Causes of Violence in our Community Research Project Michael Guerra, Marco Gutierrez, Carmen Rosas, German Soto, Brian Thomas Presentation Outline o Executive Summary o Carmen Rosas & Michael Guerra o Needs Analysis o Michael Guerra, Marco Gutierrez, Brian Thomas o Solution Description o German Soto o Solution Criteria o Carmen Rosas o Solution Choice o Carmen Rosas Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 2 1 Executive Summary Carmen Rosas & Michael Guerra Project Goal o To collect information and data about: o Citizen’s concerns and issues about violence in our community o To create a presentation that will address: o The causes of violence in our community Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 4 2 Research Questions o What do people in Watsonville see as the cause of violence in our community? o How are the people of Watsonville aware of violence in our community? o What can we do to decrease violence in our community? Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 5 Data Collection ¾ Surveyed 150 people ¾ 62% Male & 38% Female ¾ 72% Latino, 21% Caucasian ¾ 40% Spanish is primary language ¾ 49% 16-20 years old; 25% 31+; 16% 21-25 years old ¾ Schooling: ¾33% some high school; ¾20% high school diploma; 31% some college; 8% college diploma ¾65% were currently in school Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 6 3 Data Collection ¾ Surveys distributed to and collected from: ¾ Public Library on Union Street & Freedom Blvd. ¾ Schools: Watsonville Community High School; Cabrillo College Aptos Campus & Watsonville Center ¾ Shopping malls: ¾Capitola Mall; Starbucks in Watsonville ¾ City of Watsonville: Police Department & Fire Department ¾ Military Recruiting office in Capitola ¾ Family members of cohort ¾ Second Harvest Food Bank Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 7 Causes to Violence Understanding the Need / Problem Michael Guerra, Marco Gutierrez, Brian Thomas 4 Background of Respondents o Gang Background: o Have friends that are gang members 35% o Family member of someone in a gang 24% o Work with gang or ex-gang members 9% o Ex-gang member 5% o Gang member 4% Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 9 Background of Respondents o Drug Background: o Have friends that are drug users 45% o Never done drugs 39% o Family member of a drug user 23% o Ex-drug user 22% o Drug user 9% Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 10 5 Background of Respondents oAlcohol Background: oFamily member of an alcoholic 34% oNever drink 23% oFrequent user of alcohol 19% oEx-alcoholic 9% Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 11 Who is in Need? o Middle and High School students o Students that drop out of school o Parents o Low income families o Neighborhoods o Everybody in our community! Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 12 6 Where do we find these people? All over Santa Cruz County o Downtown o Outside Shopping Centers o In parks o In neighborhoods o In schools Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 13 What are the Needs? o Early education about what may lead to violence in our community: o o o o o joining a gang using drugs not controlling your anger not know what to do in a violent situation lack of self-esteem and confidence o Parents becoming more involved in the lives of their children o Better relationship between communities and their police officers o Getting high paying job since poverty increases violence o Both parents have to work and deal with financial stress o Kids drop out to help bring in money to the family Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 14 7 How do you know it is a need? o People believe that violence is increasing in their community o 73% of the people responded that it is o 41% of respondents indicated that they have been personally affected by violence in our community o Gangs and drugs were first and second when people were asked what the primary source of violence is o 75% said gangs were a primary cause of violence o 69% said drugs were a primary cause of violence o 48% said alcohol were a primary cause of violence Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 15 How do you know it is a need? o Both parents have to work and their children are not attended to o51% said both parents work o There are many people that believe that police increase violence in their communities o45% said police increase the violence Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 16 8 Why do these needs occur? o Both parents have to work to support their families, making it more likely that children are left unattended o There seems to be an increasing trend of gang and drug activity in the Santa Cruz county that is very visible to people o People have had bad experiences with police officers Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 17 When are the Needs Evident? o When young people are involved in outbreaks of violence o When our youth are joining gangs and using drugs o When families cannot support themselves Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 18 9 What are the causes of violence in our community? 