Cabrillo College Governing Board Meeting Minutes

Cabrillo College Governing Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 6, 2013
Cabrillo College Sesnon House
6500 Soquel Drive
Aptos, California 95003
OPEN SESSION (McPherson Room)
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Public Comments Regarding closed Session Items
(three minute time limit per speaker)
4. Announcement of Closed Session
5. Adjourn to Closed Session
OPEN SESSION (McPherson Room)
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Report Out of Closed Session: No report out of closed session.
OPEN SESSION (McPherson Room)
A. Consent Items
Agenda item A.3 was moved to action item G.5. It was moved and seconded
(Reece/Banks) to approve the consent agenda items, including the minutes
from the April 8, 2013 regular meeting.
Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Green
AYES: Banks, Cortez, Reece, Spencer and Ziel
NOES: None
ABSENT: Smith, True
B. Introduction of Newly Appointed Faculty and Staff
C. Oral Communications: Members of the audience may speak to non-agenda
items (three minute time limit per speaker)
Marilyn Garret presented on the dangers of wireless technology.
Cabrillo’s Marketing Office was congratulated for six awards recently
awarded at the California Community College Public Relations Officers
D. Special Presentation: Athletics
Dale Murray presented data to validate that Cabrillo student athletes are also
successful in the classroom. Cabrillo’s baseball and softball teams both won
conference championships.
Minutes May 6, 2013
E. Oral Reports
1. Board Members’ Reports
Trustee Cortez reported on her recent attendance at a College Board
conference in Chicago. She noted that Cabrillo is ahead of the curve
and that we have a lot to gain from sharing best practices. She has
been considering the importance of the balancing act: Are you a
dream keeper or bridge builder?
Trustee Ziel commented that she was also moved by the student
presentation; we must not forget the role Community Colleges play in
offering a second chance.
2. Student Trustee’s Report: Trustee Green will submit a report of the
student senate expenditures. The report will be emailed to the board prior
to May 23, 2013, when the new student trustee will begin his term. Cedar
has been accepted to UCSC, UC Berkeley and UCLA.
3. Superintendent’s Report:
President Hendrickson announced that the April 18th suspicious
package incident was the best drill we could have had to test what
procedures and protocols we have in place at this time. He
commended staff who searched classrooms and assisted in the
campus evacuation. Communication systems, interagency
cooperation and other operations items need to be improved. Staff
will work through the shared governance process.
Mission College was in a lockdown today; there was a pistol used
in class exercise mistaken for a weapon.
The Foundation raised $4 million last year. This weekend he
attended two President’s circle events which were extremely
4. Faculty Senate: Comments on issues of interest to the Faculty Senate:
Michael Mangin noted that prioritization of resources is a key
topic, faculty engagement is key to student success, it is important
for adjunct faculty to be part of this community, and that Cabrillo
ranks in the bottom third of salaries statewide.
5. CCEU: Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo Classified
Employees Union.
Alta Northcutt noted that we open doors for people, but should
also be mindful of those we close. Classified staff are down from
260 last year to 210. That work hasn’t gone away.
She also noted that she is in love with Cabrillo and applauds
everyone who touches the hand of a student.
6. CCFT: Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo College Federation
of Teachers
Paul introduced Sadie Reynolds and Sharon Took-Zozaya who
last month completed an adjunct faculty survey. 66% of faculty
are adjuncts. 37% responded to the survey.
Minutes May 6, 2013
F. Public Hearing: CCEU/District 2013-14 Contract Negotiations:
CCEU and District Initial Proposals
The Governing Board received the Initial Interest Statement from the
Cabrillo Classified Employees Union. A hearing was opened to allow
time for the public to comment on the CCEU and the District Initial
Interest Statements. There were no comments.
G. Action Items
1. Adopt District’s Initial Proposal: CCEU/District 2013-14 Contract
It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the District’s initial
proposal for 2013-14 contract negotiations with CCEU.
A motion was made (Banks/Cortez) to adopt the initial proposal. The
motion carried.
2. Receive CCEU’s Initial Proposal: CCEU/District 2013-14 Contract
It is recommended that the Governing Board receive CCEU’s initial
proposal for 2013-14 contract negotiations with the District.
A motion was made (Ziel/Banks) to receive the initial proposal. The
motion carried.
3. Citizens’ Oversight Committee Annual Report
It is recommended that the Governing Board receive the Measure D 2012
Annual Report from the Citizens’ Oversight Committee. Kathy
Blackwood, chair of the 2012-13 Citizens’ Oversight Committee,
presented the 2012 Annual Report. Former committee members Michael
Bethke and John Fry were recognized for their service on the committee.
