1 Cabrillo College Governing Board Monday, December 5, 2011 Cabrillo College Sesnon House 6500 Soquel Drive Aptos, California 95003 OPEN SESSION (McPherson Room) 1. Call to Order and Roll Call PAGE TIME 4:30 2. Adoption of Agenda 3. Public Comments Regarding Closed Session Items (three minute time limit per speaker) Please notify clerk if you desire to speak to the Board. 4. Interest Based Bargaining Presentation 5. Announcement of Closed Session 6. Adjourn to Closed Session CLOSED SESSION (Pino Alto Room) 1. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Victoria Lewis Employee Organization: CCEU 5:30 2. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Victoria Lewis Employee Organization: CCFT 3. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Brian King Employee Organizations: Management and Confidential Employees 4. Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Government Code §54956.8) Property: 104 Whispering Pines , Scotts Valley, California 95066 Agency Negotiator: Brian King Negotiating Party: Matt Sheldon, JR Parrish Owner: Whispering Pines Association Under Negotiation: Terms of Payment, Conditions 5. Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Government Code §54956.8) Property: Health and Wellness Education Center (HW1), 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, California 95003 Agency Negotiator: Brian King Negotiating Parties and Possible Lessor: James Vegher, Precision Physical Therapy and Susan McMillan, Dominican Hospital Under Negotiation: Terms of Payment, Conditions 6. Superintendent/President’s Annual Evaluation OPEN SESSION (McPherson Room) Call to Order and Roll Call Report Out of Closed Session 6:00 2 December 5, 2011 A. Consent Items 1. Minutes and Consent Agenda (these items are approved when the agenda is approved unless a Board member wishes to discuss) a) Minutes of November 7, 2011 2. Register of Warrants 6:01 7 15 It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify warrant numbers 10682–11338 for the amount of $2,107,979.10. 3. Ratification: Construction Change Orders 35 It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify the construction change orders as provided. 4. New Extension Classes 37 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Extension classes as proposed for winter 2012, and authorize these classes to be repeated as frequently as public interest warrants, in accordance with Board Policies 7000-7080. 5. Budget Transfers by Resolution 39 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve Resolution Numbers 043-11 through 045-11 for Budget Transfers 19747 through 19890. 6. Quarterly Financial Status Report, CCFS 311Q 43 It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the report, CCFS 311Q Quarterly Financial Status Report, and order its inclusion on the official minutes of the College. 7. Human Resources Management Report 49 It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify and/or approve the human resources management report. Introduction of Newly Appointed Faculty and Staff Oral Communications Members of the audience may speak to non-agenda items (three minute time limit per speaker) Special Presentation VAPA Presentation: Spotlight on Cabrillo Stage - Celebrating 30 Years of Student Success! 6:10 B. Oral Reports 1. Board Members’ Reports 6:20 2. Student Trustee’s Report 6:25 3. Superintendent’s Report 6:28 4. Faculty Senate 6:31 Comments on issues of interest to the Faculty Senate 3 December 5, 2011 B. Oral Reports (continued) 5. CCEU 6:34 Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo Classified Employees Union. 6. CCFT 6:37 Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers. C. Action Items 1. Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, Second Reading 51 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the revisions to the Board policies as presented. 2. Authorization to Dispose of Surplus Equipment 61 It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to dispose of the equipment listed as surplus, according to the provisions of the Board Policy 4160. 3. Purchase of Replacement Computers: Building 300 63 It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to award a purchase order to the vendor with the pricing based on the listed contract. 4. Award of Contract: Building 800 STEM GRANT Renovation Architects 65 It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to sign the contract with RMW Architecture in the amount of $223,292 for design work related to the STEM Grant project. 5. 2011-12 thru 2014-15 Budget Planning Parameters 67 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the 201112 thru 2014-15 budget planning parameters. 6. Board Policy Revisions, Second Reading, Administrative Services 73 It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the Board Policies as revised. 7. Adjustments in Cabrillo College Trustee Areas; Resolution 046-11 75 It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the following Resolution, 046-11, regarding adjustments to the trustee area boundaries. 8. Academic Staffing Priorities 79 It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the college to fill the following 4 academic positions: Radiologic Technology, Biology, Medical Assistant, and Political Science. 9. Governing Board Goals for 2011-2012 It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the 20112012 Board Goals as presented. 83 6:40 4 December 5, 2011 D. Information Items 1. 2011-12 and 2012-13 Budget Planning 85 7:10 The 2011-12 and 2012-13 budget planning is provided for Governing Board information. 2. Quarterly Investment Report 87 The Quarterly Investment Report is provided for Governing Board information. 3. Facilities Master Plan Project Status 93 The Facilities Master Plan project status is provided for Governing Board information. 4. Financial Reports 97 The financial reports are provided for Governing Board information. 5. Cabrillo College Fact Book, 2011 119 The Cabrillo College Fact Book, 2011 is provided for Governing Board information. 6. Board Policies, President’s Office, First Reading 121 Board Policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. 7. Legislative Priorities 125 The legislative priorities are provided for Governing Board information. 8. Board Professional Development 127 The Board professional development update is provided for Governing Board information. 9. Collaborative Efforts to Evaluate Classified Staffing 129 The Cabrillo College activities calendar for the month of December is provided for Governing Board information. 10. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar 131 The Cabrillo College activities calendar for the month of December is provided for Governing Board information. 11. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings The Cabrillo College Governing Board may discuss items to be placed on the agenda for the future Board meetings. C. ACTION ITEM 10. Board Organization Meeting It is recommended that the Governing Board select officers and representatives for 2012. It is also recommended that the Governing Board adopt the proposed schedule of Governing Board meetings and meeting locations for 2012. CLOSED SESSION TIME 133 7:40 5 December 5, 2011 ADJOURN At the conclusion of the regular session of the Cabrillo College Governing Board, a special meeting of the Cabrillo College Financing Corporation will convene. ACTION ITEM 11. Public Meeting of the Cabrillo College Financing Corporation PAGE TIME 135 7:50 At this time, the regular meeting of the Governing Board will adjourn, and the Board will reconvene as the Cabrillo College Financing Corporation to conduct business. CLOSED SESSION ADJOURN 8:00 For ADA related meeting accommodations, contact Dominique Hansen, Executive Assistant to the President, at (831) 479-6306 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. 6 7 Minutes of Meeting CABRILLO COLLEGE GOVERNING BOARD November 7, 2011 REGULAR MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was held at the Sesnon House, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, California on Monday, November 7, 2011. Chair Katy Stonebloom opened the meeting in Open Session at 5:00 pm. Roll was taken; present were Chair Stonebloom, Trustees Rebecca Garcia, Gary Reece, Rachael Spencer, Al Smith, and Donna Ziel. Chair Stonebloom asked for Public Comments on Closed Session items. There were no public comments. Closed Session items were announced and the meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 5:01 p.m. Closed Session was adjourned at 6:10 pm. ROLL CALL Chair Katy Stonebloom called the Open Session to order at 6:15 p.m. Other Trustees present were Rebecca Garcia, Gary Reece, Al Smith, Rachael Spencer, and Donna Ziel. Also present were members of the community, college faculty, staff and students. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION Chair Stonebloom stated that there was nothing to report out of Closed Session. Trustee Smith declared conflict of interest on closed session items #4; he excused himself and did not participate in the discussion. PROCEDURAL ITEMS It was moved and seconded (Spencer/Ziel) to approve the consent agenda items, including the minutes from the October 3, 2011 meeting. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA AND MINUTES The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Watkins AYES: Garcia, Reece, Smith, Spencer, Stonebloom, and Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: True ABSTAIN: None INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED FACULTY AND STAFF None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Marilyn Garrett addressed the Board about the alleged hazards of wi-fi. ORAL REPORTS Board Trustees’ Reports Trustee Spencer reported on a recent Student Health Center Advisory Committee meeting. Trustee Spencer said the people who run the center spend a lot of time trying to inform student about health center services. The Health Center is working with marketing and hoping to move to a more visible spot on campus. Trustee Spencer said everyone’s job to spread the word about Student Health Services to students. Trustee Garcia reported on the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) 1 of 7 INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED FACULTY AND STAFF ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ORAL REPORTS BOARD TRUSTEE REPORTS 8 Minutes of Meeting November 7, 2011 Congress which she recently attended. Trustee Garcia said one of the highlights was a two day summit on student completion and as Trustee Garcia reviewed the ten foundational steps she was pleased to see Cabrillo does a lot already. There were two areas however where Trustee Garcia feel the college can do better, the first is preparing students to succeed in the workplace and the second is developing Board policies. Trustee Garcia thanked President King for attending all the ACCT events where Trustee Garcia was honored for her leadership and service. Trustee Ziel reported that she attended the Cabrillo Stroke Center Advisory Committee meeting which was followed by an interesting presentation on STEM cell research. Trustee Ziel also attended the Veterans Center grand opening, Trustee Ziel serves as a member of the Veterans Services Advisory Committee, and said the grand opening was a wonderful event. Chair Stonebloom reported on a recent archaeology presentation and said it was fascinating. Chair Stonebloom thanked President King and members of the Governing Board for a productive annual retreat and announced that the 6th annual Social Justice Conference is scheduled for April 21, 2011. Student Trustee’s Report Student Trustee Watkins attended the fall Student Senate for California Community College’s General Assembly. Student Trustee Watkins said it was an interesting event where hundreds of students took stances and passed resolutions, which he will share with the Board. Student Trustee Watkins said it was also interesting to learn about the Student Success Task Force report and the report’s recommendations. The Student Senate is reviewing the document and preparing a response. Superintendent’s Report President King thanked the members of the Governing Board for attending the retreat and providing a framework for college planning. STUDENT TRUSTEE’S REPORT SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT President King reported that STEM grant planning is moving forward. President King said he appreciates everyone’s continued flexibility and some compromises will have to be made. President King also reported on a recent meeting with Assemblyman Bill Monning and said there are still a lot of unknowns concerning the state budget and there is a concern that rather than enacting mid year cuts the cuts will be rolled over into the following year making the 2012-14 cuts extremely large. Faculty Senate Faculty Senate President Steve Hodges said he attended the fall Academic Senate for California Community