Minutes Meeting of the Board of Directors A meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Wednesday 19 August 2009 at 11am in the Baxter Room, Learning and Teaching Scotland, City House, Overgate, Dundee DD1 1UH. Present: Carole Ford, Board Member Louise Hayward, Board Member Jacqui Hepburn, Board Member Bernard McLeary, Chief Executive John Mulgrew OBE, Chair Iain Nisbet, Board Member Graeme Ogilvy, Board Member In attendance: Alan Armstrong, Director - Education Improvement Eileen Gill, Seconded from Scottish Government Alistair Gordon, Interim Director - Corporate Services Marie Dougan, Interim Director – Learning & Technology Catherine MacIntyre, Professional Adviser, Policy & Governance Murray McVicar, Scottish Government Stuart Ritchie, Director – Curriculum Apologies: James Conroy, Board Member Alison Coull, Scottish Government Christine Pollock, Special Adviser Gavin Whitefield, Special Adviser Action 1. Welcome and Apologies 1.1 Welcome 1.1.1 John welcomed Murray McVicar, from the Scottish Government, who has recently taken over responsibility to work with LTS, particularly in relation to progressing the outcome of the Review. 1.1.2 John also welcomed Marie and Alistair to the meeting as Interim Director Learning and Technology and Interim Director Corporate Services, respectively. 1.1.3 Finally, John advised Board Members of the appointment of Lesley Evans to the post of Director-General Education. John will be meeting with Lesley on 26 August. Meeting of the Board of Directors 19 August 2009 1 B.Mins.04/09 Due Date Minutes 1.2 Alistair Aug 09 Apologies were received as noted above. Minutes of the Previous Meeting + Action Grid and Closed Session Discussion held on 17 June 2009 2.1 2.2 3. Due Date Apologies 1.2.1 2. Action The Minute of the previous meeting and Action Grid were accepted as a true record. The Minute and Action Grid will now be published on the website, subject to any FOI exemptions. Board Members also confirmed acceptance of the notes of the Closed Session Discussion which took place on 17 June 2009. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes 3.1 Chief Executive’s Report : Dundee Office (Item 8.3 refers) 3.1.1 3.2 Chief Executive’s Report : SLF (Item 8.2 refers) 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 Following the Board’s endorsement at the June meeting, Alistair confirmed that the lease arrangement for the Dundee office has been extended for a further nine months to July 2010. Reference discussion at the last meeting, John encouraged Board Members to take up the offer of a personalised programme for the SLF. Board Members to contact Marie. Board Members Aug 09 John confirmed that an invitation to attend the SLF had been extended to Mike Russell, Minister for Culture, External Affairs and the Constitution. Corporate Governance : Committee Membership (Item 11.2 refers) 3.3.1 Board Members noted that John would not be proposing any changes to current Committee Membership. This will be reviewed again when Board Membership returns to full complement. Meeting of the Board of Directors 19 August 2009 2 B.Mins.04/09 Minutes Action 3.4 4. 3.4.1 Louise advised that the paper ‘Changes in Education’ will be finalised at the Advisory Council meeting scheduled for 25 August. The consultation process will begin shortly thereafter. 3.4.2 The Board also noted that membership of the Advisory Council needs to be reviewed. As these are not ministerial appointments, LTS will manage the recruitment and ensure that the OCPAS principles are reflected in the process. Declarations of Interest 4.1 5. Advisory Council Sub-Group Report : Changes in Education (Item 12 refers) None. Scottish Government’s Review of LTS 5.1 John stated that he was becoming increasingly anxious about the situation and referred Board Members to discussion at the last meeting in June. 5.2 The expectation was that John would receive a letter from the Minister or Colin MacLean confirming the status and core functions of LTS. Certain other functions would require to be discussed with other organisations to ensure better working / collaboration. It had also been agreed that a public statement to this effect would be made by the Scottish Government. 5.3 However, advice now is that because the original statement about ‘Simplifying Public Services’ was made in Parliament in January 2007, any subsequent statement about LTS will also require to be made in Parliament. This would be done by responding to a Parliamentary Question. 5.4 The Board has been given no clear information about this process or timescales and John reminded Board Members that it is fast approaching two years since the First Minister’s statement in Parliament. Meeting of the Board of Directors 19 August 2009 3 B.Mins.04/09 Due Date Minutes Action 5.5 This remains of major concern for the Board. The Board is anxious about the lack of information for staff and also its ability to discharge its responsibility for developing LTS’s future strategy. A number of issues remain unresolved and clarity is required in order to drive the organisation forward. John also reinforced the Board’s wish to see the next phase of the Review concluded by mid-October. 