Minutes Meeting of the Board of Directors A meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Wednesday 16 December 2009 at 10.30am in the Board Room, Learning and Teaching Scotland, The Optima, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow G2 8DU. Present: Jim Conroy, Board Member Carole Ford, Board Member Louise Hayward, Board Member Bernard McLeary, Chief Executive John Mulgrew OBE, Chair Iain Nisbet, Board Member Christine Pollock, Cosla Observer Gavin Whitefield, Special Adviser In attendance: Alan Armstrong, Director – Curriculum and Assessment Eileen Gill, Chief Professional Adviser, Strategic Organisational Development Alistair Gordon, Interim Director - Corporate Services Kay Livingston, Director – International, Research and Innovation Catherine MacIntyre, Professional Adviser, Policy & Governance Murray McVicar, Scottish Government David Montgomery, CEO Solutions Ltd (Item 14 only) Stuart Ritchie, Director – Learning and Community Apologies: Alison Coull, Scottish Government Marie Dougan, Interim Director – Learning & Technology Jacqui Hepburn, Board Member Graeme Ogilvy, Board Member Action 1. Welcome and Apologies 1.1 Welcome 1.1.1 1.2 John advised that since the last Board meeting, Christine had been nominated by Cosla as Observer on the LTS Board and welcomed Christine to the meeting in this capacity. Apologies 1.2.1 Apologies were received as noted above. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 1 B.Mins.06/09 Due Date Minutes 2. Alistair Dec 09 Catherine Dec 09 There were no significant matters arising that did not feature on the Agenda. Declarations of Interest 4.1 5. The Minute of the previous meeting and Action Grid were accepted as a true record, subject to the following minor amendment: Iain’s name is to be deleted from the record of those Present and added to the record of Apologies. The Minute and Action Grid will now be published on the website, subject to any FOI exemptions. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes 3.1 4. Due Date Minute of the Previous Meeting + Action Grid held on 30 October 2009 2.1 3. Action None. Chair’s Report 5.1 5.2 John summarised his report, highlighting the following points: 5.1.1 A very good meeting took place with the Minister, Keith Brown, on 19 November. 5.1.2 John had a very useful meeting with Colin MacLean on 12 November during which all of the points raised by Board colleagues at the Residential were discussed. An important point made by Colin is that LTS is to drive forward with implementing the recommendations from the Review and inform Colin as appropriate. 5.1.3 Interviews for Board vacancies took place on 13 December and recommendations for two appointments will be going forward to the Minister in January 2010. It is, therefore, unlikely that the process will be completed by the next Board Meeting in February. 5.1.4 John has written to the new Cabinet Secretary inviting him to come to LTS. The letter received from Eric Booth is to be circulated to Board Members. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 2 B.Mins.06/09 Minutes Action 6. Cosla Representative on the LTS Board 6.1 John recently met with Rory Mair, Chief Executive of Cosla. The key points from that meeting were as follows: 6.1.1 Rory will be inviting LTS colleagues to a joint meeting in the New Year to give Cosla Members an overview of LTS and, in particular, brief Members about LTS’s new core responsibilities. Rory expects that CfE will be a key area for discussion. 6.1.2 Rory confirmed that any serious issues that might arise would be discussed with Christine, but it is more likely that Rory would correspond directly with Bernard. 6.1.3 Cosla’s contribution to LTS’s Business Plan was discussed. Rory was not keen to put detailed plans to Elected Members and suggested that Cosla’s contribution could be achieved by developing an effective partnership and communication process. The relationship would further develop and strengthen over time. 6.1.4 Rory seemed to be pleased with the approach and felt that it would be a very useful partnership for both organisations. 6.2 Bernard referred to the Briefing Note circulated to the Board and confirmed that John’s meeting mirrored the discussion that took place between Bernard, Christine, Robert Nicol (Cosla), Catherine and Murray on 10 December. 6.3 LTS, along with ADES, would present to the Education Children and Young People Committee in February. LTS would receive further feedback and endorsement of the LTS Business Plan from the Cosla Conveners’ meeting which is scheduled to take place in May. Both Cosla and LTS are keen to ensure that Christine’s role does not become bureaucratic. 6.4 The Board noted that LTS already has an MoU with ADES and Cosla, and this will now need to be reviewed. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 3 B.Mins.06/09 Due Date Minutes Action 7. 6.5 Christine advised that there had already been communication between Robert Nicol and Don Ledingham (ADES CfE Implementation Partnership). Don has confirmed that he would attend the ECYP Committee in February and give a joint presentation with LTS to bring the Cosla Members up to speed on both CfE and LTS’s broader role. 6.6 Gavin commented that what had been outlined seemed sensible and that the dialogue will be of key importance. SOLACE is also represented on the Cosla ECYP Committee, therefore, what has been set up should work very well. 6.7 John noted that establishing this process with Cosla had been one of the a key actions within the recommendations from the Review. Implementing the Recommendations from the LTS Review 7.1 7.2 Actions from the Board Residential – 29.10.09 7.1.1 John commented that the Board had a very useful session at the Residential; it had been well minuted and action taken on all of the points raised. 7.1.2 The move to a three year funding model will take time in terms of practicalities, but the Scottish Government is committed to working towards this. Update and Minute of the OD Committee Meeting – 20.11.09 7.2.1 The first meeting of the Committee had been extremely useful, with a range of issues discussed and action agreed. John is, however, anxious to ensure that all Board Members are kept up-to-date and involved in all matters relating to Organisational Development. 7.2.2 Bernard and John have given the Minister, Keith Brown, a commitment that LTS will have made significant progress in implementing the outcomes from the Review by Easter. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 4 B.Mins.06/09 Due Date Minutes Action 7.2.3 John has now met with the Chair of SQA, Graham Houston, along with Colin MacLean. John has extended an invitation to Graham to come to LTS and has also suggested that a joint meeting of the Boards takes place in early 2010. 7.2.4 Jim raised concern at the seemingly slow pace of progress towards a 3 year funding arrangement and the pressing need to develop our longer term strategy. Bernard explained the practicalities involved and said that this would be achieved in stages. The first would involve pulling together the various sources of funding within the Scottish Government and developing a 3 year Ministerial Guidance letter. 7.2.5 Alistair added that Colin MacLean physically does not have 3 year funding to give LTS and is currently working towards an intermediate position which is to give indicative funding in years 2 and 3. 7.2.6 The Board discussed the current financial position across the public sector. Gavin commented that the key point is that 2010 / 11 is the last year of the current Spending Review and said that it would be critical for any organisation to have clear direction for the next 3 years (funding and priorities) to develop strategy. In local authorities, levels of funding and savings have already been agreed for 2010/11. The focus now is for local authorities to work out cost savings for the next 3 years - from 2011 /14. Gavin suggested that LTS would need to make some assumptions and develop plans on that basis. 7.2.7 John commented that Jim’s point was well made and that the Board would need to follow this action through to conclusion. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 5 B.Mins.06/09 Due Date Minutes Action 7.3 Organisational Development Programme Update 7.3.1 7.4 Eileen reported that a scoping exercise had been carried out to identify and agree priorities. This was signed off by CMT and then endorsed by the Organisational Development Committee at its meeting on 20 November. Learning Connections – Transition Update (verbal) 7.4.1 7.4.2 The update to the Board included the following key points: i) A review of Learning Connections (currently part of the Scottish Government) was carried out earlier this year and concluded that certain aspects – practice development and policy implementation – be transferred to LTS. Discussions with Scottish Government are now at an advanced stage, with the effective date for transfer of staff 1 April 2010. ii) Approximately 20 staff are likely to transfer to LTS under TUPE. A paper outlining some of the technical issues will be put to the Organisational Development Committee with more of the detail for consideration. iii) The aim is to have a near final Business Model ready to go to the Scottish Government in the New Year which will outline how LTS plans to handle the transfer of staff and proposals for the programme of work. Bernard advised that there are potential implications for the Board and consideration might be given to broadening the Board membership / skills base into CLD. LTS has already made significant progress into CLD and will be looking for Learning Connections to be integrated within some of the current programmes of work. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 6 B.Mins.06/09 Due Date Minutes Action 7.4.3 8. Christine commented on ‘CfE for All’ and the significant partnership work that exists with CLD, the voluntary sector, etc., in delivering the Senior Phase, 16+ Learning Choices. It, therefore, makes sense that LTS is to be part of that. Chief Executive’s Report 8.1 Curriculum, Assessment and Glow Update CfE and Assessment 8.1.1 8.1.2 The Board received a detailed report, the main points of which included: i) Communication is a priority for the new Cabinet Secretary, Mike Russell. ii) A key issue currently is Assessment. All partners have signed off BtC5 and exemplification, following launch of BtC5, will be instrumental along with other tools to support CfE. iii) There has been a very quick response from schools and LTS will have examples at various levels (3, 4 and 5) within a matter of weeks, while continuing with work to populate NAR. iv) ADES has offered to enhance the commitment from schools so that more exemplification would be available by March for CPD and NAR itself available by summer with benchmarked material. v) Staff development, professional learning and the process of sharing ideas is what is important. vi) One of the biggest issues of assessment is when assessment is used for accountability. It is, therefore, important that this becomes part of the debate. Bernard commented that CfE is a very complex model of change with different expectations on teachers and different expectations on local authority Chief Executives who have overall responsibility for delivery of National Outcome 4. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 7 B.Mins.06/09 Due Date Minutes 8.1.3 Murray agreed and said that CfE is a vast, complex programme with interdependancies – the key is to bring the dependancies together and that work is currently under way. SQA (Janet) and LTS (Bernard) have agreed to take forward joint work on interdependancies and then bring in other partners in a systematic way. 8.1.4 Gavin also added that change of this scale would always be difficult, but no one could have foreseen the other difficulties, eg pay; budget cuts which are adding to the challenge and complexity. Action Due Date Marie 28.4.10 Catherine Feb/Apr 10 Gavin withdrew from the meeting. 8.2 Glow Glow 1 / 1.05 8.2.1 Iain commented on the number of log-ins, how this relates to uptake of use or impact and how the Board can get access to this information. 8.2.2 Bernard explained that with the development of Glow 1.05, these metrics are now becoming available. There have been some early adopters in local authorities and, therefore, one of the issues is that all local authorities are at different stages. 8.2.3 Bernard undertook to provide Board Members with metrics for the April Board meeting. 8.2.4 The Board noted that one of the benefits of Glow is that, at a time of recession, Glow has the potential to make savings. However, LTS can only provide the infrastructure and resources; the local authorities then need to develop the usage. However, LTS needs to find a means of encouraging use. 8.2.5 John confirmed that the Board would focus on CfE / Assessment at the February meeting and then Glow in April. Catherine to note for the Agenda. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 8 B.Mins.06/09 Minutes Action 8.3 Developing Global Citizens Kay commented on her report as follows: 8.3.1 Sustainable Development Sustainable Development is a good example of connecting and co-ordinating, and taking the opportunity to maximise learning from key events. Through the use of Glow meet, a live event page, blog, a whole package of learning can be developed from the summit in Copenhagen so that it is not just a one off event. 8.3.2 Confucius Classrooms 8.4 i) On 11 December, Kay, on behalf of the Chief Executive and LTS, signed an MoU with Tianjin Education Community (Tianjin is a city of 11 million people) – this includes kindergarten, primary, secondary, colleges and universities. Tianjin has chosen its top 7 schools to link with Scotland’s Confucius Classrooms and they are preparing teachers to send to Scotland to teach Mandarin and Chinese culture. ii) LTS has also been recognised as a Confucius Institute in its own right. Edinburgh University is the only other establishment in Scotland with this designation. Interconnect 2 8.4.1 Alistair reported that the work to roll out the Interconnect 2 is now virtually complete. There had been a particular issue with Glasgow, but this has now been resolved successfully. The Interconnect 2 provides a good bedrock for Glow 2 and it is a much better product for the same cost. 8.5 Digital Company – Commercial In Confidence 8.5.1 Bernard advised that he had been required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement at the start up of this project. However, it was important that the Board is briefed about LTS’s role. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 9 B.Mins.06/09 Due Date Minutes Action 8.5.2 LTS has been working with the Scottish Government and Scottish Enterprise to secure jobs for Scotland. The aim of the project is to provide high quality digital media and LTS has the licence to provide this through Glow. 8.5.3 For the meantime, the project remains ‘off the record’ until March when it is expected that there will be a high profile launch. 8.5.4 The Board noted that the current name of the organisation is likely to change at some stage in the future. 9. 10. Glow 2 9.1 Bernard reminded Board Members that LTS had received a Mandate from the Scottish Government to develop the specification for Glow 2. It is expected that this will be broader than current Glow and include other partners, eg FE, CLD. 9.2 The Board will receive further papers in the New Year for information / endorsement or approval, as appropriate. 9.3 Christine stated that with the Senior Phase being partly school and CLD, it would be good to include other partners involved in the Senior Phase as Glow 2 develops. 9.4 John referred to the event with Ministers the previous day. Ministers had been very supportive of Glow and this brings a major responsibility for LTS to deliver. Annual Planning and Budgeting 10.1 Draft Annual Business Plan 2010 / 11 10.1.1 Alistair provided the Board with an update on progress towards development of the 2010/11 Annual Business Plan. 10.1.2 One of the key steps is to undertake an analysis of the new remit and then integrate existing / continuing programmes of work within the Plan. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 10 B.Mins.06/09 Due Date Minutes 10.1.3 The aim is to come to the Board in February with a draft Plan and then the final Plan will come to the Board for approval in April. Action Due Date Alistair 17.2.10 Alistair 17.2.10 Alistair 17.2.09 10.1.4 The Board noted that the programme of work coming to LTS from Learning Connections has not been included at this stage. 10.2 Draft Outline Budget 2010 / 11 10.2.1 As discussed earlier in the meeting, Alistair confirmed that LTS is moving towards a single budget allocation. 10.2.2 Presentationally, Alistair suggested to the Board that the budget should move away from programmes to a more tailored structure. Alistair included a draft of the structure within his report. 10.2.3 The draft Budget will come to the Board in February and, following comment, will then be reviewed by the Audit Committee in March before coming back to the Board for approval in April. 11. Corporate Performance and Control 11.1 Alistair reminded the Board that the October report provided details on performance for the first 6 months of the financial year and commented on highlights since then as follows: 11.1.1 In December it was agreed that LTS would give back £240k to the Scottish Government on the understanding that it will not impact the baseline next year. 11.1.2 The November Management Accounts demonstrate that LTS is in a robust / sound financial position. 11.1.3 Work is continuing to shift from internal to external performance measures. 11.2 The February report will provide an update on further progress towards development of more meaningful outcomes. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 11 B.Mins.06/09 Minutes Action 12. Revisions to Financial Authority Levels 12.1 Alistair confirmed that this was a routine update and noted that the Levels were last reviewed in 2007. 12.2 The proposed revisions were put to the Audit Committee in November and are now recommended to the Board. 12.3 The principal changes are more flexibility and updating of nomenclature. 12.4 The Board unanimously approved the revisions to financial authority levels. 13. Advisory Council 13.1 And 13.2 Processes of Change: Reference Paper Change Processes: From Ideas to Actions 13.2.1 Louise commented firstly that she hoped the papers were of interest to Board Members because of the focus on the process of change. 13.2.2 The first paper synthesises evidence so there is clarity that what the Advisory Council has developed is sound in relation to what the system needs to change. However, the statements need to be lived and practiced for change to happen. The second paper identifies 4 major communities that need to be involved for successful change to occur. 