Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, First Reading INFORMATION D.4

January 14, 2013
Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, First Reading
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The District is in the process of revising Board Policies utilizing the California Community
College League’s model policies as applicable. This Board Policy has been reviewed by
the appropriate committees on campus including the President’s Cabinet.
Attached are revisions to Board Policies in the Office of the President as listed below:
Board Policy
1200 Procedure for Developing Board
1210 Adoption of and Changes in Board
2050 Organization Chart
2110 Responsibility for Public Relations
2120 Representative and Deliberative Groups
2050 Organization Chart
2410 Board Policy and Administrative
Delete – Replaced by BP 2410, BP
2410 reflects current League
Language and Accreditation
Delete – Replaced by BP 2410, BP
2410 reflects current League
Language and Accreditation
Due for Board Review, no
Recommended Language Changes
Due for Board Review, no
Recommended Language Changes
Due for Board Review, no
Recommended Language Changes
Added to reflect League Language
and Accreditation Standards
Added to reflect League Language
and Accreditation Standards,
Replaces BPs 1200 and 1210
Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will
return for action at the next Governing Board meeting.
Administrator Initiating Item:
Brian King
Academic and Professional Matter
If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement
Senate President Signature
Yes  No
 Yes  No
BP 1200
Suggestions for additions to or modifications of District policies may be initiated by
members of the Board, the Faculty Senate, employee organizations (through the consultative
process), management personnel, or members of the public.
Suggestions for new policies or policy revisions will be available for review and comment by the Board,
the Faculty Senate, employee organizations, and management personnel through an internal process
established by the Superintendent/President. Every attempt shall be made to provide new policies or policy
revisions to the above groups not less than 30 days prior to final adoption by the Governing Board. This
internal procedure for review and comment will not apply to any policies subject to negotiation under
collective bargaining, nor will it apply to any policies in the Board Bylaws.
Legal Reference: Education Code Sections 72231 and 72282.
Adopted: February 1, 1988
BP 1210
The Superintendent/President or designee, under the direction of the Governing Board, shall
be responsible for developing and updating the Policy Manual on a continuing bases. The
Governing Board shall periodically review its policy manual based upon reports from the
Superintendent/President on the content and effectiveness of the policies.
Participation In Policy Determination
The Board welcomes the advice and assistance of all interested individuals and groups
during consideration of both educational and financial matters. However, the Board alone
will make final policy determination. Special attention shall be given to involvement of
employees and students in considering policies which directly affect them.
First and Second Reading Procedure for Establishment of or Change In Policies
Proposals to establish or change Board Policies shall appear on the published agenda at least
two Board meetings prior to Board action on the matter. The first appearance on the Board
meeting agenda will be designated in writing “First Reading.” The second appearance on a
Board meeting agenda will be designated in writing “Second Reading.” Action to approve
policies shall be taken only after “Second Reading” appears on the agenda or any
subsequent meeting.
Effective Date of Policies
All policies established by the Board become effective immediately upon their adoption
unless an effective date is specified at the time of passage.
Responsibilities of Staff
The policies and procedures adopted by the Board for the District have been written to be
consistent with the provisions of law, but do not encompass all laws relating to the District’s
activities. All staff will be held responsible for observing provisions of law pertinent to their
Suspension of Policy
Any policy or procedure may be suspended by a majority vote of the Board except as
otherwise provided by law. Such vote shall be taken by roll call and shall be entered in the
minutes of the meeting.
Distribution of Policy Manuals
The Superintendent/President shall furnish a copy of Board policies and procedures and a
copy of any amendments to each department, division, Vice President, Dean, Division
Chair, President of Faculty Senate, President of CCFT, President of SEIU, and President of
Student Senate.
Further, upon written request, a copy of Board policies and procedures will be provided to any other
interested person. In lieu of the distribution of the complete Policy Manual, the Superintendent/President
may prepare a special edition for any specific group of employees and omit therefrom those policies which
do not have a direct bearing upon the activities of that group of employees, provided, however, that a copy
of the complete policies and procedures is made readily accessible to all employees and to members of the
public. Copies of the policies and procedures shall be on file in the Office of the Superintendent/President
of the District and in the College Library. A fee covering the costs incurred by the District in furnishing the
copies may be charged.
Policy Provisions Required by Law
If any provisions of the Board policies are held contrary to law by a court of competent
jurisdiction, such provisions will not be deemed valid and subsisting to the extent provided
by law, but all other provisions will continue in force and effect.
