434 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Jr Police Academy Yes $2,000.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,790.00 52 8 Yes Fairview Community Education Yes $1,101.00 Education Community $1,092.00 2,000 50 Yes No $2,754.25 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Elementary School $2,725.20 1,320 37 Yes GREAT Yes $2,407.50 Education Middle School $2,128.73 1,300 41 Yes Heroes and Cool Kids Yes $2,754.25 Education Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Early First Use $0.00 240 8 No DARE High School $11,017 Fort Lee Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor High School $3,562.50 Education $3,562.50 Alternatives Early First Use High School $2,137.50 Early Intervention Little Commitment to School Parent/Teacher/Coach Yes $3,562.50 Education Community Newsletter Yes $1,425.00 Collaboration Parent Dialogue Yes Teen Academy Yes No Target Population Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems HS Seniors Prevention Education Core Team Training $7,736 Community Parent/Teacher/Coach $14,250 Franklin Lakes Activity/Program New Prog Yes $1,101.00 Communications Parent Education Program Yes $1,653.25 Education No $2,754.25 Education ES Prevention Programs Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 1,200 0 Yes $1,425.00 1,200 20 Yes $0.00 0 0 Yes $3,562.00 5 3 Yes $0.00 60 10 Yes $4,987 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Community Education and Awareness DEDR Expend Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Target Population DEDR Expend Community $798.27 1,315 63 Yes Elementary School $500.00 205 9 Yes Elementary School $2,004.25 1,050 20 Yes Participants Volunteers Completed HS Prevention Programs No $2,754.25 Education MS Prevention Programs No $2,754.25 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents High School $2,754.00 1,150 46 Yes Middle School $2,754.25 650 20 Yes $11,017 Garfield $8,811 Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No $2,365.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School Jr. Police Academy No $3,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School Yes $200.00 Education DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 204 20 No $2,500.00 136 10 Yes Positive Parenting No $1,600.00 Communications Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Parent/Teacher/Coach Abuse Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach DARE No $4,050.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $3,515.60 1,085 4 Yes $0.00 15 5 Yes $200.00 35 4 Yes $0.00 720 4 Yes $750.00 1,200 10 Yes $0.00 180 30 No Parental Guidance Suggested CASASTART Yes $700.00 Collaboration Family Management Problems Elementary School Living Drug Free in the Real World Yes $200.00 Early Intervention Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use High School Family Management Problems Community Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach GREAT Program No National Night Out No ATOD, Steroids and Youth Sports No $2,650.00 Education $750.00 Collaboration $1,250.00 Alternatives Elementary School $16,765 Glen Rock Activity/Program New Prog $200.00 35 4 Yes $1,300.00 13 5 Yes $8,466 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed The SOURCE No $1,650.00 Early Intervention Availability of ATOD Middle School $1,530.17 161 4 Yes Wednesday Something No $1,650.00 Education Elementary School $1,361.46 820 10 Yes Yes $1,009.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 No TIGS No $1,200.00 Education High School $0.00 No Focus on Awareness No $2,754.00 Education High School $0.00 No Project Graduation No $1,450.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Availability of ATOD High School $0.00 No DARE No $2,754.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No Underage Drinking Remedy $12,467 $2,892 Hackensack Activity/Program K-M Homework Support Center New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor No $3,000.00 Education Yes $500.00 Education MLK Homework Support Center No $900.00 Education Community ATOD Awareness No $1,374.00 Education Summer Karate Camp Yes $600.00 Education At-risk Karate Program Yes $1,000.00 Education Tobacco Age of Sale Yes $1,000.00 Enforcement SAVVY 8th Grade Conference Latino Community Initiative No Yes $4,191.00 Education $3,200.00 Collaboration Target Population Little Commitment to School Community Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Economical/Social Deprivation Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Availability of ATOD Middle School Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Activity/Program Senior Citizen ATOD Awareness After School Program New Prog No 40 3 No High School $250.00 11 1 No Elementary School $900.00 27 6 No Community $0.00 400 3 No Elementary School $0.00 Yes $2,500.00 Alternatives Project Graduation No $1,500.00 Alternatives HP Website No $1,000.00 Communications DARE No $2,500.00 Education $1,000.00 16 2 Yes $452.05 5 0 No Middle School $4,000.00 212 5 No Community $2,385.00 190 16 No High School Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Target Population Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Senior Citizens $2,000.00 84 4 Yes Middle School $1,000.00 80 1 Yes High School $1,000.00 300 18 Yes Community $1,000.00 0 1 Yes Elementary School $2,500.00 102 2 Yes $10,000 Hasbrouck Heights No $11,857 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $2,500.00 Education Participants Volunteers Completed $2,870.00 $15,765 Harrington Park DEDR Expend $7,500 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Outreach Program No $1,500.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,500.00 800 0 No Youth Center No $1,500.00 Alternatives Early First Use Middle School $1,500.00 240 0 No Town Day No $1,275.00 Communications Community $1,275.00 1,550 0 No Project Graduation No $1,725.00 Alternatives High School $1,725.00 375 0 Yes DARE No $2,392.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Early First Use Elementary School $2,392.00 3,200 0 No Jr. Police Academy No $2,125.00 Education Senior Health Clinic No $500.00 Education Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Elementary School Senior Citizens $11,017 Haworth Activity/Program New Prog $2,125.00 45 0 Yes $500.00 100 0 Yes $11,017 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No Senior Citizens $2,000.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Elementary School $1,800.00 75 3 Yes No $1,500.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $620.00 150 6 Yes DARE No $2,500.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,489.42 200 10 Yes HS ATOD Prevention No $1,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD High School Community Safety Night No $1,000.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Community Senior Citizens Program No $1,000.00 Education Forest Friends No Elementary ATOD Prevention $9,000 Hillsdale Activity/Program ES Prevention Programs MS Prevention New Prog Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Elementary School $1,490.00 400 4 Yes No $1,700.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,700.00 500 4 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use High School $0.00 Community $82.50 Yes $1,129.00 Education MS Peer Leadership No $1,837.75 Education Hills Valley Coalition No DARE Program No $871.00 Communications $1,000.00 Education Middle School Community Elementary School $11,017 ES ATOD Yes Early First Use Community Prevention Newsletter STOP High School 5 $2,754.25 Education $1,725.00 Alternatives Senior Citizen Program 225 Yes Yes Activity/Program $979.67 No $5,889 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor 12th Grade ATOD Ho-Ho-Kus $0.00 New Prog Target Population Senior Citizens $1,000.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Availability of ATOD $2,650.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,600.00 Education Yes No 880 5 $0.00 Yes No $318.38 200 4 Yes $1,000.00 500 14 Yes $4,591 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor No No High School DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $500.00 120 0 Yes $1,800.00 250 14 Yes Jr. Police Academy No Transition Program Yes $2,500.00 Alternatives Early First Use Elementary School $2,500.00 32 10 Yes $1,750.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence High School $1,750.00 47 0 Yes $9,500 Leonia Activity/Program Red Ribbon Week New Prog $6,550 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Yes $270.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $270.00 750 1 Yes Brown Bag Tea No $300.00 Education Senior Citizens $300.00 69 7 Yes Coordination No $1,652.55 Communications Community $1,652.54 4 4 Yes Community ATOD Yes $2,003.11 Communications Community $2,003.11 2,462 128 Yes Forest Friends Yes $3,091.34 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Elementary School $3,091.34 131 0 Yes No $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $578.45 145 13 No Focus on the Future Yes $1,950.00 Education Middle School $1,898.56 140 21 Yes Youth Empowerment Network Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use School Tranistions Middle School $750.00 105 0 Yes DARE $750.00 Early Intervention $11,017 Little Ferry Activity/Program New Prog $10,544 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Coordination No $1,652.55 Collaboration Family Management Problems Community $1,652.55 0 0 Yes Peer Leadership No $1,200.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,200.00 48 4 Yes Red Ribbon Week No $517.00 Education Community $346.09 1,100 30 No Community Calendar Yes $1,101.00 Education Community $1,101.00 105 25 Yes Footprints for Life Yes $3,000.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Academic Failure Elementary School $3,000.00 136 4 Yes Elementary Wellness Day No $1,773.23 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $1,758.09 254 35 Yes MS Wellness Day No $1,773.22 Education Family Management Problems Middle School $1,758.09 254 35 Yes $11,017 Lodi Activity/Program Be The Best You Can Be New Prog Yes $10,816 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $3,233.25 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Target Population Middle School DEDR Expend $1,800.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 138 0 Yes Family Support Groups Yes $3,233.25 Enforcement Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Your Neighborhood Peer Mediation Yes $3,233.25 Education Yes $3,233.25 Education Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Community Abuse Low Neighborhood Attachment Community and Community Disorganization Greater Influence by and High School Reliance on Peers than Parents $12,933 Lyndhurst Activity/Program New Prog $3,233.25 40 0 Yes $958.00 32 0 Yes $2,400.00 105 20 Yes $8,391 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Community Elementary School $1,281.50 215 24 Yes Senior Citizens $2,733.00 180 8 Yes $1,293.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family Management Problems Community $550.40 500 10 Yes Yes $1,218.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Elementary School $370.40 200 0 Yes HS Prevention Yes $1,607.00 Education High School $1,607.00 500 20 Yes Jr Police Academy Yes $1,000.00 Enforcement Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Middle School $1,000.00 65 6 Yes Alliance Chairperson Training Yes $300.00 Education DARE Yes $2,282.00 Early Intervention Senior Citizen Awareness Yes $3,233.00 Education Project Graduation Yes $2,000.00 Alternatives Community Awareness and Prevention ES Prevention and Awareness Yes High School $12,933 Mahwah Activity/Program New Prog $0.00 No $7,542 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed MS ATOD Prevention Yes $1,000.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Middle School $1,000.00 1,070 12 Yes Youth Leadership Academy Yes $1,690.00 Education High School $1,690.00 185 15 Yes ES Prevention Program No $2,053.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Elementary School $2,053.00 1,070 4 Yes HS Substance Abuse Program No $2,949.75 Education Availability of ATOD High School $2,714.44 55 4 Yes Yes $2,007.00 Education Middle School $2,007.00 175 15 Yes No $3,233.25 Education Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Early First Use Elementary School $3,223.25 660 17 Yes Jr Police Academy DARE $12,933 Midland Park Activity/Program DARE New Prog No $12,688 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,000.00 Early Intervention Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Target Population DEDR Expend Elementary School $300.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 100 5 No HS ATOD No $2,754.25 Education Availability of ATOD High School $2,249.25 400 15 No $1,754.25 40 5 No 50 10 No 5 No 5 No Peer Leadership Yes $2,754.25 Communications School Tranistions High School Community ATOD and Education Yes $1,500.00 Communications Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Community $0.00 Elementary School $0.00 ES ATOD No $1,300.00 Education MS ATOD No $1,708.50 Education Middle School $11,017 Montvale Activity/Program New Prog Target Population $1,968.00 9,500 30 Yes Elementary School $1,300.94 1,200 12 Yes $750.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $500.00 Collaboration Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use High School DARE Yes $1,750.00 Education Parent Leadership Yes MS ATOD Prevention Yes $1,758.50 Education Montvale Cares Yes $1,758.50 Collaboration Middle School Elementary School $8,517 Activity/Program New Prog Yes $1,500.00 Education Community Newsletter Yes $1,000.00 Education Senior Citizen ATOD No $1,000.00 Education Coordination No $1,500.00 Communications DARE/Rec Nights Yes No $2,500.00 Education $2,500.00 Alternatives Activity/Program Peer Leadership New Prog No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use $400.00 80 3 Yes $1,406.80 300 5 Yes $0.00 No Participants Volunteers Completed Community $0.00 No Community $1,000.00 Senior Citizens 1,600 0 $0.00 Yes No Community $1,270.86 0 1 Yes Elementary School $1,500.00 320 2 Yes Elementary School $1,240.29 40 40 Yes $5,011 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $3,000.00 Education No DEDR Expend Target Population $10,000 New Milford $0.00 $5,076 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Family ATOD Prevention K-8 ATOD Prevention Participants Volunteers Completed Community $2,000.00 Education Moonachie DEDR Expend Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Yes No 400 $5,063 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Community Prevention Newsletter HS Peer Leadership $759.61 Academic Failure Target Population Middle School DEDR Expend $3,000.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 10 0 Yes Too Smart To Start Yes $1,950.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 Keys to Inner Vision Yes $1,125.00 Communications Little Commitment to School Elementary School $1,000.00 Project Graduation No $2,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School Yes $983.00 Alternatives Community Education and Awareness DARE Youth Empowerment Network No $2,000.00 Education Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Community Abuse Early First Use Elementary School Yes $1,875.00 Education Academic Failure Middle School $12,933 North Arlington Activity/Program New Prog No 13 4 $0.00 Yes No $983.00 206 11 Yes $2,000.00 352 0 Yes $1,750.00 15 4 Yes $8,733 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed The Hut No $1,808.00 Alternatives Academic Failure Middle School $0.00 40 0 No Conflict Resolution No $3,200.00 Education Middle School $3,200.00 120 0 Yes DARE No $3,200.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Availability of ATOD Elementary School $2,106.80 290 0 No Senior Picnic No $1,300.00 Communications Availability of ATOD Senior Citizens Coordinators Yes $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $1,000.00 2 0 Yes No $2,425.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,424.00 50 0 Yes Parenting Program $12,933 Northvale Activity/Program New Prog $0.00 No $8,731 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No Webmaster Yes $299.00 Education Family Management Problems Community Forest Friends Yes $1,400.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $1,400.00 Red Ribbon Yes $200.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 Jr Police Academy Yes $500.00 Education Middle School $500.00 50 10 No Coordinator Yes $801.00 Collaboration Community $801.00 1 0 No Youth/Community Enhancement Yes $2,500.00 Alternatives Community $1,000.00 270 14 No 8th Grade ATOD Yes $1,500.00 Early Intervention Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Middle School $1,500.00 125 10 Yes Youth Empowerment Network Yes $3,100.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $0.00 12th Grade ATOD Prevention Yes Early First Use High School $500.00 Enforcement $500.00 90 5 No No No 350 12 Yes $10,800 Norwood Activity/Program HS ATOD Prevention New Prog $5,701 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Yes $2,754.25 Education Early First Use High School $1,700.00 0 0 No Senior Citizen ATOD Prevention No $2,754.25 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $2,509.57 170 0 No Community Alcohol Awareness No $2,754.25 Education Isolation and Loss Community $461.44 300 0 No DARE No $2,754.25 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,207.43 200 0 No $11,017 Oakland Activity/Program New Prog $6,878 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed MS ATOD Prevention- Red Ribbon Week HS ATOD Prevention- Project Graduation DARE No $2,650.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,150.00 400 20 Yes No $2,325.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems High School $2,325.00 235 50 Yes No $2,300.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,250.00 30 4 Yes Elementary-Middle ATOD Prevention No $350.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $0.00 40 5 Yes Yes $1,700.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family Management Problems Middle School $1,700.00 240 2 Yes $537.94 40 2 Yes Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $1,111.81 256 37 Yes Heroes and Cool Kids Community-wide ATOD Prevention No Senior Citizens Prevention No $538.00 Collaboration $1,154.00 Education Community $11,017 Old Tappan Activity/Program New Prog $10,075 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,000.00 125 2 Yes High School $1,000.00 26 0 Yes High School $500.00 690 30 Yes $2,754.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Middle School $2,644.21 430 25 Yes $2,754.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,701.30 120 5 Yes Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Parent/Teacher/Coach $450.50 85 3 Yes $1,000.00 100 7 Yes NJ Child Abuse Program Yes $1,000.00 Collaboration Heroes and Cool Kids Yes $1,101.00 Collaboration HS ATOD Prevention Yes $500.00 Alternatives MS Alternative Activities No DARE No Parent Education Program No Seniors Education Program No $750.50 Collaboration $1,450.00 Education Senior Citizens Outreach Program Yes $707.50 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $11,017 Oradell Activity/Program Senior Citizen Education New Prog $1,000.00 Education No $1,754.25 Education Yes $2,754.25 Education DARE No $2,754.25 Education Teen Center No $2,754.25 Alternatives ES/MS ATOD Program Jr/Sr HS ATOD Prevention Target Population Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Community Activity/Program New Prog 8 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $84.80 0 0 No $600.00 400 3 Yes High School $2,750.00 1,325 23 No Elementary School $1,601.17 230 10 Yes Middle School $2,000.00 300 8 Yes Middle School $11,017 Palisades Park 650 $10,003 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Yes $707.00 $7,036 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Senior Citizen Awareness No $1,173.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $1,173.00 250 4 Yes Parenting Program No $1,173.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,173.00 260 6 Yes $2,567.15 Communications Community $2,567.15 650 60 Yes Middle School $1,939.95 400 6 Yes High School $1,100.00 298 8 Yes MS ATOD Prevention No $1,939.95 Education Heroes and Cool Kids Yes $1,100.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Coordinator Yes $1,939.95 Education Availability of ATOD Community $1,939.95 0 0 Yes Project Graduation No $1,939.95 Education Availability of ATOD Community $1,939.95 68 6 Yes TASE No $1,100.00 Enforcement Availability of ATOD Community $1,100.00 62 2 Yes Community ATOD Awareness Yes $12,933 Paramus Activity/Program Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Program MS Prevention Program New Prog $12,933 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Yes $3,750.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,812.50 1,575 8 No No $2,000.00 Education School Tranistions Middle School $2,000.00 1,479 10 Yes Peer Leadership Training No $3,000.00 Education High School $3,000.00 14 0 Yes HS Prevention w PTA No $2,015.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use High School $2,000.00 1,236 10 No Family/Community Substance Abuse Prevention HS w Peer Advocates Yes $4,000.00 Education No $2,000.00 Education Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Community Abuse Greater Influence by and High School Reliance on Peers than Parents $16,765 Park Ridge Activity/Program MS/HS ATOD Prevention New Prog 450 8 No $2,000.00 500 8 No $14,028 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,017.00 Early Intervention Early First Use High School $1,017.00 500 50 Yes No $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,000.00 9,900 400 Yes Summer Leadership Training Yes $700.00 Education Middle School $700.00 88 20 Yes Parent Training Yes $750.00 Education Community $529.43 200 10 Yes Summer Pre-Teen No $2,500.00 Alternatives Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Middle School $1,800.00 88 20 Yes Operation Grad No $1,250.00 Alternatives $750.00 135 40 Yes Red Ribbon No $800.00 Education Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Middle School Abuse Early First Use Community $634.25 1,200 100 Yes SADD Activities No $500.00 Alternatives Little Commitment to School $250.00 30 1 Yes DARE Yes $3,215.31 High School $8,517 Ramsey Activity/Program New Prog $6,681 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Safe Homes No $1,480.00 Education DARE No $2,000.00 Education Senior Luncheon No $250.00 Education AOTD Awareness No $2,587.00 Education Target Population Activity/Program New Prog Participants Volunteers Completed Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Isolation and Loss High School $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No Senior Citizens $0.00 No Family Management Problems Community $0.00 No $6,317 Ridgefield DEDR Expend $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Youth Center No $1,725.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Youth Sports No $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,000.00 720 105 Yes National Night Out No $1,059.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community $1,059.00 700 80 Yes HS Prevention Education Yes $1,725.00 Education High School $1,725.00 420 45 Yes Community $1,725.00 150 18 Yes DARE GREAT No $2,754.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,229.50 414 45 Yes Yes $2,754.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,754.00 408 45 Yes $11,017 Ridgefield Park Activity/Program New Prog $10,493 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Elementary School $0.00 No High School $0.00 No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems High School $0.00 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 No $1,725.00 Alternatives Academic Failure Elementary School $0.00 No $2,850.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Elementary School $0.00 No No $2,875.00 Education Project Graduation No $1,725.00 Alternatives HS Prevention Program No $1,800.00 Education Parenting Program No $525.00 Education Summer ATOD Prevention No Jr Police Academy No $11,500 Activity/Program New Prog No Peer Counseling No $2,000.00 Education Community Education and Awareness Yes $1,269.00 Education Heroes and Cool Kids Yes $3,233.00 Education MS Prevention Program Yes $1,987.00 Education Community Center Yes $1,944.00 Alternatives No $0 Target Population DEDR Expend Early First Use Community $500.00 400 0 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use High School $2,000.00 86 0 Yes Community $1,035.00 130 6 No Middle School $3,233.00 470 0 Yes Middle School $1,987.00 220 0 Yes Community $1,400.00 798 44 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD High School $2,000.00 400 0 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Equipment Freshman Focus $500.00 Communications $2,000.00 Education $12,933 River Edge Activity/Program New Prog Participants Volunteers Completed Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Availability of ATOD DARE Ridgewood DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $12,155 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $2,000.00 300 6 No $2,754.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Elementary School $2,754.00 400 0 Yes $1,100.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,091.76 1,600 4 Yes Teen Center No $2,000.00 Alternatives DARE No MS Prevention Program No Positive Parent Workshops No $1,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Positive Power Program No $2,163.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Elementary School $1,967.85 820 29 Yes Early First Use Elementary School $500.00 300 10 No HS Senior Prevention Wii Stand for Drugs Yes Yes $2,000.00 Collaboration $500.00 Alternatives High School Parent/Teacher/Coach $11,517 River Vale Activity/Program New Prog $1,500.00 150 26 Yes $962.85 525 2 Yes $10,776 Target Population DEDR Expend Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use High School $628.17 60 6 Yes $1,500.00 105 15 Yes $700.00 52 31 No Community $1,706.16 900 70 Yes Community $1,000.00 0 2 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Participants Volunteers Completed Peer Leadership Training No $1,009.00 Education Jr. Police Academy No $1,500.00 Alternatives Safety Town No $700.00 Education Hills Valley Prevention Program No $1,800.00 Education Coordination No $1,000.00 Communications Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Prevention Programs No $2,504.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $2,300.00 1,750 9 Yes DARE No $2,504.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,504.00 1,300 7 Yes Elementary School Parent/Teacher/Coach $11,017 Rochelle Park Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Healthy Body Program No $1,256.80 Education ATOD, Steroids and Youth Sports No $1,101.00 Alternatives Youth ATOD Prevention Yes $825.00 Education ATOD Free Activities Yes $1,653.00 Education No $1,825.00 Education 8th Grade Drug Education Equipment $10,338 Yes $500.00 Communications RP Family Day No $1,101.70 Communications DARE No $2,754.25 Education $11,017 Target Population Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Availability of ATOD Elementary School Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach DEDR Expend $1,091.23 Participants Volunteers Completed 65 4 $0.00 Yes No $825.00 40 8 Yes Community $1,367.92 46 12 Yes Middle School $1,749.99 58 10 Yes Community $0.00 Community $1,101.70 1,000 10 Yes Elementary School $2,615.00 127 22 Yes $8,751 No Rutherford Activity/Program New Prog Insight No Senior Citizen Prom No Senior Fitness Project Graduation Teen Institute DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $3,233.00 Early Intervention $500.00 Collaboration Yes $2,000.00 Alternatives No $1,940.00 Alternatives Yes $3,000.00 Education Target Population Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Isolation and Loss High School Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Availability of ATOD Activity/Program New Prog 96 0 Yes Senior Citizens $400.00 65 3 Yes Senior Citizens $0.00 High School $0.00 34 4 Yes High School $0.00 450 50 Yes No $2,500.00 Education Peer Leadership GREAT No $775.00 Education Red Ribbon Week No $750.00 Education 8th Grade ATOD Prevention No $2,500.00 Education Mock DWI Crash No $750.00 Education Project Graduation No $1,725.00 Alternatives Substance Free Dances No $2,500.00 Alternatives Target Population Activity/Program New Prog Yes $1,500.00 Education Youth Prevention Education Yes $2,500.00 Education STOP Positive Parenting ATOD Prevention Education No $2,500.00 Collaboration Yes $1,000.00 Education No $2,500.00 Education $10,000 Participants Volunteers Completed Elementary School $0.00 No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Early First Use Middle School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Middle School $0.00 No Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Family Management Problems High School $0.00 No High School $0.00 No High School $0.00 No $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor WISE DEDR Expend Early First Use $11,500 Saddle River No $1,482 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor DARE Graduation Participants Volunteers Completed $1,081.61 $10,673 Saddle Brook DEDR Expend Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $1,000.00 25 0 Yes Elementary School $1,130.73 60 1 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Family Management Problems High School $1,961.50 220 3 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,000.00 35 1 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,143.13 400 22 No $7,235 Teaneck Activity/Program Youth Prevention New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Yes $1,800.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,450.00 500 8 Yes HS Peer Leadership No $3,175.00 Education Academic Failure High School $3,175.00 11 0 Yes Project Graduation No $2,400.00 Alternatives High School $2,400.00 700 60 Yes Community $2,365.00 1,250 30 Yes $687.41 450 18 Yes Elementary School $2,800.00 251 13 Yes Community Prevention Yes $2,465.00 Education Senior Prevention Yes $825.00 Education DARE Yes $2,800.00 Education Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Coordinator Yes $2,500.00 Education Early First Use Community $2,500.00 7 7 Yes Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Community $700.00 502 42 Yes National Night Out No $800.00 Communications Senior Citizens $16,765 Tenafly Activity/Program New Prog $16,077 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Parent Networking No $2,500.00 Education Korean Newsletter Yes $691.00 Communications MS/HS ATOD Prevention Yes $2,500.00 Communications DARE No $2,500.00 Education Project Graduation No $1,725.00 Alternatives Smoke Out No $1,792.00 Education Target Population Little Commitment to School Parent/Teacher/Coach Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Community Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Activity/Program New Prog $2,500.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 225 30 $0.00 Yes No High School $2,500.00 700 35 Yes Elementary School $2,358.80 532 0 Yes High School $1,725.00 350 50 Yes Elementary School $11,708 Upper Saddle River DEDR Expend $0.00 No $9,084 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Red Ribbon Week No $500.00 Collaboration Early First Use Community $0.00 No Project Graduation No $500.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems High School $0.00 No Grades 3-5 Prevention Program No $750.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $750.00 360 12 Yes DARE No $2,754.25 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,754.25 140 10 Yes Student Triathlon No Early First Use High School $150.00 Alternatives $0.00 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use School Tranistions High School $0.00 400 10 Yes High School $1,895.75 300 12 Yes Community $500.00 300 15 Yes $2,017.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Elementary School $1,695.00 300 15 Yes $1,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use Elementary School $750.00 360 12 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Senior Citizens $500.00 60 5 Yes STOPP Yes $500.00 Education Transition Program Yes $1,895.75 Education Newsletter No K-2 Grade Program No Youth Sports Activities Yes Senior Citizen Program No $500.00 Communications $500.00 Collaboration $11,067 Waldwick Activity/Program New Prog $8,845 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Senior Citizens $0.00 No Community $0.00 No High School $0.00 No Middle School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No High School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No $1,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $0.00 No $1,500.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No $500.00 Alternatives Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No No $2,500.00 Alternatives Early First Use Middle School $0.00 No No $850.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 No No Alliance Week No SADD No Project Adventure No $1,000.00 Education Town Prevention Mailer No $2,000.00 Communications PALS No $150.00 Early Intervention Safe Home Directory No $250.00 Communications Project Prom No DARE No Grades 4-5 Prevention Nights No Grades 6-8 Prevention Program ATOD, Steroids and Youth Sports $600.00 Education $1,000.00 Communications $150.00 Early Intervention $11,500 Activity/Program Participants Volunteers Completed Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Heroes and Cool Kids Wallington DEDR Expend New Prog $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor ATOD Awareness Assemblies No $950.00 Education Community Awareness No $742.00 Communications Summer Prevention Program No $1,400.00 Early Intervention Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD School Tranistions Target Population DEDR Expend High School $400.00 600 10 Yes Community $173.28 25 2 Yes $1,400.00 10 0 Yes High School Participants Volunteers Completed Alcohol Free Options Yes $1,100.00 Alternatives School Tranistions High School $0.00 SADD Trend club Yes $2,754.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use High School $2,254.00 120 10 Yes Elementary School $1,200.00 800 1 Yes Community Laws and Norms Middle School Favorable to ATOD Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Middle School Abuse Early First Use Elementary School $432.45 300 1 Yes $2,754.00 150 1 Yes $100.00 300 1 Yes DARE No $1,200.00 Education Lions Quest No $500.00 Education Wilderness Program No $2,754.00 Alternatives BABES No $100.00 Education $11,500 Washington Township Activity/Program New Prog $8,714 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor DARE No $568.00 Education Jr Police Academy No $1,000.00 Education Character Building Yes $695.00 Education Peer Leaders HS Yes $2,000.00 Education Jr Peer Pals No $2,000.00 Education Senior Citizen Program No $2,000.00 Education Forest Friends No $2,754.00 Education Target Population Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Isolation and Loss Elementary School Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No Middle School $755.24 40 8 No Middle School $695.00 18 1 Yes High School $1,194.76 165 3 Yes Elementary School $2,000.00 200 2 Yes Senior Citizens $1,240.00 135 5 Yes Elementary School $2,750.00 122 2 Yes $11,017 Westwood No $8,635 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed 6th Grade Prevention Yes $1,653.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Middle School $0.00 No Community Education and Awareness Yes $1,101.25 Communications Community $0.00 No High School $0.00 No HS Prevention Program No $2,754.25 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Grades K-4 DARE No $2,754.25 Education Early First Use Elementary School $382.50 30 2 Yes Grades 5-6 DARE No $2,754.25 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 250 40 Yes $11,017 Woodcliff Lake Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $383 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $2,000.00 1 0 Yes $1,000.00 Alternatives Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems Community $361.47 160 22 No Yes $2,754.25 Alternatives Family Management Problems Community $1,904.25 350 16 No No $855.95 Education Early First Use Elementary School $779.77 150 20 No DARE No $2,754.25 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,754.25 100 0 No Winter Family Activity Night No $1,652.55 Alternatives Family Management Problems Community $1,318.53 100 10 Yes Hills Valley Coalition Yes $2,000.00 Education Spring Family Activity Night Yes Family Substance Awareness Program ATOD Prevention Activities $11,017 Wood-Ridge Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor 135 32 Yes $2,754.25 Education Middle School $1,975.00 270 37 Yes No $2,754.25 Education Family Management Problems Community Yes $2,754.25 Education Early First Use Elementary School MS ATOD Prevention Yes $11,017 Activity/Program New Prog No $3,233.00 Communications Senior Citizen Seminar No $3,233.00 Education ES and MS Prevention Programs No $3,233.00 Education HS and Parent Prevention Education No $3,233.00 Education Target Population Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use High School Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence High School Senior Citizens Elementary School $12,932 Activity/Program County Coordination New Prog No Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Target Population Community $85,000 Countywide Project Activity/Program Countywide Training for Needs Assessment New Prog No 150 13 Yes DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,000.00 30 4 Yes $300.00 125 30 Yes $2,075.00 1,980 80 Yes $0.00 560 70 Yes DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $10,000.00 Communications $1,775.00 No $3,375 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $85,000.00 Communications $0.00 $6,225 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Peer Mediation County Coordination Participants Volunteers Completed $2,475.00 $2,754.25 Education Wyckoff DEDR Expend High School Yes ES ATOD Prevention Target Population Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Early First Use HS ATOD Prevention Community ATOD Prevention $9,118 Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Target Population Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No Underage Drinking and Teen Safety No $7,500.00 Communications Countywide Vendors Forum No $2,000.00 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community $0.00 No Community $0.00 No $19,500 Countywide Special Projects Activity/Program Special Projects New Prog No $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $91,599.74 Communications $91,600 Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Target Population Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Burlington Bass River Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Elementary School Assemblies No $0.00 Education Community Night At the Surf No $300.00 Alternatives Just Say No 6th Grade Graduation Award Just Say No Day No $0.00 Education No $2,600.00 Alternatives Project Graduation No $500.00 Alternatives Program Coordinator No DARE No $250.00 Education Summer Recreation Program No $6,350.00 Alternatives Community Activity Night No Senior Citizens Needs Assessment No $1,400.00 Communications $0.00 Communications $600.00 Alternatives Target Population Activity/Program New Prog Elementary School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Middle School $0.00 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Isolation and Loss Community $0.00 No High School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization School Tranistions Middle School $0.00 No Elementary School No $1,000.00 Education Project Information No $200.00 Education Night Out No $500.00 Education Parent-Student Conversations No $500.00 Education Tolerance Awareness No $500.00 Education DARE Program No $500.00 Education Senor Citizen Program No $50.00 Education Summer Arts & Crafts No $1,000.00 Education Camp Fire Substance Abuse Program No $750.00 Education $5,000 $3,000.00 140 32 Yes Community $0.00 No Senior Citizens $0.00 No $3,000 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Post Prom Party Participants Volunteers Completed Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use $12,000 Beverly DEDR Expend Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use High School $0.00 No Intergenerational $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Intergenerational $0.00 No Intergenerational $0.00 No Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens Family Management Problems Elementary School $1,000.00 Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Elementary School $0.00 Middle School $500.00 350 17 $0.00 $1,500 No No 58 17 Yes No Bordentown Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Parenting Support Training No $1,500.00 Communications Postage & Supplies No $700.00 Communications Senior Helath Day No $500.00 Education CARE No $2,000.00 Alternatives Summer Social/Drug Free Alternatives Skills for Freshman Success No $1,000.00 Education Yes $2,000.00 Education Teen Prevention Education Program PEP Elementary Prevention No $1,500.00 Alternatives No $4,000.00 Education High School Prevention Programs No $2,000.00 Education New Me No $4,700.00 Education Municipal Alliance Coordination No $3,000.00 Communications Target Population Activity/Program Community Activity Nights Drug & Alcohol Prevention Assemblies Municipal Alliance Coordinator New Prog Yes Community $1,500.00 18 1 No Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use School Tranistions Community $671.00 0 0 No Senior Citizens $500.00 22 4 No Intergenerational $2,000.00 59 5 No Intergenerational $1,000.00 42 4 No Middle School $2,000.00 212 8 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD High School $1,500.00 41 2 No Elementary School $3,979.00 73 6 No High School $2,000.00 212 13 No Intergenerational $4,277.00 95 6 No Community $3,000.00 3 0 No $22,427 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,000.00 Alternatives No $1,500.00 Education Yes $3,000.00 Education Essay Contest No $1,000.00 Education Drug & Alcohol Education No $1,000.00 Education Red Ribbon Activities Yes $800.00 Education Life Skills Training for Parents Yes $1,000.00 Communications Project Graduation No $2,000.00 Collaboration Alliance Training No $1,000.00 Collaboration Poster Contest No Mentoring No Participants Volunteers Completed Family Management Problems $22,900 Burlington City DEDR Expend Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Availability of ATOD Community Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Community Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Community $0.00 Community $400.00 Intergenerational Intergenerational Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Parent/Teacher/Coach Abuse Early First Use High School $1,360.00 1,500 6 $0.00 $1,000.00 No 220 12 No No 78 12 $0.00 $1,600.00 No No No 110 16 No Community $1,000.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Elementary School $1,000.00 220 12 No $1,500.00 Education Early First Use Intergenerational $1,107.00 110 14 No $0.00 No Social Norms Project Newsletter & Pamphlets Yes No $1,300.00 Education $600.00 Communications Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Community Use Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Community Abuse $16,700 Burlington Township $400.00 78 12 $0.00 No No $6,867 Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No $2,500.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School Peer Helping Training No $2,500.00 Alternatives Middle School $2,500.00 After School/Summer at Risk Program Yes $2,500.00 Alternatives Middle School $0.00 Helping Hands Community Newsletter Yes $2,000.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Availability of ATOD Community $2,000.00 4,300 4 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Community $1,000.00 12 12 Yes Community $0.00 Community $1,437.00 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Alliance Coordinator No $1,000.00 Communications Community Wellness/Family Day No $3,450.00 Education Student Anti drug Contest and Community Calendar Parent Support Program Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Yes $2,000.00 Early Intervention No $200.00 Education No $500.00 Communications Target Population Activity/Program New Prog No $400.00 Education Red Ribbon ATOD Awareness No $500.00 Communications MS Summer Prevention Activity Yes $3,000.00 Alternatives Elementary Summer Prevention Activity Program Community/Student ATOD Prevention Yes $3,500.00 Early Intervention Elementary Prevention Education K-6 Yes Post Prom/Graduation Alternative Activity Summer Alternative Activities Yes $1,200.00 Alternatives No $3,500.00 Alternatives Forest Friends/Footprints For Life No $2,000.00 Education No $400.00 Alternatives $500.00 Early Intervention $15,000 No 2,000 35 Yes No No 800 29 No $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No $6,937 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor DARE Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 Intergenerational $16,650 Chesterfield DEDR Expend Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Target Population DEDR Expend Elementary School $383.24 60 3 No Intergenerational $500.00 485 0 Yes Middle School $3,000.00 142 18 Yes Community $3,500.00 154 0 Yes Community $400.00 100 0 Yes Elementary School $500.00 475 0 Yes High School $1,200.00 0 0 Yes High School $3,500.00 29 0 Yes Elementary School $0.00 $12,983 Participants Volunteers Completed No Cinnaminson Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Student Training No $2,400.00 Education Alliance Training No Drug-Free Activities Wellness Life Styles Choices Student Activity Center No $4,500.00 Alternatives No $500.00 Education Outdoor Education/Development of Coping Skills Alliance Coordinator No $4,500.00 Education Yes Juvenile Family Services Program No Emergency Help Posters No Project Graduation No $2,000.00 Alternatives Red Ribbon Week No $1,000.00 Education Safe Homes Program No $1,200.00 Communications Save a Life Project No $1,200.00 Education Alliance Newsletter/Awareness Campaign Adopt-A-Cop Program No $400.00 Education No $300.00 Education $300.00 Communications $1,200.00 Communications $2,000.00 Education $300.00 Communications Target Population Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No $1,440.00 Alternatives Yes $200.00 Education Conflict Resolution Training/Implementation Count on Me Kids No $2,400.00 Education No $2,160.00 Education Drug Free Media Campaign No $1,200.00 Education Drug Free Alternatives No $1,700.00 Alternatives Parent Workshops No $400.00 Education Peer Leadership Training No $2,500.00 Education Program Coordinator Participants Volunteers Completed Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Middle School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Community $4,500.00 Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Elementary School $0.00 Elementary School $4,500.00 62 1 Yes Community $900.00 1 0 No Community $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence High School $2,000.00 110 4 Yes High School $1,000.00 170 2 Yes 850 2 Yes No Community $0.00 No High School $0.00 No Community $400.00 600 4 No Intergenerational $300.00 58 2 No $21,800 Delran DEDR Expend $13,600 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use High School Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Community Community Intergenerational Elementary School DEDR Expend $1,440.