abc Mr H Vernal Director of Education & Recreation Aberdeenshire Council Woodhill House Annexe Westburn Road Aberdeen AB16 5GJ ej=fåëéÉÅíçê~íÉ=çÑ=bÇìÅ~íáçå= dêÉóÑêá~êë=eçìëÉ= d~ääçïÖ~íÉ= ^ÄÉêÇÉÉå=^_NM=Nin= = qÉäÉéÜçåÉW=MNOOQ=SQORQQ= c~ñW=MNOOQ=SORPTM= = ÜãáK~ÄÉêÇÉÉå]ëÅçíä~åÇKÖëáKÖçîKìâ= ÜííéWLLïïïKëÅçíä~åÇKÖçîKìâLÜãáÉ= = lìê=êÉÑW= tpjLg_i= = Q=gìåÉ=OMMO _____ _____ Dear Mr Vernal FOLLOW-UP TO THE INSPECTION OF ALFORD ACADEMY ABERDEENSHIRE COUNCIL The report on the above school was published in May 2000. HM Inspectors visited the school in March 2002 to evaluate progress made in responding to the main points for action in the report. The school had made good progress in meeting the recommendations. In addition to the action taken by the school to address the main recommendations, all departments had made good progress in responding to their priorities for action set out in the report. As a result, HM Inspectors will make no further visits to the school in connection with the 2000 report. I attach an evaluation and brief account of the response made by the school and the education authority to the main points for action in the report. I am sending a copy of this letter to parents of children currently in the school and the other recipients of the inspection report. Yours sincerely Dr Bill Maxwell HM Chief Inspector Northern Division abcde Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Education abc a Headquarters · Saughton House, Broomhouse Drive, Edinburgh, EH11 3XD · Telephone 0131 244 0650 · Fax 0131 244 7124 · HM Inspectorate of Education Follow-up to the Inspection of Alford Academy Aberdeenshire Council Main points for action 1. To improve the quality of provision in S1/S2, the school should ensure that national advice on the curriculum, assessment and reporting is fully implemented in all departments. The school had made good progress towards meeting this main point for action. All departments had provided broad and balanced curricular programmes in S1/S2. A working group of teachers had improved assessment and reporting arrangements, which were now well matched to the revised programmes. The school had clear plans to implement these arrangements fully from the beginning of next session. 2. The remits of the senior management team should be reviewed to ensure an appropriate balance of duties among its members. The school had met this main point for action. The remits of the senior management team had been reviewed shortly after the inspection in February 2000. The revised remits drew well on the strengths and expertise of the team, and ensured an appropriate balance of duties among its members. 3. The school should continue to focus on achieving consistently high standards of attainment in all departments and, in particular, improve attainment in writing within English language at the S1/S2 stage and in mathematics at all stages. The school had made very good progress in meeting this main point for action. The school had achieved very good success in maintaining its high standards of attainment in all departments. The performance of pupils at Standard Grade and Higher level had improved even further since the inspection. Attainment in writing within English language in S1/S2 and in mathematics at all stages had shown considerable improvement. For example, performance in mathematics at Standard Grade and at Higher level had improved from below to above the national average. 2 4. The development plan should contain fewer priorities, which should be identified through a more rigorous audit process. Development projects should be planned in sufficient detail to ensure their successful implementation. The school had made good progress towards meeting this main point for action. The current school development plan contained fewer priorities, although there was scope to reduce their number even further. Development projects were planned in good detail to ensure their effective implementation. A more rigorous approach to evaluating the work of the whole school and its departments had been introduced. This approach involved members of the senior management team and principal teachers visiting classes systematically to monitor learning and teaching. They gave teachers good feedback about the quality of lessons. They should use their evaluations to identify even more effectively the priority areas for action in future development plans. HM Inspectors will not make any further visits to the school in connection with the inspection report of May 2000.