1 Cabrillo College Governing Board Monday, March 7, 2011 Cabrillo College Sesnon House 6500 Soquel Drive Aptos, California 95003 OPEN SESSION PAGE 1. Call to Order and Roll Call TIME 5:00 2. Adoption of Agenda 3. Public Comments Regarding Closed Session Items (three minute time limit per speaker) Please notify clerk if you desire to speak to the Board. 4. Announcement of Closed Session 5. Adjourn to Closed Session CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Government Code §54956.8) Property: 251 Kings Village Road, Scotts Valley, California 95066 Agency Negotiator: Brian King Negotiating Parties and Owner: Scotts Valley City Manager, City of Scotts Valley Under Negotiation: Terms of Payment, Conditions 2. Conference with District Counsel regarding anticipated litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(b)(3)(E) (McGuire and Hester, Nibbi Brothers Construction, ISEC, J.W. McClenahan, Collins Electrical Company, Brady Company, HGA Architects, Bogard+Kitchell) 3. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Victoria Lewis Employee Organization: CCFT 4. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Victoria Lewis Employee Organization: CCEU 5. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Brian King Employee Organizations: Management and Confidential Employees OPEN SESSION Call to Order and Roll Call Report Out of Closed Session 6:00 A. Consent Items 1. Minutes and Consent Agenda (these items are approved when the agenda is approved unless a Board member wishes to discuss) a) Minutes of January 28, 2011 7 6:01 2 March 7, 2011 b) Minutes of February 7, 2011 9 c) Minutes of February 14, 2011 17 2. Register of Warrants 19 It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify warrant numbers 04377–05112 for the amount of $4,588,025.54. 3. Ratification: Construction Change Orders 39 It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify the construction change orders provided. 4. Budget Transfers by Resolution It is recommended that the Governing Board approve resolution numbers 010-11 through 015-11 for budget transfers 19014 through 19099. 41 5. Donations from Cabrillo College Foundation 49 It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the donations to the named programs from the Cabrillo College Foundation. 6. Quarterly Financial Status Report CCFS 311Q 51 It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the report, CCFS 311Q Quarterly Financial Status Report, and order its inclusion on the official minutes of the college. 7. Human Resources Management Report 57 It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify and/or approve the human resources management report. Introduction of Newly Appointed Faculty and Staff Oral Communications Members of the audience may speak to non-agenda items (three minute time limit per speaker) A. Special Presentation Sabbatical Reports: Marcy Alancraig and Joe McCullough 6:05 B. Oral Reports 1. Board Members’ Reports 6:10 2. Student Trustee’s Report 6:13 3. Superintendent’s Report 6:15 4. CCFT 6:17 Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers. 5. Faculty Senate 6:19 Comments on issues of interest to the Faculty Senate. 6. CCEU Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo Classified Employees Union. 6:21 3 March 7, 2011 Public Hearing 2011-12 CCEU Initial Proposal to District 59 6:23 61 6:25 C. Action Items 1. Receive 2011-12 CCEU Initial Proposal to District It is recommended that the Governing Board receive CCEU’s initial proposal for negotiations with the District. 2. Citizen’s Oversight Committee: Measure D 2010 Annual Report 65 It is recommended that the Governing Board receive the Measure D 2010 Annual Report from the Citizens’ Oversight Committee. 3. Resolution No. 009-11 – Reduction or Discontinuance of Certain Particular Kinds of Academic Services for the 2011-2012 School Year 67 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve resolution 009-11 reduction or discontinuance of certain particular kinds of academic services for the 2011-2012 school year. 4. Notice of Reemployment/Non-Reemployment of Designated Academic Employees 69 It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the Superintendent/President’s recommendations. 5. 2009-10 District Audit Report 73 It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the 2009-10 audit report of all funds of Cabrillo Community College District as prepared by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP. 6. 2009-10 Measure D Audit Report 75 It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the audit report of Measure D Bond Funds for June 2010 as prepared by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP. 7. FMP Semi-Annual Update, Revision and Project Status 77 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Facilities Master Plan as presented. 8. Contract Extension: Taher, Inc. 87 It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to execute a one year extension to the existing agreement. 9. Contract Extension: District Audit, 2011 89 It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Business Services to extend the contract with Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Company for audit services in 2011. 10. Cabrillo College and SJSU Global Studies Partnership It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the partnership agreement between Cabrillo College and SJSU University. It is further recommended that the Vice President, Instruction be authorized to make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement. 91 4 March 7, 2011 C. Action Items (continued) 11. Resolution 016-11: In Support of a 2020 Vision for Student Success for California Community Colleges 93 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve resolution 016-11 in support of a 2020 Vision for Student Success for California Community Colleges as presented. 12. Resolution 017-11: In Support of California Community Colleges Budget Priorities and Principles 95 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve resolution 017-11 in support of California Community Colleges Budget Priorities and Principles 13. Student Emergency Support Program 99 It is recommended that the Governing Board allocate $50,000 for a student emergency support program from operating reserves. 14. Board Policy Revisions: Student Services, Second Reading 101 It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the board policy as presented. 15. California Connects Grant for MESA 103 It is recommended that the Governing Board accept this grant on behalf of Cabrillo’s MESA program. It is further recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President of Administrative Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement on behalf of the college. D. Information Items 1. CCEU 2010-11 Negotiated Agreement Reopeners The item is provided for Governing Board information. 105 2. 2011-12 Budget Update An update on the 2011-12 budget will be presented at the Board meeting for Governing Board information. 107 3. 2009-10 Foundation Audit The Cabrillo College Foundation’s annual audit for the fiscal year 2009-10 is provided for Governing Board information 109 4. Quarterly Investment Report (Dec 10) 111 The quarterly investment report for the quarter ending December 31, 2010 is provided for Governing Board information. 5. Financial Reports 119 The financial reports are provided for Governing Board information. 6. 2009-2010 Professional Development Leave Reports The professional development leave reports for the 2009-2010 academic year are provided under separate cover for Governing Board information. 141 6:40 5 March 7, 2011 D. Information Items (continued) 7. Spring 2011 Flex Week Activities 143 A report on the 2011 Flex Week Activities is provided for Governing Board information. 8. Resolution 018-11: In Support of the California Dream Act, AB 130 and AB 131 (Cedillo) 145 Resolution 018-11 in Support of the California Dream Act, AB 130 and AB 131 (Cedillo), is provided for Governing Board information. 9. Interpreters Update 149 An update on interpreters is provided for Governing Board information. 10. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar 151 The Cabrillo College activities calendar for the month of March is provided for Governing Board information. 11. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings The Cabrillo College Governing Board may discuss items to be placed on the agenda for the future Board meetings. CLOSED SESSION ADJOURN 7:00 For ADA related meeting accommodations, contact Dominique Hansen, Executive Assistant to the President, at (831) 479-6306 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. 6 Minutes of Special Meeting 7 CABRILLO COLLEGE GOVERNING BOARD January 28, 2011 SPECIAL MEETING The special meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was held at the Horticulture Center, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, California on Friday, January 28, 2011. Secretary Brian King opened the meeting in Open Session at 3:30 pm. Roll was taken; present were Chair Katy Stonebloom and Trustees Rebecca Garcia, Gary Reece, Al Smith, Rachael Spencer, and Donna Ziel. Also present were members of the community, college faculty, staff and students. INFORMATION ITEM CALL TO ORDER INFORMATION ITEM The Board discussed enhancing student success and the California League of Community College’s Report on the Commission on the Future. ADJOURNMENT ADJOURNMENT The special meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was adjourned at 5:05 pm. Respectfully submitted, Secretary 1 of 1 8 9 Minutes of Meeting CABRILLO COLLEGE GOVERNING BOARD February 7, 2011 REGULAR MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was held at the Sesnon House, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, California on Monday, February 7, 2011. Chair Katy Stonebloom opened the meeting in Open Session at 5:00 pm. Roll was taken; present were Chair Stonebloom, Trustees Rebecca Garcia, Gary Reece, Al Smith, Rachael Spencer, Susan True, and Donna Ziel. Chair Stonebloom asked for Public Comments on Closed Session items. There were no public comments. Closed Session items were announced and the meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 5:01 pm. Closed Session was adjourned at 6:07 pm. ROLL CALL Chair Katy Stonebloom called the Open Session to order at 6:14 pm. Other Board Trustees present were Trustees Rebecca Garcia, Gary Reece, Al Smith, Rachael Spencer, Susan True, and Donna Ziel. Also present were members of the community, college faculty, staff and students. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION Chair Stonebloom stated that there was nothing to report out of Closed Session. PROCEDURAL ITEMS Consent item A.7 was pulled from the agenda to allow for questions about the HR Report It was then moved and seconded (Spencer/Reece) to approve the consent agenda items A.1 – A.6 as amended, including the minutes from the January 10, 2011 meeting The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Allenser AYES: Garcia, Reece, Smith, Spencer, Stonebloom, True and Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None HR Management Report Trustee Garcia asked why the Board was approving a leave that already took place. Vice President Bailey-Fougnier responded that this was a previously approved leave where the employee came back early, so Board approval is for a return to work. It was moved and seconded (Garcia/Ziel) to approved consent item A.7. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Allenser AYES: Garcia, Reece, Smith, Spencer, Stonebloom, True and Ziel NOES: None 1 of 7 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA AND MINUTES 10 Minutes of Meeting February 7, 2011 ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED FACULTY AND STAFF None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Marilyn Garrett and Karen Nevis addressed the Board and distributed information regarding the alleged health hazards of Wi-Fi. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Dean of Education Rachel Mayo presented an update on the Student Transitioning in Academics: Reaching Success (STARS) project which is part of the Title V grant. Dean Mayo introduced two STARS students who discussed their experience with STARS. INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED FACULTY AND STAFF ORAL COMMUNICATIONS SPECIAL PRESENTATION Trustee Spencer thanked the students for taking the time to come and share their stories. She asked Dean Mayo what is being institutionalized and Dean Mayo said Title V is working on learning communities, making registration easier, and the summer bridge program with STARS. They are looking at different models within the summer bridge program. Trustee True asked the students how they found out about STARS program. One student found out through their counselor and said she liked how STARS helped throughout in the first year. The other student heard it from his high school counselor and he thought the program sounded interesting. He liked how the program taught him to register and get through college. Trustee Garcia asked what method is used to keep track of data and evidence for success. Dean Mayo said data goes into the faculty inquiry system and the threads of the discussions stay on line for faculty to go back and refer to. ORAL REPORTS Board Trustees’ Reports Trustee Reece reported that he participated in a Flex week workshop with Faculty Senate President Steve Hodges. Trustees Spencer, Ziel and Garcia reported on the League’s legislative conference. Trustee Ziel said she attended the new trustee workshop and came away from the conference feeling like Cabrillo is doing so many things right compared to other community colleges. Trustee Spencer said she was especially impressed by the Lumina Foundation presentation. Trustee Garcia said it was the best legislative conference she has attended in her 18 years as a trustee. Trustee Garcia reported that the Little Hoover Commission plans to focus on community colleges and student success. The commission plans to visit a number of community colleges in the coming year and Trustee Garcia hopes that Cabrillo is one of the sites that the commission visits. 