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% Causes Violence 30% 20% 10% 0% Gangs Drugs Spring 2006 Semester Alcohol Youth Digital Bridge Academy 19 Reasons youth don’t trust the police 30% 28% 25% 24% 23% Treat people like animals Physical harassment 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Stereotyping Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 20 10 Both Parents Employed / Stay at Home Mother 57% 60% 50% 49% 51% 42% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% No Spring 2006 Semester Yes Yes No Digital Bridge Academy 21 What are the consequences of meeting these needs? o Violence will decrease in our community o Parents would better understand their children and become a bigger part of their lives o Communities can learn to trust the police and create a feeling of respect for everyone Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 22 11 What are the consequences of not meeting this need? o Violence in our communities will increase or stay the same o Parents and children will be possible victims of violence o Police officers and community members will not be able to communicate with each other Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 23 Causes of Violence - Core Needs o Citizens are concerned about the increase in violence in our community o Citizens in our community have experienced violence o Parents need to be more involved in their children’s lives o Children need after school assistance since many have parents who both work o Police have been helpful and have exacerbated the problem of violence Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 24 12 The Solution Statement Michael Guerra, Marco Gutierrez, Carmen Rosas, German Soto, Brian Thomas Three recommended solutions 1. Workshops to help parents and children 2. After school programs and activities for students 3. Community forum with the Police Department Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 26 13 Solution 1: Workshops to Help Parents and Children o Parents need to socialize and communicate effectively with their children o Children and parents need to respect each other o Children need help from parents with school work o Provide workshops at local schools to: o Develop effective communication within families – Support parents in helping their children with school work – Show the importance of parental involvement in school: – attend open house, parent/teacher meetings, attend their child’s events – Help parents determine the kind of activities their children are interested in and plan time with them: o Camping or fishing or both, play sports with them, theme parks, theater, picnics Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 27 Solution 2: After School Programs • Purpose of the programs are to: • Help students with their homework • Explore future options – higher education, careers, leadership • Develop key life skills: focusing your will, working in teams, planning, time management, and business • Help discuss issues that are affecting their lives – making education relevant to them: personal problems, family issues, drugs, gangs, violence • Channel energy of teens positively – sports, martial arts, performing arts, other arts, wilderness hikes, field trips • Programs located at local schools with age appropriate activities Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 28 14 Solution 3: Forums with Police Establish forums for citizens and police to communicate about violence in our community o Bridge the gap between the police and the community. o Ability for the public to ask questions o Address issues that may be lingering o Make our community stronger o Get input from different neighborhoods Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 29 Selection Criteria 1. Availability of participants 2. Funds needed 3. How easy to organize 4. Effort required to implement the solution 5. People needed to organize 6. Interest of institutional leaders 7. Need for mentors Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 30 15 Criteria Table 1. Availability of participants. 2. Funds needed. Workshops to help parents and children After School Programs and Activities. Forum with the Police Department. XX XXX XXX X X XXX X X XXX 3. How easy to organize Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 31 Criteria Table Workshops to help parents and children After School Programs and Activities. 4. Effort required X X XXX 5. People needed to organize X X XX 6. Interest of leaders XXX XXX XX Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy Forum with the Police Department. 32 16 Criteria Table Forum with the Police Department. Workshops to help parents and children After School Programs and Activities. 7. Mentors XX XXX X Total 11 13 17 Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 33 Chosen Solution: After School Programs o The after school programs provide the teens with things to do in their spare time o Help them with their school work and improve their grades o Playing sports and building their confidence o Providing strategies of how to talk to parents or vice versa about any of their concerns o Prevent them from o Joining a gang o Being tempted with drugs & alcohol Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 34 17 Goal À To decrease the violence in our community by: providing after-school programs to positively channel the energy of our youth Help students with their homework Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 35 Objectives À Obtaining support from local school officials À Raising funds to create after school programs À Implementing the program Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 36 18 Outcomes À Decrease the violence in our community À Improve communication within families À Provide positive role models for our youth À Increase self-esteem and confidence in our youth Increase the number of high-school graduates Increase the number of students who attend and graduate from college Spring 2006 Semester Digital Bridge Academy 37 19