Cabrillo College Governing Board

December 9, 2013 Minutes
Cabrillo College Governing Board
Monday, December 9, 2013
Cabrillo College Sesnon House
6500 Soquel Drive
Aptos, California 95003
Start time: 5:00 pm
OPEN SESSION (Pino Alto Room)
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Public Comments regarding closed session items
(three minute time limit per speaker)
4. Announcement of Closed Session
5. Adjourn to Closed Session
1. Discussion: Employee Evaluation, Dr. Laurel Jones, President.
[Subdivision (e) of Government Code 54954.5]
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Trustee Spencer called the meeting to order at 6:00. Present were:
Trustee Cortez, Trustee Smith, Trustee Banks, Trustee Spencer, Trustee
Ziel and Student Trustee Brown. Trustee True was absent. Trustee
Reece arrived late. The agenda was adopted (Ziel/Banks).
Trustee Cortez asked for a moment of silence to mourn the passing of
Nelson Mandela.
2. Report Out of Closed Session – No report out of closed session
A. Consent Items
1. Minutes and Consent Agenda (these items are approved when the agenda
is approved unless a Board member wishes to discuss)
a. Minutes of November 4, 2013
It was moved and seconded (Ziel/Banks) to approve the consent agenda
items, including the Minutes from November 4, 2013. The motion
carried with the following roll call vote:
Student Trustee Brown Advisory Vote: Aye
AYES: Smith, Spencer, Cortez, Banks & Ziel
NOES: None
ABSENT: True, Reece
2. Register of Warrants
It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify warrant numbers
22750-23559 for the amount of $3,394,799.24.
3. Construction Change Orders
There are no construction change orders for the December 9, 2013 board
December 9, 2013 Minutes
4. Budget Transfers by Resolution
It is recommended that the Governing Board approve Resolution
Numbers 053-13 through 059-13 for budget transfers 22122 through
It was moved and seconded (Ziel/Banks) to approve Resolution #s 05313 through 059-13. The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Brown.
AYES: Banks, Cortez, Smith, Reece, Spencer, Ziel
NOES: None
5. Quarterly Financial Status Report, CCFS 311Q
It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the report, CCFS
311Q Quarterly Financial Status Report, and order its inclusion on the
official minutes of the college.
6. Authorization to Dispose of Surplus Equipment
It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice
President, Administrative Services to dispose of the equipment listed as
surplus, according to Board Policy 4160.
7. Human Resources Management Report
It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify and/or approve the
human resources management report.
Introduction of Newly Appointed Faculty and Staff
 None
 Athletic Director Dale Murray introduced and congratulated each
player on the Women’s Volleyball team and their coach, Gabby
Houston-Neville. Their team was undefeated this season and is #1 in
the State. The team members introduced themselves to the Board and
let them know their future plans. Congratulations on a wonderful
Oral Communications: Members of the audience may speak to non-agenda
items (three minute time limit per speaker)
 None
Special Presentation:
VAPA Singing Spice!
Oral Reports
1. Board Members’ Reports
 Trustee Ziel reported out that she attended the California Community
College League conference in Burlingame in November. She attended a
session on Community colleges offering baccalaureate degrees which
was very interesting. And also a session on un-documented students that
she found interesting.
 Trustee Ziel and community member Mary Hammer took President Jones
on a tour through the San Lorenzo Valley. Of particular note, they
pointed out how long it takes students from the Boulder Creek area to
take public transportation to Cabrillo.
 Trustee Reece commented on Nelson Mandela’s passing and
December 9, 2013 Minutes
acknowledged the death of a great person.
Trustee Banks attended College & Career night and was thrilled at the
commitment and enthusiasm of all. He also was excited to serve at the
Watsonville Thanksgiving dinner.
Trustee Cortez also attended college career night and thanked all for their
effort and participation.
Trustee Cortez shared information about the Commercial Kitchen
Incubator Program in the Pajaro Valley. This is a food business
incubation program & shared-use commercial kitchen for caterers,
bakers, farmers or anyone interested in starting a food based business.
2. Student Trustee’s Report
 Honor society sponsored a staff appreciation dinner.
 The Thanksgiving dinners at both campuses were widely attended.
Thanked Board members for their help with this event, including
Trustees Banks and Spencer
 Student Senate hosted a playoff party for the volley ball team
 2nd harvest food drive is continuing. Considerable monetary donations
have been collected at farmers market.
