1 Cabrillo College Governing Board Monday, January 10, 2011 Cabrillo College Sesnon House 6500 Soquel Drive Aptos, California 95003 OPEN SESSION PAGE 1. Call to Order and Roll Call TIME 5:00 2. Adoption of Agenda 3. Public Comments Regarding Closed Session Items (three minute time limit per speaker) Please notify clerk if you desire to speak to the Board. 4. Announcement of Closed Session 5. Adjourn to Closed Session CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Government Code §54956.8) Property: 251 Kings Village Road, Scotts Valley, California 95066 Agency Negotiator: Brian King Negotiating Parties: Scotts Valley City Manager Under Negotiation: Terms of Payment, Conditions 2. Conference with District Counsel regarding anticipated litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(b)(3)(E) (8 cases) 3. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Victoria Lewis Employee Organization: CCFT 4. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Victoria Lewis Employee Organization: CCEU 5. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Brian King Employee Organizations: Management and Confidential Employees OPEN SESSION Call to Order and Roll Call Report Out of Closed Session 6:00 A. Consent Items 1. Minutes and Consent Agenda (these items are approved when the agenda is approved unless a Board member wishes to discuss) a) Minutes of December 6, 2010 2. Register of Warrants It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify warrant numbers 01620–03265 for the amount of $4,169,556.76. 5 11 6:01 2 January 10, 2011 A. Consent Items (continued) 3. Ratification: Construction Change Orders PAGE TIME 33 It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify the construction change orders as presented. 4. Budget Transfers by Resolution It is recommended that the Governing Board approve resolution numbers 001-11 through 003-11 for budget transfers 18865 through 18943. 37 5. Bay Area Knowledge Exchange for Developmental Mathematics 41 It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the $5,000 grant funds from CRMSE. It is further recommended that the Governing Board authorize the vice president of administrative services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement on behalf of the college. 6. Human Resources Management Report 43 It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify and/or approve the human resources management report. Introduction of Newly Appointed Faculty and Staff Oral Communications Members of the audience may speak to non-agenda items (three minute time limit per speaker) B. Special Presentation Northern California Champions - Cabrillo Woman’s Volleyball Team 6:05 C. Oral Reports 1. Board Members’ Reports 6:10 2. Student Trustee’s Report 6:13 3. Superintendent’s Report 6:15 4. CCFT 6:17 Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers. 5. Faculty Senate 6:19 Comments on issues of interest to the Faculty Senate. 6. CCEU 6:21 Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo Classified Employees Union. D. Action Items 1. Fall Faculty Grant Awards It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the donation of $19,065.22 from the Cabrillo College Foundation. 45 6:23 3 January 10, 2011 D. Action Items (continued) PAGE 2. Daily Parking Fees 47 TIME It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the proposed increase in daily parking permits from $2.00 to $4.00 a day effective January 15th, 2011. 3. Award of Contract: Special Inspection Services for Green Technology Center 49 It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the vice president of administrative services to execute a contract with HP Inspections of San Jose in the amount of $175,000 for Special Inspection Services for Green Technology Center Project. 4. Recommended Extension to the Contract of the Superintendent/President 51 Based on the evaluation of the Superintendent/President in closed session, it is recommended that the Superintendent/President’s contract be extended one year (until June 30, 2015). 5. Professional Development Leaves, 2011 - 2012 53 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the content and authorize the vice president of instruction, to make the final determination of the 2011-2012 faculty professional development leaves within the expenditure limit authorized through CCFT negotiations. 6. EduStream Contract 59 It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the vice president of administrative services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement on behalf of the college. 7. Academy for College Excellence Professional Services Contract 61 It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the vice president of administrative services to execute a professional service contract with Institute for Evidence Based Change. PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing: Categorical Flexibility 63 6:30 D. Action Items (continued) 8. Categorical Flexibility 65 It is recommended that the Governing Board take testimony from the public, discuss and approve the proposed transfer of funds. E. Information Items 1. Budget Update 67 It is anticipated that the District will submit a budget update to the Governing Board at the January, 2011 meeting. 2. Facilities Master Plan Project Status 69 6:40 4 January 10, 2011 E. Information Items (continued) PAGE TIME The facilities master plan project status is presented to the Governing Board for information. 3. Financial Reports 73 The financial reports are presented to the Governing Board for information. 4. Spring 2011 Flex Week Activities 95 The Spring 2011 Flex Week activities are presented to the Governing Board for information. 5. HSI Eligibility - Intent to Submit Application for Basic Title V Eligibility 113 The HSI Eligibility is presented to the Governing Board for information. 6. Information Technology Update 115 An update on college technology is provided for Governing Board information. 7. Cabrillo College Fact Book, 2010 123 The Cabrillo College Fact Book 2010 contains important resource and reference information for planning, grant development, marketing, accreditation, and outreach and is presented for Governing Board information. 8. SB 1440 Update 125 The SB 1440 update is presented to the Governing Board for information. 9. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar 127 The Cabrillo College activities calendar for the month of January is presented for Governing Board information. 10. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings The Cabrillo College Governing Board may discuss items to be placed on the agenda for the future Board meetings. CLOSED SESSION ADJOURN 7:00 For ADA related meeting accommodations, contact Dominique Hansen, Executive Assistant to the President, at (831) 479-6306 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. 5 Minutes of Meeting CABRILLO COLLEGE GOVERNING BOARD December 6, 2010 REGULAR MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was held at the Sesnon House, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, California on Monday, December 6, 2010. Chair Gary Reece opened the meeting in Open Session at 5:00 pm. Roll was taken; present were Chair Reece, Trustees Rebecca Garcia, Al Smith, Rachael Spencer, Katy Stonebloom, Susan True, and Donna Ziel. Chair Reece asked for Public Comments on Closed Session items. There were no public comments. Closed Session items were announced and the meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 5:01 pm. Closed Session was adjourned at 6:00 pm. ROLL CALL Chair Gary Reece called the Open Session to order at 6:05 pm. Other Board Trustees present were Trustees Rebecca Garcia, Al Smith, Rachael Spencer, Katy Stonebloom, Susan True, and Donna Ziel. Also present were members of the community, college faculty, staff and students. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION Chair Reece stated that there was nothing to report out of Closed Session. SWEARING IN OF NEW AND RETURNING BOARD MEMBERS Judge Bill Kelsey swore in Trustees Gary Reece, Alan Smith, and Donna Ziel. PROCEDURAL ITEMS It was moved and seconded (Garcia/True) to approve the consent agenda as amended, including the minutes from the November 1, 2010 and November 15, 2010 meetings with one correction. The November 1, 2010 minutes should read “Trustee Garcia attended the ACCT Congress…” CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION SWEARING IN OF NEW AND RETURNING BOARD MEMBERS APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA AND MINUTES The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Allenser AYES: Garcia, True, Stonebloom, Reece, Smith, Spencer, Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Ziel abstained on item #1. INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED FACULTY AND STAFF None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Marilyn Garrett addressed the Board and distributed information regarding the alleged health hazards of Wi-Fi, cell tower radiation, and smart meters. Ryan Kaplan addressed the Board about the student bus pass subsidy. 1 of 6 INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED FACULTY AND STAFF ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 6 Minutes of Meeting December 6, 2010 SPECIAL PRESENTATION None SPECIAL PRESENTATION ORAL REPORTS Board Trustees’ Reports Trustee Garcia reported on the annual Community College League of California convention which she attended. Trustee Garcia said she was proud of Cabrillo’s representation at the conference. Cabrillo’s Marketing Director Kristin Fabos, Dean Rock Pfotenhauer, and Bookstore Director Robin Ellis all presented at the convention. Trustee Garcia is anticipating the Board of Governor’s decision on Title V and would like to know the faculty position on the issue. ORAL REPORTS BOARD TRUSTEE REPORTS Trustee Garcia also served at the Student Senate’s Thanksgiving dinner in Watsonville and said it was a wonderful event. Trustee Smith thanked everyone for helping him get re-elected. Trustee True thanked the Cabrillo College Foundation for their holiday party. Trustee True reported that she has had a couple of study sessions with President King and Vice President Lewis to learn more about the budget. Trustee True would like to everyone to keep focused on productive solutions and how students can be successful. Trustee Ziel thanked all the faculty and staff who were helpful in preparing her for the election. Chair Reece thanked the people who encouraged him to run again and everyone who supported him as Board chair. Student Trustee’s Report Student Trustee Allenser thanked the Board for the November 15 budget study session. Student Trustee Allenser also thanked everyone for their support of the Student Senate’s Thanksgiving dinner and reported that the Student Senate is currently holding a Second Harvest Food Bank fundraiser. Superintendent’s Report President King began by reporting on the Cabrillo College Foundation’s holiday party. President King said community support for Cabrillo is quite obvious and thanked Foundation Director Silverstein and the Foundation staff for all their hard work throughout the year. STUDENT TRUSTEE’S REPORT SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT President King informed the Board that a Watsonville Green Technology Center ribbon cutting is scheduled for Monday, December 13. President King also reported on a recent faculty Senate meeting he attende where Faculty Senate had a very good discussion on student success. CCFT CCFT President Harvell discussed the college’s budget and CPC. He reported that CPC members are still not in agreement on the process and need further dialog before moving forward on the budget. Faculty Senate 2 of 6 CCFT 7 Minutes of Meeting December 6, 2010 Faculty Senate President Hodges thanked the Board for the budget study session. He reported that the Faculty Senate has additional questions about the budget and highlighted the critical shortage of faculty. FACULTY SENATE Faculty Senate President Hodges said the Faculty Senate is taking the lead in the student success discussions to ensure the college is always following and setting best practices. CCEU CCEU President Stainback said CPC members are still significantly far apart on the numbers and the philosophy of the budget. She said it is unclear how to proceed in terms of determining the process. CCEU CCEU President Stainback said classified staff at times does not get to participate in faculty development because their workload is such that they don’t feel they can participate. Due to this there is a ripple effect where that people begin to feel very stuck and it affects moral. CCEU President Stainback said the issue can be addressed by creating meaningful involvement in staff development. CCEU President Stainback also reported on CCEU elections. Alta Northcutt was elected 1st Vice President and Rick Fillman 2nd Vice President. ACTION ITEMS ACTION ITEMS Trustee True moved to approved items C1 – 6. The motion carried unanimously. Resolution 038-10: In Recognition of EDA Representative Dianne Church’s Contributions to Cabrillo College It was recommended that the Governing Board adopt Resolution 038-10 in recognition of Dianne Church’s contributions to the Cabrillo College. RESOLUTION 038-10: IN RECOGNITION OF EDA REPRESENTATIVE DIANNE CHURCH’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO CABRILLO COLLEGE It was moved and seconded (Spencer/Ziel) to approve Resolution 038-10. Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Allenser AYES: Garcia, Reece, Smith, Spencer, Stonebloom, True, and Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None EDA Representative Church said it was a wonderful experience working with Cabrillo for so many years and thanked President King and Dean Pfotenhauer for all their help and support. INFORMATION ITEMS Student Success and Professional Development STUDENT SUCCESS AND PROFESSIONAL 3 of 6 8 Minutes of Meeting December 6, 2010 DEVELOPMENT Vice President Kilmer thanked the Board for the opportunity to discuss student success. Vice President Kilmer and Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) Director Van Meter provided a background and framework for professional development. Members of the staff development committee introduced themselves to the Board. Following the presentation the Board discussed student success topics for future Board meeting. Trustee Garcia commented that the achievement gap discussion should come first. VP Kilmer responded that the topic is such a large one that the administration is hoping for sufficient time to gather the information. President King added that some of the student success discussion items are regularly scheduled Board items and Cabinet came up with the others. Trustee Garcia reiterated that she would like to discuss the achievement gap soon. Trustee Stonebloom said a number of the student success topics cover the achievement gap so there will be discussion throughout the spring. Trustee True said as much aggregated data the Board can start with is helpful. Trustee Garcia then asked about professional development accreditation standards. Trustee Garcia would like to know if the professional development workshops fall under categories such as curriculum development and instruction. TLC Director Van Meter responded that they do not, that it is difficult to draw a direct line between the workshops and accreditation standards. President King said that for the Staff Development Committee this is a large time commitment. The whole committee is very engaged in the planning and preparation. Trustee Stonebloom asked who provides adjuncts with course curriculum. VP Kilmer said there is an official course outline of record. Adjuncts are given the course outlines and from that, and their expertise, the adjuncts develop the syllabus. There are a number of places where adjuncts can receive assistance in developing their syllabi. Trustee Stonebloom also asked how student learning goals and priorities are communicated to adjuncts. VP Kilmer said through the course outlines. There is an evaluation process for new faculty. Natural Sciences Dean Garner said that for courses where there are multiple sections, the program chair will keep a binder of resource material for that course. The program chair will also pair an adjunct with a full time faculty mentor. Trustee Stonebloom commented that the Board has noticed that there seems to be a wide variability in the student success rate. Natural Sciences Dean Garner said the math faculty is always interesting in developing their teaching techniques and are involved in discipline specific activities. In addition there are a variety of more local events that faculty attend, not just national conferences. Faculty looks at what is successful, at best practices, and how to be successful at the transfer level. Then they experiment in their classroom and then share with their fellow faculty what is successful. Trustee Garcia asked the Staff Development Committee to link student learning outcomes to the workshops, so the Board can know which student learning outcomes 4 of 6 9 Minutes of Meeting December 6, 2010 are being addressed. Trustee Garcia would like student learning outcome descriptions in the flex calendar. Trustee Garcia is concerned because she does not know how each session is contributing to student success. TLC Director Van Meter responded that it is difficult to quantify flex week activities with student learning outcomes. VP Kilmer added that a number of sessions are about teaching strategies. TLC Director Van Meter said the outcome is how the instructor uses what they take away from flex week in their classroom. Trustee Spencer said she can clearly see how professional development contributes to student success but would like to learn more about the barriers to student success. The student population is changing faster than the institution and Trustee Spencer would like to know how to deal with that on a professional development level. Trustee Spencer noted the Spring 2011 Flex Calendar was the best she has seen in her years on the Board. Trustee True stated she is struck by the amount of research and data supporting our work and asked how faculty gets a chance to learn that information. Trustee True would like to know if and how it is actually getting incorporated in the classroom. VP Kilmer said the staff development committee evaluates all the sessions but does not follow up on how the information is incorporated. VP Kilmer said faculty development occurs among professionals and most faculty stay abreast of their field. The Board thanked the staff development committee. Review of Student Success Topics for Future Board Meetings Chair Reece requested the League’s 2020 vision report. He would like to know if the college agrees with its findings. Trustee Garcia asked for the development of a Board policy on student success. Quarterly Investment Report The Quarterly Investment Report for the quarter ending September 30, 2010 was presented to the Governing Board for information. Facilities Master Plan Project Status The monthly status report regarding current Facilities Master Plan projects was provided to the Governing Board for information. Financial Reports The financial reports were presented for the information of the Governing Board. Budget Update: Recap of Board Study Session on November 15, 2010 The District presented a recap of the November 15, 2010 Board Session to the Governing Board. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar The Cabrillo College activities for the month of December were presented for Governing Board information. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings The Cabrillo College Governing Board discussed items to be placed on the agenda for the future Board meetings. 5 of 6 REVIEW OF STUDENT SUCCESS TOPICS FOR FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FACILITIES MASTER PLAN PROJECT STATUS FINANCIAL REPORTS BUDGET UPDATE: RECAP OF BOARD STUDY SESSION ON NOVEMBER 15, 2010 CABRILLO COLLEGE MONTHLY CALENDAR AGENDA FOR NEXT BOARD MEETING 10 Minutes of Meeting December 6, 2010 Trustee Spencer asked her fellow board members for support in her request for information on other college’s orientations, specifically Los Angeles Technical College. Trustee Spencer asked for a Board report on the subject. Trustee Garcia would like to adopt a resolution in support of Senate Bill 1440. Trustee True would like to learn about how Senate Bill 1440 will affect the college. Senate President Hodges said the Faculty Senate is considering bringing forward a resolution in support of Senate Bill 1440. ACTION ITEM Board Organization Meeting It was moved and seconded (Reece/Garcia) to nominate and approve for 2011 Katy Stonebloom as Chair; Al Smith as Vice Chair; Rachael Spencer as Clerk; Rebecca Garcia as the Board representative to the EOPS Advisory Committee; and Katy Stonebloom as the Board representative to the Transfer Center Advisory Committee. The motion carried unanimously. BOARD ORGANIZATION MEETING The Governing Board also adopted the proposed schedule of Governing Board meetings and meeting locations for 2011. ADJOURN The open session of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was adjourned at 8:21 p.m. ACTION ITEM Public Meeting of the Cabrillo College Financing Corporation The Governing Board reconvened as the Cabrillo College Financing Corporation to conduct business. No actions were taken. Respectfully submitted, Secretary 6 of 6 ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC MEETING OF THE CABRILLO COLLEGE FINANCING CORPORATION 11 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT January 10, 2011 SUBJECT: ENCLOSURE(S) Register of Warrants REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER ACTION Page 1 of 21 A.2 BACKGROUND: The following warrants are submitted for Governing Board ratification: REGISTER NO. * * * 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 DATE WARRANT NO. 11-11-10 11-17-10 11-18-10 11-19-10 12-01-10 12-02-10 12-02-10 12-08-10 12-09-10 01601-01619 01620-01991 01992-02216 02217-02255 02256-02623 02624-02875 02876-02879 02880-03099 03100-03265 TOTAL AMOUNT 20.00 638,617.73 1,360,869.15 212,722.03 617,337.76 631,099.27 1,337.37 330,517.68 377,035.77 $4,169,556.76 * NOTE: Student refund and financial-aid registers are available in the Business Office for review. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify warrant numbers 01620–03265 for the amount of $4,169,556.76. Administrator Initiating Item: Roy Pirchio Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature No Final Disposition 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: January 10, 2011 Ratification: Construction Change Orders REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 3 A.3 BACKGROUND: In accordance with Board Policy 4155, the attached change orders over $25,000 and less than 10% of the original contract value are submitted for Governing Board ratification. Continued on page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: $100,420 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify the construction change orders provided as an attachment. Administrator Initiating Item: Joe Nugent Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 34 Ratification: Construction Change Orders: cont. Project Arts Education Classrooms Contractor C/O # Building 300 $0.00 Total Change Order Contractor Tombleson None this month Change order # Allied Health Allied Health Page 2 of 3 Amount Description $0.00 Total Change Order Building 300 Project Description None this month Arts Education Classrooms Project Amount Sub-Contractor Change order # Amount Description None this month $0.00 Total Change Order Cabrillo Community College District, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 http://www.cabrillo.edu 35 Ratification: Construction Change Orders: cont. These items were previously removed from the scope of the project. The District has received a generous donation of $100,000.00 for construction of the Watsonville Green Technology Project allowing these items to be added back into the project Watsonville Project Reason Proposed Change Amount Description order # Value Engineering Value Engineering Value Engineering PCO #021 PCO #022 PCO #023 Value Engineering Value Engineering Value Engineering PCO #024 PCO #025 PCO #015 Cast-In-Place Concrete Seating: Remove seating and replacing with typical straight decorative metal fence between buildings 4,500 Trellis: Add trellis 34,195 25,000 Free Standing Trellis Fence: Add free standing trellis fence Cement Plaster Finish Coat: Change Bionice Technology finish coat by Sto Corporation to a standard painted portland cement finish 4,125 coat. Palm Tree: Relocate palm tree 5,600 Light Fixtures: Add LED Change light fixture types 27,000 Watsonville 100,420 Total Change Order Total Of All 100,420 Note: These change orders are reflected in the results of the Facilities Master Plan monthly update under separate cover. Page 3 of 3 Cabrillo Community College District, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 http://www.cabrillo.edu 36 37 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT January 10, 2011 SUBJECT: Budget Transfers by Resolution REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER ACTION Page 1 of 4 A.4 BACKGROUND: The following resolutions are submitted for Governing Board approval: Resolution Number 001-11 General Fund transfers between expenditure classifications Resolution Number 002-11 General Fund transfers from reserves Resolution Number 003-11 General Fund augmentations: CEED/Career Technical Education, CEED/Corps Training, CEED/Workforce Innovation Partnership, Community Education, Foundation Faculty Grants 2010-11, HAWK/Nursing, SBDC/SBA-HSU FISCAL IMPACT: A budget augmentation of expenditures in the General Fund in the amount of $658,436.00. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve Resolution Numbers 001-11 through 003-11 for Budget Transfers 18865 through 18943. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature No Final Disposition 38 39 40 41 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT January 10, 2011 SUBJECT: Bay Area Knowledge Exchange for Developmental Mathematics REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 A.5 Background: The Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education (CRMSE) at San Diego State University has invited Cabrillo College’s mathematics department to continue their participation, which began last year, in a project of collaboration with several Bay Area community colleges to share knowledge of best practices to enhance the learning experience and student success in developmental mathematics. A member of Cabrillo’s mathematics faculty will participate by recommending, adapting, and testing promising teaching techniques for inclusion in a regional Teaching Resource and Knowledge Exchange collection. CRMSE, with support from the National Science Foundation, is developing parallel knowledge exchange collection projects in three regions, Los Angeles, San Diego, and the San Francisco Bay Area. Cabrillo College will receive a sub award of $5,000 during the second half of the 2010-11 fiscal year to provide reassigned time. Fiscal Impact: An increase in the amount of $5,000 in revenue and expenditures during the 2010-11 fiscal year. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the $5,000 grant funds from CRMSE. It is further recommended that the Board authorize the Vice President of Administrative Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement on behalf of the college. Administrator Initiating Item: Wanda L. Garner, Dean, NAS Renée M. Kilmer, Vice President, Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 42 43 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD FROM: PRESIDENT DATE January 10, 2011 SUBJECT: Human Resources Management Report REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 A.6 ACTION BACKGROUND: Requesting ratification and/or approval of the following employment transactions: FISCAL IMPACT: Within budgeted FTE’s. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify and/or approve the transactions as described on the attached page. Administrator Initiating Item: Loree McCawley/Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 44 Name Department/Division Position Effective Date Action ALAYA, Jose Facilities Planning & Plant Operations/Admin. Svcs. Custodian 01/03/11 Appointment BROWN, Nancy A. HASS/Instruction Division Dean 06/30/11 Retirement (DOH: 08/17/87) GOMEZ, Pedro Facilities Planning & Plant Operations/Admin. Svcs. Custodian 01/03/11 Appointment HAAS, Susan Information Technology/President Manager, Technology Applications 07/01/11 Retirement (DOH: 02/01/85) HAGLER, Mary Rad. Tech./HAWK Clinical Coordinator 12/18/10 Retirement (DOH: 01/17/95) SALAS, Juan Facilities Planning & Plant Operations/Admin. Svcs. Grounds Maintenance Worker 01/03/11 Appointment Note: Appointments are subject to successful completion of all employment regulatory compliance requirements January 2011 Page 2 of 2 45 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT January 10, 2011 SUBJECT: Fall 2010 Faculty Grant Awards REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 2 D.1 BACKGROUND: In the fall of 2010, the Cabrillo College Foundation awarded $19,065.22 to faculty members with which to purchase materials and equipment. The Governing Board is asked to accept the donation. FISCAL IMPACT: $19,065.22 in revenue and expense. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the donation of $19,065.22 from the Cabrillo College Foundation. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature No Final Disposition 46 Foundation Faculty Grant Awards – Fall 2010 Susan Brown Gerry Brown William Epperson & Marcel Tjioe Carol Hoffman Susan Hoisington & Gordon Hammer Calais Ingel Music Welding Mater Locks for new storage lockers and strings Power supply for TIG welder 654.26 1,471.00 Theatre Arts Cantilever Rack 1,000.00 Biology Zoom MP3 Recording Device 160.01 Art Photography Nikon FM or FE cameras and lens 655.57 CABT Dept. 4GB Echo Smartpens and Notebooks 750.00 Denise Lim Michael Mangin Gary Marcoccia Joseph McCullough Dawn Nakanishi Richard Nolthenius Jon Nordgren Sandra Paiva Vera Pulido Mark Ramsey Biology History Engineering Physics Metals/Jewelry Astronomy Music/Theatre ECE Kinesiology Kinesiology 17 Electronic Stethoscopes, BP cuff World History and Continent Maps Engineering Tech Conference, San Diego 2 Presentation Easels ( & supplies) 25 Task Lamps Filter System for Imaging Camera MacBook Pro Laptop Computer 2 Logan Mat Cutters First Aid Equipment Therapeutic Modality Device 1,300.00 139.98 1,000.00 208.48 780.25 1,544.00 1,356.15 436.90 412.79 1,000.00 Michele Rivard Stan Rushworth Music English 2 Sony Digital Camcorders Native American Guest Speakers 566.78 1,444.77 Jim Stewart Yves Tan Sue Tappero Music Biology MESA Software for Music Tech & Recording Arts Thermo Scientific Precision Incubator Digital Pens 1,333.71 638.59 750.00 Sharon Took-Zozaya Joanne Wylie Dance Dental Hygiene 3 Portable Ballet bars DVD “Precision in Periodontal Instrumentation 1,302.00 159.98 19,065.22 47 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT January 10, 2011 SUBJECT: Daily Parking Fees REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER ACTION Page 1 of 1 D.2 BACKGROUND: The daily parking fee at the Aptos campus is currently $2.00. The cost of maintaining, servicing and providing security for the parking lots has increased but the parking and citation fees have not increased proportionately. The District proposes increasing the daily parking fee from $2.00 to $4.00. The revenue will be used to repair and maintain the parking lots. FISCAL IMPACT: If enacted, the proposed fee may generate an additional estimated $64,000 a year in daily parking permit revenue. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the proposed increase in daily parking permits from $2.00 to $4.00 a day effective January 15th, 2011. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 48 49 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT January 10, 2011 SUBJECT: Award of Contract: Special Inspection Services for Green Technology Center Project REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 D.3 ACTION BACKGROUND: The Division of the State Architect (DSA) requires that an approved special inspection and testing services firm be assigned to each capital construction project. HP Inspections of San Jose was selected for the Green Technology Center Project. Special Inspection and Testing services are performed on an hourly billing basis. HP Inspections estimates that their total fee for this project will be $175,000 and a contract for that amount has been prepared. A schedule of hourly fees for each professional category type as well as reimbursable expenses is a part of the contract and all billing will be based upon this schedule. FISCAL IMPACT: Funded by Project funds allocated from Measure D $175,000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Business Services to execute a contract with HP Inspections of San Jose in the amount of $175,000 for Special Inspection Services for Green Technology Center Project. Administrator Initiating Item: Joe Nugent Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 50 51 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: January 10, 2011 Recommended Extension to the Contract of the Superintendent/President REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 ITEM NUMBER A.4 BACKGROUND: According to Board Policy and the terms of the employment contract between the Cabrillo Community College District and the Superintendent/President, the Board may consider renewal of this agreement. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the evaluation of the Superintendent/President in closed session, it is recommended that the Superintendent/President’s contract be extended one year (until June 30, 2015). Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 52 53 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD FROM: PRESIDENT DATE January 10, 2011 SUBJECT: ENCLOSURE(S) Professional Development Leaves, 2011 - 2012 REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION Page 1 of 5 ITEM NUMBER ACTION D.5 BACKGROUND: The following faculty applied for professional development (sabbatical) leaves for the 2011-2012 academic year. Their proposals were carefully reviewed by the Sabbatical Leave Review Board (SLRB) and, when appropriate, were resubmitted with clarification or modification. Each was approved as satisfying the requirements of the CCFT Contract agreement. The following is a list of faculty whose proposals are approved and for whom funding is available. Rebecca Arnesty Megan Caspers Geneffa Jonker Denise Lim Dental Hygiene Mathematics English Biology SP Semester 2012 One Year One Year FA Semester 2011 FISCAL IMPACT: Professional development leaves are required to be within budget parameters as established by the CCFT Contract. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the content and authorize the Vice President, Instruction, to make the final determination of the 2011-2012 faculty professional development leaves within the expenditure limit authorized through CCFT negotiations. Administrator Initiating Item: Renée M. Kilmer, Vice President, Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes Yes No No Final Disposition 54 55 56 57 58 59 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE January 10, 2011 FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: EduStream Contract REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION Action ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 ITEM NUMBER D.6 BACKGROUND: EduStream is a free, centralized resource for providing participating institutions with video-on-demand capabilities. Funded by a 5-year grant from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, the project is sponsored by the San Bernardino Community College District and currently 70 California Community Colleges are EduStream members. EduStream is not only a hosting service for college videos, it also provides a searchable repository of educational videos that can be retrieved by faculty and embedded into their online content. For example, if a biology professor wanted students to review the process of cell division, a short 2-7 minute video could be retrieved by simply copy/pasting the link from an EduStream playlist. Video on-demand is also useful for expanding staff and professional development programs, and community outreach. As a partner of EduStream, Cabrillo media, learning objects, collections, images, videos, animations and text will be accessible to faculty and staff through the EduStream Digital Repository. Management of Cabrillo’s uploaded video assets will be administrated through the Teaching & Learning Center, Marketing and Communications, and the Library. FISCAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President of Administrative Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement on behalf of the college. Administrator Initiating Item: Renée M. Kilmer, Vice President, Instruction Academic and Professional Matter Yes No If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Final Disposition 60 61 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT January 10, 2011 SUBJECT: Academy for College Excellence Professional Services Contract REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 D.7 Background: The Academy for College Excellence (formerly Digital Bridge Academy) is working in partnership with Cabrillo’s Planning and Research Office to collect and analyze student outcome and retention data from multi-state partner colleges. The scope of this project requires the services of consultants with skills that are not normally required at the college. Service: Technical Support for Project Evaluation Development of data sharing agreements and partnerships Assistance in developing a centralized database for multi-state partner colleges Vendor: Institute for Evidence Based Change (IEBC) Amount: $129,992 Duration: December 2010-September 2015 Fiscal Impact: Expenditures of $129,992 funded by grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President of Administrative Services to execute a professional service contract with Institute for Evidence Based Change. Administrator Initiating Item: Rock Pfotenhauer, Dean, CEED Renée M. Kilmer, Vice President, Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 62 63 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT January 10, 2011 SUBJECT: Categorical Flexibility REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION PUBLIC HEARING ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 BACKGROUND: The District will take testimony from the public at a hearing regarding Categorical Flexibility at the January 1, 2010 Board meeting at 6:30 pm. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 64 65 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: January 10, 2011 2010-11 Categorical Flexibility REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER ACTION Page 1 of 2 D.8 BACKGROUND: The education trailer bill for the 2009-10 Budget Act; AB X2 (Education Code section 84043) provides for categorical flexibility for Districts for the categorical programs listed below: Program Equal Employment Economic Development Apprenticeship Part Time Faculty Office Hours Part Time Faculty Compensation Part Time Faculty Health Insurance Transfer/Articulation Matriculation Financial Aid Administration Student Success CalWORKS Basic Skills Nursing Support Disabled Students Extended Opportunity Programs and Services EOPS/CARE Telecommunications Scheduled Maintenance Instructional Equipment Career Technical Education Transfer From X X X X X X X X Transfer To X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X FISCAL IMPACT: Part Time Faculty Compensation revenue will be reduced by $1,000, Matriculation revenue will be increased by $1,000. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board take testimony from the public, discuss and approve the proposed transfer of funds. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza/ Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 66 Under the flexibility provision, Districts are allowed to redirect funds from any categorical program listed in the left or “From” column above to any program included in the “To” column on the right side of the table. Categorical programs under flexibility rules lock in 2008-09 District allocation levels, less the 2009-10 reductions, through 2012-13. Community colleges that elect to use funding in the manner authorized under the flexibility provision are deemed to be in compliance with the program state and local funding requirements contained in the statutory, regulatory and provisional language associated with the programs. It should be noted that the state cannot waive federal compliance requirements. The District is required to transfer at least $1 from one of the flexible programs in the left column to a program in the right column to trigger flexibility for all programs in the left column. Districts have the flexibility to continue to process transfers between programs through 2012-13 upon approval by the Governing Board. The District will continue to evaluate categorical program flexibility options to best meet the needs of the college. The trailer bill was written to provide colleges with an opportunity to review their priorities given the significant budget reductions sustained in both the unrestricted general fund and categorical programs. If a college elects to trigger the flexibility provision, the Governing Board of the District shall, at a regularly scheduled open public hearing, take testimony from the public, discuss and approve or disapprove the proposed use of funding. The District does not plan to make significant changes to the original categorical allocations received from the state for 2010-11. The District is seeking approval to trigger categorical flexibility to gain relief from statutory, regulatory and compliance requirements for these programs for 2010-11. The transfer listed below is sufficient to trigger flexibility per Education Code section 84043. Account Number Income 8000 8000 Description Program Funds Matriculation PT Faculty Office Hours 2 of 2 Increase/Decrease $1,000 ($1,000) 67 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: January 10, 2011 Budget Update REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 E.1 BACKGROUND: It is anticipated that the District will submit a Budget Update to the Board at the January, 2011 meeting. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 68 69 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE January 10, 2011 FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Facilities Master Plan Project Status REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 3 E.2 BACKGROUND: Major Projects under Construction Financial Overview for Major Projects AEC Current Budget Total Paid to Date (thru 11/30/10) Encumbered (thru 11/30/10) Changes Under Review-including change orders not encumbered Anticipated Future Expenses Subtotal Committed Construction (Over)/Under Budget Financial Overview for Major Equipment Projects Current Budget Total Paid to Date (thru 11/30/10) Encumbered (thru 11/30/10) Changes Under Review-including change orders not encumbered Anticipated Future Expenses Subtotal Committed Construction (Over)/Under Budget Allied Health Classrooms SAC Building 300 Watsonville Renovation Green Tech Center $78,929,841 $29,136,797 $28,104,996 $3,217,033 $10,940,000 77,811,684 29,045,468 24,970,509 1,770,757 3,735,660 436,483 24,278 478,257 381,855 211,181 587,184 60,472 454,100 109,757 6,080,406 22,537 78,857,888 0 29,130,218 25,902,866 152,000 2,414,369 608,041 10,635,288 71,953 6,579 2,202,130 802,664 304,712 AEC Equipment SAC Equipment Allied Health Equipment Note#1 Building 300 Equipment $2,271,000 $263,873 $2,394,977 1,862,000 2,258,157 263,873 1,039,453 1,581 0 71,219 227,122 0 0 0 0 0 2,258,157 0 263,873 1,284,305 2,394,977 1,633,297 1,862,000 12,843 0 0 0 Note #1 Regarding Bldg 300 reconstruction, due to the favorable bid opening, $1,006,000 in State funds was reverted. Administrator Initiating Item: Joe Nugent Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 70 Major Projects under Construction Arts Education Classrooms Project Buildings 4 (Theater) and 5 (Music) continue to be in the closeout and punch list process. In addition to these activities staff is working to resolve acoustic concerns in 2-D and 3-D Art and the Music Building and water leaks in the Theater and Music buildings. Thirteen of the nineteen contractors have either been closed out or will be closed shortly. Mediation with the remaining contractors, architect, and construction manager is scheduled for December 6. Health and Wellness Project The Allied Health project consists of two buildings totaling 57,000 square feet, and is the new home for programs such as Nursing, Radiology Technology, Medical Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Health and Wellness, and the Stroke Center. RMW is the architect and Soltek Pacific is the contractor. Construction began in May 2008 and the buildings are 100% complete. Staff is in the process of closing out the project. All remaining issues have been resolved with the contractor. Anticipated future changes are an estimate of potential additional work, not part of initial bid. The District received approval to encumber state funds for the equipment and has started to place orders and bid large equipment purchases. Building 300 Renovation On February 1, 2010 the Governing Board approved awarding a bid in the amount of $1,560,136 to Tombleson Construction of Salinas for the renovation of the 300 building. The project will remodel/reconstruct 12,523 assignable square feet of space to provide needed instructional space for ten general purpose classrooms, two large assembly/class rooms and nine BELA division offices. The construction began in spring 2010 and is 98% complete. Substantial completion will occur in December 2010. Release request for state equipment funds was submitted to the Chancellor’s Office the week of October 4, 2010. Approval of the list was received on October 14, 2010. Staff has been placing orders for long lead time items to prepare the space for classes starting in the building in the spring semester 2011. Watsonville Green Technology Center The District and the City of Watsonville closed escrow on the purchase of the Watsonville Library on July 15, 2008. Since then, the college has demolished the building in order to construct a 14,000 square foot Industrial Training Education Center (ITEC). The District received a grant for $2.5 million from Economic Development Agency for the project, and the grant was augmented by $865,000 this past summer to help fund an upgrade to a Platinum Level LEED certified “green” building. The project name has been changed to the Green Technology Center to reflect the new focus. The Division of State Architect (DSA) approved the plans in June of 2010 and EDA approved the plans and specifications in July. The project went to bid in August 2010. In October, the Board approved Dilbeck and Sons as well as an augmentation to the budget of $517,000, which will appear in December’s Facilities Master Plan Project Status report. Dilbeck and Sons were issued a notice to proceed and construction has begun. A deductive change order for the value engineering items discussed at the October Board meeting was approved at the November Board Meeting. The District has received a generous donation of $100,000.00 for construction which allows us to add back some of the items that were value engineered out. 2 of 3 71 Awards of Informal Bids under the Uniform Construction Cost Accounting System (UCC): At the September 2005 Governing Board meeting, the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting System was adopted to enable the District to increase the formal bid limits from $15,000 to $125,000. By adopting the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting System, the Board authorized the President or his/her designee to enter into agreements with low bidders using the informal bidding process with the provision that the successful awards would be presented to the Board as an information item. This system enables the District to 1) informally bid projects under $125,000 to pre-qualified contractors, 2) more efficiently and effectively manage small to medium sized projects, and 3) contract with local contractors who are deemed “qualified” bidders. No bids were awarded in November. 3 of 3 72 73 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT January 10, 2011 SUBJECT: ENCLOSURE(S) Financial Reports REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 22 E.3 INFORMATION BACKGROUND: The following financial reports are presented for the information of the Governing Board: Report Period Ending Trial Balance 11/30/10 Page 2 Year-to-Date Budget Reports 11/30/10 General Fund Child Development Fund Building Fund Revenue Bond 1998 Construction Fund Revenue Bond 2004 (Series A) Construction Fund Revenue Bond 2004 (Series B) Construction Fund Debt Service Fund Retiree Benefit Fund 3-4 5-6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Clearing and Revolving 11/30/10 13 Bookstore 11/30/10 14-15 Cafeteria 11/30/10 16-17 Associated Students 11/30/10 18 Scholarships/Loans 11/30/10 19 Student Center Fee 11/30/10 20 Student Representation Fee 11/30/10 21 Trust and Agency 11/30/10 22 Administrator Initiating Item: Roy Pirchio Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE January 10, 2011 FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Spring 2011 Flex Week Activities REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 Flex booklet E.4 BACKGROUND: The Staff Development Committee has organized five days of workshops and activities to take place from Monday, January 31 through Friday, February 4, 2011. Faculty can choose to attend workshops, perform individual projects, or assist in student advising during registration. Forty-eight workshops are planned between Monday and Thursday of that week. On Friday, February 4, College divisions and departments will meet. Scheduled events include a kick-off Breakfast with Brian on Monday morning, January 31, featuring an informal dialog on college issues. Faculty are invited to participate in a number of workshops focused on student learning outcomes and promoting student achievement. Cabrillo’s basic skills learning communities will provide faculty and staff a look at programs that increase success and student persistence rates. Career and Technical Education (CTE) leaders will host a tour for Cabrillo CTE faculty of South County high schools to learn about training in business, construction technology, green careers, digital media, and health careers. Science instruction for under-prepared students will be the main topic of discussion led by faculty from ACE, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. Slicing and Filtering—Interacting with Data, will provide participants strategies for working interactively with datasets to align curriculum by analyzing trends in enrollment, success, retention, and more. The following workshops, Knowing When to Call 911, Safe Spaces Training and Breaking Chains, Building Dreams, address the campus environment and well being of our students. Several sessions are provided to help instructors further develop student learning outcomes in their curriculum. Additional professional development events include a 3-day intensive workshop called On Course, which teaches strategies to improve student success, and a 2-day workshop on the new Blackboard learning management system, scheduled the week before flex week. The Faculty Experiential Learning Institute will also hold two 5-day workshops, one in winter, and one in summer, that teaches the Academy for College Excellence (ACE) curriculum. The Spring 2011 Flex Calendar was approved by the Staff Development Committee on November 18, 2010 and approved by Faculty Senate on November 30, 2010. The Spring 2011 Flex Calendar is also available on the Cabrillo website at: http://www.cabrillo.edu/services/tlc/spring2011flex. Members of the Governing Board are invited and encouraged to participate in these staff development activities. Administrator Initiating Item: Renée M. Kilmer, Vice President, Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 96 97 Cabrillo College Staff Development SPRING 2011 FLEXIBLE CALENDAR january 31 – february 4, 2011 www.cabrillo.edu/services/tlc/spring2011flex 98 WORKSHOPS FOR ALL The following list of Flex Calendar activities are highlighted to indicate they may be of particular interest to both staff and faculty. Join your friends and colleagues this Flex Week to learn about student support strategies, best practices for retention, building a learning community, instructional programs successful with our diverse student population, and smarter ways to use technology in teaching and learning. Dotted descriptions indicate workshops after 4pm. The calendar website is located at www.cabrillo.edu/services/tlc/spring2011flex. MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 2011 Breakfast with Brian Achieving Cabrillo’s Mission Safe Spaces Training Staff and Faculty Emergency Preparedness Training Make Sustainability a Reality at Cabrillo Computing in the Cloud TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2011 Using the New Cabrillo Web Templates Break Chains, Building Dreams: Conversations about Drug and Alcohol Abuse WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2011 The Faculty Senate and the Governing Board: Partners in Student Success I’ve Always Wanted to...Know When to Call 911? THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2011 Slicing and Filtering—Interacting with Data FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2011 Division/Department Day SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 2011 Our Gang (Coyote Hills) 99 MULTI-DAY EVENTS, spring 2011 Eileen Zamora Certified On Course Facilitator Professor, Southwestern College MON – WED, JAN 31 – FEB 2, SESNON HOUSE 8:30-4:30 Mon, Tues, & Wed The workbook and a light breakfast and lunch will be provided. Optional session 6:00-9:00 Tuesday evening The On Course I Workshop offers… • A highly experiential professional development event • Dozens of innovative teaching strategies • Curriculum supporting skills for success in college coursework • Teaching methods that encourage students to be actively involved in their learning • Ideas for helping students take responsibility and pave their own path to success • Ways to empower your students to become active, responsible and successful learners • An opportunity to have fun with your colleagues and leave with excitement about new teaching strategies you will have ready for your classroom These learner-centered strategies—representing best practices from innovators in higher education, business, psychology, sports and personal effectiveness—help students become full and active partners in their own education. Strategies presented in this workshop improve both student academic success and retention. View data from a number of college and universities at www.OnCourseWorkshop.com (click on DATA). Join your colleagues for this fun event. Gain teaching strategies that you can take directly into your classroom. Learn proven methods for empowering your students to achieve their greatest potential in college…and beyond. Participants are expected to attend all 3 days. Open to all Cabrillo faculty. Priority given to faculty teaching Basic Skills and those teaching in Learning Communities. Workshop funded by Title V. Advance registration is required by Jan. 5. Contact: Sheryl Kern-Jones, ext. 3292, shkernjo@cabrillo.edu About Eileen Zamora, Certified On Course Facilitator As an On Course facilitator, Eileen Zamora is fulfilling her dream of providing educators with learner-centered strategies for empowering students to become active, responsible learners. Eileen is an experienced, enthusiastic educator and workshop facilitator. For over 25 years, Professor Zamora has been dividing her time between teaching English courses and facilitating experiential workshops for educators from across the country. Her experience includes working with developmental learners, students who are at-risk, and second language learners. Since 1990, she has been an English and College Success Skills professor at Southwestern College in San Diego, California. Professor Zamora has had extensive training in cooperative learning strategies, teaching to diverse learning styles, classroom assessment techniques, leadership development, and critical thinking. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English and a Master’s in Linguistics from San Diego State University. In addition to her teaching duties, Professor Zamora has been contracted as the On Course Faculty Training Coordinator at Southwestern College. She recently received the Professional Leadership Award for her work providing faculty from across the disciplines with principles and strategies for actively engaging their students in the learning process. She also received a Teaching Excellence Award from the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD). MULTI-DAY EVENTS, spring 2011 100 Academy for College Excellence’s FACULTY E XPERIENTIAL L EARNING INSTITUTE (FELI) Winter dates: January 10-14, 2011 Summer dates: June 13-17, 2011 The FELI is a 5-day institute that teaches core ACE curriculum around communication, reflection, working styles, and leadership techniques. Participants can learn new skills, renew themselves professionally and experience an educational approach similar to the methods used to teach students in the ACE program. The FELI is the first step in becoming an ACE instructor. For more information and registration, please go to: http://academyforcollegeexcellence.org/wi11-feli-aptos-ca/ or contact Fran Guerrero, 477-3343 BLACKBOARD 9.1 TRAINING A 2-day workshop series for distance education faculty. January 26 through Jan 27, 9-4pm, Room 507 Micah Orloff, Educational Project Coordinator, @ONE Project, Mt. San Jacinto College This workshop offers Cabrillo faculty hands-on experience with: • the new navigation/editing features. • content creation tools to effectively design online course navigation • communication/collaboration tools to maintain regular effective contact and establish community • assessment and evaluation tools to efficiently monitor student performance Call or email the Teaching & Learning Center to reserve a spot. 831-479-5030 or tlc@cabrillo.edu – page 2 – MONDAY, JANUARY 31,1012011 Breakfast with Brian Kick off the Spring Semester with an informal dialog with Cabrillo President Brian King. We will discuss Cabrillo’s commitment to increasing student success, the latest on the budget outlook and planning, and other topics of interest. 