Colleges’ (ASCCC)conference. Conference topics included the Student Success Task Force draft report, course repeatability, and content review. ASCCC has expressed concern about the Student Success Task Force recommendations which indicate trading of access for student success. Faculty Senate President Hodges reported on recent Senate activities and said the Senate recently completed the faculty prioritization process. Ten departments came forward with proposals and the Senate will look to the Board for support in hiring a minimum of four new faculty. Faculty Senate President Hodges also said the 2 of 7 CCFT 9 Minutes of Meeting November 7, 2011 program elimination and task force matrix is moving through the Senate approval process. Trustee Reece asked President Hodges to distribute the ASCCC’s comments on the Student Success Task Force to the Board prior to the next Board meeting. CCEU Terri Cesari addressed the Board as a member of CCEU. Ms. Cesari reported the CCEU is concerned about the discussion about the college transferring $50k to the foundation for student loans. CCEU recognizes that students are struggling financially however CCEU cannot support of the use of college funds during this time of layoffs and cuts that could jeopardize student success. Ms. Cesari also advocated for the classified prioritization process. She said the previous process was created through a thoroughly vetted shared governance process. The current process lacks the necessary feedback loop from classified staff. CCEU appreciates the Board’s commitment to shared governance and look forward to continuing the dialog. CCFT CCFT President Harvell said the Veterans Center is very nice and it was good to see the project completed so quickly. CCFT President Harvell said the California Federation of Teachers (CCFT’s parent organization) will announce preparing for a tax increase initiative. CCFT President Harvell said supports the initiative and thinks it is necessary because of the state’s lack of financial support for education and continued budget cuts to education. ACTION ITEMS Curriculum Committee Actions It was recommended that the proposed curriculum changes be approved to become effective in Spring 2012. FACULTY SENATE CCEU ACTION ITEMS CURRICULUM COMMITTEE ACTIONS A motion was made (Ziel/Spencer) to approve the Curriculum Committee actions. The motion carried. Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, Second Reading It was recommended that the Governing Board approve the revisions to the Board policies as presented to BP 1110 – Board Education, BP 1140- Regular Meetings of the Board, BP 1150 – Quorum and Voting, BP 1260- Recordings of Regular Board Meetings. BOARD POLICY REVISIONS: OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT A motion was made (Reece/Spencer) to approve the Board policy revisions. The motion carried. Ratification of Settlement: Arts Education Complex (AEC) Bond Project Litigation—Escrow Account It was recommended that the Governing Board accept the terms and ratify the Art Education Complex settlement as presented. President King asked Vice President Lewis to share the names of the parties involved in the settlement. After Vice President Lewis read the names Trustee 3 of 7 RATIFICATION OF SETTLMENT: ARTS EDUCATION COMPLEX (AEC) BOND PROJECT LITIGATION – ESCROW ACCOUNT 10 Minutes of Meeting November 7, 2011 Smith reported that he had a conflict and left the room while the Board discussed and voted on the settlement of the escrow account. A motion was made (Reece/Spencer) to accept the Arts Education Complex settlement. The motion carried. Ratification of Settlement: Arts Education Complex (AEC) Bond Project Litigation—Contractors, Architects and Construction Management It was recommended that the Governing Board accept the terms and ratify the Art Education Complex settlement as presented. Trustee Smith conflicted out of item and remained out of the room while the Board discussed and voted on the settlement with the contractors, architects and construction management. RATIFICATION OF SETTLEMNT: ARTS EDUCATION COMPLEX (AEC) BOND PROJECT LITIGATION – CONTRACTORS, ARCHITECTS AND CONSTRUCTION MANGEMENT A motion was made (Reece/Spencer) to accept the Arts Education Complex Bond project litigation. The motion carried. Aptos Campus Network and Data Center Remodel Phase II It was recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to award a purchase order to the four vendors with the pricing based on the contracts that are listed to complete the phase II of the Aptos Campus Network and Data Center Remodel. APTOS CAMPUS NETWORK AND DATA CENTER REMODEL PHASE II A motion was made (Spencer/Ziel) to accept the Aptos Campus Network and Data Center Remodel Phase II. Information Technology Manager Ray Rider provided background on the item. The motion carried. Virtual Lab Initiative, Infrastructure, Training and Support It was recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to award a purchase order to the three vendors with the pricing based on the contracts that are listed. VIRTUAL LAB INITIATIVE, INFRASTRUCTURE, TRAINING AND SUPPORT A motion was made (Reece/Ziel) to accept the Virtual Lab Initiative, Infrastructure, Training and Support proposal. Information Technology Director Dan Borges explained what the project entails and the benefits of the project. The motion carried. Academic Calendar 2012-13 It was recommended that the Governing Board approve the 2012-2013 Academic Calendar. 4 of 7 ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2012-13 11 Minutes of Meeting November 7, 2011 Vice President Kilmer asked the Board to accept two corrections to the Academic Calendar 2012-13. The first was a spelling error and the second was a date correction. A motion was made (Reece/Spencer) to accept the 2012-13 Academic Calendar with the proposed corrections. The motion carried. Cabrillo College Participation in the Monterey Regional Climate Action Compact (MBRCAC) It was recommended that Cabrillo College join the Monterey Regional Climate Action Compact, and allow and support participation of Cabrillo representatives in periodic Working Group meetings to coordinate and implement regional climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives. CABRILLO COLLEGE PARTICIPATOIN IN THE MONTEREY REGIONAL CLIMATE ACTION COMPACT (MBRCAC) A motion was made (Spencer/Ziel) to join the Monterey Regional Climate Action Compact. The Board thanked Judy and other who participate in climate action initiatives. President King introduced the Santa Cruz County Treasurer Fred Keely, one of the founders of the compact, who thanked the Board and acknowledged all the work being done by people at Cabrillo. Treasurer Keely said the climate action compact is being expanded to a number of other partner organizations, including Cabrillo, and municipal governments. The idea of this is not to celebrate what organizations would have been doing anyway, but do more than what would be done naturally. The motion carried. INFORMATION ITEMS 2011-12 and 2012-13 Budget Planning The 2011-12 and 2012-13 budget planning was provided for Governing Board information. Board Policy Revision: Administrative Services, First Reading Board Policies were presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. 2011-12 Cash Flow Update – First Quarter The cash flow update was provided for Governing Board information. Facilities Master Plan Project Status The Facilities Master Plan project status was provided for Governing Board information. Financial Reports The financial reports were provided for Governing Board information. Cabrillo College 2011 Fall Census Report The 2011 Fall Census report was provided for Governing Board information. Distance Education Annual Report The Distance Education Annual Report was provided for Governing Board information. 5 of 7 2011-12 AND 2012-13 BUDGET PLANNING BOARD POLICY REVISION: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, FIRST READING 2011-12 CASH FLOW UPDATE – FIRST QUARTER FACILITIES MASTER PLAN PROJECT STATUS FINANCIAL REPORTS CABRILLO COLLEGE 2011 FALL CENSUS REPORT DISTANCE EDUCTION ANNUAL REPORT 12 Minutes of Meeting November 7, 2011 Distance Education Director Francine Van Meter reported that the college participated in a Chancellor’s office student survey where students were contacted and asked why they dropped their Distance Education classes. The students reported the reasons why they signed up for the classes mirrored why they dropped out. The demand is there but students are looking for convenience. Trustee Garcia asked about instructor training and how the program deals with basic skill students. Director Van Meter said the Distance Education committee is looking at national standards for online training but there is not a formal program at this point. Director Van Meter also said there is an achievement gap and the Distance Education committee is looking at strategies to address the gap. Redistricting Update The redistricting update was provided for Governing Board information. President King thanked the members of the Board redistricting subcommittee. Redistricting subcommittee member Al Smith explained the rational and goals around the redistricting. The subcommittee tried to make as few mechanical changes as possible and tried not to divide communities and neighborhoods. The subcommittee looked at natural features, political boundaries, and matched census tracks so Cabrillo’s numbers matched the counties’ precinct numbers. 2012 Governing Board Goals The 2012 Governing Board Goals were provided for Governing Board information. REDISTRICTING UPDATE 2012 GOVERNING BOARD GOALS Trustee Garcia said she was unable to attend the retreat however she is very pleased with the draft Board goals. Trustee Garcia then proposed another Board goal concerning disaggregated data and student’s who complete three college courses in a specific area. Trustee Garcia passed out a report on the topic which she received at the ACCCT congress Chair Stonebloom thanked Trustee Garcia for the information and said that at the retreat said the Board discussed innovation and determined it is not the Board’s role to say what innovation looks like but to support faculty and staff in the creation of innovation. Chair Stonebloom added that the Board also discussed how to minimize their impact on faculty and staff time and the amount of college’s resources that the Board consumes. The Board agreed that requests for information (from Trustees) will be sent to the Board chair and who will bring the request up for discussion at the next public meeting. The Board will then determine if the information request will benefit the majority of the Board. If so the Board chair will then direct the President to allocate staff time and resources to respond to the request. Board Policies, President’s Office, First Reading Board Policies were presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. 6 of 7 BOARD POLICIES, PRESIDENT’S OFFICE, FIRST READING 13 Minutes of Meeting November 7, 2011 Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar The Cabrillo College activities for the month of November were presented for Governing Board information. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings The Cabrillo College Governing Board discussed items to be placed on the agenda for the future Board meetings. CABRILLO COLLEGE MONTHLY CALENDAR AGENDA FOR NEXT BOARD MEETING Trustee Garcia asked for a report on the Extended Opportunity Program & Services Program, and would like data included on students in the migrant summer program who went through English 100 classes and were able to transfer into English 1A. Trustee Spencer asked for a Board update on the SBDC’s Entrepreneur Program. The Board agreed both requests can be sent in the form of Board updates. ADJOURN The open session of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was adjourned at 7:54 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Secretary 7 of 7 ADJOURNMENT 14 15 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: December 5, 2011 Register of Warrants REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 19 A.2 BACKGROUND: The following warrants are submitted for Governing Board ratification: REGISTER NO. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 DATE WARRANT NO. 10-20-11 10-20-11 10-25-11 10-26-11 10-27-11 11-03-11 11-09-11 10682-10870 10871-10904 10905-10909 10910-10910 10912-11075 11076-11183 11184-11338 TOTAL AMOUNT 720,688.26 219,253.66 1,880.54 12,539.10 813,648.63 164,628.04 175,340.87 $2,107,979.10 * NOTE: Student refund and financial-aid registers totaling $4,348,878.66 are available in the Business Office for review. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify warrant numbers 10682–11338 for the amount of $2,107,979.10. Administrator Initiating Item: Roy Pirchio Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature No Final Disposition 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: December 5, 2011 Ratification: Construction Change Orders REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 2 A.3 BACKGROUND: In accordance with Board Policy 4155, the attached change orders over $25,000 and less than 10% of the original contract value are submitted for Governing Board ratification. Continued on page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: $11,069.78 from project contingency. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify the construction change orders provided as an attachment. Administrator Initiating Item: Joe Nugent Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 36 Ratification: Construction Change Orders: cont. Project Green Tech Center Change order # Contractor Dilbeck Amount Description PCO #037R1 6,380 DSA required additional Skylight supports due to their size and weight. PCO #038R1 PCO #043 PCO #044 1,650 DSA required additional Window supports due to their size and weight. Delete sound strobe at overhead door, not needed -776 Delete type R fixtures, not required -3,256 Change Outside light fixtures to solid color to match the outside building color 821 Unforeseen condition Remove & Offhaul concrete cap over old utilities in Trafton Street too allow for lime treatment 1,912 The plans did not call for Waterproof membrane at shower walls & floor. 532 There are ceiling cord reels in the shop which did not have conduits or circuits called out on the plans. 2,607 Added and 30"x30" access door for future access to allow for maintenance to service the equipment. 400 Added a Fire Alarm Annuciator to work with our existing fire alarm panel. 800 PCO #045 PCO #046 PCO #049 PCO #050 PCO #054 PCO #057 Green Technology Center Project Building 1300 HVAC Change order # 11,070 Total Change Order Contractor Geo. Wilson Amount 0 Total Change Order Building 1300 Project Building 1100 HVAC Change order # Description Contractor Della Mora Amount Description Note: These change orders are reflected in the Facilities Master Plan (FMP) Status Report. 37 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: December 5, 2011 Cabrillo Extension Class Approval REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER ACTION Page 1 of 1 A.4 BACKGROUND: The following new Cabrillo Extension fee-supported classes are proposed for the winter 2012 program. Classes have been reviewed and endorsed by members of the appropriate Cabrillo Division. Lighting Fabrication/Fused & Slumped Glass Themes & Variations Dimensional Felting Marquetry Painting Abstraction Photo Books FISCAL IMPACT: Extension classes are fee-supported. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Extension classes as proposed for winter 2012, and authorize these classes to be repeated as frequently as public interest warrants, in accordance with Board Policies 7000-7080. Administrator Initiating Item: Rock Pfotenhauer, Dean, CEED Renée M. Kilmer, VP Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 38 39 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: December 5, 2011 Budget Transfers by Resolution REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 4 A.5 BACKGROUND: The following resolutions are submitted for Governing Board approval: Resolution Number 043 -11 General Fund transfers between expenditure classifications Resolution Number 044 -11 General Fund transfers from reserves Resolution Number 045 -11 General Fund augmentations: CEED/POST, CEED/Stroke Center, CEED/SWIC Env. Action, Dominican Computers, International Student Health Ins., Nordic Naturals Computer Training, OB SIM FISCAL IMPACT: A budget augmentation of expenditures in the General Fund in the amount of $492,609.00. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve Resolution Numbers 043-11 through 045-11 for Budget Transfers 19747 through 19890. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature No Final Disposition 40 GENERAL FUND RESOLUTION NUMBER 043-11 WHEREAS, budget changes based on the developing needs of programs are often required, and WHEREAS, the following transfers do not result in an increase in the total amount of the adopted budget; ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE 1000 Certificated Salaries $ $ 2000 Classified Salaries 3000 Fringe Benefits 4000 Supplies 5000 Other Expenses 61,601 6000 Capital Outlay/Site 86,965 7000 Other Outgo TOTAL 38,849 3,419 1,235 182,731 2,500 $ 188,650 $ 188,650 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Cabrillo College Governing Board approves the General Fund budget transfers. I certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board held on December 5, 2011. DATE: ________________________ AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ______________________________ Secretary 41 GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM RESERVES RESOLUTION NUMBER 044-11 WHEREAS, budget changes based on the developing needs of programs are often required, and WHEREAS, the following transfers do not result in an increase in the total amount of the adopted budget; ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION DECREASE 1000 Certificated Salaries 2000 Classified Salaries 3000 Fringe Benefits 4000 Supplies 5000 Other Expenses 6000 Capital Outlay/Site 7000 Other Outgo $ 800 TOTAL $ 800 INCREASE $ 800 $ 800 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Cabrillo College Governing Board approves the General Fund budget transfers. I certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board held on December 5, 2011. DATE: ________________________ AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ______________________________ Secretary 42 GENERAL FUND AUGMENTATIONS RESOLUTION NUMBER 045-11 WHEREAS, Cabrillo College will receive funds not included in the 2011-12 budget, and WHEREAS, Cabrillo College will receive budget adjustments for special federal and state programs that develop during the school year, and WHEREAS, the following budget adjustments are necessary in externally funded programs: ACCOUNT NUMBER DESCRIPTION INCREASE/DECREASE Program Funds $ 492,609 Total Increase $ 492,609 1000 Certificated Salaries $ 8,910 2000 Classified Salaries 3000 Fringe Benefits 4000 Supplies 5000 Operating Expenses 422,206 6000 Capital Outlay/Site 0 7000 Other Outgo Income 8000 Expenditures 10,528 9,141 11,577 Total Increase 30,247 $ 492,609 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Cabrillo College Governing Board authorizes that the 2011-12 budget of income and expenditures be increased by $ 492,609. I certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board held on December 5, 2011. DATE:_________________________ AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ___________________________________ Secretary 43 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: December 5, 2011 Quarterly Financial Status Report CCFS 311Q REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER ACTION A.6 Page 1 of 5 BACKGROUND: AB2910, Chapter 1486, Statutes of 1986, requires California Community College Districts to report quarterly on their financial condition. The process is as follows: After the end of each quarter, each District will prepare the quarterly report form, CCFS 311Q. The District chief executive officer and chief business officer certify the accuracy of the data and present the report to the Governing Board. The District Governing Board is to review the report at a regularly scheduled meeting and enter it into the minutes of the meeting. District staff submits the report to the Chancellor’s Office 45 calendar days following the end of the quarter. The financial status of the District, as of the first quarter of the fiscal year, is according to budget expectations. FISCAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the report, CCFS 311Q Quarterly Financial Status Report, and order its inclusion on the official minutes of the College. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 44 45 46 47 48 49 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD FROM: PRESIDENT DATE December 5, 2011 SUBJECT: Human Resources Management Report REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 2 ITEM NUMBER ACTION A.7 BACKGROUND: Requesting ratification and/or approval of the following employment transaction: FISCAL IMPACT: Within budgeted FTE’s. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify and/or approve the transaction as described on the attached page. Administrator Initiating Item: Loree McCawley/Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 50 Name Department/Division Position Effective Date Action ORTEGA, Christina A&R/Student Services A & R Evaluator 12/01/11 Appointment ROBERTS, Susan Writing Center/BELA Laboratory Instructional Asst. II 12/30/11 Retirement (DOH: 09/01/98) Note: Appointments are subject to successful completion of all employment regulatory compliance requirements December 2011 Page 2 of 2 51 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT December 5, 2011 SUBJECT: Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, Second Reading REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION Action ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 9 C.1 Background: The District is in the process of revising Board Policies utilizing the California Community College League’s model policies as applicable. Attached are revisions to some of the Board Policies in the Office of the President as listed below: Board Policy BP 1170 – Committees of the Board BP 1230 – Authorized Signatures BP 1240 – Delegation of Authority to Superintendent/President BP 1270 – Public Records Action Update to reflect League Language Update to reflect League Language Update to reflect League Language Update to reflect League Language Board policies are presented as a second reading for Governing Board review for approval. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 52 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board BP 1170 Temporary Committees of the Board (League BP 2220) At the request of the District Governing Board, the Chair of the Board shall appoint temporary committees, comprised of less than a quorum of the membership, for special purposes. These committees shall be discharged upon completion of the assignments. These committees shall not have the power to act for the Board. The Board may by action establish committees that it determines are necessary to assist the Board in its responsibilities. Any committee established by Board action shall comply with the requirements of the Brown Act and with these policies regarding open meetings. Board committees that are composed solely of less than a quorum of members of the Board that are advisory are not required to comply with the Brown Act, or with these policies regarding open meetings, unless they are standing committees. Board committees that are only advisory have no authority or power to act on behalf of the Board. Findings or recommendations shall be reported to the Board for consideration. Legal Reference: Education Government Code Section 72203, 72200 and 72233. 