IMMIGRATION GUADALUPE MENDEZ ROGELIO MAGANA ARMANDO RENTERIA JORGE LOPEZ LAURA ZAMORA Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 1 “FREEDOM AND JUSTICE FOR ALL” Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 2 Who did we survey? • • • Total Number of Surveys: 179 Number of Spanish Surveys: 29 Age Range: – 4% under 15 years old – 53% between 15-20 years old – 21% between 21-25 years old – 11 % between 26- 30 years old – 17% between 31+ Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 3 Who did we survey? • Gender: – 60% women and 40% men • Ethnicity: – 76% Latino – 15% White – 2% Asian – 5% African - American – 2% Other Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 4 Background • Do you have children? – – – – 9 % 1 Child 22 % 2-3 Children 4 % 4-6 Children 2 % 7+ Children • How many people live in your home? – – – – – 10% 1-2 39% 3-4 42% 5-7 7 % 8-10 1% 11+ • 81% US Citizens • 35% voted in the last election Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 5 UNDERSTANDINGS Laura Zamora Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 6 Mission statement • “We will research the impact of immigration on our community, and we will focus on the effects and how the immigrants seem to be affected.” Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 7 Understanding the Issues 85% of the people surveyed believed immigrants should be eligible for financial aid, however under the terms of the Illegal Immigration Reform Act unauthorized aliens who, as children, were brought to live in the United States were allowed to attend school through high School, but are not allowed to work or attend college. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 8 Understanding The Dream Act Multiple bills have been introduced in Congress to address the issues of the unauthorized high school student population to become U.S. legal permanent residents though an immigration procedure known as “Cancellation of removal” The bills are commonly referred to as the Dream Act. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 9 Findings • • • 84% believe the U.S. was built on immigration. Only 34% see immigrants as criminals. 93% believe U.S. Immigration should not be allowed to separate families • Dream Act: – 35% surveyed support the act – 11% do not support the act – 54% are not sure or did not respond to the question Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 10 NEEDS Rogelio Magana Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 11 Who is in Need? • Students who live in the community but are not eligible for financial aid. • The parents and guardians of these students, people that do the hard work with minimum pay and no benefits. • People that lack understanding about the U.S. Government rules and regulations. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 12 WHAT ARE THE NEEDS • • • • Insurance. Student medical coverage. Financial aid for working students. Opportunities: in schools, in their jobs, in their lives to improve their living conditions. • A better image. • To be better informed about local and Federal opportunities. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 13 Why do these needs occur? • Due to the limited amount of money many immigrant students cannot afford to get a higher education. • While the United States was built on immigration, many immigrants lack any form of representation. • As a consequence of not being legal in the country, many immigrants are deported without fare representation. • People make assumptions about immigrants without understanding the facts. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 14 When are the Needs Evident? • When students break the law to make money because they did not have enough resources to continue school. • At the time when many families have to live together under one roof. • When the immigrants are stereotyped by other people who categorize them as criminals. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 15 HOW DO YOU KNOW IT IS A NEED? • It is important to have an education. • We know because there are many people who cannot afford to own or rent a home, and they are forced to live with other families under one roof. • Benefits are also a necessity for the reason that a huge number of families don’t have insurance, and they can’t afford to go to the doctor. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 16 MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE NEEDS Jorge Lopez Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 17 How do we know it is a need? • Question: If given the opportunity, which of the recommendations would you make to the government? – 40% allow all immigrants who don’t have a criminal record to become legal residents. – 26% have a program that lets immigrants work in the U.S but not become permanent citizens. – 9% evict all illegal immigrants. – 6% a new family with children should remain in the country but evict those without resident children. – 19% other. • We believe the survey data indicates people feel immigrants without legal documentation need an opportunity including the opportunity to educate themselves. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 18 What are the consequences of not meeting these needs? • The population will increase and there will be more crowded homes. • More undocumented people will come into this country without work visas. • Children will grow up believing that immigrants do more to hurt our economy rather than help. • Our agricultural economy will decrease and prices of fruits and vegetables will increase. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 19 Where do we find these people? • In the community. • Local schools. • Every city in California and the entire country. • Juvenile halls. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 20 STEREOTYPES • Inform the community about immigrants so people won’t make generalizations. • Educate the immigrants on their influence in our country. • Educate our children on the importance of immigrants being here. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 21 SOLUTIONS ARMANDO RENTERIA Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 22 STUDENT SOLUTIONS • Provide information about jobs that do not require residency. • Inform students of other ways to receive money such as scholarships. • Inform students about AB 540. • Inform students and people about the Dream Act. • Educate others on the beauty in other cultures. • Create more opportunities for immigrants to have in the workforce. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 23 Solutions for the community • • Inform the community about immigrants. Have courses in schools that educate children about immigrants. • Have seminars for uneducated adults. • Create jobs for underprivileged individuals. • Create a more reasonable requirement for work visas. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 24 Criteria for Selecting Final Solution • • • • • • Reinforces good communication. Stops stereotypes. Take the time to educate people. Use taxes to create jobs. Creates a way to document the immigrants. Revise the standards for a work visa. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 25 CRITERIA TABLE SOLUTIONS INFORM THE SEMINARS CREATE JOBS COMMUNITY COMMUNITY X X MONEY XXX TIME X XX XX X Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College X X 26 We recommend the following solutions • The U.S. government to approve the Dream Act. • Use taxes to create more jobs. • Create a more reasonable requirement for work visas. • Educate others on the beauty in other cultures. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 27 Mensaje En Espanol Guadalupe Mendez Laura Zamora Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 28 Las Nececidades de la Comunidad • • • • Aseguransas. Covertura medical para estudiantes. Ayuda financiera para estudiantes. Oportunidades en: escuelas, trabajos, y mas posibilidades de mejorar la vida de el inmigrante • Una imajen positiva. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 29 Como Sabemos que es una Necesidad? • Es importante tener una educacion. • Sabemos que a muchas personas no les es posible rentar una casa. • Un sin numero de individuos carece de aseguranza y esto los obliga a no asistir al doctor. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 30 Posibles Soluciones • El govierno estadounidence deveria aprovar el Acto de Sueno. • Usar los impuestos para crear mas trabajos. • Crear requisitos mas rasonables para poder obtener visas de trabajo. • Educar a los demas sobre la belleza de otras culturas. Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 31 INFORMATION • WATSONVILLE BROWN BERETS • LA MANZANA COMMUNITY RESOURCES 521 Main Street Suite Y Watsonville, CA 95076 (831) 724-2997 • Santa Cruz County Sheriff Department (831) 471-1121 SHERIFF@SCSHERIFF.COM • Patricia Poston of DobaDoza Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 32 Fall 2007 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy-Cabrillo College 33