Legal Reference: Education Code Section 72200; and Government Code Sections 6252 and 6253.
Adopted: February 1, 1988
Revised: November 7, 1994
Chapter Two: Administration and Organization
BP 2020
Administrative Latitude in Absence of Board Policy
(League Policy 2410)
When situations arise which require either a Governing Board or an administrative decision, and
there is no specific policy in existence to guide the Superintendent/President, he/she shall be
authorized to act in conformance with the intent of other adopted policies and actions or practices of
the past. The Superintendent/President may report such actions to the Governing Board and may
recommend the development of policy to cover various situations.
Legal Reference: Education Code Section 72413 70902: Accreditation Standard IV.B.1.b & e
Adopted: February 1, 1988
Revised: February 11, 2013
BP 2020
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Administrative Latitude in Absence of Board Policy
Chapter Two: Administration and Organization
BP 2050
Organization Chart
In order for the Superintendent/President to provide an effective system of accountability in the
execution of his/her delegated responsibility by the Governing Board in the management of the
Cabrillo Community College District, he/she shall provide an Organizational Chart. This chart shall
facilitate the understanding of the administrative relationships and shall provide certificated and
classified staff with a comprehensive outline that delineates administrative areas of responsibility.
Legal Reference: None
Adopted: February 1, 1988
Reviewed: February 11, 2013
BP 2050
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Organization Chart
Chapter Two: Administration and Organization
BP 2110
Responsibility for Public Relations
The Superintendent/President is responsible for implementing the Board’s public relations policies.
The Superintendent/President shall assume leadership in the day-to-day college-community
relations program.
All employees, instructional and non-instructional, shall be involved in the total public relations
effort of the college.
The Superintendent/President is responsible for interpreting Board policies to the staff and to the
public. The Superintendent/President shall require an active and comprehensive informational
program to be conducted for the promotion of widespread understanding of the college’s programs.
The Superintendent/President shall take necessary precautions to avoid exploitation of the college,
staff, or students in the interest of commercial, ideological, or other non-college organizations under
the pretense of creating good relationships.
Legal Reference: None
Adopted: February 1, 1988
Reviewed: February 11, 2013
BP 2110
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Public Relations
Chapter Two: Administration and Organization
BP 2120
Representative and Deliberative Groups
The Governing Board encourages the Superintendent/President and the administrative staff to create
and maintain appropriate mechanisms such as councils, cabinets, and committees to achieve the
1. To foster good communications within the staff.
2. To allow members of the college community to have a representative voice in policy
development and decision-making areas affecting them.
3. To establish reasonable and easily used avenues of communication for the public, the students,
and the District staff.
4. To carry out assigned tasks or to implement required activities.
Legal Reference: None
Adopted: February 1, 1988
Reviewed: February 13, 2013
BP 2120
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Representative and Deliberative Groups
Chapter Two: Administration and Organization
BP 2410
Board Policy and Administrative Procedure
The Board may adopt such policies as are authorized by law or determined by the Board to be
necessary for the efficient operation of the District. Board policies are intended to be statements of
intent by the Board on a specific issue within its subject matter jurisdiction.
The policies have been written to be consistent with provisions of law, but do not encompass all
laws relating to district activities. All District employees are expected to know of and observe all
provisions of law pertinent to their job responsibilities.
Policies of the Board may be adopted, revised, added to or amended at any regular board meeting
by a majority vote. Proposed changes or additions shall be introduced not less than one regular
meeting prior to the meeting at which action is recommended.
Administrative procedures are to be issued by the appropriate college Superintendent/President as
statements of method to be used in implementing Board Policy. Such administrative procedures
shall be consistent with the intent of Board Policy. Administrative procedures may be revised as
deemed necessary by the Superintendent/President.
The Superintendent/President shall, annually, provide each member of the Board with any revisions
since the last time they were provided. The Board reserves the right to direct revisions of the
administrative procedures should they, in the Board’s judgment, be inconsistent with the Board’s
own policies.
Copies of all policies and administrative procedures shall be readily available to District employees
through the Superintendent/President’s web site.
Legal Reference: Education Code Section 70902; Accreditation Standard IV.B.1.b & e
See Administrative Procedure 2410 (under development as of February 11, 2013)
Adopted: February 11, 2013
BP 2410
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Board Policy and Administrative Procedure