5.6 Murray confirmed that this was his understanding of the present situation. Certain protocols do require to be followed and communications between the Scottish Government and LTS need to be aligned. 5.7 John said that it would be helpful if Murray could confirm exactly what, if anything, the Minister had ‘signed off’. 5.8 The Board discussed communications with staff and the increasing insecurity felt by some staff at such an important time for Scottish education and LTS. Iain reminded Board colleagues that the Minutes from Board Meetings are published on the website and, therefore, in the public domain. 5.9 The Board agreed that it would be helpful if Murray would clarify the process for asking / responding to a PQ so that a statement could be made to staff. John also noted that the Board’s position had been clearly Minuted and he would use that as the basis for discussion of this key issue with Lesley Evans. 5.10 John thought it appropriate now that, on behalf of the Board, he meets with Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary. In the meantime, John suggested that he meet with Murray and / or Colin MacLean w/c 24 August to confirm the issues and agree a statement / timeline for staff. John also said that he would like to see a statement in Parliament early in September, so that Phase 2 of the Review can begin early in the Autumn and an implementation plan put in place. Murray agreed that this would be a good way forward. 5.11 Bernard added that he recognised Murray had taken on an onerous task. However, the Scottish Government prides itself on maintaining good relations and there are serious issues for staff. Meeting of the Board of Directors 19 August 2009 4 B.Mins.04/09 Due Date Minutes Action 5.12 The Minister was in receipt of Jamie’s paper and Jamie had been confident that the supplementary information being provided to the Minister would answer the questions raised. It would, therefore, be very helpful to Board Members, at this point, to receive an informal response or feedback from the Minister. 5.13 The Board also wants to be in a position to set the strategic direction for the future and, therefore, needs to know what is within the core remit and also any structural or process issues. The Board should be made aware of the Minister’s views. 6. Organisational Development Plan Update 6.1 Bernard introduced this item. A number of workstreams have now been established and work is continuing to drive forward the plan, including the interim structure arrangements. 6.2 Eileen then took Board Members through the paper, commenting on the key points as follows: 6.2.1 The Programme is on track, although the Review of LTS will have an impact on certain areas. 6.2.2 Further review of the programmes identified the need for better alignment of some of our work (eg Curriculum and Assessment, Targeted Support and Youth Work) and also growth in certain areas. This has led to the conclusion that there is a need for a further interim Director post. There will also be some change within Learning and Technology, particularly those staff working in the Glow team, to allow for better alignment with CfE. 6.2.3 A key aspect of the Programme is the review of the CMT structure and PA Consulting has been commissioned to carry out this work. The Chair and a number of Board Members will be part of the consultation process. Meeting of the Board of Directors 19 August 2009 5 B.Mins.04/09 Due Date Minutes Action 6.2.4 In response to a comment from Graeme, Bernard confirmed that the review of the CMT structure by PA Consulting was separate from the interim CMT arrangement. This would be a short term arrangement in response to current business needs, including comments from stakeholders about the need for better alignment of our programmes and also for reasons of greater efficiency and effectiveness. 6.2.5 Louise said that this seemed to position the organisation very well and was the vision that the external world needed. 6.2.6 The All Staff Meeting will go ahead in September. It was hoped that we would have received a formal statement from the Minister about the Review of LTS, but nonetheless, there is a need to begin engaging with staff now about the Organisational Development Programme. 6.2.7 The current status on Learning Connections is that recommendations have been made, but there has been no decision to implement the recommendations. However, in the event that the policy functions do come to LTS, preparations are in hand and an action plan has been developed in liaison with the Scottish Government. 