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 210 32 $0.00 $725.25 No 1,200 4 $0.00 $1,038.57 Yes Yes No 1,400 4 Yes Intergenerational $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Intergenerational $562.50 30 1 Yes $12,000 Edgewater Park Activity/Program New Prog $3,766 Target Population DEDR Expend Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Intergenerational $470.12 Intergenerational $0.00 No $0.00 No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Participants Volunteers Completed Teen Skate Night No $600.00 Education Summer Camp No $5,950.00 Education Halloween Party/Puppet Show No $500.00 Communications Availability of ATOD Community Project DARE No $1,500.00 Communications Availability of ATOD Elementary School Family Skate Night No $600.00 Education Community $0.00 No Community Policing No $1,100.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No Various Lectures No Availability of ATOD Intergenerational $0.00 No $250.00 Communications $10,500 Evesham Activity/Program New Prog No $1,750.00 Alternatives No $2,310.00 Communications DARE Supplies No $1,400.00 Education Alternative Teen Recreation No $1,440.00 Alternatives Marlton MS Program/Demasi Yes $2,100.00 Education Peer Mediation No $1,050.00 Education Pride Team Training No $1,750.00 Education Pride/Peer Leadership Training No $2,240.00 Education Project Graduation No $1,750.00 Alternatives Project Use No $1,750.00 Alternatives Target Population Activity/Program DARE New Prog No Yes DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed High School $1,540.00 60 1 Yes High School $477.00 0 1 No Elementary School $474.00 0 0 No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use High School $1,440.00 1,710 120 Yes Middle School $2,100.00 1,409 10 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Elementary School $0.00 0 0 No Intergenerational $1,750.00 15 2 Yes High School $1,705.00 25 1 Yes High School $1,750.00 619 30 Yes High School $1,500.00 10 4 Yes $12,736 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $700.00 Education 2 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use $17,540 Florence 90 10 $1,695 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Sequoia Alternative School Recreation Teen Activity Coordinator $1,225.35 200 Early First Use Target Population Elementary School DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No Post Prom Breakfast No $300.00 Alternatives Canteen Middle School Community Club No $500.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use High School $0.00 No Middle School $0.00 No $1,500 Maple Shade Activity/Program New Prog $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Intergenerational $3,310.00 101 8 No High School $1,900.00 203 12 No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Availability of ATOD Elementary School $1,800.00 125 9 No Elementary School $0.00 $800.00 Education Availability of ATOD High School $771.00 $600.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School $0.00 Summer Recreation Program No $3,400.00 Communications Homework Program No $2,600.00 Communications Forest Friends No $2,000.00 Education The Reading Garden No $1,800.00 Education Summer Day Camp No $1,500.00 Education DARE Program No $2,200.00 Education Project Prom No Post Game Gatherings No High School Elementary School $1,500.00 No 89 23 $0.00 No No 112 7 No No Adopt A Cop Yes $2,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD Elementary School $1,456.00 126 0 No Peer Mediation Yes $1,400.00 Education Availability of ATOD High School $1,248.00 177 11 No Middle School $325.00 250 8 No $3,600.00 4 0 No Peer Mentoring Program No $1,500.00 Communications Maple Shade Alliance Coordinator No $5,000.00 Communications Teen Time Out No $2,000.00 Alternatives Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems Yes $1,600.00 Education School Tranistions Middle School $1,600.00 50 12 Yes ATOD Awareness No $400.00 Education Middle School $247.00 1,100 12 No Project Graduation No $800.00 Alternatives Family Activity Nights No $600.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Family Management Problems Community Theater Intergenerational High School High School Community $30,200 Medford Lakes Activity/Program Sequoia Transitional School Peer Mediation Middle School New Prog $0.00 No $0.00 $308.00 No 376 12 No $18,065 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend $850.00 No $850.00 Education Little Commitment to School Elementary School Yes $500.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Middle School $0.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 62 1 No No Community Awareness No $2,500.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Community $1,000.00 32 1 No Prevention Assembly Programs No $2,500.00 Education Intergenerational $2,000.00 200 0 No Project DARE No $2,300.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Availability of ATOD Elementary School $1,300.00 78 2 No Red Ribbon Week No $500.00 Communications Availability of ATOD Community $485.00 125 4 No Project Graduation No $850.00 Communications High School $580.00 185 4 No Bridge Program No $1,600.00 Communications Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Middle School $11,600 Medford Township Activity/Program New Prog No $1,500.00 Education Newcombers Club No $500.00 Alternatives Teen Club No $3,250.00 Alternatives Public Education No $150.00 Education CHYPS No Freshmen ATOD Awareness Assemblies Self Esteem and Prevention Assemblies Alliance Coordinator/Chairperson No Target Population Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Elementary School Abuse School Tranistions Middle School 70 10 Yes $500.00 150 15 Yes Availability of ATOD Community $150.00 250 12 No $1,000.00 Early Intervention Family Management Problems Intergenerational $800.00 150 15 No $600.00 Communications Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Availability of ATOD High School $600.00 450 20 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Community $1,500.00 1 0 No Community $996.00 400 12 Yes Middle School $980.50 80 10 No High School $4,000.00 475 60 No Elementary School $1,000.00 40 5 Yes No $2,000.00 Education Parents Academy No $1,000.00 Education Peer Leadership Training Program No $2,000.00 Education Project Graduation No $4,000.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Peer Mediation Training No $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Intergenerational $20,000 New Prog Participants Volunteers Completed $1,500.00 High School $3,000.00 Education Activity/Program DEDR Expend Early First Use No Moorestown No $6,215 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Kids Academy $0.00 No $4,300.00 Education We Check 21 No $1,000.00 Education After School Homework Support Program No $2,000.00 Collaboration No $0.00 No $12,027 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor After School Drop In Program $0.00 Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Target Population Middle School Parent/Teacher/Coach Elementary School DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $3,440.00 112 4 No $96.00 22 1 No $1,600.00 51 1 No Summer Adventure Program No $1,000.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Middle School After School Alternative Activities No $2,200.00 Alternatives Early First Use Intergenerational Alliance Retreat Training No $500.00 Collaboration Project Graduation No $200.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Parent Connection No $1,600.00 Education Willow Tree Teen Institute No $4,000.00 Collaboration Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Publicity/Community Survey No $2,200.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Activity/Program Red Ribbon Week New Prog No $1,635.00 62 0 No Community $500.00 26 0 Yes High School $160.00 72 4 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,280.00 21 1 No Middle School $4,000.00 57 2 Yes Community $1,807.00 47 1 No $19,000 Mt. Laurel $0.00 $14,518 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend $500.00 Participants Volunteers Completed No $3,000.00 Education Early First Use Community Yes $1,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Middle School $0.00 No School Prevention Program No $5,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No Community Prevention Activity No $3,500.00 Collaboration Family Management Problems Community $0.00 No Safe Homes No $500.00 Collaboration Availability of ATOD Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 No Project Graduation No $2,500.00 Collaboration Availability of ATOD High School $2,500.00 112 4 Yes Yes $2,500.00 Education Economical/Social Deprivation Senior Citizens $1,800.00 34 1 No Sequoia Transitional Substance Abuse Prevention & Education At-Risk Homework/Life Skills Group No $2,000.00 Education Academic Failure Intergenerational $0.00 No No $2,500.00 Early Intervention Little Commitment to School Elementary School $0.00 No Community Outreach/Communication No $2,500.00 Education Economical/Social Deprivation Community Middle school Positive Promotions for Behavior Community At-Risk Mentoring No $1,500.00 Collaboration Middle School No $1,500.00 Collaboration Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Old Me, New Me Senior Citizen Seasonal Outreach Community $28,000 New Hanover/Wrightstown Activity/Program New Prog Cooking Club No Parent Resource Library No $1,860.00 Education 0 No $127.00 0 3 No $1,500.00 62 2 Yes $832.00 62 2 No $7,259 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $700.00 Alternatives 42 Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Target Population DEDR Expend Middle School $341.56 Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 47 16 No No Elementary School $500.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Community $0.00 No No $800.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $0.00 No After School Transportation No $3,185.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Middle School $0.00 No Putting Our Children First (Count On Me Kids) After School Sports No $600.00 Education Elementary School $0.00 No No $4,232.00 Education Family Bowling No $1,925.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Peer Proof No $900.00 Education Family Management Problems High School Homework Club No $6,395.00 Early Intervention Little Commitment to School Elementary School $5,250.00 Putting Our Children First (Caution Without Fear) Alliance Coordinator No $600.00 Communications Elementary School $0.00 No $1,250.00 Communications Putting Our Children First (Im Safe and Sure) Awareness Campaign No $600.00 Education No $500.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Blue Buddies No $690.00 Collaboration Medication Safety/Drug & Alcohol Interactions Forest Friends No Middle School Community Community Elementary School Community $24,737 North Hanover Activity/Program New Prog No $150.00 Education Alliance Training & Supplies No $630.00 Communications Natural Helpers No $2,350.00 Alternatives Seniors Promoting No $500.00 Education Mentoring No $1,250.00 Education Count On Me Kids Program/Character Edu Coordinator No $900.00 Education No $400.00 Communications Summer Youth Activities Program No $1,800.00 Alternatives Drug Prevention Assemblies No $700.00 Education Family Days Activities No $2,820.00 Alternatives $11,500 25 12 No $3,915.00 108 24 No $601.00 160 4 No $0.00 $1,250.00 No 100 36 No 2 0 $0.00 $400.00 No No No 340 13 No $11,863 Target Population DEDR Expend Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $150.00 1,150 5 Yes Community $630.00 26 0 Yes $2,350.00 50 14 Yes $500.00 200 9 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Little Commitment to School Community $1,250.00 25 6 Yes Community $900.00 4 1 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization School Tranistions Community $400.00 1 0 Yes Community $1,800.00 106 5 Yes $700.00 1,150 5 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community $2,820.00 103 6 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Red Ribbon Week $105.00 Intergenerational Elementary School Intergenerational $11,500 Participants Volunteers Completed Palmyra Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $4,000.00 1 0 Yes Community $200.00 1 0 No $2,000.00 Early Intervention Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems Middle School $163.00 35 4 No No $2,000.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $2,000.00 117 6 Yes Post Prom Activities No $3,000.00 Alternatives High School $3,000.00 217 4 Yes Education/Prevention Media Information Summer Recreation Program No $200.00 Education Intergenerational $23.96 1 0 No No $4,050.00 Alternatives Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Intergenerational $4,050.00 215 17 Yes Partners In Learning No $250.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems High School $0.00 No Parenting Workshop No $300.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 No Red Ribbon Week No $1,200.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community Part-Time Program Coordinator No $4,000.00 Communications Training for Alliance Members No $200.00 Communications Homework Club No Senior Citizens Program $17,200 Pemberton Borough Activity/Program Fall Festival Tree Lighting and Say No To Drugs Fishing Derby Neighborhood Arts Center Cultural Experiences Senior Citizens ATOD Awareness Program Community ATOD Awareness Programs After-School & Summer Prevention Activities New Prog 307 12 Yes $14,637 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Community $850.00 Community $0.00 Participants Volunteers Completed Yes $2,000.00 Communications Yes $1,500.00 Early Intervention Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Economical/Social Deprivation No $2,500.00 Alternatives Isolation and Loss Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,205.00 60 4 No No $1,500.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $1,500.00 60 4 Yes No $2,000.00 Alternatives Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Intergenerational $454.00 10 1 No $9,500 Pemberton Township $1,200.00 New Prog No No Parenting Program No $3,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Community Outreach No $1,550.00 Alternatives Awareness Campaign No Teen After School Program No Target Population DEDR Expend Parent/Teacher/Coach $507.00 400 3 No Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Community Abuse Family Management Problems Community $1,088.00 300 2 Yes $632.50 115 10 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents $2,263.00 40 2 No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $3,600.00 Alternatives 4 $5,009 Activity/Program $750.00 Communications 2,000 High School Participants Volunteers Completed Red Ribbon Week No $2,000.00 Communications Economical/Social Deprivation Community Safe & Sure No $3,600.00 Early Intervention Family Management Problems Elementary School $3,600.00 250 0 Yes Summer Youth Activities No $5,000.00 Alternatives Economical/Social Deprivation Elementary School $2,000.00 200 15 No Wellness Fair No $1,500.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Community $21,000 Challenge Day New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Yes $4,400.00 Education Recreation Activities No $10,000.00 Education Program Coordinator No $6,400.00 Communications Peer Leadership No $2,800.00 Education Team Mega Yes $5,000.00 Education Camp Holly No $6,000.00 Alternatives Target Population Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use High School Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Availability of ATOD Community High School Community Yes $1,600.00 Education DARE No $4,000.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Family Wellness Day No $2,800.00 Education Early First Use Yeagers Teens Activity/Program New Prog 5K Run From Drugs No $1,500.00 Communications CASA Summer Camp No $6,000.00 Education Community Awareness Day No $4,000.00 Communications DARE Program No $4,500.00 Education Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Alternatives Senior Citizens Awareness Day No $2,000.00 Education No DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed 1,500 30 No $10,000.00 530 9 Yes $6,400.00 2 0 Yes Elementary School $200.00 60 0 No Elementary School $4,592.00 1,120 10 Yes Intergenerational $6,000.00 60 2 Yes $800.00 26 2 Yes $2,651.00 700 8 Yes Intergenerational Elementary School $0.00 No $33,043 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $19,000 $0.00 $2,400.00 $43,000 Riverside/Delanco No $10,091 RCASA/Mt. Holly, Lumberton, Hainesport, Eastampton, Westampton Activity/Program $0.00 Target Population Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Isolation and Loss Community Elementary School Elementary School High School Senior Citizens DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $6,000.00 202 8 $0.00 $2,151.00 No 84 2 $0.00 $2,000.00 $10,151 No No No 47 1 No Shamong Activity/Program New Prog Take Care of Each Other-PT Two-Middle School With A Little Help From Our Friends Yes No After School Workshops-Elementary Senior Citizens Program DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Middle School $1,000.00 115 8 Yes $2,000.00 Early Intervention Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence School Tranistions Elementary School $2,000.00 74 13 Yes No $5,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use Elementary School $4,000.00 149 25 No No $1,000.00 Education Senior Citizens $1,000.00 48 3 Yes Yes $2,000.00 Education Middle School $2,000.00 76 14 No Elementary School $1,000.00 1,000 50 Yes $1,000.00 Education Take Care of Each Other-PT One Elementary Program Coordinator No $1,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Yes $2,800.00 Education Little Commitment to School Community $0.00 No Drug/Alcohol Awareness Literature Yes $250.00 Education Community $0.00 No No $2,000.00 Alternatives No $1,250.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Middle School $1,000.00 112 10 No Community $1,000.00 1,000 50 Yes Be One With Life-Include New Goals High School Message/Project Graduation Babes After School Workshops-Middle School Alliance Training/Red Ribbon Yes No $1,000.00 Alternatives $1,000.00 Education High School Elementary School $20,300 Southampton Activity/Program New Prog $2,000.00 75 12 $0.00 Yes No $15,000 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Community $0.00 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 No High School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Community $1,000.00 72 4 No $2,500.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Intergenerational $1,500.00 140 10 No No $1,500.00 Alternatives Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No Summer Programs - Forest Friends No $1,200.00 Education School Tranistions Elementary School $0.00 No Teen Activity Nights No $2,300.00 Alternatives School Tranistions High School $0.00 No Health Fair At Leisuretown No $500.00 Education Family Management Problems Senior Citizens $0.00 No Newsletter No $800.00 Communications Family Parent Classes No $600.00 Education Prom/Graduation Night No $1,100.00 Education Public Relations Information No $800.00 Education Southampton Community Day No $2,000.00 Alternatives Summer Activities Program No After School Program Volunteer Recognition Event No $700.00 Enforcement Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community $14,000 Springfield Activity/Program New Prog Yes $2,300.00 Education Community Awareness and Supplies Yes $2,000.00 Education Red Ribbon Week Yes $2,500.00 Education Safe and Drug Free Community Alternatives Post Prom Get Together Yes $1,500.00 Education Yes $1,500.00 Education No $3,000.00 Education Peer Connections Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Target Population Activity/Program New Prog No Bullying No Leadership Training No $240.00 Education High Adventure Camp No $2,800.00 Alternatives Yes $560.00 Education TMA Training & Supplies $320.00 Education $1,280.00 Collaboration Red Ribbon Week No $2,360.00 Communications Mirror - Mirror No ATOD Prevention Program No TWA/TMA Event No Project Graduation No $2,400.00 Alternatives Ambassadors No $880.00 Alternatives $800.00 Early Intervention $1,800.00 Education $640.00 Communications 1 0 Yes Community $2,000.00 62 2 Yes Community $2,500.00 650 0 Yes Community $1,500.00 42 4 Yes High School $1,500.00 210 15 Yes Community $3,000.00 27 1 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Physical and Mental Disabilities Target Population DEDR Expend Middle School $320.00 37 2 No Intergenerational $1,275.00 114 1 No Intergenerational $240.00 32 2 No Middle School Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No Community $560.00 24 2 No Community $236.00 412 8 No Middle School $490.00 36 5 No $1,800.00 1,091 4 No High School Community $0.00 No High School $0.00 No Intergenerational $0.00 No $14,080 Washington Participants Volunteers Completed $2,300.00 $12,800 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Man In Demand DEDR Expend Community $12,800 Tabernacle No $2,500 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Program Coordinator $0.00 $4,921 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $800.00 Early Intervention Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $0.00 No No $400.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No Poster Contest No $100.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $100.00 32 2 Yes Program Coordinator No $900.00 Education Community $900.00 1 0 Yes Community Awareness Activities No $1,500.00 Collaboration Community $1,378.00 50 3 Yes Yes $300.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $100.00 33 1 No $400.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $386.00 27 1 Yes Community Activity Night No Senior Citizens Needs Assessment No Just Say No Character Assembly Alliance Run Clubs DARE Program No $1,000.00 Alternatives $5,400 Willingboro Activity/Program New Prog $33.00 31 2 No $2,897 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Drug & Alcohol Prevention Activity No $3,000.00 Communications Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 No AFRI - Remale Academy No $6,000.00 Education High School $0.00 No Helping Hand Newsletter No $1,000.00 Communications Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 No Peer Leadership No $3,000.00 Education School Tranistions Intergenerational $0.00 No $13,000 Coordination Activity/Program Coordination New Prog No $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $75,000.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Target Population Community $75,000 MA Training and Workshops Activity/Program MA Training and Workshops New Prog No Early First Use Target Population Community $5,789 Countywide Activities Activity/Program New Prog Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $5,789.06 Education DEDR Expend DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Annual Red Ribbon Week Yes $1,500.00 Communications Early First Use Community $0.00 No Burlington Vo. Annual Farm Fair Yes $1,500.00 Communications Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 No Community $0.00 No $2,000.00 Communications Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Community $0.00 No Yes $2,500.00 Communications Early First Use Community $0.00 No Yes $2,000.00 Communications Early First Use Community $0.00 No Alliance Volunteer Awards & Reg. Event Countywide Activities Yes $2,500.00 Communications Early First Use Community $0.00 No $5,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $0.00 No Annual Co. Drug and Alcohol Resource Fair Yes $3,757.00 Communications Early First Use Community $0.00 No First Night Mt. Holly Yes $3,000.00 Communications Supplies Yes Alliance Trng & Tech Assist Workshops Alliance Promotion & Publicity No $23,757 $0 CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Camden Audubon, Audubon Park, Emphraim Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $4,087.00 691 110 No $1,500.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use High School $1,500.00 130 30 No No $1,275.00 Education Early First Use High School $425.00 108 106 No Yes $500.00 Education Academic Failure Community $500.00 3 0 No No $2,876.00 Alternatives Early First Use Middle School $1,876.00 273 21 No No $500.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $500.00 28 3 No Prehistoric Pals Yes $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,000.00 0 0 No Peer Facilitators No $4,200.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,700.00 897 114 No DARE No $2,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 1,047 30 No Early Intervention Activity No Family Management Problems Middle School $500.00 433 3 No Municipal Alliance Coordinator No $2,000.00 Communications Community $600.00 424 4 No Intergenerational Group No $1,000.00 Alternatives Senior Citizens $300.00 486 141 No Mini Bridge No $2,225.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use High School $725.00 192 43 No Support services No $3,000.00 Early Intervention Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Middle School $2,250.00 161 8 No Core Team Support Group No $4,500.00 Early Intervention Project Graduation No High School Visitation Education For Muniicpal Alliance Coordinator Recreation Center Family Education Night $500.00 Early Intervention $27,076 Barrington Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Project Prom No $1,000.00 Alternatives School Programs No $1,000.00 Alternatives Homework Planners No $1,000.00 Alternatives DARE No $495.00 Alternatives Harvest Festival Yes $15,963 $2,755.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed High School $0.00 240 27 No Community $0.00 600 8 Yes $1,000.00 535 4 Yes $0.00 65 10 Yes $1,380.00 10,000 24 Yes Middle School Elementary School Community Community Activities No $1,975.00 Alternatives Red Ribbon Week No $2,750.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems Community Middle School $10,975 Bellmawr New Prog National Night Out No $1,000.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Community Motivational Media No $1,800.00 Education Youth Leadership No $1,000.00 Alternatives $1,000.00 Communications Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Availability of ATOD Yes 62 4 Yes $0.00 165 10 No $4,355 Activity/Program Student Connection $1,975.00 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 800 20 No Middle School $263.00 700 11 No Community $473.00 235 9 No Community $757.00 1,663 6 No $598.00 635 20 No $0.00 50 5 No Community $375.00 2,500 8 No Project for Graduation No $1,500.00 Education Availability of ATOD High School Drug Alcohol Free Poster Contest and Trip Internet Home Page No $1,000.00 Education Middle School No $1,000.00 Communications Alliance Members Training No $1,000.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Community $598.00 11 2 No Law Enforcement cadet No $1,000.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 35 5 No Yes $1,743.00 Education Elementary School $0.00 No $3,200.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Elementary School $993.00 Red Ribbon Week DARE $15,243 BerlinTownship Activity/Program New Prog No 1,125 11 No $4,057 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems Community $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Senior Citizens $0.00 No $2,000.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Middle School $0.00 No $2,250.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $0.00 No Early First Use Community $0.00 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Middle School $0.00 No Family Crisis Intervention No $1,000.00 Collaboration Great Adventure No $700.00 Collaboration Community Awareness No $800.00 Education DARE 7th Grade No Elementary Puppet Programs No Peer Mediation No DARE No $446.00 Collaboration $1,735.00 Education $8,931 $0 Brooklawn Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Substance Abuse Workshops No $2,700.00 Education Availability of ATOD Elementary School $1,410.00 50 2 No DARE No $2,150.00 Education Availability of ATOD Elementary School $0.00 50 2 No Summer Programs No $1,000.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 250 5 No Brooklawn Community Variety Show No $1,000.00 Education Community $0.00 75 5 No After School and Homework Club No $1,000.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Academic Failure High School $0.00 125 3 No $7,850 Camden Activity/Program New Prog $1,410 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Life Skills and Parenting No $15,490.00 Early Intervention Mentoring No $15,490.00 Education Academic Follow Through Services No $15,491.00 Education Anti-Drug Awareness Campaign No $15,490.00 Early Intervention Target Population Activity/Program Personal; Fringe Benefits Parent.Community Education Series New Prog Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 200 4 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $956.00 100 12 No $1,527.00 250 10 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $773.00 200 5 No High School DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Academic Failure Community $1,874.00 1 0 No No $4,500.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $3,600.00 100 4 No $2,000.00 Communications Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Community $1,272.00 400 25 No $0.00 925 70 No Community $1,360.00 3 3 No Elementary School $7,204.00 8,000 1 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Availability of ATOD Middle School $1,676.00 8,000 5 No Community $300.00 500 5 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Community $1,394.00 500 2 No Community $750.00 235 3 No Project Graduation No Yes No No $6,000.00 Alternatives $1,500.00 Education $16,000.00 Early Intervention $8,450.00 Alternatives Awareness of the Cherry Hill Alliance Yes $1,300.00 Collaboration Promotional Items Yes $4,500.00 Education No $750.00 Education Special Needs Conference Target Population $6,768.00 Education Yes Red Ribbon Campaign $3,256 Yes National Night Out Professional Education for Alliance Board Members Red Ribbon Assemblies Participants Volunteers Completed Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Academic Failure $61,961 Cherry Hill DEDR Expend High School Teen Events Cinematic Reflections March Madness Basketball Poster & Essey Contest Yes No Yes No $2,000.00 Alternatives $500.00 Communications $1,500.00 Alternatives $500.00 Early Intervention Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Physical and Mental Disabilities Community $1,448.00 400 5 No Community $97.00 100 2 No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $701.00 235 3 No Middle School $498.00 270 3 No $56,268 Chesilhurst Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Summer Drug Awareness No $1,865.00 Education DARE No $500.00 Education Yes $1,500.00 Education Workshops on Health and Nutrition No $1,000.00 Education Speakers & Workshops No $1,300.00 Education Say Yes To Life Banquet for Seniors $22,174 Target Population Activity/Program New Prog Middle School $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Parent/Teacher/Coach Community No $1,100.00 Alternatives TATU No $500.00 Education Community Teen Group No Senior Citizen Prom No Student Job School Yes $500.00 Alternatives Bike Share Program Yes $1,000.00 Collaboration $1,500.00 175 30 $0.00 $1,300.00 No No 175 23 No $2,800 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Fifth Quarter Participants Volunteers Completed Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use $6,165 Collingswood DEDR Expend Target Population Availability of ATOD Community Early First Use Elementary School $2,500.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Community $1,500.00 Education Health Problems DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 425 3 No $100.00 44 4 No $1,890.00 70 6 No Senior Citizens $475.00 175 4 No Community $166.00 30 2 No Community $0.00 25 6 No Community $315.00 22 2 No Bowling Against Tobacco No $1,500.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Availability of ATOD Project Graduation No $2,500.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School $0.00 160 5 No High School Dances No $1,700.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School $1,700.00 500 4 No Toddler Playgroup No $1,500.00 Education Community $300.00 17 1 No Drug Education for Parents No $425.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $425.00 50 4 No Senior Citizens Program No $1,800.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Senior Citizens $0.00 No $16,525 Clementon Activity/Program New Prog $5,371 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No Science/Forensic Workshop No $1,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD Middle School Alliance Holiday Parades No $1,000.00 Education Community $783.00 550 18 No Clementon Day No $1,200.00 Alternatives Community $429.00 130 50 No Alliance Family Fun Days No $1,600.00 Alternatives $0.00 326 15 No Drugs, Bullies and Gangs Yes Middle School $382.00 75 4 No Elementary School $664.00 65 4 No 75 5 No DARE No $1,100.00 Early Intervention Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Summer Concerts No $1,000.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Community $500.00 Senior Luncheon Yes $1,000.00 Education $0.00 Student Dances No $846.00 Alternatives Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Community Abuse Availability of ATOD Community Yes $500.00 Alternatives Wii Healthy Bodies Tournament $1,000.00 Education Parent/Teacher/Coach Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Community Abuse $10,246 Gloucester City Activity/Program New Prog Yes $3,233.00 Early Intervention Yes $1,404.00 Communications Municipal Alliance Coordinator Yes $2,206.00 Early Intervention Strengthening Families For Life Yes $3,233.00 Collaboration Teen Resiliency and Leadership Program Alternative Cultural Arts Activites Yes $2,565.00 Early Intervention No $2,500.00 Early Intervention Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Target Population Activity/Program New Prog No $6,233.00 Collaboration Tutor Mentoring Program No $4,000.00 Education $0.00 No No DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $3,230.00 200 4 No Community $0.00 450 4 No Community $2,100.00 1 0 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $100.00 50 2 Yes Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Parent/Teacher/Coach Abuse Isolation and Loss Elementary School $839.00 750 6 No $500.00 75 5 No $6,769 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Alliance Coordinator 6 Community $15,141 Gloucester Twp` 50 $3,408 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor PAL Summer lcohol and Drug prevention Activities Community Education and Awareness $650.00 No Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Academic Failure Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $3,117.00 1 1 No Middle School $3,743.00 142 33 No Skill and Confidence Booster No $4,000.00 Early Intervention Family Management Problems Middle School $2,775.00 92 1 No DWI Simulator Program No $2,000.00 Education High School $5,325.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use $0.00 500 5 No Middle School $925.00 84 1 No Middle School $1,089.00 60 1 No Elementary School $3,507.00 1,200 15 No $4,000.00 Alternatives School Tranistions Middle School $1,095.00 180 5 No $7,600.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 50 5 No $4,000.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $2,280.00 184 1 No My Place-CW Lewis School Yes $4,813.00 Alternatives My Place-Mullin Connection Yes $4,813.00 Alternatives DARE Girls in Action (GIA Transition) School Parenting Network Men of Distinction Ann A. Mullen School No Yes No Yes $46,784 haddonfield Activity/Program New Prog $18,531 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend $50.00 59 15 No 50 5 No Participants Volunteers Completed Adult School 101 No $1,750.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach Youth Congress No $2,226.00 Education High School $0.00 Commerical Production No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 Middle School Peer Influence Programs DARE No $3,000.00 Education Middle School $0.00 725 10 Yes No $3,000.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Elementary School $2,500.00 425 6 No Elementary School $0.00 365 6 No High School $120.00 976 12 No High School $500.00 570 36 No Community $443.00 200 5 No Poster Campaign Yes $750.00 Early Intervention $500.00 Communications High School Peer Influence Programs No $500.00 Education Students Wellness Day No $2,000.00 Alternatives Promote Safe Home Pledge Yes $500.00 Collaboration $14,226 Haddon Twp Activity/Program DARE Car Show New Prog No $3,613 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Yes $1,890.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 200 5 No DARE Convention No $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $830.00 9 8 No ATOD Intervention Program No $5,500.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Community $5,500.00 20 2 No $1,525.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,328.00 336 9 Yes DARE Bowling Yes DARE Graduation Yes $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $0.00 125 10 No Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD High School $0.00 125 3 No Alcohol Awareness Program Yes $398.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $0.00 250 1 No ATOD Bully Program Yes $1,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD Elementary School $0.00 141 4 No Dare Dance Yes $500.00 Education Health Problems Middle School $251.00 150 5 No $13,813 Lawnside Activity/Program Lawnside Drug Free Fun Day New Prog Yes Teen Dances No DARE No $7,909 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $3,587.00 Communications $500.00 Alternatives $4,000.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Target Population Community High School Elementary School $8,087 Lindenwold Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $2,021.00 200 10 No $500.00 200 30 No $2,021.00 100 10 No $4,542 Target Population DEDR Expend Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Academic Failure Elementary School $244.00 120 2 No $0.00 40 2 No $1,000.00 160 2 No High School $0.00 120 6 No Community $0.00 50 4 No High School $0.00 75 10 No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Participants Volunteers Completed Bike Safety Campaign No $264.00 Education Senior Citizen Prom No $500.00 Collaboration Adopt-A-Cop No Project Prom No $500.00 Alternatives Town Watch No $500.00 Collaboration Project Graduation No $500.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Academic Failure Parent and Police Together (P.A.P.T.) No $500.00 Early Intervention Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 15 2 No Summer Recreation Program No $11,000.00 Alternatives Middle School $0.00 120 8 No DARE No $2,500.00 Education $2,150.00 160 2 No Senior Citizens Luncheon No Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization $0.00 45 2 No $1,000.00 Education $500.00 Alternatives Senior Citizens Elementary School Elementary School Senior Citizens $17,764 Magnolia Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $3,394 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed After School Tutoring Program $1,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use Middle School Yes $1,000.00 Education Community Parenting Program No $100.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems DARE No Family Management Problems Elementary School $1,709.00 60 4 No Self Esteem Program No Elementary School $0.00 30 3 No Summer Recreation Program No $2,526.00 Alternatives Community $0.00 40 6 No Senior Citizen Program No $100.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems $100.00 75 6 No Community Education Programming No $4,000.00 Collaboration $600.00 Early Intervention Parent/Teacher/Coach Senior Citizens $9,326 Merchantville Activity/Program New Prog $1,000.00 20 2 No $676.00 200 8 No $0.00 No $3,485 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend $434.00 40 4 No 8 No Participants Volunteers Completed DARE No $3,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD Elementary School DARE Parenting Program No $1,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 300 Substance Awareness Coordinator No $500.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 1 No Red Ribbon Week Yes $250.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Elementary School $0.00 250 5 No National Night Out Yes $463.00 Alternatives Community $0.00 300 2 No Summer Enrichment Program Yes $3,500.00 Alternatives Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Elementary School $0.00 40 4 No $8,713 Oaklyn Activity/Program New Prog $434 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Community $600.00 50 4 No Community $144.00 125 3 No Participants Volunteers Completed ATOD Awareness Program No $355.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Availability of ATOD Red Ribbon No $350.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Middle School $284.00 500 6 No Alternaitve to Drugs Avtivity/Gym Night DARE No $900.00 Alternatives Middle School $813.00 80 8 No No $980.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Availability of ATOD Elementary School $0.00 45 3 No Yes $800.00 Alternatives Community $0.00 50 4 No Training and Assemblies Programs No $3,910.00 Alternatives Elementary School $2,630.00 300 4 No Summer Recreation Program No $700.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Elementary School $0.00 120 4 No Drug Free Awareness Retreat Dances Yes $600.00 Alternatives Project Graduation No $400.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School $8,995 Pennsauken Activity/Program Pathfinder New Prog Yes 75 5 No $4,471 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $500.00 Collaboration $0.00 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed School Tranistions High School $0.00 55 2 No Project Graduation No $5,000.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School $0.00 393 33 No Community Based Prevention Programs Library No $2,178.00 Collaboration Family Management Problems Community $0.00 500 4 No No $1,500.00 Collaboration Community $0.00 500 30 No Town Watch No $1,000.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 500 10 No Community $0.00 300 50 No Elementary School $0.00 Availability of ATOD Middle School Planting Seeds of Hope Yes $3,100.00 Collaboration Stop Bullying Now Yes $1,250.00 Collaboration PASA Training & Activities No $1,500.00 Education Respect No $1,400.00 Communications Red Ribbon Week Yes $1,100.00 Education Renaissance Program Yes $6,000.00 Collaboration GALS "Girls Achieving Lifelong Success" Mock Car Crash Yes $3,000.00 Collaboration Yes $500.00 Collaboration You Can Choose Yes $1,500.00 Education Community $1,500.00 6 2 No $205.00 48 5 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 2,400 30 No High School $0.00 700 3 No Elementary School $0.00 55 6 No High School $0.00 450 25 No $106.00 52 5 No Elementary School $29,528 Pine Hill Activity/Program New Prog No $1,811 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Community $250.00 100 10 No $3,140.00 140 5 No Participants Volunteers Completed DARE No $3,500.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Project Graduation No $3,000.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School $800.00 145 5 No National Night Out Yes $1,000.00 Communications Community $325.00 200 40 No Senior Luncheon Yes $1,200.00 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Senior Citizens $895.00 100 10 No Senior Citizens $362.00 300 30 No Movie Night Community Wellness Yes No $1,000.00 Communications $1,261.00 Education Elementary School Youth Leadership Yes $800.00 Education Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD High School $11,761 Runnemede Activity/Program New Prog No $500.00 Education Hawks Club No $1,000.00 Alternatives After School Activities No $2,350.00 Alternatives Peer Mediation No Mother-Daughter Night 4 4 No $6,167 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Training for Alliance Members $395.00 Target Population Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Community Abuse Isolation and Loss Middle School DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $401.00 2 1 No $1,000.00 160 5 No $0.00 200 5 No $299.00 200 3 No Elementary School $400.00 Education Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Early First Use No $150.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 90 1 No Red Ribbon Campaign No $1,077.00 Education Early First Use Community $0.00 100 4 No Family Day No $418.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $0.00 120 3 No ATOD Assemblies No $1,000.00 Education Isolation and Loss Middle School $0.00 400 4 No Family Oriented Outing No $1,600.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Community $571.00 150 6 No DARE No $2,880.00 Education Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Middle School Abuse $591.00 120 2 No Middle School $11,375 $2,862 Strafford, Laurel Springs, HiNella, Somererdale Activity/Program Community Outreach Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed No $1,193.