8:30–10am Hort 5005 Brian King On Course I Workshop: Professional Development for Promoting Student Success STARS Title V invites you to join us for a professional development event, On Course Workshop I, for promoting student success. Join your colleagues for this fun event. Gain teaching strategies that you can take directly into your classroom. Learn proven methods for empowering your students to achieve their greatest potential in college and beyond. See the full description for On Course I in the front of the flex calendar. Mon–Wed, Jan 31–Feb 2 Sesnon House Eileen Zamora, Southwestern College Achieving Cabrillo’s Mission How does Cabrillo’s mission help students achieve their dreams? Its wording should articulate our purpose and goals, but be written so that students can understand how our college meets their academic needs. Last flex, a group met to review Cabrillo’s mission and to recommend whether or not it should be revised. Their analysis revealed that our current mission statement is attempting to serve a dual purpose. It is acting as both a vision and mission statement, which may not make it as effective as it could be. This flex we invite that group to meet again, and invite you to join us to brainstorm two different statements: mission and vision. We will be attempting to answer the question: Who we are? How do we help our students to succeed? Given that, what is our mission? 10am–12noon Hort 5005 Rory O’Brien, Marcy Alancraig, Renee Kilmer Books That Make a Difference—Authentic Conversations: Moving From Manipulation to Truth and Commitment “Talk Does Matter!” Can we alter the way we have conversations with colleagues about teaching and learning? Can we model a more genuine and empowering way of talking with our students in class and in the office? I believe we can, so come join in “a conversation about conversation” that touches on topics like: “Revolutionary Conversations for Adults,” “The Myth of Holding Others Accountable,” “Moving from Manipulation to Engagement,” and “Stop Courting the Cynic.” Copies are on reserve in the Library for check-out, but frankly, I think you’ll want to buy your own. 10am-12noon SAC 226 Vicki Fabbri Cabrillo’s Basic Skills Learning Communities: PUENTE, ACE, STARS, REAL, SMP Want to refer basic skills students to supportive “learning community” programs that increase student success and persistence rates, but don’t know much about these programs? Come to this session to learn more about The Puente Project (PUENTE), Students Transitioning in Academics and Reaching Success (STARS), DBA’s Academy for College Excellence (ACE), Reading and English Academic Learning (REAL), and EOPS/CARE Summer Migrant Program (SMP). In this session, we will watch a short video, as well as discover what a learning community is and what the advantages are for (basic skills) students. Hear testimonials from former/current learning community students and get a current update on each program. 10am–12noon SAC 225 Adela Najarro, Rachel Mayo, Victoria Banales, and Joseph Carter Safe Spaces Training Create a safe and welcoming environment for LGBT students. This training focuses on basic LGBT concepts and theories, strategies on how to create a safe classroom environment for LGBT students, and developing skills to confront homophobia, heterosexism, biphobia and transphobia. Upon completion of the training each participant will receive a Safe Space emblem that can be displayed in one’s office or classroom. The emblem represents a safe environment that is supportive and affirming of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered persons. Note: This training is for those who are committed and ready to be allies to the LGBT community. It is not meant as a forum for debating LGBT issues. 1–3pm SAC 202 Dennis Bailey-Fougnier – page 3 – MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 2011 102 Basic Skills and Learning Communities Advisory Council (formerly ACES) Born out of the California Basic Skills Initiative, BSLCAC was created at Cabrillo as a way for faculty and staff to meet and discuss best ways to serve our basic skills (pre-transfer level) students. Recently, our committee evolved into a formal council with a dual focus on both basic skills and learning communities. This meeting is divided into two parts: the first hour will focus on our basic skills students and programs; the second hour will be devoted to our learning communities. 1–3pm SAC 225 Victoria Bañales Staff and Faculty Emergenc y Preparedness Training State and federal mandates require all colleges to prepare and train employees what to do in the event of an emergency. Public employees are disaster service workers and are required to receive training. Learn how to be more prepared in the event of a campus emergency. 1–3pm Room 450 Paul Ramos, Sheriff’s Office and Harry Bidleman, Public Safety Program Chair Meeting Program Chairs will discuss college issues related to curriculum and instruction. 3–4:30pm Room 5137 Michelle Rivard Make Sustainability a Reality at Cabrillo Some of our students are saying they’ve always wanted to do something meaningful to help the world while in college. This includes getting hands-on experience relevant to future careers, going to school in a place that embodies the best of what it teaches, or getting paid for working on campus to help improve the school. Recent developments at Cabrillo can help students achieve their dreams while faculty stipends support instructors in teaching students to learn about sustainability. Realize Cabrillo’s Climate Action Plan, and take advantage of our connections and student competitions for developing regional carbon reduction solutions. Learn about our recent NSF grant. For more information, visit our website at cabrillogreensteps.org. 3–5pm Room 508 Climate Initiative Task Force Computing in the Cloud Join TLC staff for a demonstration and hands-on practice using the collaboration tools Google docs to create and store shared documents, shared calendaring, and blog tools. Learn how these tools can be used by you and students for collaborative projects. 3–5pm Room 1096 Francine Van Meter What’s up with CHAC? CHAC, the Cabrillo Hispanic Affairs Council, invites everyone to a presentation about our organization, Latinidad on campus, Latino/a serving students groups, We’ll talk about Latino/a issues on campus, and a general brainstorming session about where to go next. 3–5pm Room 406 Cabrillo Hispanic Affairs Council Orientation for New Adjunct Faculty This workshop is designed for new adjunct faculty to introduce them to the college and familiarize them with college processes and procedures. How do you handle a waitlist and add codes? What about disruptive students? What accommodations might a student with a learning disability request of you? What is WebAdvisor, and how are you expected to use it? Get answers to these and other questions and handouts vital to a successful first semester at Cabrillo. 5:30–7:30pm SAC 225 Rock Pfotenhauer – page 4 – TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1032011 Part Timers’ Breakfast Meeting Join us for a discussion of the changes in re-employment preference and process, retirement issues, state disability insurance, and any business you would like to bring to the table. We hope to have some Cabrillo College Board members present. As always, a full and delicious breakfast will be provided. 8–10am Hort 5005 Maya Bendotoff, John Govsky, and Michael McCarthy I’ve Always Wanted to See How High School Students in Career and Technical Education (CTE) Courses Prepare for College This 3-hour tour will take you to South County high schools to see how students are using CTE to prepare for Cabrillo courses. We will meet for a quick overview of the programs before boarding a van for the South County Tour. Your tour guides will include leaders from the Regional Occupational Program and the CTE Community Collaborative. Classes you will see include: Business Management/International Business; Computer Art in Video/Video Productions/Web Design; Construction Technology; Fabrication/Metals; Green Careers; Health Careers/Medical Technology; and if time permits, Athletic Training. We will be back on campus by noon. Limited to 20 participants. RSVP http://go.cabrillo.edu/tourRSVP 8-11:30am Meet in Room 1604 Frank Lynch, Audries Blake, Shawn Ogimachi, and ROP Staff Title V Grant —State of the STARS Project Find out the latest on our Title V grant STARS, now in its second year. See the improvements made around campus, hear how the first semester went of our First Year Experience pilot, get an overview of the new curriculum developed, find out how our Faculty Inquiry system is progressing, and get a glimpse of what’s coming over the next few years. 9–10am SAC 202 Rachel Mayo Using the New Cabrillo Web Templates Learn how to style your homepage or department page using the new Cabrillo web templates. This workshop will be taught using Dreamweaver. 9am–12noon Room 1096 John Mauceri and Francine Van Meter Instructional Program Planning Programs beginning the instructional planning process this spring will meet to review the process and obtain planning data specific to your department. There is a mandatory meeting for faculty whose programs are beginning the instructional planning process in spring 2011: Political Science, Sociology, Women’s Studies, Human Services, Kinesiology, Medical Assistant, Library, Horticulture, Physics, Art History, Theatre Arts. 10am–12noon Room 454 Renée Kilmer Dream, Dream, Dream: Music and Teaching in Non-Music Classrooms Popular music expresses many contemporary dreams, hopes and fears. Students and their instructors can explore how our history and politics speak to our dreams of success (and our nightmares of failure). Analyzing music helps students figure out how their dreams of success compare with others. How exactly does music (on a CD or at YouTube) work in a non-music classroom? It can jump-start a class, drive home major points, and make connections between ideas. Music may also enhance student retention of concepts (some evidence suggests) or at least receptivity (we believe). Songs, YouTube clips and instrumental music put the audio back into “audio-visual” and add an artistic and emotional component to the learning process. Be a part of several demonstrations; we will even present musical ideas for chemistry, math, and dental hygiene classrooms. 10am–12noon Room 425 Michael Pebworth and T.Craig Mosher CCEU Spring Luncheon The Cabrillo Classified Employees Union welcomes you to our annual spring flex activity. We will discuss current challenges that are in front of us and hope to see you all together in one place. Lunch will be provided. 12noon–2pm Hort 5005 Stephanie Stainback – page 5 – TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2011 104 Breaking Chains, Building Dreams: Conversations about Drug and Alcohol Abuse Drug and alcohol abuse can stifle a student’s dreams. How can we talk to students when we suspect they have a drug or alcohol problem? What actual statements might make a difference? This workshop will help faculty and staff to develop intervention skills with students whom they suspect are are struggling with drug and alcohol issues. 1–3pm SAC226 Patrick Meyer, Dianne Avelar, Vicki Fabbri, and Jan Tice SLO’s and Program Planning: Be Prepared! This workshop is designed especially for Instructional programs two years away from presenting their program plans to the Council for Instructional Planning: Business, ESL, Culinary Arts, ECE, Dental Hygiene, Stroke Center, Engineering, Music, Photography. We will review strategies for completing SLO Assessment tasks required for Instructional Program Planning, for establishing a regular process of assessment and dialogue within a program, and for making the process worthwhile. In addition, you’ll learn about how you can modify the student survey so your department can find out exactly what it needs to know from students and also learn what data requests you can make of the PRO office. Though designed especially for these departments, the workshop is open to all. 1–3pm 508 Marcy Alancraig and Rick Fillman Social Justice Conference Year Five When the Social Justice Conference (SJC), began five years ago, it came along with a verbal commitment and personal challenge to reach year five. Accomplished! The SJC continues this spring semester. Join our workshop and learn how to support the conference and participate. This may be your last opportunity and it would be great to end with a firework explosion of support and participation—but we need you! Come celebrate, learn and participate. 1–3pm Room 406 Adela Najarro Faculty Senate Come to the first Faculty Senate meeting of 2011 at the Watsonville Center. Take advantage of this opportunity to catch up on the latest news affecting faculty and get a chance to visit Watsonville. At this meeting you’ll learn about how the senate functions as an integral part of the shared governance process on campus. Help plan our future adventures and find out how to participate in senate activities. 3–5pm Watsonville Center Steve Hodges Live Stories of Success: How to Use Them in Your Classroom. Cabrillo College students will share their success stories. Learn how every teacher can host a successful former student guest speaker in their class. Find out how these former students inspire, motivate and encourage current students to dream big, and keep coming back. Discussion will focus on steps to select and contact successful former students, the best format for your class, and follow up activities. This will be an interactive and inspiring workshop. 