1 Cabrillo College Governing Board Monday, October 3, 2011 Cabrillo College Sesnon House 6500 Soquel Drive Aptos, California 95003 OPEN SESSION (McPherson Room) 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Adoption of Agenda 3. Public Comments Regarding Closed Session Items (three minute time limit per speaker) Please notify clerk if you desire to speak to the Board. 4. Announcement of Closed Session 5. Adjourn to Closed Session CLOSED SESSION (Pino Alto Room) 1. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Victoria Lewis Employee Organization: CCEU 2. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Victoria Lewis Employee Organization: CCFT 3. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Brian King Employee Organizations: Management and Confidential Employees 4. Conference with District Counsel regarding anticipated litigation (Government Code §54956.9(b)(3)(E)) (McGuire and Hester, Nibbi Brothers Construction, ISEC, J.W. McClenahan, Collins Electrical Company, Brady Company, HGA Architects, Bogard+Kitchell) 5. Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Government Code §54956.8) Property: 104 Whispering Pines , Scotts Valley, California 95066 Agency Negotiator: Brian King Negotiating Party: Matt Sheldon, JR Parrish Owner: Whispering Pines Association Under Negotiation: Terms of Payment, Conditions 6. Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Government Code §54956.8) Property: Health and Wellness Education Center (HW1), 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, California 95003 Agency Negotiator: Brian King Negotiating Parties and Possible Leaser: James Vegher, Precision Physical Therapy and Susan McMillan, Dominican Hospital; Under Negotiation: Terms of Payment, Conditions PAGE TIME 5:00 2 October 3, 2011 OPEN SESSION (McPherson Room) Call to Order and Roll Call Report Out of Closed Session 6:00 A. Consent Items 1. Minutes and Consent Agenda (these items are approved when the agenda is approved unless a Board member wishes to discuss) a) Minutes of September 12, 2011 2. Register of Warrants 6:01 5 11 It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify warrant numbers 09360–10015 for the amount of $3,167,106.05. 3. Ratification: Construction Change Orders 31 It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify the construction change orders as provided. 4. Donations from the Cabrillo College Foundation 33 It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the donations to the above named programs from the Cabrillo College Foundation. 5. CTE Professional Services Contract for Regional Occupational Program (ROP) 35 It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President of Administrative Services to execute a professional service contract with ROP. 6. Human Resources Management Report 37 It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify and/or approve the human resources management report. Introduction of Newly Appointed Faculty and Staff Oral Communications Members of the audience may speak to non-agenda items (three minute time limit per speaker) B. Special Presentation 2011 Meritorious Service Award Recipients 6:06 C. Oral Reports 1. Board Members’ Reports 6:16 2. Student Trustee’s Report 6:21 3. Superintendent’s Report 6:24 4. CCEU 6:27 Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo Classified Employees Union. 3 October 3, 2011 C. Oral Reports (continued) 5. CCFT 6:30 Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers. 6. Faculty Senate 6:33 Comments on issues of interest to the Faculty Senate D. Action Items 1. Increase in the Student Health Fee 39 6:36 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve an increase of $1.00, from $17.00 to $18.00, in the Student Health Fee beginning with spring semester 2012. 2. Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, Second Reading 41 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the revisions to the Board policies as presented to BP 1060 - Election of Student Member, BP 1070 - Board Vacancies, BP 1080 Board Member Travel, and BP 1100 - Officers of the Board and Duties of the Officers. 3. U.S. Department of Education Title V Grant 49 It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the five year $4,339,878 grant from the United States Department of Education. It is further recommended that the Board authorize the Vice President of Business Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement on behalf of the college. 6:50 E. Information Items 1. Financial Reports 51 The financial reports are provided for Governing Board information. 2. Facilities Master Plan Update 73 The Facilities Master Plan update is provided for Governing Board information. 3. 2012 – 13 Budget Update 77 The 2012 - 13 Budget update is presented for Governing Board information. 4. Fall 2011 Flex Report (Post Flex) 79 The Fall 2011 Flex Report is provided for Governing Board information. 5. Board Policies, President’s Office, First Reading Board Policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. 81 4 October 3, 2011 E. Information Items (continued) 6. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar 91 The Cabrillo College activities calendar for the month of October is provided for Governing Board information. 7. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings The Cabrillo College Governing Board may discuss items to be placed on the agenda for the future Board meetings. CLOSED SESSION ADJOURN 7:15 For ADA related meeting accommodations, contact Dominique Hansen, Executive Assistant to the President, at (831) 479-6306 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. 5 Minutes of Meeting CABRILLO COLLEGE GOVERNING BOARD September 12, 2011 REGULAR MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was held at the Sesnon House, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, California on Monday, September 12, 2011. Chair Katy Stonebloom opened the meeting in Open Session at 5:09 pm. Roll was taken; present were Chair Stonebloom, Trustees Rebecca Garcia, Gary Reece, Rachael Spencer, Al Smith, Susan True, and Donna Ziel. Chair Stonebloom asked for Public Comments on Closed Session items. There were no public comments. Closed Session items were announced and the meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 5:10 p.m. Closed Session was adjourned at 6:00 pm. ROLL CALL Chair Katy Stonebloom called the Open Session to order at 6:07 p.m. Other Trustees present were Rebecca Garcia, Gary Reece, Al Smith, Rachael Spencer, Susan True and Donna Ziel. Also present were members of the community, college faculty, staff and students. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION Chair Stonebloom stated that there was nothing to report out of Closed Session. Trustee Smith declared conflict of interest on closed session item #4; he excused himself and did not participate in the discussion. PROCEDURAL ITEMS It was moved and seconded (Garcia/Spencer) to approve the consent agenda items, including the minutes from the August 1, 2011. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA AND MINUTES The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Watkins AYES: Garcia, Reece, Smith, Spencer, Stonebloom, True and Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None SPECIAL PRESENTION Horticulture Program Chair Peter Shaw and two Horticulture students discussed the Horticulture program. INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED FACULTY AND STAFF Vice President Lewis introduced new IT Director Dan Borges. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Marilyn Garrett addressed the Board about the alleged hazards of wi-fi. ORAL REPORTS Board Trustees’ Reports Trustee Spencer reported on the recent Santa Cruz County College Commitment (S4C) press conference. Trustee Spencer said it was a very joyous presentation that many Santa Cruz educational leaders attended. Trustee Spencer commended President King for organizing the event. 