Meeting Minutes Cabrillo College Governing Board Monday, August 5, 2013 Cabrillo College Watsonville Center 318 Union Street Watsonville, California 95076 OPEN SESSION (Room C108) 1. Call to Order and Roll Call Vice Chair True called the meeting to order at 5:03 pm. TIME 5:03 pm The agenda was adopted. There were no public comments regarding closed session items. The meeting was adjourned to closed session at 5:30 pm. Present were Trustees Banks, Cortez, Reece, Smith, True and Ziel. Student Trustee Brown and Trustee Spencer were absent. CLOSED SESSION (Room C107) 1. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Victoria Lewis Employee Organization: CCEU 2. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Laurel Jones Employee Organization: Management and Confidential Employees OPEN SESSION (Room C108) 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Report Out of Closed Session: None. TIME 6:00 PAGE A. Consent Items 1. Minutes and Consent Agenda (these items are approved when the agenda is approved unless a Board member wishes to discuss) a. Minutes of June 10, 2013—page 6-10 b. Minutes of June 24, 2013—pages 11 It was moved and seconded (Smith/Ziel) to approve the consent agenda items, including the Minutes from June 10, 2013 and June 24, 2013. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Student Trustee Advisory Vote: None. AYES: Banks, Cortez, Reece, Smith, True and Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: Brown, Spencer ABSTAIN: None 2-52 TIME 6:05 Minutes August 5, 2013 PAGE TIME B. Introduction of Newly Appointed Faculty and Staff Vice President Welch introduced the new Dean of Health, Athletics, Wellness and Kinesiology, (HAWK) Ian Haslam. Dean Pfotenhauer introduced the new Director of Cabrillo Extension, Scott Johnson. Dean Weckler introduced Jennifer Vered, a new instructor in CABT. Vice President Bailey-Fougnier introduced Karen Reyes. Trustee True introduced President Jones to the Board and public. C. Oral Communications: Members of the audience may speak to non-agenda items (three minute time limit per speaker) City of Watsonville Mayor Lowell Hurst welcomed the new president, greeted the Board of Trustees and noted that the City of Watsonville is appreciative of the work of Cabrillo College. Marilyn Garrett spoke about the dangers of wireless radiation. Nancy Bilicich, Watsonville City Council, spoke about the Adult Education Program partnership with Cabrillo College. 6:10 D. Special Presentation: Game Programming as a Step into a Computer Science Career 6:16 Ed Parrish (faculty), Sean Callahan (student) and Brad Matias (student) presented how the Game Programming course developed during Mr. Parrish’s sabbatical engages college students in the study of computer science. E. Oral Reports 1. Board Members’ Reports a. Trustee Reece noted that Garret Clifford Nichols passed away on July 22, 2013 at the age of 85. He joined Cabrillo in 1975 as the Vice President of Business Affairs and held that position until he retired in 1988. He came out of retirement in 1990 to serve as Interim President of Cabrillo for one year. Cliff was devoted to Cabrillo College and our students, and was a great leader in guiding the College. His devotion for Cabrillo is evident in his hard work and efforts as Vice President, but also, the many years after in which he continued to stay involved through the Cabrillo College Foundation. He remained active, working on several projects, including the restoration of the Sesnon House after the earthquake, building the Robert E. Swenson Library, and most recently continuing to support Cabrillo. Cliff and Ruth, his wife of 63 years, are long-time members of the President's Circle. Cliff has left an imprint here at Cabrillo and his legacy will not be forgotten. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made in Cliff's name to the Cabrillo College Foundation. Services will be held at the Horticultural Building on the campus Saturday, August 10, 2013 at 2 p.m. b. Trustee Smith noted that he knew Cliff through the Foundation. 6:25 Minutes August 5, 2013 PAGE c. Trustee Cortez welcomed the community to Watsonville, thanked Mayor Hurst for his warm welcome, and noted the important partnership between the city and college. The potential for microentrepreneurs to succeed and do something for their families is wonderful. She noted the opening of the incubator last Monday and that seeing students, like Brad Matias, learning, applying what they learn and asking questions is what we are about--inspiring and motivating students. Let’s remember them in this moment. d. Trustee Banks noted that the Cabrillo Stage performances are stellar and that the set decorations are beyond anything in Los Angeles and New York. 2. Student Trustee’s Report: None. 3. Superintendent’s Report President Jones thanked the village who has helped her start in her job, to make sure that she is warmly welcomed, and to get her feet on the ground. It has been one of the easiest opportunities to meet and greet people. 4. Faculty Senate: Comments on issues of interest to the Faculty Senate: President Michael Mangin stated that he looks forward to an amazing year. There is an amazing sense of possibility with state funding looking a little bit better and an opportunity to make some good changes. 5. CCEU: Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo Classified Employees Union: President Alta Northcutt thanked the City of Watsonville Mayor for attending the meeting tonight and also welcomed president Jones. She noted that CCEU has an agreement on the table; negotiations were completed in a record two sessions and the environment has changed. There is a level of respect, a platform of building trust and the vice presidents, the deans, managers and staff helped to make it better. 