6.2.8 Jacqui commented that it would seem to make more sense if functions being transferred from Learning Connections to LTS were reflected in the future core remit of LTS. Bernard explained that the LTS and Learning Connections Reviews had been handled by different Departments within the Scottish Government. It was pleasing to note that LTS had been the preferred option for the relocation of the practice development and implementation functions of Learning Connections. However, it would be useful to know if this would be part of the core sign off, or part of the issues for further discussion. 6.3 John commented that it was a very interesting paper and points the way ahead. A further paper on the agenda, under Corporate Governance, would explain the Board’s further involvement in the Organisational Development programme. Meeting of the Board of Directors 19 August 2009 6 B.Mins.04/09 Due Date Minutes 7. 8. Action Due Date John Sept 09 Draft Outline Programme for Residential Meeting – 29/30 October 2009 7.1 John introduced this item and Catherine then took Board Members through the draft Programme. 7.2 The theme proposed for this year is about setting the strategy and future direction for LTS within the context of the Scottish Government’s Performance Framework and the need for greater public sector alignment, as well as the Review of LTS and likely budget pressures. 7.3 The programme is structured into four main sessions as follows: i) Scottish Government’s Review of LTS and Budget Savings for 2009/10 and Draft Budget 2010/11. ii) Delivering National Outcomes and Greater Public Sector Alignment. iii) Organisational Development Programme. iv) Board Annual Self-Evaluation and Action Plan. 7.4 Board Members will be involved in leading some of the discussion on particular issues relating to new models of working and LTS’s role in delivering CfE. There will also be an opportunity for discussion about the Board’s role in shaping LTS’s vision and strategy, as well as the Board’s contribution to the Organisational Development Programme. 7.5 The Board supported the overall structure and content of the Programme. John will be in touch with Board Members closer to the date to agree individual contributions. Corporate Performance Report 8.1 Alistair summarised the report, drawing attention to the following points: 8.1.1 The current financial position is satisfactory. 8.1.2 Reference discussion at the last Board Meeting, the presentation of the report will be changing to include a new suite of performance indicators. Meeting of the Board of Directors 19 August 2009 7 B.Mins.04/09 Minutes 8.1.3 8.1.4 9. Due Date Alistair 30.10.09 The Board recognised the difficulties and complexities facing LTS, and the wider public sector, in gathering the evidence to demonstrate individual and partner contributions. Chair’s Report 9.1 10. The aim is to provide an external focus which demonstrates how LTS, through the delivery of its corporate objectives, is contributing to the achievement of the National Outcomes. The proposal will firstly go to CMT for comment and then to the Board for endorsement. Action John gave a brief update of his work since the last meeting. The key activities were related to the Scottish Government’s Review of LTS and developing greater collaborative working between LTS and Creative Scotland. Chief Executive’s Report 10.1 Curriculum, Assessment and Glow Curriculum for Excellence 10.1.1 The Board noted wide range of activities being undertaken by LTS to support the further implementation of Curriculum for Excellence. One aspect of this is the development and distribution of the CfE Newsletter which has been revived at the request of the Management Board. 10.1.2 Carole commented that this was a crucial time for schools. It is important to be clear that LTS is acting as the vehicle for transmitting information and that the information is not seen as the LTS view. Bernard confirmed that LTS had contributed to development of the brief which had been approved by the Scottish Government. Meeting of the Board of Directors 19 August 2009 8 B.Mins.04/09 Minutes Action Assessment 10.1.3 Stuart advised that the high level policy statement on assessment is now expected to be included within the Cabinet Secretary’s keynote speech at the Scottish Learning Festival. Similarly, Building the Curriculum 5 will not be published until November / December, with trialling during 2010 and a refocused SSA in 2011. 10.1.4 Carole said that, to date, communication with practitioners had generally been very poor. Bernard reminded the Board of current budget pressures, and the terms of the Concordat which mean that local authorities have committed to delivering National Outcome 4: Our young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens. Glow 10.1.5 Marie reported that all thirty-two local authorities had now signed Customer Agreements and progress is also being made with Education Faculties with four already confirmed. 