1 Cabrillo College Governing Board Monday, February 7, 2011 Cabrillo College Sesnon House 6500 Soquel Drive Aptos, California 95003 OPEN SESSION PAGE 1. Call to Order and Roll Call TIME 5:00 2. Adoption of Agenda 3. Public Comments Regarding Closed Session Items (three minute time limit per speaker) Please notify clerk if you desire to speak to the Board. 4. Announcement of Closed Session 5. Adjourn to Closed Session CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Government Code §54956.8) Property: 251 Kings Village Road, Scotts Valley, California 95066 Agency Negotiator: Brian King Negotiating Parties: Scotts Valley City Manager Under Negotiation: Terms of Payment, Conditions 2. Conference with District Counsel regarding anticipated litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(b)(3)(E) (8 cases) 3. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Victoria Lewis Employee Organization: CCFT 4. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Victoria Lewis Employee Organization: CCEU 5. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Brian King Employee Organizations: Management and Confidential Employees OPEN SESSION Call to Order and Roll Call Report Out of Closed Session 6:00 A. Consent Items 1. Minutes and Consent Agenda (these items are approved when the agenda is approved unless a Board member wishes to discuss) a) Minutes of January 10, 2011 2. Register of Warrants It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify warrant numbers 03266–04376 for the amount of $5,005,611.18. 5 11 6:01 2 February 7, 2011 A. Consent Items (continued) 3. Ratification: Construction Change Orders PAGE TIME 31 It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify the construction change orders provided as an attachment. 4. Budget Transfers by Resolution It is recommended that the Governing Board approve Resolution Numbers 006-11 through 008-11 for Budget Transfers 18944 through 19013. 33 5. Resolution 004-11: To Waive Bond Requirement for 2011-12 Sabbatical Leaves 37 It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt Resolution 004-11 waiving the Bond requirement for sabbatical leaves. 6. Acceptance of Contract with California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office 41 It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the $90,000 grant from the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office. It is further recommended that the Board authorize the Vice President of Administrative Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relation to this grant agreement and any future amendments on behalf of the college. 7. Human Resources Management Report 43 It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify and/or approve the human resources management report. Introduction of Newly Appointed Faculty and Staff Oral Communications Members of the audience may speak to non-agenda items (three minute time limit per speaker) B. Special Presentation Title V Update 6:05 C. Oral Reports 1. Board Members’ Reports 6:10 2. Student Trustee’s Report 6:13 3. Superintendent’s Report 6:15 4. CCFT 6:17 Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers. 5. Faculty Senate 6:19 Comments on issues of interest to the Faculty Senate. 6. CCEU Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo Classified Employees Union. 6:21 3 February 7, 2011 D. Action Items 1. 2011-12 through 2013-14 Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Criteria and Strategies 45 6:23 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the budget reduction process, commitments, criteria and strategies for fiscal years 2011-12 through 2013-14. 2. 2011-12 Non-Resident Tuition Fee 49 It is recommended that the Governing Board (1) establish the perunit non-resident tuition fee for 2011-12 at $177 based on District Computed Cost, and (2) establish a capital outlay at $6 per unit for students who are both residents and citizens of a foreign country. 3. Resolution 005-11: 2010-11 Mid-Year Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANs) 53 It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt Resolution 005-11 delegating to the Vice President of Administrative Services the authority to decide on participation in the Community College League of California cash reserve program at the time when interest, costs and reinvestment rates are known. 4. Redistricting of Cabrillo College Trustee Areas 85 It is recommended that a Governing Board subcommittee of three members be appointed to prepare and present to the full Board a proposed districting plan including proposed changes, if any, at the April 11, 2011 Board meeting. It is further recommended that the Superintendent/President and appropriate college staff provide support for this effort. 5. Cabrillo College and CSU Monterey Bay Partnership 87 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve this agreement with CSUMB and authorize the President to sign the Memorandum of Understanding. 6. Cabrillo College and SJSU Global Studies Partnership 91 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Partnership Agreement between Cabrillo College and SJSU University. It is further recommended that the Vice President, Instruction be authorized to make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement. 7. Cabrillo College and CUNY Partnership 93 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Letter of Agreement between Cabrillo College and City University of New York. It is further recommended that the Vice President, Instruction be authorized to make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement. E. Information Items 1. Sunshine CCEU Response to 2010-11 Negotiations Reopeners CCEU’s response to the District’s Proposal for negotiations reopeners is provided for Governing Board information. 97 6:35 4 February 7, 2011 E. Information Items (continued) 2. Sunshine 2011-12 CCEU Initial Proposal to District 99 CCEU’s initial proposal for 2011-12 negotiations is presented to the Governing Board for information. 3. 2010-11 and 2011-12 Budget Planning Parameters Update 103 A Budget planning update is provided for Governing Board information. 4. 2010-11 Cash Flow Update – Second Quarter 113 A cash flow update for the second quarter of the fiscal year is presented to the Governing Board for information. 5. Facilities Master Plan Update 117 The monthly status report regarding current Facilities Master Plan projects is provided to the Governing Board for information. 6. Financial Reports 121 The financial reports are presented to the Governing Board for information. 7. Watsonville Redevelopment Update 143 An update on the addition of the Manabe-Ow property in Watsonville to the Watsonville 2000 Redevelopment Agency through State legislative action will be presented to the Governing Board for information. 8. Cabrillo College Fact Book Presentation & Discussion 149 The Board will discuss the Cabrillo College Fact Book 2010 with Interim Dean of I.T., Planning & Research, Craig Hayward. 9. STARS Title V Project Update 151 A STARS Title V Project Update is presented to the Governing Board for information. 10. Board Policy Revisions: Student Services, First Reading 153 Board Policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. 11. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar 155 The Cabrillo College activities calendar for the month of February is presented for Governing Board information. 12. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings The Cabrillo College Governing Board may discuss items to be placed on the agenda for the future Board meetings. CLOSED SESSION ADJOURN 7:00 For ADA related meeting accommodations, contact Dominique Hansen, Executive Assistant to the President, at (831) 479-6306 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. 5 Minutes of Meeting CABRILLO COLLEGE GOVERNING BOARD January 10, 2011 REGULAR MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was held at the Sesnon House, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, California on Monday, January 10, 2011. Chair Katy Stonebloom opened the meeting in Open Session at 5:00 pm. Roll was taken; present were Chair Stonebloom, Trustees Rebecca Garcia, Gary Reece, Al Smith, Rachael Spencer, Susan True, and Donna Ziel. Chair Stonebloom asked for Public Comments on Closed Session items. There were no public comments. Closed Session items were announced and the meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 5:01 pm. Closed Session was adjourned at 6:00 pm. ROLL CALL Chair Katy Stonebloom called the Open Session to order at 6:10 pm. Other Board Trustees present were Trustees Rebecca Garcia, Gary Reece, Al Smith, Rachael Spencer, Susan True, and Donna Ziel. Also present were members of the community, college faculty, staff and students. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION Chair Stonebloom stated that there was nothing to report out of Closed Session. PROCEDURAL ITEMS It was moved and seconded (Garcia/True) to approve the consent agenda as amended, including the minutes from the December 6, 2010 meeting CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA AND MINUTES The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Absent AYES: Garcia, Reece, Smith, Spencer, Stonebloom, True, Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED FACULTY AND STAFF The Board recognized Dean Nancy Brown’s pending retirement and thanked her for many years of service to Cabrillo College. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED FACULTY AND STAFF ORAL COMMUNICATIONS SPECIAL PRESENTATION Northern California Champions - Cabrillo Woman’s Volleyball Team. Athletic Director Dale Murray introduced Cabrillo woman’s volleyball coach Gabby HoustonNeville, who was voted coast conference coach of the year and NorCal coach of the year. Coach Houston-Neville then introduced the team. Team member Sierra Clark spoke on behalf of the team. 1 of 6 SPECIAL PRESENTATION 6 Minutes of Meeting January 10, 2011 ORAL REPORTS Board Trustees’ Reports Trustee Garcia reported on Cabrillo’s Green Technology ribbon cutting ceremony and thanked Foundation Director Silverstein and Marketing Director Fabos for putting together the event. ORAL REPORTS BOARD TRUSTEE REPORTS Trustee Garcia also reported that she registered for a spring class and was pleased with the electronic registration process. Trustee Garcia attempted to register for eight different courses before she got into one because classes are so impacted. Trustee Ziel attended the Stroke Center’s holiday party where she was provided an opportunity to speak. Chair Stonebloom attended the Transfer Center Advisory Committee meeting. Chair Stonebloom reported hearing from representatives from UC and CSU and the discussions about the impacts of budget cuts was very daunting. The entire system is limiting enrollments. It is not uniform, each system and each college within the system has autonomy about how they are limiting their enrollments. It was a disheartening meeting. Chair Stonebloom did not hear any discussion about how to mitigate the impacts. Student Trustee’s Report None. Superintendent’s Report President King reported that he is currently attending the Faculty Experiential Learning Institute (FELI). In late January President King and Board members will attend the annual Community College League of California conference and the following week President King is attending a Lumina Foundation meeting. CCFT In the absence of CCFT President Harvell, John Govsky addressed the Board. He invited all the Board members to the adjunct breakfast held during Flex week. Faculty Senate None. CCEU None. STUDENT TRUSTEE’S REPORT SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT CCFT FACULTY SENATE CCEU ACTION ITEMS ACTION ITEMS Fall Faculty Grant Awards It was recommended that the Governing Board accept the donation of $19,065.22 from the Cabrillo College Foundation. It was moved and seconded (True/Reece) to approve the Fall Faculty Grant Awards The motion carried unanimously. Daily Parking Fees It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the proposed increase in daily 2 of 6 FALL FACULTY GRANT AWARDS 7 Minutes of Meeting January 10, 2011 parking permits from $2.00 to $4.00 a day effective January 15th, 2011. DAILY PARKING FEES It was moved and seconded (Garcia/Spencer) to approve the Daily Parking Fees. The motion carried unanimously. Award of Contract: Special Inspection Services for Green Technology Center It was recommended that the Governing Board authorize the vice president of administrative services to execute a contract with HP Inspections of San Jose in the amount of $175,000 for Special Inspection Services for Green Technology Center Project. AWARD OF CONTRACT: SPECIAL INSPECTION SERVICES FOR GREEN TECHNOLOGY CENTER It was moved and seconded (Spencer/Reece) to approve the Award of Contract: Special Inspection Services for Green Technology Center. The motion carried unanimously. Recommended Extension to the Contract of the Superintendent/President Based on the evaluation of the Superintendent/President in closed session, it was recommended that the Superintendent/President’s contract be extended one year (until June 30, 2015). RECOMMEND EXTENSION TO THE CONTRACT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT/ PRESIDENT It was moved and seconded (Garcia/Spencer) to approve the Extension to the Contract of the Superintendent/President. The motion carried unanimously. Professional Development Leaves, 2011 - 2012 It was recommended that the Governing Board approve the content and authorize the vice president of instruction, to make the final determination of the 2011-2012 faculty professional development leaves within the expenditure limit authorized through CCFT negotiations. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT LEAVES, 2011- 2012 Trustee Spencer was pleased to recognize that there is a direct correlation between the approved leaves and student success. It was moved and seconded (Spencer/Ziel) to approve the Professional Development Leaves, 2011 - 2012. The motion carried unanimously. EduStream Contract It was recommended that the Governing Board authorize the vice president of administrative services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement on behalf of the college. EDUSTREAM CONTRACT It was moved and seconded (Ziel/True) to approve the EduStream Contract. The motion carried unanimously. Academy for College Excellence Professional Services Contract It was recommended that the Governing Board authorize the vice president of administrative services to execute a professional service contract with Institute for 3 of 6 ACADEMY FOR COLLEGE EXCELLENCE 8 Minutes of Meeting January 10, 2011 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT Evidence Based Change. It was moved and seconded (Spencer/Reece) to approve the Academy for College Excellence Professional Services Contract. The motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing: Categorical Flexibility – no comments ACTION ITEMS (continued) Categorical Flexibility 6:50 CATEGORICAL FLEXIBILITY It was recommended that the Governing Board take testimony from the public, discuss and approve the proposed transfer of funds. It was moved and seconded (Garcia/Ziel) to approve Categorical Flexibility. The motion carried unanimously. INFORMATION ITEMS Budget Update The District submitted a budget update to the Governing Board. BUDGET UPDATE Vice President Lewis reported there are no mid-year cuts proposed for 2010-11. Currently the rough estimated cut to Cabrillo is about four million dollars, but the cut could be significantly higher if the tax extensions are not passed. Trustee Reece asked about the cut to CalWorks and Vice President Lewis said it will affect Cabrillo, as will the additional cash deferrals. Administrative services is reviewing borrowing options. Trustee Spencer said it is important that Financial Aid fix any systematic problems prior to fall registration. President King said the College Planning Council (CPC) will meet on January 26. Facilities Master Plan Project Status The facilities master plan project status was presented to the Governing Board for information. The Board noted the $100,000 donation from the Ley family for the Green Technology Center construction. The donation has allowed items, previously removed from the project due to cost constraints, to be added back into the project. Financial Reports The financial reports were presented to the Governing Board for information. Spring 2011 Flex Week Activities The Spring 2011 Flex Week activities were presented to the Governing Board for information. HSI Eligibility - Intent to Submit Application for Basic Title V Eligibility 4 of 6 REVIEW OF STUDENT SUCCESS TOPICS FOR FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS FINANCIAL REPORTS SPRING 2011 FLEX WEEK ACTIVITIES HSI ELIGIBILITY – 9 Minutes of Meeting January 10, 2011 The HSI Eligibility was presented to the Governing Board for information. Information Technology Update An update on college technology was provided for Governing Board information. The Governing Board recognized Sue Haas’ pending retirement and thanked her for many contributions to the college. Trustee Spencer asked about the timing for the technology plan and Interim Dean Hayward said the three year plan will be presented to the Board in June. Cabrillo College Fact Book, 2010 The Cabrillo College Fact Book 2010 contains important resource and reference information for planning, grant development, marketing, accreditation, and outreach and was presented for Governing Board information. INTENT TO SUBMIT APPLICATION FOR BASIC TITLE V ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UPDATE CABRILLO COLLEGE FACT BOOK, 2010 Trustee Garcia asked the for the following information: 1) College transfer data for white students compared to unrepresented students. 2) Overall retention rates by ethnicity. 3) A graph containing retention, certificates, degrees and transfers rates by ethnicity. Trustee True requested Interim Dean Hayward present an overview of trends at the February Board meeting. SB 1440 Update The SB 1440 update was presented to the Governing Board for information. Trustee Garcia asked how SB 1440 will be implemented. Vice President Kilmer responded that Cabrillo must develop new associate degrees, “associate degrees for transfer,” for implementation in the 2011-2012 academic year. California State Universities are required to accept students who complete these degrees. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar The Cabrillo College activities for the month of January were presented for Governing Board information. The Board requested to have the next Board meeting date included on future agendas. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings The Cabrillo College Governing Board discussed items to be placed on the agenda for the future Board meetings. Trustee Garcia asked staff to look into procedures for redistricting. Chair Stonebloom would like the Board to be included in planning for the next master plan on a future agenda. The Board agreed to move the April board meeting to the Monday, April 11. 5 of 6 SB 1440 UPDATE CABRILLO COLLEGE MONTHLY CALENDAR AGENDA FOR NEXT BOARD MEETING 10 Minutes of Meeting January 10, 2011 ADJOURN The open session of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was adjourned at 7:32 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Secretary 6 of 6 ADJOURNMENT 11 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Register of Warrants REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 20 A.2 ACTION BACKGROUND: The following warrants are submitted for Governing Board ratification: REGISTER NO. * * * 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 DATE WARRANT NO. 12-15-10 12-16-10 12-20-10 12-20-10 12-20-10 12-22-10 01-05-11 01-06-11 01-13-11 03266-03454 03455-03644 03645-03827 03828-03865 03866-04006 04007-04007 04008-04081 04082-04223 04224-04376 TOTAL AMOUNT 344,801.25 1,545,957.14 174,019.58 211,905.96 982,489.58 473.53 20,240.25 650,673.00 1,075,050.89 $5,005,611.18 * NOTE: Student refund and financial-aid registers are available in the Business Office for review. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify warrant numbers 03266–04376 for the amount of $5,005,611.18. Administrator Initiating Item: Roy Pirchio Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature No Final Disposition 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Ratification: Construction Change Orders REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 2 ITEM NUMBER A.3 BACKGROUND: In accordance with Board Policy 4155, the attached change orders over $25,000 and less than 10% of the original contract value are submitted for Governing Board ratification. Continued on page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify the construction change orders provided as an attachment. Administrator Initiating Item: Joe Nugent Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 32 Ratification: Construction Change Orders: cont. Project Arts Education Classrooms Contractor C/O # Building 300 $0.00 Total Change Order Contractor Tombleson None this month Change order # Allied Health Sub-Contractor Change order # Description Amount Description None this month $0.00 Total Change Order Allied Health Project Green Tech Center Amount $0.00 Total Change Order Building 300 Project Description None this month Arts Education Classrooms Project Amount Contractor Dilbeck Change order # Amount Description None this month Green Technology Center $0.00 Total Change Order Note: These change orders are reflected in the results of the Facilities Master Plan monthly update under separate cover. Page 2 of 2 Cabrillo Community College District, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 http://www.cabrillo.edu 33 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Budget Transfers by Resolution REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 4 A.4 BACKGROUND: The following resolutions are submitted for Governing Board approval: Resolution Number 006-11 General Fund transfers between expenditure classifications Resolution Number 007-11 General Fund transfers to reserves Resolution Number 008-11 General Fund decreases to revenues and expenses for the following: AMATYC, CEED/DBA-FELI Training, CEED/City of Santa Cruz, Matriculation, Matriculation Non-credit, MESA, PVUSD EOPS Migrant Education Program FISCAL IMPACT: A decrease to expense budgets in the General Fund in the amount of $8,995.00. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve Resolution Numbers 006-11 through 008-11 for Budget Transfers 18944 through 19013. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature No Final Disposition 34 GENERAL FUND RESOLUTION NUMBER 006-11 WHEREAS, budget changes based on the developing needs of programs are often required, and WHEREAS, the following transfers do not result in an increase in the total amount of the adopted budget; ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION DECREASE 1000 Certificated Salaries $ 2000 Classified Salaries 3000 Fringe Benefits 4000 Supplies 5000 Other Expenses 6000 Capital Outlay/Site 7000 Other Outgo INCREASE $ 19,728 73,955 2,330 51,574 140,826 25,052 7,643 TOTAL $ 160,554 $ 160,554 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Cabrillo College Governing Board approves the General Fund budget transfers. I certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board held on February 7, 2011. DATE: ________________________ ______________________________ Secretary AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Page 2 35 GENERAL FUND TRANSFER TO RESERVES RESOLUTION NUMBER 007-11 WHEREAS, budget changes based on the developing needs of programs are often required, and WHEREAS, the following transfers do not result in an increase in the total amount of the adopted budget; ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE 1000 Certificated Salaries $ $ 2000 Classified Salaries 3000 Fringe Benefits 4000 Supplies 5000 Other Expenses 6000 Capital Outlay/Site 7000 Other Outgo 66,950 66,950 TOTAL $ 66,950 $ 66,950 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Cabrillo College Governing Board approves the General Fund budget transfers. I certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board held on February 7, 2011. DATE: ________________________ ______________________________ Secretary AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Page 3 36 GENERAL FUND AUGMENTATIONS RESOLUTION NUMBER 008-11 WHEREAS, Cabrillo College will receive funds not included in the 2010-11 budget, and WHEREAS, Cabrillo College will receive budget adjustments for special federal and state programs that develop during the school year, and WHEREAS, the following budget adjustments are necessary in externally funded programs: ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE Income 8000 Program Funds $ 13,679 Total $ 13,679 Expenditures 1000 Certificated Salaries 2000 Classified Salaries 3000 Fringe Benefits 4000 Supplies 5000 Operating Expenses 6000 Capital Outlay/Site 7000 Other Outgo 2,595 10,909 7,945 365 6,400 3,455 Total $ 8,995 $ 8,995 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Cabrillo College Governing Board authorizes that the 2010-11 budget of income and expenditures be decreased by $8,995. I certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board held on February 7, 2011. DATE:_______________________ AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ___________________________________ Secretary Page 4 37 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Resolution 004-11: To Waive Bond Requirement for 2011-12 Sabbatical Leaves REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 4 ITEM NUMBER A.5 BACKGROUND: The Education Code and the Agreement with CCFT require a faculty member who participates in the sabbatical leave program to post a bond guaranteeing that they will return to service with the District for twice the term of their leave. In lieu of a bond, the Board may approve the faculty member entering into an agreement with the District assuring his or her return to service. Resolution 004-11: Resolution to Waive Bond Requirement for Sabbaticals is attached along with Exhibit A, 2011-12 Approved Sabbatical Leaves and Exhibit B, 2011-12 Sabbatical Leave Agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt Resolution 004-11 waiving the Bond requirement for sabbatical leaves. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 38 CABRILLO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD RESOLUTION 004-11 On the motion of Trustee Duly seconded by Trustee The following Resolution is adopted: RESOLUTION TO WAIVE BOND REQUIREMENT FOR 2011-12 SABBATICAL LEAVES WHEREAS, Pursuant Article 9 of the Agreement between Cabrillo Community College District and the Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers (the Agreement) this Board has considered and approved sabbaticals for the upcoming academic year for the faculty members listed on Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. Under the Education Code and Section 9 of the Agreement, faculty qualifying for sabbaticals are required to post a bond guaranteeing that they will return to service with the District for twice the term of their leaves. In lieu of posting a bond, the faculty member may, if the Board approves, enter into an Agreement with the District assuring his or her return to service. The District now has before it Professional Development/Sabbatical Leave Agreements from each of the faculty listed on Exhibit A. By this Resolution, this Board finds and declares that the interests of the District will be protected by these written Agreements assuring that these employees will return to the service of the District following their leaves. THEREFORE, this Board hereby RESOLVES that it WAIVES the furnishing of a bond as required by Education Code section 87770 and, in lieu thereof, approves that the interest of the District will be protected by the written agreement submitted by the employee. PASSED AND ADOP TED by the Board of Trustees of the Cabrillo Community College District, County of Santa Cruz, State of California, on this 7th day of February 2011, by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Chairperson of the Board ATTEST: Secretary to the Board 39 Exhibit A 2011-12 Approved Sabbatical Leaves Faculty Member Rebecca Arnesty Megan Caspers Geneffa Jonker Denise Lim Department Dental Hygiene Mathematics English Biology Leave SP Semester 2012 One Year One Year FA Semester 2011 40 Exhibit B 2011-12 Faculty Sabbatical Leave Agreement Pursuant to Article 9 provisions for Sabbatical Leave between Cabrillo College and Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers (CCFT) and Appendix T of such contract, the undersigned faculty member qualifying for a sabbatical per the Education Code and Section 9 of the CCFT contract agreement, hereby agrees to the following terms: 1. It is understood that the obligations set forth in this Agreement are in lieu of the bond that is otherwise required by Education Code Section 87770. The Governing Board must approve this leave agreement and waive the requirement of the faculty member to furnish a bond. 2. The faculty member’s District-approved sabbatical project proposal is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. An abstract of the faculty member’s District-approved sabbatical project proposal is also attached and incorporated by reference. The abstract contains the following information: objective, activities, benefit to the District, and outcomes to be submitted to the Sabbatical Leave Review Board (SLRB) with the report. 4. Article 9, sections 9.1 through and including 9.4, is attached and incorporated by reference. 5. Prior to commencement of the sabbatical leave, the Vice-President, Instruction may require the faculty member to submit evidence of a physical examination from a licensed medical practitioner indicating that the faculty member is capable of fulfilling the activities set forth in this Agreement. The parties certify that they have read this Agreement and all attachments, fully understanding their terms including possible penalties for noncompliance, and agree to them voluntarily. Renée M. Kilmer For Cabrillo Community College District Date: January 12, 2011____ Date: Faculty Member’s signature Print Name: _____________________________________ Please return this form to the Executive Assistant in the Office of Instruction by February 9, 2011. 41 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Contract with California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) A.6 Page 1 of 1 Background: Cabrillo’s Business and Entrepreneurship Center has been awarded a $90,000 augmentation from the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office to continue the Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) from Dec 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 with possible extension. It is anticipated that the outcomes of this grant will be realized through collaboration with Your Future Is Our Business, ROP and the entrepreneurship classes of regional high schools and community colleges. Fiscal Impact: An increase in the amount of $90,000 in revenue and expenditures. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the $90,000 grant from the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office. It is further recommended that the Board authorize the Vice President of Administrative Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relation to this grant agreement and any future amendments on behalf of the college. Administrator Initiating Item: Rock Pfotenhauer, Dean, CEED Renée M. Kilmer, VP Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 42 43 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD FROM: PRESIDENT DATE February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Human Resources Management Report REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 2 ITEM NUMBER ACTION A.7 BACKGROUND: Requesting ratification and/or approval of the following employment transactions: FISCAL IMPACT: Within budgeted FTE’s. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify and/or approve the transactions as described on the attached page. Administrator Initiating Item: Loree McCawley/Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 44 Name Department/Division Position Effective Date Action COLOMBANI, Lauren Medical Assist./HAWK LIA II 01/24/11 39-Month Reinstatement MARSHALL, Poco VAPA/Instruction Performing Arts Complex Assistant 02/01/11 Appointment MORRIS COFFEY, Gretchen Human Resources/ Admin. Services Confidential Personnel Technician 04/01/11 Retirement (DOH: 10/02/00) RUIZ, Ana A&R/Student Services A&R Coordinator 12/30/10-01/31/11 Unpaid Leave of Absence Note: Appointments are subject to successful completion of all employment regulatory compliance requirements February 2011 Page 2 of 2 45 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: 2011-12 through 2013-14 Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Criteria and Strategies REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 4 ITEM NUMBER D.1 BACKGROUND: The College is moving forward with budget planning for the 2011-12 fiscal year. In October of 2010, the College Planning Council reviewed and revised the Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Criteria and Strategies that will be used for budget planning for 2011-12 through 2013-14. The attached document was reviewed by the Governing Board in November, 2010 as a part of the 2010-11 and 2011-12 Budget Planning Parameter Update. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the budget reduction process, commitments, criteria and strategies for fiscal years 2011-12 through 2013-14. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 46 CPC October 6, 2010 2011-12 through 2013-14 Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Criteria and Strategies The economic crisis affecting the state budget is conservatively projected to last at least three years. At the current time, our best efforts at projecting the fiscal impact on Cabrillo indicate that our state funding may continue to decline. The intent of the following process commitments, criteria and strategies is to enable Cabrillo to move from being a college that is organized and staffed to operate on a $60 million budget to an organization and staffing level that can deliver sustainable services to the community with a smaller budget. I. Process Commitments A. Link Budget planning, including program and service reductions and redesign efficiencies, to long range planning, including the evaluation of the impact on student success. B. Utilize the appropriate forums to dialogue about the restructuring, consolidation, reductions, and/or elimination of programs and services resulting from a reduction in resources. C. In the event that program and workforce reductions are necessary, the college will work to preserve faculty, staff and management positions when possible and, if not possible, will assist with employment-related transitional issues. D. The process will be characterized by openness, respect, sensitivity, and inclusiveness. The College Master Plan provided the general framework for the following criteria: II. Criteria A. Compliance Requirements 1. Maintain accreditation standards of the college and academic programs 2. Maintain state and federal compliance requirements (CMP Goal B) e.g.: 50% law Full-Time faculty obligation number (FON) Accessibility B. Preserve transfer, basic skills, and Career Technical Education so students are able to complete their academic goals (CMP Goal B) Core courses toward an AA/AS General education breadth Labor market C. Minimize negative impact on student success (CMP Goals B & C) e.g. ARCC D. Optimize enrollment to achieve maximum state revenues. 47 E. Minimize impact of non-base budget programs on General Fund (CMP Goal E) Ancillary/Auxiliary operations Categorical and grant-funded programs III. F. Maximize efficiency of programs and services (CMP Goal A and Technology Plan) Are college programs and services efficient? WSCH/FTEF Non-redundant G. Minimize the negative impact on the operational needs of new and existing facilities (CMP Goal D and Facilities Master Plan) H. Optimize effective utilization of college facilities (CMP Goal E) I. Maximize flexibility and opportunities for employees (Process Commitment C) Strategies A. Design and implement Strategic Enrollment Management Plan and determine the FTES targets for 2011-12 through 2013-14. B. Review all auxiliary and categorical program budgets with the appropriate budget administrator to identify reductions. C. Evaluate college-wide services and systems; explore alternative models across components; reduce costs, reduce duplication of function, and increase efficiencies throughout the college. D. Management of personnel budget. Process Overview Utilize salary savings for vacant positions to reduce the overall budget reduction target. Salary savings may be used to fund replacements for vacant positions based on demonstrated need and the approval of the Vice President/President. Salary savings may not be used to cover other operating expenses or equipment purchases. Cabinet may approve the recruitment of vacant positions based on demonstrated need. Human Resources will provide a list of vacant positions and the status of recruitments on a weekly basis. Administrative Services will provide a report of cumulative salary savings on a monthly basis. E. Evaluate facility use for efficiency and effectiveness. Watsonville Scotts Valley Energy Use Reduction F. Discuss compensation and benefit programs with all employee groups. 48 IV. A. B. Historical Data Available Internal Data Cost Center Actual 06-07 Expenditures, number of full-time equivalent faculty, staff and administrators (FTE) and FTES Actual 07-08 Expenditures, FTE and FTES Budget 08-09 Expenditures, FTE Staffing levels by department and bargaining unit from accreditation self-study FACT Books http://pro.cabrillo.edu/pro/factbook/index.html Space Planning project database Suggestion box for anonymous input Budget reduction website Accreditation Self-Study http://www.cabrillo.edu/services/pro/accred/index.html Program Planning Pages http://pro.cabrillo.edu/pro/factbook/programPlanningTables.html External Data Fiscal Data Abstract 06-07 Current Cost of Education 06-07 WASC Accreditation Standards http://www.cabrillo.edu/services/pro/accred/pdf/ACCJC%20NEW%20STANDARDS.pdf 49 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: 2011-12 Non-Resident Tuition Fee REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 3 D.2 BACKGROUND: Education Code Section 76140 requires the Governing Board of each Community College District to establish the non-resident tuition fee to be charged to out-of-state students. Attached is the non-resident tuition fee worksheet for 2011-12. Column# 1 2 Calculation State-wide Average Cost: $176 District Computed Cost: $177 It is recommended that the District charge a per-unit cost of $177 for 2011-12. This is the District Computed Cost. ESC 76141 authorizes Community College Districts to charge non-resident students who are both citizens and residents of a foreign country an amount that was expended by the District for capital outlay in the preceding year divided by the total full-time equivalent students. For Cabrillo, this amounts to a per-unit charge of $6. These fees must be expended for capital outlay purposes. The total per-unit combined cost for the non-resident students would be $183. The per-unit non-resident tuition fee for 2010-11 was $183, and the capital outlay fee for 2010-11 was $4. The total combined per-unit cost for non-resident students in 2010-11 was $187. The per-unit non-resident tuition fee for 2011-12 is decreased by $6. The recommended capital outlay fee for 2011-12 is $2 more than the amount charged in 2010-11. FISCAL IMPACT: The District’s overcap situation caused the per unit cost of non-resident fees to decline. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board (1) establish the per-unit non-resident tuition fee for 2011-12 at $177 based on District Computed Cost, and (2) establish a capital outlay at $6 per unit for students who are both residents and citizens of a foreign country. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 50 California Community Colleges 2011-12 NONRESIDENT FEES WORKSHEET NONRESIDENT TUITION FEE CALCULATIONS 2011-12 NONRESIDENT TUITION FEE (ECS 76140) A. (Col. 1) Statewide (Col. 2) District (Col. 3) 10% or More Noncredit FTES B. Expense of Education for Base Year (2009-10 CCFS 311, Expenditures by Activity Report, AC 0100-6700, Cols: 1-3) Annual Attendance FTES (Recal 2009-10) C. Average Expense of Education per FTES (A ÷ B) $ 5,201 D. U.S. Consumer Price Index Factor (2 years) x 1.053 E. F. Average Cost per FTES for Tuition Year (C x D) Average Per Unit Nonresident Cost: $ 5,477 $_____5,305 $___________ $ 183 $____176.83 $___________ $ 122 $__________ $___________ Semester-System (E ÷ 30 units) OR Quarter-System (E ÷ 45 units) $ 6,572,810,163 $_65,729,333 $___________ 1,263,680 __13,045.73 ____________ $_____5,038 $___________ x 1.053 x 1.053 Annual Attendance FTES includes all student contact hours of attendance in credit and noncredit courses for resident students, nonresident students and apprentices; however apprentice hours are divided by 525 to compute an FTES equivalent. Round tuition fee to the nearest dollar. BASIS FOR ADOPTION: Options 1-7 (place an X in one box only). X 1. Statewide average cost, per column 1. (ECS 76140(e)(1)(B)) 2. District average cost, per column 2. (ECS 76140(e)(1)(A)) 3. District average cost with 10% or more noncredit FTES, per column 3. (ECS 76140(e)(1)(A)) 4. Contiguous district: ______________________________. (Specify district and its fee.) 5. No more than district average cost (Col. 2 or 3); no less than statewide average cost. 6. Highest Years Statewide average tuition. (ECS 76140(e)(1)(B)) 7. No more than 12 Comparable States’ Average Tuition. (ECS 76140(e)(1)(E)) NONRESIDENT TUITION FEE CALCULATION DETAILS FOR OPTIONS 3, 6 AND 7 Option 3 comes from information provided in Column 3. Districts with ten percent or more noncredit FTES are only able to utilize this option. If your district qualifies, then exclude noncredit FTES and noncredit expense of education data when you fill out this column (ECS 76140(e)(1)(A)). Option 6 ‘Highest Years Statewide Average Tuition’. The greater amount of statewide nonresident tuition from 2006-07 through 2011-12, which is from 2007-08 at $190 per semester unit or $126 per quarter unit (ECS 76140(e)(1)(B)). Option 7 ‘No more than 12 Comparable States’ Average Tuition’. No greater than the 2009-10 average nonresident tuition fee of public community colleges in a minimum of 12 states comparable to California in cost of living. This average is calculated to be $280 per semester unit or $187 per quarter unit. Requirement for Use of Options 6 and 7: It is the responsibility of the district to ensure and document that the additional revenue generated by the increased nonresident tuition permitted under options 6 and 7 shall be used to expand and enhance services to resident students only (ECS 76140(e)(2)). 51 NONRESIDENT CAPITAL OUTLAY FEE (ECS 76141) For districts electing to charge a capital outlay fee to any nonresident student, please compute this fee as follows: a. Capital Outlay expense for 2009-10 $__2,211,617________ b. FTES for 2009-10 ___13,045____________ c. Capital outlay expense per FTES (line a divided by line b) ___169__________ d. Capital Outlay Fee per unit: 1. Per semester unit (line c divided by 30 units) ____$6_________ OR 2. Per quarter unit (line c divided by 45 units) ________________ e. 2011-12 Nonresident Student Capital Outlay Fee (the lesser of line d OR 50% of adopted 201011 Nonresident Tuition Fee) _______________________ The district governing board at its _______February 7,_2011______ meeting adopted a nonresident tuition fee of $ ___177____ per semester unit or $ ___________ per quarter unit, and a nonresident capital outlay fee of $ ___6____ per semester unit or $ _________ per quarter unit. District Contact Person Cabrillo Community College District_______________________ ________Graciano Mendoza, Director, Business Services_____________ Phone Number & email (831) 479-6279 grmendoz@cabrillo.edu _______________ Upon adoption of the 2011-12 nonresident tuition and capital outlay fees by your district governing board no later than February 1, 2011, please submit a completed copy of this worksheet by February 15, 2011 to: California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Fiscal Services Unit 1102 Q Street, 4th Floor Sacramento, CA 95811-6549 FAX (916) 323-3057 ATTN: Mike Yarber 52 53 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: February 7, 2011 Resolution 005-11: 2010-11 Mid-Year Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANs) REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 31 D.3 BACKGROUND: The attached resolution authorizes the issuance by the Cabrillo Community College District of 2010-11 Mid-Year Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANs.) The TRANs will be issued through a statewide financing program sponsored by the Community College League of California. Cabrillo College has participated in a cash reserve program through the issuance of TRANs since 199495. The notes are a short-term debt instrument issued by school districts throughout the state to create an additional reserve to the general fund. This reserve is often necessary to meet cash flow needs. Cabrillo College’s Mid-Year TRANs will not exceed $8 million, and maturity will be 12 months dated March 1, 2011, and due February 29, 2012. Adoption of this resolution and granting of authority to sell TRANs does not obligate the District to do so. The resolution simply delegates to administration the authority to decide whether to participate at the time interest and reinvestment rates are known. The attached resolution and corresponding documentation is on file in the Business Services office. The resolution authorizes Brian King, President and Superintendent, Victoria Lewis, Vice President and Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services, and Graciano Mendoza, Director of Business Services, to sign financing documentation in connection with the issuance of the TRANs. The resolution also appoints the law firm of Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth as bond counsel to Cabrillo. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt Resolution 005-11 delegating to the Vice President of Administrative Services the authority to decide on participation in the Community College League of California cash reserve program at the time when interest, costs and reinvestment rates are known. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 54 CABRILLO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT RESOLUTION NUMBER 005-11 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING THE BORROWING OF FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011; THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF A 2010-2011 TAX AND REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE THEREFORE AND PARTICIPATION IN THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA TAX AND REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTES PROGRAM WHEREAS, local agencies are authorized by Section 53850 to 53858, both inclusive, of the Government Code of the State of California (the “Act”) (being Article 7.6, Chapter 4, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code) to borrow money by the issuance of temporary notes; WHEREAS, the Governing Board (the “Legislative Body”) of the community college district specified in Section 23 hereof (the “District”) has determined that a sum (the “Principal Amount”), not to exceed the Maximum Amount of Borrowing specified in Section 23 hereof, which Principal Amount is to be confirmed and set forth in the Pricing Confirmation (as defined in Section 4 hereof), is needed for the requirements of the District, to satisfy operating or capital obligations of the District, and that it is necessary that said Principal Amount be borrowed for such purpose at this time by the issuance of a note or notes therefore in anticipation of the receipt of taxes, income, revenue, cash receipts and other moneys to be received by the District or accrued to the District’s fiscal year ending June 30, 2011 (“Repayment Fiscal Year”); WHEREAS, the District hereby determines to borrow, for the purposes set forth above, the Principal Amount by the issuance of the Note (defined herein), in one or more series, on either a tax-exempt or taxable basis, as hereinafter defined; WHEREAS, because the District does not have fiscal accountability status pursuant to Section 85266 of the Education Code of the State of California, it requests the Board of Supervisors of the County to borrow, on the District’s behalf, the Principal Amount by the issuance of the Note; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 53853 of the Act, if the Board of Supervisors of the County fails or refuses to authorize the issuance of the Note within the time period specified in said Section 53853, following receipt of this Resolution, and the Note is issued in conjunction with tax and revenue anticipation notes, in one or more series, of other Issuers (as hereinafter defined), the District may issue the Note in its name pursuant to the terms stated herein; WHEREAS, it appears, and this Legislative Body hereby finds and determines, that the Principal Amount, when added to the interest payable thereon, does not exceed eighty-five percent (85%) of the estimated amount of the uncollected taxes, income, revenue (including, but not limited to, revenue from the state and federal governments), cash receipts and DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 55 other moneys of the District received in or accrued to the Repayment Fiscal Year, and available for the payment of the principal of the Note and the interest thereon; WHEREAS, no money has heretofore been borrowed by or on behalf of the District through the issuance of tax and revenue anticipation notes or temporary notes in anticipation of the receipt of, or payable from or secured by, taxes, income, revenue, cash receipts or other moneys for the Repayment Fiscal Year; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 53856 of the Act, certain moneys which will be received by the District during or accrued to the Repayment Fiscal Year can be pledged for the payment of the principal of the Note and the interest thereon (as hereinafter provided); WHEREAS, the District has determined that it is in the best interests of the District to participate in the Community College League of California Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note Program (the “Program”), whereby participating local agencies (collectively, the “Issuers”) will simultaneously issue tax and revenue anticipation notes; WHEREAS, the District desires to have its Note (defined herein) marketed together with some or all of the notes issued by the Issuers participating in the Program; WHEREAS, RBC Capital Markets, LLC, as underwriter or placement agent, appointed in Section 21 hereof (the “Underwriter”), will structure one or more pools of notes or series of note participations (referred to