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $1,000.00 40 8 No Peer Support Expansion Yes $6,000.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $2,678.00 96 1 No Targeted Elementary Prevention Yes $5,000.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Elementary School $5,000.00 171 12 No $2,000.00 Alternatives High School $2,000.00 180 15 No Community $500.00 2 1 No Community $1,100.00 175 8 No Supplies/Promotion No $1,170.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use DARE No $1,875.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,792.00 169 25 No Yes $8,140.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $2,600.00 33 9 No Printing/Postage No $350.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $300.00 1 1 No Red Ribbon Month No $5,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $2,925.00 2,000 63 No Project Graduation Administrative Assistant Peer Support Program No Yes $500.00 Early Intervention Program Monitor Yes $2,500.00 Collaboration Availability of ATOD Community $33,728 Voorhees, Berlin Boro, Gibbsboroc Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population No $2,690.00 Education Family Management Problems Community DARE Voorhess No $5,365.00 Education Early First Use Peer Leadership No $2,875.00 Alternatives Interactive Program No $2,925.00 Education Student Wellness Assembly No $1,565.00 Early Intervention Project Graduation No $3,525.00 Alternatives Yes $1,500.00 Alternatives Parental Involvement Program No $970.00 Education After School at Risk No Alternative Behavior Management/Peer Mediation DARE TAG Activity/Program 1 No DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 600 2 No Elementary School $4,477.00 450 2 No Economical/Social Deprivation High School $2,875.00 600 2 No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Availability of ATOD Middle School $0.00 1,300 1 No Middle School $1,067.00 600 2 No $0.00 600 50 No Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Elementary School $598.00 200 10 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $670.00 60 10 No $4,620.00 Education Academic Failure Middle School $0.00 800 2 No $1,695.00 Early Intervention Availability of ATOD Elementary School $0.00 475 6 No No $4,865.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,772.00 675 2 No No $5,495.00 Collaboration Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Middle School $2,265.00 20 2 No Yes High School $38,090 Waterford 1 $21,895 Berlin Family Management The Spot Teen Center $2,000.00 New Prog $14,724 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Transitional MS Program No $1,956.00 Early Intervention School Tranistions Middle School DARE No $2,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Community Education & Awareness No $2,626.00 Education Family Management Problems Community Senior Awareness/Outreach Program No $900.00 Education Family Management Problems Senior Citizens Adopt-a-Cop No $1,000.00 Education Summer Recreation Program No $3,294.00 Education ATOD Free Dances No $2,400.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization $14,176 DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,956.00 2,780 80 No $0.00 1,000 45 No $1,033.00 151 6 No $529.07 110 10 No Elementary School $1,000.00 900 36 No Elementary School $3,294.00 400 11 No Middle School $1,800.00 780 90 No $9,612 Winslow Activity/Program Senior Citizen Prescription Drug Workshop National Night Out New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend $350.00 78 15 No Participants Volunteers Completed Yes $1,500.00 Education Health Problems Senior Citizens Yes $1,057.00 Alternatives Community $1,000.00 300 10 No The Music Connection No $7,731.00 Alternatives Community $5,427.00 10 2 No Community Policing Empowerment No $1,057.00 Alternatives Community $0.00 300 15 No Drug Prevention and other At Risk Behaviors Rally/Workshop Health Fair No $1,000.00 Alternatives Community $400.00 246 6 No No $1,057.00 Alternatives Community $0.00 200 10 No Winslow Township Recreation Department DARE Yes $2,000.00 Alternatives Community $0.00 6 No $1,735.00 Education Elementary School $1,564.00 500 4 No Parenting Workshop Yes $2,000.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family Management Problems Community $2,000.00 14 8 No Drug Prevention Education for Alliance Members Project Graduation Yes $2,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 2 Yes $2,000.00 Collaboration Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents High School $0.00 200 $23,137 Woodlynne Activity/Program New Prog Parenting Program No $500.00 Education Operation Sunrise 5th - 8th grade Yes $1,337.00 Education Operation Sunrise 1st - 4th grade No $1,337.00 Education Senior Citizen Program No $850.00 Education Project Graduation No $400.00 Alternatives Teens Dances No $510.00 Alternatives Family Night No $550.00 Alternatives Youth Congress Yes Youth Week Program No $800.00 Alternatives Puppet Shows No $500.00 Education $7,784 No 20 No $10,741 Target Population DEDR Expend Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $500.00 250 16 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Availability of ATOD Middle School $1,337.00 50 4 No Elementary School $1,337.00 30 4 No Senior Citizens $715.67 75 9 No High School $400.00 60 8 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Middle School $241.67 215 14 No Community $550.00 120 12 No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use High School $1,000.00 23 3 No High School $0.00 70 17 No $500.00 57 6 No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,000.00 Education No Elementary School $6,581 Participants Volunteers Completed Haddon Heights Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed High School $0.00 $1,000.00 Early Intervention Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No $3,000.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Elementary School $2,328.00 400 12 No Open Gym No $2,300.00 Alternatives High School $2,300.00 200 8 No Project Prom No $2,500.00 Alternatives High School $2,500.00 150 15 No Student Planners No $1,174.00 Early Intervention Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Middle School $1,174.00 2,400 2 No Peer Mentoring No $1,600.00 Early Intervention Yes DARE Early Childhood Prevention $11,574 Countywide Training Activity/Program Countywide Training New Prog No Early First Use Target Population DEDR Expend Community $701.00 $27,564 Coordination Activity/Program coordination New Prog No $63,844 No No Participants Volunteers Completed 1 1 No $701 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $63,843.93 Collaboration 4 $8,302 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $27,563.93 Education 180 Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Target Population Community DEDR Expend $19,441.00 $19,441 Participants Volunteers Completed 1 0 No CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Cape May Dennis Township New Prog Target Population DEDR Expend Community $639.92 400 5 Yes Community $236.24 45 1 Yes $1,875.00 41 6 Yes $900.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Early First Use High School $900.00 600 50 Yes Yes $190.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $125.36 24 1 Yes Senior Seminars No $700.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $601.68 60 4 Yes Mentoring Program No $400.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $313.54 17 9 Yes Middle School $666.50 62 15 Yes Elementary School $548.52 56 3 Yes Activity/Program DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Community Education/Awareness Yes $750.00 Education MAC Coordination Yes $400.00 Collaboration Peer Leadership Program No After Prom No Banana Splits $1,875.00 Education Middle School Participants Volunteers Completed Town Recreation Program Yes $750.00 Alternatives Drug Free Healthy Me Yes $550.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use $485.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Community $344.08 145 4 Yes $500.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $282.00 12 0 Yes Dennis Twp Family Initiative Training No Yes $7,500 Lower Cape Activity/Program Art of Vitality Family Outreach New Prog No Yes $6,533 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $2,000.00 Alternatives Economical/Social Deprivation Senior Citizens $2,000.00 83 0 Yes $2,300.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $2,100.00 398 0 Yes Youth Arts Program No $6,000.00 Alternatives Economical/Social Deprivation Middle School $6,000.00 355 29 Yes Mentor Program No $7,997.00 Early Intervention Academic Failure Middle School $7,614.72 312 88 Yes Summer/Winter Basketball League No $1,200.00 Alternatives Early First Use Community $1,200.00 400 11 Yes Peer Leadership No $2,500.00 Education Middle School $782.10 100 4 Yes Parenting Workshops No $1,500.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family Management Problems Community $477.90 81 0 Yes After Prom No $2,950.00 Alternatives Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents High School $2,950.00 784 144 Yes Reel Kids No National Night Out No $1,575.00 Alternatives DARE No Community Education/Awareness Summer Art $0.00 Early Intervention Academic Failure Elementary School Community $1,575.00 2,000 40 Yes $1,000.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Academic Failure Elementary School $1,000.00 283 0 Yes Yes $2,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $600.00 1,862 20 Yes No $2,475.00 Education Academic Failure High School $2,475.00 190 4 Yes $33,497 Middle Township Activity/Program New Prog Yes $2,500.00 Education Community Education/Awareness Yes $1,375.00 Communications Camp Unity Yes $1,062.00 Alternatives MS Peer Leadership Yes $1,675.00 Education MAC Coordination No $2,062.00 Education After Prom No $3,437.00 Alternatives Family Youth Activities No $1,138.00 Alternatives National Night Out Yes $500.00 Communications Target Population Activity/Program New Prog No $1,200.00 Education Mentor Program No New Years Eve in paris No $1,875.00 Alternatives Elementary Camp Fire USA No $1,500.00 Education Post Prom No $1,500.00 Alternatives Coordination No DARE No $500.00 Early Intervention $900.00 Communications $25.00 Education $7,500 Participants Volunteers Completed Elementary School $2,500.00 183 5 Yes Community $1,373.21 5,676 13 Yes Elementary School $1,062.00 80 0 Yes Middle School $1,469.65 100 6 Yes Community $2,062.00 16 15 Yes High School $3,437.00 612 47 Yes Community $825.09 25 1 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $500.00 2,000 20 Yes $13,229 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor ATOD 101 DEDR Expend Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family Management Problems $13,749 Sea Isle City No $28,775 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor DARE $0.00 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Middle School $1,200.00 28 1 Yes Middle School $497.84 24 29 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Community $1,838.86 260 15 Yes Elementary School $1,500.00 74 1 Yes High School $1,500.00 1,023 172 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Community $900.00 3 0 Yes Elementary School $0.00 $7,437 No Greater Wildwood (No. Wildwood, Wildwood Crest, West Wildwood, Wildwood) Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Isolation and Loss High School $2,194.89 318 7 Yes Senior Citizens $3,290.00 209 44 Yes Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $441.21 38 5 Yes $1,200.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,194.60 829 15 Yes Yes $2,000.00 Education Community $784.42 50 0 Yes All-Star Peer Program No $3,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use High School $2,936.54 712 22 Yes Forest Friends No $1,500.00 Education Early First Use Community $1,500.00 68 3 Yes $2,207.00 Collaboration Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community $2,164.22 2,680 14 Yes High School $2,400.00 444 102 Yes Community $3,505.00 3 36 Yes Community $1,000.00 180 71 Yes WCHS/ST Peer Leadership No $2,600.00 Education Senior Seminars No $3,360.00 Education PALS No $600.00 Education DARE No Training Community Education and Awareness Yes Wildwood Catholic HS After Prom No $2,400.00 Alternatives Alliance Coordination No $3,505.00 Communications Mentor Buddy Program No $1,000.00 Education $23,372 Upper Township/Ocean City Activity/Program Underage Drinking and Driving Prevention SCAT Prevention New Prog $21,411 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed No $935.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Better Things Series No $950.00 Education Early First Use Middle School Red Ribbon Week No Community $2,016.42 2,400 20 Yes Community $1,000.00 490 4 Yes Elementary School $238.69 66 5 Yes $800.00 180 5 Yes Yes $1,500.00 Communications High School $1,456.50 750 9 Yes High School $860.50 357 17 Yes $950.00 650 50 Yes Intergenerational Club No $365.00 Early Intervention Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Self Esteem Workshop No $800.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Middle School Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $4,125.00 8,635 164 Yes Community $2,455.00 1,025 52 Yes $173.41 6 5 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use High School $3,000.00 750 60 Yes Community Education and Awareness OC Community Prevention Initiative Yes $2,400.00 Collaboration $1,000.00 Communications Yes $4,125.00 Alternatives No $2,473.65 Alternatives Faith-Based Initiative Yes $500.00 Education After Prom Party Yes $3,000.00 Education Family Youth Activities Middle School Peer to Peer MS No Intramurals No $1,300.00 Education $750.00 Alternatives Coordination Yes $4,320.35 Communications SADD Yes $1,300.00 Education No $1,750.00 Education 5th Grade ATOD Early First Use Middle School Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use High School Community $4,120.35 95 47 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use High School $1,300.00 165 12 No Elementary School $1,632.24 325 6 Yes $27,469 Woodbine Activity/Program New Prog $1,130.15 218 7 $0.00 Yes No $25,258 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Sea Life No $760.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $760.00 52 4 Yes Training for MAC No $150.00 Education Community $150.00 2 2 Yes Youth Group No $1,025.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Middle School $176.96 30 11 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Academic Failure Elementary School $775.00 350 5 Yes Community $421.63 30 6 Yes Community $756.51 4 0 Yes $1,534.00 10 0 Yes School Based Drug/Alcohol Initiative Yes $1,200.00 Education Senior Wellness No $750.00 Education MAC Coordination No $1,100.00 Education After School Enrichment Program No $2,015.00 Education Elementary School $7,000 Countywide Project Activity/Program We Check for 21 Countywide Alliance Training New Prog Yes No $4,574 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Activity/Program Coordination New Prog No Participants Volunteers Completed $5,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $4,893.52 251 7 Yes $3,223.00 Communications Early First Use Community $2,424.60 8 0 Yes $8,223 County Coordination DEDR Expend $7,318 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $45,000.00 Education $45,000 Early First Use Target Population Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Cumberland Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevetnion (ASAP) Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $3,450.00 800 25 Yes $4,000.00 Education Intergenerational $3,020.00 300 40 No $1,200.00 Education Early First Use Community $0.00 400 10 No $2,100.00 Collaboration Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Elementary School $2,055.00 605 45 No Elementary School $750.00 346 36 No Elementary School $2,100.00 1,050 40 No Elementary School $1,575.00 898 24 No Community $1,350.00 1,055 32 Yes Elementary School $114.00 0 14 Yes Elementary School $1,916.00 736 40 No Elementary School $3,170.00 483 88 No Intergenerational $2,760.00 321 96 No Community $1,500.00 2,450 58 No $6,500.00 Early Intervention Art Expression Assemblies No Yes No Creative & Dramatic Arts means Prevention Motivational Assemblies Yes Afer School Program Yes $2,500.00 Alternatives Sports Against Drugs No $4,100.00 Alternatives SCAMP Honey Bear Presentation Peer Leadership No Yes No Yes $2,000.00 Alternatives $2,100.00 Collaboration $1,700.00 Early Intervention $2,500.00 Education $4,500.00 Early Intervention Dialogue Nights/Conflict Resolution No $4,300.00 Education Fatal Vision No $1,500.00 Education $39,000 Bridgeton Activity/Program New Prog Participants Volunteers Completed Elementary School No Gang and ATOD Prevention DEDR Expend Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Family Management Problems Student Assistance Coordination LST Target Population $23,760 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Building Blocks for a Healthy Future Yes $8,939.60 Early Intervention Fast FunScapes Yes $10,517.76 Alternatives Fast Family & Schoool Together Yes $10,000.25 Education Community "A" PACY Fun Scapes No $5,975.77 Alternatives Heart of Prevention No $5,406.62 Education $40,840 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Family Management Problems Community $7,923.77 2,050 110 No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community $2,625.62 985 27 No Community $5,662.87 872 60 No Intergenerational $2,625.62 2,485 171 No $699.61 3,500 51 No Community $19,537 Commerical Twp. Activity/Program Family Fun Activities New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed No $2,000.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Community $0.00 175 25 No Peer Leadership Yes $1,000.00 Alternatives Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 100 10 No Drug Free Sports Yes $2,000.00 Alternatives Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community $0.00 410 55 No $5,000 Lawrence/Downe Twp. Activity/Program New Prog $0 Target Population DEDR Expend Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization School Tranistions Middle School $150.00 132 6 No $1,847.00 86 16 Yes $0.00 0 0 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Middle School $2,384.00 258 48 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor AOD Prevention at School Yes $2,384.00 Education Recreational Activities Yes $2,384.00 Alternatives Substance Free & Self Awareness Assemblies After School Sports Yes $2,384.00 Collaboration Yes $2,385.00 Alternatives Elementary School Community $9,537 Maurice River Twp. Activity/Program New Prog $4,381 Target Population DEDR Expend Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Middle School $900.00 62 5 No Elementary School $416.25 505 74 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach Elementary School DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Student Leadership Corp No $900.00 Education After School Sports Clubs No $500.00 Alternatives Substance Free and Self Awareness Assemblies Substance Free Family Activities No $1,000.00 Education No $2,850.00 Alternatives Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family Management Problems Red Ribbon Week No $450.00 Education Family Management Problems Intergenerational $5,700 Millville Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No $2,500.00 Alternatives Homework Clinic No $750.00 Education SADD No Life Skills (Summer Day Camp) No Participants Volunteers Completed Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $2,850.00 428 12 Yes $450.00 400 2 No $4,616 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Academic Failure High School $4,260.00 Collaboration Early First Use $3,500.00 Education Early First Use DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $2,500.00 0 15 Yes $750.00 198 17 Yes Intergenerational $2,624.32 638 43 Yes Elementary School $3,500.00 45 26 Yes Elementary School Community Awareness Yes $4,160.00 Collaboration Early First Use Community $4,160.00 1,480 70 Yes Second Step Yes $2,365.00 Early Intervention Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Early First Use Middle School $2,365.00 147 13 Yes Intergenerational $4,190.00 188 56 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Intergenerational $4,700.00 250 25 Yes Community $3,495.00 6,000 42 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Middle School $3,780.00 187 49 Yes Drug Free Sports Activities No $4,190.00 Alternatives Culmination Volunteer/Celeration No $4,700.00 Alternatives Red Ribbon Week Activities Yes $3,495.00 Collaboration Big Buddies/Littles Buddies Yes $3,780.00 Early Intervention $33,700 Vineland Activity/Program New Prog $32,064 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed High School $0.00 490 140 No Community $0.00 435 35 No $3,520.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Community $0.00 246 0 No 3 Peer Mentoring Program Yes $2,500.00 Education Rescue Community Program Yes $3,776.00 Education Footprints for Life Yes Coordination of Alliance Activities No $5,200.00 Communications Early First Use Community $0.00 VPS Project Graduation No $2,500.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Economical/Social Deprivation High School $0.00 Middle School $0.00 15 3 No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family Management Problems Middle School $0.00 2,991 197 No High School $0.00 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 No Community $0.00 No High School $0.00 High School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 68 No $0.00 1 No Boys & Girls Club of Vineland Yes $2,000.00 Education PAL Summer Camp No $7,000.00 Alternatives Got Game 3 on 3 No $1,000.00 Alternatives New Vizzions Insights Yes $2,500.00 Education DH/Perfil Latino TV, Inc Yes $5,328.00 Education Project Graduation No $5,000.00 Alternatives Anti Substance Abuse School Assembly Tours New Vizzions, Renewed Minds No $4,000.00 Communications Yes $3,000.00 Education Visions of Hope Yes $3,776.00 Education Red Ribbon Week No $500.00 Communications Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Community Abuse $51,600 Countywide activities Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor No No 840 131 No $0 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Countywide Activities No $4,517.00 Education Early First Use Community $4,517 Coordination Activity/Program Coordination New Prog No $45,000 No $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $45,000.00 Education $0.00 Early First Use Target Population Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Essex Belleville Activity/Program Elementary School Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $5,250.00 750 0 Yes $9,750.00 Education Elementary School $7,937.00 300 0 Yes No $5,850.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School No $8,400.00 Education Middle School $8,400.00 350 Yes $9,750.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Academic Failure Middle School $0.00 50 DARE No Project Graduation G.R.E.A.T. $39,000 Activity/Program Prevention Thru Creative Arts Coach Education and Leadership Reinforcement Career Advisory Program Participants Volunteers Completed Elementary School $5,250.00 Education Bloomfield DEDR Expend Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Yes Student & Teachers Studying (STS) Target Population New Prog $0.00 Yes 0 Yes Yes $21,587 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Yes $1,000.00 Education No $3,500.00 Education Yes $2,400.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Economical/Social Deprivation Target Population DEDR Expend High School $800.00 30 2 Yes $2,600.00 700 12 Yes High School $0.00 $1,000.00 0 0 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach Participants Volunteers Completed Yes Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School Prevention EXPO No $2,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $598.00 3,500 10 Yes Operation Bloomfield Against Drugs No $1,000.00 Communications Community $1,000.00 1,580 80 Yes Proud to be Drug Free Canteen No $1,000.00 Alternatives Middle School $1,000.00 300 10 Yes BABES No $5,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 595 5 Yes DARE No $4,300.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 1,600 10 Yes Night Out No $2,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $66.00 0 0 Yes Yes $800.00 Education Availability of ATOD Senior Citizens $800.00 75 2 Yes Summer Recreation Program No $5,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School After School Support Program Yes $5,000.00 Alternatives Academic Failure Middle School $5,000.00 90 6 Yes No $2,000.00 Alternatives Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Middle School $0.00 36 3 Yes Dangerous Drug Effects Program Wilderness Program $36,000 $0.00 $12,864 Yes Caldwell/West Caldwell Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $2,500.00 75 0 Yes $2,000.00 Early Intervention Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Elementary School $2,000.00 60 2 Yes Yes $5,685.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Elementary School $5,685.00 275 11 Yes Yes $5,685.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Elementary School $2,842.50 275 11 Yes Community $375.00 1,000 2 Yes $3,500.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Elementary School $3,046.00 275 11 Yes Socially Literate Parent Yes $2,500.00 Education BABES Yes its Elementary West Caldwell Its Elementary Caldwell Public Ads in School Programs No DARE No $375.00 Collaboration Tranisitions Peer Leadership Program Yes $5,625.00 Communications School Tranistions Middle School $5,625.00 15 0 Yes Red Ribbon Week Yes $3,130.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $2,000.00 750 6 Yes $28,500 Cedar Grove Activity/Program New Prog Substance Abuse Video Library Yes Municipal Alliance Coordination Yes $24,074 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $370.00 Education $3,750.00 Communications Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Community $0.00 Community $1,230.60 0 0 Yes Middle School $49.00 600 10 Yes Senior Citizens $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 Yes Drug Awareness Week No $450.00 Education Senior Citizen Outreach Yes $1,500.00 Education No $2,700.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use $4,587.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Community $1,067.71 0 0 Yes DARE Family Management Yes Parent/Teen Workshop Series No $4,000.00 Education Family Management Problems High School $2,387.83 40 3 Yes Teen Prevention Summit No $2,100.00 Education High School $349.23 25 3 Yes Project Graduation No $800.00 Alternatives High School $0.00 Charater Edcation Yes $2,595.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Elementary School $22,852 East Orange Activity/Program Teamwork Community Projects New Prog Yes 25 3 Yes $7,655 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $6,250.00 Communications $2,571.10 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Target Population Community DEDR Expend $0.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 22 3 Yes Project Graduation Yes $6,250.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School $0.00 31 2 Yes Follow Me i"m Drug Free Yes $6,250.00 Communications Community $0.00 70 5 Yes No $6,250.00 Communications Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $0.00 41 3 Yes Walk-in Center $25,000 Essex Fells Activity/Program New Prog $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Buddy to Buddy Yes $3,500.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Elementary School $523.47 5 1 Yes Smart Choices Yes $3,500.00 Early Intervention Elementary School $523.47 5 1 Yes DARE Yes $3,500.00 Education Elementary School $2,440.55 36 2 Yes Tranisition Anxiety Yes $3,500.00 Early Intervention Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems $239.47 5 1 Yes Middle School $14,000 Fairfield Activity/Program New Prog $3,727 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Senior Citizens $3,555.29 245 5 Yes Community $1,970.00 200 3 Yes $9.00 35 1 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $49.24 1 1 Yes Community $112.50 900 5 Yes $11,720.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $4,410.67 200 10 Yes Yes $1,670.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,670.00 120 1 Yes MAC Newsletter No $4,220.00 Education Economical/Social Deprivation Community $0.00 Community Center No Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Community $157.59 200 3 Yes Senior Citizens $1,670.00 200 1 Yes Community $1,315.06 50 2 Yes Senior Citizen Seminar No $5,540.00 Education Police Open House No $2,345.00 Communications Babes No $1,970.00 Education MAC Coordination No $8,400.00 Communications Red Ribbon Week Yes $2,120.00 Education No DARE Bully Proof Kit $14,000.00 Communications Mixing Alcohol and Prescription Drugs Yes $1,670.00 Education Strengthen Families Program Yes $2,345.00 Education Elementary School $56,000 Glen Ridge Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Yes $14,919 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Youth Advocates Program Yes $4,000.00 Education Early First Use Middle School Red Ribbon Week No $1,600.00 Education Project Graduation No Parents Supporting Parents No Social Decision Making GR Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Middle School $0.00 Senior Citizens $0.00 75 10 Yes Middle School $0.00 0 0 Yes $500.00 Alternatives $1,050.00 Communications $3,500.00 Alternatives $480.00 450 10 Yes Community $0.00 875 15 Yes High School $0.00 175 50 Yes $350.00 18 10 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach No Senior Citizens Workshop No $1,750.00 Education Summer Youth Theatre Arts Program No $2,000.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Peer Leadership No $6,500.00 Education Early First Use High School $0.00 150 3 Yes Preteen Leadership No $2,250.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 40 3 Yes National Night Out No $1,500.00 Collaboration Community $0.00 750 15 Yes High School $0.00 500 5 Yes Middle School $0.00 750 3 Yes Middle School $0.00 250 15 Yes Elementary School $0.00 875 3 Yes High School Self Esteem Program ATOD Handbook Heroes and Cool Kids DARE Yes $1,800.00 Education No $5,600.00 Education Yes $4,400.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use No $2,500.00 Education Early First Use $38,950 Irvington Activity/Program New Prog $830 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Healthy Minds/Healthy Bodies No $6,230.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Elementary School $5,293.00 45 6 Yes TIGS No $6,500.00 Education High School $5,862.00 138 8 Yes MAC Coordination No $6,393.00 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $6,393.00 0 0 Yes High School $0.00 Yes Community $0.00 Yes $0.00 Yes Yes $10,000.00 Education Movies in the Park No $5,000.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Arts 4 Kids No $3,000.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Middle School PIP No $8,500.00 Collaboration Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Amer-I-Can Program $45,623 Livingston Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $5,862.00 200 4 Yes $23,410 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Elementary School $0.00 No $7,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Community $0.00 No No $8,075.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 No Yes $4,800.00 Education High School $0.00 No Middle School Programs No $3,625.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Middle School $0.00 No Alliance Training No $1,500.00 Communications Early First Use Community $0.00 No Livingston Youth and Community Services MAC Coordination No $18,000.00 Alternatives High School $0.00 No No $10,000.00 Communications Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Community $0.00 No Adult Listeners Program/Older Adults No $6,000.00 Education Early First Use Senior Citizens $0.00 No Safe Homes No $2,500.00 Communications Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 No DARE No $1,000.00 Education Newsletter No Parenting Workshops High School Program Parent Support Group Community Program Elementary School Programs Library Resources Yes $150.00 Early Intervention Activity/Program Red Ribbon Week 5 Yes No $8,200.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $0.00 No Yes $6,000.00 Education Elementary School $0.00 No No $150.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $0.00 No $77,000 Maplewood 600 New Prog $0 Target Population DEDR Expend Early First Use Community $900.00 1,000 0 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Middle School $4,000.00 200 0 Yes Community $1,040.00 0 0 Yes $28.00 0 0 Yes Community $1,473.00 6,000 0 Yes Community $3,000.00 0 0 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor No $900.00 Education The HUB Yes $4,000.00 Alternatives Coordinator/Administration Yes $4,155.00 Collaboration DARE No $4,000.00 Education Drug Alliance Public Awareness Program First Night No $3,095.00 Education No $3,000.00 Alternatives Parenting for Prevention No $1,050.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Freshman Orientation No $4,000.00 Alternatives Academic Failure High School $0.00 Yes Midnight Madness No $3,500.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use High School $0.00 Yes $27,700 Elementary School Participants Volunteers Completed $10,441 Millburn Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 Yes Students After School in Milburn No $3,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use Elementary School MMAC Coordination No $9,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $225.00 35 35 Yes Parent Education Programs No $2,100.00 Education Parent/Teacher/Coach $475.00 200 35 Yes MMAC Brochures No $1,450.00 Communications Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Middle School Community $1,500.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use High School $0.00 Yes $2,700.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 Yes M.S. Peer Leader Program Yes $6,500.00 Education DARE No $5,000.00 Education Red Ribbon Week No $2,000.00 Education Bauer Community Teen Center No $1,200.00 Education H.S. Peer Leadership Program Yes $8,000.00 Alternatives P.S.A.S./Ads No $1,500.00 Collaboration High School Human Relations FOrm No $6,500.00 Education Yes $1,000.00 Education No $2,500.00 Education 7th Grade Core Leader Program Yes $5,000.00 Education How to Get High Naturally Yes $1,050.00 Education Alcohol Awareness Month Senior Citizen Program Project Graduation No More Power to You Yes Community Elementary School Activity/Program Project Oasis New Prog $2,250.00 Education No $11,000.00 Alternatives 350 10 $0.00 $181.00 Yes Yes 12,000 35 Yes $0.00 High School $7,155.00 50 2 Yes $952.00 12,000 35 No Community Yes High School $0.00 Yes Community $0.00 Yes Senior Citizens $225.00 100 5 Yes Middle School $4,915.00 34 4 Yes Elementary School $1,050.00 800 35 Yes $16,228 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Yes $1,050.00 No High School $60,000 Montclair $0.00 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Yes Academic Failure High School $0.00 Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 1,495 Middle Schools After Schools Program 9th Grade Academy Mentors Yes $4,200.00 Early Intervention School Tranistions Middle School $1,500.00 0 0 Yes COPE Yes $1,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,000.00 34 0 Yes $8,115.00 Communications Early First Use Community $2,028.75 0 0 Yes MAC Coordination No Yes Community $1,000.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use $2,500.00 Education Economical/Social Deprivation High School $0.00 No $3,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use Middle School $0.00 169 56 Yes Yes $1,000.00 Alternatives Community $500.00 16 0 No Project Graduation No $1,250.00 Alternatives Rites of Passage No $2,500.00 Alternatives Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems Brother to Brother No $3,000.00 Education MegaSkills No $3,000.00 Education Alcohol Awareness Activities No $2,835.00 Communications First Night Montclair No $3,950.00 Communications Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Sister to Sister No $3,500.00 Education Junior Police Academy No Yes Teen Apprentice The Side Door Program IMANI Middle School Activity/Program New Prog Yes $20,000.00 Early Intervention Too Good for Drugs Yes $17,000.00 Collaboration BABES Yes $20,000.00 Early Intervention Project Success Yes $0.00 Education Parenting WOrkshops Yes $13,750.00 Education Mentoring Yes $12,500.00 Education Youth Prevention Curriculum Yes $13,750.00 Early Intervention No $1,000.00 12 12 Yes Yes $0.00 High School $500.00 28 5 No Middle School $0.00 41 0 Yes Middle School $500.00 95 20 No Community $1,863.00 0 0 Yes Community $500.00 3,000 60 No Target Population Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Early First Use Elementary School Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence DEDR Expend $19,470.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 800 8 Yes High School $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 No Middle School $2,427.00 Middle School $0.00 $97,000 North Caldwell 11 $9,392 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Forest Friends 48 High School $54,100 Newark $0.00 700 5 Yes No $21,897 Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No $1,175.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Coaches Training No $1,325.00 Education Quarterly Newspaper No $1,900.00 Communications DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed High School $0.00 No Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $0.00 No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population High School $2,425.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use $2,275.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Elementary School Family Management Problems Peer Mediation No $2,225.00 Education Summer ATOD Program No K-6th Program No Drinking & Driving Education Program No Alliance Administration High School ATOD and Violence Program Parent Program Town Hall Meeting Yes $925.00 Education $2,850.00 Communications No $1,425.00 Education No $925.00 Education Yes $1,550.00 Education Middle School Activity/Program Alliance Admin New Prog 32 0 $0.00 Yes No $1,631.25 130 3 Yes High School $18.75 200 1 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $911.62 1 0 Yes $1,312.50 250 5 Yes Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $225.00 25 2 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community High School $19,000 Nutley $1,719.31 $0.00 No $5,818 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Yes $3,300.00 Education Early First Use Community $825.00 0 0 Yes No $5,500.00 Education Early First Use Community $1,619.69 0 0 Yes Yes $4,000.00 Education Early First Use High School $657.00 0 0 Yes No $5,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $197.59 3,500 10 No Alcohol Awareness Month No $1,500.00 Education Early First Use Community $0.00 750 12 Yes Project Graduation No $1,500.00 Alternatives High School $375.00 350 20 Yes DARE No $1,200.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Elementary School $343.00 750 12 Yes Not My Kid Students Against Destructive Decisions Red Ribbon Week $22,000 Orange $4,017 Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No $9,000.00 Education Early First Use High School $0.00 10 10 Yes Arts on the Move No $6,000.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $0.00 25 5 Yes $4,500.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Community $0.00 45 10 Yes Community $0.00 Elementary School $0.00 25 3 Yes Middle School $0.00 45 15 Yes First in Orange Teen Night Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor National Night Out No $6,000.00 Communications The Friendship House No $3,000.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Yes $5,000.00 Education Economical/Social Deprivation Bethal"s Safe House Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Yes Female Achievers Program No $7,500.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $0.00 150 25 Yes Brother to Brother No $3,000.00 Education Family Management Problems High School $0.00 25 5 Yes ETA Pi Foundation Yes $4,500.00 Education Middle School $0.00 30 10 Yes Think No $5,000.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Middle School $0.00 20 5 Yes Teen Leadership Progream No $9,000.00 Education High School $0.00 180 5 Yes Jr Police Academy No $5,000.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Middle School $0.00 30 5 Yes Alliance Support Program No Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $0.00 5,000 45 Yes $17,500.00 Communications $85,000 Roseland Activity/Program New Prog $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Community $1,300.00 Alternatives Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use $1,180.00 Education Early First Use Community Awareness Month No $1,180.00 Communications Teen Dance Program No DARE No Middle School DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 Yes $500.00 185 4 Yes Elementary School $1,095.00 200 1 Yes Project Graduation Yes $1,180.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $1,180.00 200 5 Yes Municipal Youth Guidance Council Yes $1,060.00 Communications Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $1,060.00 35 6 Yes $5,900 West Orange Activity/Program New Prog $3,835 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed No $1,500.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems BABES Yes $2,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,000.00 0 0 Yes Guided Discipline Approach Program Yes $8,000.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Middle School $8,000.00 450 0 Yes High School $0.00 Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use High School $820.80 20 0 Yes Community $475.00 0 0 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Senior Citizens $0.00 60 0 Yes Lets Communication Yes $4,600.00 Communications Middle School Peer Mediation Yes $2,200.00 Early Intervention Parent Training Project Graduation No $4,000.00 Alternatives Project Adventure No $3,000.00 Education Red Ribbin Week Yes $3,600.00 Education No $3,200.00 Education Senior Citizen Drug Abuse/Misuse Program Community $4,560.00 0 0 Yes Middle School $2,200.00 0 0 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,500.00 0 0 Yes No DARE SMART Moves West Orange Basketball Club No Yes No $3,800.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Early First Use $1,600.00 Alternatives $12,000.00 Early Intervention $266.74 280 0 No Community $1,200.00 0 0 Yes Early First Use High School $1,600.00 38 0 Yes Childeren inthe Middle Yes $1,600.00 Communications Family Management Problems Middle School $0.00 24 0 No Lions Quests Skills for Adolescents Yes $4,000.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Middle School $4,000.00 450 0 Yes Elementary Peer Medition Yes $2,200.00 Early Intervention Academic Failure Elementary School $2,200.00 0 0 Yes $2,500.00 Education Early First Use Community $1,300.00 0 0 Yes MAC Coordination No $59,800 South Orange Activity/Program New Prog $30,123 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Peer Mediation Program No $1,500.00 Education Early First Use High School $1,500.00 450 26 Yes First Night No $1,500.00 Alternatives Community $1,500.00 3,000 100 Yes Midnight Madness No $1,500.00 Alternatives Community $1,500.00 0 0 Yes DARE/GREAT No $2,600.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Elementary School $2,600.00 480 6 Yes Freshman Orientation No $1,000.00 Alternatives Middle School $1,000.00 0 0 Yes Community $3,850.00 3,250 18 Yes Elementary School $3,600.00 2,200 36 Yes Community Partnership Elementary Substance Abuse Prevention Education Red Ribbon Week Drug Prevention Workshops/Assemblies BABES No $3,600.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Yes $2,800.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $2,800.00 4,250 40 Yes No $4,500.00 Education High School $4,500.00 3,500 0 Yes No $3,900.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Elementary School $3,900.00 625 12 Yes Yes $3,850.00 Communications $26,750 Verona Activity/Program Peer Leadership New Prog No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $6,600.00 Education School Tranistions High School $850.78 20 0 No $4,000.00 Early Intervention School Tranistions High School $0.00 1,068 3 Yes Family Management Problems Community $617.28 9,000 0 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Middle School $0.00 9,000 2 Yes Heroes and Cool Kids Yes Community Outreach No $1,965.00 Education Yes $500.00 Education Safe Homes $26,750 Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems High School $0.00 High School $425.00 36 1 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $300.00 50 4 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Middle School $300.43 77 4 Yes $39.49 600 100 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Isolation and Loss Middle School $200.00 191 5 Yes Senior Citizens $678.69 16 4 Yes $1,975.00 Education Early First Use High School $800.00 95 2 No No $4,200.00 Education Early First Use Community $1,650.00 0 0 Yes Yes $2,600.00 Education School Tranistions Middle School No $1,695.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Family Management Problems School Tranistions Project Graduation No $1,900.00 Alternatives Project VISTA No $4,325.00 Alternatives Parenting Program Yes $300.00 Education Girl Power Yes Red Ribbon Yes $400.00 Education DREAM Team Yes $3,200.00 Education Senior Program No $800.00 Education Yes STARS Grant Coordination ATOD Handbook DARE Family Nights Yes BABES Yes $3,550.00 Early Intervention $90.00 Alternatives $900.00 Early Intervention Community Activity/Program Countywide Training New Prog No 38 10 Yes Community $0.00 9,000 2 No Elementary School $0.00 Early First Use Target Population Community $1,000 Coordination Activity/Program County Coordination New Prog No $85,000 Yes DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $85,000.00 Education Yes $5,891 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,000.00 Education $0.00 $29.00 $39,000 Municipal Alliance Countywide Training Yes Early First Use Target Population Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Gloucester Clayton Activity/Program New Prog Promotional Items Yes Project Graduation DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $500.00 Communications Economical/Social Deprivation Community $500.00 0 0 Yes No $750.00 Alternatives Economical/Social Deprivation High School $750.00 400 25 Yes School Social Progrms No $400.00 Alternatives Economical/Social Deprivation Intergenerational $400.00 40 2 Yes Simmons Fun Day No $700.00 Communications Economical/Social Deprivation Community $700.00 300 40 Yes National Night Out Yes $1,000.00 Alternatives Community $1,000.00 300 40 Yes Karate No $1,000.