3–5pm SAC 225 Cathy Diaz On Course: WALKING THE TALK This optional session is designed for On Course participants who want the opportunity to improve their own lives, personally as well as professionally. Many participants report this session to be extraordinarily valuable in helping them discover their next steps for creating the rich, full life they want. 6–9pm Sesnon House Eileen Zamora, Southwestern College – page 6 – WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1052011 Got Cheaters? Let’s Talk. Across the disciplines, we assign research papers and some include plagiarized passages. Why do students plagiarize, and what can we do to minimize this problem? Come share your experience with members of the English department and discuss how you’ve always wanted a set of class papers where each student has cited sources correctly while presenting cutting edge thought and engaging prose. Let’s work together to foster a supportive and effective writing climate across campus that builds student success. 8–10am Room 406 English Department Individual Creativity in Math Teaching—What Successes Do You Have That Help Student Achieve? Participants will discuss techniques they have developed to help students understand and utilize difficult math concepts. Participants should bring specific examples of these techniques to demonstrate and discuss. 8–10am Room 708 Dave Viglienzoni The Faculty Senate and the Governing Board: Partners in Student Success Join us for a presentation and discussion on the role the Faculty Senate and the Governing Board each play in student success, and how they can and will work together in the future. 10–11:30am Room 5001 Steve Hodges, Faculty Senate President and Gary Reece, Governing Board How Can Science Literac y Be Taught to Under-prepared Students? Science and technology are the basis for the future of our economy and understanding our changing environment. A large percentage of current and future jobs will require knowledge and skills in science and technology. Yet many of our students are not prepared to succeed in transfer-level science classes, and Cabrillo does not offer courses in science that are below transfer-level. How do we prepare students with weak backgrounds in science for educational and career pathways that are built on a foundation of science literacy? 10am–12noon Room 825 Nicole Crane, Carlos Figueroa, Diego Navarro, and Harry Ungar Assessing SLO’s in Math Members of the math department will discuss their individual assessments of SLO’s from Fall 2010. We will identify which techniques and approaches are helping students achieve math success. 10am–12noon Room 711 Dan Morgali The Academic Hand-Off: Fall to Spring Semester in the First Year Experience Reading and English instructors from STARS First Year Experience courses (offered in fall) would like to invite History instructors for STARS spring 2011 courses to join them in a discussion of the challenges and strengths of STARS students. Topics will include reading and writing organization strategies, and ways History instructors may reinforce and revisit these strategies in their spring courses. 12noon-1:30pm Room 406 Eric Grabiel CCFT Luncheon Our semiannual luncheon includes an intermingling of colleagues, a brief update on the proposed budget for next year, and Zocolli’s Italian food. (Bring your own plate to get moved to the front of the food line.) 12noon–1pm Hort 5005 Paul Harvell CCFT All Faculty Meeting How has the state budget scene changed over the past couple of months and how will the current budget climate effect contract negotiations? Join us for an update and discussion of relevant topics. 1–3pm Hort 5005 Paul Harvell – page 7 – WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2011 106 Technology Literac y and the 21st Century Learner This workshop explores how instructors can communicate effectively online with students who wonder about the meaning and the relevance of the topics we teach. We will discuss how to engage a diverse student population so they can learn concepts and procedures that will open doors of opportunity. Distance instructors and those using online technology will be encouraged to share their stories. We will also talk about new web resources—an online video database, and ways to use social media tools for student engagement. 1–3pm Room 1096 Ray Kaupp and Francine Van Meter I’ve Always Wanted to...Know When to Call 911! In this workshop, clinicians from Student Health Services (SHS) will talk about what constitutes a medical or psychiatric emergency. They will help you to better understand when a student has a medical or psychological issue that may be handled by SHS versus one that requires emergency services. The presentation will feature a slide set entitled “I’ve called 911...now what??!” and will look at how to proceed once you have assessed the situation an emergency that requires additional support. 2–3:30pm Room 831 Dianne Avelar, Marion Brodkey, Katie Dowling, Susan Lavelle, and Martha Orr Instructional Planning Curriculum 411 This workshop is for anyone facing Instructional Planning/Program Review. We will go through elements you need to consider and offer suggestions from those in departments who have recently taken their courses through the curriculum process. The second hour will be devoted to Curriculum business and Curriculum Committee members should plan to attend. 3–5pm SAC 202 Jennifer Cass and Dale Attias Watsonville Center Faculty Meeting & Orientation Meet other faculty over dinner and get information on procedures and resources at the Watsonville Center, including office assignments, alarm codes, keys, and an orientation to the smart technology in classrooms. Learn about support services for students, and hear an update on construction of the Green Technology Center. 5:30–8:30pm Wats 4330 Rachel Mayo, Tera Martin and Marcelo Nogueira – page 8 – 107 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2011 Dental Hygiene Clinical Calibration This three-hour group session will provide a unique opportunity for dental hygiene faculty to conquer calibration issues and focus on common solutions. A combination session will focus on the calibration of instrumentation techniques, for example, use of the explorer and ultrasonic scaler. 9–12noon HW 2113 Toni Alderson and Leanne Albers ADAA and 504: The Laws and their Effects on Disabled Students at Cabrillo Designed for faculty and staff in DSPS, this session, based on the 2010 CAPED workshop, will emphasize how Section 504 and the new ADA (ADAA) can be implemented at Cabrillo. 10–11:30am SAC 225 Deborah Shulman and Patti Tomnitz Creating and Integrating DVD’s into Your College Curriculum Learn how DVD’s and books provide a visual/auditory tool for students. Discussion will focus on the following books and DVD resources: Farewell to Manzanar, Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, The Lightning Thief, and Moby Dick. Resources developed while on my sabbatical are the result of field trips to Manzanar and New Bedford, along with supplemental materials on Greek mythology and my sabbatical journey following the 1845 biographies of Frederick Douglass. 10am–12noon Room 1064 Julie Hanks Slicing and Filtering—Interacting with Data Learn some of the basics of slicing, filtering, and summarizing data from a prepared dataset (or from raw data), using the pivot table feature of Excel. This session will focus on using the “Curriculum Alignment Tool” (CAT) – a collection of pivot tables and charts prepared for the Office of Instruction, and subsequently made available to interested staff and faculty. The backend dataset consists of some 16,000 rows—four years of data for all sections taught at the college. Included are data regarding the section’s term, department, division, location, enrollment, success, WSCH, FTES, and placement in the curriculum (Basic Skills, CTE, Transfer, IGETC, CSU GE). The first hour will consist of a discussion about working interactively with datasets, followed by a detailed look at this particular dataset. Along the way we will cover specifics such as how to add/remove fields from the pivot table output, and how to drill down (to get more detail) or up (to summarize). During the second hour participants will be unleashed to try out interactive data manipulation on their own. 10am–12noon 1096 Rick Fillman Learning Skills Program (LSP) Meeting The annual Spring LSP lunch for LSP faculty and staff will be held at Deborah’s house following the ADAA & 504 session on campus. 12noon–2pm Deborah Shulman’s Home Enhancing Excellence Through Peer Review The purpose of the evaluation procedure is to provide faculty members with information that contributes to their professional development and is intended to support continuing professional growth and academic excellence. How can we maximize our current evaluation process to help faculty help students achieve their dreams? What are the best practices for being honest with colleagues about recommendations while incorporating commendations? What support do newer faculty members need from their colleagues? Please join this discussion to share your experience and suggestions for the peer review process. 1–3pm SAC 226 Panel hosted by CCFT Visual Arts Scholarship Committee—Building Success The Visual Arts Scholarship Committee will verify and set dates for the 2011 scholarship schedule and location; review the 2010 scholarship process, application policies, directions and materials for clarity and ease of student use; discuss strategies of student advisement and/or mentoring; update available scholarship information and amounts; and discuss current funding sources, needs and areas for growth. 1–3pm Room 2022 Susan Hoisington – page 9 – THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2011 108 Great Student Writing: English Writing Awards All English and ESL faculty are invited, and full-time English faculty may be solicited to assist with reading entries. Come and participate in the selection of award-winning critical essays, narratives, and short stories. Participants work in small groups, reading and discussing entries to select a first and second place winner for each genre category. We will conclude with a discussion of how the evaluation process worked and what makes for exemplary writing in various genres. 1–3:30pm Room 406 Writing Awards Committee SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 2011 (BEFORE FLEX WEEK) Our Gang Research has shown that field trips are a critical component of standards-based instruction, providing instructional opportunities and content not available in the classroom, opening students’ eyes to the real world connections of material they are learning, as well as providing connections to the community and natural environment. In addition, field trips provide renewal for teachers, allowing us to learn along with our students and closely observe their learning strengths. Our Gang invites you to participate in a field trip to Coyote Hills Regional Park on Saturday, January 29, from 9:00am to 1:00pm. The Coyote Hills’ field trip will expose participants to a wide variety of instructional possibilities, including local and regional history, especially that of California Indians, geology, wetlands management, wildlife conservation, creative writing, art, agro-economy, urban planning, botany, and bay-and-estuary biology. Group size is limited so pre-registration is necessary. Please email Chuck Smith (crsmith@cabrillo.edu) for transportation details and to reserve your spot. 9am–1pm Coyote Hills Regional Park Chuck Smith – page 10 – 109 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2011 :: DIVISION/DEPARTMENT DAY DIVISION/DEPARTMENT TIME ROOM 507 Library Meeting* 509 510 ESL lab 407 1063 1093 9AM–1PM SAC225 9AM–12NOON SACW202 Health Athletics Wellness and Kinesiology Division Meeting Adaptive PE Dental Hygiene Health Science Human Services Medical Assistant Nursing Physical Education/Athletics Radiologic Technology Stroke Center 9–11AM 12NOON–2PM 12NOON–4PM 12NOON–2PM 12NOON–2PM 12NOON–3PM 11:30AM–2PM 9:30–11:30AM* 12NOON–2PM* 12NOON–2PM * * Thursday, February 3 ROOM Instructional Development 9–10:30AM SACW202 Disabled Students Programs and Services 10:30AM–12NOON SACW202 Career Education and Economic Development (CEED) Counseling Division Meeting TIME 332 506 Business, English, and Language Arts Division Meeting 8:30–10:30AM BARE 11AM–12:30PM Business, Accounting and Finance, Real Estate Computer Applications and Business Technology 11AM–12:30PM Digital Management Career Preparation 2–5PM English 11AM–12:30PM ESL 11AM–12:30PM Journalism 11AM–12:30PM Reading 4–6PM World Languages 11AM–12:30PM DIVISION/DEPARTMENT HW2214 1107 HW2113 831 831 HW2210 HW2212 1118 HW2105 HW1110 Human Arts and Social Sciences Division Meeting 8:30–10:30AM 1804 Anthropology 11AM–1PM 431 Archaeological Tech 11AM–1PM 431 Communication Studies 11AM–1PM 834 Culinary Arts & Hospitality 11AM–1PM 1803 Early Childhood Education 5:30–8:30PM 1508 Global Studies 11–11:30AM 425 Global Studies Dept Mtgs 11:30AM–1PM 425 Economics, Education, History, Geography/ Meteorology, Political Science, Womens’ Studies Philosophy 11AM–1PM 403 Psychology 11AM–1PM 401 Public Safety 11AM–1PM 1605 Sociology 11AM–1PM 431 – page 11 – Department Reference/Instruction Potluck 9–10AM 10AM–12NOON 12NOON–1PM * Thursday, February 3 1040 1040 1040 Natural and Applied Sciences Division Meeting 9–11AM Astronomy 2–4PM Biology 11:30AM–1:30PM Chemistry 11:30AM–1:30PM CS & CIS 1–3PM Construction and Energy Management 12NOON–2PM Engineering 12NOON–2PM Engineering Technology 11AM–7PM Geology/Ocean 12NOON–1:30PM Horticulture 12NOON–2:30PM Math 12NOON–1:30PM MESA 2–3PM Physics 12NOON–1:30PM Welding 10AM–5PM 5005 Obsrv 616 614 2502 1301 715B 1306 705 5015 711 714 830 1306 Visual Applied and Performing Arts Division Meeting Art History Art Photography Art Studio Dance Digital Media Music Theatre Arts 9–11AM 11AM–1PM 11AM–1PM 11AM–1PM 11AM–1PM 11AM–1PM 11AM–1PM 11AM–1PM VAPA 1001 VAPA 1014 VAPA 2022 VAPA 2005 1117 1303 VAPA 5148 VAPA 4116 110 Guidelines for Flex The flex calendar affords faculty the time and format in which to examine instructional concerns outside the traditional classroom setting. It offers an appropriate prelude to the school year as well as a checkpoint between semesters to refresh our sense of educational mission. This publication is your guide to the principles and process of staff development flex days at Cabrillo College. If you have any questions after reading it, please consult with your Dean or the Staff Development Coordinator. General Guidelines: 1. Required flex time: Faculty may fulfill their flex requirement by attending workshops on flex days, participating in advisement at registration, or performing individual projects on designated flex days. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by your Dean. Full-time faculty have a minimum time commitment of 24 flexible hours per year plus two fall semester mandatory days and one spring semester mandatory day. Partial contract faculty are required to participate in a specific number of days, which is prorated on a percentage basis of an individual’s contract. Adjunct faculty are required to participate in at least one hour of flex activity per teaching unit each semester. 2. Special exception: You may perform flex activities on days other than the scheduled flex days, as long as they are not your regular teaching days. Weekends and holidays are permissible as are days when you are only teaching in the evening, or evenings when you are only teaching during the day. You must obtain approval of your Dean. 3. Deadlines: The deadline for submitting your flex agreement is the end of flex week. This contract needs to be signed by you and your Dean. The deadline for submitting your individual activity is the end of flex week. This contract needs to be signed by you and your Dean. 4. Nonparticipation: Should you decide to refuse to participate in the flex week, you will have your pay reduced by the number of days of nonparticipation (maximum of five days fall semester and four days spring semester). All flex activities must be completed within the academic calendar. Cabrillo Staff Development Committee Renée Kilmer, Marcy Alancraig, Mark Hopkins, Chuck Smith, Patrick Meyer, Nancy Brown, Beatriz Perez, Sue Slater, Francine Van Meter, John Govsky, Sesario Escoto, Loree McCawley, Sylvia Winder Acknowledgements Special thanks to Cheryl Chaffin, English Instructor, for assistance with editing, Dani Boscarelli, Duplications, for printing our calendar and Darlene Hastings, Francis Sweetman, Margitta Dietrick-Welsh, Sandi Moore, and Barbara Rigg for room scheduling. – page 12 – 111 N 5100 Labs 5300 P P 5000 Hortic ulture P F/G P P e ri m FS 440 P H 500 E E 400 450 E P D P 100 Enrollment Services 300 350 P C B P I P E E e te r R oad 600 1090 1074 1097 E 1000 Library 700 E T Amphi theater T 200 Theater P A/B E Student Activities Center (SAC) West B B B P J P P P E E Future Allied Health Cafeteria E E ATM 900 800 DSPS E East E P Pedestrian Bridge Bookstore Soquel Drive B P N VAPA 1000 Forum E Sesnon House 2600 1200 VAPA 5000 Music Recital Hall 2550 2500 2100 ABC P VAPA 3000 3D Art T Cabrillo College Drive 1800 VAPA 2000 2D Art 1300 T 1600 1400 CTC VAPA 4000 Crocker Theater 1170 P K P E Pool P L Stadium 1550 1700 1500 P E Elevator T Telephone P Student Permit Parking P Designated Parking Tennis Courts P M P R LEGEND B Receiving/ Maintenance 1100 Gym 1185 Sheriff P S Track 1190 Bus Stop Accessible Path Disabled Parking is available at all lots. Multi Purpose Field Athletic Fields Automatic Emergency Defibrillators Santa Cruz Highway 1 – page 14 – Watsonville Facilities Development/ Purchasing 112 113 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT January 11, 2011 SUBJECT: HSI Eligibility - Intent to Submit Application for Basic Title V Eligibility REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 E.5 BACKGROUND: The college intends to submit an application for designation in fiscal year 2011 as an eligible institution to receive funding from Title V under the Higher Education Act of 1965 through the U.S. Department of Education. This designation is required each year that an institution applies for a new grant, and the college intends to apply for a Title V STEM grant (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) through the Strengthening Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Program in 2011. College staff is currently preparing material for the application in anticipation of the official Request for Proposals which is expected early in the year. Administrator Initiating Item: Rachel Mayo, Dean of Educational Centers Renée M. Kilmer, Vice President, Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes X No Yes No Final Disposition 114 115 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: January 10, 2011 Information Technology Update REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER INFORMATION Page 1 of 8 E.6 This update takes a look back at the accomplishments of 2010 as well as a look forward to Cabrillo‟s developing Technology picture for 2011. Project Management In Fall 2010, IT staff evaluated over a dozen potential project management tools, including popular options such as Basecamp and Manymoon. We have now committed to using Smartsheet for at least the next year, at which time we will evaluate our satisfaction. Smartsheet provides a way to manage tasks, timelines, project documentation and communication in a streamlined, shareable and web-enabled format. In addition to strong functionality, this software tool has the additional benefit of being used by staff in the Career Education and Economic Development (CEED) division as well as by Title V staff (STARS), opening the door to sharing knowledge, training and project management across departments and divisions. Data Center Upgrade and Server Consolidation On November 29, 2010 the computer room AC unit for the 1300 building data center failed. While a plan to consolidate data centers and provide redundant cooling for the 1300 data center was already under development, the AC failure clearly increased the importance of moving quickly from planning to implementation. IT staff have worked with M&O staff and an air conditioning engineer to develop a plan that will provide a stable, adequately cooled environment that safeguards our mission critical servers, switches and data. The plan involves some modifications to the 1300 building to improve energy efficiency and to allow for the inclusion of the servers currently housed in the 1200 building. The use of green technology to allow cool outside air to be utilized will result in the savings of approximately $3,000 per year in electricity usage. The decommissioning of the AC unit being used to cool the 1200 building data center will result in a similar savings in money and energy. The plan calls for the installation of two enterprise-level data center air conditioners to provide failover protection in the eventuality that one unit fails. Improved ducting, enforcement of hot/cold zones, and the utilization of outside air economizer are expected to provide improved cooling and a 50% reduction in energy usage over the former system. (Continued on next page…) Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Craig Hayward Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 116 Web site migration In fall 2010 the Cabrillo College website underwent a total overhaul. While a project of this scope is bound to result in some broken links and growing pains, the overall process went remarkably smoothly and with exceptional results. Cabrillo now has a more student-centric, modern website with improved organization and intuitive navigation. The new website is designed to bypass the bottleneck created by having a single web master by creating a distributed system and process of maintaining pages by those individuals who are most intimately familiar with their pages‟ contents. IT would like to give many thanks to Francine Van Meter and Kip Nead of the Teaching and Learning Center for their support of this process. Also, many thanks are due to Kristin Fabos, Evelyn Hirsch, and Jana Marcus in the Marketing & Communications Department for their leadership on the development of the new look and feel and also for their work with numerous focus groups to create the new, streamlined navigation system. Finally, John Mauceri, our lone web master, truly deserves recognition for the skill, integrity and devotion he brought to the development and implementation of the new web site. Technology plan The next iteration of the college‟s technology plan began its development in fall 2010. Major milestones include: IT Retreat Datatel Action Planning Establishment of Tech Plan Development Committee Technology Project Prioritization meetings with each component Establishing an outline of the next technology plan Additionally, the Tech Plan Development Committee has identified themes that will run throughout the next tech plan, including Virtualization, Security, and Green Computing. Next milestones include a first draft of the plan to be completed in January and the gathering of input and feedback at various venues during spring 2011, with the final report ready for the Board meeting in June 2011. Computer Technology Center (CTC) – 2010 Highlights CTC staff assessed over 1,000 personal computers in Cabrillo‟s labs and deployed Windows 7 on those computers which could benefit from the upgrade. In fall 2010, the CTC served 2,714 students who logged in for a combined 53,282 hours in the CTC – about 20 hours per student, on average. The CISCO lab moved into new facilities in the CTC in fall 2010. CTC staff salvaged memory modules from older systems to upgrade Transfer Center computers to 1 GB RAM. Assessment lab computers were configured to accommodate distance education test proctoring (Continued on next page…) -2- 117 Additionally, CTC staff also collaborated with other IT staff on the following projects of note in 2010: Assisted with the Stroke Center and Radiology computer move and setup Assisted with switch installations in the new Health and Wellness buildings Evaluated alternative anti-virus & anti-malware security applications Researched virtualization of computer lab PCs New nursing simulation lab and new nursing computer lab installed New Medical Assisting laptops configured New cart and laptops for room 515 installed and configured Upgraded student domain controllers to Windows Server 2008 CommVault data backup enhancement IT purchased data deduplication software that removes redundant files from server and network drive backups thereby improving the efficiency and stability of critical backup processes, allowing our existing hardware to keep pace with growing data demands without sacrificing reliability. Our network administrators have received training in the use of the new deduplication capabilities from CommVault personnel and are already seeing enormous benefits from this deployment. Datatel/Technical Applications update Regulatory Custom Title 5 course repetition changes were in place for Wintersession Registration 2010. This limits a student to 4 funded W‟s in a course. Collaborated with the Instruction Office on the CB21 project to define levels below transfer in English, Math, Read & ESL was completed. Added additional levels for CB21-Levels-BelowTransfer and also new Taxonomy of Program (TOP) codes. IT sent the changes to the Chancellor‟s Office CO via the CB00 MasterCourse File update process. MIS requirement to report Migrant Worker Status, Major is complete. The WebAdvisor Verify My Student Info form collects CTE and Matric MIS data required by term. The state has rewritten all MIS programs and error reports based on their SQL implementation. Hopefully this is a work in progress as the error reports are not helpful and we used an Excel spreadsheet developed by College of the Canyons in order to identify the errors and submit 2010 Fall MIS. Software Software upgrades completed: WebAdvisor 3.15 – in house Java 6 – Datatel consultant SaValet 2.4 - Datatel consultant Datatel Daemon 1.5.1 – Datatel consultant (Continued on next page…) -3- 118 Unidata 7.2 upgrade requested; approved; and downloaded Programming support ends 12/31/10 Full tech support ends 3/31/11 Limited tech support ends 6/30/11 Schedule for January or spring break with Datatel Services? eCommerce 4.0 upgrade plus Payment Gateway installation and training are to be scheduled. With this release Colleague no longer supports the entry, storage, or transmission of sensitive credit card information. The objective of this release is to support institutions in their pursuit of PCI compliance. Switched support for the Sun server that runs Datatel (aka Brain) to Oracle. Training Purchased Datatel‟s UI 4.0 Learning Services Package and have held training sessions with major offices. Analysts are training and becoming proficient in working with Colleague Studio, Datatel‟s new programming tool. Analysts participated in a Colleague Studio training webinar on 8/26 from 10am to 1pm. Staff members participated in Dreamweaver training in order to support the departments that will be building their own forms for the document imaging project. Three staff members attended the DUG conference from March 28 through March 31. Participated in several discussions with Datatel and other vendors regarding the creation of a new SQL warehouse to support integrated reporting and research. Also outlined the pathway for moving moving Datatel Colleague from Unidata to a SQL database backend. Three staff members attended the 3CDUG meeting held at Ohlone College on Wednesday, July 28 focusing on sessions covering MIS, SQL, virtualization, Disaster Recovery, and FERPA rules. Core Team The Core Team has been reconvened and meetings are now being scheduled for four times a year. Meetings were held on June 23, September 29, and December 15. After the first meeting, a subcommittee was formed to review procedures for changing addresses in Datatel. Administrative Services projects Completed 4 classes for Business Office on Excel and Datatel reporting. Provided QueryBuilder and Datatel file/element structure training for Business Office. (Continued on next page…) -4- 119 Prepared training material for importing Budget Workbook RTReports into Excel and Advanced Filtering. Updated the Budget Workbook How-To. Rebuilt the Leave Report as not all balances were not summing correctly. Created a RTReport for Contract Leave. In progress with the Higher One project which was approved late September for a January implementation. Includes: Refund to debit/credit card or bank direct deposit Spring 2011 Fin Aid pilot If Fin Aid, any balance will go through H1 Mailing to students when group is identified (complete) ATM‟s to be setup with phone line (to bank); students can use any ATM Will send file with transaction detail to Higher One. Instruction projects Incorporated new „Web Advisor Email the Whole Class‟ functionality into custom online