herein as the “Note Participations”, the “Series” and/or the “Series of Note Participations”) distinguished by (i) whether and what type(s) of Credit Instrument (as hereinafter defined) secures notes comprising each Series by the principal amounts of the notes assigned to the Pool, (ii) whether interest on the Series of Note Participations is a fixed rate of interest or a variable rate of interest swapped to a fixed rate, (iii) whether interest on the Series of Note Participations is includable in gross income for federal income tax purposes, or (iv) other factors, all of which the District hereby authorizes the Underwriter to determine; WHEREAS, the Program requires the Issuers participating in any particular Series to deposit their tax and revenue anticipation notes with a trustee pursuant to a trust agreement (the “Trust Agreement”) among such Issuers, the District, the California Community College Financing Authority (the “Authority”) and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as trustee (the “Trustee”); WHEREAS, the Trust Agreement provides, among other things, that for the benefit of Owners of Note Participations, that the District shall provide notices of the occurrence of certain enumerated events, if deemed by the District to be material. WHEREAS, the Program requires the Trustee, pursuant to the Trust Agreement, to execute and deliver the Note Participations evidencing and representing proportionate, undivided interests in the payments of principal of and interest on the tax and revenue anticipation notes issued by the Issuers comprising such Series; DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 2 56 WHEREAS, the District desires to have the Trustee execute and deliver a Series of Note Participations which evidence and represent interests of the owners thereof in the Note and the Notes issued by other Issuers in such Series; WHEREAS, as additional security for the owners of the Note Participations, all or a portion of the payments by all of the Issuers of their respective notes may or may not be secured either by an irrevocable letter (or letters) of credit or policy (or policies) of insurance or other credit instrument (or instruments) (collectively, the “Credit Instrument”) issued by the credit provider or credit providers designated in the Trust Agreement, as finally executed (collectively, the “Credit Provider”), which may be issued pursuant to a credit agreement or agreements or commitment letter or letters designated in the Trust Agreement (collectively, the “Credit Agreement”) between the Issuers and the respective Credit Provider; WHEREAS, in the event that a Credit Instrument is unavailable, the District has determined that it is desirable to authorize a portion of the premium or proceeds received from the sale of the Note to be deposited, along with the moneys received from the sale of Notes of other Issuers, into a reserve account to be held by the Trustee pursuant to the Trust Agreement and for the benefit of Owners of the Note Participations; WHEREAS, the net proceeds of the Note may be invested by the District in Permitted Investments (as defined in the Trust Agreement) or in any other investment permitted by the laws of the State of California, as now in effect and as hereafter amended, modified or supplemented from time to time; WHEREAS, the Program requires that each participating Issuer approve the Trust Agreement and the alternative Credit Instruments, if any, in substantially the forms presented to the Legislative Body, or, in the case of the Credit Instruments, if any, and if not presented, in a form which complies with such requirements and standards as may be determined by the Legislative Body, with the final form and type of Credit Instrument and corresponding Credit Agreement, if any, determined upon execution by the Authorized Representative of the Pricing Confirmation; WHEREAS, pursuant to the Program each participating Issuer will be responsible for its share of (a) the fees of the Trustee and the costs of issuing the applicable Series of Note Participations, and (b), if applicable, the fees of the Credit Provider, the Issuer's allocable share of all Predefault Obligations and the Issuer's Reimbursement Obligations, if any (each as defined in the Trust Agreement); WHEREAS, pursuant to the Program, the Note and the Notes issued by other Issuers participating in the same Series (all as evidenced and represented by a Series of Note Participations) will be offered for public sale or private placement through negotiation with the Underwriter pursuant to the terms and provisions of a purchase agreement or comparable placement agent agreement, as applicable (collectively, the “Purchase Agreement”) or sold on a competitive bid basis; WHEREAS, the District has determined that, in order to reduce interest costs, it may be desirable to enter into one or more interest rate swaps; and DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 3 57 WHEREAS, it is necessary to engage the services of certain professionals to assist the District in its participation in the Program; NOW, THEREFORE, this Legislative Body hereby finds, determines, declares and resolves as follows: Section 1. Recitals. This Legislative Body hereby finds and determines that all the above recitals are true and correct. Section 2. Authorization of Issuance. This Legislative Body hereby determines to borrow solely for the purpose of anticipating taxes, income, revenue, cash receipts and other moneys to be received by the District for the general fund of the District in or accrued to the Repayment Fiscal Year, by the issuance of one or more series of taxable or tax-exempt note or notes in the aggregate Principal Amount under Sections 53850 et seq. of the Act, designated the District’s “2010-2011 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note,” with an appropriate series designation if more than one note is issued (collectively, the “Note”), to be issued in the form of a fully registered note or notes in the Principal Amount thereof, to be dated the date of its delivery to the initial purchaser thereof, to mature (without option of prior redemption) not more than 13 months thereafter on a date indicated on the face thereof and determined in the Pricing Confirmation (the “Maturity Date”), and to bear interest, payable on its Maturity Date (and if the Maturity Date is more than 12 months from the date of issuance, payable on the interim interest payment date set forth in the Pricing Confirmation) and computed upon the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months, or a 365 or 366 day year, as the case may be, and actual days elapsed, at a rate or rates, if more than one Note is issued, not to exceed 12% per annum as determined in the Pricing Confirmation and indicated on the face of the Note (the “Note Rate”). If the Note as evidenced and represented by the Series of Note Participations is secured in whole or in part by a Credit Instrument or such Credit Instrument secures the Note in whole or in part and all principal of and interest on the Note is not paid in full at maturity or if payment of principal and/or interest on the Note is paid (in whole or in part) by a draw under, payment by or claim upon a Credit Instrument which draw or claim is not fully reimbursed on such date, such Note shall become a Defaulted Note (as defined in the Trust Agreement), and the unpaid portion thereof (including the interest component, if applicable, or the portion thereof with respect to which a Credit Instrument applies for which reimbursement on a draw, payment or claim has not been fully made) shall be deemed outstanding and shall continue to bear interest thereafter until paid at the Default Rate (as defined in the Trust Agreement). If the Note as evidenced and represented by the Series of Note Participations is unsecured in whole or in part and the Note is not fully paid at maturity, the unpaid portion thereof (or the portion thereof to which no Credit Instrument applies which is unpaid) shall be deemed outstanding and shall continue to bear interest thereafter until paid at the Default Rate. In each case set forth in the preceding two sentences, the obligation of the District with respect to such Defaulted Note or unpaid Note shall not be a debt or liability of the District prohibited by Article XVI, Section 18 of the California Constitution and the District shall not be liable thereon except to the extent of any available revenues received in or accrued to the Repayment Fiscal Year, as provided in Section 8 hereof. The percentage of the Note as evidenced and represented by the Series of Note Participations to which a Credit Instrument, if any, applies (the “Secured Percentage”) shall be DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 4 58 equal to the amount of the Credit Instrument divided by the aggregate amount of unpaid principal of and interest on notes (or portions thereof) of all Issuers of Notes comprising such Series of Note Participations, expressed as a percentage (but not greater than 100%) as of the maturity date. Both the principal of and interest on the Note shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America, but only upon surrender thereof, at the corporate trust office of the Trustee in Los Angeles, California. The Note shall be issued in conjunction with the note or notes of one or more other Issuers as part of the Program and within the meaning of Section 53853 of the Act. Anything in this Resolution to the contrary notwithstanding, the Pricing Confirmation may specify that a portion of the authorized Principal Amount of the Note shall be issued as a separate series of taxable Note the interest on which is includable in the gross income of the holder thereof for federal income tax purposes (a “Taxable Note”). In such event, the Taxable Note shall be issued with an appropriate series designation and other terms reflecting such taxability of interest income, including without limitation, a taxable Note Rate and a taxable Default Rate; the terms of the Note, and other terms as appropriate, shall be deemed to include or refer to such Taxable Note; and the agreements, covenants and provisions set forth in this Resolution to be performed by or on behalf of the District shall be for the equal and proportionate benefit, security and protection of the holder of any Note without preference, priority or distinction as to security or otherwise of any Note over any other Note. In the event the Board of Supervisors of the County fails or refuses to authorize the issuance of the Note within the time period specified in Section 53853 of the Act, following receipt of this Resolution, this Board hereby authorizes issuance of such Note, in the District’s name, in one series, pursuant to the terms stated in this Section 2 and this Resolution. The Note shall be issued in conjunction with the note or notes of one or more other Issuers as part of the Program and within the meaning of Section 53853 of the Act. Section 3. Form of Note. The Note shall be issued in fully registered form without coupons and shall be substantially in the form and substance set forth in Exhibit A, as attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein, the blanks in said form to be filled in with appropriate words and figures to be inserted or determined at or prior to the execution and delivery of the Note. Section 4. Sale of Note; Delegation. Unless sold competitively, the Note as evidenced and represented by the Note Participations shall be sold to the Underwriter or other purchaser pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Purchase Agreement. The form of the Purchase Agreement, including the form of the Pricing Confirmation set forth as an exhibit thereto (the “Pricing Confirmation”), on file with the clerk or secretary of the Legislative Body, is hereby approved. The authorized representatives set forth in Section 23 hereof, or a designated deputy thereof (the “Authorized Representatives”), each alone, are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Purchase Agreement in substantially said form, with such changes thereto as such Authorized Representative shall approve, such approval to be conclusively evidenced by his or her execution and delivery thereof; provided, however, that the Note Rate shall not exceed 12% per annum, and that the District's pro rata share of Underwriter's discount on the Note, when added to the District's share of the costs of issuance of the Note DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 5 59 Participations, shall not exceed 1.0% of the Principal Amount of the Note and the Principal Amount shall not exceed the Maximum Amount of Borrowing. Delivery of an executed copy of the Pricing Confirmation by fax or telecopy shall be deemed effective execution and delivery for all purposes. Section 5. Program Approval. The Note shall be combined with notes of other Issuers into a Series and shall be sold simultaneously with such other notes of that Series supported by the Credit Instrument (if any) referred to in the Pricing Confirmation, and shall be evidenced and represented by the Note Participations which shall evidence and represent proportionate, undivided interests in the Note in the proportion that the face amount of the Note bears to the total aggregate face amount of the Note and the notes issued by other Issuers which the Series of Note Participations represent. Such Note Participations may be delivered in book-entry form. The forms of Trust Agreement and alternative general types and forms of Credit Agreements, if any, presented to this meeting are hereby approved, and the Authorized Representatives, each alone, are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Trust Agreement and a Credit Agreement, if applicable, which shall be identified in the Pricing Confirmation, in substantially one or more of said forms (a substantially final form of Credit Agreement to be delivered to the Authorized Representative following the execution by such Authorized Representative of the Pricing Confirmation), with such changes therein as said Authorized Representative shall require or approve, such approval of this Legislative Body and such Authorized Representative to be conclusively evidenced by the execution thereby of the Trust Agreement and the Credit Agreement, if any. A description of this undertaking shall be set forth in the Preliminary Official Statement, defined herein, if any, and will also be set forth in the Final Official Statement, defined herein, if any. The Authorized Representatives, each alone, are hereby authorized and directed to comply with and carry out all of the provisions of the Trust Agreement with respect to continuing disclosure; provided however, that failure of the District to comply with the Continuing Disclosure Agreement, as defined in Article 11 of the Trust Agreement, shall not be considered an Event of Default hereunder. Any Credit Agreement identified in the Pricing Confirmation but not at this time before the Legislative Body shall include reasonable and customary terms and provisions relating to fees, increased costs of the Credit Provider payable by the District, negative and affirmation covenants of the District and events of default. To the extent necessary, the Legislative Body hereby approves the preparation of a preliminary official statement (the “Preliminary Official Statement”) and a final official statement (the “Final Official Statement”) in connection with the offering and sale of the Note Participations. The Underwriter is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be mailed to prospective bidders the Preliminary Official Statement in connection with the offering and sale of the Note Participations. Any one of the Authorized Representatives of the District is hereby authorized and directed to provide the Underwriter with such information relating to the District as they shall reasonably request for inclusion in the Preliminary Official Statement and Final Official Statement, if any. Upon inclusion of the information relating to the District therein, the Preliminary Official Statement, except for certain omissions permitted by Rule 15c2-12 of the DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 6 60 Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Rule”), is hereby deemed final within the meaning of the Rule; provided that no representation is made as to the information contained in the Preliminary Official Statement relating to the other Issuers or any Credit Provider. If, at any time prior to the end of the underwriting period, as defined in the Rule, any event occurs as a result of which the information contained in the Preliminary Official Statement relating to the District might include an untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, the District shall promptly notify the Underwriter. The Authority is hereby authorized and directed, at or after the time of the sale of any Series of Note Participations, for and in the name and on behalf of the District, to execute a Final Official Statement in substantially the form of the Preliminary Official Statement, with such additions thereto or changes therein as the Authority may approve, such approval to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof. The Trustee is authorized and directed to execute Note Participations on behalf of the District pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the Trust Agreement, in the aggregate principal amount specified in the Trust Agreement, and substantially in the form and otherwise containing the provisions set forth in the form of the Note Participations contained in the Trust Agreement. When so executed, the Note Participations shall be delivered by the Trustee to the purchaser upon payment of the purchase price thereof, pursuant to the terms of the Trust Agreement. Subject to Section 8 hereof, the District hereby agrees that if the Note as evidenced and represented by the Series of Note Participations shall become a Defaulted Note, the unpaid portion (including the interest component, if applicable) thereof or the portion (including the interest component, if applicable) to which a Credit Instrument applies for which full reimbursement on a draw, payment or claim has not been made by the Maturity Date shall be deemed outstanding and shall not be deemed to be paid until (i) any Credit Provider providing a Credit Instrument with respect to the Series of Note Participations, and therefore, if applicable, all or a portion of the District’s Note, if any, has been reimbursed for any drawings, payments or claims made under or from the Credit Instrument with respect to the Note, including interest accrued thereon, as provided therein and in the applicable Credit Agreement, and, (ii) the holders of the Series of the Note Participations which evidence and represent the Note are paid the full principal amount represented by the unsecured portion of the Note plus interest accrued thereon (calculated at the Default Rate) to the date of deposit of such aggregate required amount with the Trustee. For purposes of clause (ii) of the preceding sentence, holders of the Series of Note Participations will be deemed to have received such principal amount upon deposit of such moneys with the Trustee. The District agrees to pay or cause to be paid, in addition to the amounts payable under the Note, any fees or expenses of the Trustee and, to the extent permitted by law, if the District’s Note as evidenced and represented by the Series of Note Participations is secured in whole or in part by a Credit Instrument, any Predefault Obligations and Reimbursement Obligations (to the extent not payable under the Note), (i) arising out of an “Event of Default” hereunder (or pursuant to Section 7 hereof) or (ii) arising out of any other event (other than an event arising solely as a result of or otherwise attributable to a default by any other Issuer). In the case described in (ii) above with respect to Predefault Obligations, the District shall owe only DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 7 61 the percentage of such fees, expenses and Predefault Obligations equal to the ratio of the principal amount of its Note over the aggregate principal amounts of all notes, including the Note, of the Series of which the Note is a part, at the time of original issuance of such Series. Such additional amounts will be paid by the District within twenty-five (25) days of receipt by the District of a bill therefor from the Trustee. Section 6. No Joint Obligation; Owners’ Rights. The Note shall be marketed and sold simultaneously with the notes of other Issuers and shall be aggregated and combined with notes of other Issuers participating in the Program into a Series of taxable or tax-exempt Note Participations evidencing and representing an interest in several, and not joint, obligations of each Issuer. Except as provided in Section 7(C) herein, the obligation of the District to Owners is a several and not a joint obligation and is strictly limited to the District’s repayment obligation under this Resolution and the Note, as evidenced and represented by such Series of Note Participations. Owners of Note Participations, to the extent of their interest in the Note, shall be treated as owners of the Note and shall be entitled to all the rights and security thereof; including the right to enforce the obligations and covenants contained in this Resolution and the Note. The District hereby recognizes the right of the Owners acting directly or through the Trustee to enforce the obligations and covenants contained in the Note, this Resolution and the Trust Agreement. The District shall be directly obligated to each Owner for the principal and interest payments on the Note evidenced and represented by the Note Participations without any right of counterclaim or offset arising out of any act or failure to act on the part of the Trustee. Section 7. Disposition of Proceeds of Note. (A) The moneys received from the sale of the Note allocable to the District’s share of the costs of issuance (which shall include any issuance fees in connection with a Credit Instrument applicable to the Note, if any) shall be deposited in the Costs of Issuance Fund held and invested by the Trustee under the Trust Agreement and expended on costs of issuance as provided in the Trust Agreement. (B) The moneys received from the sale of the Note (net of the District’s share of the costs of issuance) shall be deposited in the District’s Proceeds Subaccount within the Proceeds Fund hereby authorized to be created pursuant to, and held and invested by the Trustee under, the Trust Agreement for the District and said moneys may be used and expended by the District for any purpose for which it is authorized to expend funds upon requisition from the Proceeds Subaccount as specified in the Trust Agreement. Amounts in the Proceeds Subaccount are hereby pledged to the payment of the Note. The Trustee will not create subaccounts within the Proceeds Fund, but will keep records to account separately for proceeds of the Note Participations allocable to the District’s Note on deposit in the Proceeds Fund which shall constitute the District’s Proceeds Subaccount. (C) The District hereby authorizes a portion of the premium or proceeds received from the sale of the Note (net of the District’s share of the costs of issuance) to be deposited, together with moneys received from the sale of Notes of other Issuers, into a reserve DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 8 62 fund (the “Reserve Fund”), which is hereby authorized to be created pursuant to, and held and invested by the Trustee under, the Trust Agreement for the benefit of Owners of the Note Participations. Section 8. Source of Payment. The principal amount of the Note, together with the interest thereon, shall be payable from taxes, income, revenue (including, but not limited to, revenue from the state and federal governments), cash receipts and other moneys which are received or held by the District for the general fund of the District and are accrued to the Repayment Fiscal Year and which are available for payment thereof. Included in the revenues of the Repayment Fiscal Year are apportionments which otherwise would be received in January 2011 through June 2011 but due to the deferral of the State monies by the State will not be received until after June 30, 2011 (“Deferred Revenues”). The Deferred Revenues shall be accrued to the Repayment Fiscal Year and are determined to be legally available to pay the principal of and interest on the Note. As security for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Note, the District hereby pledges certain Unrestricted Revenues (as hereinafter provided, the “Pledged Revenues”) which are received or held by the District for the general fund of the District and are accrued to the Repayment Fiscal Year. The principal of the Note and the interest thereon shall constitute a first lien and charge thereon and shall be payable from the first moneys received by the District from such Pledged Revenues, and, to the extent not so paid, shall be paid from any other taxes, income, revenue, cash receipts and other moneys of the District lawfully available therefor (all as provided for in Sections 53856 and 53857 of the Act). The term “Unrestricted Revenues” shall mean all taxes, income, revenue (including, but not limited to, revenue from the state and federal governments), cash receipts, and other moneys, intended as receipts for the general fund of the District received in or accrued to the Repayment Fiscal Year and which are generally available for the payment of current expenses and other obligations of the District. The Noteholders, Owners and Credit Provider shall have a first lien and charge on such Unrestricted Revenues as herein provided which are received or held by the District and are accrued to the Repayment Fiscal Year. In order to effect the pledge referenced in the preceding paragraph, the District hereby agrees and covenants to establish and maintain a special account within the District’s general fund to be designated the “2010-11 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note Payment Account,” with appropriate series designation (the “Payment Account”), and further agrees and covenants to maintain the Payment Account until the payment of the principal of the Note and the interest thereon. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the District elects to have Note proceeds invested in Permitted Investments to be held by the Trustee pursuant to the Pricing Confirmation, a subaccount of the Payment Account (the “Payment Subaccount”) shall be established for the District under the Trust Agreement and proceeds credited to such account shall be pledged to the payment of the Note. The Trustee need not create a subaccount, but may keep a record to account separately for proceeds of the Note so held and invested by the Trustee which record shall constitute the District’s Proceeds Subaccount. Transfers from the Payment Subaccount shall be made in accordance with the Trust Agreement. The District agrees to transfer to and deposit in the Payment Account the first amounts received in the months specified in the Pricing Confirmation as Repayment Months (each individual month a “Repayment Month” and collectively “Repayment Months”) (and any amounts received thereafter received in or accrued to Repayment Fiscal Year) until the amount on deposit in the Payment Account, together with the amount, if any, on deposit in the Payment Subaccount, and taking into consideration DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 9 63 anticipated investment earnings thereon to be received by the Maturity Date, is equal in the respective Repayment Months identified in the Pricing Confirmation to the percentage of the principal and interest due on the Note specified in the Pricing Confirmation. In making such transfer and deposit, the District shall not be required to physically segregate the amounts to be transferred to and deposited in the Payment Account from the District’s other general fund moneys, but, notwithstanding any commingling of funds for investment or other purposes, the amounts required to be transferred to and deposited in the Payment Account shall nevertheless be subject to the lien and charge created herein. Any one of the Authorized Representatives of the District is hereby authorized to approve the determination of the Repayment Months and percentages of the principal and interest due on the Note required to be on deposit in the Payment Account and/or the Payment Subaccount in each Repayment Month, all as specified in the Pricing Confirmation, by executing and delivering the Pricing Confirmation, such execution and delivery to be conclusive evidence of approval by this Legislative Body and such Authorized Representative; provided, however, that the maximum number of Repayment Months shall be six. In the event on the day in each such Repayment Month that a deposit to the Payment Account is required to be made, the District has not received sufficient unrestricted revenues to permit the deposit into the Payment Account of the full amount of Pledged Revenues to be deposited in the Payment Account from said unrestricted revenues in said month, then the amount of any deficiency shall be satisfied and made up from any other moneys of the District lawfully available for the payment of the principal of the Note and the interest thereon, as and when such other moneys are received or are otherwise legally available. To the extent the District’s Note is payable from Deferred Revenues, the Pricing Confirmation may specify that the deposits into the Payment Account from such Deferred Revenues may be made on either (i) the first business day of the month following the Repayment Month in which such Deferred Revenues are received, or (ii) 30 calendar days after the District has received such Deferred Revenues, whichever comes first, provided, however, that no Repayment Month may occur later than one month prior to the Maturity Date of the District’s Note. Any moneys placed in the Payment Account or the Payment Subaccount shall be for the benefit of (i) the holder of the Note and the owner of the Note and (ii) (to the extent provided in the Trust Agreement) the Credit Provider, if any. The moneys in the Payment Account and the Payment Subaccount shall be applied only for the purposes for which such accounts are created until the principal of the Note and all interest thereon are paid or until provision has been made for the payment of the principal of the Note at maturity with interest to maturity (in accordance with the requirements for defeasance of the Note Participations as set forth in the Trust Agreement) and, if applicable, (to the extent provided in the Trust Agreement and, if applicable, the Credit Agreement) the payment of all Predefault Obligations and Reimbursement Obligations owing to the Credit Provider. The District hereby directs the Trustee to transfer on the Note Payment Deposit Date (as defined in the Trust Agreement), any moneys in the Payment Subaccount to the Note Participation Payment Fund (as defined in the Trust Agreement). In addition, on the Note Payment Deposit Date, the moneys in the Payment Account shall be transferred by the District to DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 10 64 the Trustee, to the extent necessary (after crediting any transfer pursuant to the preceding sentence), to pay the principal of and/or interest on the Note, to make payments to a Swap Provider, if any, as defined in the Trust Agreement, pursuant to a Swap Agreement, if any, as defined in the Trust Agreement, or to reimburse the Credit Provider for payments made under or pursuant to the Credit Instrument. In the event that moneys in the Payment Account and/or the Payment Subaccount are insufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Note in full when due, such moneys shall be applied in the following priority: first to pay interest on the Note; second to pay principal of the Note; third to reimburse the Credit Provider for payment, if any, of interest with respect to the Note; fourth to reimburse the Credit Provider for payment, if any, of principal with respect to the Note; and fifth to pay any Reimbursement Obligations of the District and any of the District’s pro rata share of Predefault Obligations owing to the Credit Provider. Any moneys remaining in or accruing to the Payment Account and/or the Payment Subaccount after the principal of the Note and the interest thereon and any Predefault Obligations and Reimbursement Obligations, if applicable, have been paid, or provision for such payment has been made, shall be transferred to the general fund of the District, subject to any other disposition required by the Trust Agreement, or, if applicable, the Credit Agreement. Nothing herein shall be deemed to relieve the District from its obligation to pay its Note in full on the Maturity Date. Moneys in the Proceeds Subaccount and in the Payment Subaccount shall be invested by the Trustee pursuant to the Trust Agreement as directed by the District in Permitted Investments as described in and under the terms of the Trust Agreement. Any such investment by the Trustee shall be for the account and risk of the District, and the District shall not be deemed to be relieved of any of its obligations with respect to the Note, the Predefault Obligations or Reimbursement Obligations, if any, by reason of such investment of the moneys in its Proceeds Subaccount or the Payment Subaccount. The District shall promptly file with the Trustee and the Credit Provider, if any, such financial reports at the times and in the forms required by the Trust Agreement. At the written request of the Credit Provider, if any, the District shall, within ten (10) Business Days following the receipt of such written request, file such report or reports to evidence the transfer to and deposit in the Payment Account required by this Section 8 and provide such additional financial information as may be required by the Credit Provider, if any. In the event either (A) the Principal Amount of the Note, together with the aggregate amount of all tax-exempt obligations (including any tax-exempt leases, but excluding private activity bonds), issued and reasonably expected to be issued by the District (and all subordinate entities of the District) during the calendar year in which the Note is issued, will, at the time of issuance of the Note (as indicated in the certificate of the District executed as of the date of issuance of the Note (the “District Certificate”), exceed fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000), or (B) the Principal Amount of the Note, together with the aggregate amount of all tax-exempt obligations not used to finance school construction (including any tax-exempt leases, but excluding private activity bonds), issued and reasonably expected to be issued by the District (and all subordinate entities of the District) during the calendar year in which the Note is issued, will, at the time of issuance of the Note (as indicated in the District Certificate), exceed five million dollars ($5,000,000), the following paragraph will apply. In such case, the District shall be deemed a “Safe Harbor Issuer” with respect to the Note. DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 11 65 Amounts in the Proceeds Subaccount of the District and attributable to cash flow borrowing shall be withdrawn and expended by the District for any purpose for which the District is authorized to expend funds from the general fund of the District, but, with respect to general fund expenditures, only to the extent that on the date of any withdrawal no other funds are available for such purposes without legislation or judicial action or without a legislative, judicial or contractual requirement that such funds be reimbursed. If on no date that is within six months from the date of issuance of the Note, the balance in the related Proceeds Subaccount is low enough so that the amounts in the Proceeds Subaccount qualify for an exception from the rebate requirement (the “Rebate Requirements”) of Section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the “Code”), the District shall notify the Trustee in writing and, to the extent of its power and authority, comply with instructions from Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, Special Counsel, supplied to it by the Trustee as the means of satisfying the Rebate Requirements. Section 9. Execution of Note; Registration and Transfer. Any one of the Treasurer of the County or comparable officer, or, in the absence of said officer, his or her duly appointed assistant, the Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors of the County or the Auditor (or comparable financial officer) of the County shall be authorized to execute the Note issued hereunder by manual or facsimile signature and the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County or any Deputy Clerk shall be authorized to countersign the Note by manual or facsimile signature and to affix the seal of the County to the Note either manually or by facsimile impression thereof. In the event the Board of Supervisors of the County fails or refuses to authorize issuance of the Note as referenced in Section 2 hereof, any one of the Authorized Representatives of the District or any other officer designated by the Legislative Body shall be authorized to execute the Note by manual or facsimile signature and the Secretary or Clerk of the Legislative Body of the District or any duly appointed assistant thereto shall be authorized to countersign the Note by manual or facsimile signature. Said officers of the District are hereby authorized to cause the blank spaces of the Note to be filled in as may be appropriate pursuant to the Pricing Confirmation. Said officers are hereby authorized and directed to cause the Trustee, as registrar and authenticating agent, to accept delivery of the Note pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Purchase Agreement and Trust Agreement. In case any officer whose signature shall appear on any Note shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of such Note, such signature shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if such officer had remained in office until delivery. The Note need not bear the seal of the District, if any. As long as the Note remains outstanding, the District shall maintain and keep at the principal corporate trust office of the Trustee, books for the registration and transfer of the Note. The Note shall initially be registered in the name of the Trustee as trustee under the Trust Agreement. Upon surrender of the Note for transfer at the office of the Trustee with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the Trustee, duly executed by the registered owner or its duly authorized attorney, and upon payment of any tax, fee or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such transfer, the County or the District, as applicable, shall execute and the Trustee shall authenticate and deliver, in the name of the designated transferee, a fully registered Note. For every transfer of the Note, the County, the District or the Trustee may make a charge sufficient to reimburse it for any tax, fee or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to the transfer, which sum or sums shall be paid by the person making such transfer as a condition precedent to the exercise of the privilege of making such transfer. DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 12 66 Subject to Section 6 hereof, the County, the District and the Trustee and their respective successors may deem and treat the person in whose name the Note is registered as the absolute owner thereof for all purposes, and the County, the District and the Trustee and their respective successors shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary, and payment of or on account of the principal of such Note shall be made only to or upon the order of the registered owner thereof. All such payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon the Note to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. The Note may, in accordance with its terms, be transferred upon the books required to be kept by the Trustee pursuant to the provisions hereof by the person in whose name it is registered, in person or by his duly authorized attorney, upon surrender of the Note for cancellation, accompanied by delivery of a written instrument of transfer duly executed in form approved by the Trustee. The Trustee will keep or cause to be kept, at its principal corporate trust office, sufficient books for the registration and transfer of the Note, which shall be open to inspection by the County and the District during regular business hours. Upon presentation for such purpose, the Trustee shall, under such reasonable regulations as it may prescribe, register or transfer or cause to be registered or transferred, on such books, the Note as hereinbefore provided. If any Note shall become mutilated, the County or the District, as applicable, at the expense of the registered owner of such Note, shall execute, and the Trustee shall thereupon authenticate and deliver a new Note of like tenor and number in exchange and substitution for the Note so mutilated, but only upon surrender to the Trustee of the Note so mutilated. Every mutilated Note so surrendered to the Trustee shall be cancelled by it and delivered to, or upon the order of the County or the District, as applicable. If any Note shall be lost, destroyed or stolen, evidence of such loss, destruction or theft may be submitted to the County, the District and the Trustee and, if such evidence be satisfactory to them and indemnity satisfactory to them shall be given, the County or the District, as applicable, at the expense of the registered owner, shall execute, and the Trustee shall thereupon authenticate and deliver a new Note of like tenor and number in lieu of and in substitution for the Note so lost, destroyed or stolen (or if any such Note shall have matured (as of the latest maturity date indicated on the face thereof) or shall be about to mature (as of the latest maturity date indicated on the face thereof), instead of issuing a substitute Note, the Trustee may pay the same without surrender thereof). The Trustee may require payment of a sum not exceeding the actual cost of preparing each new Note issued pursuant to this paragraph and of the expenses which may be incurred by the County or the District applicable, and the Trustee in such preparation. Any Note issued under these provisions in lieu of any Note alleged to be lost, destroyed or stolen shall constitute an original additional contractual obligation on the part of the County (on behalf of the District) or on the part of the District, as applicable, whether or not the Note so alleged to be lost, destroyed or stolen be at any time enforceable by anyone, and shall be entitled to the benefits of this Resolution with all other Notes secured by this Resolution. Section 10. Representations and Covenants of the District. The District makes the following representations for the benefit of the holder of the note, the owners of the Note Participations and the Credit Provider, if any. DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 13 67 (A) The District is duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California and has all necessary power and authority to (i) adopt this Resolution and perform its obligations thereunder, (ii) enter into and perform its obligations under the Purchase Agreement, and (iii) issue the Note and perform its obligations thereunder. (B) Upon the issuance of the Note, the District shall have taken all action required to be taken by it to authorize the issuance and delivery of the Note and the performance of its obligations thereunder, and the District has full legal right, power and authority to issue and deliver the Note. (C) The issuance of the Note, the adoption of the Resolution and the execution and delivery of the Purchase Agreement, Trust Agreement and Credit Agreement, if any, and compliance with the provisions hereof and thereof will not conflict with or violate any law, administrative regulation, court decree, resolution, charter, by-laws or other agreement to which the District is subject or by which it is bound. (D) Except as may be required under blue sky or other securities laws of any state or Section 3(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, there is no consent, approval, authorization or other order of, or filing with, or certification by, any regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the District required for the issuance and sale of the Note or the consummation by the District of the other transactions contemplated by this Resolution, except those the District shall obtain or perform prior to or upon the issuance of the Note. (E) The District has (or will have prior to the issuance of the Note) duly, regularly and properly adopted a preliminary budget for the Repayment Fiscal Year setting forth expected revenues and expenditures and has complied with all statutory and regulatory requirements with respect to the adoption of such budget. The District hereby covenants that it shall (i) duly, regularly and properly prepare and adopt its final budget for the Repayment Fiscal Year, (ii) provide to the Trustee, the Credit Provider, if any, the Underwriter, promptly upon adoption, copies of such final budget and of any subsequent revisions, modifications or amendments thereto and (iii) comply with all applicable laws pertaining to its budget. (F) The sum of the principal amount of the District’s Note plus the interest payable thereon, on the date of its issuance, will not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the estimated amounts of the District’s uncollected taxes, income, revenue (including, but not limited to, revenue from the state and federal governments), cash receipts, and other moneys to be received by the District for the general fund of the District received in or accrued to the Repayment Fiscal Year all of which will be legally available to pay principal of and interest on the Note. (G) The District (i) has not defaulted within the past twenty (20) years, and is not currently in default, on any debt obligation and (ii), to the best knowledge of the District, has never defaulted on any debt obligation. (H) The District’s most recent audited financial statements present fairly the financial condition of the District as of the date thereof and the results of operation for the period covered thereby. Except as has been disclosed to the Underwriter and the Credit Provider, if any, there has been no change in the financial condition of the District since the date of such DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 14 68 audited financial statements that will in the reasonable opinion of the District materially impair its ability to perform its obligations under this Resolution and the Note. The District agrees to furnish to the Underwriter, the Authority, the Trustee and the Credit Provider, if any, promptly, from time to time, such information regarding the operations, financial condition and property of the District as such party may reasonably request. (I) There is no action, suit, proceeding, inquiry or investigation, at law or in equity, before or by any court, arbitrator, governmental or other board, body or official, pending or, to the best knowledge of the District, threatened against or affecting the District questioning the validity of any proceeding taken or to be taken by the District in connection with the Note, the Purchase Agreement, the Trust Agreement, the Credit Agreement, if any, or this Resolution, or seeking to prohibit, restrain or enjoin the execution, delivery or performance by the District of any of the foregoing, or wherein an unfavorable decision, ruling or finding would have a materially adverse effect on the District’s financial condition or results of operations or on the ability of the District to conduct its activities as presently conducted or as proposed or contemplated to be conducted, or would materially adversely affect the validity or enforceability of, or the authority or ability of the District to perform its obligations under, the Note, the Purchase Agreement, the Trust Agreement, the Credit Agreement, if any, or this Resolution. (J) Upon issuance of the Note and execution of the Purchase Contract, this Resolution, the Purchase Contract and the Note will constitute legal, valid and binding agreements of the District, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms, except as such enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy or other laws affecting creditors’ rights generally, the application of equitable principles if equitable remedies are sought, the exercise of judicial discretion in appropriate cases and the limitations on legal remedies against local agencies, as applicable, in the State of California. (K) The District and its appropriate officials have duly taken, or will take, all proceedings necessary to be taken by them, if any, for the levy, receipt, collection and enforcement of the Pledged Revenues in accordance with law for carrying out the provisions of this Resolution and the Note. (L) The District shall not incur any indebtedness secured by a pledge of its Pledged Revenues unless such pledge is subordinate in all respects to the pledge of Pledged Revenues hereunder. (M) So long as the Credit Provider, if any, is not in payment default under the Credit Instrument, the District hereby agrees to pay its pro rata share of all Predefault Obligations and all Reimbursement Obligations attributable to the District in accordance with provisions of the Credit Agreement, if any, and/or the Trust Agreement, as applicable. Prior to the Maturity Date, moneys in the District’s Payment Account and/or Payment Subaccount shall not be used to make such payments. The District shall pay such amounts promptly upon receipt of notice from the Credit Provider that such amounts are due to it. (N) So long as any Note Participations issued in connection with the Notes are Outstanding, or any Predefault Obligation or Reimbursement Obligation is outstanding, the DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 15 69 District will not create or suffer to be created any pledge of or lien on the Note other than the pledge and lien of the Trust Agreement. (O) It is hereby covenanted and warranted by the District that it will not request the County Treasurer to make temporary transfers of funds in the custody of the County Treasurer to meet any obligations of the District during Fiscal Year 2010-2011 pursuant to Article XVI, Section 6 of the Constitution of the State of California. Section 11. Tax Covenants. (A) The District will not take any action or fail to take any action if such action or failure to take such action would adversely affect the exclusion from gross income of the interest payable on the Note under Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the “Code”). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the District will not make any use of the proceeds of the Note or any other funds of the District which would cause the Note to be an “arbitrage bond” within the meaning of Section 148 of the Code, a “private activity bond” within the meaning of Section 141(a) of the Code, or an obligation the interest on which is subject to federal income taxation because it is “federally guaranteed” as provided in Section 149(b) of the Code. The District, with respect to the proceeds of the Note, will comply with all requirements of such sections of the Code and all regulations of the United States Department of the Treasury issued or applicable thereunder to the extent that such requirements are, at the time, applicable and in effect. (B) In the event the District is deemed a Safe Harbor Issuer (as defined in Section 7), this paragraph (B) shall apply. The District covenants that it shall make all calculations in a reasonable and prudent fashion relating to any rebate of excess investment earnings on the proceeds of the Note due to the United States Treasury, shall segregate and set aside from lawfully available sources the amount such calculations may indicate may be required to be paid to the United States Treasury, and shall otherwise at all times do and perform all acts and things necessary and within its power and authority, including complying with the instructions of Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, Special Counsel referred to in Section 8 hereof to assure compliance with the Rebate Requirements. If the balance of the Proceeds Subaccount attributed to cash flow borrowing and treated for federal tax purposes as proceeds of the Note is not low enough to qualify amounts in the Proceeds Subaccount attributed to cash flow borrowing for an exception to the Rebate Requirements on at least one date within the six month period following the date of issuance of the Note (calculated in accordance with Section 8), the District will reasonably and prudently calculate the amount, if any, of investment profits which must be rebated to the United States and will immediately set aside, from revenues received in or accrued to the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 or, to the extent not available from such revenues, from any other moneys lawfully available, the amount of any such rebate in the Rebate Fund referred to in this Section 11(B). In addition, in such event, the District shall establish and maintain with the Trustee a fund separate from any other fund established and maintained hereunder and under the Trust Agreement designated as the “2010-2011 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note Rebate Fund” or such other name as the Trust Agreement may designate. There shall be deposited in such Rebate Fund such amounts as are required to be deposited therein in accordance with the written instructions from Bond Counsel pursuant to Section 8 hereof. (C) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Resolution to the contrary, upon the District’s failure to observe, or refusal to comply with, the covenants contained in this DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 16 70 Section 11, no one other than the holders or former holders of the Note or Note Participation Owners, the Credit Provider(s), if any, or the Trustee on their behalf shall be entitled to exercise any right or remedy under this Resolution on the basis of the District’s failure to observe, or refusal to comply with, such covenants. the Note. (D) The covenants contained in this Section 11 shall survive the payment of (E) The provisions of this Section 11 shall not apply to a Taxable Note. Section 12. Events of Default and Remedies. If any of the following events occur, it is hereby defined as and declared to be and to constitute an “Event of Default”: (a) Failure by the District to make or cause to be made the transfers and deposits to the Payment Account, or any other payment required to be paid hereunder, including payment of principal and interest on the Note, on or before the date on which such transfer, deposit or other payment is due and payable; (b) Failure by the District to observe and perform any covenant, condition or agreement on its part to be observed or performed under this Resolution, for a period of fifteen (15) days after written notice, specifying such failure and requesting that it be remedied, is given to the District by the Trustee or the Credit Provider, if applicable, unless the Trustee and the Credit Provider shall agree in writing to an extension of such time prior to its expiration; (c) Any warranty, representation or other statement by or on behalf of the District contained in this Resolution or the Purchase Agreement (including the Pricing Confirmation) or in any requisition or any financial report delivered by the District or in any instrument furnished in compliance with or in reference to this Resolution or the Purchase Agreement or in connection with the Note, is false or misleading in any material respect; (d) A petition is filed against the District under any bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement, insolvency, readjustment of debt, dissolution or liquidation law of any jurisdiction, whether now or hereafter in effect and is not dismissed within 30 days after such filing, but the Trustee shall have the right to intervene in the proceedings prior to the expiration of such 30 days to protect its and the Owners’ interests; (e) The District files a petition in voluntary bankruptcy or seeking relief under any provision of any bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement, insolvency, readjustment of debt, dissolution or liquidation law of any jurisdiction, whether now or hereafter in effect, or consents to the filing of any petition against it under such law; or DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 17 71 (f) The District admits insolvency or bankruptcy or is generally not paying its debts as such debts become due, or becomes insolvent or bankrupt or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or a custodian (including without limitation a receiver, liquidator or trustee) of the District or any of its property is appointed by court order or takes possession thereof and such order remains in effect or such possession continues for more than 30 days, but the Trustee shall have the right to intervene in the proceedings prior to the expiration of such 30 days to protect its and the Owners’ interests; Whenever any Event of Default referred to in this Section 12 shall have happened and be continuing, the Trustee shall, in addition to any other remedies provided herein or by law or under the Trust Agreement, have the right, at its option without any further demand or notice, to take one or any combination of the following remedial steps: (a) Without declaring the Note to be immediately due and payable, require the District to pay to the Trustee, as holder of the Note, an amount equal to the principal of the Note and interest thereon to maturity, plus all other amounts due hereunder, and upon notice to the District the same shall become immediately due and payable by the District without further notice or demand; and (b) Take whatever other action at law or in equity (except for acceleration of payment on the Note) which may appear necessary or desirable to collect the amounts then due and thereafter to become due hereunder or to enforce any other of its rights hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the District’s Note is secured in whole or in part by a Credit Instrument or if the Credit Provider is subrogated to rights under the District’s Note, as long as the Credit Provider has not failed to comply with its payment obligations under the Credit Instrument, the Credit Provider shall have the right to direct the remedies upon any Event of Default hereunder, and the Credit Provider’s prior consent shall be required to any remedial action proposed to be taken by the Trustee hereunder. If the District has executed a Credit Instrument and if the Credit Provider is not reimbursed for any drawing, payment or claim, as applicable, used to pay principal of and interest on the Note due to a default in payment on the Note by the District, or if any principal of or interest on the Note remains unpaid after the Maturity Date, the Note shall be a Defaulted Note, the unpaid portion (including the interest component, if applicable) thereof or the portion (including the interest component, if applicable) to which a Credit Instrument applies for which reimbursement on a draw, payment or claim has not been made shall be deemed outstanding and shall bear interest at the Default Rate, as defined in the Trust Agreement, until the District’s obligation on the Defaulted Note is paid in full or payment is duly provided for, all subject to Section 8 hereof. Section 13. Trustee. The Trustee is hereby appointed as paying agent, registrar and authenticating agent for the Note. The District hereby directs and authorizes the payment by the Trustee of the interest on and principal of the Note when such become due and payable, from the Payment Account held by the Trustee in the name of the District in the manner set forth DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 18 72 herein. The District hereby covenants to deposit funds in such account at the time and in the amount specified herein to provide sufficient moneys to pay the principal of and interest on the Note on the day on which it matures. Payment of the Note shall be in accordance with the terms of the Note and this Resolution. The District hereby agrees to maintain as paying agent, registrar and authenticating agent of the Note, the Trustee under the Trust Agreement. Section 14. Approval of Actions. The aforementioned Authorized Representatives of the District are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Note and cause the Trustee to authenticate and accept delivery of the Note, pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Resolution and the Trust Agreement. All actions heretofore taken by the officers and agents of the District or this Legislative Body with respect to the sale and issuance of the Note and participation in the Program are hereby approved, confirmed and ratified and the Authorized Representatives and agents of the District are hereby authorized and directed, for and in the name and on behalf of the District, to do any and all things and take any and all actions and execute any and all certificates, agreements and other documents which they, or any of them, may deem necessary or advisable in order to consummate the lawful issuance and delivery of the Note in accordance with, and related transactions contemplated by, this Resolution. The Authorized Representatives of the District referred to above in Section 4 hereof are hereby designated as “Authorized District Representatives” under the Trust Agreement. In the event that the Note or a portion thereof is secured by a Credit Instrument, any one of the Authorized Representatives of the District is hereby authorized and directed to provide the Credit Provider, with any and all information relating to the District as such Credit Provider may reasonably request. Section 15. Proceedings Constitute Contract. The provisions of the Note and of this Resolution shall constitute a contract between the District and the registered owner of the Note and the Credit Provider, if any, and such provisions shall be enforceable by mandamus or any other appropriate suit, action or proceeding at law or in equity in any court of competent jurisdiction, and shall be irrepealable. The Credit Provider, if any, is a third party beneficiary of the provisions of this Resolution and the Note. Section 16. Limited Liability. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein or in the Note or in any other document mentioned herein, the District shall not have any liability hereunder or by reason hereof or in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby except to the extent payable from moneys available therefor as set forth in Section 8 hereof. Section 17. Amendments. At any time or from time to time, the District may adopt one or more Supplemental Resolutions with the written consents of the Authority and the Credit Provider, if any, but without the necessity for consent of the owner of the Note for any one or more of the following purposes: DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 19 73 (a) to add to the covenants and agreements of the District in this Resolution, other covenants and agreements to be observed by the District which are not contrary to or inconsistent with this Resolution as theretofore in effect; (b) to add to the limitations and restrictions in this Resolution, other limitations and restrictions to be observed by the District which are not contrary to or inconsistent with this Resolution as theretofore in effect; (c) to confirm, as further assurance, any pledge under, and the subjection to any lien or pledge created or to be created by, this Resolution, of any monies, securities or funds, or to establish any additional funds or accounts to be held under this Resolution; (d) to cure any ambiguity, supply any omission, or cure or correct any defect or inconsistent provision in this Resolution; or (e) to amend or supplement this Resolution in any other respect; provided, however, that any such Supplemental Resolution does not adversely affect the interests of the owner of the Note or of the Note Participations executed and delivered in connection with the Notes. Any modifications or amendment of this Resolution and of the rights and obligations of the District and of the owner of the Note or of the Note Participations executed and delivered in connection with the Notes may be made by a Supplemental Resolution, with the written consents of the Authority and the Credit Provider, if any, and with the written consent of the owners of at least a majority in principal amount of the Note and of the Note Participations executed and delivered in connection with the Notes outstanding at the time such consent is given; provided, however, that if such modification or amendment will, by its terms, not take effect so long as the Note or any or of the Note Participations executed and delivered in connection with the Notes remain outstanding, the consent of the owners of such Note or of the Note Participations executed and delivered in connection with the Notes shall not be required. No such modification or amendment shall permit a change in the maturity of the Note or a reduction of the principal amount thereof or an extension of the time of any payment thereon or a reduction of the rate of interest thereon, or a change in the date or amounts of the pledge set forth in this Resolution, without the consent of the owners of such Note or the owners of all of the Note Participations executed and delivered in connection with the Notes, or shall reduce the percentage of the Note or the owners of all of the Note Participations executed and delivered in connection with the Notes, the consent of the owners of which is required to effect any such modification or amendment, or shall change or modify any of the rights or obligations of the Trustee without its written assent thereto. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, the provisions of this resolution as they relate to the terms of the Note Participations may be modified by the Purchase Agreement. Section 18. Severability. In the event any provision of this Resolution shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof. DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 20 74 Section 19. Request to Borrow; Transmittal of Resolution. The Note shall be issued in conjunction with the note or notes of one or more other community college districts, as described in Section 53853(b) of the Act. Following its adoption by the Legislative Body, signed copies of this resolution shall be transmitted by the secretary or clerk of the Legislative Body to the treasurer of the county (the “County”) in which the District is located, to the County’s board of supervisors (the “County Board”), and to the County’s superintendent of schools. Transmittal of this resolution to the County Board shall constitute a request by the Legislative Body for borrowing and for the issuance of the Note by the County Board. This resolution is based on the assumption that the County Board will fail to authorize, by resolution, the issuance of the Note within 45 calendar days of its receipt hereof or that the County Board will notify the District that it will not authorize the issuance of the Note within such 45-day period. If within such 45-day period the County Board authorizes, by resolution, issuance of the Note, then, notwithstanding this resolution, the Notes shall be issued in the name of the District by the County Board pursuant to such resolution of the County Board. Section 20. Limited Liability and Indemnification. (a) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein or in the Note or in any other document mentioned herein or related to the Note or to any Series of Note Participations to which the Note may be assigned, the District shall not have any liability hereunder or by reason hereof or in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby except to the extent payable from moneys available therefor as set forth herein and (b) the District shall indemnify and hold harmless, to the extent permitted by law, the County and its officers and employees ("Indemnified Parties"), against any and all losses, claims, damages or liabilities, joint or several, to which such Indemnified Parties may become subject because of action or inaction related to the adoption of a resolution by the County Board of Supervisors providing for the issuance and sale of the Notes, or related to the proceedings for sale, award, issuance and delivery of the Notes in accordance therewith and herewith. The District shall also reimburse any such Indemnified Parties for any legal or other expenses incurred in connection with investigating or defending any such claims or actions. Section 21. Appointment of Professionals. The law firm of Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth is hereby appointed as Special Counsel for the Program. The District acknowledges that Special Counsel regularly performs legal services for many private and public entities in connection with a wide variety of matters, and that Special Counsel has represented, is representing or may in the future represent other public entities, underwriters, trustees, rating agencies, insurers, credit enhancement providers, lenders, financial and other consultants who may have a role or interest in the proposed financing or that may be involved with or adverse to District in this or some other matter. Given the special, limited role of Special Counsel described above the District acknowledges that no conflict of interest exists or would exist, waives any conflict of interest that might appear to exist, and consents to any and all such relationships. RBC Capital Markets, LLC, Los Angeles, California is hereby appointed as Underwriter for the Program. Other underwriters or placement agents, as applicable, may be engaged as provided in the Pricing Confirmation. Section 22. Form 8038-G; Continuing Disclosure. (A) Any Authorized Officer is hereby authorized to execute and deliver any Information Return for Tax-Exempt Governmental Obligations, Form 8038-G of the Internal Revenue Service (“Form 8038-G”), in DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 21 75 connection with the issuance of the Note and the related Series of Note Participations. To the extent permitted by law, the Authority, the Trustee, the Underwriter and Special Counsel are each hereby authorized to execute and deliver any Form 8038-G for and on behalf of the District in connection with the issuance of the Note and the related Series of Note Participations, as directed by an Authorized Officer of the District. (B) The District covenants, for the sole benefit of the Owners of the Series of Note Participations which evidence and represent the Note (and, to the extent specified in this Section 22, the beneficial owners thereof), that the District shall provide in a timely manner, through the Trustee acting as dissemination agent (the “Dissemination Agent”) to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board notice of any of the following events with respect to the District’s outstanding Note, if material (each a “Listed Event”): (1) principal and interest payment delinquencies on the Note and the related Series of Note Participations; (2) non-payment related defaults; (3) modifications to rights of Owners and beneficial owners of the Series of Note Participations which evidence and represent the Note; (4) optional, contingent or unscheduled bond calls; (5) defeasances; (6) rating changes; (7) adverse tax opinions or events affecting the tax-exempt status of the Note and the related Series of Note Participations; (8) unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financing difficulties; (9) unscheduled draws on the credit enhancement reflecting financial difficulties; (10) substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform; and (11) release, substitution or sale of property securing repayment of the Note. Whenever the District obtains knowledge of the occurrence of a Listed Event, the District shall as soon as possible determine if such event would be material under applicable federal securities laws. The Authority and the Dissemination Agent shall have no responsibility for such determination and shall be entitled to conclusively rely upon the District’s determination. If the District determines that knowledge of the occurrence of a Listed Event would be material under applicable federal securities laws, the District shall promptly provide the Authority and the Dissemination Agent with a notice of such occurrence which the Dissemination Agent agrees to file with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. (C) In the event of a failure of the District to comply with any provision of this section, any Owner or beneficial owner of the related Series of Note Participations may take such actions as may be necessary and appropriate, including seeking mandate or specific performance by court order, to cause the District to comply with its obligations under this section. A default under this section shall not be deemed an Event of Default under Section 12 hereof, and the sole remedy under this section in the event of any failure of the District to comply with this section shall be an action to compel performance. (D) For the purposes of this section, a “beneficial owner” shall mean any person which has the power, directly or indirectly, to make investment decisions concerning ownership of any Note Participations of the Series which evidences and represents the Notes (including persons holding Note Participations through nominees, depositories or other intermediaries). DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 22 76 (E) The District’s obligations under this section shall terminate upon the legal defeasance, prior redemption or payment in full of its Note. If such termination occurs prior to the final maturity of the related Note Participations, the District shall give notice of such termination in the same manner as for a Listed Event under subsection (B) of this section. (F) The Dissemination Agent shall not be responsible in any manner for the content of any notice or report prepared by the District pursuant to this section. In no event shall the Dissemination Agent be responsible for preparing any notice or report or for filing any notice or report which it has not received in a timely manner and in a format suitable for reporting. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent the District from disseminating any other information, using the means of dissemination set forth in this section or any other means of communication, or including any other notice of occurrence of a Listed Event, in addition to that which is required by this section. If the District chooses to include any information in any notice of occurrence of a Listed Event in addition to that which is specifically required by this section, the District shall have no obligation under this section to update such information or include it in any future notice of occurrence of a Listed Event. (G) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Resolution, the District with the consent of the Dissemination Agent and notice to the Authority may amend this section, and any provision of this section may be waived, provided that the following conditions are satisfied: (1) If the amendment or waiver relates to the provisions of subsection (B) of this section, it may only be made in connection with a change in circumstance that arises from a change in legal requirements, change in law, or change in the identity, nature or status of an obligated person with respect to the Note and the related Note Participations, or the type of business conducted; (2) The undertaking, as amended or taking into account such waiver, would in the opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel, have complied with the requirements of the Rule at the time of the original issuance of the Note and the related Note Participations, after taking into account any amendments or interpretations of the Rule, as well as any change in circumstances; and (3) The amendment or waiver either (i) is approved by the Owners or beneficial owners of the Note Participations of the Series which evidences and represents the Note in the same manner as provided in the Trust Agreement for amendments to the Trust Agreement with the consent of Owners or beneficial owners, or (ii) does not, in the opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel, materially impair the interests of the Owners or beneficial owners of the related Note Participations. In the event of any amendment or waiver of a provision of this section, notice of such change shall be given in the same manner as for an event listed under subsection (B) of this section, and shall include, as applicable, a narrative explanation of the reason for the amendment or waiver; provided, however, the District shall be responsible for preparing such narrative explanation. (H) The Dissemination Agent shall have only such duties as are specifically set forth in this section. The Dissemination Agent shall not be liable for the exercise of any of its DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 23 77 rights hereunder or for the performance of any of its obligations hereunder or for anything whatsoever hereunder, except only for its own willful misconduct or gross negligence. Absent gross negligence or willful misconduct, the Dissemination Agent shall not be liable for an error of judgment. No provision hereof shall require the Dissemination Agent to expend or risk its own funds or otherwise incur any financial or other liability or risk in the performance of any of its obligations hereunder, or in the exercise of any of its rights hereunder, if such funds or adequate indemnity against such risk or liability is not reasonably assured to it. The District hereunder agrees to compensate the Dissemination Agent for its reasonable fees in connection with its services hereunder, but only from the District’s share of the costs of issuance deposited in the Costs of Issuance Fund held and invested by the Trustee under the Trust Agreement. (I) This section shall inure solely to the benefit of the District, the Dissemination Agent, the Underwriter and the Owners and beneficial owners from time to time of the Note Participations, and shall create no rights in any other person or entity. Section 23. Resolution Parameters. (a) Name of District: Cabrillo Community College District (b) Maximum Amount of Borrowing: $8,000,000 (c) Authorized Representatives: TITLE (1) President (2) Vice President, Administrative Services (3) Director, Business Services DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 24 78 Section 24. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect from and after its date of adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District this __th day of ___________, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: By: Attest: Secretary, Board of Trustees DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 25 President, Board of Trustees 79 EXHIBIT A FORM OF NOTE CABRILLO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 2010-2011 TAX AND REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE, SERIES A*/ Interest Rate Maturity Date Date of Original Issue First Repayment Date Second Repayment Date Third Repayment Date __% (Total of principal and interest due on Note at maturity) __% (Total of principal and interest due on Note at maturity)**/ __% (Total of principal and interest due on Note at maturity) REGISTERED OWNER: PRINCIPAL AMOUNT: FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the District designated above (the “District”) acknowledges itself indebted to and promises to pay to the registered owner identified above, or registered assigns, on the maturity date set forth above, the principal sum specified above in lawful money of the United States of America, and to pay interest thereon on each Interest Payment Date, as defined in the Trust Agreement, at the rate of interest specified above (the “Note Rate”). Principal of and interest on this Note are payable in such coin or currency of the United States as at the time of payment is legal tender for payment of private and public debts, such principal to be paid upon surrender hereof at the principal corporate trust office of Wells Fargo Bank, National Association in Los Angeles, California, or its successor in trust (the “Trustee”). Interest is payable as specified in the Trust Agreement. Interest shall be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year, consisting of twelve 30-day months, in like lawful money from the date hereof until the maturity date specified above and, if funds are not provided for payment at maturity, thereafter on the basis of a 360-day year for actual days elapsed until payment in full of said principal sum. Both the principal of and interest on this Note shall be payable only to the registered owner hereof upon surrender of this Note as the same shall fall due; provided, */ If more than one Series is issued under the Program in the Repayment Fiscal Year. **/ Number of Repayment Dates and percentages to be determined in Pricing Confirmation (as defined in the Resolution). DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 A-1 80 however, no interest shall be payable for any period after maturity during which the holder hereof fails to properly present this Note for payment. If the District fails to pay this Note when due or the Credit Provider (as defined in the Resolution hereinafter described), if any, is not reimbursed in full for the amount drawn on or paid pursuant to the Credit Instrument (as defined in the Resolution) to pay all or a portion of this Note on the date of such payment, this Note shall become a Defaulted Note (as defined and with the consequences set forth in the Resolution). It is hereby certified, recited and declared that this Note (the “Note”) represents the authorized issue of the Note in the aggregate principal amount made, executed and given pursuant to and by authority of certain resolutions of the Legislative Body of the District duly passed and adopted heretofore, under and by authority of Article 7.6 (commencing with Section 53850) of Chapter 4, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the California Government Code (collectively, the “Resolution”), to all of the provisions and limitations of which the owner of this Note, by acceptance hereof, assents and agrees. The principal of the Note, together with the interest thereon, shall be payable from taxes, income, revenue, cash receipts and other moneys which are received by the District for the general fund of the District and are received in or accrued to the Repayment Fiscal Year, as defined in the Resolution, and which are available for payment thereof. As security for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Note, the District has pledged the first amounts of unrestricted revenues of the District received on the last day of the Repayment Months (as defined in the Resolution) identified in the Pricing Confirmation (as defined in the Resolution) (and any amounts received thereafter received in or accrued to the Repayment Fiscal Year) until the amount on deposit in the Payment Account (as defined in the Resolution) in each such month, is equal to the corresponding percentages of principal of and interest due on the Note as set forth in the Pricing Confirmation (such pledged amounts being hereinafter called the “Pledged Revenues”), and the principal of the Note and the interest thereon shall constitute a first lien and charge thereon and shall be payable from the Pledged Revenues, and to the extent not so paid shall be paid from any other moneys of the District lawfully available therefor as set forth in the Resolution. The full faith and credit of the District is not pledged to the payment of the principal or interest on this Note. The District and the Trustee may deem and treat the registered owner hereof as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment of or on account of principal hereof and interest due hereon and for all other purposes, and the District and the Trustee shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary. It is hereby certified that all of the conditions, things and acts required to exist, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Note do exist, have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of California and that the amount of this Note, together with all other indebtedness of the District, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitution or statutes of the State of California. It is hereby certified that all of the conditions, things and acts required to exist, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Note do exist, have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by the DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 A-2 81 Constitution and statutes of the State of California and that the amount of this Note, together with all other indebtedness of the District, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitution or statutes of the State of California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Legislative Body of the District has caused this Note to be executed by the manual or facsimile signature of a duly Authorized Representative of the District and countersigned by the manual or facsimile signature of the Secretary or Clerk of the Board of Trustees as of the date of authentication set forth below. CABRILLO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT By: Countersigned By: [no signature/form only] Secretary, Board of the Trustees DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 A-3 [no signature/form only] President, Board of Trustees 82 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION AND REGISTRATION This Note is the Note mentioned in the within-mentioned Resolution authenticated on the following date: WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Trustee By: DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 A-4 [no signature/form only] Authorized Officer 83 [STATEMENT OF INSURANCE]*/ */ To be used only if Credit Instrument is a policy of municipal bond insurance. DOCSSF/79469v1/022000-0001 A-5 84 85 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: February 7, 2011 Redistricting of Cabrillo College Trustee Areas REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 D.4 Background: Last year the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Census Bureau conducted the decennial census of the county’s population. In addition to congressional state and local legislative redistricting, certain other local government entities must take action regarding redistricting. Because each of the Cabrillo Community College District Trustees must live in a specific area and is elected only by voters in that area, the California Education Code requires that the District must review Trustee area boundaries and make changes as necessary. California community college district governing boards are subject to the Voting Rights Act and the one person, one vote principle of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. This principle requires that trustee areas within the districts be equal in population as possible. The Voting Rights Act also prohibits electoral systems that deny or abridge the voting rights of protected racial and language minority groups. Recommendation: It is recommended that a Governing Board subcommittee of three members be appointed to prepare and present to the full Board a proposed districting plan including proposed changes, if any, at the April 11, 2011 Board meeting. It is further recommended that the Superintendent/President and appropriate college staff provide support for this effort. The Governing Board must complete the redistricting process by March 1, 2012. If the Board fails to do so, the County Committee on School Reorganization is required to conduct the redistricting by April 30, 2012. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King, President Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 86 87 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Cabrillo College and CSU Monterey Bay Partnership REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 4 D.5 Background: Cabrillo College, Gavilan College, Hartnell College, and Monterey Peninsula College have been working with California State University Monterey Bay to plan a seamless pathway from Associate Degree Nursing to a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. Included with this Board item is the Memorandum of Understanding between these colleges. This initiative will greatly benefit our nursing students. As nursing becomes more and more complex with technologic and health care advances, a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing becomes critical for health care professionals who choose to become Registered Nurses. This partnership will allow students to have a dual enrollment and take classes at CSUMB while on wait lists at the community colleges. In addition this partnership will decrease the impact on scarce clinical resources because all clinical work will be done through existing community college clinical sites. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact to Cabrillo College. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve this agreement with CSUMB and authorize the President to sign the Memorandum of Understanding. Administrator Initiating Item: Kathleen Welch, Dean, HAWK Renée M. Kilmer, Vice President, Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature x Yes No x Yes No Final Disposition 88 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CABRILLO COLLEGE, GAVILAN COLLEGE, HARTNELL COLLEGE, MONTEREY PENINSULA COLLEGE AND CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY MONTEREY BAY Whereas, the above named higher education institutions in the region participated in a planning grant to develop an innovative curricular model for a BS in Nursing and have been invited to join the Monterey Bay Regional Nursing Collaborative; and Whereas, these public institutions desire to provide BSN-prepared nurses to the region and to maximize the educational and career opportunities of their students; and Whereas, the collaborating community colleges provide general education, and prelicensure/clinical nursing courses for transfer to the CSU Monterey Bay BSN program; and CSUMB provides the service learning courses, and upper division general education and nursing courses for the BSN program. Whereas, it is in the best interest of the students to complete their degrees in a timely way, it is the intention of the Monterey Bay Regional Nursing Collaborative to provide required courses as identified in the degree pathways of this collaborative curriculum and to reserve the student spaces agreed upon below for the students participating in this collaborative BSN program. Therefore, the parties agree as follows: 1. This agreement applies only to the students who are seeking a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) at an institution that is a collaborating partner to this agreement. 2. The CSUMB BSN program will have a Nursing Advisory Committee with membership from each collaborating institution to this MOU. BSN admission criteria and their weighting will be agreed upon by members of the CSUMB Nursing Advisory Committee. Information will be shared among the members of the Nursing Advisory Committee that will aid and benefit the operation of the collaborative BSN program. 3. Admission to the CSU Monterey Bay BSN shall be contingent upon the satisfaction of all BSN admission requirements. Pre-requisite GE and pre-nursing courses will be identified in all the program materials. All admissions decisions to CSU Monterey Bay shall be the sole responsibility of CSU Monterey Bay. 4. CSUMB will admit and enroll one cohort annually in the fall. CSUMB will reserve an equal number of spaces in each entering cohort for students who have been admitted to the nursing program at each of the institutions in the Monterey Bay Regional Nursing Collaborative and are within one year of matriculating as a nursing student. Any participating institution with insufficient qualified students for spaces in an entering cohort will yield those student spaces to qualified applicants from another institution. 5. Once the student has been admitted, CSU Monterey Bay will be responsible for the student’s financial aid. The aid will be processed by CSU Monterey Bay even if classes are taken through a regional community college. 2 89 6. A community college nursing student admitted to the BSN program may cross-enroll at the community college and at CSU Monterey Bay. The student will receive community college credit and may transfer units to CSUMB, assuming satisfactory completion. 7. Community Colleges participating with CSUMB in the Monterey Bay Regional Nursing Collaborative will follow their own published admission process and offer spaces in clinical courses to nursing students that have been admitted to their nursing program. To assure that each student in the CSUMB nursing program has access to clinical nursing education the Directors or faculty designees from each Community College and CSUM will meet regularly to coordinate admissions according to the detailed document for each college. 8. Only 70 lower division units may be counted in the total units credited to the BSN. This is a Title 5 requirement of the baccalaureate degree. Program advisors and BSN program materials provided by all the collaborating colleges will identify to all students and prospective students the required lower and upper division courses for the BSN degree. 9. If any institution in the Monterey Bay Regional Nursing Collaborative is unable to accommodate the agreements stated above, its participation in the Collaborative shall be suspended. Other member colleges of the Collaborative will provide space, as they are able, for students who have lost institutional support. Spaces for students will be allocated only to active members of the Collaborative. 10. The duration of the agreement is for three years and then subject to review by the collaborating parties. 11. The parties hereto shall first attempt to resolve all disputes arising from the provisions contained in this MOU, informally and at the lowest applicable staff level. If the dispute resolution is not accomplished, any party may call a meeting of the parties to formally discuss and resolve disputes. 12. If any part of this MOU is found to be null and void, or is otherwise stricken, the rest of this MOU shall remain in full force and effect, until renegotiated or rewritten. 13. This MOU constitutes the entire agreement between the members of the Collaborative. This MOU may be modified, altered, revised, extended or renewed by mutual written consent of all parties, by the issuance of a written amendment, signed and dated by all the parties. 14. Any member of the Collaborative may terminate their participation in this MOU by giving not less than ninety (90) calendar days' prior written notice of intent to terminate each of the partners. In such case, termination by one or more of the parties to this MOU does not alter the terms or obligations of the other parties to this MOU. 3 This MOU shall commence on March 1, 2011 or as designated and agreed upon by each institution. Dr. Brian King President Cabrillo Community College Date Dr. Dianne Harrison President California State University, Monterey Bay Date Dr. Steven Kinsella President Gavilan College Date Dr. Phoebe Helm President Hartnell College Date Dr. Douglas Garrison President Monterey Peninsula College Date 4 90 91 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE February 7, 2011 FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Cabrillo College and SJSU Global Studies Partnership REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION Action ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 2 D.6 BACKGROUND: Cabrillo College is entering an agreement with San Jose State University’s Global Studies Department to offer a 2 + 2 program for Cabrillo students. SJSU offers an online degree program in global studies, which provides foundational knowledge about the economic, political, social and environmental forces that are transforming our world. This program offers courses online 24/7 from anywhere in the world. It will prepare students for careers in government, the nonprofit sector, pubic health, international business and law, and global journalism. Under this agreement Cabrillo College students with 60 transferable units, including the CSU GE breadth, are eligible for priority admission at junior level status. FISCAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Partnership Agreement between Cabrillo College and SJSU University. It is further recommended that the Vice President, Instruction be authorized to make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement. Administrator Initiating Item: Renée M. Kilmer, Vice President, Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 92 University Partnership Between Cabrillo College and San Jose State University Global Studies Online Program The San José State University Global Studies Online program is a degree-completion program. It is designed for students who have completed their lower division coursework and who wish to complete the remaining, upper division courses required for a Bachelor of Arts degree in Global Studies while taking advantage of the flexibility and convenience of online learning. To be admitted to the program, Cabrillo College students must be eligible for admission to San José State University with Junior-level standing. Completion of a transferable degree including 39 units of General Education at Cabrillo will fulfill all the lower division requirements for the Global Studies major. Although a foreign language is not required for admission, in order to graduate, candidates for the Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies at San José State University must demonstrate college-level, intermediate speaking, reading and writing ability in a language other than English. Two years of college-level language study is usually sufficient to prepare students to satisfy this requirement. Cabrillo College and San Jose State University Global Studies Online Program are entering into a partnership that will benefit Cabrillo College students. According to this Agreement, Cabrillo College will provide a link to the Global Studies Online (GSO) program on the Articulation Website and provide all online students with the following information about the program: Introduction of San José State University’s Global Studies Online program and contact information Ability to complete the last two years of the BA degree entirely online Access to high-quality courses accessible 24/7 from anywhere in the world Application dates and deadlines List SJSU Global Studies Program as a college partner on the Cabrillo College website According to this Agreement, San Jose State University Global Studies Online program will: Allow Cabrillo College students to complete a Transfer Admission Agreement up to their last semester at Cabrillo Provide priority registration and enrollment privileges for eligible Cabrillo College students List Cabrillo as a community college partner on SJSU’s website The Global Studies Online program is modeled on the residential program offered by San José State University. Successful completion of the program leads to a Bachelors of Arts degree in Global Studies granted by San José State University. The program is being implemented in collaboration with San Diego State University and California State University, Monterey Bay, and draws its faculty from all three campuses. The Global Studies Online program is separately accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). Organization: Cabrillo College __________________________________ Renée Kilmer Date Vice President Instruction Cabrillo College Organization: SJSU Global Studies Online Program _____________________________________________ Mark Reade Mckenna Date Associate Director Global Studies Int’l & Extended Studies San Jose State University sjsu_Cabrillo-globalstudies_Partnership_1-18-11 2 93 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE February 7, 2011 FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Cabrillo College and CUNY Partnership REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION Action ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 3 D.7 BACKGROUND: Cabrillo College is entering an agreement with City University of New York (CUNY) to offer a 3 + 1 program for Cabrillo students through the School of Professional Studies. The CUNY School of Professional Studies offers an online Bachelor of Science degree in Business and an online Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication and Culture. Under this agreement, students will complete general education and other recommended departmental courses at Cabrillo College. These courses should correspond to those required for the Bachelors degree. After admission, students may apply a minimum of thirty (30) and a maximum of ninety (90) semester units of transferable credit toward the BA degree in Communication and Culture, or toward the BS degree in Business. Cabrillo transfer students will pay New York in-state fees for all courses offered through the CUNY School of Professional Studies upon transfer. FISCAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Letter of Agreement between Cabrillo College and City University of New York. It is further recommended that the Vice President, Instruction be authorized to make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement. Administrator Initiating Item: Renée M. Kilmer, Vice President, Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 94 LETTER OF AGREEMENT between City University of New York School of Professional Studies and Cabrillo College This letter will serve to confirm the agreement between the City University of New York School of Professional Studies and Cabrillo College. Introduction The CUNY School of Professional Studies, as part of the CUNY Graduate School and University Center, is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Associations of Colleges and Schools (Code 00476500). The CUNY School of Professional Studies offers an online Bachelor of Science degree in Business and an online Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication and Culture. With implementation of the agreement described below, students will complete a Bachelors degree as transfer students, after having completed courses Cabrillo College. Tuition for online courses offered through the CUNY School of Professional Studies is uniform for all students, regardless of where they live. CUNY offers Cabrillo students NY in-state tuition = $2,300 (as of Spring, 2010) per semester FT (12 units). Under this agreement, students will complete general education and other recommended departmental courses at Cabrillo College. These courses should correspond to those required for the Bachelors degree. After admission, students may apply a minimum of 30 and a maximum of ninety (90) semester units of transferable credit toward the BA degree in Communication and Culture, or toward the BS degree in Business. Responsibilities CUNY School of Professional Studies - Provide Cabrillo College with specific information about course articulation upon request - Formally review the student’s application for admission to the online BA program and provide admitted students with a Plan of Study that indicates how they can complete the CUNY degree - Recommend curricula at Cabrillo College that students should complete as part of the 90 units of coursework that will be applied to the Bachelors degree - Make available to the student the full range of CUNY course materials and student services throughout the student’s academic career with CUNY - Participate in recruiting sessions at Cabrillo College 95 - Provide marketing materials for Cabrillo College. Cabrillo College - Encourage students to enroll in the equivalent of a third year of courses at CUNY School of Professional Studies. This will be achieved by providing information to Counselors who will pass it on to students. - Distribute relevant marketing and informational material, identifying CUNY School of Professional Studies as an educational partner - Include information about the online degrees on the Articulation Web site. - Increase student awareness of the online degrees and the opportunity to complete at the CUNY School of Professional Studies - Invite representatives to participate in “college days” and “college fairs”. Term of the Agreement This agreement shall be in effect for three years, at which time the parties have the option to renew for another three years. CUNY School of Professional Studies Cabrillo College _____________________ Renee Kilmer Vice President of Instruction __________________ Tom Jennings, Executive Director of Student Enrollment/Senior Registrar ___________ Date ____________ Date __________________ George Otte Associate Dean of Academic Affairs ____________ Date Rev. 1-31-2011 96 97 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Sunshine CCEU Response to 2010-11 Negotiated Agreement Reopeners REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 2 ITEM NUMBER E.1 BACKGROUND: On January 24, 2011, the District received the attached notice from the Cabrillo Classified Employees Union (CCEU). A public hearing will be held, as required by law, at the next Board meeting. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 98 99 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Sunshine CCEU’s Initial Proposal: CCEU/District 2011-12 Negotiations REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 3 ITEM NUMBER E.2 BACKGROUND: On January 24, 2011 the District received the attached notice from the Cabrillo Classified Employees Union (CCEU). A public hearing will be held, as required by law, at the next Board meeting. The following articles will be reviewed Article 4 Union Security and Union Rights Section 4.11 Negotiation Committee Article 6 Evaluation Procedure Section 6.6 Grievance of Procedure Article 8 Compensation Article 10 Classification and Reclassification of Positions Article 11 Health and Welfare Benefits Article 13 Vacation Plan Article 14 Leaves of Absences: Paid Article 16 Negotiated Layoff and Reemployment Article 17 Grievance Procedure Section 17.1 Grievance Procedure Article 24 Duration Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 100 101 District’s Initial Proposal for 2011-12 Negotiations: Promote and maintain collegial employer-employee relationships Base decisions regarding negotiations proposals upon fair standards and objective data and criteria Effectively manage the resources of the college during these times of fiscal uncertainty for community colleges, including potential declining enrollment for Cabrillo Develop a total and sustainable compensation package given reduced funding Open negotiations on the following: Article 7 Hours and Overtime All articles Article 8 Compensation Salary schedule Step increases Longevity Professional growth program (Appendix C) Article 10 Classification and Reclassification of Positions Classification study/salary review Article 11 Health and Welfare Benefits District/employee contribution to stipend Medical plans Retiree medical coverage District paid employee PERS contribution Staff development Article 16 Negotiated Layoff and Reemployment Article 24 Duration Length of Agreement Complete contract negotiations in a timely and efficient manner. 102 103 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: 2010-11 and 2011-12 Budget Planning Parameters Update REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 10 ITEM NUMBER E.3 INFORMATION BACKGROUND: The Governing Board received a budget update on November 1, 2010 that included budget planning assumptions based on the 2010-11 state budget enacted on October 8, 2010. The college developed planning assumptions in November that included mid-year reductions for 2010-11 and no further revenue reductions in 2011-12. The new governor’s January budget was released on January 10, 2011. The budget proposal includes the balance of the 2010-11 fiscal year and 2011-12. The two-year budget shortfall is projected at $25.4 billion; $8.2 billion for 2010-11 and $17.2 billion for 2011-12. The shortfall could increase by another $1.2 billion if a sale of state-owned real estate is abandoned. The governor’s budget is considered the best case scenario. It is also important to note that the governor’s budget is built on the assumption that voters will approve $12 billion in revenue extensions during a June, 2011 election. If tax extensions don’t make it on the June ballot or fail, the reductions listed below will increase. Highlights of the governor’s budget include: $12.5 billion in spending reductions $12 billion in revenue extensions $1.9 billion in other solutions Establishment of a $1 billion reserve. Spending reductions for community colleges include: No 2010-11 mid-year cuts $400 million cut to community colleges; approximately $4 million for Cabrillo Student fee increase of $10 per credit unit bringing enrollment fees to $36 per credit unit $110 million increase in enrollment fee revenue generated by the $10 fee increase would be used to backfill apportionment reductions; approximately $1.1 million for Cabrillo An additional $129 million inter-year funding deferral bringing inter-year deferrals to $961 million; approximately $9.6 million for Cabrillo. No further reductions to categorical programs Categorical flexibility provisions adopted as part of the 2009-10 state budget would be extended for two additional years, through 2014-15. Maintains full funding for the Cal Grant program Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 104 The 2011-12 budget cycle will mark the fifth year that the college has reduced the base operating budget. Ongoing reductions to date total $5.6 million or approximately 10% of the budget. The College Planning Council received all state budget updates via email from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and the Community College League of California over the winter break. The college’s budget planning information has been updated to reflect information contained in the governor’s January proposal. The following attachments were reviewed by the college planning council on January 26, 2011 and are included for the Governing Board’s information: 2010-11 Projected Year End Fund Balance Updated 2010-11 and 2011-12 Base Budget Planning Assumptions An updated estimate of Cabrillo Operating Reserves—including the projected ending base budget balance for 2010-11 and 2011-12. Updated Base Budget Planning Parameters for 2010-11 through 2013-14 Updated Budget Development Timeline The college has developed a best, mid-range and worst case scenario for the 2011-12 budget cycle. The California Community College League has developed three budget scenarios for the college. The college’s planning documents mirror the League’s planning information (see attachment on page 111). The college has significant operating reserves that will help provide planning time for the college to make the next round of significant budget reductions. There are concerns about the reduction of funded enrollment and the subsequent reduction of courses offered at the college. Fiscal stability and student success are of the utmost importance to all constituents of the college community. The Governing Board will provide clear direction on the total amount of reserves that will be used to bridge the 2011-12 budget shortfall. The Governing Board will also identify other uses of the operating reserves. The college began formulating budget reduction plans in the fall of 2010. The College Planning Council and the Governing Board agreed to hold off on releasing reduction plans until the governor’s January budget was released. Now that the governor’s budget has been released, the college will develop reduction plans for the best, mid-range and worst case scenarios. Budget Town Hall meetings will be held on campus on Friday, February 4. The Governing Board has tentatively planned a Board Budget Study Session on February 14. Budget planning documents will go back to the Governing Board at the March meeting for action. Staff/service reductions not requiring a March 15 notice may occur at a later date. CABRILLO COLLEGE GENERAL FUND FY 2010-11 PROJECTED YEAR END FUND BALANCE CPC Jan. 26, 2011 105 I. BASE BUDGET 2010-11 PROJECTED CHANGE TO FUND BALANCE Revenue Expenses Projected F11 Increase/(Decrease) to Fund Balance FY 2010-11 Final Budget 59,783,172 61,668,990 (1,885,818) Projected Year End Actual 61,714,000 58,918,000 2,796,000 II. BASE BUDGET 2010-11 ANALYSIS OF PROJECTED YEAR END FUND BALANCE Projected CarryOver Allocated Increase to Fund Balance Supply Accounts CCFT Negotiated Faculty Conf Accts Criminal Justice In-Service Agency Funds SIE Equipment Funds Other Special Requests Authorized by Each Component 213,000 27,000 290,000 576,000 690,000 Total Allocated Increase to Fund Balance 1,796,000 Total Unallocated Increase to Fund Balance 1,000,000 III. GENERAL FUND BALANCE GENERAL FUND PROJECTED ENDING FUND BALANCE Fund 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 Genl Unrestricted Genl Restricted District Match Carry-Over Community Ed One-Time Backfill Categorical Charge Total Beginning Fund Balance 3,209,000 1,119,666 641,425 3,599,048 451,114 5,992,792 15,013,045 Projected Revenue 61,714,172 11,579,134 323,141 970,786 7,076 - Projected Expense 58,918,000 11,974,404 641,425 801,779 774,888 326,172 - Net Change 2,796,172 (395,270) (641,425) (478,638) 195,898 (319,096) Re-Classification Change to Fund Balance (2,796,000) 1,796,000 1,000,000 (0) Projected Ending Fund Balance 3,209,000 724,000 4,916,000 647,000 6,700,000 16,196,000 106 CPC January 26, 2011 I. 2011 Base Budget Planning Assumptions 2010-11 Final Budget Structural Deficit Range Worst Case MidRange Best Case (1,886,000) (1,886,000) (1,886,000) 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 216,000 2010-11 Revenue Adjustments- January State Budget A. Reverse 66.4% of the 2009-10 FTES Reduction (formerly classed as 2.21%growth) B. Remove Negative COLA 216,000 216,000 C. Deficit Factor State Property Tax Shortfall@ $15 million (300,000) (150,000) 0 D. Adjust General Apportionment Shortfall 465,000 465,000 465,000 0 100,000 100,000 (8,997,000) (6,184,000) (3,990,000) 1,097,000 1,097,000 1,097,000 ? ? ? ? ? ? (8,105,000) (5,042,000) (2,698,000) Full-time Faculty Obligation -Fall 2011 (205.6) (6 budgeted/unfilled funded) 0 (270,000) (360,000) (Faculty step 5/5, with benefits $90,000)-reduce funded 0, 3, 4 Adjunct Replacement Units- 30 units per FT position @ $1750 per unit 0 0 (3) 157,500 (4) 210,000 Classified positions 0 0 0 0 0 0 66,000 66,000 66,000 E. Part-time Faculty Compensation 2011-12 Revenue Assumptions A. General Apportionment Red.- $8.99 mil, $6.184 mil, $3.99 mil B. Increase in Student Fees $110 mil.-to offset apportionment reduction C. Deficit Factor Student Fee Revenue Shortfall Other TOTAL Revenue Adjustment 2011-12 Management positions Benefits Increase in Transfer to Retiree Benefit Fund Increase in Transfer for future retiree liability (new employees,etc.) ? ? ? 935,000 825,000 715,000 PERS employer rate increase for 2011-12 (rates continue to increase in subsequent years - 3.24%). STRS rate increase Increase in Worker's Comp., Gen. Liability, 17% 400,000 3.24% 0 85,000 15% 400,000 3.24% 0 80,000 13% 400,000 3.24% 0 75,000 Step and Column Increases (includes longevity, shift diff.) 395,000 395,000 395,000 2011-12 Medical benefit increase Labor Agreements ? ? ? New Facilities Supplies & Operating Staff 0 0 0 (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) District Contribution- Bus Pass Program Operating Costs: Supply budget increases for COLA 0 0 0 53 and 54 object classifications 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Operating Costs: Other net operating increases 200,000 150,000 100,000 Total Expense Adjustments Projected 2011-12 Structural Balance (Deficit) 1,981,000 1,703,500 1,501,000 (10,086,000) (6,745,500) (4,199,000) Bridge Fund Reserves 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 Net Reduction Target for 2011-12 (6,086,000) (2,745,500) (199,000) CPC January, 2011 107 Cabrillo Operating Reserves Mid Year- Bridge Fund Reserves Final Budget (see page 21 of the 2010-11 Final Budget) 4,385,818 One-Time Available Funds (unallocated one-time) 414,000 Other One-time funds (state mandates, etc) 238,000 2010-11 Projected Base Budget Unallocated Ending Balance 1,000,000 Projected Balance as of 6/30/11 6,037,818 Increase FTES Reserve in 2011-12 (see below) (500,000) 2011-12 Projected Base Budget Unallocated Ending Balance 1,000,000 Subtotal* *Allocation of reserves for critical needs, bridge funds for 2011-12 FTES Reserve FTES Reserve as of 6/30/10 FTES Reduction expected in 2011-12 Use FTES Reserve to Bridge ($500,000 = 285 Tus/FTES) Increase FTES reserve to bridge FTES funding reductions Total available for 2011-12 and 2012-13 * Does not include 5% General Reserve $6,537,818 ? 500,000 500,000 $1,000,000 Budget Planning Governor's January Budget CPC January 26, 2011 Difference between ongoing Revenues & Expenses (Structural Deficit) Increase in State Revenue Anticipated Property Tax Shortfall 1/2 of 2.21% Growth in Governor's Budget Negative .39% COLA Restored General Apportionment adjustmnet Part-time faculty compensation Gen. Apportionment reduction- $8.99 mil, $6.184 mil, 3.99 mil Increase in Student Fees $110 mil to offset apportionment reduction Net change in revenue 108 2010-11 through 2013-14 Base Budget Planning Parameters 2010-11 Budget Update 2011-12 Preliminary Budget Mid-Range Scenario 2012-13 Projected 2013-14 Projected (1,886,000) 45,000 (6,745,500) (8,790,500) 0 0 (150,000) (425,000) (112,500) (450,000) (150,000) 1,300,000 216,000 465,000 100,000 (6,184,000) 1,931,000 Net Increases in Ongoing Expenses Full-time Faculty Position changes (-3, +4, +3) (net of adjunct backfill) Step, Column, Longevity Increases, etc. Classified Positions Medical Plan Rate Increase--15% Management Positions Retiree Benefit Increase PERS Rate Increase STRS Rate Increas Worker's Comp, Unemployment Insurance New Facilities Supplies & Operating, Staff Utilities Net Operating Increases District Contribution- Bus Pass Program Retiree Benefits- New Employees Labor agreements Total Expenditure Increases Budget Reductions Ongoing Shortfall* Bridge Fund Reserve Deficit net of One-time funds *Estimates will change as more information becomes available 45,000 1,097,000 (5,087,000) 112,500 (395,000) 0 (825,000) 0 (66,000) (400,000) 0 (80,000) 0 0 (150,000) 100,000 ? ? (1,703,500) (725,000) ? (50,000) (395,000) ? ? ? (100,000) (200,000) (750,000) ? (100,000) (175,000) ? ? ? (100,000) (225,000) ? ? (2,045,000) ? ? (1,912,500) ? ? ? (6,745,500) (8,790,500) (10,703,000) CABRILLO COLLEGE Budget Development Timeline Draft FY 2011-12 Revised Jan 24, 2011 September 7-8, 2010 September 13, 2010 September 14-15, 2010 September 15-16, 2010 October 4, 2010 October 5-6, 2010 November 1, 2010 November 2-3, 2010 November 15, 2010 November 17, 2010 December 7-8, 2010 ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING - 2010-11 Final Budget - Budget Planning Update For 2011-2014 BOARD MEETING Action Items: - 2010-11 Final Budget Information Items: - Budget Presenation on FY 2010-11 Final Budget - Budget Planning Update for 2011-2014 - Budget Planning Parameters ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/CPC MEETING HEALTH BENEFIT FORUMS BOARD MEETING Information Items: - 2010-11 & 2011-12 Budget Update ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/CPC MEETINGS Information Items: - Budget Reduction Goals (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) - Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Criteria and Strategies - Budget Development Timeline - Budget Reduction Timeline (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) - FTES Projections for FY 2010-11 BOARD MEETING Information Items: - Budget Reduction Goals - Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Criteria and Strategies - Budget Development Timeline - Budget Reduction Timeline (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING - Review Budget Reduction Recommendations (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) BOARD BUDGET STUDY SESSION ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING - Review Budget Reduction Recommendations (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) - Budget Town Hall Meeting ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING 109 CABRILLO COLLEGE Budget Development Timeline Draft FY 2011-12 Revised Jan 24, 2011 January 10, 2011 January, 2011 February 4, 2011 February 7, 2011 February 14, 2011 February/March, 2011 March 7, 2011 April, 2011 April 11, 2011 May 2, 2011 June 13, 2011 2011-12 GOVERNOR'S STATE BUDGET STATE BUDGET WORKSHOP - Budget Town Hall Meetings (10:30-12:00; 2:00-3:30) BOARD MEETING Action Items: - Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Criteria and Strategies Information Items: - Budget Development Timeline - FY 2010-11 Mid Year Report (Projected Ending Balance) - FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12 Budget Update - Update Budget Parameters FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12 - Governing Board provides direction on the use of one-time operating reserves Tentative- BOARD BUDGET STUDY SESSION (4:00-6:00) - First Principal Apportionment 2010-11 - Develop 2011-12 Budget Reduction plans- all funds - Negotiations- All Groups BOARD MEETING - Reduction or Discontinuance of Services - Additional staff/service reductions not requiring a March 15 notice may occur at a later date Action Items: - Budget Development Timeline - FY 2010-11 Mid Year Report (Projected Ending Balance) - FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12 Budget Update - Update Budget Parameters FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12 Continue to Evaluate/Revise Planning Parameters BOARD MEETING Information Items: - Budget Reduction Recommendations (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) FY 2011-12 May Revise BOARD MEETING Action Items: - Final Notices to Faculty- Reduction or Discontinuance of Services, update on other personnel reductions - Budget Reduction Recommendations (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) FY 2011-12 BOARD MEETING Action Items: - 2011-12 Preliminary Budget 110 111 111 112 112 113 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: 2010-11 Cash Flow Update – Second Quarter REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER INFORMATION Page 1 of 3 E.4 BACKGROUND: In fiscal year 2004-05, the state initiated the practice of deferring a portion of the expected June allocation to the next fiscal year (July). Statewide, this amounts to $200 million dollars; for Cabrillo College this roughly equates to a $2 million dollar reduction in cash received at the end of the fiscal year. Subsequent years have seen a dramatic increase in cash deferrals: 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 $3.4 Million deferred from January-April monthly allocations, to 2009-10. $7.5 Million deferral from January-June monthly allocations, to 2010-11. Approximately $1.5 Million in additional deferrals to 2011-12 The college relies primarily on monthly state apportionment payments to meet monthly expenditure commitments such as payroll and general operating. The District has developed the attached cash flow projection tools to aid in planning day to day cash management. Cash flow projections are updated based on the latest state budget information. These reports track projected and actual cash activities, and balances and identifies significant variances. The Quarterly Cash Flow Statement shows projected and actual cash in and cash out. Variances between projected and actual cash flows are identified and explained on the report as well as assumptions used to develop the projections. The volatility of the state budget continues to make cash management a challenge for the District. Cash flow updates will be provided to the Governing Board on a quarterly basis. The Projected Cash Balance worksheet will include a rolling 12 month period. Administrator Initiating Item: Roy Pirchio Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature No Final Disposition Cabrillo College 2010-11 Cashflow Statement October Projected Actual 114 November Actual minus Projection Projected Actual December Actual minus Projection Projected Actual Actual minus Projection Cashflow In 14,696,814.00 4,373,351.15 14,696,814.00 1,876,363.76 (2,496,987.39) 3,477,972.00 1,711,442.62 3,477,972.00 4,313,584.79 2,602,142.17 1,932,208.00 9,480,711.88 1,932,208.00 13,402,822.72 3,922,110.84 19,070,165.15 16,573,177.76 (2,496,987.39) 5,189,414.62 7,791,556.79 2,602,142.17 11,412,919.88 15,335,030.72 3,922,110.84 Payroll Accts Payable Other/Xfers 4,437,400.30 4,148,452.14 200,000.00 4,275,960.53 5,437,896.80 214,831.11 (161,439.77) 1,289,444.66 14,831.11 4,381,444.83 1,672,020.00 3,991,280.80 2,593,507.36 (390,164.03) 921,487.36 - 2,976,592.96 1,750,917.47 3,315,142.88 3,510,214.73 (309,835.80) 338,549.92 1,759,297.26 (309,835.80) Total Cash Out 8,785,852.44 9,928,688.44 1,142,836.00 6,053,464.82 6,584,788.16 531,323.34 4,727,510.42 6,515,521.81 1,788,011.39 10,284,312.71 6,644,489.32 (3,639,823.39) 1,206,768.63 2,070,818.84 6,685,409.46 8,819,508.91 2,134,099.45 Apportionment Other/Xfers Total Cash In Cashflow Out Surplus/(Deficit) Variance Reconciliation (864,050.21) Assumptions October Cash In: Oct Financial Aid Received in Nov (2,200,000.00) Cash Out: Financial Aid Higher Than Anticipated 1,000,000.00 Cash In: Oct Financial Aid Received in Nov 2,200,000.00 Cash Out: STRS paid in December 373,000.00 Property Tax Revenue Higher than Anticipated 432,000.00 November December Cash In: Cash Out: November Financial Aid Posted in December 1,529,000.00 Financial Aid Higher Than Anticipated 1,700,000.00 January PERS paid in December Financial Aid Higher than Anticipated 329,604.00 1,700,000.00 * Quarterly Statement will be issued on a rolling quarter basis * Projected Apportionment includes deferrals of $9,699,713 * Assumes no deferrals in categorical programs * Cash In and Cash Out Projections include all Financial Aid Activity 115 Cabrillo College 2010-11 Projected Cash Balance July Beginning Cash Balance Cashflow In: Projected Actual County Borrowing Internal Borrowing Variance (Actual-Projection) Cashflow Out Projected Actual County Repayment Variance (Actual-Projection) Projected Ending Cash Balance Actual Ending Cash Balance August September * November December January February March April May June 2,251,375.99 12,333,363.68 4,842,100.29 2,440,803.63 6,378,009.50 9,224,786.00 9,407,066.00 1,177,825.00 1,524,229.00 3,535,943.00 3,914,154.76 182,280.00 346,404.00 378,211.76 (4,727,600.00) (4,564,652.00) 162,948.00 19,070,165.15 16,573,177.76 5,189,414.62 7,791,556.79 11,412,919.88 15,335,030.72 (2,496,987.39) 2,602,142.17 3,922,110.84 (6,645,919.00) (6,693,842.00) (5,713,585.00) (7,748,691.00) (8,785,852.44) (9,928,688.44) (6,053,464.82) (6,584,788.16) (47,923.00) (2,035,106.00) (1,142,836.00) (531,323.34) 1,577,275.94 11,861,588.65 10,997,538.45 17,682,947.91 11,220,423.50 6,050,810.50 2,216,274.26 8,860,763.58 10,067,532.21 18,887,041.12 Assumes no deferrals in categorical programs 4,715,666.47 (7,389,439.19) (6,633,555.36) (10,890,974.54) (6,122,561.86) (4,827,601.41) (1,788,011.39) 3,754,917.94 Apportionment and deferrals based on 2010-11 Chancellor's Office Schedule and includes addition of proposed deferral of $1.29 