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Health Problems Intergenerational $1,000.00 80 4 Yes Training No $1,118.00 Education Community $1,118.00 35 5 Yes After Prom No $1,159.00 Alternatives Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Economical/Social Deprivation High School $1,159.00 80 20 Yes Project DARE No $700.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $700.00 60 4 Yes ATOD Assemblies No $1,650.00 Alternatives Economical/Social Deprivation Intergenerational $1,650.00 300 10 Yes Renaissance Program No $1,145.00 Communications Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Intergenerational $1,145.00 90 8 Yes $10,122 Deptford Activity/Program School Based Youth Services New Prog $10,122 Target Population DEDR Expend Early First Use Middle School $700.00 2 10 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Participants Volunteers Completed Yes $700.00 Education ATOD Assemblies No $5,875.00 Education Economical/Social Deprivation Intergenerational $5,875.00 300 10 Yes Alliance Secretary Yes $1,200.00 Communications Little Commitment to School Community $1,200.00 10 15 Yes DARE No $3,000.00 Education Academic Failure Elementary School $3,000.00 120 5 Yes Community Events No $2,300.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Community $2,300.00 500 100 Yes Mischief Night No $1,800.00 Alternatives Early First Use Intergenerational $0.00 No Yes $869.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence High School $0.00 No Youth Programs Teen Dances No $600.00 Alternatives Intergenerational $600.00 120 10 Yes Project Graduation No $2,500.00 Alternatives Senior Awareness No $1,600.00 Education Cop and a Half No $700.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Isolation and Loss High School Senior Citizens $0.00 No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Elementary School $0.00 No $21,144 East Greenwich Activity/Program ATOD High School Assemblies New Prog No Senior Awareness Yes Camp Ockanickon No Red Bibbon Week No DARE No Community Events Yes Newsletter and Mailings Yes Activity/Program New Prog National Night Out No Senior Awareness No Yes 300 25 Yes $16,175 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Isolation and Loss Community Senior Citizens $2,500.00 250 15 Yes Elementary School $1,600.00 65 10 Yes Elementary School $400.00 600 25 Yes $1,500.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Elementary School $1,500.00 100 5 Yes $1,000.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Community $100.00 9,000 50 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $500.00 1,000 10 Yes $2,217.00 Communications $2,500.00 Education $1,600.00 Alternatives $400.00 Communications $500.00 Communications $9,717 Franklin/Elk $2,500.00 $6,600 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $0.00 Collaboration Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Little Commitment to School Community $0.00 No $1,200.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $0.00 No $1,500.00 Education Middle School $0.00 No High School $0.00 No High School $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No Project Graduation No $2,000.00 Alternatives Peers in Transition No $4,450.00 Education Yes $1,500.00 Education DARE No $3,000.00 Education Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use ATOD Assemblies No $3,439.00 Education Economical/Social Deprivation Intergenerational $0.00 No Red Ribbon Week No $975.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No Prevention Program/Concultant Coordinator No Early First Use Community $0.00 No Challenge Day National Helpers $2,300.00 Collaboration $20,364 $0 Glassboro Activity/Program DARE New Prog Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,800.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,800.00 125 5 Yes Yes $1,000.00 Alternatives Community $1,000.00 400 5 Yes Youth Alternative Activity No $1,500.00 Alternatives Middle School $1,500.00 150 25 Yes Billboard Contest No $600.00 Communications $600.00 40 1 Yes Boys & Girls Club No $3,941.00 Early Intervention Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Middle School $3,941.00 80 20 Yes Communications No $1,000.00 Early Intervention Little Commitment to School Intergenerational $1,000.00 10 10 Yes Youth Education No $1,500.00 Education Early First Use Intergenerational $1,500.00 150 25 Yes Parent Education Yes $1,000.00 Early Intervention Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,000.00 70 3 Yes After School ATOD Activities Yes $4,000.00 Early Intervention Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Elementary School $4,000.00 80 5 Yes ATOD Mouse Pads No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Community $16,341 Logan Activity/Program New Prog Red Ribbon Week Yes Community Events NNO Yes $16,341 Target Population DEDR Expend Early First Use Community $865.00 400 10 Yes Community $3,800.00 650 40 Yes Community $1,600.00 125 5 Yes Elementary School $1,100.00 40 5 Yes Elementary School $1,600.00 110 5 Yes Middle School $1,000.00 80 5 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $865.00 Education No $1,600.00 Education Yes $1,100.00 Education ATOD Assemblies No $1,600.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Youth/Teen Dances No $1,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use Senior Awareness After School Peers/Clubs $3,800.00 Collaboration $9,965 Mantua/Harrison Activity/Program Summer Camp New Prog Yes Clearview Regional Program No $1,800.00 Collaboration DARE Program No $2,000.00 Education Latch Key Program Yes $9,965 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,000.00 Alternatives $577.00 Alternatives Participants Volunteers Completed Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Economical/Social Deprivation Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Elementary School $1,000.00 60 7 Yes High School $1,800.00 70 4 Yes Elementary School $2,000.00 90 2 No Elementary School $577.00 40 3 Yes Year Book Yes $500.00 Education Police Explorers No $1,000.00 Education Club Pride No $1,800.00 Early Intervention Senior Citizens Program No $2,500.00 Education Community Action Night III No $2,176.00 Collaboration ATOD Assemblies Yes $3,500.00 Early Intervention Camp Mason Yes $1,500.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Isolation and Loss Middle School $500.00 10 10 Yes $0.00 1,000 2 No Intergenerational $1,800.00 60 4 Yes Senior Citizens $2,500.00 350 10 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Community $2,176.00 300 10 Yes Middle School $3,500.00 400 10 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Elementary School $1,500.00 80 10 Yes Community $18,353 Monroe Activity/Program Senior Awareness Mischief Night Dance New Prog No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,710.00 Education Yes $500.00 Alternatives National Night Out No $2,350.00 Collaboration Red Ribbon Week Yes $1,300.00 Collaboration Project Graduation No Newsletter & Mailings No Mouse Pads Yes $17,353 $2,000.00 Alternatives $500.00 Collaboration $2,200.00 Education $400.00 Collaboration Target Population Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Middle School DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,710.00 350 10 Yes $500.00 80 5 Yes Community $2,350.00 400 40 Yes Community $1,300.00 500 25 Yes High School $2,000.00 300 20 Yes Community $500.00 10 10 Yes Community $2,200.00 600 10 Yes Early First Use Community $400.00 80 5 Yes Community Halloween Night No Community Gathering No $1,900.00 Communications Economical/Social Deprivation Community $1,900.00 400 40 Yes DARE No $4,800.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $4,800.00 110 5 No Alliance Secretary No Little Commitment to School Community $100.00 10 10 No High School/Elementary ATOD Assemblies No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Intergenerational $5,700.00 600 20 Yes $100.00 Collaboration $5,700.00 Education $23,460 National Park Activity/Program New Prog ATOD Assemblies No AMerican Pride Program No $23,460 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,850.00 Education $500.00 Alternatives Target Population Early First Use Intergenerational Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Middle School DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $500.00 40 2 No School Based Youth Services Yes $233.00 Education Community Events Yes $1,000.00 Collaboration Project Graduation No $750.00 Alternatives DARE No $1,000.00 Education ATOD Mouse Pads Yes $500.00 Alternatives Extended Day Latch Key Child Program Red Ribbon Yes $750.00 Alternatives No $500.00 Communications Movie Night/Mischief Night No $500.00 Alternatives Senior Awareness Program No $1,025.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Little Commitment to School Elementary School Early First Use Intergenerational Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Economical/Social Deprivation Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Isolation and Loss $233.00 1 10 Yes $1,000.00 200 25 Yes $750.00 200 30 Yes $1,000.00 80 4 Yes Community $500.00 300 1 Yes Elementary School $750.00 60 5 Yes Community $500.00 200 5 Yes Intergenerational $500.00 70 10 Yes $1,025.00 3 10 Yes Community High School Parent/Teacher/Coach $8,608 Newfield Activity/Program New Prog $6,758 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed ATOD Assemblies No $1,800.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,800.00 200 5 Yes Senior Awareness No $1,000.00 Education Senior Citizens $1,000.00 80 5 Yes National Night Out No Community $194.00 300 20 Yes Promotional Items No Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Little Commitment to School Community $0.00 Project Graduation No High School Newfield Day No $1,175.00 Communications Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Economical/Social Deprivation DARE No $1,751.00 Education Early First Use $194.00 Collaboration $0.00 Communications $378.00 Alternatives $378.00 150 25 Yes Community $1,175.00 300 25 Yes Elementary School $1,751.00 80 3 Yes $6,298 Paulsboro Activity/Program New Prog ATOD Mouse Pads Yes DARE No $6,298 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $500.00 Alternatives $1,000.00 Education Red Ribbon Week Yes $725.00 Collaboration Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Alternatives Boys & Girly Club No $2,500.00 Alternatives No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Target Population DEDR Expend Community $500.00 200 1 Yes $1,000.00 80 2 Yes $725.00 400 20 Yes High School $1,000.00 150 25 Yes Intergenerational $2,500.00 90 4 Yes Intergenerational Community Participants Volunteers Completed Coordinator No $500.00 Collaboration Little Commitment to School Community $500.00 1 1 Yes Senior Awareness No $500.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $500.00 150 10 Yes ATOD Assembly No $2,829.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,829.00 400 10 Yes Community Night/National Night Out No $1,800.00 Collaboration Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community $1,800.00 250 10 Yes $11,354 Pitman Activity/Program Community Pride/Night Out New Prog No Senior Night Out Yes After Prom Party No Publicity No ATOD School Assemblies No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,400.00 250 10 Yes $1,000.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $1,000.00 60 5 Yes $1,500.00 Alternatives Little Commitment to School High School $1,500.00 250 20 Yes Early First Use Community $400.00 5 5 Yes Early First Use Intergenerational $2,000.00 400 10 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Isolation and Loss Community $700.00 250 1 Yes $2,000.00 110 10 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Intergenerational $700.00 80 5 Yes Community $500.00 70 5 Yes $400.00 Communications $2,000.00 Education Yes $2,000.00 Education No $700.00 Education $700.00 Alternatives $500.00 Alternatives Senior Citizens $10,200 So Harrison Activity/Program New Prog Participants Volunteers Completed Community Senior Awareness Yes DEDR Expend Early First Use Yes Movie Night Target Population $1,400.00 Collaboration ATOD Mouse Pads DARE/DARE Dances $11,354 $10,200 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Summer Enrichment No $400.00 Alternatives Early First Use Intergenerational $400.00 10 10 Yes Coordinator No $300.00 Education Community $300.00 1 1 Yes Alliance Olympics No $2,000.00 Alternatives Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use $2,000.00 250 40 Yes South Harrison Community Outreach No Community $834.00 200 10 Yes DARE No $800.00 Communications Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Elementary School $800.00 90 4 Yes After School Art Workshop No $500.00 Education Early First Use Intergenerational $0.00 500 30 Yes Yes $975.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $975.00 30 5 Yes No $2,000.00 Education Early First Use Intergenerational $2,000.00 80 10 Yes Harrison Helping Hand Strokes Trip $83,449.00 Education Elementary School $90,424 Swedesboro/Woolwich Activity/Program New Prog $7,309 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Publicity Yes $388.00 Communications Early First Use Community $388.00 200 5 Yes ATOD Mouse Pad Yes $900.00 Alternatives Community $900.00 250 5 Yes Intergenerational $1,800.00 300 10 Yes ATOD Elementary/High School Assemblies DARE Program Senior Awareness Drama Club National Night OUt Extended Latch Key Program Movie Night Citizens of the World Club No $1,800.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use No $1,500.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,500.00 90 3 Yes Yes $1,000.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $1,000.00 80 5 Yes $1,000.00 Alternatives Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Intergenerational $1,000.00 100 5 No Community $2,000.00 250 25 Yes Intergenerational $800.00 65 4 No Community $800.00 50 5 Yes $0.00 100 10 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Middle School $1,050.00 3 10 Yes No Yes $2,000.00 Collaboration No $800.00 Alternatives Yes $800.00 Alternatives No $0.00 Alternatives School Based Youth Services Yes Municipal Alliance Coordinator No Summer Program High School Students Random Act of Kindness Yes No $1,050.00 Education $0.00 Communications $1,000.00 Education $0.00 Alternatives Intergenerational Community High School Community $12,238 Washington Twp Activity/Program New Prog $0.00 No $1,000.00 50 5 Yes $0.00 100 5 No $12,238 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Parenting Skills Workshop No $5,760.00 Communications Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $5,760.00 110 4 No Al Zolok/Young Peoples Self Help Group/Teen Recovery Poster Contest No $3,500.00 Early Intervention Intergenerational $3,500.00 45 4 Yes No $1,500.00 Education Middle School $1,500.00 200 5 Yes Senior Awareness No $2,000.00 Education Senior Citizens $2,000.00 150 10 Yes DARE Program No $1,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Intergenerational $1,000.00 80 10 Yes Parent to Parent No $1,020.00 Communications Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,020.00 80 2 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community $500.00 1 1 Yes ATOD Mouse Pads Yes $500.00 Alternatives ATOD Assemblies No $6,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $6,000.00 500 30 Yes Project Graduation No $2,000.00 Alternatives High School $2,000.00 800 40 Yes After School Club No $7,100.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Middle School $7,100.00 40 2 No $30,380 Wenonah Activity/Program New Prog National Night OUt Yes $30,380 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,000.00 Collaboration Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Community $1,000.00 200 20 Yes Intergenerational $2,503.00 65 10 Yes Elementary School $2,416.00 80 1 No Teen Camp No $2,503.00 Alternatives DARE No $2,416.00 Education Senior Citizen Awareness No $592.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $592.00 90 5 Yes ATOD Assembly No $500.00 Education Early First Use Community $500.00 100 5 Yes Club Pride No $500.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Intergenerational $500.00 80 2 Yes Community $500.00 250 1 Yes ATOD Mouse Pads Yes $500.00 Alternatives $8,011 West Deptford Activity/Program New Prog $8,011 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor National Nite Out No $3,000.00 Collaboration Red Ribbon Week No $1,475.00 Communications H.S. Assemblie No $3,000.00 Education Senior Program No $1,500.00 Collaboration Mt Misery Trip No $2,500.00 Alternatives Post Prom Event No $1,200.00 Alternatives DARE No $2,000.00 Education Target Population Activity/Program Skating/Bowling New Prog No Community $0.00 No Middle School $0.00 No High School $0.00 No Senior Citizens $0.00 No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Elementary School $0.00 No High School $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $984.00 Alternatives Participants Volunteers Completed Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Isolation and Loss $14,675 Westville DEDR Expend Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Target Population DEDR Expend Elementary School $984.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 80 5 Yes Middle School $1,000.00 70 4 No High School $1,000.00 250 10 Yes $0.00 1 1 No $1,000.00 60 5 Yes $487.00 250 1 Yes $1,000.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Intergenerational $1,000.00 200 3 Yes $1,000.00 Collaboration Little Commitment to School Community $1,000.00 3,000 25 Yes $500.00 Education Isolation and Loss Community $0.00 Yes $400.00 Education Elementary School $400.00 300 20 Yes Yes $350.00 Education Community $350.00 1 10 Yes ATOD Assemblies No $750.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Community $0.00 DARE No $1,015.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Extended Latch Key Program No $1,000.00 Alternatives Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Alternatives Coordinator No Outward Bound No $1,000.00 Education Yes $487.00 Education SAC Program No Westville Community Day No Americas Pride No Red Ribon Week School Based Youth Services ATOD Mouse Padss $0.00 Communications Community Elementary School Community $9,486 Woodbury Activity/Program New Prog $1,015.00 Yes No 120 5 No $8,236 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Senior Awareness Program No $900.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $900.00 90 5 Yes Project Graduation No $200.00 Alternatives High School $200.00 300 10 Yes Arts In The Streets No $1,000.00 Alternatives Community $1,000.00 60 2 Yes Community $1,000.00 1 1 Yes Intergenerational $1,100.00 80 10 Yes Municipal Alliance Program Coordinator Summer Basketball League After School Clubs Poster/Calendar Contest No $1,100.00 Early Intervention Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Isolation and Loss No $2,723.00 Alternatives Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 $1,274.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Elementary School $1,274.00 80 5 Yes Intergenerational $1,000.00 60 5 Yes Middle School $1,800.00 40 4 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $1,500.00 250 25 Yes Middle School $1,000.00 80 5 No Yes Yes $1,000.00 Education Intramural Basketball No $1,000.00 Alternatives Porch Reading Program No $1,800.00 Alternatives BABES Woodbury Community Events Teen Programs Yes No Yes $2,400.00 Education $1,500.00 Communications $1,000.00 Education Elementary School Yes $0.00 No ATOD Assembly Speaker Art Beat Culture Camp No Yes Latch Key No Movie Night No $1,200.00 Education $852.00 Alternatives $642.00 Early Intervention $1,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use Community $1,200.00 250 5 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Community $852.00 70 5 Yes Middle School $642.00 80 5 Yes Early First Use Community $1,000.00 80 10 Yes $19,591 Woodbury Hts Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Municipal Alliance Program Coordinator Senior High Club & Americas Pride Activities Teen Programs No $1,000.00 Collaboration No $1,000.00 Alternatives No After School Clubs No 1 1 Yes High School $1,000.00 70 4 Yes $1,000.00 Education Elementary School $1,000.00 120 4 Yes $1,397.00 Alternatives Early First Use Middle School $1,397.00 70 4 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Community $1,274.00 80 5 Yes Community $1,200.00 250 10 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use High School $300.00 250 20 Yes ATOD Assembly Speaker Yes $1,200.00 Education No $300.00 Alternatives $2,400.00 Education Elementary School $9,571 Greenwich Township Activity/Program New Prog No $900.00 Education DARE No $433.00 Education Yes $800.00 Alternatives Project Prom/Graduation No $1,000.00 Alternatives Billboard Contest No Senior Awareness No National Night Out No $600.00 Collaboration Extended Latch Key Child Care Program Youth Organization Sponsorship No $600.00 Alternatives Yes $707.00 Communications $1,500.00 Education $450.00 Collaboration $0.00 No $7,171 Target Population DEDR Expend Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Community $900.00 400 10 Yes Elementary School $433.00 80 4 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Isolation and Loss Middle School $800.00 80 10 Yes $1,000.00 300 20 Yes $707.00 60 4 Yes $1,500.00 120 5 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Economical/Social Deprivation Community $600.00 300 22 No Elementary School $600.00 80 5 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Middle School $450.00 80 10 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor ATOD Assemblies 8th Grade Graduation Event Participants Volunteers Completed $1,000.00 $1,274.00 Education BABES DEDR Expend Community Yes No Target Population Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Early First Use Poster/Calendar Contest Project Graduation $14,468 High School Community Senior Citizens Participants Volunteers Completed Gibbstown Community Day Out No $750.00 Communications Economical/Social Deprivation Community $7,740 West Deptford Township Activity/Program New Prog No $2,500.00 Alternatives West Deptford Mischief Night Event No $1,245.00 Alternatives DARE No $2,000.00 Education National Night Out No $3,000.00 Collaboration Post Prom Event No $1,200.00 Alternatives ATOD Mouse Pads Yes $500.00 Alternatives Anti Graffitt Program Yes $500.00 Alternatives Municipal Alliance Coordinator No $0.00 Collaboration High School Assemblies No $3,000.00 Education Seniors Program No $1,500.00 Collaboration Ribbon Week No $1,475.00 Communications Target Population Activity/Program County Alliance Coordinator New Prog No Activity/Program Countywide Training New Prog No $0 Participants Volunteers Completed 80 10 Yes Intergenerational $1,245.00 350 10 Yes Intergenerational $2,000.00 100 4 No Community $3,000.00 300 20 Yes High School $1,200.00 150 20 Yes Community $500.00 200 1 Yes Community $500.00 20 3 Yes Community $0.00 Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use No High School $3,000.00 250 10 Yes Senior Citizens $1,500.00 120 10 Yes Community $1,475.00 700 25 Yes $16,920 Early First Use Target Population Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $0.00 Education DEDR Expend $2,500.00 $45,000 Countywide Training Yes Elementary School DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $45,000.00 Education 25 Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Isolation and Loss $16,920 County Alliance Coordinator 300 $7,740 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Mt. Misery Trip $750.00 Early First Use Target Population Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Hudson Bayonne Activity/Program New Prog Target Population DEDR Expend Availability of ATOD High School $600.00 180 0 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Availability of ATOD Community $9,075.00 4 0 Yes High School $13,113.00 500 3 Yes High School $13,506.50 1,000 0 Yes Middle School $13,506.50 1,200 0 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $600.00 Alternatives Participants Volunteers Completed Life Skills No Coordination No Project Graduation No $13,113.00 Alternatives Womens Health Center No $13,506.50 Education Peer Leadership Residents No $13,506.50 Education Youth Leadership Conference No $4,500.00 Education Availability of ATOD High School $4,500.00 24 0 Yes Parent Institute No $8,800.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Parent/Teacher/Coach $8,800.00 1,260 5 Yes $9,500.00 Communications $63,526 Guttenberg Activity/Program New Prog $63,101 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor DARE No $2,117.00 Education Junior Police Academy No $2,500.00 Education Prevention, Intervention and Sports Program Coordination No $3,000.00 Alternatives No $1,874.00 Communications Peer Leadership Program No $3,000.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Target Population Activity/Program New Prog Participants Volunteers Completed Elementary School $2,116.36 354 17 Yes Middle School $2,500.00 55 15 Yes Community $989.00 8 4 Yes Community $1,874.00 62 8 Yes Middle School $3,000.00 43 9 Yes $12,491 Harrison/East Newark DEDR Expend $10,479 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed High School $3,905.00 73 0 Yes Community $1,628.00 129 4 Yes Community $2,760.00 55 0 Yes $3,905.00 Early Intervention Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Economical/Social Deprivation Community $3,905.00 94 0 Yes $2,387.00 Alternatives Little Commitment to School High School $2,387.00 45 8 Yes Adolescent Social Education No $3,905.00 Education Prevention Is For Everyone No $1,628.00 Communications Coordination No $2,760.00 Communications Drop-In Center No Sankofa No BABES No $3,900.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Elementary School $18,485 Hoboken Activity/Program Botvins Life Skills New Prog $12,600.00 Education DARE No $5,387.00 Education YMCA Teen Center No $10,000.00 Alternatives Coordination No $3,134.00 Communications Partners in Prevention No $4,140.00 Education Jubilee Center After School Program No $5,000.00 Alternatives Target Population Early First Use Middle School Activity/Program New Prog 1 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Availability of ATOD Elementary School DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $12,600.00 2,450 14 Yes $5,387.00 1,600 14 Yes Community $10,000.00 7,280 0 Yes Community $3,134.00 16 68 Yes $4,140.00 690 0 Yes $5,000.00 1,120 5 Yes Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Elementary School Abuse Economical/Social Deprivation Community $40,261 Jersey City 29 $18,485 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Yes $3,900.00 $40,261 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Partners In Prevention No $40,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $40,000.00 808 2 Yes Coordination No $36,260.00 Communications Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $36,260.00 4 0 Yes High School $42,000.00 372 30 Yes Community $30,000.00 1,788 102 Yes Community $42,000.00 944 57 Yes Community $9,479.00 184 0 Yes $42,000.00 646 0 Yes Horizon Health Center Yes $42,000.00 Education Communities That Care Yes $30,000.00 Education Peers Educating Peers No $42,000.00 Education Professional Training Institute No $9,479.00 Education Educational Arts Team No $42,000.00 Education Middle School $241,739 Kearny Activity/Program New Prog $241,739 Target Population DEDR Expend Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $661.00 700 12 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $661.00 Communications Participants Volunteers Completed Senior Citizen Picnic No DARE No $9,206.00 Education Availability of ATOD Elementary School $9,206.00 1,600 48 Yes MS Peer Leadership No $5,363.00 Education Availability of ATOD Middle School $5,356.60 1,320 20 Yes Coordination No $3,576.00 Communications Availability of ATOD Community $3,576.00 0 0 Yes HS Peer Leadership No $7,140.00 Education Availability of ATOD High School $7,140.00 604 107 Yes Safe Haven Program No $3,220.00 Education Availability of ATOD Middle School $591.31 240 16 Yes Project Graduation No $9,858.00 Alternatives Boys and Girls Club No $1,932.00 Alternatives Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Availability of ATOD High School $9,858.00 640 112 Yes Community $1,904.58 1,200 84 Yes SADD No $1,241.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD High School $1,241.00 220 20 Yes $42,197 North Bergen Activity/Program New Prog $39,534 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor DARE No $5,007.00 Education TIPS Program No $3,000.00 Alternatives Peer Group Moderator No $1,300.00 Education Handicapped Person Drug Awareness No $5,700.00 Early Intervention Tutorial Program K-6 No $14,723.00 Education BABES No $3,100.00 Education Tutorial Program 7-12 No $12,575.00 Education Youth Corps No $11,571.00 Education Project Graduation No Safe Spot Program No $2,500.00 Alternatives $300.00 Communications Target Population Activity/Program New Prog Participants Volunteers Completed Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Physical and Mental Disabilities Elementary School $5,007.00 1,687 81 Yes Community $3,000.00 548 69 No High School $1,300.00 100 30 Yes Community $5,700.00 148 0 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Elementary School $14,723.00 900 68 Yes Elementary School $3,100.00 2,300 69 Yes High School $12,575.00 1,000 68 Yes High School $11,571.00 300 0 Yes High School $2,500.00 1,875 225 Yes $0.00 74 250 Yes Community $59,776 Secaucus DEDR Expend $59,476 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Recreational Mentor Program Yes $4,415.00 Early Intervention Early First Use High School $3,917.00 500 0 No Girls Circle Yes $4,400.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Middle School $4,400.00 240 5 No Footprints for Life Yes $3,500.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Elementary School $3,500.00 100 0 Yes Community $2,500.00 700 42 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Middle School $2,800.00 200 0 Yes Coordination Life Skills Training No Yes $2,500.00 Communications $2,800.00 Collaboration $17,615 $17,117 Union City Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Safe Graduation No $8,000.00 Alternatives Economical/Social Deprivation High School $8,000.00 642 20 Yes Drugs and Crime No $6,500.00 Communications Family Management Problems Elementary School $1,500.00 0 0 No Basketball Camp Experience No $10,000.00 Alternatives Community $6,274.00 1,130 0 Yes Student Workshops No $17,000.00 Education Middle School $17,000.00 320 0 Yes SASA Peer Leadership Tutors No $17,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Academic Failure High School $17,000.00 380 0 Yes DARE No $10,272.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Elementary School $9,422.00 3,442 0 Yes $68,772 Weehawken Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Peer Leadership Yes $3,796.00 Alternatives Community Education and Awareness Yes $1,518.00 Education Drop-In Center DARE Project Graduation No Yes No $59,196 $3,796.00 Alternatives $2,279.00 Education $3,796.00 Alternatives Target Population Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use High School Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Activity/Program New Prog 828 30 No Community $1,518.00 6,800 111 Yes Community $3,046.00 262 17 No Middle School $2,278.50 492 6 Yes High School $3,796.00 76 20 Yes $10,639 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Adult Drop In Center No $12,000.00 Education Project Graduation No Adolescent Drop In Center No $12,000.00 Education DARE No $7,452.00 Education Didactic Lecture Series No $5,000.00 Education Coordination No $5,000.00 Communications $6,000.00 Alternatives $47,452 Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 $15,185 West New York DEDR Expend Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Family Management Problems Community $12,000.00 120 0 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family Management Problems High School $6,000.00 250 20 Yes High School $12,000.00 47 0 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems Elementary School $7,452.00 2,000 0 Yes Community $5,000.00 150 0 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $5,000.00 4 0 Yes $47,452 County Coordination Activity/Program County Coordination New Prog No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $54,101.00 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Target Population Community $54,101 Countywide Project Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Volunteer Recognition No $2,000.00 Communications Early First Use Community $0.00 No Evidence Based Program Training No $3,000.00 Communications Early First Use Community $0.00 No Chairperson Meetings No $1,000.00 Communications Early First Use Community $0.00 No $6,000 $0 CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Hunterdon South Hunterdon Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend $975.16 Student Peer Leaders at South Hunterdon Artists in Residence Yes $1,900.00 Education School Tranistions Middle School Yes $1,500.00 Education Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach Community Awareness Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Community $920.00 Alternatives Participants Volunteers Completed 85 8 $0.00 Yes Yes $920.00 175 50 Yes $2,880.00 70 0 Yes Community $300.00 15 0 Yes Elementary School $599.35 90 10 Yes Insight Program No $2,880.00 Education Internet Safety Yes $300.00 Education No $600.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Underage Drinking, Brain Power Yes $800.00 Education Availability of ATOD Elementary School $800.00 46 0 Yes Senior Citizen Substance Abuse Prevention Stockton S.A.F.E. No $900.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $900.00 40 2 Yes Yes $3,000.00 Education Academic Failure Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,590.00 30 7 Yes No $1,400.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,400.00 100 0 Yes Yes $500.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $500.00 75 45 Yes DARE Elementary Program-Forest Friends, Prehistoric Pals Safe Homes High School $14,700 North Hunterdon Activity/Program Elementary Program - Forest Friends, Prehistoric Pals Peer to Peer New Prog $11,865 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population No $1,900.00 Education School Tranistions Elementary School Yes $1,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Isolation and Loss Senior Citizen Substance Abuse Prevention Positive Power Programming Yes $1,000.00 Alternatives Hooked on Fishing, Not Drugs Yes $1,250.00 Education Michael Fowlin Presentation Yes $1,200.00 Education Clinton Twp DARE Yes $1,200.00 Education Healthy Decisions Yes $1,200.00 Alternatives No $900.00 Early Intervention DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,900.00 209 0 Yes Community $829.94 110 9 Yes Senior Citizens $900.00 25 5 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Isolation and Loss Parent/Teacher/Coach $894.37 85 0 Yes Elementary School $1,101.24 95 7 Yes Middle School $1,200.00 350 5 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Isolation and Loss Elementary School $1,200.00 112 48 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,200.00 100 1 Yes Underage Drinking, Brain Power Peer Leadership at NHHS Internet Safety Franklin Twp DARE Yes $1,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD Elementary School $1,000.00 65 2 Yes No $1,200.00 Education Middle School $1,123.27 90 3 Yes Yes $1,000.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family Management Problems Community $1,000.00 60 2 Yes No $3,200.00 Education Elementary School $3,117.66 127 48 Yes $3,000.00 Early Intervention Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use School Tranistions High School $3,000.00 120 2 Yes Early First Use High School $237.00 45 4 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Elementary School $250.00 35 0 Yes $3,000.00 95 0 Yes Project Success Yes Peer Leadership No $1,500.00 Education Yes $250.00 Education Red Ribbon Activities Insight Program No $3,000.00 Early Intervention High School $23,800 Voorhees Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor High School Peer Leadership Program ES Program - Forest Friends and Prehistoric Pals High Bridge Middle School Peers Yes $3,000.00 Education No Michael Fowlin Program Insight Program Senior Citizen Substance Abuse Prevention Internet Safety Target Population $2,741.60 75 7 Yes $1,400.00 Education Elementary School $1,400.00 65 2 Yes No $2,000.00 Education Little Commitment to School Middle School $1,950.00 62 7 Yes Yes $1,500.00 Education Isolation and Loss Middle School $1,500.00 175 5 Yes $5,000.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Middle School $5,000.00 125 0 Yes Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $400.00 25 5 Yes Family Management Problems Community $1,700.00 125 2 Yes Early First Use Elementary School $800.00 55 5 Yes Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Middle School $1,200.00 70 12 Yes Community $1,000.00 0 0 Yes Middle School $1,500.00 70 3 Yes $300.00 35 2 Yes No Yes $1,700.00 Education No $800.00 Education Open Nights for Middle School Students Fiscal Coordinator Yes $1,200.00 Alternatives Underage Drinking- Brain Power Yes $1,500.00 Education Red Ribbon Activities Yes $300.00 Education No $1,000.00 Communications Community $20,300 Activity/Program Safe Homes Participants Volunteers Completed High School $900.00 Education Delaware Valley DEDR Expend Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Yes DARE/Character Education $21,953 New Prog Yes $19,492 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $500.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Target Population DEDR Expend Community $500.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 115 33 Yes Peer Leadership No Senior Citizen Substance Abuse Prevention Parenting Program No Yes Chess & Computer Activity Yes Insight Program Underage Drinking, Brain Power No $1,500.00 Early Intervention $900.00 Education $1,920.00 Communications $500.00 Alternatives $2,000.00 Early Intervention Yes $930.00 Education Little Commitment to School High School Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach School Tranistions Middle School Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Availability of ATOD High School Middle School $1,326.86 50 6 Yes $450.00 20 0 Yes $0.00 Yes $500.00 55 7 Yes $2,000.00 160 1 Yes $930.00 25 0 Yes Elementary Program - Forest Friends, Prehistoric Pals Internet Safety No $2,250.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,150.00 215 3 Yes Yes $1,920.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $1,820.00 60 1 Yes Success Group Yes $1,480.00 Education School Tranistions High School $1,228.37 37 3 Yes Violence Prevention Yes $500.00 Early Intervention Little Commitment to School Community $495.00 25 5 Yes Project Success Yes $4,000.00 Early Intervention School Tranistions High School $4,000.00 145 1 Yes $18,400 Central Hunterdon Activity/Program New Prog $15,400 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Community $500.00 65 40 Yes Intergenerational $1,063.40 75 15 Yes $2,500.00 245 250 Yes Participants Volunteers Completed DARE No $1,100.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Great Crate Race No $2,500.00 Alternatives Little Commitment to School Community Intervention & Referral Training No $1,500.00 Education School Tranistions Parent/Teacher/Coach Project Graduation No $3,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $3,000.00 265 50 Yes Community Awareness Activities Yes $700.00 Alternatives $0.00 Yes Life Skills Yes $3,500.00 Early Intervention School Tranistions Middle School $3,500.00 120 2 Yes Internet Safety Yes $2,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $2,000.00 200 0 Yes Count On Me Kids - Camp Fire USA Yes $900.00 Education Elementary School $600.00 75 2 Yes Safe Homes Yes $500.00 Early Intervention Community $500.00 125 45 Yes Senior Citizens $1,400.00 34 0 Yes Senior Citizen Substance Abuse Prevention Underage Drinking, Brain Power Peer Mediation Elementary Program - Forest Friends, Prehistoric Pals No $1,400.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Isolation and Loss Yes $2,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD Elementary School $2,000.00 146 7 Yes No $1,000.00 Education School Tranistions Community $1,000.00 75 10 Yes Yes $4,700.00 Education School Tranistions Elementary School $4,700.00 140 3 Yes Insight Program No $6,600.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Community $31,400 Coordination Activity/Program Coordination New Prog No Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Target Population Community $45,000 Countywide Activities Activity/Program New Prog Parent Conference No $19,482 2 Yes DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $19,482.45 Education 175 $29,363 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $45,000.00 Education $6,600.00 Early First Use Target Population Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Mercer East Windsor Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Heros & Ladies Mentoring Program No $1,596.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,596.00 46 0 Yes Peer Proof No $3,382.00 Education Family Management Problems Middle School $3,382.00 0 0 Yes Post Prom Event No $1,000.00 Alternatives High School $1,000.00 0 0 Yes Youth Conference No $1,000.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Intergenerational $1,000.00 230 0 Yes Super: BBs No $1,910.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,910.00 39 0 Yes HELP No $1,500.00 Education Early First Use Community $1,500.00 0 0 Yes Count on Me Kids No $5,266.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $5,266.00 339 0 Yes Alliance Community Information and Education DARE No $2,864.00 Education Early First Use Community $2,820.00 162 0 No No $2,760.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,760.00 468 0 Yes Next Level Youth No $800.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Middle School $800.00 108 11 Yes $22,078 Ewing Activity/Program New Prog $22,034 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Count On Me Kids No $2,400.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $2,400.00 258 0 No Caution Without Fear No $3,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Middle School $3,000.00 315 0 No Peer Proof No $6,000.00 Education School Tranistions Middle School $6,000.00 304 0 No Im Safe and Sure No $2,100.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $2,100.00 252 0 No SADD Club Activities No $1,040.00 Education School Tranistions High School $1,040.00 21 0 No An Evening of ATOD Prevention Activities & Family Meal GREAT Program No $1,000.00 Education Family Management Problems High School $259.00 0 0 No Yes $1,500.00 Education Community $1,486.00 814 0 No Post-Prom Event No $1,000.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence School Tranistions High School $1,000.00 350 5 Yes PEACE Program Yes $2,500.00 Education Physical and Mental Disabilities Senior Citizens $2,398.00 262 2 No DARE Yes $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community Days/Fourth of July Parade Citizens Police Academy No $4,000.00 Communications No $1,000.00 Education Coordinator No $4,650.00 Education $975.00 284 0 No Community $4,000.00 0 15 No Community $947.00 56 0 No Community $4,500.00 0 0 No $31,190 Hamilton Activity/Program New Prog $30,105 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Senior Citizens $675.00 24 0 Yes Middle School $8,877.00 5,106 5 Yes Elementary School $4,500.00 756 2 Yes Participants Volunteers Completed Yes $685.00 Education Impact 2000 No $9,000.00 Education Count on Me Kids, Safe and Sure and Caution Without Fear Steinert Post Prom No $4,500.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems No $2,500.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $2,500.00 630 1 Yes GREAT No $2,000.00 Education Middle School $2,000.00 2,016 0 Yes Training of Committee No $1,000.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Economical/Social Deprivation Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,000.00 428 33 Yes Coordination No Community $11,810.00 105 52 No BABES No $2,520.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Elementary School $2,430.00 512 4 Yes Yes $5,616.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $4,918.00 2,675 3 Yes $7,140.00 Communications Early First Use Community $6,865.00 123 92 Yes Community $9,893.00 32,246 113 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,270.00 42 0 Yes Phoenix Program Senior Sense $11,810.00 Collaboration Willow Tree Program No Community Awareness Information No STEP No $1,583.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems Caution Without Fear No $4,500.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $4,500.00 694 2 Yes DARE No $3,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $3,000.00 2,608 0 Yes HHS West Project Graduation No $2,500.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $2,500.00 400 1 Yes Forest Friends No $7,784.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $7,781.00 1,475 5 Yes Nottingham Post Prom No $2,500.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $2,500.00 475 1 Yes $10,093.00 Collaboration $78,731 Hopewell Valley Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $77,019 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed DARE No $3,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Yes $500.00 Education Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach Post Prom No $1,000.00 Alternatives Camp Fire Boys & Grils No $4,500.00 Education Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Early First Use Teens Against Tobacco Use No $300.00 Education Early First Use Teen Leadership Conference No $1,000.00 Education Healthy Community/Healthy Touth/Community Prevention PANDA No $6,912.00 Collaboration Yes $300.00 Education HOVAL CAN Yes $1,000.00 Alternatives Parent Leadership Corp $3,000.00 5,105 0 Yes $429.00 255 20 No High School $1,000.00 300 15 No Elementary School $3,900.00 6,030 0 No Intergenerational $300.00 121 0 Yes Early First Use High School $996.00 16 0 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Community $4,136.00 6,006 150 No Senior Citizens $298.00 36 20 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $483.00 505 30 Yes $18,512 Lawrence Activity/Program New Prog $14,542 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Senior Link No $280.