Drug Research Team Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy Spring 2005 Semester “Drug Research” – Presentation Outline z Executive Summary z Needs Analysis z Solution Description z Solution Criteria z Solution Choice Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 2 1 Team Members z Erica Ledesma z Mayra Fernandez z Israel Pliego z Rebeca Castaneda Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy Spring 2005 Semester 3 Responsibilities z Team Leader - Israel Pliego z Need Statement - Mayra Fernandez z Need Statement - Rebeca Castaneda z Solution Spring 2005 Semester Statement - Erica Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 4 2 Executive Summary Israel pliego Project Goal z To collect information and data about: z What percent of the people in Watsonville are being affected by drug use. z To create a proposal that will address: z The needs of people of Watsonville who use drugs. Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 6 3 Data Collection ¾ Surveyed 157 people ¾ ¾ ¾ 68% - Drug users 18% – ExEx-Drug users 14% – Family members with Drug users ¾ Surveys distributed to and collected from: ¾ Neighborhoods ¾ Lincoln Street ¾ Freedom ¾ Arthur Road ¾ Schools: ¾ Watsonville Community ¾ SOS ¾ New School ¾ Cabrillo College – Watsonville Center ¾ Watsonville High School students getting lunch downtown ¾ La Placita ¾ Many parties ¾ Center for Employment Training Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 7 The Need: Drug Abuse Mayra Fernandez & Rebeca Castaneda 4 Background z Surveyed 157 people z z z z z z z 68% Drug Users 18% ExEx-Drug Users 14% Family Members of Drug Users 85% Latinos 59% Male 41% women Interviewed 157 people from: z z z z La Placita On the streets at Schools C.E.T Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy Spring 2005 Semester 9 What is the need? Young people in Watsonville do drugs because they: z are curious, z have z lack Spring 2005 Semester personal problems, and involvement and support from parents Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 10 5 Why does this need occur? z Teenagers have personal problems and are curious about drugs z Families don’t know about each other’s problems z z Families who have problems don’ don’t know about programs that can help them Both parents are working, they don’t have time for their family z Children don’ don’t want to tell their parents about their problems Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 11 When is the need evident? z When 53% of both parents are working z 80% of the people start the use of drugs because of their personal problems since they don’t have nobody to talk to about them. z 86% use drugs for the first time with a friend. Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 12 6 What is the problem? z Not having support from parents z 53% of the parents work z 80% start the use of drugs because of personal problems z Get them to start a program z 12% of teenagers under the age of 10 started to use drugs for the first time z 74% of the people want to stop the use of drugs and want to stay clean. 13 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy Spring 2005 Semester What evidence do you have to support your claim? 80% 73% 80% 70% 60% both parents working 53% 50% personal problems start the use of drugs 40% 30% start the use of drugs between the age of 10-17 20% 10% 0% Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 14 7 Are both parents working? 54% 53% 52% 51% 50% 49% 48% 47% 46% 45% 44% Spring 2005 Semester 53% 47% One parent working Both parents working Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 15 What evidence do you have to support your claim? 57% 60% 50% People who die for drugs abuse 40% 32% 30% people who try to live drugs but they don't have any help 20% 10% 0% Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 16 8 How old were you when you first tried a drug? 70% 60% 50% 40% Ages when they first tried a drug 30% 20% 10% 0% 10 11- 17 years years Spring 2005 Semester 18+ 17 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy Who did you first try a drug with? 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Spring 2005 Semester # of People Friend other Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 18 9 Do you see yourself using drugs in the future? 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% # of people 30% 20% 10% 0% Spring 2005 Semester Yes No Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 19 What are the consequences of meeting the need? z Drug usage would decrease z Families can help their family members with personal problems. z Less people will die because of drug abuse. z More young people will stay in school, and be more prepared for the future. Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 20 10 Consequences of not meeting the need. z Young people will use drugs to deal with: z their personal problems and z their curiosity about drugs. z Young people will have more deaths because of drug abuse. z Fewer people might not make it to college z Families will be stressed by drug use Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 21 What do young people need to prevent them from and stop using drugs? z Get parents more involved in their children’s lives z Have parents and families communicate and work together to support family members with personal problems z Be involved in a program to deal with personal problems Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 22 11 The Solution Erika Ledesma Drug Prevention: Three Solutions z Family Counseling z z z z Drug Free Night Club z z z z For family members Talk about problems Talk about other options Involved with Youth Centers Promote a safe and clean environment For teenagers to have something to do other than drugs Workshop / Presentation Interaction Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy Spring z 2005Testimonials Semester z Talk about drugs z 24 12 Solution 1: Family Counseling z For teenagers to talk to their parents and family members about problems/ issues that they are having. z Talk to teenagers and parents about options. z They would meet at least once a week. z They would meet for at least 1.5 hours a session. Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 25 Solution 2: Drug Free Night Club z Promoting a drug free environment with entertainment z To reward teens who are involved in the community. z For ages 16 and up Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 26 13 Solution 3: Workshop / Presentation It will be made up of volunteers who really want to help keep our our community drugdrug-free. z Teens who used drugs in the past & quit z Teens who lost somebody because of drugs z Teens who are drug free & never tried it, but know a close somebody who uses drugs. z Talk about the physical, mental, and emotional effects drugdrug-users and /or family members, friends, or significant others. z Talk about other programs that deal with drugs in our community, or any other issue that affects families. z Give out brochures that inform the people about how to stay drug free. z If they want to talk oneone-onon-one with somebody in the workshop, they could. z Talk about alternatives. z Testimonials z Interaction throughthrough-out workshop z Present in all schools in Watsonville. z to the school boardWatsonville to getDigital approved. Bridge Academy SpringTalk 2005 Semester z 27 Criteria for Selecting Solution Expense ((-) City support (+) Numb of people serve (+) Funding (+) Community support (+) Most likely to workwork-out (+) Who is in the need the most (+) More direct contact w/people (+) Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy Most impact (+) 28 14 CRITERIA Critiria Expense ((-) City support (+) Numb of people serve (+) Funding (+) Community support (+) Most likely to workwork-out (+) Who is in the need the most (+) More direct contact w/people (+) Most impact (+) Fits ok = * Fits better = ** 2005 Semester FitsSpring great/best = *** Counseling NightNight-club Workshop ** ** * ** * ** ** ** *** 17 * * ** * ** * * * * 11 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 27 Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 29 Selected Solution: Workshop / Presentation zA workshop would be given in all the schools in the Watsonville Community. Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 30 15 Description of Workshop / Presentation z Volunteers z Teenagers z Interaction z through out Workshop Brochures z Presentation Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 31 Volunteers z Teenagers who have used drugs in the past. z Teenagers who have lost somebody because of drugs. z Teenagers who know somebody close to them that uses drugs z Teenagers who want to keep this community drugfree. Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 32 16 Interaction z Have games z Ask questions z Answer questions z Give out flyers and brochure that have helpful information about drugs z If needed, talk oneone-onon-one with the kids / teens in the presentation. Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 33 Presentation z Start with introducing the Workshop and the people in the workshop. z Have at least one testimonial z Talk about the physical, mental, and emotional effects drug-users and /or family members, friends, or significant others. Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 34 17 Goals of Solution ¾ To have a drug free community. ¾ To reach the youth at a young age, so they don’t start using drugs. ¾ To answer all questions teens and older kids have about drugs. ¾ To show them alternatives to doing drugs. ¾ To provide them help, if needed, and keeping it confidential. Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 35 Solution Outcomes ¾ Less teenagers will do drugs ¾ Drug Free Community ¾ Educated kids and teens about drugs Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 36 18 Solution Objectives ¾ Objective 1: Get approval from the School District Board about this workshop ¾ Objective 2: Develop the workshop and deliver it to the schools in Watsonville ¾ Objective 3: Present in every school in Watsonville and to 95% of the students between the ages of 10 and 19. Spring 2005 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy 37 19