1 of 5 SPECIAL PRESENTATION INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED FACULTY AND STAFF ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ORAL REPORTS BOARD TRUSTEE REPORTS 6 Minutes of Meeting September 12, 2011 Trustee Garcia reported that she attended an Excelencia in Education briefing where she learned that almost half of all California K-12 students are Latinos and there is an equity gap. The largest equity gap is in the transfer rates for Latino students. Trustee Garcia said asked Vice President Kilmer to contact Evergreen College to learn more about their Enclace program at Evergreen which addresses the equity gap. Chair Stonebloom thanked everyone who was involved in fall Flex week. Chair Stonebloom especially thanked IT Manager of Tech Services Ray Rider, Marketing Director Kristin Fabos and Chair of the Staff Development Committee Francine Van Meter. Chair Stonebloom thanked the Student Senate for inviting her to their recent retreat and said it was a wonderful event. Student Trustee’s Report Student Trustee Watkins commended President King and Marketing Director Fabos on the S4C press conference. The Student Senate has voted to support the S4c efforts and is looking forward to the 4th grade student tours. The Student Senate formed a textbook committee, which Student Trustee Watkins chairs. Superintendent’s Report President King thanked the students for all the wonderful work they have going on, especially working with faculty to address course material cost issues. CCFT CCFT President Harvell discussed the growing difference between the college’s revenues and expenses. CCFT President Harvell said this difficult issue must be dealt with quickly. Faculty Senate No presentation. CCEU CCEU Board Member Olga Diaz addressed the Board. Ms. Diaz thanked the Governing Board for attending All College Day and said it means a lot to have the Governing Board’s support and presence. Ms. Diaz also thank President King for a positive leadership presentation. STUDENT TRUSTEE’S REPORT SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT CCFT FACULTY SENATE CCEU Ms. Diaz said the tone of negotiations has changed to a more relaxed and productive atmosphere. CCEU values working in a more cooperative way with the district and is interested in Interest Based Bargaining Training (IBBT). The CCEU leaderships believe this may be a more productive way to negotiate. Ms. Diaz acknowledged the departing bookstore manager Robin Ellis’ dedication and commitment. She said CCEU supports the interim management plan, but in the long terms wants local control of the bookstore to make it a place of the college community. ACTION ITEMS Resolution 041-11: Reduction or Discontinuance of Classified Service It was recommended that the Governing Board adopt resolution 040-11 as presented. 2 of 5 ACTION ITEMS RESOLUTION 041-11: REDUCATION OR DISCONTINUANCE OF 7 Minutes of Meeting September 12, 2011 CLASSIFIED SERVICE It was moved and seconded (Spencer/Reece ) to approve resolution 041-11. Trustee True asked if the Service and Program Reduction Advisory Committee (SPRAC) reviewed the proposal and Vice President Kilmer responded SPRAC had. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Watkins AYES: Garcia, Reece, Smith, Spencer, Stonebloom, True, and Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None The motion carried. Appointment of Members to the Measure D Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee It was recommended that the Governing Board appoint three members to the Measure D Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee as recommended by the Superintendent/President. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE MEASURE D CITIZENS’ BOND OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Trustee Reece asked President King to sending the exciting committee members thank you letters. It was moved and seconded (Reece/Ziel) to appoint three members to the Measure D Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee. The motion carried. 2011-12 Final Budget It was recommended that the Governing Board approve the 2011-12 Final Budget. Vice President Lewis thanked the Business Office for all their hard work, and also thanked CPC and SPRAC for their work. Trustee True thanked Director of Business Services Graciano Mendoza, Vice President Lewis and President King for reviewing the budget with her. Trustee True said the approval of the budget presents the Board and the college with a moment where everyone can take a deep breath and work on actual education. Trustee Reece thanked Vice President Lewis for her leadership and said the budget will continue to be a challenge in the coming years. It was moved and seconded (Reece/Spencer) to approve the 2011-12 final budget. Trustee Garcia asked about the mid-year student fee increase. Vice President Lewis said the next $10 fee increase trigger date is mid-December, but the fee increase will not be implemented until the summer. Chair Stonebloom asked about the implications of the additional deferrals. Vice 3 of 5 2011-12 FINAL BUDGET 8 Minutes of Meeting September 12, 2011 President Lewis said the total of the deferrals is now about $9.6 million. The college is participating in a loan program which will provide $5 million, and will pay about $80,000 in interest. The motion carried. Facilities Master Plan (FMP) Semi-Annual Update, Revision and Project Status It was recommended that the Governing Board approve the Facilities Master Plan as presented. It was moved and seconded (True/Ziel) to approve the FMP Semi-Annual Update. FACILITIES MASTER PLAN (FMP) SEMIANNUAL UPDATE, REVISION AND PROJECT STATUS The motion carried. BOARD POLICY FOR Board Policy for Student Success, BP 1021 STUDENT SUCCESS, BP It was recommended that the Governing Board approve the Board Policy for Student 1021 Success, BP 2021 as presented. It was moved and seconded (True/Garcia) the board policy for Student Success. Chair Stonebloom suggested adding the words “all local public education institutions” to the policy. Trustee True accepted this as a friendly amended. The motion carried. BOARD POLICY Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, Second Reading REVISIONS: OFFICE OF It was recommended that the Governing Board approve the revisions to the Board THE PRESIDENT, policies as presented to BP 1020 – Duties and Responsibilities of the Board, BP 1030 SECOND READING – Board Membership and Eligibility, BP 1040 – Board Elections, BP 1090 – Conflict of Interest, BP 1130 – Closed Session. It was moved and seconded (Garcia/Ziel) to approve the board policies. The motion carried. INFORMATION ITEMS Financial Reports The financial reports were provided for Governing Board information. Quarterly Investment Report (6/11) The Quarterly Investment Report was provided for Governing Board information. Cabrillo AA-T and AS-T Degrees: CCCCO Approval The Cabrillo AA-T and AS-T degrees were provided for Governing Board information. Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, First Reading Board Policies were presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. Increase in the Student Health Fee The increase in the student health fee item was presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. 4 of 5 FINANCIAL REPORTS QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT (6/11) CABRILLO AA-T AND AS-T DEGREES: CCCCO APPROVAL BOARD POLICY REVISIONS: OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, FIRST READING INCREASE IN STUDENT HEALTH FEE 9 Minutes of Meeting September 12, 2011 Trustee Spencer said the student health center is meeting a tremendous need, and this dollar increase is more than reasonable. Santa Cruz County College Commitment Update The Santa Cruz County College Commitment Update was provided for Governing Board information. Trustee Garcia said she has been asked to speak to the Santa Cruz County school association about S4C and encourage districts who have not passed the resolution to pass the resolution. Bookstore Update The Cabrillo College Bookstore update was provided for Governing Board information. Chair Stonebloom asked about the process that was used to supply books to Watsonville Center students and if it would be repeated at the beginning of every semester. Vice President Lewis said they will review the process moving forward and how it fits in with the bookstore plan. Trustee Garcia asked about partnering with the Crossroads Books in Watsonville. President King said he did contact the store and they are willing to stock commercially available books but cannot stock textbooks. Textbooks are too expensive and cannot be returned. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar The Cabrillo College activities for the month of September were presented for Governing Board information. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings The Cabrillo College Governing Board discussed items to be placed on the agenda for the future Board meetings. ADJOURN The open session of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was adjourned at 7:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Secretary 5 of 5 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY COLLEGE COMMITMENT UPDATE BOOKSTORE UPDATE CABRILLO COLLEGE MONTHLY CALENDAR AGENDA FOR NEXT BOARD MEETING ADJOURNMENT 10 11 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT October 3, 2011 SUBJECT: ENCLOSURE(S) Register of Warrants REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 20 A.2 BACKGROUND: The following warrants are submitted for Governing Board ratification: REGISTER NO. 11 12 13 14 15 16 DATE WARRANT NO. 08-24-11 08-25-11 09-02-11 09-07-11 09-08-11 09-15-11 09360-09395 09396-09574 09575-09577 09578-09706 09707-09807 09808-10015 TOTAL AMOUNT 218,811.56 413,201.18 1,364.25 1,285,462.66 301,826.76 946,439.64 $3,167,106.05 * NOTE: Student refund and financial-aid registers totaling $2,302,039.08 are available in the Business Office for review. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify warrant numbers 09360–10015 for the amount of $3,167,106.05. Administrator Initiating Item: Roy Pirchio Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature No Final Disposition 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT October 3, 2011 SUBJECT: Ratification: Construction Change Orders REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 A.3 BACKGROUND: In accordance with Board Policy 4155, the attached change orders over $25,000 and less than 10% of the original contract value are submitted for Governing Board ratification. Continued on page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: None this month. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify the construction change orders provided as an attachment. Administrator Initiating Item: Joe Nugent Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 32 Ratification: Construction Change Orders: cont. Project Green Tech Center Change order # Contractor Dilbeck Amount Description None this month 0 Total Change Order Green Technology Center Project Allied Health Sidewalk Reconfiguration Change order # Contractor Cen Con Amount Description None this month 0 Total Change Order Allied Health Project Sesnon Road Repaving Change order # Contractor Earthworks Amount Description None this month Sesnon Road Total All Change Orders 0 Total Change Order 0 Note: These change orders are reflected in the Facilities Master Plan (FMP) Status Report. 33 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT October 3, 2011 SUBJECT: ENCLOSURE(S) Donations from Cabrillo College Foundation REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 A.4 BACKGROUND: The Cabrillo College Foundation accepted the following in-kind gift donations on behalf of the college since March, 2011: Donation Photograph enlarger and accessories Landscape wall materials ICD-9 Coding Books Wurlitzer Upright piano Donor California College of the Arts David Lane Palo Alto Medical Foundation Dale Scoggins Program VAPA/Photography Horticulture Medical Assisting Music FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the donations to the above named programs from the Cabrillo College Foundation. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 34 35 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT October 3, 2011 SUBJECT: CTE Professional Services Contract for Regional Occupational Program (ROP) REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 ITEM NUMBER A.5 Background: The college is the fiscal agent for the Career Technical Education Community Collaborative funded through the Chancellor’s Office. The Collaborative is funded to develop and strengthen the Career Technical Education pathway that starts in middle school, extends to high school and college, and leads to rewarding careers with local employers. Our partner in this effort, the Santa Cruz County Regional Occupational Program is taking primary responsibility for many of the middle school and high school activities. In accordance with the grant, ROP will receive $170,852 for the 2011/2012 year to support their role in providing CTE leadership across the county’s high schools and middle schools and in delivering CTE services to students in grades 7 to 12. Fiscal Impact: Expenditures of $170,852 offset by revenues already received through the Chancellor’s Office CTE Community Collaborative grants. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President of Administrative Services to execute a professional service contract with ROP. Administrator Initiating Item: Rock Pfotenhauer, Dean, CEED Renée M. Kilmer, VP Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 36 37 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD FROM: PRESIDENT DATE October 3, 2011 SUBJECT: Human Resources Management Report REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER ACTION Page 1 of 2 A.6 BACKGROUND: Requesting ratification and/or approval of the following employment transactions: FISCAL IMPACT: Within budgeted FTE’s. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify and/or approve the transactions as described on the attached page. Administrator Initiating Item: Loree McCawley/Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 38 Name Department/Division Position Effective Date Action GRIFFIN, James CIS/NAS CIS Instructor 06/03/12 Retirement (DOH: 08/27/01) HASSAN, Pavla CEED/Instruction Office Specialist 09/14/11 Resignation (DOH: 09/01/05) NIVEN, Katherine CAHM/HASS CAHM Instructor 06/03/12 Retirement (DOH: 08/15/88) SHULMAN, Deborah Learning Skills/CESS Learning Skills Instructor 06/03/12 Retirement (DOH: 01/19/93) TOMNITZ, Pattie DSPS Counselor/CESS DSPS Counselor 06/03/12 Retirement (DOH: 08/29/83) VICTORY, Wilson FP&PO/Admin. Svcs. Custodian 09/07/11 * Re-employment *Ed Code §88195 October 2011 Page 2 of 2 39 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT October 3, 2011 SUBJECT: Increase in the Student Health Fee REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 D.1 BACKGROUND: Education Code Section 76355 provides the governing board of a community college district the option of increasing the student health services fee by the same percentage as the increase in the Implicit Price Deflator for State and Local Government Purchase of Goods and Services. Whenever that calculation produces an increase of one dollar above the existing fee, the fee may be increased by one dollar. Based on calculations by the Financial, Economic, and Demographic Unit in the Department of Finance, the Implicit Price Deflator Index has now increased enough since the last fee increase of March 2007 to support a one dollar increase in the student health fees. Effective with the summer semester of 2012, districts may begin charging a maximum fee of $18.00 per semester, $15.00 for summer session, $15.00 for each intersession of at least four weeks. Previously enacted Board policies waive Health Fees for Students who depend exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization, and students who are attending a community college under an approved apprenticeship training program. This fee increase would not affect any of the above waived students. Fiscal Impact: Will increase restricted revenues that are used to operate Student Health Service (SHS). Recommendation: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve an increase of $1.00, from $17.00 to $18.00, in the Student Health Fee beginning with spring semester 2012. Administrator Initiating Item: Dennis Bailey-Fougnier Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 40 41 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT October 3, 2011 SUBJECT: Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, Second Reading REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER Action ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 7 D.2 Background: The District is in the process of revising Board Policies utilizing the California Community College League’s model policies as applicable. Attached are revisions to some of the Board Policies in the Office of the President as listed below: Board Policy BP 1060 - Election of Student Member BP 1070 - Board Vacancies BP 1080 - Board Member Travel BP 1100 - Officers of the Board and Duties of the Officers Action Update to reflect League Language Update to reflect League Language Update to reflect League Language Update to reflect League Language Board policies are presented as a second reading for Governing Board review for approval. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 42 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board BP 1060 Election of Student Member (League BP 2105) In accordance with the requirements of Education Code Section 72023.5 the Cabrillo College Governing Board shall include in its membership one (1) non-voting student. Such member shall be chosen by currently enrolled students at the annual spring student elections, the results of which shall be made public no later than May 31 of each academic year., so that the office is filled by June 1. The student member so elected shall be a resident of the Cabrillo College District and a currently-enrolled student of the District. Upon election, the student member shall also become a qualified member of the Student Senate. The member shall maintain all qualifications as set forth in the Associated Students of Cabrillo College (A.S.C.C.) Constitution, revised. The student member shall be seated with the members of the Governing Board and shall be recognized as an actively participating member of the Board at its regular and special meetings including receiving all materials presented to the Board members and participating in the questioning of witnesses and the discussion of issues, except that the student member shall not have the right or be afforded the opportunity to attend executive sessions. The student member may make and second motions pursuant to Education Code Section 72023.57. The student member shall have a vote in open session which is advisory in nature, however this vote shall not be included in determining the vote required to carry any measure before the Board. The term of the student member shall be one year, commencing on July 1 of each year. In the event of a tie vote in the annual student election, the winner shall be determined by lot consistent with the procedure for at-large regular voting board members, as described in Board Policy 1040. In the event the student member is unable to fill out his/her term of office, the Student Senate shall nominate one or more of its members to fill out the remaining term of office, and such nomination is subject to ratification by the Governing Board. A vacancy shall also occur if the student Board member misses three (3) consecutive Board meetings without authorization by the Board Chair. The student member shall be subject to recall upon presentation of a petition signed by the students of the District equal in number to at least 20 percent of the Cabrillo Community College District as of the time of filing the petition for verification of signatures. Legal Reference: Education Code Sections 72023 and 72103 .5 - 72023.7; Elections Code Sections _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1060 Page 1 of 1 Student Member of the Governing Board 43 27211 and 27344; and (Also see A.S.C.C. Constitution). Adopted: February 1, 1988 Revised: December 5, 1988 Revised: October 3, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1060 Page 1 of 2 Student Member of the Governing Board 44 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board BP 1070 Board Vacancies (League BP 2110) Vacancies on the Board may be caused by any of the events specified in Government Code Section 1770 or any applicable provision in the Elections Code, or by a failure to elect. Resignations from the Board shall be governed by Education Code Section 5090. Vacancies on the Board are filled in accordance with the Education Code Sections 5090, 5091, 5092, and Government Code Section 1170. A vacancy in the student Board member’s seat shall be filled by the Governing Board upon the Student Senate’s recommendation of a qualified student. A vacancy exists in the student Board position when the student Board member resigns from the Board or because of a successful recall (See BP 1060). A vacancy shall also occur if the student Board member misses three (3) consecutive Board meetings without authorization by the Board Chair. Within 60 days of the vacancy or filing of a deferred resignation, the Board shall either order an election or make a provisional appointment to fill the vacancy. If an election is ordered, it shall be held on the next regular election date not less than 130 days after the occurrence of the vacancy. If a provisional appointment is made, it shall be subject to the conditions in Education Code Section 5091. The person appointed to the position shall hold office only until the next regularly scheduled election for district governing board members, when the election shall be held to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term. The provisional appointment will be made by a majority public vote of the Board members at a public meeting. Legal Reference: Education Code Sections 5090 et seq., 5091 and 5092; and Government Code Section 1770 1170. Adopted: February 1, 1988 Revised: October 3, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1070 Page 1 of 1 Board Vacancies 45 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board BP 1080 Remuneration, Payment of Expenses, and Benefits Board Member Travel (League BP 2735) Members of the Board shall have travel expenses paid whenever they travel as representatives of and perform services directed by the Board. Elected Regular voting Board members’ expenses incurred in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the Board may be paid by the District. Approval by the Board Chair or the Superintendent/President is necessary for all such expenditures. Board members are not reimbursed for traveling to or attending Board meetings. Legal Reference: Education Code Sections 72233, 72423 and 72425. Adopted: February 1, 1988 Revised: October 3, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1080 Page 1 of 1 Board Member Travel 46 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board BP 1100 Officers of the Board and Duties of the Officers (League BP 2210) At the annual organizational meeting, the Board shall elect from among its members a President of the Board, Vice Chair and Clerk. The officers elected by members of the Board are as follows: 1. Chair 2. Vice Chair 3. Clerk 4. Secretary The duties of the Chair, Vice Chair, Clerk and Secretary are as follows: Chair 1. To preside at meetings of the Board. 2. To appoint or provide for the election of all committees. 3. To call special meetings as required. 4. To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law or by action of the Board. 5. To sign legal documents except those specifically authorized by the Board to be signed by an officer, agent, or employee of the District. 6. Communicate with individual Board members about their responsibilities. 7. Participate in the orientation process for new Board members. 8. Assure Board compliance with policies on board education, self-evaluation and CEO evaluation. 9. Represent the Board at official events or ensure board representation. The Chair has the right to vote on all issues and to participate in the discussions. (Note: This is an exception to Robert’s Rules of Order.) Vice Chair 1. To perform in the absence of the Chair. 2. To attest the signature of the Chair or other members of the Board on all other documents of the District when an attest is a legal requirement. 3. To certify copies of records of the District as required. Clerk 1. Sign all official documents in the absence of secretary. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1100 Page 1 of 1 Officers of the Board and Duties of the Officers 47 2. Attest to the signature of the Chair or other members of the Board on all documents of the District when an attest is a legal requirement. The duties of the Secretary are as follows: Secretary 1. To notify members of the Board of all regular, special and adjourned meetings. 2. To attend all Board meetings or to appoint a designee. 3. To furnish Board members with an agenda of principal items of business, including backup material, and to furnish an agenda which may include back-up material to others as determined by the Superintendent/President in advance of Board meetings. 4. To cause to be recorded the minutes of the meetings of the Board and, if possible, to transmit a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting to each member of the Board before each ensuing meeting. 5. To have charge of all records, proceedings, and documents of the Board. 6. To file and post copies of financial and other reports as required by law. 7. To conduct under the direction of the Board the official correspondence of the Board. 