54952. Adopted: February 1, 1988 Revised: December 5, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1170 Page 1 of 1 Committees of the Board 53 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board BP 1230 Authorized Signatures (League BP 6150) The Chair and the Vice Chair of the Board (in case of the Chair’s absence), the Superintendent/President, and the Vice President of Business Services Administrative Services are authorized to sign contracts, documents, and reports on behalf of the Board after approval of such items by the Board. The Chair and the Vice Chair of the Board (in case of the Chair’s absence), and the Superintendent/President or designee are authorized to sign notices of employment for academic employees; however, the employment of any person by the District is subject to and contingent upon approval and ratification by the Board. Legal Reference: Education Code Sections 72400, 72200, 81655, 81656 and 87600 et. seq. 85232 and 85233. Adopted: February 1, 1988 Revised: February 6, 1995 Revised: December 5, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1230 Page 1 of 1 Authorized Signatures 54 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board BP 1240 Delegation of Authority to Superintendent/President (League BP 2430) The Board delegates to the Superintendent/President the executive responsibility for administering the policies adopted by the Board and executing all decisions of the Board requiring administrative action. The Superintendent/President may delegate any powers and duties entrusted to him/her by the Board [including the administration of colleges and centers], but will be specifically responsible to the Board for the execution of such delegated powers and duties. The Superintendent/President is empowered to reasonably interpret Board policy. In situations where there is no Board policy direction, the Superintendent/President shall have the power to act, but such decisions shall be subject to review by the Board. It is the duty of the [CEO] to inform the Board of such action and to recommend written Board policy if one is required. The Superintendent/President is expected to perform the duties contained in the Superintendent/President job description and fulfill other responsibilities as may be determined in annual goal-setting or evaluation sessions. The job description and goals and objectives for performance shall be developed by the Board in consultation with the Superintendent/President. The Superintendent/President shall ensure that all relevant laws and regulations are complied with, and that required reports are submitted in timely fashion. The Superintendent/President shall make available any information or give any report requested by the Board as a whole. Individual trustee requests for information shall be met if, in the opinion of the Superintendent/President, they are not unduly burdensome or disruptive to District operations. Information provided to any trustee shall be available to all trustees. The Superintendent/President shall act as the professional advisor to the Board in policy formation. Maintenance of Records The Superintendent/President is delegated the authority and directed to maintain accurate and complete records required by state law, federal and state agencies or departments, or the Office of the County Superintendent of Schools, including the proper accounting of any and all funds that come under the control of the Governing Board and the proper accounting of student attendance. Action in Emergency The Superintendent/President is delegated the authority to act on behalf of the Board in an emergency for the protection of life, health, and safety of individuals and the protection of property. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1240 Page 1 of 1 Delegation of Authority to Superintendent/President 55 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board Power to Contract The Superintendent/President or such persons as the Superintendent/President may designate are delegated the power to enter into contracts for and on behalf of the District whenever the power to so contract is invested in the Board by the Education Code. Such contracts include, but are not limited to, purchase of supplies and equipment, personal service contracts, leases and rentals, banking agreements, vendor service agreements, and personnel matters when such contracts do not exceed the dollar or time limits established in the Education Code or other laws pertaining to the taking of competitive bids. The Superintendent/President or such persons as the Superintendent/President may designate are further delegated the power to amend the terms and conditions of any contractual arrangement provided the total expenditure of funds and period of the contract shall be valid or constitute an enforceable obligation against the District unless and until such contract has been approved and ratified by the Board. Said approval or ratification shall be evidenced by a motion of the Board duly passed and adopted. All transactions herein authorized involving an expenditure by the District for the purchase of supplies, materials, apparatus, and equipment shall be reviewed by the Board every sixty (60) days. Accept Resignations The Superintendent/President is delegated the authority to accept written resignations from any employee of the District and to fix the time when the resignation takes effect, which shall not be later than the close of the academic year during which the resignation has been received by the Superintendent/President. Legal Reference: Education Code Sections 72400, 72413, 81655, 81656, 81658 and 87730 70902(d) and 72400. Adopted: February 1, 1988 Revised: December 5, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1240 Page 1 of 2 Delegation of Authority to Superintendent/President 56 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board BP 1270 Inspection of Public Records of the District (League BP 3300) The Superintendent/President shall establish procedures for records management, including access by the public that comply with the requirements of the California Public Records Act. Definitions of Records 1. The term “records” means all records, maps, books, papers, data processing output, and documents of Cabrillo Community College District required by law to be prepared or retained or which are prepared or retained as necessary or convenient to the discharge of official duty. Records include “student records” as defined in Section 76210 of the Education Code. 2. The following documents are not “records” and may be destroyed at any time: (a) Mimeographed, otherwise duplicated, or carbon copies, except the original or one copy. (A person receiving a duplicated copy need not retain it.) (b) An individual memorandum, other than one relating to personnel matters, or other than a student record, between one employee and another employee of the District. (c) Advertisements and other sales material received. (d) Textbooks, maps used for instruction, and other instructional materials, including library books, pamphlets and magazines. 3. Classification of Records (a) Each department head of the college will review documents of papers received or produced during the prior academic year and classify them as Class 1 – Permanent, Class 2 – Optional, or Class 3 – Disposable. (b) All records not classified prior to July 1, 1986, are subject to the same review and classification as in (1). If such records are three (3) or more years old and classified as Class 3 – Disposable, they may be destroyed without further delay, but in accordance with Article 3. (c) Current Year Records. Records originating during a current school year shall not be classified during that year. (d) Continuing Records. Records of a continuing nature, i.e., active and useful for administrative, legal, fiscal, or other purposes over a period of years, shall not be classified until such usefulness has ceased. (e) Microfilm Copy. Whenever an original Class 1 – Permanent record is photographed, microphotographed, or otherwise reproduced on film, the copy thus made is hereby classified as Class 1 – Permanent. The original record, unless classified as Class 2 – Optional, may be classified as Class 3 – Disposable, and may then be destroyed in accordance with District policy and current legal requirements if the following conditions have been met: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1270 Page 1 of 1 Public Records 57 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board 1. The reproduction was accurate in detail and on film of a type approved for permanent, photographic records by the United States Bureau of Standards. 2. The administrator, division chairperson or department head has forwarded to the records officer or designee a signed and dated certificate of compliance, stating that the copy is a correct copy of the original. A copy of this certificate must be incorporated with or attached to the microfilm copy. The microfilm copy has been placed in an accessible location and provision has been made for its preservation, examination, and use. 4. Period of Retention A. Class 1 – Permanent Records. The original of each of the records listed in this section, or one exact copy thereof when the original is required by law to be filed with another agency, is a Class 1 – Permanent record and shall be retained indefinitely, unless microfilmed. 1. Annual Reports (a) Official budget. (b) Financial report of all funds. (c) Audit of all funds. (d) Average daily attendance, reports. (e) Other major annual reports, including: (1) Those containing information relating to property, activities, financial condition, or transactions. (2) Those declared by Board minutes to be permanent. 2. Official Actions (a) Minutes of the Board or Committees Thereof. Including the text of a rule, regulation, policy or resolution not set forth verbatim in the minutes but included therein by reference only. (b) Elections. Including the call, if any, for and the result (but not including detail documents, such as ballots) of an election called, conducted or canvassed by the Governing Board for a Board member, the Board member’s recall, issuance of bonds, incurring any long-term liability, change in maximum tax rates, reorganization, or other purpose. (c) Records transmitted by another agency that pertain to that agency’s action with respect to District reorganization. 3. Personnel Records of Employees All detail records relating to employment, assignment, employee evaluations, amounts and dates of service rendered, termination or dismissal of an employee in any position, sick leave record, rate of compensation, salaries or wages paid, deductions or withholdings made and the person or agency to whom such amounts were paid. In lieu of the detail records, a complete proven summary payroll record for every employee of the District containing the same data may be classified as Class 1 – Permanent, and the detail records may then be classified as Class 3 – Disposable. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1270 Page 1 of 2 Public Records 58 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board 4. Student Records (a) The records of enrollment and scholarship for each student. (b) All records pertaining to any accident or injury involving a student for which a claim for damages has been filed as required by law, including any policy of liability insurance relating thereto, except that these records cease to be Class 1 – Permanent records, one (1) year after the claim has been settled or after the applicable statute of limitations has run. 5. Property Records All detail records relating to land, building, and equipment. In lieu of such detail records, a complete property ledger may then be classified as Class 3 – Disposable, if the property ledger includes: (a) All fixed assets. (b) An equipment inventory. (c) For each unit of property, the date of acquisition or augmentation, the person from whom acquired, an adequate description or identification, and the amount paid, and comparable data if the unit is disposed of by sale or otherwise. B. Class 2 – Optional Records. Any record worthy of further preservation but not classified as Class 1 – Permanent may be classified as Class 2 – Optional and shall then be retained until reclassified as Class 3 – Disposable. If the Superintendent/President, or division chairperson or department head, determines that classification should not be made by the time specified in Section 3, subdivision (a) of this policy, all records of the prior year may be classified as Class 2 – Optional, pending further review and classification within one year. C. Class 3 – Disposable Records. All records, other than continuing records, not classified as Class 1 – Permanent or Class 2 – Optional, shall be classified as Class 3 – Disposable, including, but not limited to, detail records relating to: (a) Records Basic to audit, including those relating to attendance, average daily attendance, or a business or financial transaction (purchase orders, invoices, warrants, ledger sheets, canceled checks and stubs, student body and cafeteria funds records, etc.), and detail records used in the preparation of any other report. (b) Periodic Reports, such as daily, weekly, and monthly reports, bulletins, and instructions. D. Retention Period (a) Generally, a Class 3 – Disposable record, unless otherwise specified in this policy, should be destroyed during the third school year after the year in which it originated (e.g., 1976-77 plus 3>1979-80). (b) With respect to records baic to an audit, a Class 3 – Disposable record shall not be destroyed until after the second July 1 succeeding the completion of the audit required by Education Code Section 17206 or of any other legally required audit, or after the ending date of any retention period required by an agency other than the State of California, whichever date is later. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1270 Page 1 of 3 Public Records 59 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board (c) Continuing Record. A continuing record shall not be destroyed until the third year after it has been classified as Class 3 – Disposable. E. Procedures for Destruction (a) Superintendent/President Actions. 1. The Superintendent/President or his/her designee shall: a. personally supervise the classification of records; b. mark each file or other container as to classification and the unit in which the records originated. If the records are classified as Class 3 – Disposable, the Superintendent/President shall also mark the school year in which such records are to be destroyed; and c. supervise the destruction of records. 