million dollars, for a total of $9,699,713 2,293,125.99 (4,727,510.42) (6,863,687.11) (6,515,521.81) 9,223,011.94 Assumptions: * October 13,112,386.79 10,438,614.07 - 6,056,434.70 - 7,498,823.85 - 6,218,362.27 - 3,831,564.50 - 116 117 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE February 7, 2011 FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Facilities Master Plan Project Status REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER INFORMATION Page 1 of 3 E.5 BACKGROUND: Major Projects under Construction Financial Overview for Major Projects Current Budget Total Paid to Date (thru 12/31/10) Encumbered (thru 12/31/10) Changes Under Review-including change orders not encumbered Anticipated Future Expenses Subtotal Committed Construction (Over)/Under Budget AEC Allied Health Classrooms SAC $29,137,797 $2 $78,929,841 Building 300 Watsonville Renovation Green Tech Center 8,104,996 $3,217,033 $10,940,000 77,833,576 29,045,993 25,213,197 1,776,642 3,768,638 415,002 91,251 257,080 378,120 6,370,665 583,784 0 454,100 109,757 22,537 78,854,899 0 29,137,244 25,924,377 152,000 2,416,519 608,041 10,747,344 74,942 553 2,180,619 800,514 192,656 Note#1 Financial Overview for Allied Health Building 300 AEC SAC Major Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Projects Current Budget $2,258,157 $263,873 $2,394,977 1,862,000 Total Paid to Date 2,258,157 263,873 1,040,483 55,555 (thru 12/31/10) Encumbered 0 567,808 370,073 (thru 12/31/10) Changes Under Review-including change orders not encumbered 0 0 0 0 Anticipated Future 0 0 786,686 1,436,372 Expenses Subtotal Committed 2,258,157 263,873 2,394,977 1,862,000 Construction (Over)/Under Budget 0 0 0 0 Note #1 Regarding Bldg 300 reconstruction, due to the favorable bid opening, $1,006,000 in State funds was reverted. Administrator Initiating Item: Joe Nugent Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 118 Major Projects under Construction Arts Education Classrooms Project Buildings 4 (Theater) and 5 (Music) continue to be in the closeout and punch list process. In addition to these activities staff is working to resolve acoustic concerns in 2-D and 3-D Art and the Music Building and water leaks in the Theater and Music buildings. Thirteen of the nineteen contractors have either been closed out or will be closed shortly. Mediation with the remaining contractors, architect, and construction manager is in process. Health and Wellness Project The Allied Health project consists of two buildings totaling 57,000 square feet, and is the new home for programs such as Nursing, Radiology Technology, Medical Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Health and Wellness, and the Stroke Center. RMW is the architect and Soltek Pacific is the contractor. Construction began in May 2008 and the buildings are 100% complete. Staff is in the process of closing out the project. All remaining issues have been resolved with the contractor. Anticipated future changes are an estimate of potential additional work, not part of initial bid. Current Status Update: The District received approval to encumber state funds for the equipment and has placed orders and bid large equipment purchases. The punch list is nearly complete with only touch up type work remaining. Some HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning) noise mitigation work is also underway in building 2, and Building 1 has sound panels on order and minor adjustments to the system under review. Building 300 Renovation On February 1, 2010 the Governing Board approved awarding a bid in the amount of $1,560,136 to Tombleson Construction of Salinas for the renovation of the 300 building. The project will remodel/reconstruct 12,523 assignable square feet of space to provide needed instructional space for ten general purpose classrooms, two large assembly/class rooms and nine BELA division offices. The construction began in spring 2010 and is substantially complete. Release request for state equipment funds was submitted to the Chancellor’s Office the week of October 4, 2010. Approval of the list was received on October 14, 2010. Staff has been placing orders for long lead time items to prepare the space for classes starting in the building in the spring semester 2011. Current Status Update: Beneficial occupancy of the building has been accomplished with minor punch list items remaining. The project is currently under budget by approximately $800,000 and is expected to reach final completion in April with the closing of project with DSA and State funding reconciliation. Watsonville Green Technology Center The District and the City of Watsonville closed escrow on the purchase of the Watsonville Library on July 15, 2008. Since then, the college has demolished the building in order to construct a 14,000 square foot Industrial Training Education Center (ITEC). The District received a grant for $2.5 million from Economic Development Agency for the project, and the grant was augmented by $865,000 this past summer to help fund an upgrade to a Platinum Level LEED certified “green” building. The project name has been changed to the Green Technology Center to reflect the new focus. The Division of State Architect (DSA) approved the plans in June of 2010 and EDA approved the plans and specifications in 2 of 3 119 July. The project went to bid in August 2010. In October, the Board approved Dilbeck and Sons as well as an augmentation to the budget of $517,000. Dilbeck and Sons were issued a notice to proceed and construction has begun. A deductive change order for the value engineering items discussed at the October Board meeting was approved at the November Board Meeting. The District has received a generous donation from the Ley Family of $100,000 for construction which allows us to add back some of the items that were value engineered out. Current Status Update: The project is now underway with the primary focus on the installation of the underground plumbing and electrical conduit. Building “A” (classroom building) is scheduled for concrete placement February 8, 2011 pending good weather and site coordination. Building “B” is scheduled for concrete placement February 22, 2011 also pending favorable weather and site coordination. Additional sub-grade work is scheduled to be accomplished the end of February. Some minor changes are anticipated and will be addressed in February although no current change orders are on this month’s report. Awards of Informal Bids under the Uniform Construction Cost Accounting System (UCC): At the September 2005 Governing Board meeting, the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting System was adopted to enable the District to increase the formal bid limits from $15,000 to $125,000. By adopting the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting System, the Board authorized the President or his/her designee to enter into agreements with low bidders using the informal bidding process with the provision that the successful awards would be presented to the Board as an information item. This system enables the District to 1) informally bid projects under $125,000 to prequalified contractors, 2) more efficiently and effectively manage small to medium sized projects, and 3) contract with local contractors who are deemed “qualified” bidders. No bids were awarded in December. 3 of 3 120 121 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Financial Reports ENCLOSURE(S) REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 22 E.6 INFORMATION BACKGROUND: The following financial reports are presented for the information of the Governing Board: Report Period Ending Trial Balance 12/31/10 Page 2 Year-to-Date Budget Reports 12/31/10 General Fund Child Development Fund Building Fund Revenue Bond 1998 Construction Fund Revenue Bond 2004 (Series A) Construction Fund Revenue Bond 2004 (Series B) Construction Fund Debt Service Fund Retiree Benefit Fund 3-4 5-6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Clearing and Revolving 12/31/10 13 Bookstore 12/31/10 14-15 Cafeteria 12/31/10 16-17 Associated Students 12/31/10 18 Scholarships/Loans 12/31/10 19 Student Center Fee 12/31/10 20 Student Representation Fee 12/31/10 21 Trust and Agency 12/31/10 22 Administrator Initiating Item: Roy Pirchio Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE February 7, 2011 FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Watsonville Redevelopment Update REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) E.7 Page 1 of 5 Background: An update on the addition of the Manabe-Ow property in Watsonville to the Watsonville 2000 Redevelopment Agency through State legislative action, will be presented as information to the Governing Board at the February 7, 2011 Board meeting. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King, President Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Final Disposition 144 Overview Addition of Manabe-Ow Property to the Watsonville 2000 Redevelopment Project Area The following briefly summarizes the need for the City to incorporate this property into the Redevelopment Area. Mr. Palacios will provide additional information, as well as discuss the potential financial benefits to the Cabrillo College District The Manabe-Ow Business Park is a 95 acre property adjacent to Highway 1 that will be the key to increasing employment and enhancing the quality of life for the Watsonville community, as well as the County as a whole, over the next twenty years. The project will include 65 acres of light industrial/office park development, 28 acres of slough restoration, minimal area-serving retail, and some workforce housing. At a time when unemployment for Watsonville has averaged 25% over the past two years, this project is essential. It is anticipated that over a twenty year period the project will create approximately 2100 jobs, and is likely to be the last project of this size within the County.. Construction of the business park requires significant infrastructure investment. As the property is currently in agricultural production, it lacks any streets or utilities, and much of it lies within a floodplain. Infrastructure costs alone are expected to be approximately $31 million. Given these costs, development of the property is too expensive for a private party to undertake on its own, and a public-private partnership is necessary. Redevelopment is a typical source of funding for projects of this nature, and it is unlikely this Property will be developed without contribution from the Redevelopment Agency. Because the property is not part of the Redevelopment Project Area, adding it is essential to the construction of the project. The Manabe-Ow Business Park represents the culmination of over 15 years of efforts to provide future industrial and technology development capacity for our community. Typically, such a major project would receive participation from the City’s Redevelopment Agency; however, the property is not currently within the Redevelopment Project Area. It was the City’s intention to include the property along with several other properties added when the Watsonville 2000 Redevelopment Plan was created. Unfortunately the City’s annexation of the Manabe-Ow property had not been completed by that time, and as it was not part of the City, it could not be added to the Redevelopment Area. Annexation was postponed until a community wide process led by Action Pajaro Valley resulted in adoption of a voter approved growth management strategy (Measure U), which defined the borders within which the City could grow. This growth management strategy specifically identified the 95 acre Manabe-Ow property as a targeted growth site, and it was annexed to the City in 2006. It is still not a part of the Redevelopment Project Area. Redevelopment is intended to address “blighted” areas. Under current redevelopment law, the property cannot be added to the Redevelopment Project Area through a traditional amendment to the Redevelopment Plan, because it does not meet the strict definition of blight, despite its presence in a flood plain, as it is undeveloped agricultural land. A legislative action is presently the City’s only option for including the property in the Redevelopment Project Area. Staff and Council would work with our representatives in the State Assembly and Senate to introduce and hopefully secure a bill that would authorize the City Council to add the property to the Redevelopment Project Area. 145 This project is not only vital to the creation of future jobs but also to retention of existing local (both within Watsonville and County-wide) businesses and employees. Several local employers are poised to grow and would prefer to do so locally but would be forced to look out of the region – if not the state - if local industrial capacity is not expanded. Without redevelopment assistance, it is unlikely that the Manabe-Ow Business Park will be fully developed. T AV LOM ISTA PA RA ISO C VA VIS LL E TA CT 146 Manabe-Ow Specific Plan DR N TA L IS TA V POR LR DE IO C CT T DA S SA EL EL VIA D CT REY M O T E NT CT T TA S C EL A ROS CT IS TA V QUIN TA SA N ST ST RES FLO LAS AL LE LA S ST A ST CIEN E RR PIMA A LA H VIA S ANA ENT VIA V L HO US R E D NT A IV E RI A AV NA DE SA PA CT N SA T IO C Legend N TO AR AN M CT LA R OM AN A River CT N SA G L RIE AB UE VEN TA A UE EN AV N SA E IV EL A VIS N SU LE DA WAY Manabe-Ow Specific Plan C E PAS Lakes CT A RK A NT SA A IN AL AT C CT DR A RR IA SIE S LU S CT V NUE LN P ONE OHL A CT E BRE LU CA UE CT TA N SA N EN A DR VE N E Motto: “Opportunity Through Diversity; Unity Through Cooperation.” E NT A IS E U CT O PO S LU A V N City of Watsonville VI N SA OUS T IG H CT R ED EL BRE RA A VE PRIM VI CASA TAS CA SI ST A ST OLL LA J A VIL L LA S HT H LIG AN APIT T O DR A VIST Parcel Watsonville City Limit VER µ DE C I 1 inch = 500 feet 0 70 140 280 420 560 Feet Orthographic Photo Date: July, 2007 Prepared by Watsonville GIS Center 11/15/2010. This Document is a graphic representation using the best currently available sources. The City of Watsonville assumes no responsibility for any errors. ES W T A BE CH ST IND TR US IAL RD RDA Project Area Map NV A LL EY R D 147 HOL OHA NR D GR EE BU E NA VIS TA DR L City of Watsonville M LO Motto: “Opportunity Through Diversity; Unity Through Cooperation.” IN V Legend BL EAS T LAKE M DO EE FR R SO UT HG RE EN VA L D AV LE Y Y LE AL RD L AK L AR K AV TA EV IE W IE PR RD A TB OR RP I A Manabe-Ow Specific Plan RDA Project Area Parcel Watsonville City Limit HA IN S RK MAIN ST UGH R D SL O W AL KE R ST EA ST T ES W ST RD RD IA L TR US IND LEE T ES W H AC BE T ES W T ES W H AC BE RD V RI SI ER DE DR L E AK H AC BE / ST 680 340 0 1 inch = 2,500 feet 680 1,360 2,040 2,720 Feet AV VE RI E ID RS DR Prepared by Watsonville GIS Center 01/03/2011 (COWTemplates). This Document is a graphic representation only of best available sources. The City of Watsonville assumes no responsibility for any errors. 148 149 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Cabrillo College Fact Book Presentation & Discussion REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 E.8 BACKGROUND: The Board will discuss the Cabrillo College Fact Book 2010 with Interim Dean of I.T., Planning & Research, Craig Hayward. The Cabrillo College Fact Book 2010 contains 58 pages of statistics and analytics that describe Cabrillo College’s students, staff, faculty, and resources. The fact book provides insight into the nature of the college and its operations including statistical information on student headcount, enrollment, demographics, financial aid, success and attainment. A number of pages have been added or enhanced or the years. Three new pages were added in 2010 and numerous other pages were improved. Each page is a study in its own right. What does this compendium say about us? How is the information used? Staff, faculty and community members are encouraged to access the contents of the fact book online at: http://pro.cabrillo.edu/pro/factbook Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Craig Hayward Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 150 151 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: ENCLOSURE(S) STARS Title V Project Update REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 E.9 BACKGROUND The college was awarded a Title V grant through the Strengthening Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Program under the U.S. Department of Education for October 2009 – September 2014. The purpose of the grant is to increase success for students assessing at basic skills levels in math, English and reading. The Cabrillo program is named STARS, Students Transitioning in Academics and Reaching Success, with a website at www.cabrillostars.org. The grant funds five staff positions, with the fifth in the process of being hired this year. All of the funded activities are on schedule and fall under two primary branches: increased student engagement and faculty development to support student achievement. Increased Student Engagement The First Year Experience (FYE) program for the first year of the grant focused on students interested in careers in Allied Health, Public Safety and Human Services. STARS FYE was successfully launched in July, 2010 with a Summer Bridge program that prepared students in math, reading and an orientation to college resources. The Summer Bridge program included activities to build cohesion within the cohort, information on learning disabilities and screening upon request, and study skills workshops. The retention rate was 96% (55 of 57 finished), the average success rate was 95%, and persistence was 93% (53 enrolled in the fall semester). These rates far exceeded the 75% benchmark set as a goal. For fall 2010, 58 students enrolled in STARS FYE math, reading, English and career exploration classes. 53 have enrolled for the spring semester, a cohort persistence rate of 91%. They will be joined by 18 students who took fall classes in the Digital Bridge Academy, for a total of 71 STARS students in spring 2011. Success and persistence rates for the fall are currently being analyzed by the Planning and Research Office and will be part of the first year summary report on STARS FYE. Several procedural changes which will benefit Learning Communities (LC) as a whole at the college were put into place, including beginning the LC scheduling process a year prior to the start of a semester, activating new functions in Datatel to facilitate LC registration, and using an integrated approach for LC outreach to inform students of all the options available. Administrator Initiating Item: Rachel Mayo, Dean, Ed Centers/Title V Renée M. Kilmer, Vice President, Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes X No Yes No Final Disposition 152 Other goals related to increasing student engagement have been met or exceeded to date. Technology upgrades were provided for six classrooms in the fall, doubling the goal of three for the first year. Curriculum development was completed for new courses in ESL, math, Allied Health, Human Services, Public Safety, reading and library science. A Welcome Center information kiosk to give students easy access to first contact information was equipped, and a second one was set up at the Watsonville Center. In addition, the website for the kiosk (http://cabrillo.edu/internal/onestop/titlev/) was adopted for the registration computers near Admissions and Records. A leisure reading collection to encourage basic skills students to expand their reading activities was set up in the college library, and a second collection was added to the Integrated Learning Center in Watsonville. Faculty Development The grant funds the development of a Faculty Inquiry System to increase the use of data to improve teaching and thereby increase the level of success for basic skills students, while contributing to the college-wide goal of building a "culture of inquiry." This system will be known as SOFIA, Student Outcomes for Faculty Inquiry and Analysis. The Faculty Inquiry Network (CabrilloFIN) has been set up as the first step in this process, an online Cabrillo community for faculty and staff to engage in discussion groups, post information and research regarding excellent teaching and student success, and pose questions to their peers about best practices. The CabrilloFIN gathered over one hundred members during the first year of the grant, and many are actively communicating online. The grant also provides funds for professional development for conferences and training related to basic skills instruction, First Year Experience programs, learning communities, and other topics related to themes in the STARS FYE model. Future Planning During this second year of the grant which started in October of 2010, SOFIA will enter a more accelerated development phase and other grant initiatives will develop more fully. After this year there are three more years of FYE pilots, which will each have a different focus since Title V grants fund development rather than operations. The 2011-12 FYE program will start in Summer 2011 and have three cohorts: students interested in Health or Wellness careers who assess into English 255, Early Childhood Education (ECE) students who are also taking English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, and ESL students who will take ESL 204 in the fall and English 100 in the spring. The ECE and one of the ESL groups will be evening cohorts. The 2012-13 FYE program will focus on basic skills students interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) fields, and 2013-14 will have a general focus on basic skills students who plan to transfer. Matching federal funds support a Title V endowment that is intended to support grant activities beyond the funding period, and $49,442 were matched the first year. Response to the endowment has been favorable, and the Cabrillo College Foundation anticipates matching the full amount of $451,115 in federal funds designated for the 5-year grant period. 2 153 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Board Policy 3518 Child Abuse Reporting Student Services, First Reading REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 E.10 BACKGROUND: The District is in the process of revising Board Policies and Administrative Regulations utilizing the California Community College League’s model policies as applicable. Attached is a new addition to the Board Policies in the Student Services component. Board Policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. Administrator Initiating Item: Dennis Bailey-Fougnier Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 154 BP 3518 Child Abuse Reporting References: Penal Code Sections 261, 264.1, 273a, 273d, 285, 286, 288, 288a, 289, 647a, and 11164-11174.3; Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 300, 318, and 601; Family Code Sections 7802, 7807, 7808, 7820-7829, 7890, and 7892 The President/Superintendent shall establish procedures related to the responsibility of employees, within the scope of employment or in their professional capacity, to report suspected abuse and neglect of children. See Administrative Procedure 3518. Approved: Student Services Council, January 19, 2011 155 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 E.11 BACKGROUND: The following calendar presents information about selected events and significant dates for the month of February. Dates given are accurate as of January 19, 2011. Administrator Initiating Item: Kristin Fabos, Director of Marketing Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 156 February 2011 Marketing and Communications Department • 831.479.5744 Sunday Monday 31 Flex Week Begins Tuesday 1 Flex Day Wednesday 2 Flex Day Thursday 3 Flex Day Friday 4 5 Flex Day Men’s & Women’s Softball vs. Diablo Basketball vs. Valley, 3:00 p.m. Monterey Peninsula, 5:00 & 7:00 p.m. Breakfast with Brian, 8:30 a.m., Horticulture Center Saturday Cabrillo Insider, radio show, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m., KSCO 1080 AM 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Spring Semester Begins Governing Board Meeting, 5:00 p.m., Sesnon House Auditions for spring Auditions for spring Auditions for spring Men’s & Women’s Baseball vs. College of TA production of TA production of TA production of Basketball vs. the Sierras, 2:00 p.m. “Marriage of Figaro,” “Marriage of Figaro,” “Marriage of Figaro,” DeAnza, 5:00 & 7:00 7:00 p.m., Crocker 7:00 p.m., Crocker 7:00 p.m., Crocker p.m. Cabrillo Insider, radio Theater Theater Theater show, 5:00 - 6:00 Softball vs. Porterville, p.m., KSCO 1080 AM Exhibit: “Insistence of 12:00 p.m. Memory,” opens at Cabrillo Gallery Baseball vs. Modesto, Board Budget Study 2:00 p.m. Session, 4:00-6:00 p.m., Sesnon House (Tentative) 20 21 Holiday Washington’s Birthday Observed 22 Census Day 23 Exhibit: “Insistence of Holiday - Lincoln’s Memory,” Reception Birthday Observed and Artist’s Talk: 4:30 - 7:00 p.m., Cabrillo Gallery 24 Baseball vs. Delta, 2:00 p.m. 25 Softball vs. Contra Costa, 1:00 p.m. Baseball vs. Modesto, 1:00 p.m. Cabrillo Insider, radio show, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m., KSCO 1080 AM 26 Annual Evening of World Theatre presents Watsonville Taiko, 8:00 p.m., Crocker Theater Cabrillo Insider, radio show, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m., KSCO 1080 AM 27 28 Coming in Early March Mar 1 Softball vs. San Jose City College, 3:00 p.m. Mar 5 Softball vs. Napa Valley, 11:00 a.m. Mar 5 Deadline to drop a full-term class without permanent “W” Mar 5/6 Auditions for Cabrillo Stage summer productions, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Crocker Theater Mar 6 DACLS presents pianist Frank Wiens, 3:00 p.m., Music Recital Hall Mar 7 Cabrillo Governing Board Meeting, 5:00 p.m., Sesnon House