 Student senate is on track to begin the cafeteria remodel in spring
3. Superintendent’s Report
 President Jones shared her December President’s newsletter
 She attended the California Community College League conference in
November; reported that Community Colleges associate degree for
transfer status summary update needs to be at 80% of their
total target achievement and Cabrillo is at 83% as of the November date.
Vice President Welch noted that they will soon be at 100%
 Thanked staff for their hard work and commitment with the Academic
Staffing and One Time Budget Allocation process
She personally thanked Faculty Senate President Mangin for leading the
work on integrating the counseling request into the hire process
4. Faculty Senate: Comments on issues of interest to the Faculty Senate
President Michael Mangin noted:
 Thankful to IT for new equipment; it is needed
 CCFT & senate have voted in favor of a non-smoking campus within two
 Faculty Senate has passed a resolution regarding ACCJC asking for a call
for collegiality within the Community Colleges in Calif. Tone &
communication is a concern
 Looking forward to Visioning Day in February; feels it is very important
for Cabrillo.
 Acknowledged VAPA staff especially with all the state changes that are
coming. Thanks to all for keeping everyone informed. Faculty are
concerned. Does the State feel that Lifelong learning is a less important
part of community colleges? Is this the intent of Governor?
 Excited about all the student success work being done. Faculty
consultation network happening.
 Shared Flex Week sessions: “Tasty Bites”, a mini conference; “FELI”,
Community as Classroom and “Learning Communities”, Active
Approaches to Teaching & Learning.
December 9, 2013 Minutes
5. CCEU: Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo Classified
Employees Union
President Alta Northcutt noted:
 Congrats to student athletes, especially the Women’s Volleyball Team
 In Memory of Brad Hill, Nelson Mandela, Mike Bellow and Monica
 Her term is ending at the end of this semester. She is thankful for the
opportunity to serve.
 Shared some highlights that happened during her term:
- Barnes & Noble bookstore
- Successful negotiations
- Great relationships with all groups
- Accreditation site visit
- Our president who is so committed to Cabrillo;
- Leadership of CCEU
- Thanks to the board for their support
6. CCFT: Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo College
Federation of Teachers
President Bone noted:
 Thankful to Trustee Spencer for her support as Board Chair.
 CCFT had a presentation from SF City College and their experience with
accreditation. Questions about ACCJC. Grateful that faculty senate has
passed a resolution against ACCJC. Asked the Board to join the voices
against shutting down SF City College.
 Shared that faculty are concerned about VAPA with the new regulations
regarding repeatability. Questioned whether other community colleges
are having similar problems in this area. Asked whether the regulation
could be revisited. Met with Bill Monning and partners within our
community; all are concerned.
F. Action Items
1. Board Organization Meeting
It is recommended that the Governing Board select officers and
representatives for 2014. It is also recommended that the Governing
Board adopt the proposed schedule of Governing Board meetings and
meeting locations for 2014.
It was moved and seconded (Reece/Banks) to appoint Trustee True as
Board Chair, Trustee Ziel as Vice Chair and Trustee Cortez as Clerk,
and Laurel Jones as Secretary. The 2014 Board calendar was also
2. 2013-2014 Board Goals
It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the attached 20132014 Board Goals as presented.
A motion was made (Reece/Cortez) to approve the 2013-2014 Board
The motion carried.
3. Award of Bid: Building 100 HVAC Improvements
It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice
President, Administrative Services to award the contract to the qualified
bidder, in the amount of $731,000.
December 9, 2013 Minutes
A motion was made (Banks/Ziel) to approve. The motion carried.
4. 2013-2014 One Time Budget Allocations to Program Planning
It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice
President, Administrative Services to allocate $300,000 from the
Operating Reserves for the attached one time expenditures.
A motion was made (Ziel/Reece) to approve the expenditures. The
motion carried.
5. Academic Staffing
It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the college to fill
the following three academic positions: Mathematics, Culinary Arts &
Hospitality Management, and Nursing effective fall 2014.
A motion was made (Banks/Ziel) to approve the instruction
recommendations. The motion carried.
6. Board Policy Revisions: Instruction Office, Second Reading
It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the Board Policies as
A motion was made (Reece/Ziel) to approve the Board policies as
presented. The motion carried.
7. Board Policy Switch to League Numbering System
It is recommended that the Governing Board receive the alignment plan.