A motion was made (Reece/Banks) to receive the annual report. The
motion carried.
4. Resolution 031-13 Reduction or Discontinuance of Classified Service
It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt Resolution 031-13 as
presented. A motion was made (Reece/Ziel) to adopt the resolution. The
motion carried with the following roll call vote:
Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Green
AYES: Banks, Cortez, Reece, Spencer and Ziel
NOES: None
ABSENT: Smith, True
5. Resolutions 032-13, 033-13 and 034-13: Annual Business Office
It is recommended that the Governing Board approve Resolution
Numbers 032-13 through 034-13. A motion was made (Reece/ Banks) to
approve the resolutions 032-13, 033-13 and 034-13. The motion carried
with the following roll call vote:
Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Green
AYES: Banks, Cortez, Reece, Spencer and Ziel
NOES: None
ABSENT: Smith, True
Minutes May 6, 2013
6. Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, Second Reading
It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the Board Policies as
revised. A motion was made (Ziel/Banks) to adopt the board policies as
presented. Trustee Cortez requested that policy 8030 be pulled to
research whether a needed services is being discontinued by eliminating
8030. The motion was amended (Ziel/Reece) to adopt the revised board
policies except for 8030 as presented. The motion carried.
7. Board Policy Revisions: Student Services, Second Reading
It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the Board Policies as
revised. A motion was made (Reece/Ziel) to adopt the policies as
presented. The motion carried.
8. Board Policy Revisions: Administrative Services, Second Reading
It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the Board Policies as
revised. It was moved (Ziel/Reece) to adopt the board policies as
presented. Trustee Cortez requested that policy 5110 be reconsidered,
specifically to find more appropriate language than “alien.” The motion
was amended (Reece/Ziel) to approve all policies except for 5110. The
motion carried.
9. Resolution 043-13: Recognition of Cabrillo Classified Employees
It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt Resolution #043-13 in
observance of Classified School Employee Week -- May 19 through May
25, 2013 -- to recognize the many contributions of the Cabrillo College
classified staff to Cabrillo’s students and educational community.
It was moved (Banks/Reece). The motion carried with the following roll
call vote:
Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Green
AYES: Banks, Cortez, Reece, Spencer and Ziel
NOES: None
ABSENT: Smith, True
10. Award of Bid: Building 600 Remodel Project
It is recommended that the Governing Board award the bid to the
qualified low bidder Dilbeck and Sons Inc., in the amount of $826,223.
It was moved (Banks/Reece) to award the bid as presented. The motion
H. Information Items: The following items are provided for Governing Board
1. Board Policy Revisions: Administrative Services, First Reading
Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board
review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting.
Minutes May 6, 2013
2. Board Policy Revisions: Student Services, First Reading
Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board
review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting.
3. Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, First Reading
Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board
review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting.
4. Board Policy Revisions: Instruction Office, First Reading
Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board
review and will return for action at the next Governing Board
5. Cash Flow Update—2012-13 Third Quarter
6. Accreditation Self-Evaluation
Rachel Mayo noted that over 100 people participated in the accreditation
self-study at Cabrillo and despite several staffing changes the progress has
stayed on schedule. Rory O’Brien and Rachel presented Cabrillo Mission
Statement posters to the board and noted the open forum in March. The
website has also been updated. Next steps are to approve the selfevaluation at the June 10, 2013 board meeting. Trustee Banks thanked
staff for the report. He spent 3 hours reviewing the self-evaluation and
the hard work that went into the report is clear.
7. Presidential Search Committee Report
Trustee Cortez shared comments from Trustee Smith that the search
committee is a dedicated group who interviewed candidates late into
Friday and Saturday evenings. Five candidates will be invited to half day
forums to be held on May 22 and 23, 2013. Gratitude was expressed to
all committee members and the La Selva Fire District for use of their
The following items are provided for Governing Board information. No staff
report is anticipated.
8. Facility Master Plan Update
9. Santa Cruz County College Commitment (S4C) Activity Report
10. ACCJC Annual Report
11. Annual Update on Student Learning Outcomes at Cabrillo
12. 2012-13 Graduation and Year-End Recognition Activities
13. Financial Reports
14. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar
15. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings
The Cabrillo College Governing board may discuss items to be placed on
the future board meeting agendas.
For ADA related meeting accommodations, contact the Executive Assistant to the President at (831) 479-6306
at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.