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $202.00 150 2 Yes Community Awareness Information No $772.00 Communications Community $736.00 390 279 Yes Training for Committee No $500.00 Education Parent/Teacher/Coach $295.00 2 1 Yes Yes $1,200.00 Education Community $1,009.00 340 12 No Community $3,140.00 375 2 Yes Intergenerational $3,518.00 265 1 Yes Coordinator/Operating Expenses No $3,332.00 Collaboration Resistance & Refusal Skill Reinforcement Program Project Graduation No $3,518.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems No $2,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $2,000.00 102 30 Yes DARE and LEADRE No $1,400.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,268.00 711 0 Yes Teen Institute of the Garden State No $2,300.00 Alternatives High School $2,260.00 2,451 73 Yes Count On Me Kids/Safe and Sure No $5,700.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Elementary School $5,700.00 567 4 Yes Safe Homes No $680.00 Education Early First Use High School $382.00 0 0 Yes Challenging College Alcohol Abuse $21,682 Princeton Activity/Program Senior Learning Series New Prog No $20,510 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $750.00 Communications Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Target Population DEDR Expend Senior Citizens $750.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 30 0 No Growing Up Accepted As an Individual in America Alternative Activities No $3,300.00 Education Little Commitment to School Community $3,251.00 3,237 2 Yes No $3,935.00 Alternatives Little Commitment to School High School $3,935.00 2,121 55 Yes Leadership Institute No $6,430.00 Education High School $0.00 Teen Alliance Group No $5,600.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Intergenerational $5,600.00 1,372 11 Yes DARE No $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,000.00 1,208 0 Yes Parent Forums No $7,005.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $7,003.00 22,826 50 Yes $28,020 Trenton Activity/Program New Prog No $21,539 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Princeton Deliverance Center Yes $35,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $35,000.00 59 8 Yes CampFire Boys and Girls Yes $35,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $35,000.00 667 0 Yes No $17,252.00 Education Family Management Problems High School $13,814.00 183 28 Yes No $19,021.00 Collaboration Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Community Abuse Family Management Problems Community $15,311.00 2,278 1,271 No $17,500.00 280 31 Yes $2,500.00 132 8 Yes Youth Resiliency Building Group Activity Program Admninistration Prevention through the Arts Yes Hooked On Fishing Yes $17,500.00 Education $2,500.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Community $126,273 West Windsor/Plainsboro Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Student Achievement Plaques No $1,000.00 Alternatives DARE No $4,559.00 Education The 8th Grade Connection No $1,000.00 Education Prom Celebration No $2,000.00 Alternatives Count On Me Kids No $8,000.00 Education Adult Education Awareness No $2,600.00 Communications Connections Yes $119,125 $3,800.00 Alternatives $22,959 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Middle School $1,000.00 802 10 Yes Elementary School $2,479.00 1,612 10 No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Economical/Social Deprivation Middle School $970.00 41 6 Yes High School $2,000.00 0 0 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Elementary School $8,000.00 900 100 Yes Community $1,781.00 40 4 Yes $194.00 0 1 Yes Senior Citizens $16,424 Coordination Activity/Program Corrdination New Prog No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $64,879.00 Education Early First Use Target Population Community $64,879 Countywide Training Activity/Program Countywide Training New Prog No $5,802 $31,476.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 0 0 Yes $31,476 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $5,802.00 Education DEDR Expend Early First Use Target Population DEDR Expend Community $700.00 $700 Participants Volunteers Completed 0 0 Yes CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Middlesex Carteret Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,500.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School $1,500.00 250 1 No $5,000.00 275 3 No $0.00 0 0 Yes Footprints Yes $5,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Senior Awareness Yes $1,849.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens DARE No $3,200.00 Education Elementary School $3,200.00 1,020 9 No Community Awareness No $2,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Availability of ATOD Community $1,919.00 300 22 Yes Forest Friends No $5,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $5,000.00 283 3 No ATOD Resistance Education No $1,600.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Middle School $545.00 100 3 Yes $20,149 Cranbury Activity/Program New Prog $17,164 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Drug Education Programs Yes $983.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Elementary School $983.00 2,600 1 No Helping Girls Become Strong Women Yes $500.00 Early Intervention Elementary School $500.00 40 0 Yes Jam Fest I Yes $600.00 Alternatives Middle School $600.00 340 60 Yes No $250.00 Alternatives Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family Management Problems $516.60 Education Availability of ATOD Community $500.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Elementary School Childhood/Early Adolescence Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Elementary School Abuse Greater Influence by and High School Reliance on Peers than Parents Project Graduation Community Education and Awareness Yes After School Programs No Drug Free Program No Teen Board Yes $1,291.50 Education $774.90 Alternatives High School $5,416 Dunellen Activity/Program New Prog Great Body Shop Yes ATOD Outreach No $820.00 Education No $516.60 650 1 Yes $500.00 425 14 No $1,291.50 1,750 52 No $774.90 150 12 No $5,166 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,825.00 Early Intervention $0.00 Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Target Population Elementary School Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,825.00 1,050 1 Yes $820.00 380 15 Yes Project Graduation Yes $1,929.00 Collaboration Leadership Training Via Diversity Council Alliance Training No $670.00 Alternatives Yes $1,000.00 Collaboration Peer to Peer Yes $2,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use School Tranistions High School $1,891.65 80 20 Yes High School $670.00 14 2 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use High School $1,000.00 380 15 Yes High School $2,000.00 45 6 No $8,244 East Brunswick Activity/Program Building Our Strengths: The Mind and Body Connection Summer Scene For The In-Between New Prog $8,207 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Yes $3,900.00 Education Yes $8,100.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Senior Citizens $3,900.00 1,456 2 No Community $8,100.00 289 0 No $7,000.00 950 150 No $6,172.00 2 2 No Project Graduation No $7,000.00 Alternatives Alliance Coordinator No $6,172.00 Education Family History of Alcoholism/Drug High School Abuse Early First Use Community Alcohol Awareness Month No $3,357.41 Education Early First Use High School $3,357.41 5,200 201 Yes ATOD Prevention and Education Programs Alliance Training No $1,495.00 Education Family Management Problems Middle School $1,494.59 100 2 No Yes Early First Use Community $790.00 210 1 Yes Were Not Buying It Yes $8,640.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $8,640.00 1,450 2 No Community Outreach Yes $2,000.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community $2,000.00 3,800 50 Yes $790.00 Communications $41,454 Edison Activity/Program Adult Education Edison New Prog $41,454 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Yes $8,760.00 Education Bridges No Middle School Prevention Planners No Substance Abuse Resource Center Yes Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Early First Use Community $8,759.60 492 49 No $15,180.00 Education Academic Failure High School $15,180.00 1,274 82 No $11,800.00 Communications Middle School $11,800.00 4,000 1 Yes $8,760.00 Early Intervention Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Isolation and Loss Community $8,759.55 440 145 No No $1,750.00 Education School Tranistions High School $1,750.00 2,000 75 Yes BABES Yes $8,298.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $8,298.00 1,232 60 No Strenthening Families Yes $12,016.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $12,016.00 134 20 Yes No $2,250.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence High School $2,250.00 30 15 No Prevention Assemblies Peer Leadership Family Day No $4,500.00 Education Summer Outreach Program No $8,000.00 Alternatives Project Graduation No $2,750.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Isolation and Loss Community $4,500.00 2,010 231 Yes Middle School $8,000.00 272 20 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization High School $2,750.00 900 275 Yes $84,064 Helmetta Activity/Program New Prog Community Outreach No Tennage Activity Program No Senior Awareness Yes Project Graduation Yes DARE No $84,063 Target Population DEDR Expend Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Isolation and Loss Community $418.00 300 20 Yes Middle School $1,045.00 20 2 Yes Senior Citizens $1,045.00 85 8 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use High School $630.00 85 10 Yes $1,045.00 75 3 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $418.00 Alternatives $1,045.00 Education $1,045.00 Communications $630.00 Alternatives $1,045.00 Education Elementary School $4,183 Highland Park Activity/Program New Prog Participants Volunteers Completed $4,183 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Community $650.00 77 9 No $2,780.32 630 1 No $998.95 242 3 No Participants Volunteers Completed Teen Drop In Center No DARE No $2,784.00 Early Intervention Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use NJ Peer to Peer No $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Middle School Teen Prevention Yes $1,500.00 Education Community $1,500.00 61 11 No LMTI (TI) Yes $1,000.00 Alternatives High School $1,000.00 26 2 Yes CAVE Yes $1,183.00 Alternatives Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family Management Problems Community $1,183.00 61 9 No Alliance Training Yes $200.00 Education Academic Failure Community $200.00 1 1 Yes Wellness Education Yes $2,193.00 Education High School $2,193.00 400 10 Yes Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Alternatives High School $1,000.00 400 15 Yes Parent Skill/Drug Education No $1,000.00 Education Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,000.00 4 4 No Yes $2,000.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $1,863.78 350 25 No Senior Education Series $650.00 Alternatives $14,510 Elementary School $14,369 Jamesburg Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed We are Not Buying It No $1,080.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $0.00 No fOOTSPRINTS FOR lIFE No $1,080.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No Forest Friends No $1,620.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No DARE No $1,280.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No Alliance Training No $1,600.00 Education Early First Use Community $0.00 No Alternative Recreation Program No $2,357.00 Education Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 No $9,017 Metuchen Activity/Program Forest Friends ATOD New Prog $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Yes $3,314.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $3,314.00 295 1 Yes DARE No $250.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $250.00 350 1 Yes Peer Leadership No $1,000.00 Education Middle School $1,000.00 75 2 No Project Graduation No $3,293.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Availability of ATOD High School $3,293.00 260 50 No Teen Center No $500.00 Alternatives Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community $500.00 45 1 Yes Community $1,900.00 570 13 Yes High School $3,000.00 1,025 1 Yes Drug Free Outreach AM Explorers Yes No $1,900.00 Education $3,000.00 Alternatives $13,257 Milltown Activity/Program Alternative Sports Recreation Program Footprints for Life New Prog $13,257 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No Yes $450.00 Education Early First Use Community No $2,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,000.00 67 5 Yes No $1,799.00 Education Early First Use Community $1,799.00 3 7 Yes Senior Lecture Series and Awareness Yes $567.00 Education Senior Citizens $144.97 60 9 Yes Seymour Seal Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use $1,850.99 80 3 Yes Community Outreach Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community $445.87 221 19 Yes Alliance Administration $2,128.00 Early Intervention $500.00 Education Elementary School DARE No $800.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $8,244 Monroe Activity/Program Active Parenting New Prog $800.00 90 4 Yes $7,041 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed No $3,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $2,100.00 220 8 Yes Yes $5,089.00 Education Community $5,089.00 390 14 Yes High School $1,000.00 180 5 Yes Elementary School $1,000.00 240 1 Yes $3,000.00 46 1 Yes $540.00 8 0 No Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Alternatives DARE No $1,000.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Early First Use Drugs and Decisions Yes $3,000.00 Education Physical and Mental Disabilities Community Forest Friends Yes $2,500.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Keys to Innervision Yes $5,000.00 Education Academic Failure Community $4,832.45 16 1 Yes No $200.00 Education Early First Use Community $200.00 0 0 Yes Care Program Yes $2,500.00 Education High School $2,500.00 1 1 Yes Footprints For Life Yes $2,500.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use $540.00 10 0 No Healthy Community Programs Alliance Training Elementary School $25,789 New Brunswick Activity/Program New Prog $20,801 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Teens Showing the Way No $8,500.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $8,500.00 30 4 Yes Free and Drug Free No $9,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $9,000.00 58 6 Yes Keep Clean Air No $6,761.00 Early Intervention Health Problems Middle School $4,052.69 20 4 Yes Alliance Training No $1,600.00 Education Early First Use Community $1,600.00 21 2 Yes City of New Brunswick ATOD Prevention Outreach Spanish DARE No $8,500.00 Communications Early First Use Community $8,500.00 38 4 Yes No $2,000.00 Education Elementary School $1,920.00 1,348 32 Yes Yes $2,500.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $2,500.00 22 4 Yes Community $4,473.00 98 14 Yes Youth Challenge Substance Abuse Prevention Calendars No $4,473.00 Collaboration $43,334 $40,546 North Brunswick Activity/Program Forest Friends New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Yes $3,700.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $3,700.00 120 0 Yes No $1,500.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,500.00 450 0 Yes Womans Conference Yes $600.00 Education Early First Use Community $600.00 250 2 No Community Outreach Yes $3,000.00 Alternatives Community $3,000.00 1,250 67 Yes No $1,500.00 Alternatives High School $1,500.00 247 19 Yes Senior Citizens $1,500.00 100 10 No DARE Yes $1,500.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems No $6,500.00 Education Early First Use Community $6,500.00 1 1 Yes Project Response Yes $2,000.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $2,000.00 100 7 Yes Crime Prevention ATOD Yes $2,500.00 Early Intervention Community $2,500.00 1,000 5 Yes SLICE Yes $2,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Middle School $2,000.00 150 6 Yes Footprints No $6,382.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $6,382.00 120 0 No Late Night Prewvention Activity No $1,500.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Middle School $1,500.00 350 20 Yes Project Graduation Senior Citizens Conference Alliance Coordinator $32,682 Old Bridge Activity/Program New Prog $32,682 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Middle School $2,200.00 3,048 96 Yes $7,909.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Community $7,909.00 3 40 No No $4,250.00 Alternatives Little Commitment to School High School $4,250.00 4,000 700 Yes Caution Without Fear No $7,500.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $7,500.00 2,900 2 Yes DARE No $11,094.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $11,067.71 4,188 2 No Community $1,956.27 10,000 1 Yes Elementary School $9,180.00 1,496 2 Yes $7,573.30 641 124 No $932.93 800 1 Yes NJ Peer to Peer No $2,200.00 Communications Alliance Coordinator No Project Graduation Footprints for Life No $9,180.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Intergenerational Program No $7,573.30 Communications Isolation and Loss High School Substance Abuse Prevention No $1,025.00 Policy Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Community Awareness Yes $2,000.00 Collaboration $52,731 $52,569 Perth Amboy Activity/Program New Prog Understanding Self No $3,000.00 Communications Family Management Problems DARE No $2,500.00 Education I Can Play Too No $2,500.00 Early Intervention Yes $4,000.00 Communications MAPS No $10,000.00 Early Intervention Club Friday No $4,000.00 Early Intervention Alliance Coordinator No Senior Focus Role Modeling DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $0.00 No Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Community $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Early First Use Community $10,000.00 Community $0.00 $6,000.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Community $6,000.00 No $1,980.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $0.00 No One Youth at a Time No $5,500.00 Collaboration Middle School $0.00 No Health Body and Mind No $2,601.00 Communications Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Senior Citizens $0.00 No ATOD Community Day DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population $42,081 Piscataway Activity/Program New Prog 63 1 Yes No 2 1 Yes $16,000 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed What is Up Youth Center No $2,364.15 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Middle School $2,364.15 250 15 Yes Project Graduation No $1,665.00 Education Availability of ATOD High School $1,665.00 35 6 Yes Footprints For Life Yes $10,800.00 Communications Early First Use Elementary School $10,800.00 134 0 Yes Community Outreach No $4,458.70 Communications Community $4,458.70 450 15 No Drug Awareness Education No $1,974.12 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Community $1,974.12 485 21 Yes Peer Leaders No $3,178.28 Education Early First Use High School $3,172.28 35 6 Yes Yes $9,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $9,000.00 2 0 No No $11,146.75 Education Early First Use Elementary School $11,146.75 450 15 No Alliance Coordinator DARE $44,587 Sayreville Activity/Program DARE New Prog No $44,581 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,840.00 Education Early First Use Target Population Elementary School DEDR Expend $1,840.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 781 3 No Alliance Billboard No $2,461.00 Education Camp Willabees No $3,649.00 Education Yes $960.00 Education Parents Program No $480.00 Education TIGS No $1,440.00 Alternatives Yes $400.00 Education No $5,466.00 Education Yes $800.00 Education Im Prepared To Act (IMPACT) Peer Leadership Alliance Coordinator Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Substance Prevention Awareness Activity After School Mentoring Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Community $2,461.00 72,000 49 No Elementary School $3,649.00 10,102 17 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Community $960.00 450 25 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $480.00 32 1 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Middle School $1,440.00 95 3 No Community $0.00 32 1 No Community $5,466.00 4 2 No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Community $800.00 180 3 No Community $3,459.70 10,171 57 No Middle School $1,600.00 205 48 No Elementary School $2,040.00 235 3 No Community $622.98 24 24 No Community $8,570.00 1,084 42 No Yes $3,516.00 Communications No $1,600.00 Early Intervention Upper Elementary School Willabees No $2,040.00 Education Community Unity Day No $1,140.00 Collaboration Eisenhower Willabees No $8,570.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Our Lady of Victories Willabees No $1,440.00 Education Early First Use Community $1,440.00 101 2 No Alliance Training No $640.00 Education Early First Use Community $640.00 5 3 No $36,442 South Amboy Activity/Program New Prog $35,469 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed DARE No $2,274.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No TIGS No $1,613.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Middle School $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Middle School $0.00 No Senior Citizens $0.00 No Community $0.00 No ATOD Elementary Program Yes $1,200.00 Early Intervention Peer to Peer Training No $1,913.00 Education Senior Citizens Seminars No $1,000.00 Communications Parents Awareness No $1,099.00 Education $9,099 South Brunswick Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $0 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Senior Citizens $4,500.00 244 29 No Senior Citizens $1,195.00 623 5 No Community $1,000.56 11,130 3 No $8,483.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Community $8,446.54 13,429 255 No No $5,500.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $5,465.16 535 16 No Youth Police Academy Yes $700.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $598.80 211 11 No Healthy Communities Yes $8,452.00 Education Community $8,117.10 11,520 251 No Safe Program and Drug Education Yes $3,600.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Elementary School $3,600.00 1,011 184 No Senior Social Circle No $4,500.00 Education File of Life No $1,200.00 Education Community School Outreach Yes $1,500.00 Education SURE/Project Graduation Yes EPIC $33,935 South Plainfield Activity/Program New Prog $32,923 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Peer Mentoring No $2,600.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $2,591.95 90 15 Yes Peer To Peer No $4,500.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $4,500.00 135 12 Yes Systematic Training For Effective Parenting Student Leadership No $2,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,000.00 90 6 Yes No $5,000.00 Education Early First Use High School $5,000.00 360 21 Yes Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Education High School $1,000.00 280 30 Yes Alliance Training No $1,400.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Community $1,400.00 20 4 Yes DARE No $2,300.00 Education Elementary School $2,300.00 1,050 144 Yes Listen to Children No $277.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Elementary School $277.00 60 33 Yes Alternative Basketball Recreational Program ATOD Abuse Awareness No $1,200.00 Education Early First Use Community $1,200.00 100 10 Yes No $500.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $500.00 60 12 Yes $20,777 South RIver Activity/Program New Prog $20,769 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor P.R.I.D.E. Yes $637.00 Communications National Night Out Yes $625.00 Alternatives Junior Police Academy Yes $2,500.00 Alternatives Target Population Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Middle School Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Middle School Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $57.50 30 5 Yes $625.00 3,001 101 No $2,500.00 26 26 No Academic & Prevention Planner Yes $3,105.00 Education Part Time Coordinator Yes $2,270.00 Collaboration No $500.00 Alternatives Project Graduation School and Community Awareness Programs DARE Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Community $3,104.03 2 2 Yes Community $2,268.00 4 4 No $500.00 150 25 Yes High School Yes $3,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $2,500.00 1,000 1 Yes No $2,500.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,500.00 200 10 Yes $15,137 Spotswood Activity/Program Teenage Activity Program (T.A.P.) ATOD Education/Awareness Program New Prog No Yes $14,055 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,364.85 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,228.64 800 85 No $2,729.70 Early Intervention Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $2,729.70 950 62 No Elementary School $2,274.75 1,050 12 No DARE No $2,274.75 Education Alliance Training No $909.90 Education Early First Use Community $909.90 3 3 No Project Graduation Yes $909.90 Alternatives Early First Use High School $909.90 200 40 No Spotswood Police Academy Yes $909.90 Education Involvement with the Criminal Justice System High School $909.90 40 10 No $9,099 Woodbridge Activity/Program Strengthening Families New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Yes $20,000.00 Education Senior Alert No $8,000.00 Education Program Coordinator No $12,515.55 Education Project Alert Yes $5,000.00 Education Heroes and Cool Kids Yes $12,500.00 Communications Prevention Education Program Yes $17,000.00 Communications Alliance Training Youth Alliance No Yes $8,963 Target Population Family Management Problems Community Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Senior Citizens Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Family Management Problems Middle School $1,921.45 Education $6,500.00 Alternatives $83,437 Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $20,000.00 213 6 Yes $7,839.00 174 9 Yes $0.00 No $4,748.20 200 1 Yes High School $12,500.00 2,460 18 No Community $15,769.63 960 8 Yes Early First Use Community $1,921.45 21 1 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization High School $6,281.10 200 10 Yes $69,059 Middlesex Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Senior Citizen ATOD Awareness Program Every 15 Minutes No $3,421.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $2,939.55 400 64 No No $3,421.00 Education Availability of ATOD High School $2,392.66 1,700 70 No Alliance Training No $200.00 Education Early First Use Community $200.00 1 1 Yes DARE No $3,421.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Elementary School $3,421.00 844 32 No PRIDE No $3,421.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Elementary School $3,421.00 160 16 No $13,884 Coordination Activity/Program New Prog $12,374 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Coordination No $85,000.00 Education Countywide Training No $17,216.04 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Target Population $102,216 Countywide Training Activity/Program Countywide Training New Prog No $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $38,664.63 Education $38,665 Early First Use Target Population Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Monmouth Colts Neck Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Girls Summit Yes $1,500.00 Education Lead for Diversity Yes $2,125.00 Education Alliance Coordinator Yes Courageous Kids Yes $600.00 Communications $3,438.00 Education After School Mentoring Program No $1,200.00 Early Intervention Im Safe and Sure No $1,800.00 Education Target Population Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Middle School Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Elementary School High School Community High School Elementary School $10,663 Eatontown Activity/Program Guiding Good Choices Across the Ages New Prog $2,460.00 Education No $7,900.00 Education Girls Night Out Yes Leadership and Resiliency Yes Open Court No $1,525.00 Alternatives $12,898.00 Education $1,200.00 Alternatives Target Population Activity/Program New Prog No $3,212.00 Communications Community Mobilization No $4,928.00 Communications Life Skills Training No $10,668.00 Education Anytown USA Yes $2,125.00 Education Peer to Peer No $1,075.00 Education MAC Training Yes $1,240.00 Education $2,125.00 5 0 $0.00 $3,438.00 No 175 0 $0.00 $1,800.00 No No No 120 0 No DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $2,415.63 30 2 Yes Middle School $7,587.50 80 0 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Middle School $1,524.74 60 8 Yes Middle School $12,867.04 90 0 Yes Middle School $1,144.55 65 0 Yes $25,539 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Freehold Awakening/Get Connected No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Little Commitment to School $25,983 Freehold Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 $7,363 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Yes DEDR Expend Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $3,212.00 1,420 0 Yes Community $4,928.00 485 0 Yes $10,668.00 150 0 Yes High School $2,125.00 6 0 No High School $825.00 2 0 No $1,166.00 6 0 Yes Middle School Community Caution without Fear I Peer Yes $9,300.00 Education Alliance Coordination No $6,612.00 Communications Problem ID & Referral Yes $1,585.00 Early Intervention Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Elementary School $6,000.00 425 0 Yes Community $4,403.00 13 114 Yes Community $1,585.00 30 0 Yes $40,745 Hazlet Activity/Program New Prog $34,912 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Communities Mobilizing for Change No $1,000.00 Policy Early First Use Community $1,000.00 3,300 12 Yes Family Matters No $1,500.00 Education Early First Use High School $1,500.00 17 4 Yes Rude Awakening Yes $1,000.00 Education Early First Use High School $1,000.00 280 15 Yes Camp Fire USA Yes $4,170.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $4,170.00 575 2 Yes Parent Education & Assistance Yes $1,560.00 Education Community $1,560.00 660 16 Yes $3,450.00 Collaboration Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Elementary School $3,450.00 710 13 Yes Yes $3,269.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $3,269.00 4,455 6 Yes No $6,950.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $6,950.00 606 2 Yes Yes $2,500.00 Education Elementary School $2,500.00 1,580 10 Yes No $2,390.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Middle School $2,320.00 180 12 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community $4,903.00 80 61 Yes Elementary Peer Leadership Program Community Awareness BABES Classroom Education LMTI Coordinator No Yes $4,903.00 Communications $32,692 Atlantic Highlands Activity/Program New Prog Summer Programs No $2,600.00 Education Handbooks No $32,622 Target Population DEDR Expend Family Management Problems Community $300.00 150 10 No $2,000.00 Communications Academic Failure High School $549.00 350 3 No $1,987.00 Collaboration Community $573.00 1 15 No Elementary School $301.00 394 19 No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Participants Volunteers Completed No $408.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Yes $500.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $350.00 18 5 No Mentoring Program No $504.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $426.00 12 12 No Parenting Education No $2,600.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,300.00 217 11 No Coffee Houses DARE Coaches Training Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Middle School $3,000.00 260 6 No Community $1,400.00 1,172 91 No Early First Use High School $400.00 9 8 No $3,934.00 Communications Academic Failure Community $3,670.98 5 28 No No $1,000.00 Education Academic Failure High School $574.00 215 8 No Individual Parent Education No $600.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $300.00 8 5 No Classroom Education No $2,900.00 Education Early First Use Community $1,815.00 444 10 No Willow Tree No $1,400.00 Education Family Management Problems Middle School $1,000.00 92 8 No Middle School Program No $3,000.00 Education Community Awareness No $2,000.00 Education Fatal Vision Program No $800.00 Education Coordination No Homework Center $26,233 Holmdel Activity/Program Family Matters Rude Awakening New Prog No $15,959 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,800.00 Early Intervention Target Population Early First Use Elementary School DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,600.00 12 4 Yes $915.00 245 6 Yes Yes $915.00 Education Early First Use High School BABES No $5,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $4,957.00 336 3 Yes Classroom Education No $1,085.00 Education Early First Use Community $1,085.00 2,135 16 No Yes $4,350.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $4,350.00 661 3 Yes Camp Fire USA Communities Mobilizing for Change No $1,500.00 Policy Early First Use Community $800.00 985 4 Yes Community Awareness Program No $2,353.00 Communications Early First Use Community $1,886.00 7,025 23 Yes Parent Education and Assistance No $3,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,700.00 740 15 Yes Coordination No $3,530.00 Communications Family Management Problems Community $3,530.00 120 91 Yes $23,533 Howell Activity/Program New Prog Howell High School Yes $3,500.00 Education PAL Head Start Yes $3,772.00 Early Intervention $21,823 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Alliance Coordination No $3,500.00 Collaboration Howell Day No $1,300.00 Communications Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed High School $3,500.00 330 10 No Intergenerational $3,772.00 350 30 No Community $3,500.00 300 215 Yes Community $1,270.00 10,000 20 No Across Ages No Chess Child No $28,200.00 Early Intervention $4,750.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Intergenerational Middle School $45,022 Keansburg Activity/Program New Prog $28,200.00 1,200 25 Yes $4,700.00 135 0 Yes $44,942 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed BABES No $5,550.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $3,376.00 245 7 No Information Outreach No $6,116.00 Communications Availability of ATOD Community $2,700.00 530 12 No $2,500.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $2,125.00 0 0 No $5,310.00 Communications Family Management Problems Community $5,310.00 0 0 No $667.00 38 2 No CPS Training Yes Coordination No Summer Fun Yes $2,859.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Family Night Yes $2,020.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $1,550.00 180 19 No Parenting Wisely Yes $2,855.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,855.00 0 0 Yes $880.00 100 15 Yes $3,200.00 253 27 No $0.00 0 0 No High School Task Force No $1,080.00 Communications Availability of ATOD High School Peer to Peer Program No $4,200.00 Education Availability of ATOD Middle School Yes $2,950.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach Family Matters $35,440 Keyport Activity/Program New Prog Rude Awakening Yes Outdoor Adventure Yes $22,663 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Early First Use High School $343.00 Alternatives Early First Use No $475.00 Education Camp Fire USA Yes Classroom Education DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,060.00 210 9 No Elementary School $343.00 14 2 Yes Early First Use Middle School $475.00 146 8 Yes $3,000.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $3,000.00 175 3 Yes Yes $2,570.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $2,000.00 885 8 Yes Peer Leadership No $1,807.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,807.00 198 12 Yes Parent Education Yes $2,189.00 Education Early First Use Community $2,189.00 275 5 Yes LMTI $1,060.00 Education Target Population Communities Mobilizing for Change No $1,500.00 Policy Early First Use Community $1,248.00 930 5 Yes BABES No $5,300.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $4,733.00 190 3 Yes Community Awareness Yes $2,660.00 Education Early First Use Community $2,419.00 1,240 39 Yes Alliance Coordination No $4,000.00 Communications Early First Use Community $4,000.00 60 46 Yes Family Matters No $1,800.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,800.00 39 5 Yes $26,704 Long Branch Activity/Program Life Skills New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor No $9,440.00 Education Yes $4,500.00 Education No $900.00 Education Keys to Innervisions Yes $1,900.00 Education Project Alert LB Yes $400.00 Education Project Prom Yes $500.00 Alternatives Community Education and Awareness EPIC $25,074 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Middle School $6,150.00 90 6 Yes Community $4,500.00 0 0 Yes $450.00 0 0 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems High School $1,800.00 0 0 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach Middle School Intergenerational $0.00 No $500.00 868 53 No DARE No $1,300.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,291.75 317 5 Yes BABES No $6,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $6,000.00 213 2 Yes Alliance Coordination No $4,500.00 Communications Early First Use Community $4,500.00 0 19 No $1,032.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $632.00 54 18 Yes Family Education Series Yes $30,472 Manalapan Activity/Program New Prog $25,824 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Community Service Program Yes $4,341.25 Early Intervention ATOD Educational Series Yes $5,489.25 Education Alliance Coordination No $3,293.55 Communications Community Education Awareness No $2,195.70 Education Problem ID and Referral No $5,489.25 Early Intervention BABES No $1,148.00 Education $21,957 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Community $2,195.70 6 16 No Elementary School $3,892.62 225 83 No Community $2,794.80 2 0 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $1,148.00 1,440 57 No Community $3,892.62 67 0 No Elementary School $1,148.00 250 15 Yes $15,072 Manasquan Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Student Alliance No $500.00 Alternatives Project PACKMAN No $4,365.00 Alternatives SHAPE Yes BABES No $12,209.00 Early Intervention Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems High School $0.00 High School $788.38 High School $0.00 Elementary School $788.38 135 0 No Community $788.38 20 0 No High School $788.38 0 0 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $788.38 5 0 No 30 8 No No Peer Leadership Training No $4,337.00 Education SAC Forum No $3,865.00 Collaboration Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems JCC Community Service Networks No $7,049.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $788.38 12 0 No Alliance Coordination No $7,325.00 Communications Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $4,084.04 0 12 No Community Education Yes $4,720.00 Education $4,465.00 Collaboration $48,835 Marlboro Activity/Program New Prog $8,814 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed After School Workshop for Middle School Coordination No $3,750.00 Communications Academic Failure Middle School $0.00 No No $4,282.00 Communications Family Management Problems Community $0.00 No Red Ribbon Week No Family Management Problems Middle School $0.00 No Community Education and Awareness No $2,854.00 Communications Family Management Problems Community $0.00 No Anytowners No $1,250.00 Education Family Management Problems High School $0.00 No Substance Abuse Workshops Yes $3,468.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $0.00 No Peer to Peer Yes $7,100.00 Education Family Management Problems Middle School $0.00 No Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Parenting Skills Workshops Yes $768.00 Education Family Management Problems High School $0.00 No No $1,700.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 No Teen Nights Yes $3,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Middle School $0.00 No $375.00 Education $28,547 Middletown Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $0 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed NJPN Conference Yes $300.00 Early Intervention April is Alcohol Awareness Month No $1,750.00 Communications Early ID Intervention and Referral No $6,709.00 Early Intervention Coordination No $4,525.00 Communications Project PLUS No $6,790.00 Early Intervention Newsletter No $4,512.00 Communications Elks Peer Leadership No $2,250.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Community $300.00 6 6 Yes Community $1,750.00 675 5 Yes Community $6,682.00 349 0 No Community $4,522.10 2 84 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Elementary School $6,788.40 3,769 45 Yes Community $4,512.00 6,044 27 Yes High School $2,250.00 6 5 No $26,836 Millstone Activity/Program Caution Without Fear New Prog $26,805 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Yes $2,648.00 Education Availability of ATOD Elementary School $2,648.00 150 0 Yes Homework Club No $2,988.00 Education Elementary School $1,995.00 32 0 Yes Guiding Good Choices No $200.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family Management Problems $90.19 0 0 Yes Millstone CARES No $1,200.00 Communications Community $793.56 6 5 Yes AHS Peer Leadership No $1,645.00 Education High School $1,645.00 24 2 Yes Count On Me Kids Yes $2,884.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Availability of ATOD Elementary School $2,884.00 168 1 Yes Coordination Yes $1,900.00 Communications Early First Use Community $1,626.50 0 0 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $13,465 Neptune City Activity/Program New Prog $11,682 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Coordination No $1,950.00 Communications BABES No $3,200.00 Education Neptune City Day No $2,497.00 Communications Courageous Kids Yes $600.00 Education Life Skills Training No $2,400.00 Education Alcohol Awareness Month No $600.00 Education DARE No $500.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No Target Population Senior Citizen Program No $750.00 Collaboration Family Management Problems Senior Citizens $0.00 No Parenting Program No $500.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 No $12,997 Neptune Township Activity/Program New Prog $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population New Beginnings No $2,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Community Alliance Summer Program No $11,604.00 Education Family Management Problems Middle School Families Talking No $5,220.00 Education Family Management Problems GAP Hamilton Jr High Ministry Yes $2,000.00 Education Helping Hands Yes DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $2,000.00 380 40 No $11,604.00 150 3 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,665.04 147 25 No Family Management Problems Middle School $2,000.00 136 61 No $2,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $2,000.00 731 90 No Coordination No $6,000.00 Communications Family Management Problems Community $6,000.00 176 60 No Peer Leadership No $2,650.00 Education Family Management Problems Middle School $2,650.00 125 54 No Alliance Elementary Program No $9,600.