10.1.6 Marie explained that, although all authorities are now ‘live’, roll-out within local authorities is determined by each individual authority. 10.1.7 The Board agreed that clarification is needed about the role of LTS as a national organisation as distinct from local authorities’ responsibilities. Teachers believe that LTS is responsible for implementing Glow and are not aware that the responsibility lies with the local authority. 10.1.8 Bernard reminded Board Members of the independent audit carried out by Audit Scotland which commended LTS for its effective and efficient management of the Glow programme. Bernard also commented on the possibility of opening discussions with local authority Chief Executives about extending the use of Glow to increase efficiencies. Meeting of the Board of Directors 19 August 2009 9 B.Mins.04/09 Due Date Minutes Action Due Date Marie 30.10.09 10.1.9 The Board briefly discussed the issue of bandwidth, noting that it is improving continuously, but is largely outwith LTS’s control. It is also a matter for local authorities to develop more imaginative ways of addressing this issue. 10.1.10 Board Members were in agreement that the next few months would be critical for schools. 10.2 Glow 1.0.5 10.2.1 The Board noted the report. 10.3 Interconnect 10.3.1 The Board noted the report. 10.4 Four Countries Memorandum of Understanding 10.4.1 The Board noted the report. 10.5 Joint Working Arrangements between LTS and the University of Abertay 10.5.1 Bernard reported that Marie would now be progressing discussions with Abertay and a further report will be provided at the next meeting in October. 10.6 Confucius Classrooms / Hanban / China 10.6.1 Bernard commented on the recent very successful meeting with Hanban. 10.7 Update on Swine Flu 10.7.1 The Board noted the report on action taken within LTS in the context of the Business Continuity Plan. 10.7.2 Marie also advised Board Members that discussions had taken place with the Scottish Government about the possibility of using Glow to assist schools / local authorities in dealing with the impact of Swine Flu over the coming months. LTS will also be speaking to the contractor (Research Machines) about helping to facilitate access to Glow. Meeting of the Board of Directors 19 August 2009 10 B.Mins.04/09 Minutes Action 11. Annual Reporting 2008 / 2009 11.1 Annual Report from Audit Committee 11.1.1 Graeme, as new Chair of the Audit Committee, gave a brief account of the Committee’s activities during the last year, drawing attention to the following points: i) The Committee has a very good relationship with both Auditors. ii) The Committee has no issues with the Internal Auditors’ statement. iii) LTS is a highly unusual organsation because of the way it is funded, therefore, there are various risk factors. iv) In view of the pension deficit, the Committee recommends that it would be appropriate for the Board review pension arrangements. v) The Committee is very happy with the work plan and commended the CMT for its efficient handling of actions. vi) The Internal Auditors, PwC, will be coming to the end of the three year contract. The service will, therefore, be evaluated although it is not evisaged that any changes will be proposed. 11.1.2 Both Jacqui and Iain, also Audit Committee members, concurred with Graeme’s comments. 11.1.3 With reference to the pension fund, Alistair explained that employee and employer contributions had increased as of April 2009. Meeting of the Board of Directors 19 August 2009 11 B.Mins.04/09 Due Date Minutes Action 11.1.4 The Board had a brief discussion around some of the issues and agreed that no action should be taken at the current time. However, the Audit Committee would, in the course of its business, keep a watching brief. 11.1.5 Finally, Graeme advised that, as new Chair of the Committee, he will be meeting informally with PwC week commencing 24 August. 11.2 Statutory Accounts as at 31 March 2009 & Report to Auditor General 11.2.1 Alistair spoke to this item. Board Members noted the following points: i) There is increased disclosure within the accounts. ii) The final draft has been reviewed by the Audit Committee for technical accuracy and confirmation has also been received from the Scottish Government that they are content. iii) The Management Accounts show a surplus of £800k, but the Statutory Accounts show a deficit of £18.2m. This is because of Scottish Government accounting methods. iv) The Balance Sheet remains strong, but the pension fund deficit has increased to £2.5m. v) Equal Pay risk and contingent liability has been mitigated and effectively dealt with. 11.2.2 The Audit Representation letter now requires to be signed by Bernard as Chief Executive and Alistair as Company Secretary. 