8. To sign and execute all employee contracts, inter-district agreements, and any other official documents authorized by the Board. Legal Reference: Education Code Sections 72025, 72410, 72413, 72400, 72200 and 72233.72000 Adopted: February 1, 1988 Revised: October 3, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1100 Page 1 of 2 Officers of the Board and Duties of the Officers 48 49 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT October 3, 2011 SUBJECT: ENCLOSURE(S) U.S. Department of Education Title V Grant REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 D.3 Background: The college has received a United States Department of Education Title V, Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Program grant in the amount of $4,339,878 over five years. The grant will help the college implement several innovative initiatives aligned with our focus on increasing student success. The 2011 budget period amount is $868,509, and the full award of the grant is contingent upon the college demonstrating that the project has made substantial progress in meeting the approved goals and objectives and on Congressional appropriation of funds for the program. The overall purpose of this grant is to improve institutional capacity to increase student success. The key activities include: 1. A STEM Summer Bridge Program highlighting different industries that hire STEM majors each year, hands-on lab experiences and opportunities to develop an individual STEM degree/transfer plan. 2. A new STEM Center with increased academic support (peer led supplemental instruction and tutoring in math and science) and proactive academic and transfer advising. 3. Expanded Engineering and Computer Science laboratory spaces and resources to promote projectbased/total engagement experience for STEM students. 4. A model articulation/transfer initiative, involving northern California regional cross-institutions faculties, to align Cabrillo College Engineering and Computer Science majors. 5. A comprehensive STEM database accessible at the administrative, program and instructor level for timely use of STEM student outcomes to assess effectiveness of STEM services and activities and to make evidence-based improvements. Fiscal Impact: An increase in revenue and expenditures of $4,339,878 over five years. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the $4,339,878 grant from the United States Department of Education, and authorize the expenditure of the first year allocation of $868,509. It is further recommended that the Board authorize the Vice President of Business Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement on behalf of the college. Administrator Initiating Item: Renée M. Kilmer, VP Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 50 51 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT October 3, 2011 SUBJECT: ENCLOSURE(S) Financial Reports REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER INFORMATION Page 1 of 22 E.1 BACKGROUND: The following financial reports are presented for the information of the Governing Board: Report Period Ending Trial Balance 8/31/11 Page 2 Year-to-Date Budget Reports 8/31/11 General Fund Child Development Fund Building Fund Revenue Bond 1998 Construction Fund Revenue Bond 2004 (Series A) Construction Fund Revenue Bond 2004 (Series B) Construction Fund Debt Service Fund Retiree Benefit Fund 3-4 5-6 7 8 9 11 11 12 Clearing and Revolving 8/31/11 13 Bookstore 8/31/11 14-15 Cafeteria 8/31/11 16-17 Associated Students 8/31/11 18 Scholarships/Loans 8/31/11 19 Student Center Fee 8/31/11 20 Student Representation Fee 8/31/11 21 Trust and Agency 8/31/11 22 Administrator Initiating Item: Roy Pirchio Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE October 3, 2011 FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: ENCLOSURE(S) Facilities Master Plan Project Status REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER INFORMATION Page 1 of 3 E.2 BACKGROUND: Major Projects under Construction Financial Overview for Major Projects Current Budget Total Paid to Date (thru 06/30/11) Encumbered (thru 06/30/11) Changes Under Review-including change orders not encumbered Anticipated Future Expenses Subtotal Committed Construction (Over)/Under Budget Watsonville Allied Health Allied Health Building 300 Community Classrooms Equipment Equipment Education $10,965,000 $27,278,875 $2,290,493 1,862,000 Administrator Initiating Item: Joe Nugent Victoria Lewis 5,673,971 25,518,532 1,773,595 599,822 3,230,494 115,655 131,437 30,587 53,588 304,100 0 0 732,512 9,690,565 25,938,287 385,461 2,290,493 1,231,591 1,862,000 1,274,435 1,340,588 0 0 Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 74 Major Projects under Construction Arts Education Classrooms Project This project is in the final closeout process with DSA. One change order remains to be approved by DSA. Staff will submit the complete closeout package to DSA for final certification upon receipt of final change order. Current Status Update: Awaiting final certification from DSA. Health and Wellness Project The Allied Health project consists of two buildings totaling 57,000 square feet, and is the new home for programs such as Nursing, Radiology Technology, Medical Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Health and Wellness, and the Stroke Center. RMW is the architect and Soltek Pacific is the contractor. Construction began in May 2008 and the buildings are 100% complete. Staff is in the process of closing out the project. All remaining issues have been resolved with the contractor. Current Status Update: The majority of the equipment for the building has been purchased and installed. There are additional items to be purchased. Construction of an ADA ramp and sidewalk from parking lot J to the center of the two buildings is complete. Two ADA accessible parking spaces and adjoining ramp will be completed by the end of October. The project is being closed out and unused funding is reverting back to the bond fund. To date $826,121 has been moved back to the bond fund. Building 300 Renovation On February 1, 2010 the Governing Board approved an award of bid to Tombleson Construction of Salinas in the amount of $1,560,136 to renovate the 300 building. 12,523 square feet was remodeled and reconstructed to provide ten general purpose classrooms, two large assembly/classrooms and nine BELA division offices in spring 2010. The renovation is substantially complete. Current Status Update: The building has been occupied beginning spring semester 2011. The project currently remains under budget by approximately $900,000. DSA is currently processing requests for project closeout they received in the month of February 2011. The District is awaiting final closeout and certification from DSA. Some of the equipment has been purchased and installed. 2 of 3 75 Watsonville Green Technology Center The District and the City of Watsonville closed escrow on the purchase of the Watsonville Library on July 15, 2008. Since then, the college has demolished the building in order to construct a 14,000 square foot Community Education Center. The District received a grant for $2.5 million from Economic Development Agency for the project, and the grant was augmented by $865,000 to help fund an upgrade to a Platinum Level LEED certified “green” building. The Division of State Architect (DSA) approved the plans in June of 2010 and EDA approved the plans and specifications in July 2010. The project went to bid in August 2010. In October, the Board approved Dilbeck and Sons as well as an augmentation to the budget of $517,000. A deductive change order for the value engineering items discussed at the October Board meeting was approved at the November Board Meeting. The District has received a generous donation from the Ley Family of $100,000 for construction to add back some of the items that were placed on hold. Current Status Update: The project continues to progress. Building A (the main classroom building) exterior is complete. Roofing is complete, windows are installed and stucco is complete. Interior space has all sheetrock installed, tape, mud and texture is in process. Building “B” (shop building) exterior is nearly complete. Roofing is complete, windows are installed and metal siding is nearly complete. PG&E has made all connections including new 21KV service. Awards of Informal Bids under the Uniform Construction Cost Accounting System (UCC): At the August 2011 Governing Board meeting, the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting System was adopted to enable the District to increase the formal bid limits from $125,000 to $175,000. By adopting the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting System, the Board authorized the President or his/her designee to enter into agreements with low bidders using the informal bidding process with the provision that the successful awards would be presented to the Board as an information item. This system enables the District to 1) informally bid projects under $125,000 to prequalified contractors, 2) more efficiently and effectively manage small to medium sized projects, and 3) contract with local contractors who are deemed “qualified” bidders. Award of Bid: Building 1300 Server Room HVAC Upgrade Project There was one non-bond related bid awarded in July in the amount of $94,820 to Geo. Wilson, Inc. of Santa Cruz. This server room will house the main IT equipment on the Aptos campus. Four contractors bid on the project: Geo. Wilson with a bid of $94,820; Bogner Sheet Metal with a bid of $101,475; AirTech Service with a bid of $95,488; and Della Mora with a bid of 122,200. This project is scheduled to start in October and is scheduled to be completed by late December 2011. 