6. CCFT: Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers: President Debora Bone noted that she feels like she is at a new institution and is excited to be working with so many new people. Debora acknowledged Paul Harvell for his leadership and will be calling on Paul for his budget expertise. She is also looking forward to an amazing year and full of real possibility and renewal and acknowledged the City of Watsonville partnership with Cabrillo, the Stroke Center and all the human care alliance support. Our students are very much beneficiaries of these networks. F. Action Items 1. Negotiated Agreement: 2013-15: CCEU-District It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the 2013-15 agreement between CCEU and the District. It was moved (Banks/Cortez) to approve the motion. The motion carried. 2. Award of Bid: Well Replacement Project It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to award the contract to the qualified bidder, Maggiora Bros. Drilling, Inc., in the amount of $228,470. It was moved (Reece/Ziel) to approve the project. Trustee Smith asked whether this bid is just for the well. Staff in attendance replied yes; the next phase will be to install the pump. The motion carried. TIME 6:50 59 61 Minutes August 5, 2013 PAGE 3. Resolution 047-13: CA Department of Education Children’s Center Grant 62 It is recommended that the Governing Board accept three grants totaling $401,115 from the California Department of Education, Agreements CSPP-3556, CCTR-3293, CFCC-3027, and approve Resolution 047-13. It is further recommended that the Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relation to these grant agreements on behalf of the college. It was moved (Cortez/Banks) to approve the resolution. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Student Trustee Advisory Vote: None. AYES: Banks, Cortez, Reece, Smith, True and Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: Brown, Spencer ABSTAIN: None 4. Administrative Management Job Description Update: Payroll Services Manager It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify the management job description for the Payroll Services Manager to be placed at Range J of the Administrative/Management 225-Day Salary Schedule. It was moved (Reece/Ziel) to ratify the job description. The motion carried. 5. Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, Second Reading It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the Board Policies as revised. It was moved (Smith/Banks) to vote on items 5-8 together. The motion carried. It was moved to adopt the Board Policies in items 5-8 as presented. The motion carried. 6. Board Policy Revisions: Student Services, Second Reading It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the Board Policies as revised. 7. Board Policy Revisions: Administrative Services, Second Reading It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the Board Policies as revised. 8. Board Policy Revisions: Instruction Office, Second Reading It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the Board Policies as revised. G. Information Items: The following items are provided for Governing Board information. 1. Board Policy Revisions: Administrative Services, First Reading Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. 2. Board Policy Revisions: Student Services, First Reading Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. 3. Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, First Reading Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. TIME 64 68 71 80 82 6:53 84 105 107 Minutes August 5, 2013 4. Board Policy Revisions: Instruction Office, First Reading Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. 5. 2013-14 Budget Planning Parameters Update Victoria noted that the business office is in the midst of closing the fiscal year. The planning parameters may be slightly different when they are presented for board action in September. Trustee True noted that the report is very clear. 6. Watsonville Center Annual Report Rachel noted Trustee Smith/Ziel asked whether there has been a change in enrollment due to the Green Technology Center opening. Director Rachel Mayo replied that not yet. At some point we are looking forward to a change. There is untapped potential in youth and those looking to develop a new career; we need to do outreach and build a program. The slight dip in enrollment is college-wide. The enrollment in Watsonville is up in online classes. The change is more dramatic in 2011-12. It will be interesting to follow that. Trustee Smith asked what is the outreach for the Solari Center? Other colleges, industry, contractors, general contractors, high schools. Which if any are productive? The board asked for a board item on how we are moving forward to use the Solari building. Trustee Ziel would like to see that for both centers. Trustee Cortez would like to echo how we could do that—please include her in the conversation. The following items were provided for Governing Board information. No staff report. 7. Facility Master Plan Update 8. Recently submitted grant applications—Career Education and Economic Development (CEED) 9. Cash Flow Update—2012-13 4th quarter 10. Financial Reports 11. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar 12. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings The Cabrillo College Governing board may discuss items to be placed on the future board meeting agendas. Update on Solari Green Technology Center outreach and planned use. H. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 7:01 p.m. PAGE 123 TIME 142 152 154 159 160 163 186 For ADA related meeting accommodations, contact the Executive Assistant to the President at (831) 479-6306 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.