2 of 7 ORAL REPORTS BOARD TRUSTEE REPORTS 11 Minutes of Meeting February 7, 2011 Trustee Garcia also reported that she signed up for a philosophy class, but does not need the units and plans to offer her seat to a student who needs the class to transfer. Chair Stonebloom thanked Dean Escoto and the Student Senate for their work at the legislative conference. Chair Stonebloom also thanked everyone who participated in the Board budget study session and reported that she attended the opening of the children’s peace library hosted by Early Childhood Education Student Trustee’s Report Student Trustee Allenser said that she supports the search for solutions to wait lists, and is will to help with the issue. Student Trustee Allenser reported on the upcoming student welcome week which is hosted by the student Senate. Superintendent’s Report President King reported on a number of recent meetings and events he participated in, including: the Digital Bridge Academy Faculty Experiential Learning Institute (FELI), the League Trustee Effective Trustee Workshop and Legislative Conference, a Lumina Foundation meeting, a Santa Cruz Metro meeting, the Board special study session on student success, FLEX week, budget town hall meetings, and presentations to Leadership Santa Cruz, and the Aptos Chamber. President King also met with the CCEU Board and will meet with them again in the coming week. Finally President King reported that the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) accepted Cabrillo’s midterm report. CCFT CCFT President Harvell noted that if voters fail to postpone tax cuts it will be horrible for community colleges, and hundreds of students will lose access. Also, if the college gets through this crisis still having reserves that would be a mistake. Faculty Senate Faculty Senate President Hodges thanked the staff development committee and Trustee Reece for their work and participation during Flex week. This semester the faculty Senate is working on a number of issues related to SB 1440. Faculty Senate President Hodges reported on proposed changes to the way course prerequisites are handled. There was a statewide task force with a mission to guide reform and the discussion culminated in a proposed change that went to the Board of Governors. If the changes are approved it will allow the Faculty Senate to establish prerequisites based on content review. CCEU CCEU President Stainback discussed Cabrillo classified employee salary rankings compared to other California community colleges. CCEU President provided data from the chancellor’s office with comparative salary information. CCEU President Stainback stated that CCEU is not seeing any compelling reason to reopen negotiations for the current fiscal year. CCEU President Stainback said that it has become clear that the college needs to use the net ending balance as a barometer. The reserves are there to be used and it is really important to focus on keeping college programs and personnel in place for as long as possible. 3 of 7 STUDENT TRUSTEE’S REPORT SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT CCFT FACULTY SENATE CCEU 12 Minutes of Meeting February 7, 2011 ACTION ITEMS ACTION ITEMS 2011-12 through 2013-14 Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Criteria and Strategies The 2011-12 through 2013-14 Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Criteria and Strategies were tabled until the February 14 Board meeting, so language could be added about the use of reserves. 2011-12 Non-Resident Tuition Fee It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the 2011-12 Non-Resident Tuition Fee. It was moved and seconded (Reece/Spencer) to approve the 2011-12 Non-Resident Tuition Fee. 2011-12 THROUGH 2013-14 BUDGET REDUCTION PROCESS COMMITMENTS, CRITERIA AND STRATEGIES 2011-12 NONRESIDENT TUITION FEE Trustee Garcia asked how many students are paying nonresident fees. Interim Dean, IT, Planning, Research and Knowledge Systems Hayward responded that a little over 200 students pay nonresident fees. Trustee Ziel proposed clarifying the distinction between the out of state students and non-residents from another country. Trustee Spencer accepted the propose change as a friendly amendment. The motion carried unanimously. Resolution 005-11: 2010-11 Mid-Year Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes RESOLUTION 005-11: (TRANS) 2010-11MID-YEAR TAX It was recommended that the Governing Board approve Resolution 005-11: 2010AND REVENUE 11 Mid-Year Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANS). ANTICIPATION NOTES It was moved and seconded (Garcia/Spencer) to approve Resolution 005-11: 2010-11 Mid-Year Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANS) The motion carried unanimously. Redistricting of Cabrillo College Trustee Areas It was recommended that a Governing Board subcommittee of three members be appointed to prepare and present to the full Board a proposed districting plan including proposed changes, if any, at the April 11, 2011 Board meeting. It was further recommended that the Superintendent/President and appropriate college staff provide support for this effort. (TRANS) REDISTRICTING OF CABRILLO COLLEGE TRUSTEE AREAS It was moved and seconded (Garcia/True) to appoint a Governing Board subcommittee of three members to prepare and present to the full Board a proposed districting plan. The motion carried unanimously. Chair Stonebloom then appointed the following subcommittee: Trustee Spencer, Trustee Smith, and Chair Stonebloom. Cabrillo College and CSU Monterey Bay Partnership It was recommended that the Governing Board approve the agreement with 4 of 7 CABRILLO COLLEGE AND CSU MONTEREY 13 Minutes of Meeting February 7, 2011 CSUMB and authorize the President to sign the memorandum of understanding. BAY PARTNERSHIP It was moved and seconded (Reece/Spencer) to approve the agreement with CSUMB. The motion carried unanimously. Cabrillo College and SJSU Global Studies Partnership It was recommended that the Governing Board approve the partnership agreement between Cabrillo College and SJSU. It was further recommended that the Vice President, Instruction be authorized to make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement. CABRILLO COLLEGE AND SJSU GLOBAL STUDIES PARTNERSHIP Trustee Ziel noted this is a special session program, which is a self-supported therefore the fees are higher. Trustee Ziel asked to include the exact amount of the fees in the partnership agreement. The item was tabled so the language could be reworked. Cabrillo College and CUNY Partnership It was recommended that the Governing Board approve the letter of agreement between Cabrillo College and City University of New York. It was further recommended that the Vice President, Instruction be authorized to make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement. CABRILLO COLLEGE AND CUNY PARTNERSHIP Trustee True asked how soon the course work will be agreed upon. Vice President Kilmer responded that will take place as soon as the partnership is finalized. It was moved and seconded (Garcia/Spencer) to approve the letter of agreement between Cabrillo College and City University of New York. The motion carried unanimously. INFORMATION ITEMS Sunshine CCEU Response to 2010-11 Negotiations Reopeners CCEU’s response to the District’s proposal for negotiations reopeners was provided for Governing Board information. Sunshine 2011-12 CCEU Initial Proposal to District CCEU’s initial proposal for 2011-12 negotiations was presented to the Governing Board for information. Trustee Spencer requested the total benefit package for all employment groups for the Board to review at the next Board meeting. 2010-11 and 2011-12 Budget Planning Parameters Update A budget planning update was provided for Governing Board information. 2010-11 Cash Flow Update A cash flow update for the second quarter of the fiscal year was presented to the 5 of 7 SUNSHINE CCEU RESPONSE TO 2010-11 NEGOTIATIONS REOPENERS SUNSHINE 2011-12 CCEU INITIAL PROPOSAL TO DISTRICT 2010-11 AND 2011-12 BUDGET PLANNING PARAMETERS UPDATE 2010-11 CASH FLOW 14 Minutes of Meeting February 7, 2011 Governing Board for information. UPDATE Chair Stonebloom asked how much the TRANS loans will it cost the college and Vice President Lewis responded from one to four percent. Facilities Master Plan Update The monthly status report regarding current Facilities Master Plan projects was provided to the Governing Board for information. Financial Reports The monthly financial reports were provided for Governing Board information. Watsonville Redevelopment Update An update on Watsonville Redevelopment projects was pulled from the agenda. Cabrillo College Fact Book Presentation & Discussion The Board discussed the Cabrillo College Fact Book 2010 with Interim Dean, IT, Planning, Research and Knowledge Systems Hayward. Trustee Garcia said student success needs to be based on data and evidence, and the addressing the achievement gap. FACILITIES MASTER PLAN UPDATE FINANCIAL REPORTS WATSONVILLE REDEVELOPMENT UPDATE CABRILLO COLLEGE FACT BOOK PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION Trustee True asked if counselors have seen the data and Interim Dean Hayward said the information has not been distributed yet. Trustee Spencer said data shows that students who go full time are more successful than those who go part time and asked if there is any data showing the correlation between increased financial aid and student success. Interim Dean Hayward responded that there is not a lot of research on the topic. Trustee True asked about the key performance indicators and said the college is consistently below its peer group with regard to CSU transfers. Interim Dean Hayward said restrictions at the college’s main transfer partner, San Jose State University, significantly hindered the college. Trustee Spencer stated concern about the fact book’s crime page and asked if the college has a weapons policy in place. President King responded that BP and AR 4325 address weapons on campus. STARS Title V Update A STARS Title V update was presented to the Governing Board for information. Board Policy Revisions: Student Services, First Reading The Board policy revisions were presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar The Cabrillo College activities for the month of February were presented for Governing Board information. 6 of 7 STARS TITLE V UPDATE BOARD POLICY REVISIONS: STUDENT SERVICES, FIRST READING CABRILLO COLLEGE MONTHLY CALENDAR 15 Minutes of Meeting February 7, 2011 Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings The Cabrillo College Governing Board discussed items to be placed on the agenda for the future Board meetings. AGENDA FOR NEXT BOARD MEETING The Board discussed the California League of Community College’s resolution on student success and that the college bring the resolution to the Board in March. ADJOURN The open session of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was adjourned at 9 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Secretary 7 of 7 ADJOURNMENT 16 17 Minutes of Meeting CABRILLO COLLEGE GOVERNING BOARD February 14, 2011 SPECIAL MEETING The special meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was held at the Sesnon House, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, California on Monday, February 14, 2011. In Chair Katy Stonebloom’s absence Trustee Gary Reece acted as chair. Trustee Reece opened the meeting in Open Session at 4:00 p.m. Roll was taken; present were Trustees Gary Reece, Al Smith, Rachael Spencer, and Donna Ziel. Closed Session items were announced and the meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 4:01 pm. Closed Session was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. ROLL CALL Acting Chair Gary Reece called the Open Session to order at 4:20 pm. Other Board Trustees present were Trustees Al Smith, Rachael Spencer, Susan True, and Donna Ziel. Also present were members of the community, college faculty, staff and students. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION Acting Chair Gary Reece stated that there was nothing to report out of Closed Session. PROCEDURAL ITEMS Consent item A.1 was pulled from the agenda to allow for questions about the HR Report. Human Resources Management Report Trustee Spencer acknowledged the two vacant dean positions and asked if Cabrillo has the right number of managers for its size. President King responded that staff will put together a Board report comparing similarly sized community colleges. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA AND MINUTES HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT REPORT It was moved and seconded (Spencer/Ziel) to approve the Human Resources Management Report. The motion carried unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ACTION ITEMS ACTION ITEMS 2011-12 through 2013-14 Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Criteria and Strategies It was recommended that the Governing Board approve the 2011-12 through 2013-14 Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Criteria and Strategies. It was moved and seconded (Ziel/Spencer) to approve the 2011-12 through 2013-14 Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Criteria and Strategies. The motion carried unanimously. 1 of 2 2011-12 THROUGH 2013-14 BUDGET REDUCTION PROCESS COMMITMENTS, CRITERIA AND STRATEGIES 18 Minutes of Meeting January 10, 2011 Allocation of One-Time Operating Reserves to FY 2011-12 It was recommended that the Governing Board approve the allocation of one-time ALLOCATION OF ONEoperating reserves to FY 2011-12. Trustee True discussed the college’s operating reserves and presented a set of principles for the college to adopt. Trustees Reece and Spencer said they supported the allocation of reserves and the principles. Trustee Ziel asked how the FTE reserves have been used in the past and how they will be used in the future. Vice President Lewis responded that the college has used the funds over the years, but last year the college allocated some of the funds to the operating reserves. Vice President Lewis said the college plans to increase the FTE reserve by $500k at the end of the 2011-12 fiscal year, so the college can generate more FTE if it needs to. TIME OPERATING RESERVES T OFY 2011-12 Trustee Spencer asked the Board to consider adding a $50k emergency student loan fund to the action item. The fund would be a temporary loan for students who do not receive their student aid by the beginning of the semester. The Board agreed to add the emergency loan plan to the action item. The Board then agreed to change the wording in the action item from “the staff” to “the President”. CCFT President Harvell commented that linking all planning with budget decisions is very important. CCEU President Stainback said that CCEU appreciates Trustee True’s work on this item which allows the college to move forward with budget planning in a systematic way. Student Trustee Allenser said she is extremely supportive of the emergency student loan plan, and would like to learn more about how it works. It was moved and seconded (True/Spencer) to approve the allocation of one-time operating reserves to FY 2011-12 as edited. The motion carried unanimously. INFORMATION ITEMS 2010-11 and 2011-12 Budget Planning Parameters Update A 2010-11 and 2011-12 budget planning parameters update was presented for Governing Board information. ADJOURN The open session of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Secretary 2 of 2 BUDGET UPDATE ADJOURNMENT 19 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: March 7, 2011 Register of Warrants REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 19 A.2 BACKGROUND: The following warrants are submitted for Governing Board ratification: REGISTER NO. * * 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 DATE WARRANT NO. 01-19-11 01-20-11 01-26-11 01-26-11 01-27-11 02-01-11 02-03-11 02-10-11 04377-04465 04466-04656 04457-04689 04690-04691 04692-04824 04825-04826 04827-04949 04950-05112 TOTAL AMOUNT 124,489.25 1,582,830.50 187,036.61 3,685.00 1,002,541.14 1,329.62 325,039.30 1,361,074.12 $4,588,025.54 * NOTE: Student refund and financial-aid registers are available in the Business Office for review. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify warrant numbers 04377–05112 for the amount of $4,588,025.54. Administrator Initiating Item: Roy Pirchio Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature No Final Disposition 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT March 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Ratification: Construction Change Orders REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 A.3 BACKGROUND: In accordance with Board Policy 4155, the attached change orders over $25,000 and less than 10% of the original contract value are submitted for Governing Board ratification. Continued on page 2 Fiscal Impact: $79,419 to the pre-established budget for Building 300 Renovation Recommendation: It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify the construction change orders provided as an attachment. Administrator Initiating Item: Joe Nugent Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 40 Ratification: Construction Change Orders: cont. Project Contractor Tombleson Change order # 6AR2 Building 300 7R3 10R2 11R2 12R 14R 15 Description Subsitute Wire mold junction boxes for 2,870 metal junction boxes all classrooms Add floor boxes in Computer Classroooms 28,181 317 318 319 1,698 Add conduits from floor boxes to ceiling Add Additional Recepticales to Floor boxes 819 to Computer Room User requested Modifications to Office 2,082 Area Additional wiring for data phone and WIFI 4,002 in classrooms and offices 4,937 Patch and reseal all gutters at seams 22R Revised locations for exterior lights and 8,256 existing attic conduit interfering with HVAC 1,336 Install 2 GFI receptacles in restrooms Additional floor prep required beyond base 3,025 contract. Numerous windows were in good enough -10,097 condition not to be replaced Added 4 GFI exterior outlets 10 interior 1,936 receptacles 23 Replace clear concrete sealer with a Color coat on all exterior walkways. Two many 10,755 different color patches over the years. 24 25 26 27 28 8,850 2,050 8,938 831 -1,050 16 19R 20 21 Add Additional Data Backbone cable & Data to Computer Classroom floor boxes Add Emergency lights in restrooms Painting metal storage area behind 300 Repair termite areas Credit Carpet color missmatch 79,419 Total Change Order Building 300 Project Green Tech Center Amount Contractor Dilbeck Change order # Amount Description None this month Green Technology Center $0.00 Total Change Order The above table shows the final close out change order for the 300 Building renovation project, which includes some items that have been under review from the early stages of the work. Note: These change orders are reflected in the Facilities Master Plan (FMP) Semi-Annual Update, Revision and Project Status Report. Page 2 of 2 Cabrillo Community College District, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 http://www.cabrillo.edu 41 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: March 7, 2011 Budget Transfers by Resolution REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 7 A.4 BACKGROUND: The following resolutions are submitted for Governing Board approval: Resolution Number 010-11 General Fund transfers between expenditure classifications Resolution Number 011-11 General Fund transfers from reserves Resolution Number 012-11 General Fund augmentations: CARE, CEED/DBA FELI, CEED/Dominican, CEED/Driscoll’s, CEED/Teacher Prep Pipeline, CEED/Tech Prep, Emergency Prep, EOPS, HAAS/CDTC, Human Care Alliance/Stroke Center, Migrant Headstart, NAS/CRMSE, SBDC/BEC, SBDC/Rancho Santiago YEP, State Mandate Resolution Number 013-11 Child Development Fund transfers between expenditure classifications Resolution Number 014-11 Building Fund transfers between expenditure classifications Resolution Number 015-11 Trust & Agency Fund augmentations: CARE, EOPS FISCAL IMPACT: Budget augmentations and adjustments of expenditures in the General Fund in the amount of $635,590. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve Resolution Numbers 010-11 through 015-11 for Budget Transfers 19014 through 19099. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature No Final Disposition 42 GENERAL FUND RESOLUTION NUMBER 010-11 WHEREAS, budget changes based on the developing needs of programs are often required, and WHEREAS, the following transfers do not result in an increase in the total amount of the adopted budget; ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION DECREASE 1000 Certificated Salaries 2000 Classified Salaries 3000 Fringe Benefits 4000 Supplies 5000 Other Expenses 40,906 6000 Capital Outlay/Site 10,538 7000 Other Outgo INCREASE $ 38,688 30,340 9,674 $ 26,765 493 TOTAL $ 78,702 $ 78,702 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Cabrillo College Governing Board approves the General Fund budget transfers. I certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board held on March 7, 2011. DATE: ________________________ ______________________________ Secretary AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Page 2 43 GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM RESERVES RESOLUTION NUMBER 011-11 WHEREAS, budget changes based on the developing needs of programs are often required, and WHEREAS, the following transfers do not result in an increase in the total amount of the adopted budget; ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION DECREASE 1000 Certificated Salaries 2000 Classified Salaries 3000 Fringe Benefits 4000 Supplies 5000 Other Expenses 6000 Capital Outlay/Site 7000 Other Outgo $ 1,750 TOTAL $ 1,750 INCREASE $ 1,750 $ 1,750 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Cabrillo College Governing Board approves the General Fund budget transfers. I certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board held on March 7, 2011. DATE: ________________________ ______________________________ Secretary AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Page 3 44 GENERAL FUND AUGMENTATIONS RESOLUTION NUMBER 012-11 WHEREAS, Cabrillo College will receive funds not included in the 2010-11 budget, and WHEREAS, Cabrillo College will receive budget adjustments for special federal and state programs that develop during the school year, and WHEREAS, the following budget adjustments are necessary in externally funded programs: ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION INCREASE/DECREASE Income 8000 Program Funds $ 635,590 Total Decrease $ 635,590 1000 Certificated Salaries $ 13,118 2000 Classified Salaries 67,277 3000 Fringe Benefits 20,936 4000 Supplies 83,966 5000 Operating Expenses 173,385 6000 Capital Outlay/Site 0 7000 Other Outgo Expenditures Total Decrease 276,908 $ 635,590 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Cabrillo College Governing Board authorizes that the 2010-11 budget of income and expenditures be decreased by $635,590. I certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board held on March 7, 2011. DATE:_______________________ ___________________________________ Secretary AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Page 4 45 CHILD DEVELOPMENT FUND RESOLUTION NUMBER 013-11 WHEREAS, budget changes based on the developing needs of programs are often required, and WHEREAS, the following transfers do not result in an increase in the total amount of the adopted budget; ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE 1000 Certificated Salaries 2000 Classified Salaries 3000 Fringe Benefits 2,676 4000 Supplies 2,350 5000 Other Expenses 6000 Capital Outlay/Site 0 7000 Other Outgo 0 TOTAL $ $ 1,000 19,929 13,903 $ 19,929 $ 19,929 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Cabrillo College Governing Board approves the Child Development Fund budget transfers. I certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board held on March 7, 2011. DATE: Secretary AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Page 5 46 BUILDING FUND RESOLUTION NUMBER 014-11 WHEREAS, budget changes based on the developing needs of programs are often required, and WHEREAS, the following transfers do not result in an increase in the total amount of the adopted budget; EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1000 Certificated Salaries 2000 Classified Salaries 3000 Fringe Benefits 4000 Supplies 5000 Other Expenses 6000 Capital Outlay/Site 7000 Other Outgo TOTAL DECREASE $ $ INCREASE 10,000 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Cabrillo College Governing Board approves the Building Fund budget transfers. I certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board held on March 7, 2011. DATE: ________________ AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: _____________________________ Secretary Page 6 47 TRUST & AGENCY FUND AUGMENTATION RESOLUTION NUMBER 015-11 WHEREAS, Cabrillo College will receive funds not included in the 2010-11 budget, and WHEREAS, Cabrillo College will receive budget adjustments for special federal and state programs that develop during the school year, and WHEREAS, the following budget adjustments are necessary in externally funded programs: ACCOUNT NUMBER Income 8000 Expenditures 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 DESCRIPTION Program Funds Total Decrease Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries Fringe Benefits Supplies Operating Expenses Equipment Other Outgo Total Increase INCREASE/DECREASE $ $ 19,648 19,648 $ 19,648 19,648 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Cabrillo College Governing Board authorizes that the 2010-11 budget of income and expenditures be decreased by $19,648. I certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board held on March 7, 2011. DATE:_______________________ ___________________________________ Secretary AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Page 7 48 49 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT March 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Donations from Cabrillo College Foundation REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 A.5 BACKGROUND: The Cabrillo College Foundation accepted the following in-kind gift donations on behalf of the college since September 2010: Donation Succulent Plants Clothing Landscape Wall Materials Donor Succlent Gardens Bunny Tavares David and Maria Lane Program Horticulutre Theater Horticulture FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the donations to the above named programs from the Cabrillo College Foundation. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 50 51 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: March 7, 2011 Quarterly Financial Status Report CCFS 311Q REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER ACTION A.6 Page 1 of 5 BACKGROUND: AB2910, Chapter 1486, Statutes of 1986, requires California Community College Districts to report quarterly on their financial condition. The process is as follows: After the end of each quarter, each District will prepare the quarterly report form, CCFS 311Q. The District chief executive officer and chief business officer certify the accuracy of the data and present the report to the Governing Board. The District Governing Board is to review the report at a regularly scheduled meeting and enter it into the minutes of the meeting. District staff submits the report to the Chancellor’s Office 45 calendar days following the end of the quarter. The financial status of the District, as of the second quarter of the fiscal year, is according to budget expectations. FISCAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the report, CCFS 311Q Quarterly Financial Status Report, and order its inclusion on the official minutes of the College. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 52 53 54 55 56 57 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD FROM: PRESIDENT DATE March 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Human Resources Management Report REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 2 ITEM NUMBER ACTION A.7 BACKGROUND: Requesting ratification and/or approval of the following employment transactions: FISCAL IMPACT: Within budgeted FTE’s. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify and/or approve the transactions as described on the attached page. Administrator Initiating Item: Loree McCawley/Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 58 Name Department/Division Position Effective Date Action MACIAS, Paula Admissions & Records/ Student Services Admissions & Records Technician 05/01/2011 Retirement (DOH: 08/02/99) MORRIS, Terra Title V Project/Instruction #Institutional Research Specialist 03/01/2011 #Appointment # Categorically-Funded Position Note: Appointments subject to successful completion of all employment regulatory compliance requirements March 2011 Page 2 of 2 59 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT March 7, 2011 SUBJECT: CCEU 2011-12 Initial Proposals for Negotiations REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION PUBLIC HEARING ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 BACKGROUND: The current contract between the Cabrillo Classified Employees Union (CCEU) and the District expires June 30, 2011. As required by law, a public hearing is scheduled regarding CCEU’s 2011-12 initial proposals for negotiations at this Board meeting, March 7, 2011, at 6:23 pm. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 60 61 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT March 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Receive CCEU’s 2011-12 Initial Proposal REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 3 C.1 BACKGROUND: The Cabrillo Classified Employees Union (CCEU) initial proposal for 2011-12 negotiations with the District has been posted (attached) and a public hearing has been held according to Board Policy 1290. The following articles will be reviewed: Article 4 Union Security and Union Rights Section 4.11 Negotiation Committee Article 6 Evaluation Procedure Section 6.6 Grievance of Procedure Article 8 Compensation Article 10 Classification and Reclassification of Positions Article 11 Health and Welfare Benefits Article 13 Vacation Plan Article 14 Leaves of Absences: Paid Article 16 Negotiated Layoff and Reemployment Article 17 Grievance Procedure Section 17.1 Grievance Procedure Article 24 Duration Continued on next page RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board receive CCEU’s initial proposal for negotiations with the District. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 62 District 2011-12 Initial Proposal: Promote and maintain collegial employer-employee relationships Base decisions regarding negotiations proposals upon fair standards and objective data and criteria Effectively manage the resources of the college during these times of fiscal uncertainty for community colleges, including potential declining enrollment for Cabrillo Develop a total and sustainable compensation package given reduced funding Open negotiations on the following: Article 7 Hours and Overtime All articles Article 8 Compensation Salary schedule Step increases Longevity Professional growth program (Appendix C) Article 10 Classification of Positions Classification study/salary review Article 11 Health and Welfare Benefits District/employee contribution to stipend Medical plans Retiree medical coverage District paid employee PERS contribution Staff development Article 16 Negotiated Layoff and Reemployment Article 24 Duration of Agreement Length of Agreement Complete contract negotiations in a timely and efficient manner. 63 64 65 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: March 7, 2011 Citizen’s Oversight Committee: Measure D 2010 Annual Report REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER C.2 Page 1 of 1 BACKGROUND: Michael Bethke, current Chair of the Citizens’ Measure D Bond Oversight Committee, and Bob Petersen, past Chair of the Citizens’ Measure D Bond Oversight Committee, will attend the Board meeting to present the Measure D 2010 Annual Report. The report is provided under separate cover to Governing Board members and is available online at http://www.cabrillo.edu/internal/facilities/measured/index.html. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board receive the Measure D 2010 Annual Report from the Citizens’ Oversight Committee. Administrator Initiating Item: Joe Nugent Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 66 67 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT March 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Resolution No. 009-11 – Reduction or Discontinuance of Certain Particular Kinds of Academic Services for the 2011-2012 School Year REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 2 C.3 BACKGROUND Resolution # 009-11 anticipates that it may be necessary to reduce or discontinue district services and initiates the process for reduction/discontinuation of certain particular kinds of faculty service. FISCAL IMPACT: To be determined based on the outcome of the 2011-2012 budget. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve Resolution # 009-11 as attached. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes Yes x No No Final Disposition 68 BEFORE THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE CABRILLO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SANTA CRUZ COUNTY, CALIFORNIA RESOLUTION NO. 009-11 In the Matter of the Reduction or Discontinuance of Certain Particular Kinds of Academic Services for the 2011-2012 School Year WHEREAS, the Board hereby finds that it is in the best interest of the CABRILLO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT that, as of the end of the 2010-2011 school year, certain particular kinds of academic services now being provided by the District be reduced or discontinued as follows: Reduce the equivalent of 3.0 (F.T.E.) of four Stroke Center faculty – 0.75 FTE each o Independent Living Skills Instructor o Mobility Instructor o Speech Language Instructor o Stroke Center Counselor WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Governing Board of this District it is necessary by reason of the aforementioned reductions and discontinuances of services to decrease the number of academic employees by the equivalent of 3.0 full-time equivalent academic employees for the ensuing 2011-2012 school year; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Governing Board of the CABRILLO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT that, as of the end of the 2010-2011 school year the particular kinds of services now being provided by said District shall be and hereby are reduced or discontinued to the extent hereinabove set forth. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Superintendent/President or Superintendent/President’s designee, be and hereby is authorized and directed to initiate and pursue procedures necessary not to reemploy the equivalent of 3.0 full-time equivalent academic employees of this District pursuant to Education Code Sections 87740 and 87743 because of said reduction and discontinuance of services. The foregoing Resolution was adopted by the Governing Board of the CABRILLO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT on the 7th day of March, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ATTEST: ____________________________________ Chairperson of the Board _________________________________ Secretary to the Board 2 69 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT March 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Notice of Reemployment/Non-Reemployment of Designated Academic Employees ENCLOSURE(S) REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION Page 1 of 3 ACTION ITEM NUMBER C.4 BACKGROUND Re-Employment In accordance with the appropriate provisions of the California Education Code, the Governing Board has the option of entering into or not entering into a second, third, or fourth contract with probationary academic employees. The Board may exercise such option after having received a recommendation by the Superintendent/President. Non-Reemployment In accordance with appropriate provisions of the California Education Code, notices of non-reemployment are recommended for certain temporary faculty and/or educational administrators as specified. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the Superintendent/President’s recommendations as attached. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes X No Yes No Final Disposition 70 TO: Governing Board – March 7, 2011 FROM: Dr. Brian King, President SUBJECT: Notices of Reemployment/Non-Reemployment of Contract Academic Staff It is recommended that the following first-year tenure track academic faculty be reemployed under Education Code Section 87608 for the academic year 2011-2012: Sanborn, Pamela Medical Assisting 100% It is recommended that the following fourth-year tenure track academic faculty be reemployed under Education Code Section 87609 for the academic year 2011-2012 as “regular” academic employees: Booth, Michael Bruckner, Susan Cardona, Luz Hurst, Kris Kaupp, Raymond Leon, Veronica Meyer, Patrick Puente, Rodolfo Romero, Albi Smith, Rebecca Spencer, Debra Stucker, Nancy Wilson, Kristin Accounting & Finance Music Early Childhood Education Fire Technology Business Counseling Human Services Counseling Chemistry Philosophy Learning Disabilities Spanish Anthropology 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% It is recommended that the following temporary faculty employed under Education Code Section 87470 (categorical funds) receive notices of non-reemployment on or before March 15, 2011 with a final determination to be made prior to May 15, 2011. Avelar, Dianne Grabiel, Eric Helms, Deborah Kern-Jones, Sheryl Psychological Counseling Title V Grant Position Foster Kinship Care Title V Grant Position 75% (AY 10-11) 100% (08/23/10 – 06/04/11) 100% (07/01/10 – 06/30/11) 100% (08/23/10 – 06/04/11) It is recommended the following temporary faculty employed under Education Code Section 87481/87482 receive notices of non-reemployment on or before March 15, 2011 with a final determination to be made prior to May 15, 2011. DeSmet, Mark Ducote, Keith Mathematics Geography/Meteorology 100% (AY 10-11) 100% (AY 10-11) It is recommended the following temporary faculty employed under Education Code Section 87481/87482 and Education Code 8366 receive notice of non-reemployment on or before March 15, 2011 with a final determination to be made prior to May 15, 2011. Elrick Forbes, Heather Children’s Center 100% (09/27/10 – 06/14/11) 2 71 It is recommended that the following faculty employed under Education Code Section 87470 (categorical funds) and Education Code 8366 receive notice of non-reemployment on or before March 15, 2011 with a final determination to be made prior to May 15, 2011. Dowling, Mary (Katie) Nurse Practitioner 75% (AY 10-11) It is recommended that the following educational administrators employed under Education Code Section 87470 (categorical funds) and Education Code 8366 receive notices of non-reemployment on or before March 15, 2011 with a final determination to be made prior to May 15, 2011. Brodkey, Marion Marshall, James Student Health Services Director 100% (07/01/10 –06/30/11) Children’s Center Director 100% (07/01/10 – 06/30/11) It is recommended that the following faculty working an additional categorically-funded percentage over and above their regular assignment receive notice of non-reemployment for the additional percentage noted on or before March 15, 2011 with a final determination to be made prior to May 15, 2011. Mekis, Donna Honors Transfer Program Director/Counselor 7% (AY 10-11) It is recommended that the following educational administrator working additional days over and above his 195-day assignment receive notice of non-reemployment for the additional work days noted below on or before March 15, 2011 with a final determination to be made prior to May 15, 2011. Marshall, James Children’s Center Director 30 extra days (07/01/10–06/30/11) It is recommended that the following administrator receive notice of non-reemployment for his current interim administrative assignment on or before March 15, 2011 with a final determination to be made prior to May 15, 2011. Craig Hayward Interim Dean of Information Technology, Planning, Research & Knowledge Systems 3 (04/05/10 to 06/30/11) 72 73 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT March 7, 2011 SUBJECT: 2009-10 District Audit Report REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 C.5 BACKGROUND: Each year the Governing Board is presented with the District’s annual audit. The 2009-10 audit was conducted by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP. A copy of the audit report is provided under separate cover to each Governing Board member. Copies of the report are also available in the Business Office and on-line at http://www.cabrillo.edu/internal/businessoffice/. The auditor will file copies of the report with the appropriate State agencies. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the 2009-10 audit report of all funds of Cabrillo Community College District as prepared by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 74 75 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: March 7, 2011 2009-10 Measure D Audit Report REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 C.6 BACKGROUND: The audit report for the Measure D Bond Funds for June 2010 is presented under separate cover. Copies of the report are also available in the Business Office and on-line at: http://www.cabrillo.edu/internal/facilities/measured/index.html FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the audit report of Measure D Bond Funds for June 2010 as prepared by Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 76 77 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT March 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Facilities Master Plan (FMP) Semi-Annual Update, Revision and Project Status REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION Page 1 of 9 ITEM NUMBER ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) C.7 Background: This report provides a detailed summary of Facilities Master Plan (FMP) projects recently completed, projects under construction or active planning, projects approved for future construction as well as recommendations for changes to FMP projects, scope, budget or schedule. The FMP is officially revised in the spring and fall each year and was last presented in June 2010, with the latest revisions of January 2011. The following schedules are included with this report: A. Summary of Revisions to the June 2010 FMP and New Activities B. Projects Completed Since June 2010 C. Projects in Progress or Active Planning D. Remaining and Future Projects E. FMP Funding / Cost Summary RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Facilities Master Plan as presented in this report. Administrator Initiating Item: Joe Nugent Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 78 January, 2011 – Cabrillo College Facilities Master Plan A. Summary of Revisions to the Approved June 2010 FMP and New Activities Arts Education Classrooms Project Buildings 4 (Theater) and 5 (Music) continue to be in the closeout and punch list process. In addition to these activities staff is working to resolve acoustic concerns in 2-D and 3-D Art and the Music Building and water leaks in the Theater and Music buildings. Mediation with the remaining contractors, architect, and construction manager is in process. Health and Wellness Project The Allied Health project consists of two buildings totaling 57,000 square feet, and is the new home for programs such as Nursing, Radiology Technology, Medical Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Health and Wellness, and the Stroke Center. RMW is the architect and Soltek Pacific is the contractor. Construction began in May 2008 and the buildings are 100% complete. Staff is in the process of closing out the project. All remaining issues have been resolved with the contractor. Anticipated future changes are an estimate of potential additional work, not part of initial bid. Current Status Update: The building is entering its second semester of occupancy by students, staff and faculty. The Fitness room is now equipped with exercise apparatus, making the remaining space ready and occupied with the associated classes. The punch list is nearly complete with only touch up type work remaining. Some HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning) noise mitigation work is also underway in building 2, and Building 1 has sound panels on order and minor adjustments to the system under review. Building 300 Renovation On February 1, 2010 the Governing Board approved awarding a bid in the amount of $1,560,136 to Tombleson Construction of Salinas for the renovation of the 300 building. The project will remodel/reconstruct 12,523 assignable square feet of space to provide needed instructional space for ten general purpose classrooms, two large assembly/class rooms and nine BELA division offices. The construction began in spring 2010 and is substantially complete. Release request for state equipment funds was submitted to the Chancellor’s Office the week of October 4, 2010. Approval of the list was received on October 14, 2010 and most of the equipment has been delivered and installed. Current Status Update: Classes are in session and beneficial occupancy of the building has been accomplished with minor punch list items remaining. The project is currently under budget by approximately $800,000 and is expected to reach final completion in May with the closing of the project with DSA and State funding reconciliation. Watsonville Green Technology Center The District and the City of Watsonville closed escrow on the purchase of the Watsonville Library on July 15, 2008. Since then, the college has demolished the building in order to construct a 14,000 square foot Industrial Training Education Center (ITEC). The District received a grant for $2.5 million from Economic Development Agency for the project, and the grant was augmented by $865,000 this past summer to help fund an upgrade to a Platinum Level LEED certified “green” building. The project name has been changed to the Green Technology Center to reflect the new focus. The Division of State Architect (DSA) approved the plans in June of 2010 and EDA approved the plans and specifications in July. The project went to bid in Page 2 of 9 79 January, 2011 – Cabrillo College Facilities Master Plan A. Summary of Revisions to the Approved June 2010 FMP and New Activities, con’t August 2010. In October, the Board approved Dilbeck and Sons as well as an augmentation to the budget of $517,000. Dilbeck and Sons were issued a notice to proceed and construction has begun. A deductive change order for the value engineering items discussed at the October Board meeting was approved at the November Board Meeting. The District has received a generous donation from the Ley Family of $100,000 for construction which allows us to add back some of the items that were value engineered out. Current Status Update: A major milestone has been successfully accomplished with the placement of concrete in all of the perimeter footings. Weather remains a concern to the progress of the project as the concrete slab (floor) placement will not occur until the underfloor plumbing and electrical conduit is complete. Additional sub-grade work is scheduled to be accomplished prior to the end of March. Page 3 of 9 80 January, 2011 – Cabrillo College Facilities Master Plan A. Summary of Revisions to the Approved June 2010 FMP and New Activities, con’t Measure D Funded Projects As of 1/31/2011 Starting Balance-Measure D Bond Description 1 Arts Education Classrooms (Not Including Equipment) 2 Student Activities Center 3 Allied Health Classrooms 4 ADA Access and Safety 5 Road Resurfacing and Utilities 6 Upgrade Buildings/Classrooms 7 Equipment - General 8 Watsonville Green Technology Center 9 Interest Total Currently Unallocated Totals include Interest available (thru January 31 2011) $118,743,795 Current Budget Spent or Allocated Current Balance Unallocated 53,040,894 20,866,640 28,500,556 2,171,027 1,150,000 9,719,184 4,489,000 7,500,000 53,040,894 20,866,640 28,500,556 1,871,286 1,100,053 5,672,661 4,241,179 7,500,000 127,437,301 122,793,269 0 0 0 299,741 49,947 4,046,523 247,821 0 124,160 4,768,192 8,774,767 8,650,607 124,160 Spreadsheet general notes: a. Spreadsheet reflects Measure D only and does not including funding from other sources (state bond, state scheduled maintenance, or Measure C). b. Building 300 renovation is part of Upgrade Buildings/Classrooms (Item 6). c. Allied Health Classrooms includes $17,493,255 (construction), $10,715,000 (parking structure now closed), $353,404 (relocation of the Sheriff’s office to clear the site now closed) (Item 3) d. The Watsonville Green Technology Center budget includes the library acquisition for $2,911,942. (Item 8) e. The Bond Origination fee of $258,565 allocated from Measure D interest. f. SAC budget includes an augmentation of $1,766,855 of Measure D interest income. (Item 2) g. AEC budget includes an augmentation of $6,660,187 of Measure D interest income. (Item 1) h. All figures are as of January 31, 2011 and are un-audited. i. Current Balance Unallocated is not reserved for any specific project or for any specific category. Page 4 of 9 81 January, 2011 – Cabrillo College Facilities Master Plan A. Summary of Revisions to the Approved March 2010 FMP and New Activities—con’t MEASURE C FUNDED PROJECTS As of 1/31/11 Description North County AEC DSA closeout of previously completed projects Track and Field Improvements Campus Master Plan document updates Amount Allocated Amount Unallocated as of 1-31-11 Total B. FMP Projects Closed Since June 2010 None. Page 5 of 9 Current Allocated 1,590,742 0 39,664 72,672 18,437 1,721,515 17,958 $1,739,473 82 January, 2011 – Cabrillo College Facilities Master Plan C. FMP Projects in Progress or Active Planning This section includes projects under construction as well at those in active planning as of June 30, 2010. Total Soil Nail Wall Total Project Arts Education Classrooms (AEC) Total Construction 143,555 29,401,670 20,357,000 5,531,947 53,040,894 78,929,841 1,136,000 AEC Equipment 1,122,157 Total Equipment Total Project Total Construction 121,741 17,493,255 28,104,996 1,209,977 Allied Health Equipment 1,185,000 Total Equipment Total Project Watsonville Green Technology Center Watsonville Green Technology Center Watsonville Green Technology Center Total Project Total this Page State Capital Outlay Funds Measure C Measure D State Capital Outlay Funds Measure D Equipment 2,258,157 81,187,998 10,490,000 Allied Health Classrooms 134,668 29,314,629 20,357,000 5,531,947 52,310,157 78,199,104 1,136,000 1,122,157 2,258,157 80,457,261 State Capital Outlay Funds Measure C Measure D 10,490,000 Substantially complete. Classes being conducted in the 121,741 buildings effective Summer 14,847,156 2010. 25,458,897 Measure D Equipment State Capital Outlay Funds 1,048,641 State equipment funds were approved and the equipment 8,158 purchase and installation is substantially complete. 1,056,799 2,394,977 30,499,973 26,515,696 7,500,000 Measure D 3,983,573 100,000 Foundation 0 3,340,000 Project in closeout Federal Grant 200,143 EDD Grant 10,940,000 4,183,716 152,029,641 140,471,302 Page 6 of 9 This Project is currently in construction. 