2. The Superintendent/President shall submit to the Board a list of records recommended for destruction, and shall certify that no records are included in the list in conflict with these regulations. 3. The Board Action will: a. approve or disapprove the recommendation of the Superintendent/President. b. order a reclassification when necessary or desirable; and (c)order by action recorded in the minutes (with lists attached) of records in accordance with this policy. Legal Reference: Education Code Sections 72600, 72603 and 72620; Government Code Sections 6250 et seq. 6252, 6253 and 6254; and CA. Adm. Code Sections 59020-59029 and 54608. Adopted: February 1, 1988 Revised: December 5, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1270 Page 1 of 4 Public Records 60 61 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: December 5, 2011 Authorization to Dispose of Surplus Equipment REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 C.2 BACKGROUND: It has been determined that the following equipment is no longer useful for District purposes and is considered surplus. Information Technology 6-NEC Multi-Sync MT 830+ Projectors 14-NEC MT850 Projectors 6-NEC Multi-Sync MT840 Projectors 1-Epson PowerLite 81p Projector 1-InFocus LitePro 580 Projector Facilities, Planning & Plant Operations 1992 Ford Electric Cart-Sheriff, poor condition 1994 Ford Tempo, fair condition 1992 Dodge Van, poor condition Dental Hygiene 4-Gendex GX-770 Intraoral X-ray Units, good condition Computer Technology Center 1-Blue iMac 4-eMacs Fitness Equipment, HAWK Division 1-Life Fitness Chest Press 1-Life Fitness Shoulder Press FISCAL IMPACT: Any funds received from the sale of personal property shall be credited to the department which made the original purchase. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to dispose of the equipment listed as surplus, according to the provisions of the Board Policy 4160. Administrator Initiating Item: Serena Muindi/ Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 62 63 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: December 5, 2011 Purchase of Replacement Computers: Building 300 REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 C.3 BACKGROUND: In 2010 the Department of Finance allocated state equipment funds to Cabrillo for Building 300. The College has developed an initiative to replace old computers. Thirty four (34) computers are to be used in Building 300 in conjunction with the Virtual Desktop Initiative (VDI) Lab. FISCAL IMPACT: Pricing based on WSCA Contract #B27160 for a total of $92,076 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to award a purchase order to the vendor with the pricing based on the listed contract. Administrator Initiating Item: Serena Muindi/ Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 64 65 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: December 5, 2011 Award of Contract: Building 800 STEM GRANT Renovation Architects REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 C.4 BACKGROUND: Cabrillo College has been awarded a federal five-year Title III grant for the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) for $4,339,878 million. The grant application was authored by Jo-Ann Panzardi, our Engineering Program Chair, in consultation with the Program Chairs and faculty of the other STEM fields identified in the grant: Computer Science, Computer Science, Computer Information Systems Engineering Technology, Engineering, and Math, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA). The objective of the grant is to increase the number of Latinos in the STEM fields. The STEM grant will fund the renovation of classrooms and laboratory space in the 800 building in the amount of $1,952,530. Additional renovations to the 800 building will be required and include repairs to the heating and ventilation systems, Office space and restrooms. Administrative services and student service programs within the 800 building will need to be relocated. Bond funds will be needed to accomplish the additional required renovations and relocation of functions which are not covered by the grant. Architectural services will be necessary to accomplish the design of renovations in time for access to classrooms on the second floor of the building by the spring semester of 2013. FISCAL IMPACT: $223,292 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to sign the contract with RMW Architecture in the amount of $223,292 for design work related to the STEM Grant project. Administrator Initiating Item: Joe Nugent Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 66 67 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT December 5, 2011 SUBJECT: 2011-12 thru 2014-15 Budget Planning Parameters REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 5 C.5 BACKGROUND: The college has concluded the budget planning cycle for 2011-12 and is beginning the planning cycle for 2012-13. The College Planning Council reviewed the updated budget calendar, the budget planning assumptions for 2012-13 through 2014-15, and the operating reserve balance. The budget calendar was updated after the November Board meeting and reflects updates in the timing of budget planning activities. State revenues are down significantly from the enacted state budget projects. Based on current projections, both triggers in the budget will be enacted. The state is projecting a deficit of over $13 billion for the current year and the 2012-13 fiscal year. The Governor’s Budget will be released January 10, 2012. Budget reduction plans will be developed and presented to the college community in January. Reduction plans will be presented for the Governing Board’s information in February, 2012. An update on the use of carryover, one-time fund allocations will be provided to the Governing Board in January, 2012. FISCAL IMPACT: Estimated reduction of $5.7 million to the unrestricted general fund for 2012-13. The college plans to use $2.5 million of one-time reserves for 2012-13. The Base budget reduction target for 2012-13 is currently $3.2 million. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the 2011-12 thru 2014-15 budget planning parameters. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature No Final Disposition CABRILLO COLLEGE FY 2012-13 and 2013-14 Base/Categorical Budget Development Timeline Draft December 5, 2011 Board Meeting September 7, 2011 September 21 & 22 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY COMMITMENT KICK OFF BUDGET TOWN HALL MEETINGS CPC MEETING - Budget Planning Kick Off For 2012-13 September - December, 2011 FACULTY SENATE- Program Review Task Force meets to develop recommendations October 3, 2011 BOARD MEETING October 4/5, 2011 October 25/19, 2011 Information Items: - Budget Presentation 2012-13 - Review of 6/30/11 Ending Fund Balance ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/CPC MEETING Information Items: - Budget Planning Parameters for 2012-2014 - Budget Development Timeline ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC MEETING October 4-December 1, 2011 Carryover and One-Time Fund review by Components, Cabinet, Admin. Council and CPC October/November Faculty Prioritization Process/ Determine FON requirements for Fall 2012 November 7, 2011 November 8/2, 2011 November 22/16, 2011 December 5, 2011 December 6/7, 2011 December 20/21, 2011 January - June 2012 January 9, 2012 BOARD MEETING Information Items: - Budget Planning Parameters for 2012-2014 - Budget Development Timeline ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING BOARD MEETING Action Items: - Budget Planning Parameters for 2012-2014 - Budget Development Timeline - Review Faculty Obligation number for 2012 ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC Negotiations- All groups January 24/18, 2012 BOARD MEETING Information Items: - Budget Update - Review Budget Reduction Targets for 2012-13- ALL Funds, - Carryover and One-Time Fund review/Critical Needs 2012-13 GOVERNOR'S STATE BUDGET STATE BUDGET WORKSHOP ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC February 6, 2012 BOARD MEETING January 10, 2012 January ?, 2011 January 10/4, 2012 Information Items: - Update Budget Parameters FY2012-13 and FY 2013-14 - Update Budget Development Timeline- FY 2013-14 - FY 2011-12 Mid Year Cuts from the state - FY 2011-12 Mid Year Report (Projected Ending Balance for 6/30/12) - Program and Service Reduction Reviews for 2012-13- ALL Funds 68 CABRILLO COLLEGE FY 2012-13 and 2013-14 Base/Categorical Budget Development Timeline Draft December 5, 2011 Board Meeting February-March 2012 February 7/1, 2012 February 21/15, 2012 March 5, 2012 March, 2012 March 6/7, 2012 March 20/21, 2012 April, 2012 April 2, 2012 April 3/4, 2012 April 24/18, 2012 May 2012 May 7, 2012 May 8/2, 2012 May 29/16, 2012 May 25, 2012 June 11, 2012 June 12/6, 2012 June 26/20, 2012 August 6, 2012 August 7/1, 2012 August 28/15, 2012 September 10, 2012 September 11/5, 2012 September 25/19, 2012 69 SPRAC Review of Program Reduction Plans for 2012-13 ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC BOARD MEETING Action Items: - Budget Parameters FY2012-13 and FY 2013-14 - Budget Development Timeline- FY 2013-14 - FY 2011-12 Mid Year Cuts from the State - FY 2011-12 Mid Year Report (Projected Ending Balance for 6/30/12) - Budget Reduction Goals (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) - Program and Service Reduction Reviews for 2012-13 - March 15 Notices to Faculty- Reduction or Discontinuance of Services - First Round-Resolution-Reduction or Discontinuance of Classified/Confidential/Management Service First Principal Apportionment 2011-12 Received ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC MEETING Continue to evaluate/revise Planning Parameters BOARD MEETING Information Items: - Budget Update ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC Second Principal Apportionment 2011-12 Received BOARD MEETING Action Items: - Final Notices to Faculty- Reduction or Discontinuance of Services ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC MEETING Governor's May Revise for 2012-13 released BOARD MEETING Action Items: - 2012-13 Preliminary Budget ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC MEETING BOARD MEETING Information Items: - Update Budget Parameters FY2012-13 and FY 2013-14 ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC MEETING BOARD MEETING Action Items: - 2012-13 Final Budget ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC MEETING Board Meeting December 5, 2011 Difference between ongoing Revenues & Expenses (Structural Deficit) Increase in State Revenue Anticipated General Apportionment adjustment Part-time faculty compensation Gen. Apportionment reduction- $400 million net of student fee increase Increase in Student Fees $110 mil to offset apportionment reduction 2011-12 Student Fee Revenue Shortfall Net change in revenue 70 2011-12 through 2014-15 Base Budget Planning Parameters 2011-12 State Enacted Budget 2012-13 Mid-Range Projected 2013-14 Projected 2014-15 Projected (145,000) (3,478,200) (5,746,200) (7,267,700) (1,000,000) (4,412,000) 1,097,000 (250,000) (3,710,000) (4,478,200) 0 0 150,000 (395,000) 0 (230,000) 0 (66,000) 200,000 (345,000) (112,500) (345,000) (112,500) (345,000) (575,000) ? (85,000) (333,000) ? (30,000) ? (100,000) (633,000) ? (145,000) (36,000) ? ? ? (100,000) (150,000) (696,000) ? (145,000) (24,000) ? ? ? (100,000) (150,000) ? ? ? ? ? ? (1,268,000) ? (1,521,500) ? (1,572,500) ? (7,267,700) (8,840,200) Net Increases in Ongoing Expenses Full-time Faculty Position changes (-3, -4, +3, +3) (net of adjunct backfill) Step, Column, Longevity Increases, etc. Classified Positions Medical Plan Rate Increase-- 4%, 10%, 10%, 10% Management Positions Retiree Benefit Increase PERS Rate Increase STRS Rate Increas Worker's Comp, Unemployment Insurance New Facilities Supplies & Operating, Staff Utilities Net Operating Increases District Contribution- Bus Pass Program Retiree Benefits- New Employees Labor agreements Reduction in Indirect Reimbursements from grants Total Expenditure Increases Budget Reductions Budget Reductions Phase I, Round I Budget Reductions Phase I, Round II Ongoing Shortfall* 730,500 97,653 (3,478,200) (5,746,200) Allocation of 66 2/3% of operating reserves 3,478,200 2,500,000 0 (3,246,200) Deficit net of One-time funds 0 (194,353) 0 0 174,000 100,000 ? ? (135,000) (596,353) *Estimates will change as more information becomes available 71 CABRILLO COLLEGE GENERAL FUND BALANCE Board Meeting December 5, 2011 Projected Operating Reserves OPERATING RESERVES Beginning Balance (Mid Year-Bridge Fund Reserves, Final Budget) ADD: Projected Ending balance 2012-13 Estimated One-Time Subfund Allocations Projected FY 2011-12 1,309,000 1,500,000 (500,000) LESS: 66.67% Allocated to 2012-13 Deficit Projected Ending Operating Reserves = (2309000+1500000) *66.67% Projected @ 66.67% FY 2012-13 2,309,000 1,500,000 (2,500,000) 2,309,000 1,309,000 3,809,000 2,539,460 72 73 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: December 5, 2011 Board Policy Revision: Administrative Services, Second Reading REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 2 C.6 BACKGROUND: The District is in the process of revising Board Policy 5107 – Competency Policy due to recent negotiated language changes in the C.C.F.T. Collective Bargaining Agreement regarding Faculty Service Areas (FSAs). The Board Policy is presented to the Board for a second reading. FISCAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the Board Policies as revised. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 74 Competency Policy BP 5107 Minimum qualifications and competency within a faculty service area (FSA) provide the basis to determine reassignment rights of more senior employees to be retained in areas in which they might not be employed at the time of layoff. A faculty member may qualify in any FSA in which he/she has met both minimum qualifications and District competency standards. To be considered "competent" in a service area, one must meet minimum qualifications in the discipline and FSA and meet District criteria for competency in the FSA. Cabrillo College competency criteria are: 1. Two semesters of satisfactory district employment in the service area, AND 2. In service areas demonstrating technological development that has produced significant change in the last 5 years, satisfactory District employment in the service area in the last 5 years OR 12 semester units of upper division or graduate level course work in the service area in the last 5 years OR equivalent work experience in the service area during the last 5 years. The equivalency of work experience will be determined by a committee composed of 2 administrators, one Division Dean selected by the Superintendent/President and two tenured faculty members selected by CCFT. The FSAs requiring recency are: Computer Applications and Business Technology (CABT) Computer Science Computer Technology Computer Information Systems Computer controlled music synthesis, electronic music, or musical recording Multi Digital Media Engineering Technology Music Technology & Recording Arts Technical Theater Subsequent requests for changes to the above list will be made through the collective bargaining process. Adopted: Revised: Revised: Revised: February 4, 1991 February 7, 2005 May 3, 2010 December 5, 2011 75 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT December 5, 2011 SUBJECT: Adjustments in Cabrillo College Trustee Areas; Resolution 046-11 REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 3 C.7 Background: At the November meeting the Governing Board reviewed adjustments in the Cabrillo College Trustee areas proposed by the Board appointed subcommittee. Based on favorable comments and a lack of suggested modifications, the proposed adjustments are presented for adoption by the Board. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the following Resolution, 046-11, regarding adjustments to the trustee area boundaries. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 76 RESOLUTION 046-11 Approving Adjustments in the Cabrillo College District Trustee Areas WHEREAS, following each decennial federal census, the Cabrillo Community College District Board of Trustees is required by Education Code Section 5019.5 to adjust trustee areas so that they are as equal as possible in population; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees appointed subcommittee of three trustees to develop a proposal for needed changes in the Cabrillo trustee areas using 2010 federal census figures as a basis, and WHEREAS, in developing the proposal, the subcommittee made every effort to ensure that the adjustments in the trustee area boundaries will not have an effect of denying or abridging the right to vote on account of race, color or membership in a language minority group as required under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended 42 U.S.C. 1973c; and WHEREAS, the subcommittee also considered contiguity and compactness, and communities of interest in developing the proposal; and WHEREAS, the adjustments proposed by the subcommittee were reviewed in detail by the Board of Trustees at its regular monthly meeting held on November 7, 2011. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cabrillo Community College District Board of Trustees adopt the changes in trustee areas that are described in detail in Exhibit 1 through Exhibit 5, which are attached hereto and made a part thereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CABRILLO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Governing Board in Santa Cruz County, California, this 5th day of December, 2011. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ___________________________ Secretary to the Governing Board 2 77 Trustee Area I Ziel II Reece III True IV Spencer V Garcia VI Smith VII Stonebloom 2000 2000 2000 2000 Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Population Population Percent Hispanic Population Population Percent Hispanic Deviation Deviation Percent Deviation Deviation Percent 39,714 1,598 4.19 6.00 37,115 -1,882 -4.83 9.00 36,567 -1,549 -4.06 16.08 40,516 1,519 3.90 21.00 37,829 -287 -0.75 14.96 37,652 -1,345 -3.45 21.00 39,786 1,670 4.38 15.22 40,594 1,597 4.10 17.00 39,697 1,581 4.15 78.30 38,965 -32 -0.08 83.00 36,525 -1,591 -4.17 14.16 40,744 1,747 4.48 23.00 36,693 -1,423 -3.73 57.97 37,393 -1,604 -4.11 71.00 3 78 79 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE December 5, 2011 FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Academic Staffing: Classroom Instruction Recommendation REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 3 C.8 BACKGROUND: The vitality of the college is dependent upon its instructional program. The quality of the college’s instructional program is contingent upon the availability of highly competent and visionary contract faculty who are adept at curriculum development and instructional delivery. In addition, the unavailability of adjunct faculty in some disciplines necessitates filling several positions. Finally, the college is bound by regulation to meet the Faculty Obligation Number established by the Board of Governors. The fall 2011 positions were proposed and reviewed in accordance with the established academic hiring prioritization process. The numerical rating is based on FTE taught by adjunct faculty, growth in WSCH, percentage of fill at census, change in WSCH per FTE, unavailability of adjunct faculty, loss of contract in current year, student to teacher ratio, and retirements of contract faculty. The numerical process yielded the following ranking: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Division BELA NAS HASS HASS BELA HAWK NAS HAWK VAPA HASS Department Spanish Instructor Mathematics Instructor Psychology Instructor Anthropology Instructor English Instructor Medical Assistant Instructor Biology Instructor Radiologic Technology Instructor Digital Media Instructor Political Science Instructor FISCAL IMPACT: Within budget parameters. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the college to fill the following 4 academic positions: Radiologic Technology, Biology, Medical Assistant, Political Science. Administrator Initiating Item: Renée M. Kilmer, VP Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 80 After the numerical rating is completed and distributed, the process calls for the Faculty Senate and the Instructional Administrators to hold a joint meeting during which department representatives present oral statements in support of positions. Members of the Faculty Senate ranked the positions in the following order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Radiologic Technology Biology Medical Assistant Math Anthropology Psychology English Spanish Political Science Digital Media The instructional administrators conducted a final review and discussion, after which they ranked the positions in the following order: 1. Radiologic Technology 2. Biology 3. English 4. Political Science 4. Medical Assistant 6. Mathematics 7. Psychology 8. Anthropology 9. Digital Media 10. Spanish After consideration of the enrollment, growth, and efficiency data for each of the positions; review of graduation requirements and transfer requirements; review of the full-time/part-time faculty ratio by department, the College Master Plan, the Program Plans; consultation with the deans and the faculty senate and their respective rankings; and with consideration of current budgetary concerns of the Chancellor’s Office; and with the approval and authority of the College President, the final priority ranking of the positions is presented to the Governing Board below along with the rationale to support the ranking the first four positions from available funding. 1. Radiologic Technology 2. Biology 3. Medical Assistant 4. Political Science 5. Mathematics 6. English 7. Anthropology 8. Spanish 9. Psychology 10. Digital Media 2 81 The need for each of these positions has been demonstrated, and, in fact, without the positions the programs will be in jeopardy or unable to meet student need in the most effective way. As we all know, the most precious resource of a college is its contract faculty. The final ranking is as follows: Radiologic Technology: Students must graduate from a JRCERT accredited program in radiologic technology to qualify to take the ARRT national board examination and employers require ARRT licensure. It is a requirement of the JRCERT that a program our size has a minimum of two full time program officials, the program director and the clinical coordinator. We currently have one full-time faculty member (the director) and a one-year temp contract serving as the clinical coordinator, replacing the FT faculty who retired last year. The replacement of this position is mandatory for continued RT accreditation. Biology: Biology has lost two fulltime faculty in the last three years, one retirement and one resignation, and another full-time faculty member is on 50% reduced load. Biology is a highly impacted program, and an essential pipeline for the Allied Health programs. The replacement of one of the two lost faculty members is critical to the continued success of the biology department and for students entering the Allied Health fields. In particular, the biology department needs a physiology and anatomy specialist. Medical Assistant: The Medical Assistant program, which historically had two full-time faculty, currently has one fulltime faculty member, but offers four different programs, two of which have special accreditations. The one fulltimer is the program chair as well as director of the program. Some of the courses are high-loading classes so generate significant FTES for the college at a relatively low cost. The addition of a workforce development strand has put a greater demand on the one full-time faculty member. The replacement of retired full-timer is essential to continue offering the four MA programs and to meet the workforce needs of the region. Political Science: The Political Science department currently has one full-time faculty member, although until two years ago there were two. The retirement of one of the faculty has put a strain on the department’s ability to offer the international politics path. Political Science is a graduation requirement for the Associate of Arts degree, and it is a graduation requirement of CSU. PS is the only Cabrillo program that fulfills a graduation requirement but that has only one full-time faculty member. 3 82 83 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT December 5, 2011 SUBJECT: Governing Board Goals for 2011-2012 REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION Action ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 C.9 Background: On October 29th, the Governing Board held its Fifth Annual Retreat. The board discussed district goals and reaffirmed its commitment to student success. Based on this commitment, the board determined a number of priorities for 2011-2012 which focus on student success. In addition, monitoring the district’s fiscal situation continues to be of utmost importance to the board. Recommended: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the attached 2011-2012 Board Goals as presented. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 84 BOARD GOALS FOR 2011-12 1. Student Success will be the priority in determining: Compensation and benefits for all employee groups that are sustainable and comparable with best practice for similar organizations; Staffing patterns that conserve resources to support student achievement; Allocation of resources to creatively address student needs and increase achievement of student goals. 2. The Board is committed to shared governance and values the timely recommendations of the College Planning Council to inform board decisions. 