AGENDA Cabrillo College Governing Board Monday, August 5, 2013 Cabrillo College Watsonville Center 318 Union Street Watsonville, California 95076 OPEN SESSION (Room C108) 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Adoption of Agenda 3. Public Comments Regarding closed Session Items (three minute time limit per speaker) 4. Announcement of Closed Session 5. Adjourn to Closed Session TIME 5:30 CLOSED SESSION (Room C107) 1. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Victoria Lewis Employee Organization: CCEU 2. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: Laurel Jones Employee Organization: Management and Confidential Employees OPEN SESSION (Room C108) 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Report Out of Closed Session TIME 6:00 PAGE A. Consent Items 1. Minutes and Consent Agenda (these items are approved when the agenda is approved unless a Board member wishes to discuss) a. Minutes of June 10, 2013—page 6-10 b. Minutes of June 24, 2013—pages 11 2. Register of Warrants It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify warrant numbers 19618-19656 for the amount of $4,917,472.69 3. Construction Change Orders It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify the construction change orders. 4. 2013-14 CTE Transitions Grant It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the grant from the Chancellor’s Office for $44,025. It is further recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relations to this agreement on behalf of the college. 5. United States Department of Agriculture Higher Education Challenge Grant It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the $75,000 grant from the Monterey Peninsula Foundation. It is further recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relations to this agreement on behalf of the college. 2-11 12 45 47 48 TIME 6:05 Agenda August 5, 2013 6. Career Ladders Project Grant: Cabrillo College Foster Youth Program (CL 212-13) It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the grant from the Career Ladders Project for $25,000. It is further recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Student Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relations to this agreement on behalf of the college. 7. Business and Entrepreneurship Center Grant It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the $300,000 grant from the California Community College’s Chancellor’s Office. It is further recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Student Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relations to this agreement on behalf of the college. 8. Monterey Peninsula Foundation Grant It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the $250,000 from the Monterey Peninsula Foundation. It is further recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relations to this agreement on behalf of the college. 9. Human Resources Management Report It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify and/or approve the human resources management report. B. Introduction of Newly Appointed Faculty and Staff PAGE 49 TIME 50 51 52 C. Oral Communications: Members of the audience may speak to non-agenda items (three minute time limit per speaker) 6:10 D. Special Presentation: Game Programming as a Step into a Computer Science Career Ed Parrish will present how the Game Programming course developed during his sabbatical engages college students in the study of computer science. 6:15 E. Oral Reports 1. Board Members’ Reports 2. Student Trustee’s Report 3. Superintendent’s Report 4. Faculty Senate: Comments on issues of interest to the Faculty Senate 5. CCEU: Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo Classified Employees Union 6. CCFT: Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers F. Action Items 1. Negotiated Agreement: 2013-15: CCEU-District It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the 2013-15 agreement between CCEU and the District. 2. Award of Bid: Well Replacement Project It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to award the contract to the qualified bidder, Maggiora Bros. Drilling, Inc., in the amount of $228,470. 6:25 6:50 59 61 Agenda August 5, 2013 PAGE 62 3. Resolution 047-13: CA Department of Education Children’s Center Grant It is recommended that the Governing Board accept three grants totaling $401,115 from the California Department of Education, Agreements CSPP-3556, CCTR-3293, CFCC-3027, and approve Resolution 047-13. It is further recommended that the Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements in relation to these grant agreements on behalf of the college. 64 4. Administrative Management Job Description Update: Payroll Services Manager It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify the management job description for the Payroll Services Manager to be placed at Range J of the Administrative/Management 225-Day Salary Schedule. 68 5. Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, Second Reading It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the Board Policies as revised. 71 6. Board Policy Revisions: Student Services, Second Reading It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the Board Policies as revised. 80 7. Board Policy Revisions: Administrative Services, Second Reading It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the Board Policies as revised. 82 8. Board Policy Revisions: Instruction Office, Second Reading It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the Board Policies as revised. G. Information Items: The following items are provided for Governing Board information. 84 1. Board Policy Revisions: Administrative Services, First Reading Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. 105 2. Board Policy Revisions: Student Services, First Reading Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. 107 3. Board Policy Revisions: Office of the President, First Reading Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. 123 4. Board Policy Revisions: Instruction Office, First Reading Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. 142 5. 2013-14 Budget Planning Parameters Update 6. Watsonville Center Annual Report 152 The following items are provided for Governing Board information. No staff report is anticipated. 7. Facility Master Plan Update 8. Recently Submitted Grant Applications—Career Education and Economic Development (CEED) 9. Cash Flow Update—2012-13 4th Quarter 154 159 160 TIME 7:00 Agenda August 5, 2013 10. Financial Reports 11. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar 12. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings The Cabrillo College Governing board may discuss items to be placed on the future board meeting agendas. H. ADJOURN 163 186 7:15 For ADA related meeting accommodations, contact the Executive Assistant to the President at (831) 479-6306 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.