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $9,600.00 838 4 No $41,074 Ocean Township Activity/Program New Prog $37,519 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed TOGS/iTOGS Yes $6,000.00 Education Family Management Problems High School $5,200.02 530 80 No Comm High Risk Drinking Initiative Yes $2,486.00 Policy Family Management Problems Community $2,486.00 1,000 20 No Early Intervention Program No $6,000.00 Early Intervention Family Management Problems Community $4,384.52 720 12 No Healthy Communities Healthy Kids No $6,000.00 Collaboration Family Management Problems High School $5,769.13 1,400 80 No Coordination No $3,600.00 Communications Family Management Problems Community $3,600.00 0 0 No $24,086 Upper Freehold Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Fatal Vision Yes $2,490.00 Education Forest Friends Yes $4,065.00 Education Safe Homes No $21,440 $8,415.00 Communications Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Little Commitment to School Target Population DEDR Expend Middle School $483.25 167 1 No Elementary School $2,884.85 358 2 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,912.59 2,527 51 No Participants Volunteers Completed Coordination No $6,454.00 Communications LifeSavers Club Retreat No $7,092.00 Education Yes $1,080.00 Education Healthy Living Initiative No $8,401.00 Education Problem ID and Referral No $1,697.00 Early Intervention Senior Sense Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Availability of ATOD Community Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use $0.00 0 0 No $5,785.00 101 12 No $625.00 225 5 No Community $0.00 0 0 No Community $87.72 200 2 No High School Senior Citizens $39,694 Wall Activity/Program Alternative Activities New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $1,769.55 255 56 No Middle School $1,231.64 24 0 No Early First Use Middle School $700.00 0 0 No Early First Use Elementary School $1,637.31 330 0 No Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $0.00 Community $2,625.00 0 0 No Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $2,389.00 1,400 53 No Community $459.40 0 0 No Community $1,750.00 0 0 No Middle School $1,265.60 24 0 No $1,269.00 Alternatives Youth Challenge Course Yes $700.00 Alternatives No $1,689.00 Education Yes $440.00 Education No $2,626.00 Communications Comm Health Prevention and Awareness Equipment Yes $2,389.00 Early Intervention Yes $500.00 Communications Comm Education and Awareness Yes $1,750.00 Communications BOYS Yes $1,269.00 Alternatives $17,508 Activity/Program County Coordination New Prog No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $98,024.00 Communications Activity/Program Senior Center Health Fair New Prog Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Target Population Community DEDR Expend $64,380.68 Participants Volunteers Completed 8 0 Yes $64,381 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,171.00 Collaboration No $13,828 $98,024 Bradley Beach No High School Yes County Coordination Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 Early First Use $2,250.00 Alternatives Coordination DEDR Expend $2,626.00 Alternatives No Alliance Training Target Population Yes Community Activities Through Adventure GAPP BABES $11,778 Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Target Population Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No Coordination Yes $1,687.00 Communications Volunteer Recognition Yes $1,100.00 Communications DARE Yes $500.00 Education Family Matters Yes $600.00 Education Red Ribbon Week Yes $1,000.00 Education Peer Proof No $1,275.00 Education Count On Me Kids No $375.00 Education Parenting Wisely Yes $1,100.00 Education BABES Yes $2,955.00 Education No $1,275.00 Education Caution Without Fear $13,038 Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Community $1,687.00 0 0 Yes Community $1,100.00 0 1 Yes Elementary School $461.11 50 0 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $600.00 0 0 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use School Tranistions Community $1,000.00 75 19 Yes Elementary School $1,275.00 77 3 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Elementary School $350.00 15 0 Yes $1,100.00 0 0 No $2,955.00 114 0 Yes $1,275.00 73 3 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Elementary School Abuse Anti-social Behavior in Late Elementary School Childhood/Early Adolescence $11,803 CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Morris Boonton Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Yes $1,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Availability of ATOD No $2,883.00 Education Little Commitment to School Willow Tree Peer Leadership Yes $2,883.00 Education Girls Circle Yes $2,000.00 Education Teens on the Go Yes $1,769.00 Alternatives No $1,000.00 Alternatives Project Graduation DARE Homework Club Target Population Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No $1,883.50 Alternatives The Giraffe Program No $1,883.25 Education Township Newsletter No $2,883.00 12 8 Yes Middle School $1,977.16 25 2 Yes Middle School $600.00 60 0 No High School $1,000.00 261 30 Yes Elementary School $1,000.00 78 5 Yes Elementary School $2,720.00 160 4 No Teen Canteens No DARE Yes $10,180 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $753.00 Communications $1,130.00 Alternatives $1,883.25 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Availability of ATOD Target Population Activity/Program New Prog Prevention Across the Ages Yes Prevention and You Yes $1,883.50 200 12 Yes Elementary School $1,883.25 0 0 Yes $753.00 0 0 No Middle School $1,130.00 30 36 No Elementary School $1,883.25 0 0 Yes Community Target Population Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $650.00 Communications Early First Use No $500.00 Education Community of Concern Yes Riding the Prevention Wave DARE Substance Abuse Awareness Week Participants Volunteers Completed $7,533 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $2,000.00 Education DEDR Expend High School $7,533 Chatham Participants Volunteers Completed Middle School $11,535 Boonton Township DEDR Expend DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,944.94 160 54 Yes Community $594.59 800 3 Yes Early First Use Elementary School $495.50 680 13 Yes $1,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $997.00 820 18 Yes Yes $4,485.50 Education Middle School $2,793.33 2,312 96 Yes No $2,500.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Elementary School $1,243.32 1,700 10 Yes Building Developmental Assets Yes Prevention Across Chathams Yes Arts Alternative Yes $2,931.50 Education $500.00 Communications $1,375.00 Alternatives Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Community Abuse Low Neighborhood Attachment Community and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Middle School Use $15,942 Chester Activity/Program New Prog $2,232.38 5,800 56 Yes $265.75 200 5 Yes $1,103.00 5,505 15 Yes $11,670 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Yes $3,355.00 Education Student Assistance Prevention No $3,581.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Community Summit No $3,225.00 Education Early First Use Community $0.00 No Too Good for Drugs Yes $3,100.00 Education Early First Use High School $0.00 No Coordination Substance Awareness Prevention No $600.00 Alternatives Community $0.00 No High School $0.00 No Middle School $0.00 No $13,861 Denville Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Drug Resistance Program Yes $1,350.00 Education After School Recreation Yes Health Awareness Day No Target Population Availability of ATOD Community $300.00 Education Early First Use $375.00 Communications Homework Club Yes $437.00 Education Teen Canteens No $1,400.00 Alternatives Senior Prevention Activities Yes $1,600.00 Education Safe Schools Yes $1,350.00 Education Project Graduation $0 DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,332.80 700 10 Yes Middle School $300.00 25 5 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Academic Failure Community $375.00 60 10 Yes Middle School $420.00 25 5 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Availability of ATOD Middle School $1,373.44 72 10 Yes Senior Citizens $1,205.90 250 21 Yes Community $1,336.48 100 10 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems High School $800.00 250 10 Yes Community $375.00 70 10 Yes No $800.00 Alternatives Family Fun Yes $375.00 Alternatives More Power for You Yes $1,350.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,349.60 1,500 10 Yes No $1,800.00 Education Availability of ATOD Middle School $1,527.00 75 10 Yes Yes $1,925.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $339.86 1,000 10 Yes Police/Community Activities DARE $13,062 $10,735 East Hanover Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Alcohol and Drug Free Day No $1,867.50 Alternatives Early First Use Elementary School $870.05 300 10 No Middle School Character Education No $1,572.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $865.00 260 11 No DARE No $2,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,884.20 650 30 No Red Ribbon Week No $2,719.00 Collaboration Community $2,500.00 2,400 55 No Project Graduation No $2,719.50 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Availability of ATOD High School $2,719.00 300 18 No $10,878 Dover Activity/Program New Prog $8,838 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Teen Summer Drug Free Fun No $3,000.00 Alternatives Economical/Social Deprivation Intergenerational ATOD Community Presentations No $1,361.00 Education Community Dover Traveling Soccer No $2,000.00 Alternatives Tiger Alliance No $2,300.00 Early Intervention Community Resource Center No $2,500.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Economical/Social Deprivation Project Graduation No $3,000.00 Alternatives Dover Recreational Football No $1,000.00 Alternatives Coordinator No $2,000.00 Alternatives Hablemos Youth Development Center No Escucha! No Activity/Program New Prog 35 5 No $792.43 85 13 Yes $1,744.00 300 93 Yes $0.00 900 6 Yes Community $1,800.00 125 9 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Economical/Social Deprivation High School $3,000.00 125 22 Yes $900.00 200 34 Yes Community $2,000.00 2 0 Yes $5,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Economical/Social Deprivation Community $3,579.09 0 0 Yes $6,000.00 Education Academic Failure High School $5,500.00 96 33 No Middle School High School Elementary School $21,818 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Community $156.54 0 0 No $2,000.00 235 55 Yes Project Graduation No $2,000.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Availability of ATOD DARE/Police Prevention Activities No $2,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Yes $2,102.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD High School Education and Awareness Teen Awareness Activities Yes Participants Volunteers Completed $2,502.28 $28,161 Florham Park DEDR Expend $1,011.00 Education High School Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 $550.37 No 270 0 Yes Natural High Community Program Yes $2,500.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community $9,613 Hanover Activity/Program Coordinator Family/Teens Recreation Project Graduation New Prog $446.25 75 0 Yes $3,153 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed No $1,600.00 Alternatives Early First Use Community $1,180.00 3 1 No Yes $2,779.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Community $2,659.00 736 73 No No $1,500.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School $0.00 0 5 No $975.74 650 12 Yes High School Proactive Program Yes $1,500.00 Education Family Management Problems High School Middle School Character Education Yes $2,793.00 Education Middle School $2,761.77 640 17 No Elementary Prevention Yes $1,000.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Elementary School $1,000.00 253 2 No $11,172 Harding Activity/Program New Prog $8,577 Target Population DEDR Expend Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $580.02 95 5 Yes Elementary School $1,600.00 78 1 Yes Community $486.98 300 1 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $277.84 83 19 No $1,116.78 396 2 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Participants Volunteers Completed Senior Citizen Luncheon No $670.44 Education BABES No $1,600.00 Education Red Ribbon Week No $750.00 Education Positive Parenting No $1,324.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems DARE No $1,800.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School School Transitions No $104.40 Education School Tranistions Middle School $104.40 30 0 No Coordinator No $160.00 Alternatives Community $160.00 1 0 Yes Project Graduation No $280.00 Alternatives High School $280.00 120 5 Yes PEERS No $57.16 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use $57.16 8 1 Yes Elementary School $6,746 Jefferson Activity/Program Book Discussion Group Coordinator New Prog Yes No $4,663 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $100.00 Education $2,000.00 Collaboration Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Availability of ATOD Target Population DEDR Expend High School $100.00 16 1 Yes $2,000.00 1 0 Yes Community Participants Volunteers Completed Grammar School Programs Yes $2,000.00 Education Little Commitment to School Elementary School $2,000.00 2,200 10 Yes Homework Club No $1,800.00 Early Intervention Little Commitment to School Elementary School $1,800.00 80 12 Yes Project Grad/Junior Cotillion/Prom Breakfast 6th Grade Orientation No $2,800.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School $2,800.00 900 60 Yes No $400.00 Education School Tranistions Middle School $400.00 300 15 Yes Senior to Senior No $300.00 Education Intergenerational $300.00 50 3 Yes Youth Group Yes $1,000.00 Alternatives Community $1,000.00 100 10 Yes Asset Library Yes $500.00 Communications Community $500.00 0 2 Yes Morning Club No $1,600.00 Early Intervention Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Elementary School $1,600.00 50 2 Yes Community $1,087.00 500 10 Yes Middle School $1,000.00 2,000 10 Yes Community $1,000.00 4,200 50 Yes Parent Programs HS and MS Programs Red Ribbon Week Yes $1,087.00 Education No $1,000.00 Education Yes $1,000.00 Education $15,587 Kinnelon Activity/Program New Prog $15,587 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed No ES Substance Abuse Education Yes $800.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 HS Substance Abuse Education Yes $1,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $240.00 Middle School Peer Leadership No $860.00 Education Middle School Yes $1,075.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents School Tranistions No $1,707.00 Education Elementary School Yes $250.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Availability of ATOD High School Community HS Peer Leadership Police Youth Activities Parenting Is Key Project Graduation No Parenting Program No $2,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems MS Substance Abuse Education No $1,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD $800.00 Alternatives High School Community Parent/Teacher/Coach $9,492 Lincoln Park Activity/Program DARE New Prog No 10 $0.00 Yes No $144.00 15 2 Yes $1,029.00 0 0 No $0.00 No $800.00 155 15 Yes $2,000.00 0 0 No $0.00 No $4,213 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,000.00 Education 500 Early First Use Target Population DEDR Expend Elementary School $892.50 Participants Volunteers Completed 100 8 No Senior Citizen Program No $2,000.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $2,000.00 80 7 No Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Alternatives Economical/Social Deprivation High School $1,000.00 100 12 Yes SPED Afterschool Prevention Program Afterschool Recreation Awareness No $1,532.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,532.00 15 3 No No $2,766.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $2,339.48 72 3 No Yes $2,766.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents High School $2,766.00 48 2 Yes Cafe CHAT $11,064 Long Hill Activity/Program New Prog $10,530 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed No Substance Abuse Prevention Week Yes $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $0.00 Family Education Series Yes $1,200.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $1,200.00 655 800 Yes Community $800.00 2 0 No $1,394.00 140 44 No DARE Yes $1,394.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Challenger Program Yes $1,375.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Middle School Early ID and Referral No $1,375.00 Early Intervention Early First Use High School Character Education No $1,375.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Coordination No $800.00 Communications Elementary School $8,519 Madison Activity/Program New Prog No $2,700.00 Early Intervention Teen Center Programs No $2,700.00 Alternatives Playwrights Theatre Prevention Program Developmental Assets Education Yes Minority Youth Programs Yes Yes $2,700.00 Education $974.00 Communications $2,700.00 Education Target Population Activity/Program Prevention Activities New Prog Yes 0 0 Yes $1,375.00 100 0 Yes DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Middle School $2,700.00 1,660 0 Yes Middle School $2,700.00 439 6 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Middle School $2,700.00 171 0 Yes $974.00 895 9 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence High School $2,700.00 48 10 Yes Community $11,774 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $2,840.00 Education $700.00 Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use $11,774 Mendham No $5,469 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Project Pride Initiatives $0.00 Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Target Population DEDR Expend Middle School $810.95 Participants Volunteers Completed 275 5 Yes Peer Leadership No $2,760.00 Education School Tranistions Elementary School $2,760.00 757 18 Yes Substance Awareness Program Yes $2,075.00 Education High School Community Summit Yes $3,089.00 Collaboration Caring School Community Yes $4,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents $649.00 1,151 24 Yes Community $2,823.94 487 6 Yes Middle School $4,000.00 520 3 Yes $14,764 Montville Activity/Program New Prog $11,044 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Youth Center Yes $3,000.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems High School $1,950.24 4,493 2 Yes Moving Ahead Yes $3,000.00 Alternatives Middle School $1,371.31 600 170 Yes Just Say No Week Yes $2,000.00 Education Middle School $337.05 1,500 8 Yes Red Ribbon Week No $3,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Middle School $2,554.93 4,500 8 Yes REACH No $2,000.00 Education Early First Use High School $1,967.17 810 339 Yes Parenting Programs No $1,800.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,583.32 135 10 No $14,800 Morris Plains Activity/Program New Prog $9,764 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Teen Center No $1,000.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Middle School Senior Lunch and Learn No $2,100.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent Education No $2,620.00 Education DARE No Drug Free Schools Week Kids Helping Kids Stage Fun Activity/Program Teen Center Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 100 8 Yes Senior Citizens $1,097.11 75 2 Yes Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,087.59 100 16 Yes $1,490.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $836.00 160 5 Yes No $825.00 Education Early First Use Community $735.60 1,000 20 Yes Yes $1,465.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Community $632.82 50 10 Yes $1,368.00 60 3 Yes No $1,368.00 Alternatives Elementary School $10,868 Morristown DEDR Expend New Prog No $6,757 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $11,020.00 Alternatives Economical/Social Deprivation Target Population Community DEDR Expend $11,020.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 2,700 16 No Elementary Parent/Student Education Yes $3,500.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 Asset Development Yes $6,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $5,632.68 1,175 63 No No $10,760.00 Education Economical/Social Deprivation High School $10,759.99 540 12 No Yes $2,800.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $526.82 0 28 No Girls Discussion Group No $3,000.00 Education Economical/Social Deprivation High School $3,000.00 240 8 No Summer Camperships No $1,600.00 Alternatives Economical/Social Deprivation Community Raising Healthy Teens Yes $7,999.00 Education High School $7,999.00 1,350 185 No Keeping It Real Yes $2,500.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Middle School $2,500.00 83 3 No Boys Discussion Group Peer Leadership $49,179 Mount Olive Activity/Program New Prog Yes $4,638.00 Education Project Ability Yes $8,497.00 Education Coordinator No $2,000.00 Communications ATOD Alternatives No $2,593.00 Alternatives Target Population Activity/Program New Prog Parent to Parent Yes Community Awareness Campaign Yes Standing Tall DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed High School $3,800.94 48 10 Yes Community $4,627.03 295 21 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence School Tranistions Community $1,500.00 0 0 Yes Community $2,593.00 740 72 Yes $12,521 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,500.00 Education No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Little Commitment to School $17,728 Mountain Lakes $0.00 $41,438 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Social Norms Marketing No Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 No $688.80 Communications Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 No Yes $688.80 Education Early First Use Middle School $0.00 No Big Mac Nights No $1,094.00 Alternatives Early First Use Middle School $0.00 No Project Graduation No $1,500.00 Alternatives High School $0.00 No Giraffe Program No $1,824.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No $7,296 Netcong Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $0 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed DARE No $1,500.00 Education Community Education No $1,246.00 Education Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Alternatives Coordinator No $1,000.00 Communications Peer Leadership No MAC Pre-teen Center No $500.00 Collaboration $2,149.00 Alternatives Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family Management Problems Elementary School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems High School Community $0.00 No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use High School $0.00 No Elementary School $7,395 Parsippany Activity/Program New Prog $1,000.00 $897.08 325 245 3 17 Yes Yes $1,897 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Parent/Teacher/Coach DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No Parent Skills No $1,002.40 Education Family Management Problems Children Are People Too No $2,400.00 Early Intervention $1,600.00 30 4 Yes Project Graduation No $1,680.00 Alternatives Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Community Abuse Economical/Social Deprivation High School $1,680.00 340 75 Yes Central Connection/Brooklawn Bridge No $2,640.00 Education School Tranistions Middle School $2,624.37 550 100 Yes Homework Club Knollwood No $1,735.00 Education Academic Failure Elementary School $1,064.00 25 5 No Homework Club Lake Parsippany No $2,416.80 Education Academic Failure Elementary School $1,826.80 65 8 No After School Extension No $2,395.00 Education Academic Failure Elementary School $1,830.00 100 12 No Adopt A Student No $4,388.00 Early Intervention Academic Failure High School $4,364.00 75 25 No DARE No $1,735.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $890.39 120 6 Yes Talking to Children No $948.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $686.59 50 6 Yes Peer Leadership BMS No $3,627.00 Education School Tranistions High School $1,440.00 70 4 No Teen Talk Central No $1,416.80 Education Early First Use High School $155.00 110 5 No Teen Talk Brooklawn No $1,416.80 Education Early First Use High School $1,395.34 75 5 No Homework Club Eastlake No $1,416.00 Education Academic Failure Elementary School $1,416.00 25 3 No $29,217 Pequannock Activity/Program Parent Awareness New Prog No $20,972 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,200.00 Education Family Management Problems Target Population Parent/Teacher/Coach DEDR Expend $1,200.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 8 0 Yes Adventures in Group Dynamics No $500.00 Education Coordination No $2,000.00 Collaboration DARE No $1,000.00 Education Teen Night No $1,500.00 Alternatives Project Graduation No $1,980.00 Alternatives Bullying Prevention No $1,002.00 Education Red Ribbon Activities No $1,000.00 Education Peer Leadership No $2,000.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Elementary School Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Availability of ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence $496.33 32 1 No $2,000.00 3 0 No $0.00 480 1 No Community $1,484.48 75 4 Yes High School $1,980.00 200 0 Yes High School $1,000.00 900 0 Yes Middle School $375.00 70 0 Yes Middle School $625.00 60 0 No Community Elementary School $12,182 Randolph Activity/Program SADD Homework Club- Middle Red Ribbon Week New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Middle School $1,000.00 5 0 Yes No $3,840.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $0.00 40 0 Yes Yes $1,040.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 3,900 0 Yes Family Management Problems Community $60.00 0 0 No Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 47 1 Yes Availability of ATOD Community $143.75 4,000 6 No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Community $1,915.15 111 22 No High School $0.00 115 55 Yes High School $500.00 425 25 Yes $0.00 478 0 No $1,261.48 1 0 Yes No Yes $500.00 Communications $3,920.00 Education $143.75 Communications Community Rap No $4,001.25 Alternatives Team Harmony No $520.00 Education Project Graduation No $500.00 Alternatives Positive Coping Skills No $540.00 Communications Yes $2,000.00 Education Middle School Community $18,005 Activity/Program Participants Volunteers Completed Early First Use Homework Club- Elementary Rockaway Borough DEDR Expend $1,000.00 Education No Coordinator Target Population Yes Police Prevention Activities Underage Drinking Prevention $9,161 New Prog $4,880 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Willow Tree No $2,988.75 Education Project Graduation No $1,432.25 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Middle School $0.00 No High School $0.00 No Target Population Coordination No $1,800.75 Collaboration Natural Highs No $2,988.75 Alternatives Community Awareness No $1,195.25 Communications DARE No $1,950.25 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $0.00 No Middle School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No $12,356 Rockaway Township Activity/Program New Prog $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Youth Wellness Activities No $1,300.00 Alternatives Isolation and Loss High School $1,269.64 100 8 Yes LMTI No $4,444.00 Education High School $4,216.86 1,540 164 Yes Peer Leadership Yes $1,200.00 Education Community $1,186.92 280 31 Yes Intergenerational Programs Yes $800.00 Education $800.00 685 49 Yes No $3,300.00 Alternatives Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Isolation and Loss $3,239.48 1,230 13 Yes Yes $613.00 Education High School $590.64 432 36 Yes No $4,320.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Elementary School $4,313.23 2,392 73 Yes Community $1,800.00 1 0 Yes Adult Wellness Education Young Adult Program Elementary School Programs Coordination Yes $1,800.00 Communications Intergenerational Senior Citizens $17,777 Roxbury Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No $3,000.00 Alternatives Summer Empowerment No $2,209.00 Education Positive Parenting No $1,300.00 Education Red Ribbon Week No $4,232.00 Education ATOD Awareness No $1,690.00 Communications Peer Leadership No $2,500.00 Education DARE No $2,000.00 Education $17,417 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $16,931 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems High School $3,000.00 280 20 Yes Middle School $1,932.16 24 2 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,300.00 33 0 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $4,232.00 800 2 Yes Community $1,643.97 870 25 Yes Middle School $2,500.00 150 8 Yes Elementary School $2,000.00 700 0 Yes $16,608 Washington Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No Social Skills/ATOD Awareness Teen Arts Network Creating Safer Schools Yes No Yes National Night Out No Teen Chat Group Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,965.00 Alternatives $409.00 Early Intervention $2,143.00 Alternatives $1,226.00 Education $1,390.00 Communications $245.00 Education Community Awareness No $1,310.00 Communications V-Free No $1,635.00 Education Intergenerational Awareness No DARE Plus No Coordination No $981.00 Early Intervention $1,390.00 Education $409.00 Communications Target Population Availability of ATOD High School Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Availability of ATOD Community Activity/Program New Prog 23 2 Yes High School $2,065.10 135 22 No High School $1,226.00 570 6 Yes Community $1,390.00 3,800 58 Yes High School $239.88 20 1 Yes Community $841.00 200 16 No $48.00 120 4 Yes $981.00 0 0 Yes $1,390.00 38,000 16 Yes $409.00 1 0 Yes Middle School Intergenerational High School Community Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Middle School $1,425.87 385 9 No Elementary School $1,640.80 86 12 No Middle School $1,440.00 577 39 No Middle School $1,359.76 148 11 No High School $0.00 High School $851.00 25 4 No $1,268.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family Management Problems $1,130.45 125 5 No $1,200.00 Communications Availability of ATOD Community $960.00 4 0 No $1,551.00 Education DARE No $2,051.00 Education Friday Night Program No $1,673.00 Early Intervention Theatre Arts Program No $2,251.00 Alternatives Project Graduation No $1,051.00 Alternatives LMTI No $851.00 Education Conflict Resolution No Coordination No Elementary School $11,896 New Prog No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Availability of ATOD No Activity/Program $0.00 $8,964 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Peer to Peer County Coordination Participants Volunteers Completed $373.84 $13,103 Wharton DEDR Expend DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor No $8,808 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed County Coordination No $55,000.00 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community $55,000 Countywide Project Activity/Program New Prog $38,364.30 3 186 No $38,364 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Quarterly Alliance Meetings Yes $2,250.00 Collaboration Early First Use Community $0.00 No Train the Trainer Workshop Yes $5,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $0.00 No Natural High Education Yes $2,015.00 Education Early First Use Community $0.00 No Prevention Forum Yes $5,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $0.00 No $14,265 Butler Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Help Me Help You Yes $1,250.00 Education Red Ribbon Week No $1,011.00 Education Peer Leadership No $1,600.00 Education Yes $2,200.00 Education Eighth Graders Jumping Up Coordination Seniors Sound All Around Teen Activities and Dances No Yes No $0 $1,000.00 Collaboration $1,000.00 Communications $996.00 Alternatives Target Population Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use High School Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Activity/Program New Prog 0 0 No $927.85 68 2 Yes Middle School $1,540.42 54 4 No Middle School $2,196.31 125 12 Yes Community $1,000.00 1 0 No Senior Citizens $1,000.00 47 8 Yes $996.00 94 8 Yes Elementary School Middle School Yes $1,178.00 Education Training Yes $500.00 Education Teen ATOD Nights Yes $500.00 Education Community Activity Nights Yes $1,443.00 Alternatives Information Stations Yes COPE No $8,911 Target Population DEDR Expend Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $400.19 Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $0.00 High School $78.07 Community $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Middle School $0.00 No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Senior Educational Series $644.00 Communications $500.00 Alternatives Participants Volunteers Completed $1,250.00 $9,057 Riverdale DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed 130 15 Yes No 65 9 No Healthy Alternatives Walk Moving Up Yes No $500.00 Alternatives $1,178.00 Education $6,443 Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD School Tranistions Community High School $0.00 $476.39 $955 No 32 11 Yes CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Ocean Barnegat Twp Activity/Program New Prog Target Population DEDR Expend Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use School Tranistions Community $600.00 122 52 Yes Middle School $200.00 150 20 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization School Tranistions Community $2,807.50 16,800 2 Yes Intergenerational $5,520.00 1,004 236 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD High School $5,938.00 240 25 No Intergenerational $5,474.39 2,243 106 Yes Community $3,540.00 2 0 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Healthy Choices Yes $600.00 Alternatives Safe Night Yes $200.00 Alternatives Newsletter No $3,125.00 Communications Mentor/Mentee No $5,520.00 Early Intervention Project Graduation No $6,250.00 Alternatives Red Ribbon Week No $5,765.00 Education MAC No $3,540.00 Collaboration $25,000 Beachwood Boro Activity/Program Star Parenting New Prog Yes Alliance Coordinator No $2,250.00 Communications Senior Program No $1,300.00 Education Big Brothers and Sisters Yes $500.00 Early Intervention Community Dances No $3,187.00 Alternatives Gang Awareness No $150.00 Education Promo Items Yes $24,080 Target Population DEDR Expend Family Management Problems Community $108.40 11 1 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Community $2,250.00 1 0 Yes Senior Citizens $1,300.00 168 18 Yes $500.00 48 0 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Community $3,187.00 2,483 222 Yes Community $150.00 0 0 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Community $613.00 0 0 Yes Community $250.00 150 5 Yes Elementary School $3,150.00 75 1 Yes Community $2,050.00 1,149 75 Yes Community $1,400.00 120 15 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $150.00 Education $613.00 Communications Movie on the Beach No $250.00 Alternatives Bear Cubs No $3,150.00 Education Summer Fun Nights No $2,050.00 Alternatives Winter Vollleyball No $1,400.00 Alternatives $15,000 Participants Volunteers Completed High School $14,958 Participants Volunteers Completed Berkeley Twp Activity/Program Red Ribbon Week New Prog Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,637.05 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,637.05 610 6 Yes High School $2,691.26 59 40 Yes Intergenerational $7,500.00 1,200 19 Yes Teen Volunteer Group No $2,691.26 Alternatives Summer Youth Program No $7,500.00 Alternatives Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Economical/Social Deprivation Senior Site No $7,500.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $7,500.00 101 16 Yes After School Program Yes $4,499.25 Alternatives Economical/Social Deprivation Community $3,276.84 130 24 Yes Womens Adult Group Yes $1,672.44 Alternatives Isolation and Loss Community $1,672.44 90 8 Yes Alliance Coordinator No $4,500.00 Communications Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $4,000.00 0 0 Yes $30,000 Brick Twp Activity/Program Brick Youth Club Parenting and Athlete New Prog No Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $11,250.00 Alternatives $9,400.00 Early Intervention Peer Leadership/REBEL 2 No Alliance Coordinator No $3,000.00 Communications Transition Project No $5,925.00 Education Community and School Together Yes $28,278 $11,250.00 Education $7,175.00 Early Intervention Target Population Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Intergenerational Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Intergenerational Activity/Program New Prog Participants Volunteers Completed $11,226.60 7,147 86 Yes $9,239.60 117 8 Yes $11,250.00 1,931 14 Yes Community $3,000.00 0 0 Yes High School $5,925.00 1,135 1 Yes Elementary School $7,175.00 440 50 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $48,000 Toms River Twp DEDR Expend $47,816 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Annual Older Adult Health Fair No $5,000.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens Harbor House Peer Leadership No $3,500.00 Education Leaders Club No $4,200.00 Education Easing the Way No $2,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use School Tranistions Southern Exposure Ropes Course Challenge Cameo Cast No $4,980.00 Alternatives No $4,600.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $4,600.00 350 25 Yes Intergenerational $0.00 20 0 No Intergenerational $4,200.00 83 1 Yes Intergenerational $2,000.00 150 5 Yes Intergenerational $1,000.00 38 3 No Intergenerational $0.00 No TEAM Holiday Party No $850.00 Alternatives Elks Peer Leadership Youth Conference Star Parenting No $2,400.00 Education No $1,560.00 Education Harbor House Community Service Program Alliance Coordinator No $3,500.00 Education No $11,755.00 Alternatives Founders Day/CASA Picnic No $655.00 Communications Economical/Social Deprivation Community $0.00 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Economical/Social Deprivation High School $0.00 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,560.00 23 0 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $3,500.00 15 0 Yes Community $7,800.00 2 0 Yes Community $0.00 $45,000 Eagleswood LEH Activity/Program New Prog Target Population $2,700.00 380 50 Yes $5,600.00 Alternatives Elementary School $5,600.00 50 8 Yes $2,575.00 Collaboration School Tranistions Middle School $2,575.00 452 456 Yes $2,500.00 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $2,500.00 30 31 Yes Community $5,100.00 14 26 Yes Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $350.00 912 918 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Economical/Social Deprivation Community $4,000.00 47 62 Yes Middle School $7,225.00 101 54 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $2,550.00 600 170 Yes Community $1,400.00 109 14 Yes Eagleswood Summer Camp No Red Ribbon Week No Community Directory Yes Alliance Coordinator No $5,100.00 Education Guiding Good Choices No $350.00 Education Substance Abuse Billboards No $4,000.00 Collaboration Little Egg Harbor Summer Camp No $7,225.00 Alternatives Community Service Learning Day Yes $2,550.00 Communications $1,400.00 Enforcement $34,000 Activity/Program New Prog Participants Volunteers Completed Middle School $2,700.00 Education Island Heights Boro DEDR Expend Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Economical/Social Deprivation No No $24,660 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Poster Contest Techniques of Alcohol Management No $34,000 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend $607.23 132 14 Yes Participants Volunteers Completed Kids Stuff No $1,000.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Elementary School Red Ribbon Day No $2,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $1,581.03 175 12 Yes Parental and Senior Education No $1,000.00 Communications Early First Use Community $1,000.00 0 2 Yes $4,000 $3,188 Jackson Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Coordinator No $6,700.00 Education Early First Use Community $6,699.96 0 2 Yes A Ok Kids No $4,001.00 Education Elementary School $4,001.00 2,250 63 Yes Senior Smart Start No $1,500.00 Early Intervention Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Little Commitment to School Senior Citizens $1,500.00 500 3 Yes Community Awareness Events No $2,000.75 Communications Community $2,000.75 2,250 86 Yes Sports Coaches Program No $949.25 Education $949.25 30 1 Yes Peer Leadership No $5,488.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Availability of ATOD $5,488.00 130 0 Yes $308.59 37 3 Yes Middle School $2,499.75 12 4 Yes High School $2,900.00 1,000 50 Yes Youth Crimes Watch Explorer Youth Program Project Crash Yes $500.00 Alternatives No $2,500.00 Alternatives Yes $2,900.00 Education Parent/Teacher/Coach High School Elementary School $26,539 Lacey Twp Activity/Program New Prog Red Ribbon Week Yes Senior Sense/Community Gardens Yes Project Graduation Health EASE - Live Well Live Long Alliance Coordinator $26,347 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $3,200.00 Education $850.00 Communications No $5,795.00 Alternatives Yes $800.00 Alternatives Target Population Early First Use Elementary School Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Senior Citizens Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $3,200.00 700 6 Yes $850.00 20 1 Yes $5,795.00 160 144 Yes Community $800.00 333 61 Yes Community $4,654.50 0 0 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Community $4,167.38 767 179 Yes Community $660.00 80 1 Yes Community $500.00 30 1 Yes Community $1,463.85 1,000 1 Yes Middle School $1,300.20 150 1 Yes High School No $4,654.80 Education Senior Connection Yes $5,745.00 Education Health EASE - Health Education Yes $660.20 Education Health EASE - Mind Body Connection Yes $500.00 Communications Newsletter Yes $1,825.00 Education Kids in Transition Yes $1,300.20 Alternatives Teen Advisory Yes $600.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $600.00 73 15 Yes Teen Night Yes $6,400.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $6,205.00 623 69 Yes $32,330 $30,196 Lakehurst Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Alliance Coordinator No $762.00 Education Early First Use Community $754.90 0 0 Yes Open Gym Night No $848.00 Alternatives Early First Use Elementary School $482.00 316 10 Yes Friday Fun No $898.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $865.48 258 12 Yes Project Graduation No $650.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $650.00 133 15 Yes Youth Club Events Yes $1,320.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Community $1,210.39 2,379 23 Yes Community Bulletin No Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community $35.00 0 0 Yes $600.00 Communications $5,078 Lakewood Activity/Program New Prog PALS Yes Teen Center Yes Target Population $77.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $77.00 0 0 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Little Commitment to School High School $5,200.00 550 5 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,411.98 19 1 Yes Middle School $1,996.09 62 0 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach $754.80 30 2 Yes Community $5,700.00 913 20 Yes $8,160.00 Early Intervention No $4,563.00 Education Homework Club No $2,050.00 Education Yes $1,750.00 Education No $5,700.00 Education Alliance Coordinator DEDR Expend DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor PreSchool Education Program ATOD Coaches Training $3,998 Participants Volunteers Completed Unity Day Yes $500.00 Alternatives Early First Use Community $0.00 0 2 Yes AACEA Yes $500.00 Education Early First Use Community $500.00 10 2 Yes No $7,000.00 Education Family Management Problems High School $7,000.00 1,349 173 Yes Early First Use Community $500.00 30 2 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use High School $7,799.60 1,320 78 Yes $500.00 5 0 Yes $7,900.00 Early Intervention Family Management Problems High School $7,893.93 929 79 Yes $1,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Middle School $619.83 24 1 Yes Omega 13 Mentor Training Lakewood Library Rites of Passage Program Genesis Program Omega 13 High Risk Scout Programs Yes $500.00 Communications No $7,800.00 Early Intervention Yes No Yes $500.00 Education $48,000 Middle School $40,953 Lavallette Boro Activity/Program Movies on the Bay New Prog No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $5,000.00 Alternatives $6,300.00 Communications Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Availability of ATOD Community $5,000.00 300 8 Yes Senior Citizens $6,300.00 350 31 Yes Healthy Aging Program Yes PSA Contest Yes $600.00 Education Early First Use High School $229.80 0 0 Yes Community Awareness Yes $500.00 Communications Community $422.58 50 5 Yes Senior Sense Yes $1,900.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $1,729.01 40 5 No Alliance Coordinator No $6,300.00 Education Early First Use Community $6,239.91 0 1 Yes Red Ribbon Week No $400.00 Education Early First Use Community $0.00 $21,000 Long Beach Twp Activity/Program New Prog No $19,921 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Public Education Media Advocacy Campaign Celebrating Relationships Healthy Choices Together Preschool Power No $4,205.00 Communications Family Management Problems Community $2,731.92 400 0 Yes No $1,200.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $1,200.00 336 10 Yes No $960.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $764.00 275 16 Yes Intergenerational - Beach Haven No $1,600.00 Alternatives Little Commitment to School Intergenerational $1,096.78 120 6 Yes Project Healthy Bones No $850.00 Alternatives Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $568.56 240 10 Yes Intergenerational - LBI No $1,500.00 Alternatives Isolation and Loss Intergenerational $1,500.00 365 10 Yes Girl and Boy Power No $1,510.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,408.00 64 0 Yes Hike for Health No $1,125.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Senior Citizens $243.71 60 0 Yes $511.36 16 0 Yes Children in the Middle Yes $2,125.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Alliance Coordination No $3,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $2,950.00 4 0 Yes Good Health at any Age Yes $1,610.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $1,389.00 255 0 Yes Camp Fire USA Yes $3,100.00 Education Early First Use Community $3,100.00 400 28 Yes Smoke Free Plus No $840.00 Education Early First Use Community $640.00 254 0 No Fetal Alcohol Syndrome No $1,350.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $958.00 533 0 Yes $24,975 $19,061 Manchester Twp Activity/Program Substance Awareness Education Series Project Graduation New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed No $5,524.00 Alternatives Straight Up Program No $3,500.00 Early Intervention Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Alliance Coordinator No $2,526.00 Education Early First Use Community $2,526.00 0 1 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $1,100.00 15,000 62 Yes Community $300.00 60 6 Yes Yes $2,940.00 Education Manchester Day Yes $1,100.00 Alternatives Senior Programs Yes $1,250.00 Education Community $1,065.00 0 0 Yes High School $3,634.00 235 50 Yes $0.00 4 0 Yes Elementary School $16,840 Ocean Twp Activity/Program New Prog $8,625 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Red Ribbon Week No $664.00 Education Early First Use Community $5.00 600 100 Yes Alliance Coordinator No $3,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $2,999.38 0 0 Yes Yes $1,100.00 Alternatives Economical/Social Deprivation High School $204.15 0 3 Yes Yes $1,125.00 Alternatives Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 286 8 Yes Project Graduation No $1,400.00 Alternatives Little Commitment to School High School $1,400.00 47 110 Yes After School Clubs No $2,380.00 Alternatives Early First Use Elementary School $1,940.08 178 6 No Big Brothers/Big Sisters Yes $500.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $453.17 171 22 No Health EASE Yes $2,875.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $2,658.44 1,256 52 Yes $1,212.05 332 30 Yes $872.99 2,634 65 Yes $2,600.00 422 35 No $735.06 100 10 Yes $2,074.46 212 16 No Career Exploration and Job Readiness Summer Recreation Program Intergenerational Club No $1,312.00 Alternatives Early First Use Intergenerational Family Night No $1,100.00 Education Family Management Problems Community Youth Drop In Center No $2,600.00 Early Intervention Family Management Problems Middle School Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community Senior Sense Girl Power Yes $908.00 Alternatives No $2,311.00 Alternatives Middle School $21,275 Ocean Gate Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $17,155 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Senior Awareness No Community Events Yes $1,150.00 Education Economical/Social Deprivation Senior Citizens $415.29 31 2 Yes $4,796.00 Communications Economical/Social Deprivation Community $582.17 93 8 Yes $5,946 Pine Beach Boro Activity/Program New Prog $997 Target Population DEDR Expend Academic Failure High School $224.20 950 0 No $2,386.75 1,600 262 No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Participants Volunteers Completed Peer Leadership No $597.00 Education 5K Run for Prevention No $5,550.