83 January, 2011 – Cabrillo College Facilities Master Plan C. FMP Projects in Progress or Active Planning, con’t Project & Planned Completion Date Building 2100 Upgrades Construction Building 2100 Upgrades Equipment Total Project DSA Project Close Out Project Budget 10,000 80,000 Funding Source Measure D Classroom Upgrades Measure D Classroom Equipment 90,000 Building 300 Renovation 2,166,000 Building 300 Renovation 1,051,000 State Funds Building 300 Renovation 33 Building 300- Equipment 931,000 Measure C Measure D Equipment Building 300- Equipment 931,000 State Funds Total Project Campus Master Plan Campus Wide Signage Total This Page Status / Comment 0 Partially complete 4,958 4,958 Measure C Measure D Building Upgrades 61,337 Paid to Date (thru 6/30/10) 5,079,033 This is an ongoing project to close out projects completed in prior years (curently 14) with 21,673 DSA. 1,212,499 State has reduced their portion 803,776 from $2,167,000 to $1,051,000 33 due to bids being below budget. State Equipment 62,725 allocation will remain unchanged 61,145 2,140,178 70,400 Measure C 323,291 Measure D Accessibility 51,963 Ongoing updates. 261,854 Completed August 2009. 5,624,061 2,480,626 From Page Eight $0 $0 From Page Nine $152,029,641 $140,471,302 Total FMP Projects In-Progress $157,653,702 $142,951,928 Page 7 of 9 84 January, 2011 – Cabrillo College Facilities Master Plan D. FMP Remaining and Future Projects as of January 31, 2011 The project categories outlined below represent the balance of funds in reserve at this time. As specific projects within these categories are developed and are approved the projects are then reported as active projects and the reserve funds are decremented as appropriate. Project Categories Funding Source Schedule ADA Access & Safety Unallocated Classroom/Buildings Measure D Detailed scope and schedule to be determined Combined with Measure D Building upgrades Road and Utilities Contingency Equipment Funds will be committed and expended as major projects are completed Measure D Measure D Interest Unallocated Measure C Unallocated Planning Budget Reserve Comment Significant number of projects 299,740 completed Currently unallocated 4,046,522 Significant number of projects 49,947 completed Current unallocated Measure D 247,821 Measure D 124,160 Measure C 17,958 Total Budget for Remaining and Future FMP Projects Page 8 of 9 4,786,148 85 January, 2011 – Cabrillo College Facilities Master Plan E. FMP Funding / Cost Summary CURRENT FUNDING BALANCE FMP Phase Completed Projects Schedule B Projects in Progress Schedule C Remaining / Future Projects (planning budget) Schedule D Budget Paid to Date Balance Comment 0 0 0 157,653,702 142,951,928 14,701,774 4,786,148 4,786,148 Total Remaining FMP Funds Page 9 of 9 19,487,922 86 87 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: March 7, 2010 Contract Extension: Taher, Inc. REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 C.8 BACKGROUND: At the April 9, 2007 meeting, the Governing Board authorized the District to contract for food services with Taher, Inc. effective July 1, 2007. The terms of the agreement were: a) a two year contract, with three one year options to renew by mutual consent. b) Taher would pay a flat commission of $32,500 per year c) Taher would make $15,000 in capital improvement to the current servicing lines d) Taher would provide $25,000 to pay the portion of a District employee (this was removed from the agreement in July, 2008). e) Taher would provide $1,000 in co-sponsored catered events to student and College faculty/staff events. Effective July 1, 2009 the contract was amended to lower the commission from $32,500 per year to $10,000 per year due to the fact Taher was losing significant money. In addition, hours would be reduced in the main cafeteria during the week, and the main cafeteria would be closed on Fridays (food would still be available at the Gazebo). The food operation has operated successfully for four years and the program has generated a positive contribution each year. Staff recommends extending the current contract for the one remaining year commencing July 1, 2011. FISCAL IMPACT: $10,000 commission to the District, less required equipment repairs. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to execute a one year extension to the existing agreement. Administrator Initiating Item: Gale Stevens Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 88 89 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: March 7, 2011 Contract Extension: District Audit, 2011 REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER ACTION Page 1 of 1 C.9 BACKGROUND: The Education Code requires the District to provide for an annual audit of the books and accounts of the District. Vavrinek Trine, Day & Company has performed auditing services for the District in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. The District would like to extend the contract with Vavrinek Trine, Day & Company for auditing services in 2011 for a fee not to exceed $75,950. In addition to the District audit, separate proposals were received from Vavrinek Trine, Day & Company for the Measure D Bond financial audit and performance procedures and the Cabrillo College Foundation audit. Fees for the audits are not to exceed the following amounts for 2011: District Audit Measure D Bond Financial Audit Measure D Bond Performance Procedures Audit Cabrillo College Foundation Audit Total 2010 $53,000 4,100 5,800 12,750 $75,650 2011 $55,500 $4,300 $3,250 $12,900 $75,950 The District is planning to move forward with an RFP for audit services in September, 2011 for the 2012 audits. FISCAL IMPACT: $75,950. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services, to extend the contract with Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Company for audit services in 2011. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria A. Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 90 91 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE March 7, 2011 FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Cabrillo College and SJSU Global Studies Partnership REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION Action ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 C.10 BACKGROUND: Cabrillo College is entering an agreement with San Jose State University’s Global Studies Department to offer a 2 + 2 program for Cabrillo students. SJSU offers an online degree program in global studies, which provides foundational knowledge about the economic, political, social and environmental forces that are transforming our world. Students will be able to complete a degree online from anywhere in the world. It will prepare students for careers in government, the non-profit sector, pubic health, international business and law, and global journalism. Under this agreement Cabrillo College students with 60 transferable units, including the CSU GE breadth, are eligible for priority admission at junior level status. FISCAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Partnership Agreement between Cabrillo College and SJSU University. It is further recommended that the Vice President, Instruction be authorized to make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement. Administrator Initiating Item: Renée M. Kilmer, Vice President, Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 92 University Partnership Between Cabrillo College and San Jose State University Global Studies Online Program The San José State University Global Studies Online program is a degree-completion program. It is designed for students who have completed their lower division coursework and who wish to complete the remaining, upper division courses required for a Bachelor of Arts degree in Global Studies while taking advantage of the flexibility and convenience of online learning. To be admitted to the program, Cabrillo College students must be eligible for admission to San José State University with Junior-level standing. Completion of a transferable degree including 39 units of General Education at Cabrillo will fulfill all the lower division requirements for the Global Studies major. Although a foreign language is not required for admission, in order to graduate, candidates for the Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies at San José State University must demonstrate college-level, intermediate speaking, reading and writing ability in a language other than English. Two years of college-level language study is usually sufficient to prepare students to satisfy this requirement. Cabrillo College and San Jose State University Global Studies Online Program are entering into a partnership that will benefit Cabrillo College students. According to this Agreement, Cabrillo College will provide a link to the Global Studies Online (GSO) program on the Articulation Website and provide all online students with the information about the program: Introduction of San José State University’s Global Studies Online program and contact information Brief description of the program and program requirements Summary of program benefits, which include the ability to complete the degree online from anywhere in the world List SJSU Global Studies Program as a college partner on the Cabrillo College Distance Education website List of current fee structure of the program, as the online fee structure differs from that of the face-to-face undergraduate programs According to this Agreement, San Jose State University Global Studies Online program will: Allow Cabrillo College students to complete a transfer agreement with the Global Studies Online program up to their last semester at Cabrillo Provide priority registration and enrollment privileges for eligible Cabrillo College students List Cabrillo as a community college partner on SJSU’s website The Global Studies Online program is modeled on the residential program offered by San José State University. Successful completion of the program leads to a Bachelors of Arts degree in Global Studies granted by San José State University. The program is being implemented in collaboration with San Diego State University and California State University, Monterey Bay, and draws its faculty from all three campuses. The Global Studies Online program is separately accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). This agreement shall be in effect for three years, at which time the parties have the option to renew for another three years. Organization: Cabrillo College __________________________________ Renée M. Kilmer Date Vice President of Instruction Cabrillo College Organization: SJSU Global Studies Online Program _____________________________________________ Michael Conniff Date Director Global Studies Int’l & Extended Studies San Jose State University 2 93 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT March 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Resolution 016-11: In Support of a 2020 Vision for Student Success for California Community Colleges REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER C.11 ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 2 Background: The resolution in support of a 2020 Vision for Student Success for California Community Colleges is a pledge to improve the access and success of students while also increasing equity by closing the achievement gap among various racial groups of students. Fiscal Impact: None. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve Resolution 016-11 in support a 2020 Vision for Student Success for California Community Colleges as presented. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King, President Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 94 Resolution in Support of a 2020 Vision for Student Success for California Community Colleges WHEREAS, California’s community colleges are serving 2.7 million students in 2009-2010, thus making it the nation’s largest in total numbers and a constant leader in the nation in the percentage of the adult population in attendance; WHEREAS, there has been a general decline in United States higher education attainment compared to other large industrialized nations; WHEREAS, in 1960, California ranked eighth in the nation in the percentage of adults between the ages 25- to 34-year-olds holding at least a bachelor’s degree; and by 2006, California ranked 23rd in its share of 25- to 34-year-olds holding at least that degree and 43rd among states in the ratio of bachelor’s degrees awarded compared to high school diplomas awarded five years earlier; WHEREAS, President Barack Obama has proposed that the United States reclaim the lead in the percentage of adults earning associates’ degrees or higher among developed nations which would require increasing the percentage of 25– to 34-year-olds with associate degrees or higher from 40.4% to 60% by 2020; WHEREAS, the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) estimates that California needs one million more baccalaureate degree holders above the state’s baseline projection in 2025 to meet the workforce needs of California employers; WHEREAS, California’s community colleges are uniquely positioned to make a major contribution to increasing the success and achievement of their students which will, in turn, help California to reclaim its former level of excellence in education and economic well-being; WHEREAS, California’s community colleges recognize the need for setting ambitious goals to enable students to increase completions – of both certificates and associate degrees -- which will lead to a significant increase in the number and percentage of Californians who hold an associate’s degree or higher and once again exceed the national average by 2020; THEREFORE, the Board of Trustees of the Cabrillo Community College District hereby endorses the “2020 Vision for Student Success” report published by the Community College League of California and its “Commission on the Future” in 2010 and pledges to engage its local college(s) in efforts aimed at improving the access and success of its students while also increasing equity by closing the achievement gap among various racial groups of students. 