Research on Terrorism Terrorism Team Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 1 Terrorism Presentation Outline Executive Summary Needs Analysis Solution Description Solution Criteria Solution Choice Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 2 1 Team Members Juan Diego Kyle Alex Rudy Felipe Josh Memo Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 3 Executive Summary Juan Diego Alvarez & Kyle Mather Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 4 2 Project Goal To educate people about terrorism. Make people aware of the situations that are going on in the world. Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 5 Research Questions What are the residents of Santa Cruz County perceptions about terrorism? What will end terrorism? Why is terrorism happening? What are the conditions in the world that are creating terrorism? What is the purpose? How can we ameliorate the problem of terrorism? How does terrorism affect us and why should we be concerned? What are the consequences of taking a stand versus not taking a stand? Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 6 3 Responsibilities Team Team Team Team Team Team Team Leader – Juan Diego Alvarez Leader – Kyle Mather Member – Alex Fernandez Member – Rudy Corpus Member – Felipe Sayas Member – Guillermo Ceja Member – Josh Sullivan Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 7 Data Collection ¾ Surveyed 141 people ¾ Surveys distributed to and collected from: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Downtown Santa Cruz Cabrillo College Aptos/Watsonville Campuses Downtown Watsonville AVCI School Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 8 4 The Need: Terrorism By Juan Diego Alvarez, Alex Fernandez, Rudy Corpus Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 9 Background Surveyed 141 people 55 % - Males 45 % - Females 45 % Hispanic 43 % White 3 % Asian 2 % African-American 7 % Other Ethnicity groups 65 % were attending school 65 % Didn’t live with parents 76% English speaking people Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 10 5 Background Interviewed 7 people from: Armed Forces of the United States 4- U.S. Marine 3- U.S. Soldiers Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 11 What is the need? (1) People need to understand the correlation between voting and policy change Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 12 6 Are you a U.S. citizen? Yes — 83% No — 17% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 13 The voting results of people we surveyed? 100% 80% 60% 40% 48% 52% Voted Didn't Vote 20% 0% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 14 7 What is the need? (2) People need to be educated and informed about the laws and policies that are passed (i.e. Patriot Act), and they need to understand how it will effect them Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 15 Do you know what the Patriot Act is? 60% 50% 40% 60% 30% 20% 40% Yes No 10% 0% Know what it is Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 16 8 If yes, does it protect or get rid of our freedoms? Protects No Freedoms 12% Didn't Answer/Know 39% Protects Some Freedoms 23% Protects all Freedoms 26% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 17 Do you believe that Terrorism affects you? Yes — 69% No — 16% Maybe — 15% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 18 9 What is the need? (3) That people are being affected by Terrorism Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 19 Results from the surveys show? Does Terrorism Affect You? 69% 16% 15% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 Yes No Maybe 20 10 How do you feel about Terrorism Concerned — 66% Not concerned — 18% Not sure — 15% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 21 Are you concerned that you or people you care about may be harmed by terrorism in the future? Yes — 62% No — 27% I don’t care — 5% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 22 11 What is the need? (4) The safety and freedom of our Nation Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 23 How important to you is the safety of our nation? Very important — 91% Not very important — 7% I don’t care — 1% Did not answer — 1% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 24 12 Are you concerned that your freedoms may be taken away to protect you? Yes — 71% No — 20% I don’t care — 9% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 25 How important to you is your freedom? Very important — 96% Not very important — 1% I don’t care — 1% Did not answer — 2% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 26 13 Do you believe that we should compromise our freedom for a gain in safety? Yes — 31% No — 45% I don’t know — 21% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 27 Do you think that compromising our freedoms will make us safer? Yes — 30% No — 49% I don’t know — 19% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 28 14 What does Terrorism Mean to you? Violent acts Manipulation Threat the U.S Attacking the U.S Power Fear for peoples lives Specific targets Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 29 How important is it for the war on terror to be seen by the world as an effort of many countries working together, not just a U.S. effort? Very important — 61% Not very important — 11% It doesn’t matter — 12% I don’t know — 13% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 30 15 Should we be at war to stop Terrorism? Yes — 32% No — 48% I don’t know — 12% Did not answer — 8% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 31 If so, how does terrorism affect you Affect you personally: Pay taxes to fight it Restricted freedoms My family Affect you indirectly: Safety of our nation The economy Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 32 16 Do you believe that the terrorism issue is being handled correctly? Yes — 12% No — 61% I don’t know — 13% There is no correct answer — 11% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 33 What is the need? (5) Understanding the root cause of terrorism so that it can be prevented in the future? Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 34 17 Do you believe terrorism is caused by world conditions? Yes — 71% No — 16% I don’t know — 11% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 35 If so, what conditions would you say are the main cause? (check all that apply) Economic issues — 56% Cultural Differences — 40% Religious differences — 38% Territorial disputes — 36% A lack of power/significance in the world — 30% Other — 13% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 36 18 What do Terrorists want? Justice Equal rights Respect Freedom Power Attention Control The U.S to fail Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 37 Historically, has terrorism been practiced by countries? Yes — 68% No — 27% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 38 19 If yes, what are some examples? Iraq/Iran Twin Towers Israel/Palestine/Ireland Colombia Tortures Germany Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 39 In essence, would you say that Terrorism is a cause of other issues or an effect of some other cause? Cause — 7% Effect — 9% Both — 53% Neither — 4% I have no idea — 22% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 40 20 Do you think Terrorism is only a middle-eastern problem? Yes — 7% No — 81% I don’t know — 9% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 41 Do you believe that terrorism is widespread in our world? Yes — 68% No — 15% I don’t know — 15% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 42 21 Does terrorism increase social injustice? Yes — 60% No — 19% I don’t know — 21% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 43 Does social injustice increase terrorism? Yes — 62% No — 11% I don’t know — 26% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 44 22 What do you think will end Terrorism? Addressing the cause War Peace Justice Freedom Nuclear bomb Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 45 What is the best way to deal with terrorism? Diplomacy — 45% Economic aid — 32% Military Might — 18% Other — 20% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 46 23 Is terrorism wrong or merely a cry for justice? Wrong — 43% A cry for justice — 13% Both — 33% Neither — 9% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 47 Can we take a stand against terrorism as a nation? Yes — 77% No — 9% I don’t know — 13% Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 48 24 When is the need evident? When people are oblivious or apathetic to changes at home that effect the freedoms that they exercise everyday When people expect change but refuse to exercise their right to vote, thereby making their voice unheard Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 49 Why do these needs occur? They occur because people are not actively invested in their government. They occur because people are not well informed on foreign events and U.S. policy. Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 50 25 What are the consequences of meeting the need? If people are more educated and care about dealing with the issue of terrorism then they will vote and find ways to take a stand for their beliefs. Our citizens will be more involved and be able to step up against this problem of terrorism. People will know what terrorism is and be aware of what is going on in the world. Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 51 Consequences of not meeting the need. Citizens will continue to be upset at the way our government is handling things, and nothing will change because people are uneducated on the policies as well as the actions which launch them. Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 52 26 What are the core needs? Conclusion statement 1 Conclusion statement 2 Conclusion statement X Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 53 The Solution Team Mate names Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 54 27 Terrorism: Three Solutions 1. Political Involvement 2. Political Education 3. Creating Awareness Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 55 Political Involvement Voting Writing letters to congressmen Become a politician Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 56 28 Political Education Teach current events in high school and middle school Educate people on bills and acts that are proposed Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 57 Creating Awareness Television Radio Movies Internet Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 58 29 Criteria for Selecting Solution 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Cost Amount of time needed to implement Duration of time expected for result to be reached Sustainability Scope Practicality Effectiveness (likely-hood of success) Number of people affected Amount of support that will be needed and received Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 59 Criteria Table Political Involvement Political Education Creating Awareness 1. Cost XXX X XX 2. Amount of time needed to implement XXX X XX 3. Duration of time expected for result to be reached XX X XXX Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 60 30 Criteria Table Political Involvement Political Education Creating Awareness 4. Sustainability XX X XXX 5. Scope XX X XXX 6. Practicality XXX X XX Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 61 Criteria Table Political Involvement Political Education Creating Awareness X XXX XX 7. Effectiveness 8. Number of People that will be affected XXX XX X 9. Amount of support that will be needed and received XX XXX X Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 62 31 Chosen Solution Creating Awareness Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 63 Description of Creating Awareness If we can create awareness in the populace, then we believe that the other solutions will also be implemented, for example, if we create awareness then people will desire to both become involved, and get educated. Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 64 32 Goals of Solution ¾ To create an awareness and understanding of foreign and political issues that are affecting all of us. Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 65 Solution Outcomes ¾ People will have an understanding and awareness of important issues ¾ People will be motivated to increase their education of the issue ¾ People will want to get involved and have their voices heard Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 66 33 Solution Objectives ¾ Objective 1: Find a Champion ¾ Objective 2: Develop plan of action ¾ Objective 3: Execute Plan of Action Digital Bridge Academy - Fall 2006 67 34