Minutes of Meeting CABRILLO COLLEGE GOVERNING BOARD March 7, 2011 REGULAR MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was held at the Sesnon House, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, California on Monday, March 7, 2011. Chair Katy Stonebloom opened the meeting in Open Session at 5:00 pm. Roll was taken; present were Chair Stonebloom, Trustees Gary Reece, Al Smith, Rachael Spencer, and Donna Ziel. Chair Stonebloom asked for Public Comments on Closed Session items. There were no public comments. Closed Session items were announced and the meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 5:01 pm. Closed Session was adjourned at 6:00 pm. ROLL CALL Chair Katy Stonebloom called the Open Session to order at 6:09 pm. Other Trustees present were Gary Reece, Al Smith, Rachael Spencer, and Donna Ziel. Also present were members of the community, college faculty, staff and students. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION Chair Stonebloom stated that there was nothing to report out of Closed Session. PROCEDURAL ITEMS It was moved and seconded (Spencer/Reece) to approve the consent agenda items, including the minutes from the February 7, 2011 meeting CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA AND MINUTES The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Allenser AYES: Reece, Smith, Spencer, Stonebloom, and Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: Garcia and True ABSTAIN: None ACTION ITEMS It was moved and seconded (Spencer Reece) to move Action items C.2, C.5, and C.6 to the top of the agenda. The motion carried unanimously. Citizens’ Oversight Committee: Measure D 2010 Annual Report It was recommended that the Governing Board receive the Measure D 2010 Annual Report from the Citizens’ Oversight Committee. Citizens’ Oversight Committee Vice President Lewis thanked Citizens Oversight Committee (COC) Chair Michael Bethke for his and the committee’s hard work. Trustee Spencer also thanked the committee for their time and work. COC Chair Bethke said the committee will continue its work until the Green Technology Center is completed. It was moved and seconded (Reece/Ziel) to receive the Measure D 2010 Annual Report from the Citizens’ Oversight Committee. The motion carried unanimously. 1 of 7 CITIZENS’ OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE: MEASURE D 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Minutes of Meeting March 7, 2011 2009-10 District Audit Report It was recommended that the Governing Board accept the 2009-10 audit report of all funds of Cabrillo Community College District as prepared by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP. 2009-10 DISTRICT AUDIT REPORT Terry Montgomery from Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP provided a brief overview of the district audit. The Board discussed the college’s inventory system, which is continually highlighted by the auditor, and Vice President Lewis said a plan will be brought forward to address the issue. It was moved and seconded (Smith/Ziel) to accept the 2009-10 audit report of all funds of the Cabrillo College District. The motion carried unanimously. 2009-10 Measure D Audit Report It was recommended that the Governing Board accept the audit report of Measure D Bond Funds for June 2010 as prepared by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP. 2009-10 MEASURE D AUDIT REPORT It was moved and seconded (Smith/Ziel) to accept the audit report of Measure D Bond Funds for June 2010. The motion carried unanimously. INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED FACULTY AND STAFF None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None SPECIAL PRESENTATION Faculty Members Marcy Alancraig and Joe McCullough provided sabbatical reports. Trustee Spencer said the heart of Cabrillo is teaching, and she thanked the faculty members for their reports. ORAL REPORTS Board Trustees’ Reports Trustee Ziel reported on the Brain Rules presentation, and said she is grateful that Cabrillo partnered with the County Office of Education and Gateway School to host the event. Student Trustee’s Report Student Trustee Allenster said the Student Senate is already working on next semester’s election. The Student Senate is also working on leadership and social justice conferences. The Social Justice Conference is scheduled for April 30. Superintendent’s Report President King reported on Financial Aid Day and thanked Vice President BaileyFougnier and his staff for organizing the event. President King said budget advocacy efforts, encouraging legislators to let voters make the decision about extending the tax increases, are underway. CCFT CCFT President Harvell passed out data on benefits and administrators. The data 2 of 7 INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED FACULTY AND STAFF ORAL COMMUNICATIONS SPECIAL PRESENTATION ORAL REPORTS BOARD TRUSTEE REPORTS STUDENT TRUSTEE’S REPORT SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT CCFT Minutes of Meeting March 7, 2011 compared Cabrillo to other California Community Colleges. CCFT President Harvell said the real question