95 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT March 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Resolution 017-11: In Support of California Community Colleges Budget Priorities and Principles REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER C.12 ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 3 Background: At the request of a trustee, Resolution 017-11 in support of California Community Colleges Budget Priorities and Principles has been prepared for the consideration of the Cabrillo College Governing Board Fiscal Impact: None Recommendation: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve resolution 017-11 in support of California Community Colleges Budget Priorities and Principles. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King, President Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 96 WHEREAS, California’s higher education system is in a crisis situation with insufficient resources at a time of record demand due to high school graduates and unemployed residents seeking retraining; and WHEREAS, the Governor’s Proposed Budget seeks a balanced approach of making $12.5 billion in spending cuts and asking the voters to postponing tax cuts totaling $12 billion for five years; and WHEREAS, under the Governor’s Proposed Budget, California community colleges would face $400 million in state general fund cuts; and WHEREAS, without a postponement of tax cuts, California community colleges could face $900 million in state general fund cuts; and WHEREAS, Cabrillo Community College District faces cuts of $4,131,000 under the Governor’s Proposed Budget and $9,296,000 if an all-cuts budget were to be adopted instead; and WHEREAS, California’s locally elected community college trustees, together with their faculty, staff and students, are best able to decide where budget reductions can be absorbed while minimizing the impact on their communities; and WHEREAS, “targeted” cuts at specific curriculum that cost colleges the least to offer will — in addition to injuring students in transfer and career preparation programs — require districts to reduce enrollment in higher-cost programs such as advanced technology and nursing; and WHEREAS, California community colleges could mitigate state cuts and maintain essential student instruction and services if their local communities were able to approve parcel taxes to provide funds to replace reduced state General Fund revenues; and WHEREAS, fee increases charged to community college students should protect the quality of instruction and student services; and WHEREAS, policy and practice reforms to improve student success and motivate student behavior should be based on sound research implemented in a manner to allow students and institutions to adjust; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Cabrillo Community College District supports a balanced approach to budgeting, including postponing tax cuts to protect vital state programs along with budgetary cuts to bring California’s state budget into balance; and be it further RESOLVED that the Cabrillo Community College District supports redirecting any amount of student fee revenue increase to reduce the proposed apportionment cut to protect the quality of student instruction and services; and be it further RESOLVED that the Cabrillo Community College District opposes the proposal to distribute apportionment based on student retention and instead supports an additive, categorical incentive funding program to encourage student success, as proposed in the report A 2020 Vision for Student Success; and be it further RESOLVED that the Cabrillo Community College District supports the right of California’s voters to be given the opportunity to allow local voters to approve parcel taxes with a 55% vote to backfill state budget cuts at community colleges; and be it further 97 RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Cabrillo Community College District, by passage of this resolution, expresses its full support for the above principles and positions on the Governor’s Proposed Budget for the 2011-12 fiscal year. 98 99 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: March 7, 2011 Student Emergency Support Program REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER ACTION Page 1 of 1 C. 13 Background: Cabrillo College has one of the largest community college scholarship programs in the state. However, for many students scholarships and financial aid are not available immediately and are not sufficient. Sometimes students fall behind in class because they cannot afford to purchase books, pay for child care, or start of college costs; they become frustrated due to the lack of immediate funding to start school and end up dropping out. Currently, the Women’s Educational Success (WES) is a program for emergency grants for women only while there has been a flood of male students who are in financial crisis. Program Elements The Student Emergency Support program will be a combination loan and grant program for both men and women. Students who are waiting on financial aid or scholarship funds or who are working will receive a loan through the program until their scholarship, financial aid, or employment funds can catch up. Students who are not waiting on financial aid but need immediate support to continue at Cabrillo College will receive a grant. Distribution The Cabrillo College Foundation will manage funds and allocate funding to the Office of the Vice President of Student Services or designee. The grant and loan distribution to students will be handled through Student Services. Start-Up Funding Cabrillo College, if the Board of Trustees approves this action, will allocate $50,000 in one-time operating reserve funds to be used to support the Student Emergency Support Program. The proposed allocation of funds is as follows: $15,000 for revolving loans $20,000 for grants over five years while the endowment is building earnings $15,000 to establish the Student Emergency Support Program Endowment Sustainable Funding The Cabrillo College Foundation will aim to increase the Student Emergency Support Program Endowment to $250,000, which will provide permanent grant funding of $10,000 annually. The revolving loan portion of the program will be replenished by the recipients as their financial aid, scholarship, or other funding is disbursed. Fiscal Impact: $50,000 allocated from college operating reserves. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board allocate $50,000 for a student emergency support program from operating reserves. Administrator Initiating Item: Dennis Bailey-Fougnier Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 100 101 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: March 7, 2011 Board Policy 3518 Child Abuse Reporting Student Services, Second Reading REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 2 ITEM NUMBER C.14 Background: Board Policy 3518, presented to the Board for a first reading on February 7, 2011 is presented for a second reading. Fiscal Impact: None. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the Board Policy. Administrator Initiating Item: Dennis Bailey-Fougnier Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 102 BP 3518 Child Abuse Reporting References: Penal Code Sections 261, 264.1, 273a, 273d, 285, 286, 288, 288a, 289, 647a, and 11164-11174.3; Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 300, 318, and 601; Family Code Sections 7802, 7807, 7808, 7820-7829, 7890, and 7892 The President/Superintendent shall establish procedures related to the responsibility of employees, within the scope of employment or in their professional capacity, to report suspected abuse and neglect of children. See Administrative Procedure 3518. Approved: Student Services Council, January 19, 2011 103 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: March 7, 2011 California Connects Grant for MESA REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 C.15 BACKGROUND: The US Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration for Broadband Technology Opportunities has funded a project called California Connects administered through the California Community College Chancellor’s Office. This grant is designed to directly benefit students belonging to MESA programs. Cabrillo will receive $8000 and as many as 300 laptop computers over a three-year period to be awarded to students who are MESA members. The conditions of the grant require these students to participate in designated community service and in Microsoft training and certification. The laptop computers will be “plug and play” ready. They will be pre-loaded and pre-imaged with Microsoft Office Professional. They will have virus protection, warranty and pre-paid support. The laptops will become the property of the student. The distribution of these laptops has been designed to avoid any negative impact on campus IT departments. Students will be engaged in community service designed to increase digital literacy in underserved communities. FISCAL IMPACT: Revenue and expenditures in the amount of $8,000 plus up to 300 laptop computers over the next three years, with an effective starting date of March 1, 2011. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board accept this grant on behalf of Cabrillo’s MESA program. It is further recommended that the Board authorize the Vice President of Administrative Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement on behalf of the college. Administrator Initiating Item: Wanda L. Garner, Dean, NAS Division Renée M. Kilmer, VP Instruction Academic and Professional Matter Yes If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No No Final Disposition 104 105 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: March 14, 2011 CCEU 2010-11 Negotiated Agreement Reopeners REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 2 D.1 BACKGROUND: On January 24, 2011, the District received the attached notice from the Cabrillo Classified Employees Union (CCEU). The parties have agreed that they will not reopen negotiations as provided for in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 24.3 Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 106 107 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: March 7, 2011 2011-12 Budget Update REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 D.2 BACKGROUND: It is anticipated that an update on the 2011-12 Budget will be presented at the Board meeting. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 108 109 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: March 7, 2011 2009-10 Foundation Audit Report REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 D.3 BACKGROUND: The Cabrillo College Foundation’s annual audit for the fiscal year 2009-10 was conducted by Vavrinek, Trine, Day and Co., LLP. A copy of the audit report is provided under separate cover to the Cabrillo College Governing Board as required by the California Education Code. A copy of the audit report is available for review in the Foundation office, Sesnon House, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 110 111 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: March 7, 2011 Quarterly Investment Report REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 7 D.4 BACKGROUND: The Quarterly Investment Report for the quarter ending December 31, 2010 is now presented to the Governing Board. The majority of Cabrillo’s cash is deposited with the Santa Cruz County Treasurer’s Office. A statement of the Treasurer’s portfolio is attached. The financial institution acting as trustee for the proceeds of Certificates of Participation bonds is the US Bank. A summary of Cabrillo’s holdings there is attached. Statements from two term-share (certificate) accounts purchased with Bay Federal Credit Union by the Associated Students of Cabrillo (ASC) College fund are summarized and attached. A report of the ASC savings account is also included. Administrator Initiating Item: Roy Pirchio Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: March 7, 2011 Financial Reports ENCLOSURE(S) REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER INFORMATION Page 1 of 22 D.5 BACKGROUND: The following financial reports are presented for the information of the Governing Board: Report Period Ending Trial Balance 1/31/11 Page 2 Year-to-Date Budget Reports 1/31/11 General Fund Child Development Fund Building Fund Revenue Bond 1998 Construction Fund Revenue Bond 2004 (Series A) Construction Fund Revenue Bond 2004 (Series B) Construction Fund Debt Service Fund Retiree Benefit Fund 3-4 5-6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Clearing and Revolving 1/31/11 13 Bookstore 1/31/11 14-15 Cafeteria 1/31/11 16-17 Associated Students 1/31/11 18 Scholarships/Loans 1/31/11 19 Student Center Fee 1/31/11 20 Student Representation Fee 1/31/11 21 Trust and Agency 1/31/11 22 Administrator Initiating Item: Roy Pirchio Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT March 7, 2011 SUBJECT: 2009-2010 Professional Development Leave Reports REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER D.6 Page 1 of 1 (reports under separate cover) BACKGROUND The professional development leave reports for the 2009-2010 academic year are provided under separate cover. Each report was reviewed and approved by the Sabbatical Leave Review Board for form and content as prescribed in Article 9 of the agreement between the Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers and the Cabrillo College District. Administrator Initiating Item: Renée M. Kilmer, Vice President Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature X Yes No X Yes No Final Disposition 142 143 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE March 7, 2011 FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Spring 2011 Flex Week Activities REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 D.7 BACKGROUND: The Staff Development Committee organized five days of workshops and activities that took place from Monday, January 31 through Friday, February 4, 2011. On these days faculty were released from their classroom assignments in order to participate in staff development activities. (Title 5, Section 55722) Allowable activities included: Staff development, in-service training and instructional improvement; Program and course curriculum or learning resource development and evaluation; Student personnel service; Related activities, such as student advising, guidance and orientation, departmental or division meetings, conferences and workshops, and institutional research; Other duties as assigned by the district. The necessary supporting activities for the above (Title 5, Section 55724 and 55726) Forty-eight workshops were offered between Monday and Thursday of that week. On Friday, February 4, faculty attended division and department meetings. The student success focus was reflected throughout flex week events and faculty satisfaction and attendance (average number of participants per event) was at its highest. President Brian King kicked off flex week with a reception and an informal discussion on college issues. A 3-day interactive workshop called On Course gave faculty tools to use in the classroom to improve student success. The week before flex week, a 2-day workshop on the Blackboard learning management system was attended by 22 faculty. Many of the workshop evaluations indicated the content presented was innovative, inspirational, and applicable to teaching. Evaluations asked participants what they liked best about the workshop they attended: “I liked the usable content-related topics. I’m coming away with a very heavy bag of tools.” On Course “…high energy, inspirational stories.” Live Stories of Success “…great discussion and exchange of ideas to make science a basic skill.” How Science Can Be Taught to Underprepared Students "As the newest Trustee on the Cabrillo College Board, you have made me so proud to be part of this fabulous school." Live Stories of Success: How to Use Them in Your Classroom “This topic is so critical to remind us that we nurture the whole student here at Cabrillo.” Live Stories of Success: How to Use Them in Your Classroom “I liked the discussion among faculty and staff on ways to provide science literacy education to students who would not otherwise learn about science.” Teaching Science to Underprepared Students Administrator Initiating Item: Renée M. Kilmer, VP Instruction Academic and Professional Matter Yes No If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Final Disposition 144 145 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT March 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Resolution 018-11: In Support of the California Dream Act AB 130 and AB 131 (Cedillo) REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER D.8 ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 3 Background: At the request of a trustee, Resolution 018-11 in support of AB 130 and AB 131 (Cedillo), the California Dream Act, has been prepared for the consideration of the Cabrillo College Governing Board Fiscal Impact: None. Recommendation: Resolution 018-11: In support of the California Dream Act is provided for Governing Board information. The resolution will be brought back as an action item at the April Governing Board meeting. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King, President Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 146 On the motion of Trustee Duly seconded by Trustee The following Resolution is adopted: Resolution 018-11 Resolution in Support of the California Dream Act AB 130 and AB 131 (Cedillo) WHEREAS, the mission of Cabrillo Community College District is to enhance the intellectual, cultural, and economic vitality of its diverse community by assisting all students in their quest for lifelong learning and success in an ever-changing world; and WHEREAS, the California Dream Act falls in line with our mission to promote economic development by allowing AB 540 students attending community colleges to apply and compete for student aid; and WHEREAS, the California Dream Act promotes individual responsibility by encouraging students who have been raised as Californians to become responsible educated adults and productive members of our communities; and WHEREAS, AB 540 students should be encouraged to become teachers, doctors, engineers, and productive members of our workforce; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of our state’s economy to have an educated workforce to provide the innovation necessary to keep California competitive in the global economy; and WHEREAS, under current California law, students applying for public colleges and universities who do not possess lawful immigration status are eligible to receive instate tuition if they have signed an affidavit stating they will apply for legal status, attended a California high school for at least three years, and graduated from a California high school; and WHEREAS, many of these students who are in immigrants and eligible for in-state tuition do not student aid even if they are financially needy, unattainable for many of these students who have and the process of becoming legal qualify for any state or federal and college is still financially grown up in our neighborhoods; WHEREAS, the California Dream Act would allow U.S. citizens and undocumented AB 540 students to apply and compete for institutional and state administered student aid; and WHEREAS, the California Dream Act would allow U.S. citizens and undocumented AB 540 students to apply for the Board of Governors Community College fee waivers; and Page 1 of 2 147 WHEREAS, the California Dream Act would make clarifying changes to the education code by using the term “secondary school” in place of the existing term “high school”; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Cabrillo Community College District Board of Trustees feels that it is important for this district to continue encouraging students, regardless of immigration status, to strive to gain a higher education; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cabrillo Community College District Board of Trustees encourages all California legislators to fully support legislation to enact the California Dream Act in the coming legislative session. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, on this 11th day of April 2011 that the Cabrillo Community College District Board of Trustees adopts Resolution 018-11 in support of the California Dream Act, AB 130 and AB 131 (Cedillo). AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Chairperson of the Board ATTEST: Secretary to the Board Page 2 of 2 148 149 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: March 7, 2011 Interpreters Update REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 D.9 Background: Under the American with Disabilities Act, educational institutions are required to provide reasonable accommodations to students with verified disabilities. While this federal statute is an unfunded mandate, the state provides categorical allocations to offset the costs associated with providing appropriate and adequate accommodations. However, a lack of state funding does not nullify this responsibility, and the costs must be borne by the institution. Over the past two years, the DSPS categorical funding has been cut by 45.5%, reducing the funds available to provide the same level of service as in previous years. At Cabrillo, approximately 10% of students have some type of disability. DSPS addresses needs for testing, verification of disabilities, and the requisite accommodations. In previous years, the college has served relatively few hearing impaired students, typically a couple a year, and the interpreter budget had adequately funded this expense. However, this past fall, the number of deaf students doubled and has subsequently almost doubled again this spring semester. Approximately $60,000 has already been expended on these services, depleting the budget by mid-year, yet the college must continue to fund interpreters throughout the remainder of the semester. We estimate the total obligation for the remainder of the 2010-11 academic year at $80,000 given the increase in the number of deaf students enrolled, and the District will need to provide one-time funds to cover the expenses of this mandated service. Administrator Initiating Item: Renée M. Kilmer, Vice President, Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 150 151 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT March 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 D.10 BACKGROUND: The following calendar presents information about selected events and significant dates for the month of March. Dates given are accurate as of February 17, 2011. Administrator Initiating Item: Kristin Fabos, Director of Marketing Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 152 March 2011 Marketing and Communications Department • 831.479.5744 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Softball vs. San Jose City College, 3:00 p.m. Wednesday 2 Thursday 3 Softball vs. Monterey Peninsula College, 3:00 p.m. Friday 4 Brain Rules: Dr. John Medina, 7:00 p.m., Crocker Theater Saturday 5 Deadline to drop a full-term class without permanent “W” Softball vs. Napa Valley, 11:00 a.m. Additional Listings 6 DACLS presents pianist Frank Wiens, 3:00 p.m., Music Recital Hall 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 Exhibit Opening: Futzie Nutzle: The Paintings, Cabrillo Gallery Reception: Futzie Nutzle, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m., Cabrillo Gallery Additional Listings 25 26 Governing Board Meeting, Sesnon House, 5:00 p.m. Baseball vs. Skyline College, 2:00 p.m. Exhibit Closing: Insistence Of Memory, Cabrillo Gallery Cabrillo Insider, radio show, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m., KSCO 1080 AM Auditions for Cabrillo Stage season, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Crocker Theater 13 Deadline for Pass/ No Pass option (full term course) 20 Cabrillo Insider, radio show, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m., KSCO 1080 AM Baseball vs. Cañada, 2:30 p.m. 21 22 23 28 29 30 Baseball vs. College of San Mateo, 2:30 p.m. Softball vs. Ohlone College, 3:00 p.m. 24 Exhibit Artist’s Talk: Futzie Nutzle, 6:30 p.m., Cabrillo Gallery 25th Annual Santa 25th Annual Santa Cruz Jazz Festival, Cruz Jazz Festival, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., VAPA Complex VAPA Complex Cabrillo Insider, radio show, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m., KSCO 1080 AM . 27 Collaborative Duos, 7:30 p.m., Music Recital Hall 31 Softball vs. Foothill College, 3:00 p.m. Deadline to file Special Studies Request Additional Listings Coming in Early April March 5 Cabrillo Insider, radio show, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m., KSCO 1080 AM April 1 Swimming and Diving vs. West Valley College, 2:00 p.m. March 5 Auditions for Cabrillo Stage, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Crocker Theater April 1 Deadline to apply for AA/AS degree or certificate March 19 Baseball vs. Gavilan College, 1:00 p.m. April 2 Baseball vs. Monterey Peninsula College, 1:00 p.m. April 4 Board Meeting, 5:00 p.m., Sesnon House . March 19 Cabrillo Insider, radio show, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m., KSCO 1080 AM April 4 - 9 Spring Break April 5 Softball vs. Chabot College, 3:00 p.m.