13.2.3 Louise asked the Board to lend support to the papers to move forward to the next stage. Board Members were unanimous in their endorsement of both papers. 13.2.4 Louise explained that, based on evidence, the Advisory Council had devised a strategy of engagement. This includes: i) LTS staff seminar about how LTS engages in its business. LTS will engage with different communities and, therefore, mediate the document into every local authority. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 12 B.Mins.06/09 Due Date Minutes Action ii) LTS also has a range of networks and, therefore, LTS will introduce the document to its networks, including Glow groups. iii) Advisory Council Members will mediate to their own communities. iv) Board Members were also asked to take the document and, in their natural networks, share with colleagues. v) Murray will also mediate with the Scottish Government. 13.2.5 Louise advised that the Advisory Council is also developing 2 sets of workshop resources and also working with Young Scot to develop a similar engagement tool for engagement with young people. 13.2.6 Christine suggested putting the workshops into Glow for use by, for example, rural schools. Bernard said that this tied into LTS’s aims for Glow and linked into other discussions taking place with Young Scot about liaising with young people. It would also be a key resource for successful CfE implementation. 13.2.7 Carole cautioned that there are still a lot of practitioners who do not have access to Glow and there is, therefore, the potential for people to be left out. 13.2.8 Louise confirmed that a range of approaches would be used. However, Bernard said that access to Glow was something to be raised with Cosla because local authorities have signed up to Glow and there is a need to identify the problem. Alistair added that LTS will be increasing the number of resources only accessible in Glow. 13.2.9 Louise will take all the comments back to the Advisory Council for discussion at its next meeting. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 13 B.Mins.06/09 Due Date Minutes Action 13.3 Future Priorities 13.3.1 Louise advised that the next paper coming to the Board is about engaging young people and asked for the Board’s views on what other issues the Advisory Council should be looking at. 13.3.2 Louise suggested: i) Future focused look at the inter relationship between learning and technology - what are the implications about the ways of working with young people. ii) Creativity and innovation - what does creativity mean in relation to new ways to tackle old problems, for example, literacy and numeracy. 13.3.3 The Board agreed that it would be useful to merge these two areas. Louise confirmed that the Advisory Council would take a broad sweep and then consider subissues. 13.3.4 Kay commented on the work taking place in Developing Global Citizens programme and engaging with young people, and suggested it would be good to make that link with the Advisory Council. 13.4 Recruitment of New Advisory Council Members 13.4.1 Louise advised that LTS would be advertising for new Advisory Council members in January 2010. The Board noted that these are not Ministerial appointments. 14. Review of Local Authority Pilots 14.1 Bernard introduced this paper. During the period of the Scottish Government’s Review, LTS had been looking at ways of modernising its relationship with local authorities and had established a number of pilots. These pilots also related to the earlier work that David Montgomery had undertaken which summarised the views of local authority Chief Executives about LTS’s possible role and relationship with local authorities. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 14 B.Mins.06/09 Due Date Minutes Action 14.2 David then took the Board through his report, drawing attention to a number of key points, including: 14.2.1 The report is part of a series of steps and some of the steps taken proactively will, in due course, have been seen to influence the very positive outcome of the Review. 14.2.2 Another very important element was recognition that education is not free standing and is part of a spectrum of services delivered by local authorities. It is the role of local authority Chief Executives to make connections between services to achieve common purpose. LTS identified this role and pulled in the perspective of the Chief Executives. 14.2.3 LTS engaged four local authorities with fairly short timescale: list authorities. The local authority itself took a view on what it wanted to do. All four responded promptly and willingly. Each was different in nature and considered leader in the field of choice. 