3 of 3 76 77 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT October 3, 2011 SUBJECT: ENCLOSURE(S) 2012-13 Budget Update REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 E.3 BACKGROUND: An update on the 2012-13 budget will be presented at the board meeting. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 78 79 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE October 3, 2011 FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: ENCLOSURE(S) Fall 2011 Flex Week Activities REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER INFORMATION Page 1 of 1 E.4 BACKGROUND: The Staff Development Committee organized five days of workshops and activities that took place from Monday, August 22 through Friday, August 26, 2011. On these days faculty were released from their classroom assignments in order to participate in staff development activities. (Title 5, Section 55722) Allowable activities included: Staff development, in-service training and instructional improvement; Program and course curriculum or learning resource development and evaluation; Student personnel service; Related activities, such as student advising, guidance and orientation, departmental or division meetings, conferences and workshops, and institutional research; Other duties as assigned by the district. The necessary supporting activities for the above (Title 5, Section 55724 and 55726) Fifty-two workshops were offered between Monday and Thursday of that week. Also on Thursday, August 25, divisions and departments met for discipline specific professional development activities and program planning. On Friday, August 26, All College Day kicked off with a welcome of new hires, the presentation of service and teaching awards and a presentation by President Brian King focusing on “Cabrillo Stories.” Evaluations indicated attendees were particularly inspired by their colleague’s stories. The full text is available at: cabrillostories.blogspot.com Fall Flex workshop attendance increased again over last year. Attendees state they enjoy the variety of topics covered in workshops and typically extend their flex participation beyond what is required. Workshop evaluations asked participants what they liked best about the event they attended. “Interesting discussion with lots of relevant data on Mexican/Latino education.” “Highly engaging, motivating, and validating.” We’re an Hispanic Serving Institution…Now What? “Clear presentation of a complicated process.” “Lots of useful information.” The Mystique of the Transfer Model Curriculum “Really enjoyed hearing student testimonials.” “Good overview of learning communities and the student experience.” “How can this concept be implemented in the larger curriculum?” Sharing Student Stories: Healing and Leadership through Learning Communities “I like the way in which all participants clearly convey a true commitment to students’ success.” Basic Skills and Learning Communities Advisory Council Meeting Administrator Initiating Item: Renée M. Kilmer, VP Instruction Academic and Professional Matter Yes ❑ No If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Yes Senate President Signature ❑ No Final Disposition 80 81 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT October 3, 2011 SUBJECT: Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, First Reading REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 10 E.5 Background: The District is in the process of revising Board Policies utilizing the California Community College League’s model policies as applicable. Attached are revisions to some of the Board Policies in the Office of the President as listed below: Board Policy BP 1110 – Board Education BP 1140 – Regular Meetings of the Board BP 1150 – Quorum and Voting BP 1260 – Tape Recordings of Regular Meetings BP 1280 - Gifts Action Update to reflect League Language Update to reflect League Language Update to reflect League Language Update to reflect League Language Update to reflect League Language Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 82 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board BP 1110 Orientation for New Board Members Board Education (League BP 2740) The Board is committed to its ongoing development as a Board and to a trustee education program that includes new trustee orientation. The Superintendent/President and the Board shall assist each new member-elect to understand the Board’s functions, policies, and procedures before he/she assumes office. Such assistance shall include, but shall not be limited to providing written materials and invitations to attend Board meetings and/or conferences with the Superintendent/President. New board members shall be encouraged to attend meetings on a regional and/or statewide basis held as training/information sessions by other organizations. Accreditation Standard IV.B.1.f Adopted: February 1, 1988 Revised: November 7, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1110 Page 1 of 1 Board Education 83 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board BP 1140 Meetings Open to the Public Regular Meetings of the Board (League BP 2310, 2300, 2340, 2345, 2350) Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the first or second Monday of the month. Regular meetings of the Board shall normally be held at the Cabrillo College Sesnon House, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA. A notice identifying the location, date, and time of each regular meeting of the Board shall be posted at least ten days prior to the meeting and shall remain posted until the day and time of the meeting. All regular meetings of the Board shall be held within the boundaries of the District except in cases where the Board is meeting with another local agency or is meeting with its attorney to discuss pending litigation if the attorney’s office is outside the District. All regular and special meetings of the Board shall be open to the public, be accessible to persons with disabilities, and otherwise comply with Brown Act provisions, except as required or permitted by law. Agenda and Public Notice An agenda shall be posted adjacent to the place of meeting at least 72 hours prior to the meeting time for regular meetings. The agenda shall include a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting. If requested, the agenda shall be provided in appropriate alternative formats so as to be accessible to persons with a disability. No business may be acted on or discussed which is not on the agenda, except when one or more of the following apply: • • • a majority decides there is an “emergency situation” as defined for emergency meetings; two-thirds of the members (or all members if less than two-thirds are present) determine there is a need for immediate action and the need to take action came to the attention of the Board subsequent to the agenda being posted; an item appeared on the agenda of and was continued from a meeting held not more than five days earlier. The order of business may be changed by consent of the Board. The Superintendent/President shall establish administrative procedures that provide for public access to agenda information and reasonable annual fees for the service. Members of the public may place matters directly related to the business of the District on an agenda for a board meeting by submitting a written summary of the item to the _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1140 Page 1 of 1 Regular Meetings of the Board 84 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board