Medical Marijuana Team members Joshua Chioino Ilhame Khabar Dennis Braccini Patricia Espinoza Alberto Perez P1000273 - Shortcut.lnk Outline •Mission Statement •Facts •Demographics •Needs Analysis •Solutions Analysis •Resources Mission Statement Our mission is to collect information about medical marijuana in Santa Cruz County; to create a presentation on the problem to present to our community; and to recommend a solution to the needs we found on our research. Facts On November 5, 1996, California voters passed Proposition 215 which is known as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. This proposition provides "...that seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes where the medical use is deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a physician who has determined that the person's health would benefit from the use of marijuana..." . It further provides "...that patients and their primary caregivers who obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes upon the recommendation of a physician are not subject to criminal prosecution or sanction. By Gary L. Lacy Demographics Out of 125 surveys Ethnicity: Male Female _ 64% 36% Latino 24% White 39% Asian 3% African 9% Other 9% We surveyed people between the ages of Age range: Under 15 years old Between 15-20 years old Between 21-25 years old Between 26-30 years old Over 30 years old 1% 34% 16% 13% 20% Survey Location Santa Cruz Downtown Santa Cruz Capitola Watsonville Cabrillo College U.C.S.C. Campus Primary Language English 64% Spanish 15% Bilingual 3% Other 1% Needs Analysis 1. Patients Who suffer from health conditions that may be treated by medical marijuana. Local Santa Cruz mastectomy survivor and a medical card holder 28% of our respondents stated they have used medical marijuana for the following Health Conditions Chronic Pain (28 %) Mental Conditions (25%) Other (5%) No Answer (42%) DCC 8 át|w |à ãtá Åxw|vtÄÄç uxÇxy|v|tÄ 50 % of our respondents stated that someone they know has used medical marijuana for the following DCC 8 át|w |à ãtá Åxw|vtÄÄç uxÇxy|v|tÄ 2. Public Who lack awareness about medical benefits of marijuana 35% believe medical marijuana is not medically beneficial Fact statement Marijuana contains an chemical called beta- caryophyllene. Jürg Gertsch, of ETH Zürich, and his collaborators from three other universities learned that the natural molecule can activate a protein called cannabinoid receptor type 2. When that biological button is pushed, it soothes the immune system, increases bone mass, and blocks pain signals -without causing euphoria or interfering with the central nervous system. 15% believe medical marijuana has harmful effects Brain damage 20% Lung damage 28% Long term addiction Other 2% 60% Solutions Analysis Seminars to increase knowledge of medical marijuana To provide more knowledge and alternative ways of ingesting medical marijuana. Seminars About health and wellness services About costs of prohibition or law enforcement About depriving revenue About myths and adverse effects Public Support Out of the people who took our surveys 95% of those who voted on prop 215, voted yes. 96% respondents believe medical marijuana patients should not be prosecuted under federal law 65% believe its medically beneficial Resources Medicann (1-866-632-6627) WAMM (Wo/Men’s Alliance for medical marijuana) (831)425-0580 Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency (831) 454-3431 NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) (707) 467-1380 On a last note we would like to thank Sadie Reynolds for being so patient and for taking extra time to help us with this project. Also we would like to thank all of the staff members of the DBA for this semester. And everyone here for coming thank you…