A motion was made (Banks/Cortez) to approve the alignment plan as
presented. The motion carried.
8. 2013-14 Technology Refresh Computer Hardware Purchases
It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice
President, Administrative Services to allocate $218,728.00 from the
restricted, bond and carryover funds as appropriate.
A motion was made (Smith/Banks) to approve the purchases as
presented. The motion carried.
G. Information Items: The following items are provided for Governing Board
information. (Staff may be called upon to present)
1. Cabrillo College Fact Book, 2013
Terrence Willett presented the 2013 Fact Book.
Providing high quality data is the goal of the Fact Book. Creating the
Fact Book is a group effort from many areas of the college. With IT
support and the new SQL data warehouse, PRO will be able to update
data on a more regular basis with greater accuracy and consistency of
data and formatting. PRO will start reporting on new data points such as
veterans and former foster youth in the next reporting cycle. Tables on
students with multiple ethnicities and transfer data were shown as
examples of new pages for 2013.
Trustee Cortez asked if ethnicity is self-reported. Is Oaxacan missing as a
choice? Willett replied that ethnicity is self-reported and that categories
are census based in CCC Apply and Oaxacan is not a level of detail
available. Cortez asks about Watsonville center numbers: Gender females; what is the graduation ratio? Are they staying in the sciences?
Pro is creating a student profile for the February visioning session in
addition to automated reporting tools such as SOFIA.
Trustee Spencer had questions about Distance learning, data shows units
attempted. Were they completed? Willett explained that page does not
address completion but that it was addressed in the distance education
report provided earlier this semester. Notes that the fact book has much
December 9, 2013 Minutes
data but doesn’t have everything. Fact book pages are demand driven and
feedback from users is helpful.
Trustee Spencer feels that having completion not a part of the distance
education fact book page is incomplete.
Willett replied his office can either add completion in or have another
page to address completion of units in distance education.
Trustee Spencer saw that financial aid has increased dramatically.
Tama Bolton replied that financial aid has been busy with the increase in
Trustee Reece was surprised to see library how has adapted and become a
functioning unit with an increase in users. G. Romero replied that this is
the first time library data has appeared in fact book and is in response to
his request for a page. Library is very busy.
Trustee Reece noted that the age 51-65 of faculty is fairly stable and
suggests we should be prepared for a wave of retirements in the future.
2. Repeatability Legislation and Non-Credit Information
VP Welch thanked all for the opportunity to share info with everyone.
Student success hasn’t been discussed by the legislators in many years.
Where should we focus our resources? We need to do a better job
educating the community.
There was a robust discussion on this topic.
Any class that is successfully completed can only be taken once. Three
exceptions; athletics, performances, vocational competition. If skills
need to be developed; classes can be added: level one, two, etc.
Create community arts info center. 1: Talent, 2: facilities; 3; Cabrillo
extension; fee supported, not for credit classes.
Discussion regarding aligning extension and arts to serve community.
Trustee Reece commented that ensembles are loved by all. Do we have
data that show what the composition is for students? What is the mix of
credit & non-credit? There are more non-credit. Trustee Reece asked
what about the cost of operating a program and what would participants
pay. The cost would be approx. $200-$400 per person per semester.
Trustee Spencer commented that we need to fight to keep our ensembles;
people are not worried about the cost, but worried about not having the
faculty. Need to solve this problem.
The following items are provided for Governing Board information.
No staff report is anticipated.
3. VAPA Report
4. Facility Master Plan Update
5. Quarterly Investment Report (9/13)
6. Financial Reports
7. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar
8. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings
 None
The Cabrillo College Governing board may discuss items to be placed on
the future board meeting agendas.
December 9, 2013 Minutes
At the conclusion of the regular session of the Cabrillo College Governing
Board, a special meeting of the Cabrillo College Financing Corporation will
I. Action Item
1. Public Meeting of the Cabrillo College Financing Corporation
At this time, the regular meeting of the Governing Board will adjourn,
and the board will reconvene as the Cabrillo College Financing
Corporation to Conduct Business.
Vice President Lewis reported that the college pursued financing to help
with the STEM project. The college began repaying the loan and it will
be fully repaid in 2016
Motion (Cortez/Banks) to approve the Cabrillo College Financing
Corporation Report.
The motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40pm
For ADA related meeting accommodations, contact the Executive Assistant to the President at (831) 479-6306
at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.