Racial Profiling Research Team Amber Siqueiros, Marilyn Machado, Jasmine Frutos, Karina Ayala Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Team Responsibilities Team Leader/Field Leader: Amber Siqueiros Co leader/Data Entry: Marilyn Machado Data Entry/Data Collection: Jasmine Frutos Data Entry/Data Collection: Karina Ayala Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Presentation Outline Mission Statement Thesis Questions Community Needs Community Solutions Recommendations Criteria for selecting Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Racial profiling mission statement We are striving to prove that in this day and age racial profiling still exist, with all ages and genders. There is no exception to who is effected. Therefore our purpose is to bring the attention of racial profiling to our communities and see if it exist within our community based education. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Thesis Questions Does racial profiling exist within our community and if so what would be the impact? Have any people in our community experienced racial profiling? If it does exist who is primary responsible? What can we do as a community to prevent racial profiling? Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 People Surveyed 55% Male 45% Female Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 80% 60% Hispanics 40% 0% Hispanics Caucasian Asian Others 20% Caucasian Asian Others Hispanic 72% Caucasian 27% Asian 15% Other 14% 160 People Surveyed Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Where We Surveyed Watsonville Cabrillo College Center. Watsonville Safeway Family and Friends. Watsonville High School Si‐se‐Puede Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Ages of people surveyed: 15 & below 16‐20 21‐25 26‐30 3% 32% 40% 12% 13% Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 31+ Who is in need? Children & Students. Teachers. Our communities. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 What Are the Needs? The community needs to be more knowledgeable and informed of racial profiling. There should be awareness training for students and teachers through outreach programs, conference or counseling meetings. We must find and provide a better way to educate our citizens in the community in changing our assumptions we have towards other races and genders. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 How do we know it is a need? There seems to be a lack of understanding within the community. 50% of people we surveyed said children are racially profiled by society, and 73% say it still occurs. 55% of people we surveyed felt that teachers racially profile their students. High crime rate and gang violence has led our community to have certain assumptions of genders and races. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 When are the needs evident? Children and students are looked at badly because most people can not help being judgmental. Teachers sometimes base a students comprehension and ability to learn on race and appearance. Because of ignorance comments are made every day for example “I hope he/she doesn't grow up to be like all the other Mexican's. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Needs Children and students need to be aware of what is going on around them and not be so close minded or judgmental. Teachers who racial profile their students should be counseled and recommended to take an awareness training class. because most of the time they don’t know they are actually treating their students in this manner. We must encourage the citizens within our community to help and develop relationships between themselves and other individuals. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Diverse needs of the Community Community must understand to consider or treat people the same based on their own individual merit. Its our responsibility to change priority for the community? Gangs, drugs, violence and prevent racial profiling from continuing to affect our children's future Communicate a clear purpose and understanding of racial profiling. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Solutions Statement Our community should hold public speaking events to get groups of different ethnic back grounds together to inform and educate them of equal opportunity rights. Fostering relationship between students and teachers of the community is crucial for a unity in the community. Public needs to be engaged in events in their community. (it’s their responsibility) Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Solution Statement Public needs to step of their comfort zone and have a willingness to support and participate in community affairs. Classes, clubs and programs should make more available opportunities to children not based on a stereotype. Leadership in the community will be supportive in speaking up and speaking out against racial discrimination. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Findings 67% of individuals surveyed believe we could change racial profiling in our community. 40% of people surveyed feel students who don’t speak English as their primary language should not be in school with students who do. People seem to not care how the job gets done as long as it gets done. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Solutions Statement If Citizens don’t want to be subjected to racial profiling we need to behave responsibly and be a civilized society. Public responsibility to know what goes on in their neighborhoods and communities. Ultimately our communities tax dollars pays for our children’s education. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Importance of Community Services Tax dollars pay our teachers salaries. Community needs to unite and approach the public. Citizens must plan and organize meetings with city council members. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Three Recommended Solutions 1) Teachers and students with racial biased should be trained and counseled on racial sensitivity. 2) We should have volunteers within the community to advise the public on racial profiling. 3) Community partnership between teachers, students and police. . Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Recommended Solution 1 Have volunteers hold seminars for teachers who have racial biased. Establish leadership within the school districts and apply awareness training. Representatives are the “middleman” They serve to bring the students and the teachers together. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Recommended Solution 2 Have a diversity day were the community can come together. Distribute surveys to faculty and the community. Volunteer to distribute Pamphlets and information to the community. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Recommended Solution 3 Community partnership between police and people. Youth centers are a good place to have flyers. Because our children are the future. Be involved in community meetings and ask about local city events for example: • Ride-a-longs • Farmers Market • (PAL) Police Activities League • Neighborhood Watch • Gang and resource/education • ROP Santa Cruz county Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 V.I.P.S.-Volunteers in Police Services This program consists of volunteers who want to contribute to their community. The volunteer program is nonprofit and relies on donations and fund raising. These citizens do many non-emergency tasks such as public presentations, traffic control, translations and clerical duties. They attend training sessions once a month. Contact Sgt. Saul Gonzalez at 831-768-3369 for more information. PIT-Post Incident Team This program is a true reflection of neighbors extending their pure and authentic concern and caring of each other in a time of need. For more information or to volunteer as a PIT member, call the Neighborhood Services Division at 763-5678. PAL The Watsonville Police Activities League (P.A.L) work with the Watsonville Police Department and the City of Watsonville to provide a youth crime prevention program. Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. | 215 Union Street, Watsonville, CA 95076 (831)768-3300 police@ci.watsonville.ca.us Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Criteria for selecting solutions 1) Most effective 2) Meets the needs of both community and education. 3) Easiest and most cost effective. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Recommendations Most Effective. Availability of People. Funding and Resources. Community partnership between The teachers, students and The police. Teachers and students should be trained and counseled on racial sensitivity. XXX Have volunteers within the community to advise the public on racial profiling . 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