is what kind of administration promotes student success and how many administrators probably is not as important as what they do. Faculty Senate Faculty Senate Hodges reported that the Senate is having ongoing conversations around student success. Other recent conversations have included talking about technology tools and data analysis. CCEU CCEU President Stainback thanked the Board and Vice President Lewis for withdrawing the district’s request to negotiate this year and thanked the Foundation for fundraising for the short term student loans. CCEU President Stainback said the college needs to think about how it can provide social services for students. FACULTY SENATE CCEU CCEU President Stainback also said CCEU is encouraging classified to take a vacation day to go to Sacramento for the March on March. CCEU members are sending letters to Senator Blakeslee encouraging him to vote to put the tax extensions on a June ballot. Public Hearing 2011-12 CCEU Initial Proposal to District There were no comments. ACTION ITEMS ACTION ITEMS Receive 2011-12 CCEU Initial Proposal to District It was recommended that the Governing Board receive CCEU’s initial proposal for negotiations with the District. REVCEIVE 2011-12 CCEU INITIAL PROPOSAL TO DISTRICT It was moved and seconded (Reece/Ziel) to receive CCEU’s initial proposal for negotiations with the District. The motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 009-11 – Reduction or Discontinuance of Certain Particular Kinds of Academic Services for the 2011-2012 School Year It was recommended that the Governing Board approve Resolution 009-11 – Reduction or Discontinuance of Certain Particular Kinds of Academic Services for the 2011-2012 School Year. Chair Stonebloom asked about the implications for the Stroke Center. Vice President Kilmer responded that the Stroke Center will serve the same number of students but services will decrease. It was moved and seconded (Reece/Spencer) to approve Resolution 009-11Reduction or Discontinuance of Certain Particular Kinds of Academic Services for 2011-2012 School Year. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: 3 of 7 RESOLUTION NO. 00911 – REDUCTION OR DISCONTINUANCE OF CERTAIN PARTICULAR KINDS OF ACADEMIC SERVICES FOR THE 2011-2012 SCHOOL YEAR Minutes of Meeting March 7, 2011 Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Allenser AYES: Reece, Smith, Spencer, Stonebloom, Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: Garcia and True ABSTAIN: None NOTICE OF Notice of Reemployment/Non-Reemployment of Designated Academic Employees REEMPLOYMENT/NONIt was recommended that the Governing Board accept the REEMPLOYMENT OF Superintendent/President’s recommendations. It was moved and seconded (Ziel/Reece) to accept the Superintendent/President’s recommendations. DESIGNATED ACADEMIC EMPLOYEES The motion carried unanimously. FMP SEMI-ANNUAL FMP Semi-Annual Update, Revision and Project Status UPDATE, REVISION It was recommended that the Governing Board approve the Facilities Master Plan as AND PROJECT STATUS presented. It was moved and seconded (Spencer/Ziel) to approve the facilities master plan as presented. The motion carried unanimously. Contract Extension: Taher, Inc. It was recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to execute a one year extension to the existing agreement. CONTRACT EXTENSION: TAHER, INC. Trustee Reece noted the need to plan adequate time for a RFP and said the limitations the college puts on the foodservice provider makes it very difficult to make a profit. The Trustees discussed putting fewer parameters around the next RFP. It was moved and seconded (Reece/Spencer) to approve the one year contract extension with to the existing agreement. The motion carried unanimously. Contract Extension: District Audit, 2011 It was recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to execute a one year extension to the existing agreement. CONTRACT EXTENSION: DISTRICT AUDIT, 2011 It was moved and seconded (Reece/Ziel) to approve the one year contract extension to the existing agreement. The motion carried unanimously. Cabrillo College and SJSU Global Studies Partnership The Board item was tabled until the April Board meeting. Resolution 016-11: In Support of a 2020 Vision for Student Success for California Community Colleges It was recommended that the Governing Board approve resolution 016-11 in support 4 of 7 CABRILLO COLLEGE AND SJSU GLOBAL STUDIES PARTNERSHIP RESOLUTION 016-11: IN SUPPORT OF A 2020 VISION FOR STUDENT Minutes of Meeting March 7, 2011 of a 2020 Vision for Student Success for California Community Colleges as presented. It was moved and seconded (Spencer/Reece) to approve resolution 016-11 in support of a 2020 Vision for Student Success for California Community Colleges as presented. SUCCESS FOR CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Allenser AYES: Reece, Smith, Spencer, Stonebloom, and Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: Garcia and True ABSTAIN: None Resolution 017-11: In Support of California Community Colleges Budget Priorities RESOLUTION 017-11: IN SUPPORT OF and Principles CALIFORNIA It was recommended that the Governing Board approve resolution 017-11 in support COMMUNITY of California Community Colleges Budget Priorities and Principles. COLLEGES BUDGET Trustee Spencer asked the President’s office to send a copy of the approved resolution to Scott Lay at the Community College League of California. PRIORITIES AND PRINCIPLES It was moved and seconded (Spencer/Reece) to approve resolution 017-11 in support of California Community Colleges Budget Priorities and Principles. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Allenser AYES: Reece, Smith, Spencer, Stonebloom, and Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: Garcia and True ABSTAIN: None STUDENT Student Emergency Support Program It was recommended that the Governing Board allocate $50,000 for a student EMERGENCY SUPPORT PROGRAM emergency support program from operating reserves. Student Trustee Allenser thanked the Board for approving the item and said it is a really great program. Trustee Reece thanked Vice President Bailey-Fougnier and Foundation Director Silverstein for their work on the program. It was moved and seconded (Ziel/Reece) to allocate $50,000 for a student emergency support program from operating reserves. The motion carried unanimously. 5 of 7 Minutes of Meeting March 7, 2011 Board Policy Revisions: Student Services, Second Reading It was recommended that the Governing Board adopt the board policy as presented. It was moved and seconded (Reece/Spencer) to adopt the board policy as presented. The motion carried unanimously. California Connects Grant for MESA It was recommended that the Governing Board accept this grant on behalf of Cabrillo’s MESA program. It was further recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President of Administrative Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement on behalf of the college. BOARD POLICY REVISIONS: STUDENT SERVICES, SECOND READING CALIFORNIA CONNECTS GRANT FOR MESA Vice President Kilmer said that as a result of the grant the MESA program will receive 300 laptops for students over the next three years. It was moved and seconded (Spencer/Ziel) to accept the grant on behalf of Cabrillo’s MESA program. The motion carried unanimously. INFORMATION ITEMS CCEU 2010-11 Negotiated Agreement Reopeners The item was provided for Governing Board information. CCEU 2010-11 NEGOITATED AGREEMENT REOPENERS 2011-12 BUDGET UPDATE 2011-12 Budget Update An update on the 2011-12 budget was presented for Governing Board information. Vice President Lewis said the college is focusing on advocacy and will bring action items to the Board in the coming months. 2009-10 FOUNDATION 2009-10 Foundation Audit AUDIT The Cabrillo College Foundation’s annual audit for the fiscal year 2009-10 was provided for Governing Board information. QUARTERLY Quarterly Investment Report (Dec 10) INVESTMENT REPORT The quarterly investment report for the quarter ending December 31, 2010 was (DEC 10) provided for Governing Board information. FINANCIAL REPORTS Financial Reports The financial reports were provided for Governing Board information 2009-10 PROFESSIONAL 2009-10 Professional Development Leave Reports The professional development leave reports for the 2009-2010 academic year were DEVELOPMENT LEAVE REPORTS provided under separate cover for Governing Board information. SPRING 2011 FLEX Spring 2011 Flex Week Activities WEEK ACTIVITIES A report on the 2011 Flex Week Activities were provided for Governing Board information. Trustee Spencer asked how the college knows Flex week is worthwhile. Vice President Kilmer said faculty pick up particular strategies during Flex week, and committee post the Flex week evaluations on their web site, but there is not a specific rubric or matrix that tracks who incorporates what into their curriculum. The committee hears things anecdotally and that helps them plan future Flex week activities. 6 of 7 Minutes of Meeting March 7, 2011 Resolution 018-11: In Support of the California Dream Act, AB 130 and AB 131 (Cedillo) Resolution 018-11 in support of the California Dream Act was provided for Governing Board information. The Board agreed the resolution should come back as an action item in April. Interpreters Update An update on interpreters is provided for Governing Board information. Vice President Kilmer said the interpreting costs have doubled in the last year. The college will need one time funds to cover the mandated services for the spring semester. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar The Cabrillo College activities for the month of March were presented for Governing Board information. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings The Cabrillo College Governing Board discussed items to be placed on the agenda for the future Board meetings. ADJOURN The open session of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was adjourned at 7:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Secretary 7 of 7 RESOLUTION 018-11: IN SUPPORT OF THE CALIFORNIA DREAM ACT INTERPRETERS UPDATE CABRILLO COLLEGE MONTHLY CALENDAR AGENDA FOR NEXT BOARD MEETING ADJOURNMENT