11.2.3 The Board unimously approved the Statutory Accounts as at 31 March 2009. Meeting of the Board of Directors 19 August 2009 12 B.Mins.04/09 Due Date Minutes Action 11.3 Draft Annual Review 11.3.1 Alistair advised that, as is normal practice, the draft copy had been sent to colleagues in the Scottish Government for comment. 11.3.2 There are still editing / adjustments to be made to the content and Board Members are, therefore, being asked for views on the broad themes and structure of the Review. 11.3.3 Louise requested that reference to the Advisory Council’s programme of work be added to the ‘Looking Forward’ section and Iain suggested that LTS’s charitable status should be noted. 11.3.4 The Annual Review will be published online in September, with a relatively small number of printed copies for distribution to key contacts. 12. Corporate Governance 12.1 Appointment of New Board Members 12.1.1 John advised that the recruitment process is now proceeding. 12.1.2 The Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments in Scotland (OCPAS) has produced new guidance about how people can apply for vacancies. In addition, there is also now a further stage in process whereby the Chair of the selection panel is required to convene an initial meeting of the panel prior to advert. This is to ensure common understanding and appropriate use of resources amongst panel members 12.1.3 John and Catherine will be meeting with Jackie Brock (Chair of the Appointments Panel) to discuss and clarify the process and agree timescales. 12.1.4 John is hoping that the vacancies will be advertised before the Scottish Learning Festival. Meeting of the Board of Directors 19 August 2009 13 B.Mins.04/09 Due Date Minutes 12.2 Action Due Date John Aug 09 Annual Review of Board Committee Terms of Reference 12.2.1 Alistair advised that it is best practice to review all Committee Terms of Reference annually and commented as follows: i) Audit Committee The Terms of Reference were reviewed as part of the Audit Committee annual self-evaluation. No changes are proposed. ii) Remuneration Committee The Committee proposed minor changes to the responsibilities. iii) Chair’s Committee The Committee has not met since 2005, therefore, no changes to the Terms of Reference are proposed. 12.2.2 The Board unanimously approved the Terms of Reference for all three Committees. 12.3 Proposed Organisational Development Committee and Draft Terms of Reference 12.3.1 John stressed the important opportunity that this Committee would give Board Members to work more closely on the Organisational Development Programme. It is a vital aspect of the Board’s role and contribution to supporting the work of the organisation. 12.3.2 Board Members endorsed the Terms of Reference and unanimously supported the proposal to establish an Organisational Development Committee. 12.3.3 John will follow up Committee Membership with individual Board Members. Meeting of the Board of Directors 19 August 2009 14 B.Mins.04/09 Minutes Action 12.4 Audit Scotland: Study into the Role of Boards 12.4.1 Alistair referred to the document circulated to Board Members in July. As part of the study, Audit Scotland will be appointing external consultants to conduct a survey and Board Members will, therefore, be contacted at some point in the near future. 12.4.2 The next part of the study will be more indepth and will involve a selection of six NDPBs. It is not yet know which NDPBs will be selected. 12.4.3 John commented that LTS is in a strong position and would welcome involvement in the study. 13. Items for Noting 13.1 Finance Reports – May and June 2009 13.1.1 Alistair encouraged Board Members to contact him upon receipt of the report should they wish to discuss / query any point. Alistair also welcomed any comments or suggestions for improvement of the presentation of information. 13.2 Media Update 13.2.1 Board Members noted the report. 13.3 Minute from the Audit Committee Meeting – 25 June 2009 13.3.1 Board Members noted the Minute. 14. AOB 14.1 PhD Student 14.1.1 John reminded the Board about the request from Rowan Denton to interview Board Members as part of her research thesis and encouraged Board Members to support Rowan in her studies. Meeting of the Board of Directors 19 August 2009 15 B.Mins.04/09 Due Date Minutes Action 14.2 Due Date Retirement Dinner for Douglas 14.2.1 John reminded Board Members of dinner which is scheduled for Wednesday 26 August 6 for 6.30pm at the City Inn in Glasgow. 15. Date of Residential and Next Meeting 15.1 The Residential and Board Meeting will take place on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 October at the Beardmore Hotel, Clydebank. The programme, papers and further details will be circulated nearer the date. Approved by: ______________________________________ John Mulgrew OBE, Chair Date: _________________ Approved by: ______________________________________ Alistair Gordon, Company Secretary Date: _________________ Meeting of the Board of Directors 19 August 2009 16 B.Mins.04/09