rosters. Custom Late Add codes were successfully piloted with online students only for the Spring 2010 semester. Worked with Instruction and Student Services for rollout of Add Codes for all sections beginning with summer classes. Implemented Datatel‟s Cohort module for Learning Community registration in Fall 2010. This included research, testing, training, setup, and monitoring. Student Services projects Completed Phase 2 of online grading modifications which included: Stamping the section as completed. Modifying the form to show faculty which of their sections are completed. Modifying the program with the logic to know it's completed. Create a printable Excel version of the WA form that shows who was graded. Create report of Incompletes for Paula. Create automatic emailing that Paula can send. Create report for Paula of outstanding grades. Financial Aid 2010-2011 file suite building, rollover, rule table build in the test account and then in the production environment. Updated all computed columns to point to new file suite once built. Created and tested new rules and parameters for student evaluation. All grant funded classes were initially coded with an NA attendance type so these classes would be auto-excluded from the 320 report. We recoded to create an NA type code for each attendance type as we also use attendance types for programs like short term date calculation. (Continued on next page…) -5- 120 Developing plan to assist A&R with cleanup of outstanding issues that have built up over the last 5 years. For example: Addresses, Institutions (e.g., High School of origin), SB11-Ed Status/SB15Enroll Status, Repeats, Duplicates, Deceased, and Documentation. The Manager of Technical Applications modified the Research Data Warehouse to accommodate new MIS fields, adding: First-Name-Partial; Multi-Ethnicity; Basic-Skills-Waiver-Status; and CourseControl-Number. Document Imaging Update The document imaging team selected Softdocs as our vendor. Contracts were signed. Hardware and software has been installed. Phase I of the Document Imaging Project (Financial Aid) is nearing successful completion. Software requirements for Softdocs implementation: Files were created and are provided nightly for Active Directory authentication. A dynamic file of demographic data for auto fill of student info on eforms has been provided. Automatic update of Comm Mgmt files as eforms are received from students is in progress. Communication pathways among servers have been established and tested. Phase 2 of Softdocs project for A&R and Counseling is on hold until a new Storage Arena Network (SAN) is installed. New Health and Wellness Building Network wiring in Building 2 was completed in June. IT Staff played a large role in getting the network switches installed, and connecting users. The staff computers and phones for Dental Hygiene and Radiology are up and running. In July, the network wiring for building 2 was completed and the users from the stroke center were assisted in connecting their computer and lab resources. Connection of the wireless network, the HVAC network, and the Fire Alarm network were also completed. Fine-tuning of multimedia carts and classrooms will continue with additional wiring and switches being added. Smart Classrooms and Multimedia During the summer, staff initiated a full maintenance review of smart classrooms. This room-byroom review included cleaning of projector filters, lenses and assessment of remaining bulb life. The ability to network the ceiling mounted projectors is planned as a project for the 2010/11 year. Lee Schulz has been revisiting older smart classrooms and improving how things are strapped down and secured in the Smart Panels. A number of classrooms are being reviewed for the cost and ability to upgrade or replaced equipment that in many cases is over seven years old. (Continued on next page…) -6- 121 Phone System Removal of the phone connections that were used for HawkTalk resulted in reduced phone charges for the campus. Our voice mail system was updated and ongoing updates of the system continue. A new “Fax online” feature was rolled out to the entire campus. This new feature allows staff and faculty to send faxes via a web interface. The intuitive process starts by entering the word FAX into any web browser window at Cabrillo and logging in with your regular login and password Network Administration The SARS Grid and SARS track (for Counseling Schedules and Tracking) software packages were updated and upgraded. The Bookstore received assistance with an upgrade of their Server and Cash Registers. New security certificates that help our computer users to receive a trusted and stable network were updated. Two virtual servers that provide automatic security updates were brought on line. The new Doc-e-Scan software servers were installed and configured. A new additional log-on and access group was deployed to allow new students to access the new Financial Aid document server software. Help Desk and Computer Systems Maintenance While our computer technicians often work in the background to provide a smoothly functioning work environment, sometimes their actions border on the heroic. While there are many instances that could be provided in a list, the following email provides a better sense of how these everyday heroics play out. Craig and Ray, When IT does its job well, no one knows you're there. Sadly, that means you are often the unsung heroes. However, when technology fails us, the IT support staff takes on mythical, super-hero proportions. Today was one of those days when I needed a rescue and I wanted to write and let you know how fabulous your team is. We had two webinars scheduled, today - one at 8:30am and one at 4:30pm, for Nursing students who will be using a new online system to demonstrate compliance with all of our program requirements. Successful navigation of this system is an absolute necessity for the program. Without these webinars the students really were at a stand still. To pull off the webinars we needed a special blend of technology all working simultaneously and in unison, all in a room we have never used for an activity like this. We have rescheduled three times due to challenges we faced with the vendor, and were originally scheduled in a different building. We only confirmed this date and location last week. To make things even more challenging, I was out sick yesterday and could not set-up or trouble-shoot all of the equipment. Enter the super-heroes: Wade, Holly, Lee and Ann came up to the classroom yesterday and spent quite a while trouble shooting problems and finally got everything to work. Then, when I came in at 7:30 this morning, more problems were here to greet me. Cheryl and Ann responded to my SOS call almost immediately and were here by five after 8:00 and had everything back in working order by 8:20, ten minutes before our scheduled webinar. YAY TEAM! Not only was everyone extremely responsive time wise, totally resourceful problem-solving wise, but as usual, so good humored and patient with us in the midst of our technology crisis. (Continued on next page…) -7- 122 On behalf of the students who now have time-critical, necessary resources, a thousand thank you's. On behalf of all of us in Nursing who know we have the support we need to run our programs, a thousand more. And from me, baked goods are on the way, and my eternal gratitude because I literally cannot do my job without all of you! Happy, happy holidays to you all! -Jill Gallo Nursing and Allied Health Programs Coordinator -8- 123 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: January 10, 2011 Cabrillo College Fact Book, 2010 REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 E.7 BACKGROUND: The Cabrillo College Fact Book 2010 contains important resource and reference information for planning, grant development, marketing, accreditation, and outreach. Staff, faculty and community members are encouraged to access the contents of the Fact Book online at: http://pro.cabrillo.edu/pro/factbook Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Craig Hayward Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 124 125 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: January 10, 2011 SB 1440 Update REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 D.8 Background: Senate Bill 1440 was signed by the governor on September 29, 2010, and it requires the California community colleges to develop new associate degrees, “associate degrees for transfer,” for implementation in the 2011-2012 academic year. It also requires the California State Universities to accept students who complete these degrees. The following summarizes the key provisions of the bill: A 60-unit transferable associate degree based on the IGETC or CSU GE Breadth pattern for transfer that guarantees admission with junior standing to the CSU system. A degree including 18 units in a major or area of emphasis. Priority admission for students to their local CSU campus and to a program or major that is similar to their major or area of emphasis at the community college. Prohibition against the CSU requiring students to repeat courses that are similar to courses completed as part of the associate degree for transfer at the community college. Prohibition against the CSU from requiring students to take more than 60 units to complete a 120-unit baccalaureate degree. If a student completes an “associate degree for transfer” with a minimum GPA of 2.0, the CSU shall guarantee admission with junior status. The CSU campus receiving the student may require a transferring student to take additional courses at the CSU so long as the student is not required to take any more than 60 additional semester units or 90 quarter units at the CSU for majors requiring 120 semester units or 180 quarter units.” The benefit to the students is that the CSUs will recognize the associate degree as a measure of preparation and readiness for transfer to upper-division course work at their institutions. As a result, students will not be forced to take additional courses at the lower division level after transferring to the university. This should shorten their time to degree completion and consequently reduce their educational costs at all levels. In addition, it will eliminate the confusion currently caused by different major preparation requirements for each CSU campus. Administrator Initiating Item: Renée M. Kilmer, Vice President, Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature x Yes No x Yes No Final Disposition 126 There are still some issues to be resolved prior to full implementation of SB 1440. They include: How “similar majors” will be defined What “local CSU campus” will mean The details of the priority admissions process The list of “high unit” majors and how they will be handled There is a plan at the state level for implementing these new SB 1440 degrees statewide. Because the content of degrees is an academic matter, the responsibility for addressing these issues lies with the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) in conjunction with the CSU Academic Senate. Within a month of the approval of the legislation, they jointly recommended a concerted, statewide response in the form of a “transfer model curriculum” (TMC), which will define the major component of a degree and will consist of a common “core” for the major of at least 6 units and then delineate options that colleges can select from as they design a degree that meets local needs. The goal is to effectively establish common major preparation, while also allowing for some local flexibility. In this way, students will know what is expected in each major, and CSU faculty can be confident that incoming transfer students who receive priority admission have a certain minimum level of preparation for the major. To date there are a number of Transfer Model Curricula that are in the process of being drafted and vetted. It is anticipated that most of the disciplines on this list will have a TMC available for local adoption by early spring. The TMCs in the process of being drafted include: Accounting, Art History, Biology, Chemistry, Communication Studies, Criminal Justice/Administration of Justice, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Geology, Kinesiology, Math, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and Theatre. Faculty, counselors, and the articulation officers from all 112 colleges in the system have been encouraged to visit the website pages for their discipline listserv to remain informed regarding any progress made in their discipline. At Cabrillo the Vice President, Instruction has made a presentation on this topic to Instruction Council and will make a presentation to the Curriculum Committee during spring flex. This topic is also on the Faculty Senate agenda for further discussion in spring 2011. 2 127 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT January 10, 2011 SUBJECT: Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 2 E.9 BACKGROUND: The following calendar presents information about selected events and significant dates for the month of January. Dates given are accurate as of December 16, 2010. Administrator Initiating Item: Kristin Fabos, Director of Marketing Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 128 January 2011 Marketing and Communications Department • 831/479-5744 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 New Year’s Day 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 Campus re-opens 9 10 Governing Board Meeting, 5:00 PM, Sesnon House Men’s Basketball vs. Hartnell, 5:30 PM Women’s Basketball vs. Hartnell, 7:30 PM High school registration begins 16 23 Community College League of California Legislative Conference, Sacramento 30 17 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Campus Holiday 24 18 19 Women’s Basketball vs. San Jose City, 5:30 PM 26 20 21 Women’s Basketball vs. Mission, 5:30 PM 27 28 Women’s Basketball vs. Ohlone, 5:30 PM Men’s Basketball vs. Gavilan, 7:30 PM 31 Flex Week Begins Cabrillo Insider, radio show. 5:00- 6:00 PM, KSCO 1080 AM Men’s Basketball vs. San Jose City, 7:30 PM Men’s Basketball vs. West Valley, 7:30 PM 25 Cabrillo Insider, radio show. 5:00- 6:00 PM, KSCO 1080 AM Coming in Early February Feb 1 - 4 Flex Days; Feb 4 - Division/Dept. Meetings Feb 2 Men’s Basketball vs. Monterey Peninsula, 5:30 PM Women’s Basketball vs. Monterey Peninsula, 7:30 PM Feb 7 Spring semester begins 22 Cabrillo Insider, radio show. 5:00- 6:00 PM, KSCO 1080 AM 29 Cabrillo Insider, radio show. 5:00- 6:00 PM, KSCO 1080 AM