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Community Senior Meetings No $2,000.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $0.00 No Walking Club Yes $1,677.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 No Healthy Living Initiative Yes $4,512.00 Education Family Management Problems Middle School $115.00 210 10 No $0.00 500 14 No $3,300.00 2 0 No Project Team Spirit No Alliance Coordination No $3,300.00 Education Family History of Alcoholism/Drug High School Abuse Early First Use Community Artistic Talent Against ATOD No $1,600.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $800.00 0 2 No Newsletter No $1,805.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $810.00 1 4 No $950.00 Alternatives $21,991 Plumsted Twp Activity/Program Im Safe and Sure Peer Leaders New Prog No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,800.00 Education Yes $1,200.00 Collaboration Alliance Coordinator No $2,600.00 Collaboration Count on Me Kids No $1,800.00 Education Yes $1,100.00 Education Underage Substance Abuse Prevention Awareness Campaign Parenting Forums $7,636 Yes $500.00 Communications No $3,000.00 Early Intervention DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Elementary School $1,800.00 525 5 Yes Community $1,200.00 570 12 Yes Community $770.21 0 2 Yes Elementary School $1,800.00 525 5 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems High School $1,100.00 600 17 Yes $500.00 1,500 39 Yes $3,000.00 140 34 Yes Community $840.00 238 22 Yes Middle School $1,100.00 322 12 Yes Elementary School $1,800.00 525 5 Yes Yes $840.00 Education SADD No $1,100.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Economical/Social Deprivation Caution Without Fear No $1,800.00 Education Family Management Problems Senior Citizens Program Target Population Community Parent/Teacher/Coach $15,740 Point Plesant Boro Activity/Program New Prog $13,910 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Elementary School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No $1,500.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Little Commitment to School Community $0.00 No No $1,000.00 Alternatives Little Commitment to School High School Senior Movie Days Yes $1,200.00 Alternatives Isolation and Loss Community $0.00 No Senior HealthEASE Yes $3,000.00 Education Community $0.00 No Project Graduation Yes $1,000.00 Alternatives Children In The Middle Yes $1,909.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Community $0.00 No $2,225.00 Education Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Community $942.16 Summer Camp No Newsletter No Red Ribbon Week No Project Celebration Alliance Coordinator $2,500.00 Education $500.00 Communications High School $14,834 Point Pleasant Beach Activity/Program New Prog No $1,750.00 Alternatives Centra State Programs No $600.00 Education Red Ribbon Week No $1,350.00 Education Summer Dances No $1,500.00 Alternatives Alliance Coordinator No $2,535.00 Education Live Long, Live Well Walking Program Yes Camp Fire USA Yes Project Graduation No Community Awareness No $500.00 Alternatives $4,800.00 Education $3,000.00 Alternatives $865.00 Communications Senior HealthEASE Yes $3,000.00 Education Children In The Middle Yes $1,909.00 Education $21,809 $1,000.00 255 237 10 55 Yes No No 0 0 No $2,942 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Commuiity Picnic $1,000.00 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Little Commitment to School Middle School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Middle School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Isolation and Loss Community $0.00 No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Availability of ATOD Elementary School $0.00 No High School $0.00 No Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 No Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Community $0.00 No Community $0.00 No $0 Seaside Park Boro Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor After School Program No $1,500.00 Education Senior Awareenss No $500.00 Alternatives Family Health Walk Yes Alliance Coordinator Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Little Commitment to School Elementary School Availability of ATOD Senior Citizens $1,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use Community $0.00 No $500.00 Education Early First Use Community $471.13 0 1 Yes Red Ribbon Week No $750.00 Education Little Commitment to School Community $750.00 40 3 Yes Hooked on Fishing No $500.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Community $500.00 100 10 Yes Summer Camp No $1,000.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Elementary School $1,000.00 90 3 Yes Christmas Caroling No $250.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Elementary School $250.00 30 2 Yes $6,000 South Toms River Boro Activity/Program New Prog $1,500.00 60 3 Yes $300.00 145 3 No No $4,771 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community Club No $1,000.00 Alternatives Economical/Social Deprivation Community $1,000.00 283 78 Yes Survival Program No $2,600.00 Education Economical/Social Deprivation Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,600.00 112 20 Yes $3,630.00 Alternatives Middle School $3,630.00 15 24 Yes Community $1,811.75 15,600 40 Yes Discovery Yes Newsletter No $2,000.00 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Economical/Social Deprivation Leaders Club No $1,050.00 Education Little Commitment to School Middle School $1,050.00 36 6 Yes Alliance Coordinator No $3,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $3,000.00 4 60 Yes Early First Use Community $2,550.00 105 30 Yes $300.00 96 200 Yes $2,500.00 480 20 Yes $110.00 45 3 Yes Longhouse Yes $2,700.00 Alternatives Big Brothers/Big Sisters Yes $300.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School AACEA Inc No $3,610.00 Education Family Management Problems Middle School Star Parenting No $110.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $20,000 Stafford Twp. Activity/Program STYLE New Prog No $18,552 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $2,725.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Target Population High School DEDR Expend $2,000.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 151 41 No Project Graduation No $6,112.50 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School Healthy Choices No $1,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach Health Fair No $4,187.50 Collaboration Availability of ATOD Community Directory No $1,500.00 Communications Yes $2,500.00 Communications HealthEASE Hooked on FIshing Not on Drugs Senior Sense Alliance Coordinator No Yes No $2,450.00 Alternatives $2,475.00 Communications $4,050.00 Alternatives $4,018.28 415 84 No $750.00 135 22 No Community $2,293.91 1,488 84 No Early First Use Community $1,500.00 217 19 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community $2,113.35 112 47 Yes $94.25 255 18 No Community $1,573.92 275 66 Yes Community $3,665.28 3,052 365 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $27,000 New Alliances Activity/Program New Alliances New Prog No $18,009 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $12,000.00 Education Early First Use Target Population Community $12,000 Coordination Activity/Program Coordination New Prog No Early First Use Target Population Community $81,189 Countywide Activities Activity/Program Countywide Activities New Prog No $6,400 $0.00 No DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $6,399.50 Education Participants Volunteers Completed $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $81,189.00 Education DEDR Expend Early First Use Target Population Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Passaic Bloomingdale Activity/Program Red Ribbon Week New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor No $550.00 Education Mark the Date Yes $2,500.00 Education Spread the Word Yes Program Coordinator Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Early First Use Community $0.00 Community $0.00 $1,500.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $0.00 1,000 2 Yes No $1,740.00 Education Early First Use Community $870.00 70 1 Yes Senior Sound All Around No $2,750.00 Alternatives Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $1,371.27 120 1 Yes Parents on Board No $1,450.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 200 1 Yes Peer Leadership No $1,600.00 Education Early First Use High School $26.28 200 2 Yes Teen Activities No $1,510.00 Alternatives Early First Use Middle School $726.19 110 1 Yes DARE No $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 80 1 Yes BABES No $1,800.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 70 1 Yes Summer Chance No $6,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use Community $4,600.00 20 1 Yes $22,400 Clifton Activity/Program New Prog No Yes Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Community $3,222.00 215 10 Yes Community $2,400.00 600 37 Yes $600.00 15 2 Yes $11,200.00 Alternatives Early First Use Elementary School $11,200.00 2,544 148 Yes No $7,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $7,000.00 84 3 Yes No $5,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $5,000.00 501 50 Yes Yes $2,400.00 Alternatives Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use High School $2,400.00 70 2 Yes Middle School $5,000.00 803 25 Yes No $3,900.00 Education CASA Community Recognition No $10,700.00 Alternatives Student Leadership in Prevention No $600.00 Alternatives Schools Out No DARE Project Graduation Its Your Life 411 1 $7,594 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Community Alcohol Drug Awareness Lindsey Meyer Teen Institute 750 No $5,000.00 Education $45,800 Middle School $36,822 Haledon Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor TGIF 6th and 8th Grades Yes $3,800.00 Alternatives TGIF Yes $3,800.00 Alternatives Project Graduation Yes $2,000.00 Alternatives Babes Yes $2,175.00 Education DARE Yes $3,900.00 Education Hooked on Fishing Yes $2,400.00 Alternatives Target Population Activity/Program Leadership Camp New Prog Middle School $0.00 100 1 Yes High School $0.00 40 2 Yes High School $0.00 200 10 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Availability of ATOD Elementary School $0.00 80 1 Yes Elementary School $0.00 70 1 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Middle School $0.00 35 1 Yes $2,675.00 Education Peer Leaders No $3,800.00 Education Holiday Night No $2,400.00 Alternatives Senior Citizens Program No $750.00 Alternatives ROAR No $4,560.00 Education Project Graduation No $1,690.00 Alternatives Yes $1,200.00 Alternatives Youth Activity Program No $3,490.00 Alternatives Preventoin Training No $835.00 Alternatives Junior Police Academy No $2,000.00 Education Torch Club No $1,000.00 Alternatives Prevention Plus No $1,500.00 Education Department of Recreation $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Target Population DEDR Expend Middle School $964.00 125 12 Yes Middle School $1,727.00 25 11 Yes Community $2,181.00 2,000 10 Yes Senior Citizens $520.90 65 8 Yes Middle School $999.75 250 9 Yes High School $0.00 400 10 Yes Middle School $0.00 150 8 Yes Middle School $0.00 Community Activity/Program Parent Education Nights New Prog Yes No 2 3 Yes Middle School $1,955.38 65 4 Yes Elementary School $1,000.00 0 0 No $0.00 50 1 Yes Middle School $9,763 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $750.00 Education Participants Volunteers Completed $415.35 $25,900 Little Falls Participants Volunteers Completed Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use $18,075 Hawthorne DEDR Expend Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Target Population Parent/Teacher/Coach DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 Yes SRO BABES Game of Life Operation Graduation 4th Grade BABES No $3,000.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Yes $4,000.00 Education Early First Use Middle School Early First Use High School Yes No $100.00 Enforcement $500.00 Alternatives Community $0.00 Yes Elementary School $3,000.00 60 2 Yes $4,000.00 100 2 Yes $500.00 100 1 Yes Yes $3,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $3,000.00 50 1 Yes No $2,200.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,100.00 80 1 Yes Seniors Bi Monthly Awareness Presentations Soaring High Tutorial Program Yes $1,200.00 Education Family Management Problems Senior Citizens Yes $6,000.00 Early Intervention Academic Failure Elementary School Health Classroom Fitness/Wellness Center PVHS Teen Center Yes $5,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Community Yes $1,500.00 Communications Family Management Problems High School DARE $27,250 North Haledon $0.00 Yes $6,000.00 800 0 Yes $0.00 110 1 Yes $1,315.00 500 0 Yes $18,915 Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No $1,500.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $1,500.00 250 0 Yes 7th Grade DARE No $1,500.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,000.00 120 3 Yes BABES No $2,100.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,100.00 100 1 Yes Safe Senior Healthy Senior No $1,500.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $821.00 323 0 Yes Movie on the mOuntain No $4,000.00 Education Isolation and Loss Community $3,985.00 325 0 Yes Middle School HS Assemblies No $3,300.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $3,300.00 175 0 Yes Lake Owego No $300.00 Education Isolation and Loss High School DARE No $2,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,972.00 80 2 Yes Yes $2,200.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,200.00 0 0 Yes Forest Friends DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population $18,400 Passaic Activity/Program High School Middle School Teen Intervention Program Preschool Program New Prog $4,080.00 Early Intervention No $3,500.00 Education Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 Yes $16,878 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor No DEDR Expend Target Population Family History of Alcoholism/Drug High School Abuse Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Elementary School Abuse DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $4,080.00 77 3 Yes $3,499.32 151 7 Yes BABES No $3,200.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,874.30 151 7 Yes Public Awareness Campaign No $6,180.00 Education Community $4,577.10 1,280 9 Yes Juvenile Mentoring No $3,000.00 Alternatives High School $3,000.00 40 6 Yes Teen Activities No $8,000.00 Alternatives High School $5,450.00 175 7 Yes Senior Prevention Program No $4,390.00 Education Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Family Management Problems High School $4,253.01 148 12 Yes Parenting Program No $7,840.00 Education Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $7,314.75 155 9 Yes $40,190 Paterson Activity/Program New Prog $35,048 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Parent/Teacher/Coach Abuse Community Laws and Norms High School Favorable to ATOD Little Commitment to School High School $0.00 0 0 Yes $0.00 0 0 Yes $0.00 0 0 Yes $12,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $0.00 0 0 Yes No $2,000.00 Education Early First Use High School $0.00 0 0 Yes Administration No $6,600.00 Education Early First Use Community $0.00 0 0 Yes Community Teen Summit No $2,500.00 Education High School $0.00 0 0 Yes Children Safety Day No $1,500.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Middle School $0.00 0 0 Yes Father Child Program No $6,800.00 Education Teen Parenting Program No $3,300.00 Education Michael Fowlin No $8,100.00 Education Project Graduation No Real Men Talking Mentoring Program $42,800 Pompton Lakes Activity/Program New Prog $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Coordination No $4,080.00 Collaboration Program Development No $1,450.00 Collaboration Extended Day Program No $4,000.00 Alternatives Community Communications No $3,000.00 Collaboration Outdoor Education Yes $500.00 Education NJ Elks Conference No $2,000.00 Education Peer to Peer No $2,000.00 Alternatives Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Target Population DEDR Expend Community $1,516.00 Community $0.00 Middle School Parent/Teacher/Coach Community High School Elementary School Participants Volunteers Completed 2 2 Yes Yes $4,000.00 168 20 Yes $0.00 0 0 Yes $500.00 0 0 Yes $0.00 $400.00 Yes 0 0 Yes Game of Life Project Graduation Elementary Mentoring Program Teen Center Yes No Yes No $2,000.00 Education $1,000.00 Alternatives $1,600.00 Education $2,000.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Middle School $2,000.00 0 0 Yes High School $1,000.00 0 0 Yes Elementary School Middle School $23,630 Prosepct Park Activity/Program New Prog No $3,500.00 Collaboration DARE No $1,000.00 Education Community Drop In Center No $5,000.00 Alternatives Project Graduation No $500.00 Alternatives Target Population Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Little Commitment to School Community Activity/Program New Prog 0 0 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Little Commitment to School DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $3,420.41 0 0 Yes Elementary School $999.95 0 0 Yes Community $836.54 0 0 Yes $0.00 0 0 Yes High School $10,000 Ringwood/Wanaque $1,500.00 Yes $10,916 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Education in the Park $0.00 $5,257 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Wanaque Alternatives No $2,050.00 Education School Tranistions Middle School $2,050.00 0 0 Yes DARE No $7,890.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $7,820.00 80 1 Yes LEAP No $7,640.00 Early Intervention Middle School $7,640.00 0 0 Yes Elementary School $0.00 80 2 Yes $0.00 0 0 Yes BABES Yes $1,500.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Healthy Adults Ringwood Yes $2,500.00 Education Early First Use High School Homework Club No $7,960.00 Education School Tranistions Middle School $4,262.00 65 3 Yes Across Ages No $2,954.00 Early Intervention School Tranistions Middle School $2,953.00 100 1 Yes Middle School Prevention No $1,250.00 Education School Tranistions Middle School $1,250.00 0 0 Yes Early First Use High School $0.00 0 0 Yes Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,770.00 70 2 Yes Early First Use Middle School $600.00 40 1 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $3,225.00 350 2 Yes High School $7,761.00 60 3 Yes Game Fest Yes $400.00 Alternatives Exploring Parenting No Intramural Program Yes $600.00 Alternatives No $3,225.00 Collaboration AWARE Community Recognitioin Healthy Adults/Healthy Families Yes $2,770.00 Education $7,761.00 Education Project Coordinator No Intramural Programs Yes $8,160.00 Collaboration $7,960.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Academic Failure Community Middle School $64,620 Totowa Activity/Program Peer Mediators Theres No Room New Prog $900.00 Education Yes $2,300.00 Education 0 Yes $0.00 0 0 Yes Target Population DEDR Expend Early First Use Middle School $900.00 0 0 Yes School Tranistions Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,300.00 0 0 Yes Early First Use High School $600.00 0 0 Yes 0 0 Yes Operation Graduation No Students as Leaders No $4,400.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $4,400.00 Kops 4 Kids Summer Program No $1,200.00 Alternatives Middle School $0.00 News Letter No $2,800.00 Collaboration Youth After School No $3,500.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use DARE No $6,400.00 Education Yes No Heroes and Cool Kids Senior Program $600.00 Early Intervention 0 $48,491 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor No $8,160.00 Activity/Program New Prog Yes Community $2,720.00 0 0 Yes Elementary School $3,071.12 0 0 Yes Early First Use Elementary School $4,583.50 0 0 Yes $1,500.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,500.00 0 0 Yes $3,000.00 Education Early First Use Senior Citizens $2,648.25 0 0 Yes $26,600 Wayne Participants Volunteers Completed $22,723 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Natural High No $6,200.00 Alternatives Isolation and Loss Middle School $6,200.00 0 0 Yes aFTER sCHOOL pREVENTION No $3,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use Elementary School $3,000.00 2,500 3 Yes DARE No $5,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $5,000.00 0 7 Yes Junior Alliance No $6,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use Middle School $6,000.00 2,500 3 Yes Awareness Activities No $6,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $6,000.00 5,000 1 Yes Positive Action No $2,700.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,700.00 0 0 Yes $1,415.00 Education Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 Family Management Problems Community $11,985.00 Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community $0.00 Parents Who Care Coordinator Handbooks/banner Yes No $11,985.00 Collaboration Yes $4,000.00 Collaboration Yes 1 0 Yes Yes $46,300 West Milford Activity/Program New Prog $40,885 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Young Hearts Senior Citizen Bowling No $3,200.00 Alternatives Preschool BABES No Conflict Resolution Target Population Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $200.00 Education Early First Use No $950.00 Education Positive Parenting No $4,170.00 Education A Safe Place No Community Awareness No Teen Events Friends on Friday DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $3,146.00 54 0 Yes Elementary School $200.00 120 0 Yes Early First Use Middle School $600.00 120 0 Yes Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach $4,170.00 22 0 Yes Early First Use Community $350.00 20 0 Yes $4,680.00 Education Early First Use Community $4,669.00 200 2 Yes No $10,692.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $10,268.00 751 12 Yes Yes $500.00 Alternatives Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $500.00 105 0 Yes $350.00 Early Intervention DARE No $3,200.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,466.00 40 1 Yes Project Graduation No $1,500.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $1,500.00 100 10 Yes BABES No $6,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $6,000.00 486 0 Yes Summer Program No $7,030.00 Alternatives Early First Use Middle School $6,030.00 70 0 Yes $42,472 West Paterson Activity/Program New Prog $39,899 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Senior Scene No $2,000.00 Education Program Coordinator No $2,600.00 Collaboration Project Graduation No $500.00 Alternatives 8th and 4th Grade Dances No $775.00 Alternatives Community Awareness No $950.00 Education Summer Chance No $850.00 Alternatives National Night Out No $4,500.00 Alternatives Red Ribbon Week No $1,000.00 Communications BABES No $3,800.00 Education Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use High School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use High School $0.00 No Middle School $0.00 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Community $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Community $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No Its Your Life 411 No $7,000.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $0.00 No Program for students No $4,225.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $0.00 No $28,200 Annual Teen Summit Countywide Activity/Program Annual Alliance Summit New Prog No $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $15,000.00 Education Early First Use Target Population Community $15,000 Countywide Alliance Meetings Activity/Program Countywide Alliance Meetings New Prog No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Target Population Community $6,000 Volunteer Recognition Activity/Program Volunteer Recognition New Prog No Availability of ATOD Target Population Community $375 County Wide Conference Activity/Program Countywide Conference New Prog No Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Target Population Community $30,274 Coordination Activity/Program Coordination New Prog No $83,085 Yes DEDR Expend $0.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 60 2 Yes DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 Yes DEDR Expend $0.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 1,000 Yes $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $83,085.00 Education 6,000 $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $30,273.93 Education Participants Volunteers Completed $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $375.00 Alternatives $0.00 $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $6,000.00 Education DEDR Expend Early First Use Target Population Community DEDR Expend $0.00 $0 Participants Volunteers Completed 1 Yes CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Salem Alloway Activity/Program New Prog Promoting Respect Yes $350.00 Education Red Ribbon Week Yes $799.46 Education Project Hope No $1,000.00 Education Project Graduation No Assemblies TADA w Exercise DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Activity/Program Participants Volunteers Completed Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No High School $0.00 No $750.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School $750.00 No $250.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 No Yes $750.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Middle School $0.00 No $3,899 Elmer DEDR Expend New Prog 200 25 Yes $750 Target Population DEDR Expend Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $971.35 171 2 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Participants Volunteers Completed Family Education No $1,044.39 Education School Transition No $500.00 Education School Tranistions Elementary School $28.95 20 2 No ATOD Education Yes $588.76 Education Elementary School $419.83 124 4 Yes Lindsey Meyer Teen Institute Yes $1,000.00 Education After School Program Yes $1,044.39 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Family Management Problems High School $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No $4,178 Elsinboro Activity/Program New Prog $1,420 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor ATOD Education No $964.14 Education Cooper Trauma Unit No $405.00 Education After School Newspaper No $1,000.00 Communications Afterschool Programs No $1,000.00 Education Jr. Tigs No $450.00 Education $3,819 Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Target Population DEDR Expend Community $843.25 312 26 Yes Middle School $377.13 16 2 Yes Community $981.84 142 1 Yes Elementary School $704.90 163 0 Yes Middle School $450.00 94 1 Yes $3,357 Participants Volunteers Completed Lower Alloways Creek Activity/Program GREAT Summer Camp Prevention Education Post Prom Party DARE Red Ribbon Week New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Yes $301.98 Education No $878.34 Education Yes $878.34 Education No $351.34 Alternatives Yes $878.34 Education No $225.00 Education Target Population Activity/Program New Prog Middle School $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use High School Community $545.23 115 10 Yes $0.00 12 6 Yes Elementary School $833.56 97 9 Yes Elementary School $225.00 250 10 Yes Yes $250.00 Communications Coaches/Parent Training Yes $548.06 Communications Community Summer Nights Yes $1,000.00 Education Project HOPE Yes $960.80 Education Students Teaching Police Yes $700.00 Education No $384.32 Education Awareness Campaign $1,604 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Red Ribbon Week Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Target Population Elementary School Parent/Teacher/Coach Activity/Program New Prog No $1,365.00 Education Red Ribbon Week No $1,150.00 Education Family Activities No Summer Day Camp No $435.00 Alternatives $1,124.33 Education Activity/Program New Prog 2 No 27 5 Yes $1,000.00 364 4 Yes High School $900.00 22 6 Yes Middle School $270.00 33 8 Yes Community $362.00 85 7 Yes Community Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Elementary School $0.00 No Middle School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Elementary School $0.00 No $4,074 Pennsville Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 $3,066 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor After School Program DEDR Expend $533.79 $3,843 Oldmans Participants Volunteers Completed Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems $3,513 Mannington DEDR Expend DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $0 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed National Night Out Yes $1,993.96 Alternatives LMTI Yes $1,164.48 Education Youth Center Yes $4,328.97 Education Community Awareness Yes $170.52 Education Police Explorers Yes $1,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Community $0.00 200 6 Yes High School $0.00 85 3 Yes $4,328.97 1,841 27 Yes Community $0.00 100 7 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents High School $0.00 10 3 Yes Middle School $8,658 Pilesgrove/Woodstown Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor TADA Yes $810.00 Education DARE Yes $1,000.00 Education Youth Prevention Nights No $2,334.83 Alternatives Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Alternatives Red Ribbon Week No $925.73 Education ATOD Educational Program No $934.76 Education TIGS No $2,234.00 Education Yes $1,019.00 Education Mentoring Program $4,329 Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Target Population DEDR Expend High School $750.00 0 0 Yes Elementary School $850.61 200 6 Yes $1,119.83 586 1 No High School $0.00 200 20 No High School $925.73 1,200 0 Yes Community $609.62 6 2 Yes High School $2,165.95 5 0 Yes High School $1,019.00 30 30 No Community $10,258 Quinton Activity/Program New Prog Participants Volunteers Completed $7,441 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Red Ribbon Week No $500.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $500.00 400 30 Yes Cooper Trauma Unit No $250.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $250.00 32 2 Yes Yes $975.75 Education Community $830.25 25 8 Yes No $800.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Middle School $642.86 8 1 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Community $401.50 25 8 Yes Middle School $975.75 39 17 Yes Parent Education Sessions Jr. TIGS Community Education and Awareness Yes $401.50 Communications Mentoring Program Yes $975.75 Education $3,903 $3,600 Salem City Activity/Program New Prog Community Outreach Yes Drug and Alcohol Education Yes Coordination No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,204.05 Collaboration $550.00 Education $1,250.43 Communications Police Explorers Yes $2,000.00 Education TADA w Exercise Yes $330.00 Education GREAT Yes $1,000.00 Education FAST Program Yes $1,000.00 Education DARE Yes $1,000.00 Education Red Ribbon Week Yes $501.70 Education Count On Me Kids No $1,500.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Target Population DEDR Expend Community $772.07 0 1 Yes Community $0.00 25 8 Yes Community $1,250.43 1 0 Yes High School $2,000.00 4 10 Yes High School $330.00 66 0 Yes Middle School $711.10 45 4 Yes Middle School $1,000.00 0 0 Yes Elementary School $1,000.00 386 10 No $501.70 895 112 Yes Intergenerational Elementary School $10,336 Upper Pittsgrove Activity/Program Coordinator New Prog $625.39 Communications Wellness Night No $250.00 Communications Project HOPE No $1,042.00 Education Family Education Sessions Yes $209.60 Education Summer Education Camp No $1,042.33 Education Project Graduation Yes $500.00 Education Footprints Yes $500.00 Education Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Expend Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Community $625.39 0 0 Yes Community $250.00 250 30 Yes $1,042.00 66 6 Yes $0.00 15 3 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Elementary School $1,042.33 60 3 Yes High School $500.00 222 16 Yes Elementary School $500.00 48 2 Yes Middle School Community Yes $1,550.00 Alternatives Police Explorers Yes $2,000.00 Communications Participants Volunteers Completed $3,960 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Community Education and Awareness No Target Population $4,169 Carneys Point/Penns Grove $0.00 $7,565 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Yes Participants Volunteers Completed Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Target Population DEDR Expend Community $919.78 0 0 No $2,000.00 90 15 Yes High School Participants Volunteers Completed Summer Camp Yes $1,500.00 Alternatives Project Graduation No $2,000.00 Alternatives Family Interaction Activities No $1,909.22 Education Coordination No $2,250.00 Communications You May Come and Play No $3,436.41 Education Yes $1,100.00 Education Footprints Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Elementary School $1,500.00 6 4 Yes High School $2,000.00 125 40 Yes Community $1,415.82 215 20 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $1,900.00 3 0 No Elementary School $0.00 36 6 No Elementary School $1,100.00 45 4 Yes $15,746 Pittsgrove Activity/Program New Prog Target Population DEDR Expend Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Middle School $543.87 21 15 Yes Community $200.00 400 8 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Middle School $1,571.40 6 1 Yes $300.00 0 0 Yes $1,298.00 0 0 Yes Community $346.36 350 3 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $293.60 25 5 No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Odyssey of the Mind Yes $600.00 Education National Night Out Yes $200.00 Communications LMTI No $1,571.40 Education STARS No $300.00 Education Project HOPE No $1,300.00 Education ATOD Awareness No $742.81 Education Yes $1,571.40 Education Parent Education Sessions $10,836 High School Middle School $6,286 County Coordination Activity/Program County Coordination New Prog No $4,553 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $50,000.00 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Target Population Community $50,000 Countywide Project Activity/Program Countywide Volunteer Recognition Dinner Countywide Alliance Meetings New Prog $4,200.00 Communications No $800.00 Communications $5,000 DEDR Expend $49,436.29 Participants Volunteers Completed 3 0 Yes $49,436 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor No Participants Volunteers Completed Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $4,200.00 132 3 Yes Community $577.46 64 6 Yes $4,777 CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Somerset Bernards Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Coordination No $3,000.00 Communications Early First Use Community $2,000.00 11 0 No Twilight Challenge No $2,454.00 Alternatives Community $2,255.93 613 40 Yes Training and Community Workshops No $1,096.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Community $1,096.00 46 36 No Neighborhood Coffees No $2,063.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $0.00 Youth Summit No $2,085.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,668.00 12 3 No Public Awareness Campaign No $2,063.00 Education Community $1,000.00 9 0 No Community Youth Activities No $1,140.00 Collaboration Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Community $1,140.00 52 7 No Peer Leadership Training No $4,665.00 Education Early First Use High School $3,000.00 50 6 Yes $2,062.00 Communications Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 6 0 No Community Dialogue Nights Yes $20,628 Bound Brook/So. Bound Brook No $12,160 Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No $2,050.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $2,050.00 125 5 No Peer Leadership No $3,214.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $3,205.05 68 7 No Project Use No $3,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD High School $3,000.00 290 5 No DARE No $1,000.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,000.00 850 12 No Coordination No $2,268.00 Communications Early First Use Community $2,265.00 3 0 No Hispanic Support Group No $1,840.00 Education Isolation and Loss High School $1,840.00 42 5 No Middle Earth Girls Group No $1,751.00 Education Family Management Problems High School $1,751.00 610 5 No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population $15,123 Branchburg Activity/Program Willow Tree New Prog Yes Participants Volunteers Completed $15,111 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $2,629.00 Education DEDR Expend Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Target Population Middle School DEDR Expend $2,629.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 20 0 No Coordination No $1,800.00 Communications Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use DARE No $1,200.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,200.00 275 0 Yes Peer Leadership No $1,050.00 Education High School $1,050.00 10 0 No Red Ribbon Week No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Availability of ATOD $650.00 1,200 36 No STOP Yes $2,500.00 Education Community Wide ATOD Education Yes $2,500.00 Education $650.00 Collaboration High School $2,500.00 15 2 Yes Community $2,067.71 770 12 No Community $1,800.00 2 0 No Community $12,329 Bridgewater/Raritan Activity/Program New Prog $11,897 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Senior Citizen Programs No $5,000.00 Alternatives Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $5,000.00 354 5 Yes Youth Development Program No $9,918.00 Education Early First Use Community $9,917.66 115 0 Yes Red Ribbon Week No $3,837.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $3,837.00 8,000 0 No Girls On The Run Yes $1,019.00 Education Academic Failure Elementary School $1,017.89 46 7 Yes REBEL Yes $9,918.00 Education Academic Failure High School $9,918.00 81 0 No SHARE Yes $4,500.00 Education Early First Use High School $4,500.00 579 0 Yes Project Graduation Yes $1,481.00 Alternatives Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use High School $1,481.00 300 11 Yes Elementary School $4,000.00 1,792 0 No DARE No $4,000.00 Education $39,673 Franklin Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Alternatives FMS Youth Initiative No $3,000.00 Education Summer Camp No $3,900.00 Education Girls On Track No $3,000.00 Education DARE No $1,000.00 Education Coordinator Edgemere Learning Center Yes No $39,672 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed High School $1,000.00 330 60 No Community $2,400.00 66 0 No Elementary School $3,590.59 100 0 Yes Middle School $3,000.00 110 1 No Elementary School $1,000.00 600 0 Yes $3,000.00 Communications Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Academic Failure $1,000.00 Education Academic Failure Elementary School Community $0.00 $690.00 No 195 8 No Teen Afterschool Programs Yes $3,000.00 Education Parkside Learning Center Yes $4,000.00 Education Community Workshops Yes $700.00 Education Teen Alternatives I No $10,270.00 Education Peer Leadership No $8,000.00 Education Youth Council No $2,000.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Academic Failure High School $2,600.00 178 1 No Elementary School $4,000.00 139 0 No Family Management Problems Community $433.75 642 57 No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents High School $8,928.76 250 0 Yes High School $8,000.00 455 18 No High School $494.65 196 0 No $43,870 Hillsborough/Millstone Activity/Program Coordination New Prog No $36,138 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $3,000.00 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $3,000.00 0 4 No High School $2,750.00 2,704 301 No Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Community Abuse Early First Use High School $86.50 300 10 No $500.00 1,497 14 Yes $2,605.00 2,235 51 No $6,100.00 184 35 No Student Leadership Corp Yes $2,750.00 Education Parent Leadership Corp Yes $87.00 Education No $500.00 Education Yes $2,605.00 Education Girls on the Run No $6,100.00 Education Family History of Alcoholism/Drug Community Abuse Early First Use High School Adult Education Yes $3,017.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $3,017.00 801 78 No MAC Education Yes $500.00 Education Community $500.00 47 4 No No $6,300.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Elementary School $6,299.00 701 15 No Yes $1,470.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $1,470.00 2,200 237 Yes No $750.00 Education Early First Use Community $750.00 485 0 Yes $500.00 Collaboration Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $500.00 4,015 104 No $2,625.00 9,698 540 No Early First Use High School $750.00 3,537 31 No Elks Conference Parenting Workshops/Safe Homes BABES Red Ribbon Month Summer SAC STAND Life Skills Education REBEL/PUSH Yes No $2,625.00 Education Yes $750.00 Education Elementary School $30,954 Manville Activity/Program Peer to Peer New Prog Yes $30,953 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $422.00 Education School Tranistions Target Population DEDR Expend High School $422.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 23 5 No Summer Camp Yes $3,400.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Community $3,400.00 120 15 Yes Tutor Mentoring No $2,500.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $1,250.00 45 0 No Community Education/Red Ribbon No $600.00 Education Early First Use Community $500.00 200 25 No Coordination No $1,454.00 Communications Early First Use Community $1,454.00 3 0 No $1,320.00 Alternatives Little Commitment to School Community $1,289.44 750 67 No Family Events Yes $9,696 Montgomery/Rocky Hill Activity/Program New Prog $8,315 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Yoga for Stress Management Yes $1,440.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,140.00 70 1 Yes Transition to High School Yes $3,000.00 Education School Tranistions Middle School $3,000.00 380 4 No Gender Bullying and Harrassment Yes $2,500.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $2,500.00 350 0 Yes No $626.00 Education Community $200.00 50 2 Yes Yes $3,500.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Red Ribbon at Senior Center Peers Advocating Wellness (PAW) High School $0.00 No Coordination No $3,000.00 Communications Early First Use Community $3,000.00 2 0 Yes Community Outreach/Education No $1,742.00 Communications Early First Use Community $1,742.00 5,000 4 Yes Night Off Yes $200.00 Alternatives Early First Use Community $167.00 23,000 5 Yes Red Ribbon in Schools and Community Six Pillars of Character Yes $750.00 Education School Tranistions Community $750.00 2,950 10 Yes Yes $3,000.00 Education School Tranistions Elementary School $3,000.00 1,050 0 Yes Girls on the Run Yes $660.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $660.00 50 2 Yes $20,418 North Plainfield Activity/Program STEP New Prog No $16,159 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population $3,400.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School 82 8 Yes $2,600.00 Education Community $540.00 200 0 No Community $2,400.00 3 0 No $3,300.00 1,100 24 Yes $0.00 45 4 No Coordination No $2,500.00 Communications DARE No $3,300.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Peer Leadership Training No $3,000.00 Education Early First Use High School Yes Participants Volunteers Completed $2,906.60 Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Family/Community Connections DEDR Expend GREAT No $2,620.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Middle School $17,420 Somerset Hills Activity/Program New Prog $2,620.00 1,800 12 Yes $11,767 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed DARE No $1,600.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,600.00 103 17 Yes Senior Program No $2,750.00 Education Family Management Problems Intergenerational $2,750.00 3,137 45 No Middle School $450.00 123 36 Yes Middle School $2,900.00 59 6 Yes Girls On the Run No $2,900.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Red Ribbon Week No $1,200.00 Education Early First Use Community $1,200.00 1,800 100 Yes Character Education No $3,123.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $3,123.00 3,660 172 Yes Peer Leadership Training No $4,500.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $4,500.00 542 8 Yes Tutor Mentoring Program No $4,800.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $4,800.00 224 34 No Police Week Summer Camp Yes $450.00 Alternatives $21,323 Somerville Activity/Program New Prog $21,323 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Senior Citizen Program No $1,800.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $1,191.64 151 11 Yes Project Graduation No $2,000.00 Alternatives High School $2,000.00 250 15 Yes ELKS Leadership Yes $2,200.00 Education High School $0.00 SPLASH Yes $2,200.00 Alternatives MAC Education Team Building Yes $364.00 Alternatives Coordination No $1,250.00 Collaboration Red Ribbon Week No $1,300.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Middle School Community $0.00 Community $1,190.00 Community $0.00 $11,114 Watchung Hills Activity/Program Character Education 5K Run New Prog No Yes $1,244.47 No 75 3 Yes No 2 1 No No $5,626 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population $5,718.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,718.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community DEDR Expend $5,718.00 $0.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 1,600 20 Yes No Systematic Planning Yes $3,000.00 Education Early First Use Community $2,600.00 4 0 Yes Family Education Series Yes $1,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $858.97 285 4 No No $4,718.00 Communications Community $0.00 Yes $3,000.00 Early Intervention Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use High School $3,000.00 662 43 No Early Intervention and Referral No $2,718.