3. The Board supports the development of a process that will result in a green, paperless delivery of all Board materials to the members of the Governing Board, the college community, and the public. 85 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: December 5, 2011 2011-12 and 2012-13 Budget Planning Update REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 D.1 BACKGROUND: It is anticipated that an update on 2011-12 and 2012-13 budget planning will be presented at the Board meeting. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 86 87 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: December 5, 2011 Quarterly Investment Report REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER D.2 Page 1 of 6 BACKGROUND: The Quarterly Investment Report for the quarter ending September 30, 2011 is now presented to the Governing Board. The majority of Cabrillo’s cash is deposited with the Santa Cruz County Treasurer’s Office. A statement of the Treasurer’s portfolio is attached. The financial institution acting as trustee for the proceeds of Certificates of Participation bonds is the US Bank. A summary of Cabrillo’s holdings there is attached. Statements from two term-share (certificate) accounts purchased with Bay Federal Credit Union by the Associated Students of Cabrillo (ASC) College fund are summarized and attached. A report of the ASC savings account is also included. Administrator Initiating Item: Roy Pirchio Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 88 89 90 91 92 93 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE December 5, 2011 FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Facilities Master Plan Project Status REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 4 D.3 BACKGROUND: DRAFT Major Projects under Construction (see next page) Administrator Initiating Item: Joe Nugent Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 94 PROGRESS REPORT Note: Measure D funded projects are outline in the following schedules There are references to other funding sources when the project has funding sources in addition to Measure D. E A B C D F [a+b] [d+e] Funding Project Health and Wellness Center and Sitework Allied Health Equipment Fall 2010 Building 300 Renovation Building 300 Renovation Equipment Watsonville Green Technology Center Total Measure D Funded Projects in Progress Planned Completio n Date Source Approved Original Project Budget Paid to Date Change Orders Revised Budget 10/31/2010 Encumbered Total Committed Balance to be paid Contracts Project Total & C.O. Cost G [c-f] Amount Remaining Total Cost vs Revised Budget Spring State Capital Outlay Funds Measure C Measure D Project Sub-total State Capital Outlay Funds Measure D 2012 Project Sub-total 2,290,493 0 2,290,493 1,835,555 68,076 1,903,631 386,862 Total Project State Capital Outlay Funds Measure C Measure D Project Sub-total State Capital Outlay Funds Measure D Project Sub-total Total Project EDA Funds Foundation Measure D Project Total 27,969,368 1,078,021 27,969,368 27,374,084 181,436 27,555,520 413,848 1,051,000 0 1,051,000 1,047,739 0 1,047,739 3,261 33 1,166,000 2,217,033 0 131,186 131,186 33 1,166,000 2,217,033 33 1,113,710 2,161,483 0 25,923 25,923 33 1,139,633 2,187,406 0 26,367 29,628 931,000 0 931,000 302,563 40,469 343,032 587,968 931,000 1,862,000 4,079,033 3,365,000 100,000 7,500,000 10,965,000 0 0 131,186 0 0 -163,670 -163,670 931,000 1,862,000 4,079,033 3,365,000 100,000 7,500,000 10,965,000 312,270 614,833 2,776,316 2,572,131 0 6,075,915 8,648,046 24,893 65,362 91,285 792,869 0 839,216 1,632,085 337,163 680,195 2,867,601 3,365,000 0 6,915,131 10,280,131 593,837 1,181,805 1,211,433 0 100,000 584,869 684,869 25,769,627 1,045,537 25,769,627 23,493,571 1,018,500 24,512,071 1,257,556 Fall 2011 Fall 2010 Spring 2012 Spring 2012 Totals are for Measure D Only 10,490,000 0 10,490,000 10,490,000 0 10,490,000 0 121,741 15,067,134 25,678,875 0 1,078,021 1,078,021 121,741 15,067,134 25,678,875 121,741 14,926,788 25,538,529 0 113,360 113,360 121,741 15,040,148 25,651,889 0 26,986 26,986 1,185,000 0 1,185,000 770,667 52,968 823,635 361,365 1,105,493 0 1,105,493 1,064,888 15,108 1,079,996 25,497 95 Major Projects under Construction Arts Education Classrooms Project This project is in the final closeout process with DSA. One change order remains to be approved by DSA. Staff will submit the complete closeout package to DSA for final certification upon receipt of final change order. Current Status Update: Awaiting on final change order approval to submit for final certification from DSA. Health and Wellness Project The Allied Health project consists of two buildings totaling 57,000 square feet, and is the new home for programs such as Nursing, Radiology Technology, Medical Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Health and Wellness, and the Stroke Center. RMW is the architect and Soltek Pacific is the contractor. Construction began in May 2008 and the buildings are 100% complete. Staff is in the process of closing out the project. All remaining issues have been resolved with the contractor. Current Status Update: The majority of the equipment for the building has been purchased and installed. There are additional items to be purchased. Construction of an ADA ramp and sidewalk from parking lot J to the center of the two buildings is complete. The two ADA accessible parking spaces and adjoining ramp are complete. The installation of carpet in rooms H.W. 2212 and H.W. 2214 are expected to accomplish final acoustical corrections. The project is being closed out and unused funding is reverting back to the bond fund. Building 300 Renovation On February 1, 2010 the Governing Board approved an award of bid to Tombleson Construction of Salinas in the amount of $1,560,136 to renovate the 300 building. 12,523 square feet was remodeled and reconstructed to provide ten general purpose classrooms, two large assembly/classrooms and nine BELA division offices in spring 2010. The renovation is substantially complete. Current Status Update: The building has been occupied beginning spring semester 2011. The project is being closed out and unused funding is reverting back to the bond fund. DSA is currently processing requests for project closeout they received in the month of February 2011. The District is awaiting final closeout and certification from DSA. Some of the equipment has been purchased and installed. Watsonville Green Technology Center The District and the City of Watsonville closed escrow on the purchase of the Watsonville Library on July 15, 2008. Since then, the college has demolished the building in order to construct a 14,000 square foot Community Education Center. The District received a grant for $2.5 million from Economic Development Agency for the project, and the grant was augmented by $865,000 to help fund an upgrade to a Platinum Level LEED certified “green” building. The Division of State Architect (DSA) approved the plans in June of 2010 and EDA approved the plans and specifications in July 2010. The project went to bid in August 2010. In October, the Board approved Dilbeck and Sons as well as an augmentation to 96 the budget of $517,000. A deductive change order for the value engineering items discussed at the October Board meeting was approved at the November Board Meeting. The District has received a generous donation from the Ley Family of $100,000 for construction to add back some of the items that were placed on hold. Current Status Update: The project continues to progress. Building A (the main classroom building) exterior is complete. Roofing is complete, windows are installed and stucco is complete. Interior space has all sheetrock installed, tape, mud and texture and is in the process of being painted. Building “B” (shop building) exterior is nearly complete. Roofing is complete, windows are installed and metal siding is nearly complete. PG&E has made all connections including new 21KV service. Final site improvements are taking place. Awards of Informal Bids under the Uniform Construction Cost Accounting System (UCC): At the August 2011 Governing Board meeting, the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting System was adopted to enable the District to increase the formal bid limits from $125,000 to $175,000. By adopting the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting System, the Board authorized the President or his/her designee to enter into agreements with low bidders using the informal bidding process with the provision that the successful awards would be presented to the Board as an information item. This system enables the District to 1) informally bid projects under $125,000 to prequalified contractors, 2) more efficiently and effectively manage small to medium sized projects, and 3) contract with local contractors who are deemed “qualified” bidders. Award of Bid: Building 1100 HVAC Upgrade Project There was a non-bond related bid awarded in October in the amount of $156,980 to Della Mora of Salinas. This project completes the HVAC upgrades to this building. This project is scheduled to start in early November and is scheduled to be completed by late February 2012. 97 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: December 5, 2011 Financial Reports ENCLOSURE(S) REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 22 D.4 BACKGROUND: The following financial reports are presented for the information of the Governing Board: Report Period Ending Trial Balance 10/31/11 Page 2 Year-to-Date Budget Reports 10/31/11 General Fund Child Development Fund Building Fund Revenue Bond 1998 Construction Fund Revenue Bond 2004 (Series A) Construction Fund Revenue Bond 2004 (Series B) Construction Fund Debt Service Fund Retiree Benefit Fund 3-4 5-6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Clearing and Revolving 10/31/11 13 Bookstore 10/31/11 14-15 Cafeteria 10/31/11 16-17 Associated Students 10/31/11 18 Scholarships/Loans 10/31/11 19 Student Center Fee 10/31/11 20 Student Representation Fee 10/31/11 21 Trust and Agency 10/31/11 22 Administrator Initiating Item: Roy Pirchio Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: December 5, 2011 Cabrillo College Fact Book, 2011 REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 D.5 BACKGROUND: The Cabrillo College Fact Book 2011 contains important resource and reference information for planning, grant development, marketing, accreditation, and outreach. In support of the Board’s Goal for 2011-2012, to encourage paperless delivery of all Board documents, the Planning and Research Office (PRO) has made the Fact Book available online at: http://pro.cabrillo.edu/pro/factbook Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Craig Hayward Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 120 121 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT December 5, 2011 SUBJECT: Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, First Reading REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 4 D.6 Background: The District is in the process of revising Board Policies utilizing the California Community College League’s model policies as applicable. Attached are revisions to some of the Board Policies in the Office of the President as listed below: Board Policy BP 1400 – Naming Opportunities in Recognition of Financial Support to the College BP 1420 – Political Activity BP 1430 – Communications Among Board Members Action Update to reflect League Language New policy – legally required New policy – legally required Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 122 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board BP 1400 Naming Opportunities in Recognition of Financial Support to the College (League BP 6620) It is the policy of Cabrillo College that naming opportunities be available to recognize very significant monetary contributions to Cabrillo College and the Cabrillo College Foundation. The various types of recognition and level of financial contribution required are: Determination of specific naming opportunities will be made by the Cabrillo College President, in consultation with the Chair of the Governing Board and President of the Cabrillo College Foundation for the naming of new or existing buildings on the campus; the target gift amount is 25% of actual or replacement construction cost. The various types of recognition and levels of financial contribution between $10,000 and $3,000,000 consist of recognition plaques, which will be placed in appropriate locations to name parts of buildings, such as classrooms, labs, division offices, plazas, lounges, bookstore, cafeteria, and 1. $10,000 - $99,999: Recognition plaques will be placed in appropriate locations. i.e.: in labs, classrooms, division offices, the library, administration building. 2. Scholarship endowments of $10,000 or more will be listed on a permanent plaque in a prominent spot on the campus. 