Minutes of Meeting CABRILLO COLLEGE GOVERNING BOARD August 9, 2010 REGULAR MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was held at the Watsonville Center, Cabrillo Community College District, 318 Union Street, Room 4360, Watsonville, California on Monday, August 9, 2010. Chair Gary Reece opened the meeting in Open Session at 5:15 pm. Roll was taken; present were Chair Reece, Trustees Al Smith, Rachael Spencer, Susan True, and Claudine Wildman. Chair Reece asked for Public Comments on Closed Session items. There were no public comments. CALL TO ORDER Trustee Smith excused himself from closed session. Closed Session items were announced and the meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 5:11 pm. Closed Session was adjourned at 6:25 pm. ROLL CALL Chair Gary Reece called the Open Session to order at 6:28 pm. Other Board members present were Trustees Al Smith, Rachael Spencer, Susan True, and Claudine Wildman. Trustees Rebecca Garcia and Katy Stonebloom were absent. Also present were members of the community, college faculty, staff and students. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION Chair Reece stated that there was nothing to report out of Closed Session. PROCEDURAL ITEMS It was moved and seconded (Smith/Spencer) to approve the Consent Agenda as amended, including the minutes from the meeting of June 14, 2010. ROLL CALL REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA AND MINUTES The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Wildman abstained on item 5. Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Absent AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Reece, Smith, Spencer, True, Wildman None Garcia, Stonebloom Wildman, #5. INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED FACULTY AND STAFF VP Lewis introduced Graciano Mendoza, Director of Business Services. VP Baily-Fougnier introduced Tama Bolton, Director of Admissions and Records. VP Kilmer introduced Joel Rogers, Dean of VAPA division. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Michael Bethke and Brian Mathias spoke on behalf of the Santa Cruz County Fair. Marilyn Garrett addressed the Board regarding removal of cell towers and wifi radiation from the campus centers. Marlene Majewska, Cynthia Berger, Leah Hartani and Tony Ruiz spoke on behalf of 1 of 4 INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED FACULTY AND STAFF ORAL COMMUNICATIONS the Chinese Language program. Ms. Hartani also spoke on behalf of George Ow, Jr. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Rock Pfotenhauer, Rick Deriesh, Employment Development Department (EDD), and David Lundberg, Director of the Workforce Investment Board, made a presentation on the Workforce Development 2.0 program. ORAL REPORTS Board Members’ Reports Trustee Wildman announced that she will not be seeking reelection for her board seat. The closing date for filing was August 6, 2010. Chair Reece announced that Al Smith and Gary Reece are also up for reelection. Chair Reece also noted that Rebecca Garcia is recovering well. Student Trustee’s Report Student Trustee Habara reported that students have attended several meetings on behalf of students, allocated $22,000 for a new cafeteria floor, and $15,000 for Learning Center in Allied Health Center. President King, VP Lewis and Chair Reece will speak at the upcoming Student Senate retreat in August. Superintendent’s Report Superintendent/President Brian King reported that he attended a California Leadership Alliance for Student Success conference and noted that Flex week starts with another Breakfast with Brian session and end with All College Day on Friday. CCEU Janus Blume spoke on behalf of Stephanie Stainback, CCEU President. CCEU President Stainback is recovering well. Ms. Blume thanked the Board for reaching a contract agreement. Ms. Blume noted the increase in health benefit costs are hard to swallow, that retaining employees is a primary concern. She also requested that contracts be kept whole and not be reduced in hours. CCFT Paul Harvell, CCFT President, noted the lack of clarity around the budget, and even if there is a budget, there is no guarantee that funds will be available. Faculty Senate Steve Hodges, Faculty Senate President, was not present. SPECIAL PRESENTATION ORAL REPORTS ( BOARD MEMBER REPORTS STUDENT TRUSTEE’S REPORT SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT CCEU CCFT FACULTY SENATE ACTION ITEMS ACTION ITEMS Designation of Voting Delegate at ACCT Convention It was recommended that the Governing Board designate Trustee Garcia as the Cabrillo College voting delegate at the annual ACCT convention, to be held October 20-23, 2010. It was moved and seconded (Spencer/Wildman) to accept the recommendation. 2 of 4 Negotiated Agreement for 2010-11: CCEU and District A recommendation regarding the negotiated agreement for 2010-11 between CCEU and the District was submitted to the Governing Board. It was moved and seconded (True/Spencer) to approve the agreement. INFORMATION ITEMS Item 1. 2010-11 Budget Update A 2010-11 Budget Update was provided for Governing Board information An additional update was included in the board materials from Erik Skinner, Vice Chancellor of Fiscal Policy, California Community Colleges System. The Budget Conference Committee has done their work and the California Joint Powers Authority (JPA) will sell securities to pay the colleges. President King noted the college makes payroll even though state is unpaid. INFORMATION ITEMS 2010-2011 BUDGET UPDATE Item 2 Governing Board Evaluation A report from the Governing Board Chair regarding the process for the upcoming Governing Board Evaluation was provided to the public. GOVERNING BOARD EVALUATION Item 3. Watsonville Center Annual Report The Watsonville Center Annual Report was presented for Governing Board information. Dean Rachel Mayo welcomed everyone to the Watsonville Center. VP Kilmer noted that there is some comparative data available on Scotts Valley and Watsonville at the end of the report. WATSONVILLE CENTER ANNUAL REPORT Item 4. Accreditation Annual Report as Submitted to ACCJC Information regarding the Accreditation Annual Report as submitted to ACCJC was provided for Governing Board. Item 5. Cash Flow Update – 2010-11 Fourth Quarter ACCREDITATION ANNUAL REPORT CASH FLOW UPDATE) A cash flow update for the fourth quarter of the fiscal year was presented to the Governing Board for information. It was reported that the ending cash balance projection is higher than planned. The ending balance reflects needs deferred, not unneeded funds. Item 6 Information Technology Update An update on Information Technology was provided to the Governing Board for information. Trustee Spencer congratulated the college on the maintenance of smart classrooms. VP Baily-Fougnier thanked the IT department for live imaging in Financial Aid. Item 7. Facilities Master Plan Project Status The monthly status report regarding current Facilities Master Plan projects was provided to the Governing Board for information. The Green Tech Center was 3 of 4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY REPORT COLLEGE MASTER PLAN UPDATE REPORT approved through the Division of State Architects (DSA). It was also reported that the college received a matching grant from the Economic Development Administration (EDA). FINANCIAL REPORTS Item 8 Financial Reports The financial reports through May 31, 2010, of all funds maintained by the District were presented for Governing Board information. CABRILLO COLLEGE MONTHLY CALENDAR Item 9. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar The Cabrillo College activities calendar for the month of August were presented for Governing Board information. Item 10. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings AGENDA FOR NEXT BOARD MEETING The following items were requested for follow up via update, information, action or presentations: None ADJOURNMENT The open session of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was adjourned at 8:10 pm. Respectfully submitted, Secretary 4 of 4 ADJOURNMENT