Domestic Violence Against Women By Chase Wood Jessie Tessler Kenia Escobar Garcia Oscar Garibay Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 1 US Domestic Violence Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 2 Goals 1. We students cannot stop this epidemic. We need your help to face this problem. Spring 2004 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy ‐ Cabrillo College Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 3 Outline Introduction Demographics Key Findings from Our Study Needs Solutions Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 4 Introduction We will provide you with valuable information about domestic violence against women. Also we will tell you why women get abused according to the members of our local community. We will explain the needs for women who are victims of domestic violence and their children, and the needs for awareness in our community. We will tell you what we think are some of the solutions, that will help confront this problem. Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 5 Demographics (based on 122 surveys) Gender 64% females 34% males Age 30% were 21‐30 years old 39% of survey respondents were 31 to 39 Ethnicity • 43% white • 42 % Hispanic by • 16% other (Asian, African American) The percentage of students were: 47% Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 6 Domestic Violence: Key Findings from Our Study How important is the issue of DMV against women? Very important=83% Somewhat important=11% Not at all important=2% Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 7 Who was the victim? 1)54% were close family members 2)39% extended family members 4)Average # of Acquaintances: is 1&2 Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 8 How long have they been abused for? 9% less then a month 34% one month to 1 year 42% more than one year Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 9 Why don’t victims report their abusers? 54% of Women are afraid of more abuse 39% of Women love their partners 28% of Women rely on their partners financially Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 10 The partner only abuses when under the influence of alcohol or drugs 54% of our survey takers said sometimes. Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 11 Reflection Do you think women who are being abused are treated fairly? yes: 7% No: 61% Never 20% Most people said Most people said Do you think that women who are victims of domestic violence is considered it normal? Yes: 34% No: 66% Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 12 Do you think women do anything to provoke their partner 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% yes: 23% No: 78% Series1 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy No 13 Domestic Violence Kenia Escobar‐Garcia Jessie Tessler Oscar Garibay Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 14 Who is in Need? Women in violent relationships Family and children living in the same household The community is in need of awareness Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 15 Where do we find these people? Down town Santa Cruz Capitola mall Santa Cruz park The Santa Cruz wharf Aptos state park beach Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 16 What are the Needs? Safe living environment for women and their children—freedom from violence in the home Economic resources to assist abused women who want to leave abusive partners Awareness about domestic violence and resources available to domestic violence survivors Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 17 How do we know it is a need? 75 % of respondents had been or known someone who had been abused by a partner 87% of respondents believed abuse always negatively affects other family members 23 % respondents said women provoked their abusive partners to violence 93% of respondents weren’t aware of domestic violence resources in the community Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 18 75 % of respondents had been or known someone who had been abused by a partner Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 19 87% of respondents believed abuse always negatively affects other family members No:2% Sometimes:4% Always:84% Children grow up thinking its normal Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 20 What are the results of meeting these needs? Women feeling relieved Women feeling safe Women feeling happy Women feeling they have equal rights as men. Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 21 What are the consequences of not meeting these needs? Women still getting abused by her partner Feeling sad/ depressed Feeling angry Feeling unstable Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 22 Solution 1: Making flyers and posters about local women’s shelters Donations from communities for local supplies Take the donation money to make newspapers for school Use donation money for adds on: buses, school walls, etc Spring 2004 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy ‐ Cabrillo Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy College 23 Solution 2: Create a Public Awareness Ad for Local Access Television Station We will take donation to explain the benefits of women’s shelters Get a website to hire local commercial producers We will film the commercial about domestic violence so we still have $ Spring 2004 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy ‐ Cabrillo Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy College 24 Solution 3: Organize workshops for improving self‐esteem Organize school workshops and have counselors help By showing them that they deserve better Give them proof they can succeed. Spring 2004 Semester Watsonville Digital Bridge Academy ‐ Cabrillo Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy College 25 Programs for women Walnut Avenue Women’s Center Downtown National Domestic violence_800‐799‐7233 Rape, Abuse, And Incest National Network_800‐656‐hope Aids Related Services for survivors of domestic violence 215‐233‐5373 Las Mujeres 1‐800‐799‐Safe Fall 2008 Semester ‐ Digital Bridge Academy 26