Superintendent/President. The written summary must be signed by the initiator. The Board reserves the right to consider and take action in closed session on items submitted by members of the public as permitted or required by law. Agenda items submitted by members of the public must be received by the office of the President two weeks prior to the regularly scheduled board meeting. Agenda items initiated by members of the public shall be placed on the Board’s agenda following the items of business initiated by the Board and by staff. Any agenda item submitted by a member of the public and heard at a public meeting cannot be resubmitted before the expiration of a 90 day period following the initial submission. Public Comment The Board shall provide opportunities for members of the general public to participate in the business of the Board. Members of the public may bring matters directly related to the business of the District to the attention of the Board in one of two ways: 1. There will be a time at each regularly scheduled board meeting for the general public to discuss items not on the agenda. Members wishing to present such items shall submit a written request at the beginning of the meeting to the Superintendent/President that summarizes the item and provides his or her name and organizational affiliation, if any. No action may be taken may be taken by the Board on such items. 2. Members of the public may place items on the prepared agenda in accordance with the section above titled agendas. Members of the public also may submit written communications to the Board on items on the agenda and/or speak to agenda items at the Board meeting. Written communication regarding items on the Board's agenda should reach the office of the President not later than five working days prior to the meeting at which the matter concerned is to be before the Board. All such written communications shall be dated and signed by the author, and shall contain the residence or business address of the author and the author's organizational affiliation, if any. If requested, writings that are public records shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats so as to be accessible to persons with a disability. Claims for damages are not considered communications to the Board under this rule, but shall be submitted to the District. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1140 Page 1 of 2 Regular Meetings of the Board 85 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board Public Comment Persons may speak to the Board either on an agenda item or on other matters of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. Oral presentations relating to a matter on the agenda, including those on the consent agenda, shall be heard before a vote is called on the item. Persons wishing to speak to matters not on the agenda shall do so at the time designated at the meeting for public comment. Those wishing to speak to the Board are subject to the following: The President of the Board may rule members of the public out of order if their remarks do not pertain to matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board or if their remarks are unduly repetitive. Non-scheduled substitutes may not speak in place of scheduled speakers unless alternates have been submitted on the original request. Employees who are members of a bargaining unit represented by an exclusive bargaining agent may address the Board under this policy, but may not attempt to negotiate terms and conditions of their employment. This policy does not prohibit any employee from addressing a collective bargaining proposal pursuant to the public notice requirements of Government Code Section 3547 and the policies of this Board implementing that section. Regular meetings of the Governing Board are meetings of the elected Board members assisted by staff personnel, conducted in public, for the purpose of carrying out District business. Agenda and Public Notice An agenda for each meeting shall be prepared and posed as prescribed by law by the Superintendent/President at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the meeting. The agenda for closed session shall also be made available and contain sufficient detail to comply with Government Code section 54954.5. The agenda shall be mailed or delivered to the Board within the foregoing time limits and shall be accompanied by such other materials as the Superintendent/President believes will assist the Board in arriving at decisions. The Chair of the Board, however, may rearrange the agenda during the meeting of the Board if there is no objection from a majority of Board members present. The agenda for regular meetings shall contain a brief, general description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting. The agenda shall specify the time and location of the regular meeting and be posted in a location freely accessible to members of the public and employees. No action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda except under any of these conditions: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1140 Page 1 of 3 Regular Meetings of the Board 86 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board 1) Upon a determination by majority vote of the Board that an emergency situation exists; an emergency situation means: a) work stoppage or other activity which severely impairs public health, safety, or both, as determined by a majority of members of the Board, or b) crippling disaster which severely impairs public health, safety, or both, as determined by a majority of the members of the Board; 2) upon a determination by a two-thirds vote of the Board, or, if less than two-thirds of the members are present, a unanimous vote of those members present, that the need to take action arose subsequent to the agenda being posted; 3) the item was posted for a prior meeting of the Board occurring not more than five calendar days prior to the date action is taken on the item, and at the prior meeting the item continued to the meeting at which action is being taken. Every agenda for regular meetings shall provide an opportunity for the public to directly address the Board on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda when raised by the public unless the action is otherwise authorized under one or more of the three conditions listed above. The public may also address the Board on items on the agenda as the items are taken up. A Board member may, on their own initiative, or in response to questions posed by the public, ask for clarification, provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information, or request staff to report back, at a subsequent meeting concerning the matter. Requests by the public to place matters on the agenda directly related to District business may be made by submitting in writing to the Superintendent/President such requests no later than 10:00 a.m., six (6) working days preceding the meeting. The public may at any meeting, however, request that items be placed on future agendas if related to District business. Although the agenda of any regular meeting shall include an opportunity for the public to address the Board on any item of business or other issue related to District business, the Board does not oblige itself to act upon any request unless submitted in writing to the Superintendent/President at least six (6) working days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting, and such item is included on the agenda. Participation by Employees Employees of the District are encouraged to participate in Board deliberations as presenters, reactors, or general commentators. Employee participation is in some instances determined by state regulations, statutes, Board policy, or negotiated agreements. Participation By Students Student participation in Board deliberations is encouraged through student organizations or by individuals. Rules of Procedure for Conduct of Meeting Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings and conduct of Board meetings, except when the Board’s own policies or state regulations or statues provide otherwise. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1140 Page 1 of 4 Regular Meetings of the Board 87 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board Order of Business and Procedure The Governing Board shall act by majority vote of the regular voting membership constituting the Governing Board. The agenda of the meetings will be prepared and presented by the Superintendent/President. The order of business at a regular meeting will be: • Closed Session • Call to Order • Minutes of the Previous Meeting and Consent Agenda • Oral Communications • Board Members’ Report • Oral Reports • Action Items • Information Reports • Closed Session (if necessary) Legal Reference: Education Code Sections 72000 (d), 72121 and 72121.5; and Government Code Sections 54950, et seq and 6250 et seq. Adopted: February 1, 1988 Revised: May 2, 1994 Revised: November 7, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1140 Page 1 of 5 Regular Meetings of the Board 88 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board BP 1150 (formerly BPs 1150 and 1160) Quorum and Board Action Voting (League BP 2330) A quorum of the Governing Board shall consist of four regular voting members. The Board shall act by majority vote of all of the membership of the Board, except as noted below. No action shall be taken by secret ballot. The following actions require a two-thirds majority of all members of the Board: • Resolution of intention to sell or lease real property (except where a unanimous vote is required); • Resolution of intention to dedicate or convey an easement; • Resolution authorizing and directing the execution and delivery of a deed; Action to declare the District exempt from the approval requirements of a planning • commission or other local land use body; • Appropriation of funds from an undistributed reserve; • Resolution to condemn real property. The following actions require a unanimous vote of all members of the Board: • Resolution authorizing a sale or lease of District real property to the state, any county, city, or to any other school or community college district; • Resolution authorizing lease of District property under a lease for the production of gas. No official Board action may be taken in the absence of a quorum. A quorum shall consist of no less than four regular voting members of the Governing Board. The Governing Board shall act by majority vote of all the membership constituting the Governing Board. If no more than two vacancies occur, the vacant position(s) shall not be counted for purposes of how many members constitute a majority. When a unanimous vote is required by law, the vacant position(s) shall be excluded. Legal Reference: Education Code Section 772203 and 72204 72000(d)(3), 81310 et seq., 81365, 81511, and 81432: Government Code Section 53094; Code of Civil Procedure Section 1245.240 Adopted: February 1, 1988 Revised: November 7, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1150 Page 1 of 1 Quorum and Voting 89 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board BP 1260 Tape Recordings of Regular Board Meetings (League BP 2365) Regular meetings of the Governing Board shall be tape recorded. The recording shall be subject to inspection by members of the public in accordance with the California Public Records Act, Government Code Sections 6250 et seq. The Superintendent/President is directed to ensure that any such recordings are maintained for at least thirty days following the recording. and copies of the tape made available to members of the Board and to the Superintendent/President of the District upon request. Other release of these tapes shall be allowed only by Board Action and, if approved, at the expense of the requesting party. Meeting tapes will be retained by the Secretary of the Board for a period of six months after the approval of the minutes of the meeting being recorded. Tape recording devices by regular meeting attendees may be used provided such use does not require special or extraordinary arrangements or result in a disruption of the proceedings. Persons attending an open and public meeting of the Board may, at their own expense, record the proceedings with an audio or video recording or a still or motion picture camera or may broadcast the proceedings. However, if the Board finds by a majority vote that the recording or broadcast cannot continue without noise, illumination, or obstruction of view that constitutes or would constitute a persistent disruption of the proceedings, any such person shall be directed by the President of the Board to stop. Legal Reference: Education Code Section 72121(a) 72233; and Government Code Section 54953.5 and 54953.36. Adopted: February 1, 1988 Revised: November 7, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1260 Page 1 of 1 Recordings of Regular Board Meetings 90 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board BP 1280 Gifts (League BP 3820) The Board shall consider all gifts, donations and bequests made to the District. The Board reserves the right to refuse to accept any gift which does not contribute toward the goals of the college, or the ownership of which would have the potential to deplete resources of Cabrillo College. The District shall assume no responsibility for appraising the value of gifts made to the District. Acceptance of a gift shall not be considered endorsement by the District of a product, enterprise or entity. In no event shall the District accept a donation from any donor who engages in practices or policies which discriminate against any person on the basis of race, sex (i.e., gender), color, religion, national origin, age, disability, or sexual preference; or when the stated purposes of the donation are to facilitate such discrimination in providing educational opportunity. The Board, at its discretion, may accept on behalf of, and in the name of the District, such gifts, donations, bequests and devises as are made to the District for community college purposes or to or for the benefit of Cabrillo College. The Superintendent/President shall be designated to receive any gifts, donations, bequests, and devises offered to the District, student organizations, or any other affiliate organization of the District. The Superintendent/President shall deliver to the donor an acknowledgment of acceptance from the Governing Board. Legal Reference: Education Code Section 72122 72241. Adopted: February 1, 1988 Revised: November 7 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1280 Page 1 of 1 Gifts 91 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT October 3, 2011 SUBJECT: Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 E.6 BACKGROUND: The following calendar presents information about selected events and significant dates for the month of October. Dates given are accurate as of September 19, 2011. Administrator Initiating Item: Kristin Fabos, Director of Marketing Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 92 October 2011 Marketing and Communications Department • 831/479-5744 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 ONGOING: Art Exhibit Tasty, Cabrillo Gallery, through 11/4 Lile Cruse’s 1970s Jazz Ensemble Reunion, Kuumbwa Jazz Center, 7:00 PM Art Exhibit Reception: Tasty, Cabrillo Gallery, 5:00 - 7:00 PM Additional listings 2 3 Governing Board Meeting, 5:00 PM, Sesnon House 4 5 Women’s Soccer vs. DeAnza, 2:00 PM Deadline for pass/no pass option 9 10 11 12 Women’s Soccer vs. Cañada, 2:00 PM Men’s Water Polo vs. West Valley, 3:00 PM Men’s Soccer vs. Las Positas, 7:00 PM Women’s Water Polo vs. West Valley, 4:15 PM 6 7 DACLS presents pianist Soheil Nasseri, 3:00 PM, Music Recital Hall Women’s Water Polo vs. Foothill, 3:00 PM 13 14 8 Football vs. DeAnza, 7:00 PM Cabrillo Insider radio show, 5:00 PM, KSCO 1080 AM Men’s Soccer vs. Hartnell, 6:30 PM 15 Football vs. Hartnell, 7:00 PM Cabrillo Insider radio show, 5:00 PM, KSCO 1080 AM Volleyball vs. West Valley, 6:30 PM 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 27 28 29 Men’s Water Polo vs. Merced, 3:00 PM Men’s Soccer vs. Gavilan, 6:30 PM Cabrillo Insider radio show, 5:00 PM, KSCO 1080 AM Women’s Water Polo vs. Merced, 4:15 PM Volleyball vs. Hartnell, 6:30 PM 23 Picasso Ensemble, 3:00 PM, Sesnon House 24 25 Women’s Soccer vs. Evergreen, 2:00 PM 26 Women’s Water Polo vs. Foothill, 3:30 PM Volleyball vs. Monterey Peninsula, 6:30 PM 30 31 Cabrillo Youth Strings, Football vs. San Jose 7:00 PM, Music City College, 7:00 PM Recital Hall Cabrillo Insider radio Volleyball vs. Gavilan, show, 5:00 PM, KSCO 6:30 PM 1080 AM Women’s Soccer vs, Monterey, 7:00 PM Additional Listings Oct. 1 Cabrillo Insider radio show, 5:00 PM, KSCO 1080 AM Coming In Early November Nov 1 Women’s Soccer vs, Foothill, 2;00 PM Men’s Soccer vs. Monterey, 7:00 PM Nov. 4 Theatre Arts presents “Three Sisters”, 8:00 PM, through Nov. 19 Nov. 7 College & Career Night, 6:00 - 8:00 PM Nov. 7 Governing Board Meeting, 5:00 PM, Sesnon House