3. $100,000 - $999,999: Campus areas or parts of buildings such as classrooms, plazas, lounges, bookstore, cafeteria, and other similar type places will be named in recognition of the gift. 4. $1,000,000 +: Existing buildings may be named for a donor contributing at this 5. 25% of projected construction cost: For the naming of new buildings on campus. level. Determination of specific naming opportunities within these parameters will be made by the College president, in consultation with the Chair of the Governing Board and Chair of the Cabrillo College Foundation. Adopted: January 10, 1994 Revised: September 13, 1999 Revised: January 9, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1400 Page 1 of 1 Naming Opportunities in Recognition of Financial Support to the College 123 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board BP 1420 Political Activity (League BP 2716) Members of the Board shall not use District funds, services, supplies, or equipment to urge the passage or defeat of any ballot measure or candidate, including, but not limited to, any candidate for election to the Governing Board. Initiative or referendum measures may be drafted on an area of legitimate interest to the District. The Board may by resolution express the Board’s position on ballot measures. Public resources may be used only for informational efforts regarding ballot measures. Legal Reference: Education Code Sections 7054 and 7056; Government Code Section 8314 Adopted: January 9, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1420 Page 1 of 1 Political Acitivity 124 Chapter One: Bylaws of the Governing Board BP 1430 Communications Among Board Members (League BP 2720) A majority of the members of the Governing Board shall not, outside a regularly scheduled meeting, use a series of communications of any kind, directly or through intermediaries, to discuss, deliberate, or take action on any item of business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. This policy shall not be construed as preventing an employee or official of the District from engaging in separate conversations or communications with members of the Board outside of a meeting in order to answer questions or provide information regarding a matter that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of Board, if that person does not communicate to members of the Board the comments or position of any other member or members of the Board. Legal Reference: Government Code Section 54952.2 Adopted: January 9, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ BP 1430 Page 1 of 1 Communication Among Board Members 125 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT December 5, 2011 SUBJECT: Legislative Priorities REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 D.7 Background: Following is a draft Cabrillo College legislative policy for Governing Board discussion Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 126 Cabrillo College Legislative Policy A. The Board will take positions only on issues directly affecting the Cabrillo Community College District. B. Letter of Support or Opposition 1. Letters in support of or opposition to local, state and federal legislative issues will be approved only by the Board and/or the Chair of the Board with input from the President of the college. 2. Letters will be based on Board approved legislative priorities. C. Resolutions 1. The Board will consider a resolution only if it is desirable for the Board to take an official position on a matter which is necessary to promote and/or protect the best interest of Cabrillo College. Cabrillo College Legislative Priorities 2011-12 A. State Priorities 1. Support stable, predictable funding for community colleges 2. Support a stable and predictable student enrollment fee policy 3. Support access and flexible approaches to Financial Aid for all students 4. Support ongoing funding and resources for instructional and student services programs to assure student success and completion 5. Support legislative goals for implementation of the League’s 2020 Vision for Student Success 6. Support the continuing authority of local control 7. Other? B. Federal Priorities 1. Support increased access and funding for community colleges i. Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act ii. Higher Education Act iii. Pell Grants iv. Dream Act/Student Adjustment Act 2. Support the Reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act 127 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: December 5, 2011 Board Professional Development REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 D.8 Background: It is anticipated that the Governing Board will discuss its professional development at the December 5, 2011 meeting. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 128 129 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: December 5, 2011 Collaborative Efforts to Evaluate Classified Staffing REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION Information ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 D.9 Background: The men and women who serve as classified staff at Cabrillo play a vital role in helping students achieve their academic and personal goals. Both in the accreditation process and in the Cabrillo College Master Plan, the college acknowledges the importance of refining and improving existing processes to allocate classified staffing resources. The Governing Board has emphasized the importance of staffing patterns that conserve resources to support student achievement in the development of the Board Goals for 2012. In recent College Planning Council (“CPC”) meetings, CPC has discussed earlier pilot projects to assess classified staffing including the Classified Prioritization Process and the Services and Program Reduction Advisory Committee (“SPRAC”). The discussion will continue at the next meeting of the College Planning Council on December 7. Collaborative discussions are also underway involving management representatives from each component of the college (Administrative Services, Instruction, Student Services and President) and a committee of classified staff. Given the end of the semester rapidly approaching, the dialog is moving quickly to allow for refinement of a process to use in the coming weeks and months. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 130 131 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT December 5, 2011 SUBJECT: Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 D.10 BACKGROUND: The following calendar presents information about selected events and significant dates for the month of December. Dates given are accurate as of November 21, 2011. Administrator Initiating Item: Kristin Fabos, Director of Marketing Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 132 December 2011 Marketing and Communications Department • 831/479-5744 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday ONGOING EXHIBIT: Without Art, through Dec.16, Cabrillo Gallery Thursday 1 Men’s Basketball Tournament,TBA Friday 2 Winter Dance Concert, 7:30 PM, Crocker Theater Men’s Basketball Tournament,TBA Jazz Combos, 7:30 PM, Recital Hall Additional Listings 4 Winter Dance Concert, 1:00 PM, Crocker Theater Women’s Chorus Songs of Winter, 3:00 PM, Music Recital Hall Cabrillo Stage’s Plaid Tidings, 2:00 & 7:30 PM, Crocker Theater Christmas Day Cabrillo Insider, 5:006:00 PM, KSCO 1080 AM radio 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 Latin Music Ensemble, Vocal Jazz, 7:30 PM, 8:00 PM, Cabrillo Music Recital Hall Crocker Theater Theatre Arts Improv Symphonic Winds Follies, 7:00 PM, Winter Festival of Black Box Theater Bands, 7:30 PM, Music Recital Hall Final Exams Week --> Final Exams Week Westside Folk & Gospel Choir, 7:00 PM, Music Recital Hall Women’s Basketball vs. Las Positas College, 7:00 PM 19 20 Cabrillo Chorus’s Messiah SingAlong, 7:00 PM, 1st Congregational Church, SC 26 Holiday 27 Holiday Big Band Jazz, 7:30 Women’s Basketball Cabrillo Insider, 5:00PM, Crocker Theater vs. Yuba College, 6:00 PM, KSCO 1080 7:00 PM AM radio Cabrillo Orchestra, 7:30 PM, Music Cabrillo Strings Recital Hall Chamber Ensemble, 7:30 PM, Music Recital Hall Additional Listings Final Exams Week <-- Final Exams Week Semester Ends Final Exams Week Classical Guitar Cantiamo’s Concert Staff & Faculty Holiday Ensemble, 7:00 PM, OPENING: Cabrillo For A Winter’s Eve, Party & Second Music Recital Hall Stage’s Plaid Tidings, 8:00 PM, Holy Cross Harvest Food Bank 7:30 PM, Crocker Church, SC Fundraiser, 5:00 Staff Preview: Cabrillo Theater 7:00 PM, Sesnon Stage’s Plaid Tidings, Cabrillo Stage’s Plaid House 7:30 PM, Crocker Tidings, 7:30 PM, Crocker Theater Theater Cabrillo Stage’s Plaid Tidings, 7:30 PM, Crocker Theater Cabrillo Stage’s Plaid Tidings, 7:30 PM, Crocker Theater 25 Winter Dance Concert, 7:30 PM, Crocker Theater 6 Governing Board Meeting, 5:00 PM, Sesnon House Theatre Arts Actors’ Showcase, 7:00 PM, Black Box Theater 18 3 5 Cabrillo Youth Strings/ Suzuki Ensemble, 3:00 PM, Music Recital Hall 11 Saturday Holiday Men’s Basketball vs. Holiday Merritt College, 7:00 PM Cabrillo Stage’s Plaid Tidings, 7:30 PM, Cabrillo Stage’s Plaid Crocker Theater Tidings, 7:30 PM, Crocker Theater Holiday Holiday Cabrillo Stage’s Plaid Tidings, 7:30 PM, Crocker Theater CLOSING: Cabrillo Stage’s Plaid Tidings, 7:30 PM, Crocker Theater Cabrillo Stage’s Plaid Tidings, 2:00 PM, Crocker Theater Additional Listings Coming in Early January Dec. 2-4 Symphonic Chorus’ Music for the Feast of Christmas, 8:00 PM, Holy Cross Church, SC Jan. 2 New Year’s Day Holiday Dec. 9 Jan. 3 Campus Re-opens Jan. 3 Winter Session Begins (runs through the 27th) Jan. 4 Women’s Basketball vs. Hartnell. 5:00 PM Jan. 4 Men’s Basketball vs. Hartnell. 7:00 PM Jan. 9 Governing Board Meeting, 5:00 PM, Sesnon House Cabrillo Student Food Pantry Opens, 9:00 - 1:00 PM, SAC East 133 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: December 5, 2011 Board Organization Meeting REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION Action ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 2 C. Background: In December of each year the annual organization meeting is held, at which the Board elects officers and representatives, and adopts a meeting schedule for the new calendar year. The attached page lists current officers and Board representatives, as well as a proposed Governing Board meeting schedule for 2012. Fiscal Impact: None. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Governing Board select officers and representatives for 2012. It is also recommended that the Governing Board adopt the proposed schedule of Governing Board meetings and meeting locations for 2012. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 134 GOVERNING BOARD ORGANIZATION MEETING December 5, 2011 Officers 2010 Chair Katy Stonebloom Vice Chair Alan Smith Clerk Rachael Spencer Secretary Brian King 2011 Representatives EOPS Advisory Rebecca Garcia Transfer Center Advisory Katy Stonebloom 2012 Board Meeting Dates January 9* February 6 March 5 April 2 May 7 June 11** 2nd Monday 1st Monday 1st Monday 1st Monday 1st Monday 2nd Monday July 9 August 6 September 10 October 8 November 5 December 10 2nd Monday*** 1st Monday 2nd Monday* 2nd Monday**** 1st Monday 2nd Monday* *Due to a holiday this meeting is schedule for the second Monday. **To provide more time for budget preparation, this meeting is scheduled for the second Monday. ***This meeting is subject to cancelation if it is determined that no Board action is required. ****Due to a holiday this meeting is scheduled for the second Monday. Also the meeting time of this meeting may be moved up to observe a religious holiday. Closed session begins at 5 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Regular session begins at 6 p.m., unless otherwise noted. Regular meetings of the Governing Board will be held at the Sesnon House, with the exception of the June meeting, which will be held at the Scotts Valley Center, and the August meeting, which will be held at the Watsonville Center. 2 135 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT December 5, 2011 SUBJECT: Public Meeting of the Cabrillo College Financing Corporation REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 1 C.1 BACKGROUND: On January 12, 1998, the Cabrillo College District Board passed Resolution 006-98. This resolution authorized the formation of the Cabrillo College Financing Corporation for the purpose of selling Certificates of Participation (COPS). It is stated in the Bylaws of the Financing Corporation that periodic public meetings shall be conducted. At this time, the Cabrillo College Board of Trustees shall adjourn the Cabrillo College Board of Directors Meeting, and shall conduct the meeting of the Cabrillo College Financing Corporation. FISCAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board adjourn as the Cabrillo College District Board, and reconvene as the Cabrillo College Financing Corporation to conduct business. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature No Final Disposition