Career Needs Proposal Team Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 1 Executive Summary Presented By: Alejandra Sanchez Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 2 Team Members Alejandra Sanchez Lily Fernandez Jason Zuniga Tony Cortez Andrew Martinez Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 3 Work Plan A brief description of the goal and its objectives. Accompanied by a matrix chart that includes a series of tasks/activities to meet objectives Includes outcomes, completion dates, and people responsible for completing tasks. Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 4 Goal Produce a proposal defining a student support service on a Career Need of Academy students. Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 5 Step#1Team Work Plan Activities *Meet w/team to list checkpoints & milestones *List activities to be completed *Assign sections of the proposal to teammates Outcomes *Direction of where we are headed *Completed chart with events & due dates *Knowledge of teammates roles Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 6 Step#2 Develop Questions Activities *Generate Faculty Interview and Survey questions Outcomes *Faculty and Survey questions ready *Generate questions to analyze the Group Process & Proposal Evaluation *Group Process & Proposal Evaluation questions ready Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 7 Step#3 Interviews & Survey Collection Activities *Interview Faculty members: Diego, Sue, & Marcy Outcomes *Data Collection *Hand out Student Surveys Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 8 Step#4 Understanding the Need Activities *Collect & analyze data obtained Outcomes *Determine students Career Needs *Develop a PowerPoint Slide presentation Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 9 Step#5 Solution Activities *Brainstorm list of solutions Outcomes *List of possible solutions *Develop Criteria to help select solution *Chosen Solution (viable, practical, sustainable) *Select the best Solution Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 10 Step#6 Team & Proposal Process Imp. Activities *Checkpoint see were team is headed Outcomes *Find out how well *Team surveys team & proposal worked make some adjustments *Data Collection **Slides *Visual Draft Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 11 Step#7 Action Plan Activities *Come up with objectives and tasks/activities to enact Solution *Create a detailed matrix chart Outcomes *Plan to enact Solution *Step by Step process of the Solution Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 12 Step#8 Proposal Paper/ Presentation Activities *Incorporate all 6 sections of the proposal (written form) Outcomes *Final Proposal Project info. ready to be put into slide form *Create a PowerPoint slide Presentation *Prepared PowerPoint Presentation Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 13 Responsibilities Alejandra ~ Team Leader & Executive Summary Jason ~ Need Statement Tony ~ Solution Statement Andrew ~ Action Plan Lily ~ Team Process Improvement Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 14 Completion Dates Tasks Draft Final Work Plan Interview & Survey Q’s Faculty Interviews Oct. 31st Nov. 6th Nov. 4th Nov. 11th Need Statement Solution Statement Nov. 13th Nov. 20th Process Improvement Nov. 20th Action Plan ? Proposal Slides Dec. 6th Proposal Dec. 9th Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy Presentation Nov.11th & 13th Nov. 18th Nov. 25th Nov. 25th ? Dec. 9th Dec 9th Dec.17th 15 CAREER NEEDS By Jason Zuniga Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 16 Who Is In Need? Students in the Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 17 What Career Needs Are Not Being Met? 20% Career Guidance 3% Counseling Financial Other 47% 30% Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 18 Why Do the Needs Occur? Students are undecided or insecure Not having plans for careers Students don’t have one on one counseling Students don’t have enough services Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 19 What’s the Evidence? 20% 3% Career Guidance counseling Financial Other 30% 47% Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 20 Are You Currently Receiving Any Career Guidance? 20% no yes 80% Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 21 Outcome If Needs Aren’t Met No clear direction Lack of motivation Going out to working environment unprepared Students lack career guidance Students would have a career they don’t like Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 22 How Are The Needs Linked To Student Success? Students have knowledge for working world Student has motivation for his or her career New opportunities will arise when needs are meet Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 23 Proposal Solution Statement By: Tony Cortez Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 24 Criteria Time scheduling: Develop time schedules. Support: Outside organizations/collaborations Funding: grants Sustainable: make sure all of the criteria's can stay consistent. Viable and practical. Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 25 Solution#1 Information Booth Contains pamphlets on available careers Information regarding available services such as: Internships, job shadowing etc. Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 26 Solution#2 WDBA Website Has listings of colleges & universities that students can attend. Information about career paths. Connects student with info. On programs or services being offered. You can get a hold of it by using the internet. Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 27 Solution#3 WDBA Career Support Binder Provides career plans for students. Step by step plan to achieve career goals. Helps students choose a plan to accomplish a career goal. Binder will be kept in class or student office. Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 28 Criteria and Solutions Criteria Career informati on Booth Create a Career website for the WDBA Career Binder for the WDBA Collaborations Yes Yes Yes Staff Yes Yes Yes Location No Yes Yes Time Frame No No Yes Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 29 Chosen Solution: WDBA Career Support Binder Introduction of binder should be an self-evaluation giving a student some guidance in choosing a career plan. Provides career plans for students. Step by step plan to achieve career goals. Helps student choose a plan to accomplish a career goal. Binder will be kept in class or student office. Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 30 Goal Meet students career needs, by implementing a career resource binder with a workshop included. Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 31 Objectives Develop a career support binder. Have work shops with students with help of career binder. Keep up progress meetings with dedicated students. Have student leave with a career plan. Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 32 Outcomes WDBA will have a career binder. Students will be able to choose a career plan. Students will have a set career path to follow. Students will be able to accomplish career goals. Success. Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 33 Action Plan Andrew Martinez Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 34 Objective 1#: Developing a career support binder. Activities Deliverables Completion Date Person(s) Responsible 1.Develop a career binder for students’ access. Form binder contents and structure with career information that will provide assistants for students. Student will have one source to turn to looking for career guidance and occupation information. First 3 weeks of the WDBA semester Student intern and faculty Self evaluation for students will provide information regarding your learning style and personality in order to better determine your career path. The fourth week of the WDBA semester Student interns High demand and high waged jobs provide a sense of motivation and focus for students. The fourth week of the WDBA semester Student interns 3. Obtain information regarding appealing occupations and careers like: High demand, high wage careers. 4. Binder will contain information about organization that can potentially assist students like: Job shadowing and intern ships. The students will feel a sense of purpose while studying for there career. From the fifth to eighth week of the WDBA semester Student interns 2. Introduction of binder consist of a self evaluation. It will provide guidance and personal insight for students. Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 35 Objective 2# Have work shops providing information for students regarding the binders curriculum. Activities Deliverables Completion Date Person(s) Responsible 1. Find a successful work shop alternative to provide service. First step will get students motivated and thinking about potential career alternatives. From eighth week to the eleventh week of the WDBA Students interns 2. Retake the self evaluation test to see if students’ objectives have changed. Will give students better insight that will better assist them understanding the career binder The eleventh week of the WDBA semester Student interns 3. Students’ already with career plans can move further with the academy process while Students’ un sure will be provided more support. Follow up progress reports for students will provide support and keep a student better focused. The twelfth week of the WDBA Student interns and faculty Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 36 Objective 3# Have follow up meetings with students to make sure they have the proper support. Activities Deliverable Completion Date Person(s) Responsible 1. Have follow up meetings with students to assist them with any career needs that can appear. Staying committed to the students’ progress will keep students motivated. The thirteenth week of the WDBA Students interns 2. Progress reports to see if student career objectives have changed. Is essential to stay up to date it on the students’ objective. The fourth teen week of the WDBA Faculty with the student interns Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 37 Objective 4# Have students graduate from academy with a career plan. Activities Deliverables Completion Date Person(s) Responsible 1. Final follow up meeting make sure student has some type of plan or career goal provide out side assistants. Will provide an advantage for students to a pleasurable occupation. The fifth teen to eighth teen week of WDBA Faculty with student interns Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 38 Group Process Analysis By: Lily Fernandez Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 39 Teammates Alejandra: Executive Summary/ Team Leader Jason: Need Statement Tony: Solution Statement Andrew: Proposal Evaluation Lily: Process Analysis Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 40 Participation/ Interactions Good team participation Responsibilities Helping each other On task (focus on subject) Every body doing their work Meetings on Fridays Group discussion Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy Positive attitude Focus Always present Team help Interactions Feedback Rules Participation Good communication 41 How Was The Interaction Among Your Teammates? 20% Excellent Good 80% Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 42 How Was the Participation on your team? 40% Excellent Good 60% Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 43 Did Every one participate? 6 5 4 3 2 Yes No 1 0 Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 44 Did Everyone Help Out In your Team? Yes 100% Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 45 Challenges Talking with others/non team members Distractions Not listening Team member leaving the team Be on time Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy Unclear topic Staying focused Team participation Not paying attention 46 Improvements More team focus More motivation for team members Team takes turns facilitating Team takes turns recording Team works together on objective More participation Stop talking to others Fall 2003 Semester - Digital Bridge Academy 47