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Community $2,000.00 0 1 Yes Challenger Program No $5,718.00 Education Early First Use High School $3,045.00 40 2 Yes Awareness Campaign Project Graduation $28,590 County Coordination Activity/Program County Coordination New Prog No $17,222 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $50,000.00 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Target Population Community $50,000 Countywide Project Activity/Program Countywide Appreciation Breakfast New Prog No $6,000 DEDR Expend $50,000.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 4 0 No $50,000 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $6,000.00 Communications No Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Target Population Community DEDR Expend $6,000.00 $6,000 Participants Volunteers Completed 1 0 No CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Sussex Action Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed No Coordinator Yes $1,000.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 Alliance Training Yes $1,250.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $1,198.51 8 1 Yes Pass It Along Projects Yes $8,150.00 Education High School $8,149.90 95 6 Yes Intergenerational Asset Building Yes $1,600.00 Education Community $400.00 200 0 No Be Wise About Your Medications Yes $1,946.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Availability of ATOD Community $1,751.40 55 6 Yes Youth Matters Yes $1,400.00 Education School Tranistions Middle School $1,200.00 250 5 Yes Freshman Orientation No $3,450.00 Early Intervention Early First Use High School $3,008.58 171 9 Yes Project Graduation No $1,200.00 Alternatives Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD High School $1,092.26 189 22 Yes $19,996 Central Activity/Program New Prog $16,801 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend $282.50 47 0 Yes Participants Volunteers Completed DARE No $500.00 Education Availability of ATOD Elementary School Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School $1,000.00 175 6 Yes PRIDE No $1,250.00 Education Isolation and Loss Community $1,104.94 200 10 Yes Peer to Peer No $1,800.00 Education Availability of ATOD Middle School $0.00 Red Ribbon Week Yes $1,600.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Elementary School Family Resistance to ATOD Yes $1,373.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 No Project Alert Yes $800.00 Education Community $0.00 No Community Asset Building Yes $2,000.00 Education Community $0.00 No Alliance Training Yes $250.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 No $10,573 Hamburg Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $1,562.34 No 800 22 Yes $3,950 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Summer Recreational Yes $492.00 Education Economical/Social Deprivation Elementary School Intramural Basketball Yes $492.00 Education Economical/Social Deprivation Community Leadership Through Example Yes $596.00 Education Elementary School $596.00 30 10 Yes Role Models No $492.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents School Tranistions High School $492.00 30 10 Yes Fun Without Drugs No $392.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 0 0 No DARE No $862.00 Education Elementary School $801.49 105 3 Yes Yes $650.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Economical/Social Deprivation Senior Citizens $202.80 10 3 Yes Be Wise/Senior Citizens $3,976 Hardyston/Franklin Activity/Program New Prog $325.00 50 20 $0.00 Yes No $2,417 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed DARE No $1,450.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,411.69 90 0 Yes Healthy Choices Program No $1,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use Elementary School $1,000.00 20 0 Yes Project Graduation No $1,800.00 Alternatives High School $1,800.00 300 20 Yes Middle School $3,027.17 1,498 73 Yes I Tune Out Drugs and Alcohol Yes $3,325.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Hardyston Red Ribbon Week Yes $1,200.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,171.40 790 0 Yes Be Wise About Your Medications Yes $3,325.00 Education Isolation and Loss Community $2,813.46 251 0 Yes Franklin Red Ribbon Week Yes $1,200.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,200.00 800 0 Yes $13,300 Hopatcong Activity/Program New Prog $12,424 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Community Asset Building Yes $2,218.00 Communications Seniors Are Wise Yes $1,145.00 Education Safe Homes Yes $400.00 Education Stand w Hopatcong Against Drugs Yes $1,500.00 Education Kids for Kids Yes $3,000.00 Education Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Alternatives DARE No $1,000.00 Education Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Health Problems Community Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Family Management Problems Community $400.00 6 11 Yes Community $1,500.00 40 15 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization High School $520.00 180 9 No High School $1,000.00 400 10 Yes Senior Citizens Elementary School $1,338.18 60 12 $0.00 $0.00 Yes No No Project Quest Coordinator No $3,039.00 Education Yes $1,000.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD High School $3,039.00 125 3 Yes Community $1,000.00 4 3 Yes $14,302 Lenape Activity/Program New Prog $8,797 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed DARE No $1,500.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,500.00 304 10 Yes Youth Activities No $2,800.00 Alternatives Early First Use Community $1,710.00 345 19 Yes Project Graduation No $2,300.00 Alternatives High School $2,300.00 200 37 Yes Community ATOD Awareness No $1,769.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems Community $700.00 1,400 14 Yes Coordination No $1,000.00 Collaboration Early First Use Community $1,000.00 10 10 No Peer to Peer Yes $2,450.00 Education Little Commitment to School High School $2,300.00 190 12 Yes Training Yes $500.00 Education Early First Use Community $281.85 16 16 Yes $12,319 Ogdensburg Activity/Program New Prog $9,792 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Community $464.00 1 2 Yes Elementary School $500.00 40 5 Yes Participants Volunteers Completed Alliance Coordinator Yes $464.00 Education Youth Matters Yes $600.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Alliance Training Yes $350.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community $218.00 18 6 Yes Community Asset Building Yes $600.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $600.00 34 10 Yes Seniors Are Wise No $533.00 Education Health Problems Senior Citizens $409.46 48 10 Yes DARE No $650.00 Education School Tranistions Elementary School $577.46 53 1 Yes $3,197 Sandyston Activity/Program Senior Citizen Seminar New Prog $2,769 Target Population DEDR Expend Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Little Commitment to School Senior Citizens $360.06 80 14 Yes Elementary School $280.55 27 3 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community $1,728.50 60 6 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor No $1,000.00 Education DARE Yes $977.00 Education After School Theatre Yes $1,728.50 Alternatives Participants Volunteers Completed Cross Age Teaching No $1,050.00 Education Project Seek - Grade 6 Yes $358.50 Education Alliance Coordinator Yes $1,000.00 Education No $1,800.00 Education Red Ribbon Week School Tranistions High School Little Commitment to School Middle School Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $1,000.00 2 2 Yes Community $1,530.00 800 12 Yes $7,914 Southwestern Activity/Program New Prog No $1,295.00 Education LMTI No $1,500.00 Collaboration Yes $1,000.00 Collaboration Red Ribbon Week QUEST No $2,963.00 Education SEARCH No $2,125.00 Education Alliance Training Yes $257.00 Education Community Asset Building Yes $2,000.00 Education No $2,713.00 Education SEEK Target Population Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents School Tranistions Senior Citizens Activity/Program New Prog 1 $0.00 Yes No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No Middle School $1,500.00 3 2 Yes Community $1,000.00 800 20 Yes High School $2,875.00 45 26 Yes Middle School $2,125.00 75 20 Yes Community $0.00 0 0 Yes Community $1,500.00 110 8 Yes Elementary School $2,713.00 60 12 Yes $13,853 Sparta 30 $5,949 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Senior Citizens Are Wise $1,050.00 $11,713 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Girls Inc. Yes $4,301.00 Education School Tranistions Middle School $4,301.00 138 135 Yes Youth Issues Forum Yes $4,301.00 Education Middle School $3,352.13 163 14 Yes Project Dream Team Yes $4,300.00 Education Middle School $2,442.95 110 0 Yes No $4,301.00 Education Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Elementary School $3,277.11 600 300 No DARE $17,203 Sussex/Wantage Activity/Program Alliance Training Coordination New Prog Yes No $13,373 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $600.00 Education $1,000.00 Communications Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Target Population DEDR Expend Community $213.96 15 3 Yes Community $1,000.00 1 1 Yes Participants Volunteers Completed High School $800.00 190 50 Yes $900.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $843.23 23 2 Yes $800.00 Alternatives Economical/Social Deprivation Parent/Teacher/Coach $800.00 8 1 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Economical/Social Deprivation Elementary School $2,129.22 370 15 Yes High School $1,800.00 54 14 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Economical/Social Deprivation Community $1,643.70 1,525 45 Yes Community $3,006.67 825 51 No Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $303.00 185 30 Yes Project Graduation No $800.00 Alternatives WISE Program No STEP No DARE No $2,250.00 Education Positive Alternative Group No $1,800.00 Education Red Ribbon Week No $1,987.00 Education Recreation Prevention Activity No $3,063.00 Alternatives Yes $303.00 Education Senior Citizen Program $13,503 Vernon Activity/Program New Prog $12,540 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Availability of ATOD Community $5,329.00 3,000 4 Yes Community $900.00 55 5 Yes $3,000.00 Alternatives Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $3,000.00 1,475 55 Yes No $2,258.00 Education High School $2,258.00 425 1 Yes Coordination No $1,000.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Availability of ATOD Community $1,000.00 4 1 Yes After School Program No $5,329.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Elementary School $5,329.00 5,520 6 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems Community $2,300.00 180 17 Yes Community $2,200.00 1,060 19 Yes Summer Recreation Program No $5,329.00 Alternatives Yes $900.00 Alternatives Center for Family Management No Peer Leadership Alliance Training Community Asset Building Yes $2,300.00 Education Adult Education Yes $2,200.00 Alternatives $22,316 County Coordination Activity/Program County Coordination New Prog No $22,316 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $50,000.00 Communications $50,000 Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Target Population Community DEDR Expend $49,999.16 $49,999 Participants Volunteers Completed 4 0 Yes CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Union Berkeley Heights Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Senior Citizen Program No $507.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens Networking & Training Yes $210.00 Education Availability of ATOD Community LMTI Teen Institute No $3,180.00 Education High School Red Ribbon Week No $487.00 Alternatives Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Availability of ATOD Project Graduation No $1,000.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD Coordination No $1,718.00 Communications Yes $375.00 Communications Parents Who Host the Program DARE Youth Matters Program No $1,113.00 Education Yes $2,863.00 Education Activity/Program New Prog No $3,800.00 Education Health Fair No $1,100.00 Communications Networking & Training Yes Senior Citizen Program No $500.00 Education Yes $600.00 Education DARE No $1,799.00 Education Red Ribbon Week No $1,298.00 Alternatives Coordination No $2,798.00 Communications Project Graduation No $1,656.00 Alternatives Alliance Publicity No $1,100.00 Communications Family Prevention Program $203.00 Collaboration No 20 20 Yes $3,180.00 8 8 Yes $487.00 2,800 30 Yes High School $1,000.00 190 30 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Availability of ATOD Community $1,718.00 2 0 Yes Community $375.00 200 22 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Elementary School $1,113.00 221 1 Yes Elementary School $0.00 Community No $8,083 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor LMTI Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 $210.00 $11,453 Clark DEDR Expend Target Population Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Isolation and Loss High School DEDR Expend $1,350.00 Participants Volunteers Completed 7 0 No Community $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Senior Citizens $0.00 No Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 No Elementary School $1,743.00 220 3 No Community $381.89 293 14 No Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Availability of ATOD Community $2,440.00 1 0 No High School $1,656.00 175 16 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $0.00 No Teen Center No $3,800.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community $18,654 Cranford Activity/Program New Prog $0.00 No $7,571 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $0.00 No $5,002.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Availability of ATOD Community $0.00 No No $1,500.00 Alternatives Availability of ATOD High School Senior Citizen Program No $1,500.00 Education Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens Parenting Skills No $4,192.00 Education Parent/Teacher/Coach DARE No $2,170.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Elementary School $1,842.00 0 0 No Youth Activities No $5,762.00 Alternatives Community $1,400.00 4 1 No Alliance Training No $300.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Availability of ATOD Community $300.00 72 34 Yes Media Campaign No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community $0.00 Coordination No $3,978.00 Communications Red Ribbon Week No Project Graduation $2,114.00 Communications $26,518 Elizabeth Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No $9,600.00 Alternatives Faith Community Action Program No $4,750.00 Education Readathon No Coordination No Females At Risk and Pregnant Women Program Networking and Training No $3,600.00 Education No $216.00 Education Community Awareness No $11,369.00 Communications Latino Prevention Education No $10,980.00 Education DARE No $12,004.00 Education Eport Prevention No Trinitas Community Initiative No $1,500.00 125 12 Yes $400.00 45 2 No $0.00 No No $5,442 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed High School $9,600.00 855 125 Yes Community $4,750.00 1,186 55 Yes $10,500.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Community $10,500.00 224 10 Yes $12,432.00 Communications Family Management Problems Community $12,432.00 1 0 Yes Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach $3,600.00 152 32 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Availability of ATOD Community $216.00 33 3 Yes Community $11,369.00 1,626 6 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach $10,980.00 536 0 Yes Elementary School $12,004.00 3,930 66 Yes $3,868.00 Education Early First Use Community $3,868.00 192 9 Yes $3,562.00 Education Family Management Problems Community $3,562.00 170 24 Yes $82,881 Garwood Activity/Program New Prog $82,881 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $2,161.00 2 2 Yes High School $1,900.00 10 0 Yes Senior Citizens $1,693.00 77 3 Yes High School $1,476.00 162 15 Yes $1,600.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Yes $1,500.00 Education Early First Use Community $1,500.00 457 9 Yes Networking and Training No $225.00 Education Community $225.00 7 0 Yes LMTI No $2,200.00 Education High School $2,200.00 3 3 Yes Red Ribbon Week No $1,650.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Availability of ATOD Community $1,593.64 400 4 No Coordination No $2,161.00 Communications Peer Leadership No $1,900.00 Alternatives Senior Citizen Program No $1,693.00 Education Project Graduation No $1,476.00 Alternatives DARE No Garwood Parents Draw the Line Elementary School $14,405 Hillside Activity/Program New Prog $0.00 No $12,749 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $4,088.00 3,135 10 Yes $1,600.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Elementary School $1,600.00 264 10 Yes Yes $2,937.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $2,937.00 252 10 Yes Netowrking and Training No $264.00 Education Community $264.00 40 2 Yes Coordination No $2,453.00 Communications Community $2,453.00 1 0 Yes National Night Out No $1,750.00 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Economical/Social Deprivation Community $1,750.00 1,950 60 Yes Hooked On Fishing No $450.00 Alternatives Elementary School $450.00 5 15 Yes Teen Challenge No $900.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Academic Failure Middle School $900.00 55 4 Yes Senior Educational Breakfast No $1,912.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Senior Citizens $1,912.00 91 30 Yes Red Ribbon Week No $4,088.00 Alternatives DARE No Forest Friends Program $16,354 Kenilworth Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $16,354 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Forest Friends No $2,812.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Elementary School $2,812.00 139 0 Yes Prehistoric Pals No $3,375.00 Early Intervention Early First Use Elementary School $3,375.00 93 0 Yes Coordination No $2,662.00 Collaboration Community $2,662.00 2 0 Yes DARE No $1,000.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Elementary School $1,000.00 121 6 Yes Fishing Derby No $1,000.00 Early Intervention Community $1,000.00 300 30 Yes Project Graduation No $1,560.00 Alternatives High School $1,560.00 280 0 Yes Yes $2,162.00 Alternatives Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use School Tranistions High School $2,162.00 135 8 Yes Four Centuries in a Weekend No $500.00 Education Community $500.00 262 21 Yes Senior Lifestyle Program No $500.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Isolation and Loss Senior Citizens $500.00 66 2 Yes Red Ribbon Week No $2,173.00 Education Early First Use Community $2,173.00 2,334 62 Yes Community Alternative $17,744 Linden Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Life Challengers No $5,000.00 Education ATOD Presentations No $2,500.00 Education Parental Support Group Yes $3,000.00 Education Strengthening Families Yes $2,776.00 Alternatives Project Graduation No $5,848.00 Alternatives Coordination No $5,848.00 Communications Prevention Diversion Training Yes Networking and Training Yes DARE No $17,744 $4,000.00 Education $268.00 Collaboration $9,747.00 Education Target Population Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Parent/Teacher/Coach Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Activity/Program Networking & Training Project Graduation New Prog Yes 25 5 Yes $250.00 500 0 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $3,000.00 40 0 Yes Community $2,776.00 60 0 Yes High School $5,848.00 633 50 Yes Community $5,848.00 0 0 Yes Community $4,000.00 400 0 Yes Community $157.00 15 15 No $9,747.00 1,300 1 Yes Community Elementary School No $36,626 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $150.00 Collaboration $925.00 Alternatives Participants Volunteers Completed $5,000.00 $38,987 Mountainside DEDR Expend Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Availability of ATOD Target Population DEDR Expend Community $150.00 13 0 Yes High School $925.00 355 75 Yes Participants Volunteers Completed PAL Youth Education Program 5K Run/Walk Program No Yes $1,500.00 Alternatives $1,000.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Availability of ATOD Elementary School $1,500.00 200 8 Yes Community $1,000.00 250 75 Yes High School $1,500.00 151 0 Yes TRENDS Club No $1,500.00 Alternatives Recreation Staff Training No $600.00 Education Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach $600.00 25 5 Yes DARE No $630.00 Education Elementary School $630.00 100 25 Yes Sports Coach Training No $2,328.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,124.00 45 0 No Coordination No $2,365.00 Communications Availability of ATOD Community $2,365.00 56 0 Yes Junior High Night No Middle School $250.00 100 15 Yes LMTI No $2,625.00 Education $2,610.00 10 3 No Parent Training Program No $1,896.00 Education Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Involvement with the Criminal Justice System Family Management Problems $300.00 115 19 Yes $250.00 Early Intervention High School Parent/Teacher/Coach $15,769 New Providence Activity/Program DARE New Prog $13,954 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed No $2,103.00 Communications Early First Use Elementary School $2,103.00 200 5 Yes Publicity Program Yes $1,750.00 Communications Community $1,720.00 4,500 0 No Project Graduation No $1,500.00 Alternatives High School $1,500.00 124 50 Yes Yes $600.00 Education Middle School $594.00 64 3 Yes No $1,000.00 Alternatives Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Community $888.14 334 2 No $2,100.00 425 1 Yes Middle School Peer Leadership Teen Alternative Activities Leadership Training Yes $2,100.00 Education No $500.00 Education Family Management Problems Senior Citizens $500.00 36 0 Yes Prehistoric Pals Yes $450.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $450.00 17 0 Yes Youth Training Conference (LMTI) Yes $2,120.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use High School $1,590.00 3 0 No Community $2,637.00 3 0 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Community $198.00 39 0 Yes Elementary School $625.00 23 1 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $2,000.00 9 9 Yes Senior Citizen Program Coordination Networking & Training No $2,637.00 Collaboration Yes $198.00 Collaboration Forest Friends No $625.00 Education Red Ribbon Week No $2,000.00 Education $17,583 High School $16,905 Plainfield Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Teen Conference No $2,000.00 Communications Academic Failure High School $2,000.00 587 0 Yes MS Peer Leadership Program No $1,100.00 Education Middle School $1,100.00 0 0 Yes Summer Youth Activity No $8,647.00 Alternatives Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use High School $8,647.00 0 0 Yes Alliance Publicity No $2,681.00 Education Community $2,681.00 0 0 Yes DARE No $3,996.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Elementary School $3,996.00 1,200 11 Yes HS Peer Leadership Program No $3,750.00 Education High School $3,750.00 10 2 Yes Senior Citizen Program No $3,325.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Senior Citizens $3,025.00 714 24 No At-Risk Youth Program No $4,393.00 Education Middle School $4,393.00 0 0 Yes Coordination No $5,893.00 Collaboration Community $5,893.00 0 0 Yes Networking & Training Yes $200.00 Collaboration Community $200.00 95 0 Yes Project Graduation Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems High School $1,500.00 262 3 No Community $1,500.00 158 0 Yes Clergy Education No $1,800.00 Alternatives $1,500.00 Education $39,285 Rahway Activity/Program New Prog $38,685 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Alliance Publicity No $1,750.00 Communications Project Graduation No $8,232.00 Communications Rites of Passage Yes $2,894.00 Collaboration Networking & Training Yes $250.00 Collaboration Children Practicing Resiliency No $6,424.00 Education Coordination No $4,939.00 Education DARE No $1,939.00 Education Ribbon for Awareness No $3,500.00 Education Senior Initiatives No $3,000.00 Education $32,928 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Little Commitment to School Community $1,462.71 490 7 No High School $8,232.00 173 29 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Academic Failure Community $1,114.73 18 18 No Community $216.00 3 1 No Elementary School $3,870.47 80 9 No Community $1,810.00 4 3 No Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Physical and Mental Disabilities Community $3,131.62 3,855 0 No Senior Citizens $2,755.93 235 37 No Elementary School $0.00 $22,593 No Roselle Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Community $2,750.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use No $2,475.00 Communications Youth Community Education No $1,495.00 Education LMTI No $2,860.00 Education Cops in Schools No $1,340.00 Education Elks Peer Leadership Yes $858.00 Education Project Graduation No $1,520.00 Alternatives Senior Citizen Program No $1,000.00 Education DARE No Coordination Networking & Training Yes $200.00 Communications Red Ribbon Week No $1,000.00 Education National Night Out No $1,000.00 Education High School Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No Teen Program Mayor Joe and I Dont Use Drugs Public Information Program Red Ribbon Week Prevention Seminar Program Alliance Publicity Community Resource Center Coordination Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $1,520.00 132 14 Yes $596.72 160 1 No Elementary School $2,750.00 489 4 Yes Availability of ATOD Community $2,475.00 1 0 Yes Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Early First Use Community $800.00 400 35 No Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community $0.00 Community $1,000.00 2,000 0 Yes Community $1,000.00 450 30 Yes Senior Citizens High School Elementary School $16,498 Roselle Park DEDR Expend $0.00 $1,050.00 No 2,000 0 No No $11,192 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,620.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $1,620.00 110 27 Yes Yes $4,000.00 Education Community $4,000.00 77 5 Yes No $2,500.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Elementary School $2,500.00 350 42 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems Community $1,000.00 5,464 10 Yes Community $1,500.00 1,500 20 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Availability of ATOD Community $1,283.00 350 12 Yes Community $1,000.00 0 0 Yes Community $7,859.90 300 12 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Community $4,716.00 1 0 Yes Community $150.00 30 6 Yes Community $4,000.00 8 60 Yes Yes $1,000.00 Communications No $1,500.00 Education Yes $1,283.00 Education No $1,000.00 Communications Yes $7,860.00 Communications No $4,716.00 Collaboration Networking & Training Yes $150.00 Collaboration Lead for Diversity Yes $4,000.00 Education DARE No $1,309.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Criminal Justice Diversion Program No $500.00 Education Early First Use High School $31,438 Scotch Plains/Fanwood Activity/Program Networking & Training Coordination Preschool PTO Program Social Skills for Prevention New Prog Yes No Yes No $1,307.79 1,184 138 No $325.00 50 8 No $31,262 Target Population DEDR Expend Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Community $150.00 70 70 Yes Community $5,097.00 51 51 Yes Elementary School $700.00 47 1 Yes $3,775.00 Education School Tranistions Elementary School $3,775.00 267 16 Yes $2,732.00 Collaboration Family Management Problems Community $2,732.00 4,086 45 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $150.00 Communications $5,097.00 Education $700.00 Early Intervention Participants Volunteers Completed Think Purple Program Yes Recreation Prevention No $4,800.00 Education Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach $4,800.00 293 17 Yes DARE No $3,300.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $3,300.00 907 6 Yes Project Graduation No $3,400.00 Alternatives High School $3,400.00 471 159 Yes Student Handbook No $2,500.00 Policy Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Little Commitment to School High School $2,500.00 3,172 3 Yes Camp Starbright No $1,950.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $1,950.00 61 39 Yes Student Leadership Conference No $1,000.00 Education High School $1,000.00 60 9 Yes Senior Citizen Program No $2,375.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Health Problems Senior Citizens $2,375.00 185 3 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Middle School $2,200.00 707 8 Yes Fanwood Police Activities Yes $2,200.00 Early Intervention $33,979 Springfield Activity/Program New Prog $33,979 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Red Ribbon Week No $2,924.00 Collaboration Family Management Problems Community $2,202.54 2,040 200 No DARE No $1,232.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,076.00 0 0 No Character Counts No $2,250.00 Education Family Management Problems Elementary School $1,927.00 2,000 200 No Coordination No $3,943.00 Collaboration Community $3,943.00 0 0 Yes Community Leadership No $1,500.00 Education Community $238.00 11 0 No Internet Safety Program No $395.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems Community $329.88 160 0 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,500.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use No $1,200.00 Education Isolation and Loss Intergenerational Project Graduation No $1,800.00 Alternatives Teen Activity Nights No $1,500.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Recreation and Coaches Training No $2,000.00 Education MS Peer Leadership Initiative No Intergenerational Activity Networking & Training HS Peer Leadership Training Yes No $242.00 Collaboration $4,803.00 Education Middle School Activity/Program New Prog $0.00 No No 263 0 No High School $1,800.00 120 15 Yes Community $1,021.21 354 27 No Community $242.00 32 0 Yes $3,931.25 80 11 No High School Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use Middle School $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Elementary School $0.00 No Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Availability of ATOD High School $0.00 No Parent/Teacher/Coach $0.00 No Community $0.00 No Community $0.00 No $2,160.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Economical/Social Deprivation Middle School $0.00 No No $3,060.00 Education Family Management Problems Senior Citizens $0.00 No No $2,140.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $0.00 No No $1,000.00 Communications Movie in the Park No $2,000.00 Alternatives Red Ribbon Week No $2,240.00 Education DARE No $5,780.00 Education Leadership Program No $5,100.00 Education Parenting Speaker Series No $1,114.00 Education Public Information Campaign No $1,000.00 Communications Coordination No $5,966.00 Communications CATSS No Senior Citizen Program Alliance Training $31,560 Activity/Program 20 $17,656 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Student Handbook Union City 937 $445.00 $26,289 Summit $500.00 New Prog $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Unmischief Night No $2,089.00 Collaboration Coordination No $4,429.00 Collaboration Family Unity Program No $1,700.00 Communications Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Community $1,880.00 350 18 No Community $4,429.00 1 0 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,700.00 150 1 Yes Special Wishes No Alliance Committee Meetings No Passport to Manhood $1,288.00 Early Intervention $500.00 Collaboration Economical/Social Deprivation Community $1,206.43 150 5 Yes Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Community $500.00 21 0 Yes Middle School $1,900.00 100 1 Yes Elementary School $7,261.00 900 0 Yes Community $2,700.00 150 3 Yes Yes $1,900.00 Education DARE No $7,381.00 Education Smart Girls No $2,700.00 Communications Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Family Fitness Night No $4,570.00 Communications Family Management Problems Middle School $3,870.00 740 66 Yes Public Awareness Campaign No $2,970.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $2,970.00 1,900 96 Yes $29,527 Westfield Activity/Program Networking & Training New Prog $350.00 Education Dream Makers No $3,116.00 Education DARE No $4,200.00 Education Yes $3,369.00 Education Community Awareness No $500.00 Education Conflict Resolution No $2,200.00 Education Parent Education Program No $1,440.00 Education Coordination No $4,256.00 Education Red Ribbon Week No $2,722.00 Education Blairstown No $2,069.00 Education Project Graduation MS Peer Leadership Program Yes No Target Population DEDR Expend Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Lack of Clear School Policy regarding ATOD Early First Use Community $350.00 69 9 Yes High School $3,006.00 283 43 No Elementary School $4,088.00 831 1 No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Family Management Problems Intergenerational $3,369.00 1,150 260 Yes $500.00 0 0 Yes Middle School $2,200.00 1,050 21 Yes Parent/Teacher/Coach $1,440.00 521 2 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Family Management Problems Community $4,250.00 3 0 Yes Community $2,688.00 6,182 17 No Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Availability of ATOD High School $2,000.00 402 28 No High School $1,954.00 450 30 Yes Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Middle School $2,200.00 1,250 212 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Yes Transition Program $28,416 $1,954.00 Alternatives $2,200.00 Education Community $28,376 County Coordination Activity/Program County Coordination New Prog No $28,045 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $79,631.00 Communications $79,631 Participants Volunteers Completed Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Target Population Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 Countywide Project Activity/Program Countywide Red Ribbon Week New Prog No DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $3,911.00 Communications $3,911 Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Target Population Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 CUMULATIVE QUARTERLY ALLIANCE REPORT for Grant Year 2009 Warren Blairstown Activity/Program New Prog Target Population DEDR Expend Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Little Commitment to School Elementary School $400.00 90 0 Yes $1,476.75 285 8 Yes Middle School $529.00 5 0 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Participants Volunteers Completed BABES Yes $400.00 Education Social Night Out Yes $1,476.75 Education Afterschool Dentention Program Yes $529.00 Alternatives Homework Help Center No $1,476.75 Alternatives Family Management Problems High School $316.75 10 2 No Project Graduation No $1,138.50 Collaboration Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization High School $1,138.00 192 15 Yes $886.00 1 0 Yes Coordinator Yes $886.00 Communications Community Community $5,907 Franklin Activity/Program New Prog Character Education Yes Drug Poster Contest Project Graduation BABES $4,747 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend $897.00 Alternatives School Tranistions Middle School $897.00 360 7 Yes No $248.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $248.00 322 5 Yes No $600.00 Alternatives Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Greater Influence by and Reliance on Peers than Parents Early First Use High School $600.00 98 35 Yes Elementary School $997.00 450 6 Yes Community $997.00 100 1 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community $250.00 150 15 Yes Yes $997.00 Education Summer Fun No $997.00 Education Fall Festival No $250.00 Alternatives $3,989 Frelinghuysen Activity/Program Participants Volunteers Completed New Prog $3,989 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed SUPER No $998.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $998.00 80 2 Yes Senior Luncheon No $430.00 Education Senior Citizens $430.00 40 5 Yes Community Drug & Alcohol Free Halloween Party Founders Day ATOD Free Picnic No $212.00 Alternatives Community $212.00 250 6 Yes Community $1,058.00 400 40 Yes North Warren Regional HS Project Grad No Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD $850.00 160 30 Yes No $1,058.00 Communications $850.00 Education High School $3,548 Great Meadows Activity/Program New Prog $3,548 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Fitness Club Yes $2,450.00 Education Variety Show No $2,450.00 Education After School Performing Arts Program No $2,452.00 Education Fitness Club No $2,450.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Target Population Activity/Program New Prog $2,450.00 170 30 No Community $2,450.00 68 1 Yes Elementary School $2,450.00 294 16 Yes Middle School $2,450.00 194 6 Yes $9,800 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Community $550.00 Education Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Isolation and Loss $941.50 Education Little Commitment to School Coordination No $1,198.50 Communications Student/Peer Leadership Program No $800.00 Alternatives DARE No $750.00 Early Intervention BABES Yes $1,400.00 Education Drug Free Teen Night Series No $1,000.00 Education Project Graduation No $750.00 Alternatives T.I.G.S. No $600.00 Education Adult Medication Awareness No Community Education and Outreach No Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,198.50 3 0 Yes Middle School $800.00 65 4 Yes Elementary School $750.00 200 5 Yes Elementary School $1,400.00 125 2 Yes Middle School $1,000.00 375 4 Yes High School $750.00 246 13 Yes Middle School $600.00 4 7 Yes Senior Citizens $550.00 100 3 Yes Community $629.00 810 30 Yes $7,990 Hardwick Twp. Participants Volunteers Completed Middle School $9,802 Hackettstown DEDR Expend $7,678 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Substance Abuse Program for MOMS No $214.00 Communications Early First Use Community $214.00 45 4 Yes Summer Family Swim Day No $150.00 Alternatives Early First Use Community $150.00 200 6 Yes Yes $314.00 Alternatives Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Isolation and Loss Community $314.00 1,000 100 Yes Senior Citizens $532.20 38 3 Yes Elementary School $428.00 100 1 Yes National Night Out Sr. Medication Program No $535.00 Education After School Homework Program No $428.00 Alternatives Project Graduation No $428.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $428.00 185 10 Yes Coordination No $438.00 Communications Early First Use Community $438.00 1 0 Yes Community Picnic No $428.00 Communications Early First Use Community $138.42 62 10 Yes Family Program No $214.00 Alternatives Early First Use Community $214.00 120 7 Yes $3,149 Hope Twp. Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Yoga for Senior No Project Graduation No $300.00 Communications Forest Friends No $169.00 Early Intervention Yes $476.00 Communications Kids Say It Best Calendars $2,857 $1,700.00 Alternatives BABES No $390.00 Alternatives Footprints for Life No $390.00 Communications Target Population Activity/Program New Prog Participants Volunteers Completed Isolation and Loss Community Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Early First Use High School Middle School $0.00 No Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Isolation and Loss Community $0.00 Yes Elementary School $0.00 No Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Elementary School $0.00 No $3,425 Knowlton Twp. DEDR Expend $1,700.00 50 0 Yes $300.00 20 3 Yes $2,000 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Just Say No Club Yes $1,031.00 Education Isolation and Loss Elementary School $1,031.00 50 2 Yes Math Club Yes $1,031.00 Education Isolation and Loss Elementary School $560.00 10 0 Yes Homework Help Club Yes $1,031.00 Education Isolation and Loss Elementary School $1,031.00 15 0 Yes Gym Club Yes $1,031.00 Education Isolation and Loss Elementary School $350.00 20 1 Yes $4,124 Mansfield Twp. Activity/Program Coordination New Prog $2,972 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor No $900.00 Communications Summer Program Yes $1,850.00 Communications Peer Mediation Yes $400.00 Education BABES Yes $1,200.00 Education Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Early First Use Community $0.00 Yes Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Community $0.00 Yes High School $0.00 Yes Elementary School $0.00 Yes Character Education Yes Senior Lunch and Learn No DARE No $1,200.00 Education $658.00 Communications $1,194.00 Education Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Elementary School $0.00 Yes Community $0.00 Yes Middle School $0.00 Yes $7,402 Oxford Activity/Program New Prog Project Graduation No Red Ribbon Event Yes $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $470.00 Alternatives Early First Use High School $470.00 182 27 Yes $842.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $842.00 182 15 Yes No $553.00 Communications Early First Use Community $276.50 1 0 Yes Community Day Yes $370.00 Communications Early First Use Community $0.00 Municipal Alliance Training Yes $168.00 Education Early First Use Community $168.00 3 3 Yes No $920.00 Education Senior Citizens $920.00 65 4 Yes No $369.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use Coordination Older Adults Medication Awareness Program Awareness Materials for Elementary School Middle School $3,692 Phillipsburg Activity/Program New Prog Yes $0.00 Yes $2,677 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Community $750.00 Community $0.00 Community $50.00 Participants Volunteers Completed Helping Hand No $750.00 Communications Alliance Coordinator No $1,650.00 Communications Advertising No $1,000.00 Education Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems Yes $1,500.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $0.00 No $2,000.00 Education Family Management Problems Middle School $2,000.00 50 5 Yes $2,760.00 Early Intervention Family Management Problems High School $2,760.00 8 8 Yes Early First Use High School $650.00 20 4 Yes Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Elementary School $558.00 40 2 Yes Floor Hockey Summer Enrichment Program HS Big Brothers/Big Sisters Yes Freestyle Wrestling Clinic No Firth Youth Center After School Program No $650.00 Alternatives $1,658.00 Education $11,968 Regional Activity/Program New Prog DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor 1,500 3 Yes Yes 560 17 Yes Yes $6,768 Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed School Based Mentoring No Coordination No Project Graduation No BABES $1,500.00 Education Family Management Problems Middle School $0.00 Yes $766.00 Communications Early First Use Community $0.00 Yes $300.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Community Laws and Norms Favorable to ATOD Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use High School $0.00 Yes Elementary School $0.00 Yes Senior Citizens $0.00 Yes High School $0.00 Yes Yes $1,200.00 Education Senior Lunch and Learn No $208.00 Education Peer Support Program No $8,922.00 Education $12,896 S. Warren Activity/Program New Prog $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed Youth & Adult Martial Arts Program No $3,000.00 Alternatives Early First Use Middle School $3,000.00 40 4 Yes Alternative Programming Youth Group No $3,000.00 Education Early First Use High School $3,000.00 108 3 Yes Prevention Through Multimedia Lopatcong Twp Coordinator Honorarium No $2,147.00 Education Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,147.00 204 8 Yes Early First Use Community Prevention Through Multimedia No $4,000.00 Education Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach $2,144.23 320 6 Yes DARE No $3,000.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $2,434.40 300 4 Yes Project Success No $4,000.00 Education Early First Use Parent/Teacher/Coach $4,000.00 235 10 Yes No $0.00 Communications $19,147 Washington Twp. Activity/Program New Prog Supportive Families Yes $1,557.50 Collaboration No No Middle School Summer Recreation Program Coordination $0.00 Yes $16,726 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Target Population Intergenerational $600.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Family Management Problems $943.00 Communications $347.00 Education DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $1,557.50 308 16 Yes Middle School $600.00 118 11 Yes Early First Use Community $471.50 1 0 Yes Community $347.00 308 16 Yes High School $200.00 216 26 Yes $355.00 96 14 Yes Project Graduation No $200.00 Alternatives Favorable Attitudes toward Drug Use Early First Use DARE Graduation No $355.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School Summer Recreation Program No $1,557.50 Alternatives Early First Use Middle School $1,557.50 308 16 Yes Publishing Books for Senior Citizens No $669.00 Education Early First Use Middle School $0.00 100 36 Yes Prevention of Childhood Drinking Yes $6,229 Washington Boro Activity/Program New Prog $5,089 Target Population DEDR Expend Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Anti-social Behavior in Late Childhood/Early Adolescence Early First Use Middle School $293.50 Community $458.00 25 2 Yes Middle School $140.73 78 4 Yes DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor Participants Volunteers Completed Warren Hills MS Summer Recreation Program Project CARE No $1,632.00 Alternatives No $1,518.00 Alternatives Kids on the Block No $290.00 Education Yes $458.00 Education No $200.00 Education Low Neighborhood Attachment and Community Disorganization Early First Use Yes $260.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $260.00 522 8 Yes Forest Friends No $750.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $750.00 84 4 Yes BABES No $1,100.00 Education Early First Use Elementary School $1,100.00 88 2 Yes Coordination No Early First Use Community $19.48 1 1 Yes Parents to Partners DARE Red Ribbon $320.00 Communications Activity/Program County Program Coordination New Prog No $0.00 Yes Elementary School $0.00 Yes Early First Use Target Population Community $45,000 Countywide Training Activity/Program Volunteer Workshops New Prog No $3,379 DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $3,379.00 Education Yes $3,022 DEDR Award CSAP Strategy Risk Factor $45,000.00 Communications 6 Elementary School $6,528 County Coordination 170 Early First Use Target Population Community DEDR Expend Participants Volunteers Completed $0.00 No $0