14.3 The purpose of the evaluation was to look at the process and ways of working. The results were not uniform as each pilot is at a different stage of development and in some cases the original expectations were exceeded. 14.4 The key question is were they worthwhile. The unanimous view was that value was seen in the development. LTS staff working in local authorities had very positive experience. Local authority staff felt that LTS, by engaging in this sort of front line shift, were enhancing the profile / reputation of the organisation. 14.5 The findings in the report concluded that LTS should be continuing with devolved development. However, there were clearly some lessons to be learned: 14.5.1 Timescales – need to give regard to planning and time available when involving establishments. 14.5.2 The technology needs to be in place. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 15 B.Mins.06/09 Due Date Minutes Action 14.5.3 There needs to be a degree of established fertility – broad levels of understanding; good channels of communication. 14.5.4 There is a prior stage to be gone through before joint development activity. 14.5.5 There were communication issues on both sides, eg levels of resource available post start. 14.5.6 Personal contact is very important. 14.6 For a limited pilot, the structure was acceptable, but for future pilots this would need to be reviewed, for example, the Area Adviser role. However, local authorities are keen not to lose the current role of the Area Adviser, therefore, perhaps a combination of both would be appropriate. 14.7 Overall the pilots have been proven as a concept and LTS should do more, but have regard to the views and recommendations in the paper. 14.8 John said that post review LTS is not complacent or standing still and now has an expanded remit. John raised the question of whether this model of working should be adopted in the future and said that the Organisational Development Committee would be taking all of this into account in its deliberations. 14.9 The Board continued discussion during which a number of other important points emerged, including: 14.9.1 North Lanarkshire Council was keen to be involved, and for a relatively small financial investment, the pilot had delivered significant impact and change. It had improved the quality of CPD for 0-3 stage practitioners by putting research into practice. This pilot also involved multi-agency training and ultimately is driving up standards for learners’ needs. It had a huge impact and North Lanarkshire now has stronger partnership working with LTS and Strathclyde University. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 16 B.Mins.06/09 Due Date Minutes Action Due Date Bernard 28.4.10 14.9.2 Christine would be interested in bidding for joint work on creativity and CPD, or 16+ Learning Choices with the aim of sharing development of that across 32 local authorities. This sort of approach drives improvement forward very fast for very little money. 14.9.3 Referring to the recent Arbuthnott Report, Bernard suggested working with clusters within the 8 local authorities, specifically around CfE and CPD. The Board noted that the original timescale meant that it had not been possible to establish the pilots with groups of local authorities. 14.10 John thanked David for his thorough report. The CMT will consider the report further, consult with colleagues and come back to the Board with comments and recommendations. 15. Items for Noting 15.1 Board Self-Evaluation Action Note – 30.10.09 The Board noted the report. 15.2 Finance Reports – October and November 2009 The Board noted the reports. 15.3 Media Update – October and November 2009 The Board noted the reports. 15.4 Minute of the Audit Committee Meeting – 24.11.09 The Board noted the Minute. 16. AOB 16.1 17. None. Date of Next Meeting 17.1 The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 17 February 2010 in The Optima. 17.2 Board Members agreed that the lunch with staff should take place immediately following this meeting. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 17 B.Mins.06/09 Minutes Action 17.3 Due Date Board Members noted the Schedule of Meetings for the Board and Board Committees for 2010. In conclusion, John said that LTS had come a long way in the last 12 months and was now in an exciting phase post Review. John thanked everyone for their contribution during the year and expressed his best wishes for Christmas and New Year. Approved by: ______________________________________ John Mulgrew OBE, Chair Date: _________________ Approved by: ______________________________________ Alistair Gordon, Company Secretary Date: _________________ Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 December 2009 18 B.Mins.06/09